Transfer Equivalencies

There are 3358 transfer equivalencies on file for Belmont University

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACC 019901 Special Studies ACTG ELLD LD: Special Studies
ACC 023101 Elem Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Elem Accounting
ACC 023201 Elem Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Elem Accounting
ACC 0241 Accounting Prin I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 024201 Accounting Principl ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 0331 Intermediate Accounting ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 033201 Intermediate Accoun ACTG 3120 Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 033501 Federal Income Taxe ACTG 4530 Individual Income Tax
ACC 034601 Cost Accounting ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting
ACC 0349 Managerial Actg ACTG 3020 Managerial Accounting
ACC 0352 Account Info Systems ACTG 4510 Accounting Systems
ACC 0395 Studies Abroad ACTG ELUD UD: Studies Abroad
ACC 042101 Managerial Accounti ACTG 3020 Managerial Accounting
ACC 043301 Advanced Accounting ACTG 4110 Advanced Financial Accounting
ACC 043501 Auditing ACTG ELUD UD: Auditing
ACC 043601 Advanced Auditing ACTG ELUD UD: Advanced Auditing
ACC 0440 EDP Audit & Control ACTG ELUD UD: EDP Audit & Control
ACC 044201 Institutional Accou ACTG 4610 Fin Rptg Govt & NFP Entities
ACC 045201 Professional Actg S ACTG 4650 Financial Accounting Standards
ACC 047601 Tax Planning & Rese ACTG ELUD UD: Tax Planning & Rese
ACC 049401 CPA Review ACTG ELUD UD: CPA Review
ACC 0495 Studies Abroad ACTG ELUD UD: Studies Abroad
ACC 049901 Special Studies ACTG ELUD UD: Special Studies
ACC 2410 Accounting Prin I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 2420 Accounting Prin II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 2430 Integrated Accounting Principl ACTG ELLD LD:Integrated Accounting Prin
ACC 2440 Integrated ACC Principles I ACTG ELLD LD: Integrated ACC Principles
ACC 2450 Integrated ACC Principles II ACTG ELLD LD:Integrtd ACC Prin II
ACC 3310 Intermediate Accounting I ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 3351 Volunteer Income Tax Assistanc ACTG ELUD UD:Volunteer Income Tax Assist
ACC 3460 Cost Acct ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting
AET 1380 Surv Recording Tech RIM ELLD LD: Surv Recording Tech
AET 1450 Critical Listening-Audio Prod RIM ELLD LD:Critical Listening-Audio Pr
AET 2000 Audio Engin Intern Lab RIM ELLD LD:Audio Engin Intern Lab
AET 2050 Basic Training: DAW RIM ELLD LD: Basic Training: DAW
AET 2090 Audio Engineering RIM ELLD LD:Audio Engineering I
AET 2091 Audio Engineering I Lab RIM ELLD LD:Audio Engineering I Lab
AET 2100 AET Seminars-Workshops-Showcas RIM ELLD LD:AET Seminars-Workshops-Show
AET 2370 Demo Production RIM ELLD LD:Demo Production
AET 2410 Audio Processing Techniques RIM ELLD LD:Audio Processing Techniques
AET 2420 Audio Temporal Processing RIM ELLD LD:Audio Temporal Processing
AET 2430 Audio Spectral RIM ELLD LD:Audio Spectral
AET 2440 Audio Dynamics Processing RIM ELLD LD:Audio Dynamics Processing
AET 2560 Sound Reinforcement RIM ELLD LD:Sound Reinforcement
AET 2561 Sound Reinforce Pract RIM ELLD LD:Sound Reinforce Pract
AET 2651 Sound Reinforcement Pract RIM ELLD LD: Sound Reinforcement Pract
AET 2895 Audio Processing Techniques RIM ELLD LD:Audio Processing Techniques
AET 3000 Audio Engineering Internship RIM ELUD UD:Audio Engineer. Internship
AET 3050 Critical Listening RIM ELUD UD:Critical Listening
AET 3090 Audio Engr I RIM ELUD UD: Audio Engr I
AET 3190 Audio Engineering II RIM ELUD UD:Audio Engineering II
AET 3191 Audio Engineering II Lab RIM ELUD UD:Audio Engineering II Lab
AET 3260 Studio Maint & Elec I RIM ELUD UD:Studio Maint & Elec I
AET 3420 Audio Temporal Processing RIM ELUD UD:Audio Temporal Processing
AET 3430 Audio Spectral Processing RIM ELUD UD:Audio Spectral Processing
AET 3440 Audio Dynamics RIM ELUD UD:Audio Dynamics
AET 3560 Sound Reinforcement RIM ELLD LD:Sound Reinforcement
AET 3561 Adv Sound Reinforce Pract RIM ELUD UD:Adv Sound Reinforce Pract
AET 3570 Tour Production EMC ELUD UD:Tour Production
AET 3790 Recording Workshop RIM ELUD UD:Recording Workshop
AET 3950 Master Production RIM ELUD UD:Master Production
AET 4015 Senior Practicum Capstone RIM ELUD UD:Senior Practicum Capstone
AET 4110 Automated Mixing Techniques RIM ELUD UD:Automated Mixing Technqs
AET 4120 Audio Mastering RIM ELUD UD:Audio Mastering
AET 4210 Restoration & Forensic Audio RIM ELUD UD:Restoration&Forensic Audio
AET 4230 Auditory, Percep, Hearing Sci RIM ELUD UD:Auditory, Percep, Hearing S
AET 4380 The Recording Engineer RIM ELUD UD:The Recording Engineer
AET 4400 Sound Design for Picture RIM ELUD UD:Sound Design for Picture
AET 4401 Snd Design for Picture Pract RIM ELUD UD:Snd Design for Picture Prac
AET 4480 Master Mixing Techniques RIM ELUD UD:Master Mixing Techniques
AET 4560 Sound Reinforcement Tech RIM ELUD UD:Sound Reinforcement Tech
AET 4895 Analog Tape Recording in Music RIM ELUD UD:Analog Tape Rec in Music
AMA 021901 First Line Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD: First Line Mgmt
AMA 023101 Com Basic For Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD: Com Basic For Mgmt
AMA 023601 Accounting For Mgrs MGMT ELLD LD: Accounting For Mgrs
AMA 025601 How Success Wom Mgm MGMT ELLD LD: How Success Wom Mgm
ARC 1001 Architectural Drafting ELEC ELLD LD:Architectural Drafting
ARC 1003 Foundations Studio ART ELLD LD: Foundations Studio
ARC 1015 Craft, Profession, Vocation ART ELLD LD:Craft, Profession, Vocation
