Fees and Services

Photocopies  |  Scans  |  ILL  |  Audio  | Video  |  Field Recording  |  Consultation  |  Use Fees


  On-Site Off-Site
Reading Room Materials 10¢ per copy 25¢ per copy
(minimum $5.00 charge)
Entire Books 1 $25.00 minimum
(up to 100 pages)
10¢ each additional page
$25.00 minimum
(up to 100 pages)
25¢ each additional page
Sheet Music 2 10¢ per copy $5.00 per piece
Special Collection Materials 2 10¢ per copy 25¢ per copy
(minimum $5.00 charge)

1 If no longer under copyright protection or out of print, a complete book may be photocopied (physical condition permitting) if, pursuant to the guidelines set out in Section 108(e) of the U.S. Copyright Law, a copy cannot be obtained, after a reasonable effort, at a fair price.
2 All copying of Special Collections materials must be performed by Center staff. For large orders or multiple requests, an hourly Research Fee may apply.

Click here to fill out a Reproduction Request Form     |     Find out about online payment of fees

Digital Reproductions (Print Materials)

Digital scans may be provided for items within the Center’s Special Collections. If the condition or size of an item prohibits the use of a 12” X 17” flatbed scanner, a digital photograph may be provided. Requests should indicate the type of image desired: JPEG at 72 ppi (default) or TIFF at 600 ppi. Additional fees may apply if other resolutions are required. Standard method of delivery is CD-R sent via USPS. If file size permits, JPEGs may be delivered via email when requested.

Fees for Digital Reproduction (Special Collections Materials only) *

  New Pre-Existing
Scans 1 $20 per hour ($10 minimum)
Billed in 30 minute increments
$1 per digital file

* 50% discount for MTSU students/faculty/staff.
1 Digital photographs will be made of items whose size or condition prohibits the use of a flatbed scanner.

Click here to fill out a Reproduction Request Form     |     Find out about online payment of fees

Interlibrary Loan Requests

The Center for Popular Music is a non-lending library and archive. The Center will honor interlibrary loan requests for photocopies of articles from our General and Secondary collections of periodicals or for specific pages from a book, not to exceed one chapter. Off-site fees apply, however the first $5.00 of charges will be waived.

The Center does not honor interlibrary loan requests for reproductions of items in our Special Collections. Those requests must come directly from the patron.

Audio Reproductions

Reproductions may be provided for sound recordings in the Center’s collections. Standard service consists of straight digital transfer of recordings. Mastering and restoration are available upon request at a negotiated fee. Analog transfer of recordings is also available. Additional charges for analog media and shipping may apply.

Please contact the Curator of Recorded Media Collections with all audio reproduction requests.

Some of the Center's unique manuscript audio and video materials may have additional copyright or other restrictions placed on them.

Fees for Audio Reproductions *

Studio Time $80 per hour * (half hour minimum)
Billed in 15 minute increments

* 50% discount for MTSU students/faculty/staff.

Find out about online payment of fees

Digitization Services

The Center may also provide digitization services to outside clients. Center staff can accommodate most consumer and professional grade analog tape and disc-based formats, as well as some other specialized audio carriers. Standard service consists of straight digital transfer of recordings. Mastering and restoration are available upon request at a negotiated fee. Analog transfer of recordings is also available. Additional charges for analog media and shipping may apply.

PLEASE NOTE: The Center for Popular Music will retain copies of the resulting digital audio and image files for its archive.

Please contact the Curator of Recorded Media Collections with all digitization services possibilities and requests.

Fees for Digitization Services* 

Studio Time $80 per hour * (half hour minimum)
Billed in 15 minute increments

* 50% discount for MTSU students/faculty/staff, and non-profit organizations.

Video Reproductions

Reproductions may be obtained for certain videotapes and filmstock within the Center's Special Collections. These requests are serviced by an outside vendor and are priced on an individual basis. Contact the Curator of Recorded Media Collections with inquiries. Allow additional time for processing.

Field Recording

The Center is equipped to conduct remote field recording by special arrangement. Rates are determined according to equipment needed and recording situation. All original master tapes resulting from use of Center equipment are to be deposited in the Center's archive. Please contact the Curator of Recorded Media Collections for further information.

Research & Consultation

Center staff members are available to provide research for commercial, scholarly, and non-profit clients who are unable to conduct their own research on-site at the Center. Services include researching specific songs, eras, artists, or genres; editing book manuscripts, television scripts, or radio scripts for accuracy; searching for and selecting photographs, manuscript materials, and sound recordings; and advising clients on the scope, format, and content of their project to assure authenticity and historical accuracy. Such services fall beyond the scope of the normal reference service, which includes 20 to 30 minutes of research per request. It is assumed that members of the MTSU community will conduct their own research in the Center.

Research/Consultation Fees

Per Hour $50
Per Day $300

The Center for Popular Music must receive an appropriate credit and we request a copy of the completed research-related product for the Center's collection.

Find out about online payment of fees

Use Fees

The Center for Popular Music's standard policy is to charge applicable fees for the use of materials from its collections in books, articles, websites, videos, television, radio, film, DVDs, or any other form of publication. These fees are in addition to reproduction fees and are intended to compensate the Center's costs of preservation, processing, storing, creating access to and otherwise maintaining the collections. These fees offset a small part of the Center's overall costs of archiving its materials. Use of Center materials in a publication, performance, exhibit, film, or broadcast must be prepaid and requested through the submission of a Publication Use Agreement Form. In addition, it is the user's responsibility to obtain all permissions needed from the copyright holder or necessary to publish any material received from the Center. The Center for Popular Music does not hold copyright to all materials in its collections.

The Center requests that a complete copy of any publication in any medium that makes use of Center materials be given to the Center for Popular Music for its collections.

Use Fees

Thesis/Dissertation no charge*
Non-profit/Scholarly Use $25* per item
no charge for MTSU students/faculty/staff*
Commercial Use Negotiable 
($50 minimum per item)

* A copy of the completed publication is requested for the Center's collections.

    • Fees doubled for images used on the cover of a publication.
    • Fees for the use of manuscripts or items for which the Center for Popular Music administers rights are negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

Click here to fill out a Publication Use Agreement Form   |     Find out about online payment of fees

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Room 140
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