ITD Workshops

Intro to Argos

Fall 2017

Telecommunications Building (TCM)

Argos is MTSU’s enterprise reporting solution and can be used to connect to the Banner database or the BlueInfo data warehouse views, now known as the M: drive. Argos provides static reports, as well as reports with advanced features such as graphics, OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) cubes, dynamic controls, interactive charts and graphs with "drill down" capabilities that can be used in dashboards, and more. Argos will become a common location for various divisions to house their reports. Rather than waiting for ad hoc data requests to be fulfilled, individuals will be able to run previously created Argos reports whenever they need them.  

Learn more about Argos via the ITD Projects page at

Participants will be introduced to the following topics: 
What is Argos?
Login to Evisions Argos
Navigate the Evisions Explorer Tree
Reports Converted from General Campus
Create shortcuts to frequently run reports
Types of Argos reports
Select parameters
Preview and Run reports
Save/Print reports Web Viewer  

Registration closed