ARC 1020 Fabrication & Sustainability ELEC ELLD LD:Fabrication & Sustainabilit
ARC 1895 Folio Thinking ELEC ELLD LD:Folio Thinking
ART 0100 Prin of Web Page De INFS ELLD LD: Prin of Web Page De
ART 0101 2-D Design ART ELLD LD: 2-D Design
ART 0102 3-D Design ART ELLD LD: 3-D Design
ART 0103 Drawing I ART ELLD LD: Drawing I
ART 0105 Painting I ART 2710 Painting I
ART 0106 Photography I PHOT ELLD LD: Photography I
ART 0107 Clay ART ELLD LD: Clay
ART 0108 Sculputre I ART 2510 Sculpture I
ART 0109 Printmaking 1 ART ELLD LD: Printmaking 1
ART 0111 Color Theory ART ELLD LD: Color Theory
ART 011201 Photography II PHOT ELLD LD: Photography II
ART 0140 Intro Digital Imagng ART ELLD LD: Intro Digital Imagng
ART 019901 Special Studies ART ELLD LD: Special Studies
ART 0200 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ART 020101 2-D Design ART ELLD LD: 2-D Design
ART 020201 3-D Design ART ELLD LD: 3-D Design
ART 0203 Drawing II ART ELLD LD: Drawing II
ART 0206 Photography II PHOT ELLD LD: Photography II
ART 0207 Clay II ART ELLD LD: Clay II
ART 021101 Drawing I ART ELLD LD: Drawing I
ART 021201 Figure Drawing ART ELLD LD: Figure Drawing
ART 022001 Drawing I ART ELLD LD: Drawing I
ART 022101 Painting I ART 2710 Painting I
ART 023001 Painting I ART 2710 Painting I
ART 023101 Photography I PHOT ELLD LD: Photography I
ART 024101 3 D Design ART ELLD LD: 3 D Design
ART 0242 Graphics II ART 2325 Typographic Design
ART 0243 Typography ART ELLD LD: Typography
ART 0244 Design History & Phi ART ELLD LD: Design History & Phi
ART 025001 Graphics I DSGN 3325 Word and Image
ART 025101 Clay I ART 2810 Ceramics I
ART 026001 Clay I ART 2810 Ceramics I
ART 026101 Sculpture I ART ELLD LD: Sculpture I
ART 0280 Art History I ART ELLD LD: Art History I
ART 029101 Photography II PHOT ELLD LD: Photography II
ART 030101 Art History I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 030101 Art History I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 030201 Art History II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 030201 Art History II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 0306 Photography III PHOT ELUD UD: Photography III
ART 031101 Drawing II ART ELLD LD: Drawing II
ART 031201 Figure Drawing II ART 3650 Figure Drawing
ART 032001 Drawing III ART 3650 Figure Drawing
ART 032101 Painting II ART 3720 Painting II
ART 033001 Painting II ART 3720 Painting II
ART 033101 Photography II PHOT ELLD LD: Photography II
ART 034101 Graphics III ART 3330 Portfolio I
ART 034201 Graphics IV DSGN 4310 Integrated Brand Design
ART 0350 Graphics II ART 2325 Typographic Design
ART 035101 Clay II ART 3820 Wheel Throwing
ART 036001 Clay II ART 3820 Wheel Throwing
ART 036101 Sculpture II ART 3520 Sculpture II
ART 037001 Sculpture I ART 2510 Sculpture I
ART 038001 Printmaking I ART 2130 Printmaking I
ART 0390 Graphics II ART ELUD UD: Graphics II
ART 0399 London:Photo II PHOT ELUD UD: London:Photo II
ART 040101 Art History Seminar ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 0406 Photography IV PHOT ELUD UD: Photography IV
ART 040801 Art History Seminar ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 041101 Drawing III:Multime ART ELUD UD: Drawing III:Multime
ART 042101 Painting III ART 3730 Painting III
ART 043001 Painting III ART 3730 Painting III
ART 043101 Photography III PHOT ELUD UD: Photography III
ART 0441 Adv Design Comm I ART ELUD UD: Adv Design Comm I
ART 0442 Adv Design Comm II ART ELUD UD: Adv Design Comm II
ART 045001 Graphics III ART 3330 Portfolio I
ART 045101 Clay III ART 3830 Ceramics III
ART 046001 Clay III ART 3830 Ceramics III
ART 047001 Internship In Art ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 048001 Advanced Study ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 048501 Internship In Art ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 049001 Senior Exhibition & ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 049901 Special Studies ART ELUD UD: Special Studies
ART 1000 Prin Web Page Desig INFS ELLD LD: Prin Web Page Desig
ART 1010 2 D Design ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
ART 1011 2D:Principles of Color ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
ART 1020 3 D Design ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ART 1030 Drawing I ART 1620 Drawing I
ART 1050 Painting I ART 2710 Painting I
ART 1060 Photography I PHOT ELLD LD: Photography I
ART 1070 Clay I ART ELLD LD: Clay I
ART 1080 Sculpture I ART 2510 Sculpture I
ART 1090 Printmaking I ART ELLD LD: Printmaking I
ART 1100 Intro to Digital Photography PHOT 1050 Basic Digital Photography
ART 1110 2D Design-Color ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
ART 1400 Intro Digital Imagi ART ELLD LD: Intro Digital Imagi
ART 1700 Principles of Web Page Design INFS 2400 Web Development
ART 1895 Visual Storytelling ART ELLD LD:Visual Storytelling
ART 2000 Art Experience ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ART 2005 Intro to Art Education ART ELLD LD:Intro to Art Education
ART 2015 Classical Myths Visual Culture ART ELLD LD:Classical Myths Visual Cult
ART 201E Art Education I ART 2200 Introduction to Art Education
ART 202E Art Education II ART ELLD LD: Art Education II
ART 2030 Drawing II ART 1640 Drawing II
ART 2050 Painting II ART ELLD LD:Painting II
ART 2060 Photography II PHOT ELLD LD:Photography II
ART 2080 Sculpture II ART ELLD LD:Sculpture II
ART 2200 Exhibit/Workshop ART ELLD LD:Exhibit/Workshop
ART 2300 Digital Photography II PHOT ELLD LD:Digital Photography II
