ITD Workshops

Fitting Mindfulness into a Hectic Schedule: Methods for Practicing Meditation When Life Isn’t Cooperating

Fall 2018

348, James E. Walker Library (LIB)

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For people interested in starting a mindfulness meditation practice, one of the most commonly heard complaints is, “I really want to do that, but I just couldn’t find the time this week.” This session will give a brief introduction to the main components of mindfulness meditation followed by a focus on principles that enable one to develop a useful meditation practice without adding extra meditation time to the daily schedule. An experiential guided meditation will also be provided during the session. No prior meditation experience necessary.

Dr. Cameron Gordon received his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology. He has taught students and therapy clients of all ages about mindfulness for the past 15 years. His research lab focuses on utilizing principles of positive psychology to help individuals and couples nurture deep fulfillment and enjoyment in life.

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