ITD Workshops

Teach, Don’t Just Assess: Exploring the Possibilities of Customized Signature Assignment Rubrics

Fall 2022

348, James E. Walker Library (LIB)

More Details

MT Engage faculty now have the option of tailoring the signature assignment rubric to communicate their specific goals for the course and assignment. Open to all MT Engage faculty or anyone interested in learning more about MT Engage, this interactive workshop will:


  • Present a rationale for giving MT Engage faculty the option to customize the signature assignment rubric
  • Explain how creating a customized rubric can streamline the assessment process for signature assignments
  • Position the rubric as a teaching tool
  • Explain how the rubric can serve as an invitation for students to demonstrate disciplinary knowledge as they reflect on their learning
  • Introduce models that illustrate how to integrate disciplinary content into the rubric.


Attendees are encouraged to come with an idea for a signature assignment in mind, as attendees will incorporate their disciplinary-specific language with the existing rubric indicators to create a grading rubric that couples course content and integrative thinking.

Registration closed