ART 2410 Intro Design Prin ART ELLD LD:Intro Design Prin
ART 2411 Sophomore Prod ART ELLD LD:Sophomore Prod
ART 2420 Design Systems ART ELLD LD:Design Systems
ART 2430 Typography ART ELLD LD:Typography
ART 2450 Interactive Media ART ELLD LD:Interactive Media
ART 2451 Intermediate Website Design ART ELLD LD:Intermediate Website Design
ART 2500 Digital Photography I PHOT 1050 Basic Digital Photography
ART 2800 Art History I ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 2810 Art History II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
ART 2950 IreLonEdin:Design Photo Book A ART ELLD IreLonEdin:Dsgn Photo Book Art
ART 3060 Adv Photography PHOT ELUD UD:Adv Photography
ART 3410 Linear Design ART ELUD UD:Linear Design
ART 3420 Information Design VCOM ELUD UD:Information Design
ART 3430 Illustration I ART ELUD UD:Illustration I
ART 3440 History & Philosophy of Design VCOM ELUD UD:Hist & Philosophy of Design
ART 3895 Special Topics ART ELUD UD:Special Topics
ART 3950 England/Visual Displ ART ELUD UD: England/Visual Displ
ART 4015 Senior Art Capstone ART ELUD UD:Senior Art Capstone
ART 4410 Narrative & Advocacy Design ART ELUD UD:Narrative & Advocacy Design
ART 4760 Special Topics ART ELUD UD:Special Topics
ART 4800 Adv Study in Studio Art ART ELUD UD:Adv Study in Studio Art
ASN 2000 Asian Humanities ELEC ELLD LD:Asian Humanities
ASN 2010 Asia Soc Sci ELEC ELLD LD:Asia Soc Sci
ASN 2015 End of the West? China Rising ELEC ELLD LD: End of the West? China Ris
ASN 2895 Modern Japanese Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ASN 4990 Special Studies ELEC ELUD UD:Special Stugies
ATL 2350 Prevention/Treatment of Injury ATHT ELLD LD:Prevent/Treatment of Injury
BAD 010101 Intro to Business BUAD ELLD LD: Intro to Business
BAD 0111 Business Freshman Ex UNIV ELLD LD: Business Freshman Ex
BAD 014201 Business Math For B ELEC ELLD LD: Business Math For B
BAD 019901 Special Studies ELEC ELLD LD: Special Studies
BAD 0241 Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD:Business Law I
BAD 024101 Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law I
BAD 029801 Cooperative Experie MGMT ELLD LD: Cooperative Experie
BAD 031201 Business Communicat BCED 3510 Business Communication
BAD 032301 Business Ethics MGMT 3940 Ethical Leadership in Business
BAD 033001 International Busin MGMT 4710 International Business
BAD 034101 Business Law I BLAW ELUD UD: Business Law I
BAD 042201 Business Law II BLAW ELUD UD: Business Law II
BAD 049901 Special Studies ELEC ELUD UD: Special Studies
BAD 1010 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BAD 2050 Comp Prof Bus BCED ELLD LD:Comp Prof Bus
BAD 2410 Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law I
BAD 3300 International Busine MGMT 4710 International Business
BADM 4820 Long-Term Care Administration ELEC ELLD LD:Long-Term Care Admin
BCS 020401 Oral & Writ Comm Sk COMM ELLD LD: Oral & Writ Comm Sk
BCS 028601 Business Law BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law
BCT 0100 Comm Arts Seminar EMC ELLD LD: Comm Arts Seminar
BCT 010101 Hist & Theory of Ma EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
BCT 010101 Hist & Theory of Ma EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
BCT 011201 Intro to Bdcasting EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Bdcasting
BCT 011501 Photojournalism I PHOT ELLD LD: Photojournalism I
BCT 0146 Intro to Audio & Vid EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Audio & Vid
BCT 0150 Mass Media & Societ EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
BCT 0150 Mass Media & Societ EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
BCT 019901 Special Studies EMC ELLD LD: Special Studies
BCT 020101 Basic Newswriting EMC ELLD LD: Basic Newswriting
BCT 021001 Voice & Diction COMM ELLD LD: Voice & Diction
BCT 021201 Media Ethics & Resp EMC ELLD LD: Media Ethics & Resp
BCT 021501 Photohournalism II PHOT ELLD LD: Photohournalism II
BCT 024601 Basic Video Product EMC ELLD LD: Basic Video Product
BCT 024701 Broadcast Workshop EMC ELLD LD: Broadcast Workshop
BCT 025001 Broadcast Advertisi EMC 3030 Electronic Media Advertising
BCT 026001 Broadcast News JOUR 3430 Radio News Reporting
BCT 030101 Broadcast Programmi EMC 4140 Media Programming
BCT 0302 Broadcast Programmin EMC ELUD UD: Broadcast Programmin
BCT 0311 Media Ethics EMC 4800 Seminar in Media Issues
BCT 031701 Intro to Public Rel PR ELUD UD: Intro to Public Rel
BCT 034601 Remote TV Productio EMC ELUD UD: Remote TV Productio
BCT 0350 Broadcast & Cable Sa EMC 4010 Media Sales
BCT 0355 Broadcast Scriptwrit VFP 3020 Screenwriting I
BCT 0360 Producting & Directi EMC ELUD UD: Producting & Directi
BCT 039401 Directed Studies EMC ELUD UD: Directed Studies
BCT 041001 Communications Law EMC 4250 Media Law
BCT 044601 Advanced Video Prod EMC ELUD UD: Advanced Video Prod
BCT 049001 Internship Training EMC ELUD UD: Internship Training
BCT 049401 Directed Studies EMC ELUD UD: Directed Studies
BCT 049901 Special Studies EMC ELUD UD: Special Studies
BEL 1015 First-Year Seminar ELEC ELLD LD:First Year Seminar
BIB 011101 Old Test History RS ELLD LD: Old Test History
BIBL 0111 Old Test History RS ELLD LD: Old Test History
BIBL 011201 New Test History RS ELLD LD: New Test History
BIO 320 Parasitology BIOL 3050 Parasitology
BIO 0080 Science Skills BIOL ELLD LD: Science Skills
BIO 0100 Seminar In Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Seminar In Biology
BIO 0101 Biological Sciences BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 0102 Intro Molecular & C BIOL ELLD LD: Intro Molecular & C
