MT Unions
Student Union Facility Use Guidelines
Please review the following guidelines provided to you by MTUnions.
Student Union Tabling
There are 5 individual locations available for informational tabling in the Student Union Atrium. Groups are permitted to reserve one table per day. Groups are limited to the space of the single reserved tables inside the atrium. Upon Arrival, groups must check in at the Information Desk in the Student Union Atrium. They will provide the specific table assignment. Groups may also check out chairs at this time. Groups are responsible for returning their chairs at the end of their reservation.
Outdoor Tabling on the Commons
Tabling is permitted in the South Commons, the grassy oval area closest to the Honors College/College of Education and in the alcoves around the north and south commons. A maximum of 6 groups can reserve tabling space in the South Commons at any given time. Upon arrival, groups must check in at the Student Union Front Desk. The desk will provide the group with the number of tables available for check-out. Groups are permitted up to 5 tables for check out on. Tables must be set up on the grass in the South Commons area or in the alcoves around the North and South Commons; Groups that do not table in the alcoves may not set up on the sidewalks- specifically in front of the honors college or the sidewalk in the middle of the north/south commons. This is to ensure that main walkways are not blocked. Chairs can be checked out from the front desk. Groups are responsible for setting up and returning their tables and chairs. Groups must make a reservation to set up in the South Commons. Reservations can be made via the Student Union website.
KUC Courtyard and Knoll Tabling
Tabling is allowed at the KUC Knoll, the grassy area directly in front of the KUC. A maximum of 4 groups may reserve tabling space on the Knoll at any given time. Upon arrival, groups must check in at the KUC Front Desk. Groups will check out tables and chairs from the desk. Groups are responsible for setting up and returning tables and chairs.
Informational tabling refers to the use of one table where groups distribute information about their organization, events, or initiatives. This typically involves providing handouts, flyers, or other materials to inform the campus community. Activity tabling refers to setups requiring 2-3 tables for university groups and 2-5 tables for student affairs or registered student organizations. This type of tabling may involve interactive activities, demonstrations, or displays beyond simple information distribution. Event Tabling utilizing more than the designated amount of activity tables are automatically looped into an event. Examples of event tabling could include fairs, larger displays, and more. If catering, amplified sound, access to power/water are needed, the reservation is automatically considered events tabling. These reservations are handled by our events team.
Groups are responsible for setting up, maintaining, and cleaning up after their tabling activities. This includes returning all tables and chairs to the appropriate desk after use. In case of inclement weather or unforeseen changes, groups must notify MT Unions as soon as possible by replying to their confirmation email to reschedule or cancel their reservation. Failure to show up for a scheduled tabling reservation without prior notice may result in the loss of future tabling privileges.
If weather conditions disrupt outdoor informational tabling, groups may request to move their tabling indoors to the Student Union Atrium, subject to availability of space. We cannot accommodate activity tabling indoors in the Atrium due to space limitations. In the case of inclement weather, groups holding activity tabling reservations may reschedule or cancel by replying to their confirmation email.
Room Assignments
Student-Sponsored entities are permitted to reserve meeting rooms for one occurrence a week for up to three hours free of charge. In an effort to accommodate as many groups as possible, requests for more space or time may be denied or subject to event service fees. Conference rooms are assigned by requested features and expected guest attendance. MTUnions Administration reserves the right to modify each reservation as deemed necessary to maximize all facility usage. Free use of meeting space is to accommodate meetings, not events, events may be subject to service fees. Meeting rooms are reserved for Student Sponsored event types as outlined in MTSU policy 100. Academic departments may be denied use of these rooms based on anticipated student use. Spontaneous use of conferences rooms may be accommodated based on availability. It is understood that many academic conferences may require additional breakout meeting room spaces in addition to the ballroom(s). In order to accommodate these events, meeting room space may be reserved with the following provisions: rooms must be used as meeting space, not exhibit space and custom setups will not be permitted, the use of the room must be complete by 3PM daily and conferences are limited to a maximum of 5 rooms.
Audio Visual Equipment
Each conference room is equipped with installed audio-visual equipment appropriate for simple conference room usage (i.e., meetings, lectures, presentations). Additional equipment and/or technical support are available upon request, and may be subject to Technical Services Fees.
Out of respect for others who are meeting, working, and socializing in Union facilities, amplified sound equipment beyond what is installed in each room will not be permitted. Organizations may not load in their own supplemental sound equipment for use in conference rooms or common areas such as lounges, hallways, and lobbies. Groups who would like to play amplified music or other sound should indicate this on their reservation request forms so that rooms appropriate for activities such as these may be arranged (i.e., Student Union Ballroom, Keathley University Center Theater, etc). Please be aware that it is likely that event service fees will be assessed in these spaces, as audio-visual support will be needed.
