ITD Workshops

Teaching and Zooming: Or how I learned to love Zoom during the Pandemic

Summer 2020


More Details

This is an interactive workshop about how to use Zoom for teaching.  The workshop will explore three ways to use Zoom to increase engagement, connection, and accessibility, with a bonus section on polling. In the workshop, we will tap in to the collective wisdom of faculty through breakout groups where we can talk to our colleagues about how we use Zoom in the classroom (if we have) and brainstorm about how we might use Zoom if we have to go remote again at some point in the future. We will also spend some time in Q&A with the whole group.

This workshop assumes basic familiarity with Zoom (i.e., you’ve attended at least one Zoom meeting), and it will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of Zoom as a tool for good remote teaching, rather than the technical aspects of using Zoom.

Dr. Susan Myers-Shirk is a professor of history and Director of General Education at MTSU. She is not an expert on Zoom, but discovered it, like everyone else, in the scramble to go remote in the week after spring break. She is interested in learning more from her colleagues.

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