BIO 010301 Principles Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 010301 Principles Biology and BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 0104 Prin of Biology III BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 0109 Biology and Society BIOL ELLD LD: Biology and Society
BIO 0111 Prin of Biol I BIOL ELLD LD: Prin of Biol I
BIO 0112 Prin of Biol II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 0113 Prin of Biology III BIOL ELLD LD: Prin of Biology III
BIO 012001 Biol Science BIOL ELLD LD: Biol Science
BIO 019901 Special Studies BIOL ELLD LD: Special Studies
BIO 020201 General Anat & Phys BIOL 2030 Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 020401 Biology of Non Vasc BIOL ELLD LD: Biology of Non Vasc
BIO 020501 Biology & Vascular BIOL ELLD LD: Biology & Vascular
BIO 021001 Nutrition & Diet Th BIOL ELLD LD: Nutrition & Diet Th
BIO 021101 Medical Terminology BIOL ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
BIO 022001 Conservation Natura BIOL ELLD LD: Conservation Natura
BIO 022201 Human A & P II BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 022301 Hum Anat & Physiolo BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 022401 Hum Anat & Physiolo BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 0233 Genetics BIOL 3250 Genetics
BIO 029901 Std Marine Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Std Marine Biology
BIO 030301 General Ecology BIOL 3400 General Ecology
BIO 031201 Basic Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIO 031401 Immunology BIOL 4300 Immunology
BIO 031601 General Physiology BIOL 4110 General Physiology
BIO 0320 Parasitology BIOL 3050 Parasitology
BIO 032101 Human Anat Phys I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 032501 Comparative Anat Ve BIOL 3020 Comparative Anat Vertebrates
BIO 033701 Biomedical Ethics BIOL ELUD UD: Biomedical Ethics
BIO 037001 Biological Research BIOL ELUD UD: Biological Research
BIO 037501 Cellular & Molecula BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 0380 Molecular Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Molecular Biology
BIO 0385 Cellular Biology BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 040101 Electron Microscopy BIOL 4270 Transmit Electron Microscopy
BIO 041201 Senior Seminar BIOL ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
BIO 042501 General Embryology BIOL 3010 Embryology
BIO 044401 Histology BIOL 4130 Histology
BIO 046101 Special Problems BIOL ELUD UD: Special Problems
BIO 046401 Special Problems BIOL ELUD UD: Special Problems
BIO 047001 Biological Research BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
BIO 049801 Internship In Biolo BIOL ELUD UD: Internship In Biolo
BIO 049901 Special Studies BIOL ELUD UD: Special Studies
BIO 1000 Sem In Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Sem In Biology
BIO 1010 Biol Sci/Gen Biol BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 1020 Intro Molecular & C BIOL ELLD LD: Intro Molecular & C
BIO 1023 Topics in Biology BIOL ELLD LD:Topics in Biology
BIO 1030 Biological Sci:Microbiology BIOL ELLD LD:Biological Sci:Microbiology
BIO 1050 Biological Science BIOL ELLD LD:Biological Science
BIO 1055 Biological Science Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Biological Science Lab
BIO 1070 Biol Sci:Microbiology Lecture BIOL ELLD LD:Biol Sci:Microbiology Lectu
BIO 1075 Biol Science:Microbiology Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Biol Science:Microbiology L
BIO 1110 Prin of Biology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1120 Prin of Biol II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 1130 Prin Biology III BIOL ELLD LD: Prin Biology III
BIO 1150 Prin of Bio I Lecture BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1155 Principles of Biology I Lab BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1160 Prin of Biology II Lecture BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 1165 Prin of Biology II Lab BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 1895 Prin of Bio I Lecture BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1896 Prin of Bio I Lab BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 2110 Medical Terminology BIOL ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
BIO 2120 Basic Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIO 2230 Human A & P I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 2240 Human a & P II BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 2330 Genetics BIOL 3250 Genetics
BIO 2500 Botany BIOL ELLD LD:Botany
BIO 2710 Lab & Field Techniq BIOL ELLD LD: Lab & Field Techniq
BIO 3015 Jr. Cornerstone: Sci & Faith ELEC ELUD UD:Jr. Cornerstone: Sci & Fait
BIO 3040 Cancer Biology BIOL ELUD UD:Cancer Biology
BIO 3100 Entomology BIOL 3040 Entomology
BIO 3120 Basic Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIO 3140 Immunology BIOL 4300 Immunology
BIO 3200 Parasitology BIOL ELUD UD:Parasitology
BIO 3300 Animal Behavior BIOL ELUD UD:Animal Behavior
BIO 3700 Biological Research I BIOL ELUD UD:Biological Research I
BIO 3750 MBC:Macro Structure & Cell Rea BIOL ELUD UD:MBC:Macro Strct & Cell Rea
BIO 3800 Molecular Biology BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 3850 Molecular Biology of Cell BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 3895 Biodiversity Lec/Lab BIOL ELUD UD:Biodiversity Lec/Lab
BIO 4250 General Embryology BIOL 3010 Embryology
BIO 4500 Neurobiology BIOL ELUD UD: Neurobiology
BIO 4700 Biological Research BIOL ELUD UD:Biological Research
