ITD Workshops

Setting up your Gradebook, Grading, and Displaying Grades


This workshop will cover setting up your gradebook. We will walk you through setting up your class gradebook within D2L. Make sure that you bring your syllabus and any other information that you have on how you want your gradebook to be setup. We encourage you to write down any questions you have concerning your specific grading specifications and we will try to answer your questions. 

We will also be covering how to grade using Quizzes, Discussions, and Dropbox. We will walk through using Turnitin (MTSU's originality checker) as well as GradeMark (allows you to digitally markup your student's papers). There are many options that will make grading much easier in each tool. 

This workshop is much more in depth than the Quizzes and Gradebook workshop and it is suggested that you have some D2L experience to get the most out of this class.

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