Conference rooms in the Student Union are designed with window shade coverings to promote a minimal level of privacy. Some rooms in MTUnions’ purview have more privacy than others, but guests are prohibited from covering the glass doors and windows to conceal activities in the room more than the installed coverings allow. Those who refuse to comply may be asked to leave the facility prior to the conclusion of the event reservation.
Conference room users are responsible for resetting the reserved space back to its original layout, ensuring that all trash is disposed of in the proper bin, and cleaning up any residue left from activities in the room. Cleaning supplies are available at the Information Desk. Failure to properly recover the room will result in cleaning fees and, in extreme instances, damage fees and/or referral to the Office of Student Conduct. Repeated disregard for the proper restoration of the room will lead to the termination of reservation privileges.
Food may be brought into any MT Unions conference room. The user is responsible ot ensure all trash is properly disposed of into the provided containers in the room. Buffet meals are not permitted due to the additional tables, and space they require. Buffets are not permitted in hallways.
Not showing up to your reservation means you have booked a space that could have been used by another student organization. If you do not show to your reservation in the Student Unions Facilities without a heads up that you would not be there via email communication to your confirmation you will receive a warning. If it happens a 2nd time all your current reservations for the organization will be placed on hold and discussions with the Assistant Director of Student Unions to have your reservations back. A third time and all reservations within Student Union Facilities for the semester will be removed by the Assistant Director of Student Unions.
Less than 2 weeks’ notice does not allow for other students who might have wanted to use that room to be able to have time to book it. So, we need 2 weeks’ notice to cancel your reservation. After an Organization cancels their reservation with less than 2 weeks’ notice 2 times their reservations with the Student Union will be put on hold for the remainder of the semester.
Seminar rooms are available on a first come first served basis throughout the general operational hours of the Student Union. Pre-reservation by individuals is not available. To access a seminar room, visit the Campus Life Desk with your MTSU Student ID. A key will be issued to you for accessing your room. The student who signs out the keys must be physically present at all times in the room. There is a 2 hour max per individual/group per day to ensure equitable access for all students and groups.
NOTE: After the room has been unoccupied for at least 30 minutes, a courtesy call will be issued. After an hour, the room will be considered forfeited and will be given to someone else.
Banner Space
The Student Unions department offers designated spaces inside the Student Union building where student organizations and MTSU departments may display banners. Requestors may submit a reservation application to hang banners in the Student Union Atrium on the 2nd floor railing.
Banner space is requested by visiting the Campus Life Desk in the Student Union Atrium.
The following conditions must be met in order to receive banner approval:
- Banner space applications must be submitted a minimum of 5 – 7 business days prior to reservation date, though more lead time is appreciated.
- Banner space may be utilized only by registered student organizations or MTSU departments for the purpose of advertising events and/or promoting their organization.
- Banners may be displayed up to two (2) consecutive weeks unless approved by the Dean of Student Life or his/her designee for a longer period of time.
- Banners are limited to one per organization unless approved by the Dean of Student Life or his/her designee.
- Banners must be retrieved from the Campus Life Desk of the building where they were hung (KUC or Student Union) no later than five (5) business days following the removal date, after which they will be discarded. The Student Unions department is not responsible for the loss or damage to any banner.
- Banner space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Placement will be determined by available space in the requested location at the time of the reservation.
Digital Signs
University events and information appropriate to a campus-wide audience can be added to the Student Union digital informational signs. All content would need to follow the digital sign guidelines and be requested at least one month in advance of the event. More information can be found on the Digital Sign website.
Flyer Postings
Student Organizations, MTSU departments, and individuals may post flyers in designated spaces in the Student Union, Keathley University Center, and James Union Building in accordance with MTSU Policy 100: Use of Campus Property and Facilities Scheduling No reservation is required. Postings are removed every Sunday Afternoon. Flyers may be picked up from the Information Desk by the following Friday or they will be discarded.
Handbills / Pamphlets / Table Tents
Registered student organizations and MTSU departments may request permission from the Student Unions department to distribute printed materials such as handbills, pamphlets, etc. Details on where and when these items may be disseminated will be determined on a case-by-case basis, according to the nature of the advertisement and the intended audience. Printed materials found around the buildings and grounds in areas not explicitly approved by Student Unions staff will be discarded.
External entities such as banks, apartment complexes, restaurants and the like are prohibited from distributing printed materials outside of the designated events when they are approved to be on campus (ex, CUSTOMS, Meet Murfreesboro, Off Campus Housing Fair). Unapproved printed materials found around the buildings and grounds will be discarded and promoters will be asked to leave campus.