BIO 4980 Internship in Biology BIOL 3200 Internship in Biology
BIOL 010101 General Biolgoy BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 010201 General Biology BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 012001 Biol Science BIOL ELLD LD: Biol Science
BIOL 022001 Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 022101 Hum Anat & Physiolo BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIOL 022201 Hum Anat & Physiolo BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BMB 1000 Freshman Seminar in BMB ELEC ELLD LD:Freshman Seminar in BMB
BPH 1010 Foundations of Public Health HETH ELLD LD:Foundations of Public Healt
BPH 2000 Fieldwork I HETH ELLD LD:Fieldwork I
BPH 2010 Social Determinants of Health HETH ELLD LD:Social Determinants of Heal
BPH 2100 Current Issues - Public Health HETH ELLD LD:Current Issues - Public Hea
BPH 2895 Special Topics in Epidemiology HETH ELLD LD:Special Topics-Epidemiology
BPH 3010 Global Health HETH 3120 International Health
BPH 3020 Population Health HETH ELLD LD:Population Health
BPH 3100 Intro to Epidemiology HETH ELUD UD:Intro to Epidemiology
BPH 3200 Fund of Environmental Health HETH ELUD UD:Fund of Environmental Healt
BPH 3210 Scientific Inquiry HETH ELUD UD:Scientific Inquiry
BSA 2050 Intro to Programming CSCI ELLD LD:Intro to Programming
BSA 2100 Managing Business Systems BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
BUAD 0120 Computer Application CSCI ELLD LD: Computer Application
BUAD 0270 Human Resource Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD: Human Resource Mgmt
BUAD 0282 Computer Appl II CSCI ELLD LD: Computer Appl II
BUMA 011001 Mathematics For Bus MATH ELLD LD: Mathematics For Bus
BUS 010101 Intro Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BUS 020101 Intro Data Proc INFS ELLD LD: Intro Data Proc
BUS 029901 Career Edu Sem BCED ELLD LD:Career Edu Sem
BUS 0341 Bus Law I BLAW 3400 Legal Environment of Business
C A 0213 Speech Brodcstng EMC ELLD LD: Speech Brodcstng
C A 110 Fund Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
CAS 4015 In Search of a Calling ELEC ELUD UD: In Search of a Calling
CEI 1220 Creative/Entertainment Ind EMC ELLD LD:Creative/Entertainment Ind
CEI 1620 Creativity & Innovation ELEC ELLD LD:Creativity & Innovation
CEI 2240 Networking & Connecting in CEI EMC ELLD LD:Networking & Conctg in CEI
CEI 2310 Entertainment Ind Economics EMC ELLD LD:Entertainment Ind Economics
CEI 2350 Tech Trends in Media & Ent THM ELLD LD:Tech Trends in Media & Ent
CEI 2400 Found of IP for Creat & Entrep RIM ELLD LD:Found IP for Creat&Entrep
CEI 3570 Theme Parks & Attractions THM ELUD UD:Theme Parks & Attractions
CEM 010301 Fund of Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CEM 010401 Intro Organic Bioch CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CEM 011101 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CEM 011201 General Chemistry CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CEM 0161 Gen Chemistry CHEM ELLD LD: Gen Chemistry
CEM 019901 Independent Study CHEM ELLD LD: Independent Study
CEM 020101 Quantitative Analys CHEM 2230 Quantitative Analysis
CEM 020201 Quantitative Analys CHEM 2230 Quantitative Analysis
CEM 021101 Elementary Organic CHEM 2030 Elements of Organic Chemistry
CEM 022101 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CEM 022201 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CEM 0301 Medicinal Chemistry CHEM 4000 Medicinal Chemistry
CEM 030501 Intro to Biochemist CHEM 3530 Principles of Biochemistry
CEM 0321 Biophysical Chemistr CHEM ELUD UD: Biophysical Chemistr
CEM 032301 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4330 Physical Chem Fundamentals I
CEM 032401 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4340 Physical Chem Fundamentals II
CEM 0331 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CEM 0370 Research In Chemistr CHEM 2880 Undergraduate Research I
CEM 040101 Instrumental Method CHEM ELUD UD: Instrumental Method
CEM 041101 Biochemistry CHEM ELUD UD: Biochemistry
CEM 041201 Selected Topics Phy CHEM ELUD UD: Selected Topics Phy
CEM 0461 Spec Prob In Chemist CHEM 3880 Undergraduate Research II
CEM 0462 Spec Prob In Chemist CHEM 3880 Undergraduate Research II
CEM 0463 Spec Prob In Chemist CHEM 3880 Undergraduate Research II
CEM 0464 Spec Prob In Chemist CHEM ELUD UD: Spec Prob In Chemist
CEM 047001 Research In Chemist CHEM ELUD UD: Research In Chemist
CEM 047101 Research In Chemist CHEM ELUD UD: Research In Chemist
CEM 049901 Independent Study CHEM ELUD UD: Independent Study
CEM 1010 Chemistry of Ordinary Things CHEM ELLD LD: Chemistry Ordinary Things
CEM 1020 Gen Org & Biochem CHEM ELLD LD:Gen Org & Biochem
CEM 1050 Freshman Chemistry Seminar CHEM ELLD LD: Freshman Chemistry Seminar
CEM 1060 Freshman Chem Sem Pharm CHEM ELLD LD:Freshman Chem Sem Phar
CEM 1510 General Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CEM 1515 General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CEM 1520 General Chemistry II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CEM 1525 General Chemistry II Lab CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CEM 1610 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CEM 1620 Gen Chemistry II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CEM 1895 Gen Chem I Class CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CEM 1896 Gen Chem I Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CEM 2810 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CEM 2820 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CEM 3310 Organic Chem I CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CEM 3320 Organic Chem II CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CEM 3400 Fund of Biochemistry CHEM 3530 Principles of Biochemistry
