Fall 2024 Adult Degree Completion

Fall 2024 Adult Degree Completion

August 26 2024
With the largest adult degree program in Tennessee, we have developed a streamlined program designed to help nontraditional students graduate as quickly as possible.

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Fall 2024 International Enrollment

Fall 2024 International Enrollment

August 26 2024
We strive to make MTSU a welcoming, safe place for international students and visitors. We do so by offering various programming to encourage student involvement in campus activities, enhance cultural experiences, and support academic success.

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Fall 2024 Graduate Studies and University Research Updates

Fall 2024 Graduate Studies and University Research Updates

August 26 2024
Over the past decade, MTSU has aggressively transitioned from a primarily undergraduate institution to a doctoral research university with significant research activity. 

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Fall 2024 Academic Updates

Fall 2024 Academic Updates

August 26 2024
Each of the colleges and academic units at MTSU maintains a high level of activity and produces news worth crowing about. It is very difficult to select just a few highlights from across the colleges! Here are just a few examples of the remarkable work we have recently performed on the campus of MTSU. 

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Fall 2024 University Advancement

Fall 2024 University Advancement

August 26 2024
Making a monetary gift to MTSU doesn’t just pay the bills or maintain the status quo. It builds dreams. Private donor support for public higher education institutions has grown in importance as state funds have tightened over the years.

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The President's Annual Report

President's Annual Report Cover

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