ITD Workshops

Microsoft - Teams L200

Microsoft Teams - Enriched Collaboration: Chat, Posts & Meetings (Level 200)


This course is designed to build on existing Microsoft Teams knowledge to establish best practices and etiquette across available apps.


  • Revisit application navigation to fortify understanding and introduce advanced features
  • Deep dive into integration with Microsoft 365 and third party apps e.g. Tabs, Apps, Bots)
  • In depth look at SharePoint Online integration and document collaboration 
  • Best practices for pre meeting, meeting, and post meeting 
  • Utilize best practices for increasing response rates and managing their own notifications
  • Use Command/Search bar to navigate and find content more quickly

A reminder email will be sent out the day before the training with the meeting link. At time of training please click on this link to join the training.

More Details

  • Familiar with Teams meetings and ready for some more collaboration?
  • How many times have you sent a group email with an attachment asking for feedback? 
    Only to have to wade through an avalanche of emails and revisions hoping you access the latest document.

Teams can provide the perfect location to work with colleagues on projects, cross-faculty discussions and unit wide initiatives. Microsoft Teams allows you to quickly communicate and collaborate all in one location.  Whether your colleagues are down the hall or in another building across town, Microsoft Teams supports collaboration among educators. 

Please join us for this session as we look at how collaboration can be enriched in Microsoft Teams and discuss use cases for the various communication and collaborative opportunities in Teams.


  • File Collaboration in Teams
  • Notebook Collaboration in Teams
  • Small Group Collaboration with Channels
  • Posts, Chat, and Meetings…when and why to use each in Microsoft Teams
  • Questions

How to Join Training?

When you are ready to join, click on: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Opening meeting via the desktop version is the best training experience.
  • If joining via the web, click on sign in and enter your and FSA password.
    • Bottom of screen: "For a better experience sign in or download the desktop version"

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email.
Please make sure to add Meeting to calendar by clicking on [ADD TO YOUR CALENDAR] in the confirmation email.

If you have any questions regarding this training, please email UC Training.


To attend this webinar, we highly recommend that you have:

  • Attended the two level 100 webinars: Microsoft Teams - Getting Started and Microsoft Teams - Modern Meetings
  • Previously attended an Intro to Teams session.
  • Actively been using Microsoft Teams.

Registration closed