CEM 3500 Medicinal Chemistry CHEM 4000 Medicinal Chemistry
CEM 3510 Biochemistry I CHEM 3530 Principles of Biochemistry
CEM 3600 Biophysical Chemistr CHEM ELUD UD: Biophysical Chemistr
CEM 3700 Rsrch In Chem I CHEM 2880 Undergraduate Research I
CEM 4030 Pharmaceutical Studies Seminar CHEM ELUD UD:Pharmaceutical Studies Semn
CEM 4700 Rsrch In Chem II CHEM ELUD UD: Rsrch In Chem II
CHEM 0101 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 011001 Chemistry For Nurse NURS ELLD LD: Chemistry For Nurse
CHEM 012001 Phy Universe CHEM ELLD LD: Phy Universe
CHEM 4990 Biophysical Chemistr CHEM 4330 Physical Chem Fundamentals I
CHN 0101 Elem Chinese FL ELLD LD: Elem Chinese
CHN 0102 Elem Chinese FL ELLD LD: Elem Chinese
CHN 0199 Special Studies FL ELLD LD: Special Studies
CHN 0201 Interm Chinese I FL ELLD LD: Interm Chinese I
CHN 0202 Interm Chinese I FL ELLD LD: Interm Chinese I
CHN 0499 Special Studies FL ELUD UD: Special Studies
CHN 1010 Elem Chinese I CHIN 1010 Elementary Chinese I
CHN 1020 Elem Chinese II FL ELLD LD: Elem Chinese II
CHN 2010 Intermediate Chinese I CHIN 2010 Intermediate Chinese I
CHN 2020 Intermediate Chinese II CHIN 2020 Intermediate Chinese II
CLA 0330 Classical Mythology ENGL 3410 Classical Mythology
CLA 0331 Special Topics In Cl ENGL ELUD UD: Special Topics In Cl
CMU 0101 Intro Mass Comm JOUR ELLD LD: Intro Mass Comm
CMU 0103 Fund of Comm Theory COMM ELLD LD: Fund of Comm Theory
CNT 0150 Network Tech Level CSCI ELLD LD: Network Tech Level
CNT 0151 Network Technol II CSCI ELLD LD: Network Technol II
CNT 0200 Computer Technology CSCI ELLD LD: Computer Technology
CNT 0201 Network Technol IV CSCI ELLD LD: Network Technol IV
CNT 0250 Network Tech Lev 3 CSCI ELLD LD: Network Tech Lev 3
CNT 0251 Computer Tech 6 Int CSCI ELLD LD: Computer Tech 6 Int
COM 010001 Communication Art S COMM ELLD LD: Communication Art S
COM 011001 Fund of Speech Comm COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COM 011501 Interpersonal Commu COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
COM 019901 Special Studies M COMM ELLD LD: Special Studies M
COM 0201 Forensics COMM ELLD LD: Forensics
COM 021001 Voice & Diction CDIS 2150 Voice and Diction
COM 021101 Forensics Survey COMM 3210 Argumentation and Debate
COM 021201 Practicum In Publicm COMM ELLD LD: Practicum In Publicm
COM 0220 Persuasion COMM 4320 Persuasion
COM 022201 Parliamentary Proce COMM ELLD LD: Parliamentary Proce
COM 0223 Decision Making & G COMM 3220 Small Group Communication
COM 0299 Family Communicatio COMM ELLD LD: Family Communicatio
COM 0300 Internship COMM 4900 Internship in Comm Studies
COM 031001 Audience Analysis COMM ELUD UD: Audience Analysis
COM 032001 Persuasion COMM 4320 Persuasion
COM 0321 The Rhetoric of Soci COMM ELUD UD: The Rhetoric of Soci
COM 032301 Decision Making And COMM 3220 Small Group Communication
COM 032501 Communication Disor CDIS 3050 Intro Speech Lang Path Aud
COM 039201 Political Communica COMM 3580 Political Communication
COM 0393 Communication Theory COMM 3300 Communication Theory
COM 0400 Comm Stud Adv Semina COMM ELUD UD: Comm Stud Adv Semina
COM 042001 Rhetorical Criticis COMM ELUD UD: Rhetorical Criticis
COM 042301 Selected Topics In COMM 4260 Independent Study
COM 042401 Organizational Comm COMM ELUD UD: Organizational Comm
COM 0428 Great American Orato COMM 4800 Topics in Communication
COM 049201 Rhetorical Theory COMM 3300 Communication Theory
COM 049401 Directed Studies COMM ELUD UD: Directed Studies
COM 049901 Special Studies M COMM ELUD UD: Special Studies M
COM 1100 Fund Speech Comm COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COM 1895 Communication Tools COMM ELLD LD: Communication Tools
COM 1930 Interpersonal Communication COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
COM 1950 Studies Abroad COMM ELLD LD: Studies Abroad
COM 1990 Interpersonal Communication COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
COM 2015 Stories that Sustain Us COMM ELLD LD:Stories that Sustain Us
COM 2020 Argumentation & Debate COMM ELLD LD:Argumentation & Debate
COM 2140 Family Comm:The Memoir Project COMM ELLD LD:Family Comm:Memoir Proj
COM 2200 Persuasion COMM ELLD LD: Persuasion
COM 2340 Business and Professional Comm COMM ELLD LD: Bus & Professional Comm
COM 2895 Sp Tpcs:Narrators of Now:Humor ELEC ELLD LD:ST:Narrarators of Now:Humor
COM 3000 Internship COMM ELUD UD: Internship
COM 3015 Intercultural Communication COMM ELUD UD:Intercultural Communication
COM 3150 Intercultural Communication COMM 2560 Intercultural Communication
COM 3210 The Rhetoric of Social Mvmts COMM ELUD UD:The Rhetoric of Social Mvmt
COM 3220 Environmental Communication COMM ELUD UD:Environmental Communication
COM 3250 Gender & Comm COMM 3225 Gender Communication
COM 3260 Social Networking COMM ELUD UD: Social Networking
COM 3340 Organizational Communication COMM 2140 Intro to Organizational Comm
COM 3920 Theories of Public Communicati COMM 3740 Critical Methods in Comm
COM 3950 Studies Abroad COMM ELUD UD: Studies Abroad
COM 4140 Crisis Communication COMM ELUD UD: Crisis Communication
COM 4300 Corp Social Responsibility COMM ELUD UD:Corp Social Responsibility
COM 4310 Cont Issues in Org Comm:Env Cm COMM ELUD UD:Cont Issues Org Comm:Env Cm
CRJ 019901 Special Studies CJA ELLD LD: Special Studies
CRJ 020001 Intro to Criminal J CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
