ITD Workshops

Living The Slow Professor

Spring 2020

348, James E. Walker Library (LIB)

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Following up on the book groups who read and discussed The Slow Professor, Maggie Berg’s and Barbara Seeber’s book on faculty life influenced by the Slow movement, the LT&ITC is offering a workshop that helps the book “come alive.”  In the authors’ words, “We believe that adopting the principles of Slow into our professional practice is an effective way to alleviate work stress, preserve humanistic education, and resist the corporate university.”  

The LT&ITC invites MTSU faculty to join with the first two book groups reading The Slow Professor to discuss its implementation in faculty life.  The workshop will highlight the main themes of The Slow Professor, and follow up with a discussion of how the book explains and guides one toward a Slow faculty life.  Some of the themes to be discussed are:

  • Time Management and Timelessness:  Justifying time spent on “deep thought” in an environment where deadlines dominate one’s schedule;
  • The Pleasure of Pedagogy: the idea that enjoying teaching is key to doing it well;
  • The role of Research in the life of the mind;
  • The benefits of faculty community in coming to know the Slow life;
  • An argument regarding the fallacy of accountability.  

All MTSU faculty are welcome – we recommend reading The Slow Professor but that is not a requirement.  Perhaps this workshop will inspire you to follow up with a reading of the book.

Registration closed