Jack's Homepage
"Dogs of Humble Origins on the Web" Homepage
Welcome to Jack Benny's Homepage. Jack was my outdoor (nominally!!) industrial-strength dog designed to intimidate intruders with his ferocious bark, his even more ferocious breath, and his uncanny capacity for sarcasm, cutting wit, and snide hyperbole. Jack (AKA Mr. Big or Buddy Love) came to us from our friend Lynn who rescued him from the side of a wintry road in Hickman County, Tennessee. He graduated from these humble beginnings to live in "high cotton" on our bucolic Robertson County estate. For 10 years he saw to our guard dog needs and served as faithful minion to our (nominally) indoor (very-spoiled) dog Sassy.
Jack’s life continued to be one of adventure. He became an honorary “Buckeye” after having double hip replacement at the veterinary clinic at the Ohio State University due to an unsuccessful interaction with some motorized vehicle at the end of our driveway. Jack had a tough beginning but eventually a wonderful life—he is greatly missed.
If you are a dog of similarly humble origins, and especially if you have achieved the state of "high cotton" yourself, I would like to hear from you. You can write to me via my private secretary, Bill Robertson, at wroberts@mtsu.edu.
Send me an email at wroberts@mtsu.edu
Contact Information
Dr. W. M. Robertson
MTSU Box X-116
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Ph. (615) 898-5837