Internship and Practicum Program
Internships allow companies to contribute to the educational experiences of students. The School of Journalism and Strategic Media at Middle Tennessee State University is dedicated to providing beneficial and relevant internship experiences. As an intern, you are not there to replace a full-time or part-time worker. An internship or practicum is an opportunity for you to observe and learn.
The internship or practicum should reflect the student’s concentration area. When students or employers approach one another directly, the internship must still meet the school’s internship requirements before a student will be allowed to register for the class.
Minimum requirements
- Interns must be treated in the manner required by State, Federal, and local law, including wage payment laws. Employers should consult with their private legal counsel in this regard.
- Employers wishing to provide unpaid internships should discuss the proposed internship with their private legal counsel to determine whether payment is required under U.S. Department of Labor criteria.
- Practicum or internship students must complete a minimum number of experiential hours to receive credit. Here are the minimum requirements:
- 1 credit hour = 75 work hours within the semester
- 2 credit hours = 150 work hours within the semester
- 3 credit hours = 225 work hours within the semester
Supervisors, mentors or others evaluating the student may not be family or friends of the student.
What we expect from employers
To participate in our internship program, we expect you to:
- Provide the intern with tasks that are meaningful and relevant to the student’s education and career expectation.
- Provide the intern a workspace and equipment needed to perform requested tasks.
- Provide the intern with a supervisor/mentor who has experience in the area of the student’s internship.
- Monitor student hours to ensure a minimum number of required hours are completed.
- Complete and submit evaluations of the intern’s performance as requested by the coordinator.
- Communicate with the internship coordinator if issues arise.
Contact Information
Director | School of Journalism and Strategic Media
Applications are due prior to registering for internship/practicum. If you register late, you may be subject to late fees as specified by university registration. If you have questions about the internship process, contact Dr. Katie Foss at or Leann McBride at
Please note that internship and practicum sessions will never fill or close. SoJSM must approve all student applications, but the goal is to give approval and get students enrolled in the term and with the employer requested.
Minimum Registration Requirements
To participate in an internship/practicum you must:
- Have at least junior standing
- Have no grades of incomplete in previous attempts at the internship course
- Have completed an appropriate mix of classes to prepare you for the internship or practicum.
Internship/Practicum Application Requirements
- Please attach a cover letter and resume to your internship application. The cover letter should be written to the person who administers internships or practicums at the firm where you wish to be placed.
- Completed Learning Agreement form
SoJSM Special Newsletter - Registration
Links to Student-Produced Media
Middle Tennessee News (Broadcasting)
Sidelines (Digital news)