CRJ 020101 Law Enforcement CJA ELLD LD: Law Enforcement
CRJ 021001 Intro to Criminolog SOC 4300 Criminology
CRJ 022101 Criminal Justice & CJA 4220 Cmmty Relation & Crit Issues
CRJ 025001 Intro Security & Sa CJA 4850 Private & Industrial Security
CRJ 029001 Specialized Reading CJA 4900 Readings in Criminal Justice
CRJ 030101 Intro to Criminal I CJA 4330 Criminal Investigation
CRJ 030201 Juvenile Delinquenc SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
CRJ 031101 The Police In Ameri CJA 2200 Prevention & Control of Crime
CRJ 031201 Corrections In Amer CJA 4750 Seminar in Corrections
CRJ 032201 Criminal Justice Fi CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Justice Fi
CRJ 032301 Criminal Justice Fi CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Justice Fi
CRJ 033001 Intro to Forensic S CJA ELUD UD: Intro to Forensic S
CRJ 035001 Prin of Loss Contro CJA 4870 Security Law
CRJ 036001 Security Supervisio CJA 4860 Security Administration
CRJ 039001 Practicum In Crimin CJA ELUD UD: Practicum In Crimin
CRJ 041201 Probation & Parole CJA ELUD UD: Probation & Parole
CRJ 042101 Law For Ciminal Jus CJA 3250 Criminal Law
CRJ 042201 Criminal Law & Proc CJA ELLD LD: Criminal Law & Proc
CRJ 043001 Directed Research I CJA ELUD UD: Directed Research I
CRJ 043101 Directed Research I CJA ELUD UD: Directed Research I
CRJ 047001 Adv Study In CRJ CJA ELUD UD: Adv Study In CRJ
CRJ 049001 Practicum Criminal CJA ELUD UD: Practicum Criminal
CSC 0100 Pric of Web Page Des CSCI ELLD LD: Pric of Web Page Des
CSC 0102 Intro Cmptr Science CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CSC 010301 Intro to Computing CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CSC 0111 Programming I CSCI ELLD LD: Programming I
CSC 011201 Programming II CSCI ELLD LD: Programming II
CSC 019901 Special Studies CSCI ELLD LD: Special Studies
CSC 020501 Programming Lang La CSCI ELLD LD: Programming Lang La
CSC 020601 Programming In C CSCI ELLD LD: Programming In C
CSC 021101 Computer Organizati CSCI 3160 Intro to Assembly Language
CSC 021301 File Processing CSCI ELLD LD: File Processing
CSC 0225 Discrete Math CSCI 3080 Discrete Structures
CSC 031101 Organization Progra CSCI 3210 Theory Programming Languages
CSC 031401 Data Structures CSCI ELUD UD: Data Structures
CSC 0326 Graph Theory CSCI ELUD UD: Graph Theory
CSC 0327 Combinatorics CSCI ELUD UD: Combinatorics
CSC 041401 Data Structures CSCI 3110 Algorithms and Data Structures
CSC 0415 Numerical Methods CSCI 3180 Intro to Numerical Analysis
CSC 041601 Operating Systems CSCI 3250 Operating Systems
CSC 0417 Modeling & Simulatio CSCI ELUD UD: Modeling & Simulatio
CSC 0418 Operating Systems CSCI 3250 Operating Systems
CSC 046101 Adv Topics Computer CSCI ELUD UD: Adv Topics Computer
CSC 0471 Senior Seminar CSCI ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
CSC 049101 Independent Study C CSCI 4600 Independent Study in CSCI
CSC 049901 Special Studies CSCI ELUD UD: Special Studies
CSC 1000 Seminar In Computer Science CSCI ELLD LD:Seminar in Computer Science
CSC 1020 Intro Computer Sci CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CSC 1110 Programming I CSCI ELLD LD: Programming I
CSC 1120 Programming II CSCI ELLD LD: Programming II
CSC 2110 Computer Organization CSCI ELLD LD:Computer Organization
CSC 2250 Discrete Mathematics MATH ELLD LD:Discrete Mathematics
CSC 3110 Program Languages Principles CSCI ELUD UD:Program Languages Principle
CSC 3130 Data and File Structures CSCI ELUD UD:Data and File Structures
CSC 4150 Numerical Methods CSCI ELUD UD:Numerical Methods
CSC 4610 Advanced Topics CSCI ELUD UD:Advanced Topics
CSM 4015 CSM Senior Capstone ELEC ELUD UD:CSM Senior Capstone
CSO 0104 Cont Soc Analysis SOC ELLD LD: Cont Soc Analysis
DAN 1010 Dance Performance I DANC ELLD LD:Dance Performance I
DAN 1101 Ballet I DANC 1040 Ballet Techniques I
DAN 1201 Jazz I DANC 1020 Jazz Dance Techniques I
DAN 1301 Modern I DANC 1010 Modern Dance Techniques I
DAN 1401 Tap I DANC 1030 Tap Dance Techniques I
DAN 2000 The Dance Experienc DANC ELLD LD: The Dance Experienc
DAN 2102 Ballet II DANC 2040 Ballet Techniques II
DAN 2110 Dance Company DANC ELLD LD: Dance Company
DAN 2202 Jazz II DANC 2020 Jazz Dance Techniques II
DAN 2302 Modern II DANC 2010 Modern Dance Techniques II
DAN 3030 Kinesiology for Dance DANC ELUD UD:Kinesiology for Dance
DSC 1000 Seminar in Data Science DATA ELLD LD:Seminar in Data Science
DSC 1010 Intro to Data Science DATA 1500 Introduction to Data Science
DSC 2010 Statistical Computing DATA 2025 Communicating with Data
DSC 3050 Internship Data Science DATA ELUD UD:Internship Data Science
ECO 366 Business / Governm ECON 4400 Antitrust and Regulation
ECO 420 Hist of Econ Thought ECON 4660 History of Economic Thought
ECO 430 Int'l Corp Fin FIN 4860 International Financial Mgmt
ECO 433 Int'l Fin Markets ECON 4260 Financial Market & Institution
ECO 0111 Economic Inquiry ECON ELLD LD: Economic Inquiry
ECO 019901 Special Studies ECON ELLD LD: Special Studies
ECO 020101 Person Money Mgt ECON ELLD LD: Person Money Mgt
ECO 022101 Prin of Macroeconom ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 022201 Prin of Microeconom ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 0245 Current Issues Econ ECON ELLD LD: Current Issues Econ
ECO 0313 Topics Econ & Public ECON ELUD UD: Topics Econ & Public
ECO 032201 Money & Banking ECON 3210 Financial System & The Economy
ECO 0323 Area Stud In Economi ECON ELUD UD: Area Stud In Economi
ECO 032601 Intermediate Macroe ECON 4570 Managerial Economics