Yard Signs & Temporary Outdoor Advertising
Yard signs advertising or promoting products, events, or services by unaffiliated groups or individuals or by commercial enterprises are prohibited. Only registered student organizations and departments are authorized to post yard signs. No reservation is required, and yard signs are allowed in most locations on campus, with the exception of all campus roundabouts and the President’s Lawn. Yard signs must not block or protrude onto any sidewalk or impede accessibility to any walkway on campus. All yard signs must be placed in flower beds and not in the grass. They must be removed by sponsoring organization promptly after event concludes. Signs placed in Student Union Commons, KUC Knoll, Quad, Walnut Grove, or in and around the James Union Building, may be posted for no more than four weeks. Signs must include the event name, contact email address, and removal date. Signs will be removed after the four weeks or after the event concludes.
Sidewalk chalk is NOT permitted on campus grounds. Chalking is treated as a police offense for Destruction of Public Property.
- Prior to the event Users shall provide a complete list of all persons to be allowed in the restricted service hallway areas. This list must be approved by the Student Unions Administration. Administration reserves the right to restrict back of house access.
- Student Union Administration reserves the right to control the final sound level for any event.
- All coordination between Licensee and Student Unions Administration will be conducted according to the Middle Tennessee State University, Event Facility Use Policy
- No additional locks will be permitted on any door of the premises. It is recommended that valuables be collected by Users representative prior to the event and kept until the event is completed. Although Middle Tennessee State University maintains twenty four (24) hour security in all areas under its jurisdiction, All Union facilities assume no responsibility for valuables left in dressing rooms or around buildings.
- Any incident where a room is used not in accordance with its intended purpose is not the responsibility of Student Unions or its staff.
- ALL SMOKE AND PYROTECHNICS EFFECTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE STUDENT UNIONS ADMINISTRATION AND THE UNIVERSITY FIRE MARSHALL. The use of open flame in any capacity is consisdered a pyrotechnic effect. In addition, pyrotechnic effects must first be approved by the State Fire Marshall’s office. Users must provide a written description of each effect and may be called upon to demonstrate that effect to the University Fire Marshall prior to approval. Pyrotechnic effects permits also require a drawing of the stage showing locations of the effects with respect to audience, actors and/or performers and scenery, and a letter attesting to the expertise of the pyro-technician. Users shall work in conjunction with the Administration in coordinating demonstrations with the University Fire Marshall. Pyrotechnic permits must be issued ten business days prior to the demonstration. Substantial fees are involved in this process.
- All scenery and paraphernalia shall be flame proofed by Users so as to satisfy legal standards and the highest standards of accepted contemporary practice.
- All electrical equipment brought into the building by Users shall comply with all rules and regulations of city, state, and federal governments.
- Lighting, sound, and video equipment must be provided by MT Unions. NO equipment may be supplied by the user without prior authorization and may be subject to additional fees.
- Any use and/or change of rigging and equipment must be approved in advance by the Student Unions Administration.
- Users shall not allow nails, tacks, stage screws or similar articles to be driven or placed in any part of the building without prior approval by Student Unions Administration.
- Users shall not allow flags, banners, signs, poster, etc. to be taped, stapled pinned, or attached to any portion of the building, curtains, or furniture. Any damage incurred from this use, shall be the responsibility of Users.
- Refreshments may be served in the certain areas of the facilities. Licensee will be responsible for cleanup of all food and/or refreshment refuse and service equipment prior to leaving the Facility each day. All refuse shall be placed in the appropriate waste containers. Failure to fully cleanup all food and/or refreshment refuse or service equipment daily will result in a cleaning fee of $ 300.00 per infraction. MTSU policy 661 describes food purchasing and service options.
- Users may not use the man lifts without approval from Student Unions Administration.
- The facilities are a place of public accommodation and are accessible to disabled persons in compliance with Titles II & III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Users shall not allow any of its artists, employees, contractors, agents, invitees, or other persons it permits on the premises to render the facilities inaccessible to disabled persons or otherwise cause the facilities to be out of compliance with the ADA. In the event Users permits any person to render the facilities inaccessible to disabled persons or otherwise cause the facilities to be out of compliance with the ADA, Users shall immediately remove the cause and return the facilities to compliance.
- The Director of Student Unions must be informed anytime chemical smoke or haze is used to insure building Administration is informed and proper safety precautions are taken.
- Doors to the exterior of the building are not permitted to be propped open at any time. These are rated and used to control fire in the event an emergency.
- Glitter is not permitted in any Student Unions facility.
- The Student Union is located on Middle Tennessee State University which is state property and therefore, smoking is not permitted in any part of the building. MTSU is a Tobacco free campus; therefore, cigarettes, e-cigs, chewing tobacco, and vaporizers are not permitted in any student union space.
- Users shall not obstruct: (i) any entrances or exits from the building, (ii) any stairways, hallways, or access to utilities within the building, or (iii) any sidewalks immediately outside the building.
- Animals (other than service animals) will not be allowed in the building for any reason, without the consent of the Student Unions Administration prior to load-in.
