ITD Workshops

D2L Dropbox - Student Work: Collecting, Grading, Feedback and More!

Advising is a Joke: How the Theory and Philosophy of Humor Can Influence Advising Practices

S326 - SunTrust Room, Business & Aerospace Building (BAS)

Intended Audience: Beginner to D2L dropbox tool (collecting of assignments)

This workshop will cover the setup of a D2L dropbox and use of Turnitin for originality checking. A sample student use will be demonstrated along with grading of the student work and use of Turnitin's Grademark grading tool.


More Details

Humor is defined in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary as a 'normal functioning bodily semifluid or fluid' wait, what?  Scratch that...humor is defined in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary as a 'quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous.' Ok, that's better.

As advisors, we search for methods and strategies to help us connect with our students in order to help them navigate difficult, stressful, and unfamiliar situations. During this interactive session, participants will learn about the history of academic research on humor, and be able to identify several ways they can effedctively incorporate humor into their advising practice.

Presented by John Strickland - Florida State University

Registration closed