ITD Workshops

Faculty Workshop: “If Wikipedia is to be trusted . . . ”

Fall 2021

348, James E. Walker Library (LIB)

More Details

Wikipedia is one of the top five most frequently consulted sites on the internet today. You’ve used it, too, right? To check a date, get a general idea of a new topic, find an obscure factoid. Yet it is still not considered a “reliable” source. Why not? Because anyone can edit it.  The quality of information in every article is therefore dependent on who adds that information. So we, the experts in our fields, can make Wikipedia a more reliable tertiary source for everyone’s benefit. Plus, it’s fun to participate in this modern revival of the eighteenth century encyclopedist Diderot’s quest to democratize knowledge: to make information freely available for everyone. In this hands-on workshop, we will learn the basics of Wikipedia, how to edit and add new sources. Bring your laptop and create a Wikipedia account before we start.  

Please forward this announcement to all who might be interested.

The Learning, Teaching, and Innovative Technologies Center is located in the James E. Walker Library, Room 348. Please visit the LT&ITC Website for more information about services available at the Center.

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