- Decorations and signs may not be placed in any rooms, hallways, lobbies, or theaters in the building without the permission of the Student Unions Administration. Costs to repair any damage caused by placing such decorations or signs will be paid by the organization or user. No sign or decoration is allowed on the building exterior or sidewalk. Yard signs may be used in the commons area, knoll, and front of the James Union Building. Signs will be marked and removed on a weekly basis. Signs are permitted for no longer than one month. After a month expires the sign may be reinstalled for an additional month.
- Firearms are prohibited.
As the Student Union, James Union Building and Keathley University Center are part of the Institution named Middle Tennessee State University, Students make up the primary work crew and technical staff. Students must adhere to the policies and procedures set forth by the Student Unions Department.
- An Event Manager is required anytime Users wants access to the Facility.
- Use of lighting, sound, mechanical, electrical, and/or other equipment owned by the Facility requires the presence of the appropriate trained operators and/or crew for said equipment. Student Union Equipment must be operated by Student Union Personnel.
- Unions staff must be present throughout an event and responsible only for the event in question at a rate of 1 person per 100 persons in attendance.
Grilling is permitted on the Commons only. MTUnions does not permit grilling on the Quad or the Knoll. Grills are permitted in Walnut Grove, when connected with tailgating as part of Game Day activities. All campus groups, including but not limited to student organizations, athletic teams, campus departments or offices must read and sign this agreement before they will be permitted to use portable grills on campus. If an Event will have more than 25 persons or a special set-up is required, please submit a request to Events Coordination or Student unions and EH&S-Life Safety and Emergency Management a minimum of 2 weeks in advance. Student Organizations should work through their applicable on-campus advisor/Department Chair to request permission to grill on the MTSU Campus. All grilling and associated activities are the sole responsibility of the requesting organization or department. Grilling is “At Your Own Risk”. The requesting party is responsible for any damage to property, or accidents that occur while grilling. This includes anything that occurs involving negligence when disposing of the by products from the grill. For more information, please visit the Campus Safety Handbook. MTUnions Staff will assist groups and organizations with all the necessary protocols for approval of grilling as part of their activity request.
- Mondays – Fridays between 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Saturdays and Sundays: 1:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Amplified sound levels may not exceed seventy-five (75) decibels Mondays-Fridays
- Amplified sound levels may not exceed one-hundred ten (110) decibels Saturdays and Sundays
Outdoor amplified sound may be requested for events hosted in all other outdoor spaces by special permission
through Event Coordination or through the appropriate scheduler. A list of campus schedulers can be found on the
Event Coordination website. Amplified sound levels in restricted areas are dependent on academic course schedules
and are determined in advance by the scheduler and MTSU Event Productions Department.
- All sound sources must be placed at least ten (10) feet away from sidewalks.
Sidewalks must be free of congestion and accessible to pedestrian traffic. - Events must never disrupt the normal functions of MTSU or unreasonably disturb the surrounding
community. - Amplified sound is not permitted to last more than three (3) hours per event and must conclude at
scheduled end time indicated on the confirmation. This timeframe does not apply to MTSU athletic facility
events. - All student-sponsored events must be approved by the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership
Outdoor Event Guidelines
Students and Student Organizations gather and use the generally accessible, open, outdoor areas of campus as traditional public forums for free speech and distribution of literature consistent with the requirements of MTSU Policy 103, Free Speech on Campus. Such use of space is on a space-available basis and no request is required pursuant to this policy. Even if not required, MTSU departments and student organizations who wish to reserve outdoor standard or restricted spaces may do so pursuant to MTSU Policy 100. Approved events have precedence over spontaneous usage. Standard outdoor spaces (Walnut Grove, Commons and KUC Knoll) are generally accessible or open for spontaneous student use. All events must be compliant with University Polices and routed through the University Scheduling System 25live. Any use of generally accessible, open, outdoor areas of campus without an approved application may be terminated if:
- The space has been reserved and approved for use by another group;
- The use causes a material and substantial disruption to the learning environment;
- The use impedes pedestrian or vehicular traffic; or
- The event involves fifty (50) or more participants, including participants and audience.
Application forms are required under for the following uses of outdoor space:- Large Events. Any use of outdoor space that will involve fifty (50) or more participants, including expected participants and audience;
- An event where food will be served, provided, or distributed by the user;
- An event that will involve the use of particular equipment (e.g., tables, stages, etc.) or utilities (e.g., water,
electricity, etc.); or - Events involving amplified sound.
Failure to comply with these guidelines will revoke future all scheduling privileges.
Quick Links
Building Hours
Monday - Friday
6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
12:00 PM - 10:00 PM
*Closed Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, MLK Day
**We also may be closed or have alternative hours during University Holidays and Breaks