Israel FAQs

When are we going?

We will depart Nashville on July 12 and return to Nashville on July 24.

Which cities will we visit?

We are based in Netanya, Tiberias, and Jerusalem.  Our trip includes sites from Israel's northern border in the Golan Heights to the Dead Sea in the south, numerous locations in and around Jerusalem, Tel Aviv/Joppa, and more.  Check out the itinerary here.

What will we do?

We learn about the geography, history, and politics of Israel, and discuss the future of the Middle East.  We also cover religion, anthropology, archaeology, and other topics.  All of the instruction occurs at site visits.  The trip is a physically active experience.  We do have a lot of fun!

Which course is associated with the trip?

The course is an upper-division political science course (PS 4850) with no pre-requisite requirements.  Students can use the course for majors or minors in Political Science, International Relations, Global Studies, and Religious Studies. Also, the class is part of the minors in Jewish & Holocaust Studies and Middle East Studies.  The course may be used in other programs with permission of the program advisor. The course is also offered as a graduate course, PS 6150. 

What is the application deadline?

There is no deadline for applications. The trip is open until full, so apply as soon as you are ready to commit. Your first payment is not due until early 2022.

How much does it cost? 

The trip cost varies depending on the number of travelers.  The estimated cost is $5,175.  The cost INCLUDES: roundtrip airfare from Nashville, private transportation in Israel, a driver, a guide, all entrance fees, iNext insurance, all lodging in Israel (double or triple rooms), and breakfast and dinner every day. Lunch daily, personal expenses, passport cost, and tuition are not included in the cost.  In-state students should receive a 25% discount on course tuition.  Scholarships are available to MTSU students enrolled in the course (see below).

Is the Israel trip more expensive than other programs?

Because we include most of the expenses in the program fee, our trip may appear more expensive.  However, you need to understand what you are paying for in the program fee (see above).  The MTSU Office of Education Abroad has created a cost comparison sheet you can use to evaluate the cost of different programs. 

When do I have to pay you?

The program fee is paid in installments (see below).  If you need to make alternate payment arrangements, please contact us.  We may be able to be somewhat flexible with the payment dates.

Payment Deadlines:

First payment:  $1,000.00, February 1, 2022 (or due ten days after acceptance into program if after February 1)

Second payment:  $1,000.00, March 1, 2022

Third Payment: Remaining Balance, May 20, 2022

Is it safe?

Millions of people visit Israel each year, including hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens. While the security situation is complex, travel within Israel and transit through the disputed territories in the West Bank is widely considered safe (see the U.S. Department of State). Travel to Gaza and to Palestinian-secured cities in the disputed territories is not recommended nor included in our itinerary.  Petty crime (theft) in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem exists but is comparable to or lower than that of most similar-sized cities (the U.S. Department of State rates Israel as “medium” risk for crime with lower rates of violent crime in Tel Aviv than in similar cities). Situational awareness, which we cover at orientation and as needed when in country, is the best protection against petty crime.  We cannot guarantee your safety in Israel or even in Murfreesboro. However, we have traveled to Israel many times and continue to do so every year. We travel with family members, including children. If we thought the risk from travel unreasonable, we would not continue to visit.

According to a report prepared for the Chronicle of Higher Education, study abroad, in general, is safer than being on your home campus.

Do I need to speak Hebrew?

The language of instruction is English, and English (along with Hebrew and Arabic) is spoken widely in Israel.  Knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary.  

I want to go! What do I do next?

See How to Apply below!


How to Apply

1) Review the Flyer, Itinerary, and Syllabus for details.

2) You can apply online.


Scholarships and Financial Aid