ITD Workshops

Microsoft - Shifts

Microsoft Shifts




A reminder email will be sent out the day before the training with the meeting link. At time of training please click on this link to join the training.

More Details

What is Microsoft Shifts?

Shifts in Microsoft Teams is a schedule management tool that helps you create, update, and manage schedules for your team.

How to Join Training?

When you are ready to join, click on: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Opening meeting via the desktop version is the best training experience.
  • If joining via the web, click on sign in and enter your and FSA password.
    • Bottom of screen: "For a better experience sign in or download the desktop version"

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email. Please make sure to add Meeting to calendar [ADD TO YOUR CALENDAR]

If you have any questions regarding this training or any Microsoft training, please email UC Training.

Registration closed