ITD Workshops

Beyond The Coddling of the American [Student] Mind: From Distress Signals to Resilience and Self-Efficacy (FRG)

The Coddling of the American [Student] Mind: Hearing from Campus Support Services


More Details

This webinar is the capstone meeting for an LT&ITC reading group that has been discussing articles on student resilience, resourcefulness, self-efficacy, and emotional management primarily from the standpoint of the faculty and academic advisers. The webinar will turn the focus toward various campus support units to better understand how they furnish services and resources that supplement and help facilitate academic progress. Ideally, the webinar will help us further understand how the various units and programs on campus can best collaborate with one another for the benefit of all stakeholders.


Although this webinar is the final meeting of the faculty discussion group, it will be open to all interested faculty, administrators, and support staff on campus. The moderator will take questions from attendees and pose them to the panelists after their general presentations.



  • Linda D. Williams, Center for Health and Human Services
  • Mary Kaye Anderson, Counseling Services
  • Deborah Lee, NHC Chair of Excellence in Nursing
  • Brelinda Johnson, Office of Student Success
  • Travis Strattion, Office of Student Success
  • Rick Chapman, Student Health Services
  • Lisa Schrader, Student Health Services
  • Lady Hamilton, NP, Women's Health Clinic


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