ECO 032701 Intermediate Microe ECON 3510 Intermediate Macroecon Theory
ECO 033301 Public Finance ECON ELUD UD: Public Finance
ECO 0366 Business & Governmen ECON 4400 Antitrust and Regulation
ECO 0400 Internship In Econom ECON 4890 Internship in Economics
ECO 0401 Capital Internship ECON 4890 Internship in Economics
ECO 0420 Hist Economic Though ECON 4660 History of Economic Thought
ECO 0430 Intl Corporate Finan ECON ELUD UD: Intl Corporate Finan
ECO 0433 Intl Fin Mkts & Inst ECON ELUD UD: Intl Fin Mkts & Inst
ECO 043401 Economic Theory & C ECON ELUD UD: Economic Theory & C
ECO 0440 Intl Economics ECON 4440 International Economics
ECO 045001 Managerial Economic ECON 4570 Managerial Economics
ECO 045101 Business Cycles & F ECON ELUD UD: Business Cycles & F
ECO 049901 Special Studies ECON ELUD UD: Special Studies
ECO 1110 Economic Inquiry ECON ELLD LD: Economic Inquiry
ECO 2210 Prin Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 2220 Prin Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 3310 Healthcare Economics ECON 4680 Health Economics
ECO 3895 Mathematical Economics ECON ELUD UD:Mathematical Economics
ECO 3950 Economics Brexit ECON ELUD UD:Economics Brexit
ECO 400 Internship Economics ECON 4890 Internship in Economics
ECON 0222 Prin of Econ ECON ELLD LD: Prin of Econ
EDU 008001 Study Skills DSPS ELLD LD: Study Skills
EDU 008501 Resource Lab ELED ELLD LD: Resource Lab
EDU 009001 How to Study DSPS ELLD LD: How to Study
EDU 019901 Special Topics ELED 4260 Problems in Elementary Edu
EDU 020001 Found of Education FOED ELLD LD: Found of Education
EDU 020101 Art Education I ART ELLD LD: Art Education I
EDU 020201 Art Education II ART ELLD LD: Art Education II
EDU 020301 Arts & Crafts Elem ART ELLD LD: Arts & Crafts Elem
EDU 021001 Foundations of Educ EESE 2010 Introduction to Education
EDU 021101 Educational Psychol EESE ELLD LD: Educational Psychol
EDU 021201 Educational Test & FOED ELLD LD: Educational Test &
EDU 025401 Art For the Educator ELED ELLD LD: Art For the Educator
EDU 030501 Legal Found of Publ FOED ELUD UD: Legal Found of Publ
EDU 031001 Hist & Phil of Amer FOED ELUD UD: Hist & Phil of Amer
EDU 032401 Books & Related Mat ELEC ELUD UD: Books & Related Mat
EDU 041001 Strategies of Teach YOED ELUD UD: Strategies of Teach
EDU 041301 Classroom Organiz & YOED 4000 Managing Clsrm for Instruction
EDU 0427 Teach Thea & Drama THEA ELUD UD: Teach Thea & Drama
EDU 043001 Practicum In Instru SPSE ELUD UD: Practicum In Instru
EDU 043101 Special Studies In FOED ELUD UD: Special Studies In
EDU 043901 Special Studies In FOED ELUD UD: Special Studies In
EDU 045001 Internship FOED ELUD UD: Internship
EDU 0454 Arts For the Ed ELED ELUD UD: Arts For the Ed
EDU 046001 Admin of Early Chil ELED ELUD UD: Admin of Early Chil
EDU 049901 Special Topics M ELED 4260 Problems in Elementary Edu
EDU 0850 Resource Laboratory ELED ELLD LD: Resource Laboratory
EDU 0900 How to Study DSPS ELLD LD: How to Study
EDU 1160 Practice of EDU Seminar FOED ELLD LD:Practice of EDU Seminar
EDU 1950 Studies Abroad ELED ELLD LD: Studies Abroad
EDU 1990 Special Topics ELED 4260 Problems in Elementary Edu
EDU 2010 Art Education I ART ELLD LD: Art Education I
EDU 2020 Art Education II ART ELLD LD: Art Education II
EDU 2030 Arts & Cra Elem Sch ART ELLD LD: Arts & Cra Elem Sch
EDU 2100 Foundations of Edu EESE 2010 Introduction to Education
EDU 2110 Educational Psychol EESE ELLD LD: Educational Psychol
EDU 2120 Educ Tests & Meas FOED ELLD LD: Educ Tests & Meas
EDU 2160 Prac EDU Seminar II FOED ELLD LD:Prac EDU Seminar II
EDU 2221 Child Dev Ed & Gui ELED ELLD LD: Child Dev Ed & Gui
EDU 2223 Human Dev & Edu ELED ELLD LD: Human Dev & Edu
EDU 222C01 Child Devel,Educ, & ELED ELLD LD: Child Devel,Educ, &
EDU 250M01 Middle School Persp ELED ELLD LD: Middle School Persp
EDU 2540 Arts For Educator ELED ELLD LD: Arts For Educator
EDU 2895 Children's and Adoles Lit ENGL ELLD LD:Children's and Adoles Lit
EDU 301E01 Teach & Super of R FOED ELUD UD: Teach & Super of R
EDU 301S01 The Teaching & Supe FOED ELUD UD: The Teaching & Supe
EDU 3025 Literacy/Culture/Community READ ELUD UD:Literacy/Culture/Community
EDU 3030 Literacy I READ ELUD UD: Literacy I
EDU 3031 Infant & Todd Prog ELED ELUD UD: Infant & Todd Prog
EDU 303C01 Nursery School Prog ELED ELUD UD: Nursery School Prog
EDU 303E01 Teaching & Super Re READ ELUD UD: Teaching & Super Re
EDU 3040 Math In Elem School ELED ELUD UD: Math In Elem School
EDU 304E01 Math In Elem School ELED ELUD UD: Math In Elem School
EDU 3050 Leg Found of Pub Ed FOED ELUD UD: Leg Found of Pub Ed
EDU 3100 Hist & Phil of Am Ed FOED ELUD UD: Hist & Phil of Am Ed
EDU 3200 Elem School Curricul ELED ELUD UD: Elem School Curricul
EDU 3201 Curriculum of Ece ELED ELUD UD: Curriculum of Ece
EDU 320C01 Curriculum Early Ch ELED ELUD UD: Curriculum Early Ch
EDU 320E01 Elem School Curricu ELED ELUD UD: Elem School Curricu
EDU 322L01 Reference Mtrls ELED ELUD UD: Reference Mtrls
EDU 3230 Phys Ed In Elem Sch ELED ELUD UD: Phys Ed In Elem Sch
EDU 323E01 Health & Phys Educ ELED ELUD UD: Health & Phys Educ
EDU 3240 Books and Mat For Ch ELED ELUD UD: Books and Mat For Ch
EDU 3243 Adolescent Literatur ELED ELUD UD: Adolescent Literatur
EDU 324E01 Books & Related Mat ELED ELUD UD: Books & Related Mat
EDU 324S01 Adolescent Literatu ELED ELUD UD: Adolescent Literatu
EDU 330R Study Except Child SPED ELUD UD: Study Except Child
EDU 3503 Mid Sch Perspectives ELED ELUD UD: Mid Sch Perspectives
EDU 350M Middle School Perspe ELED ELUD UD: Middle School Perspe
EDU 3800 Meet Needs of Diverse Learner FOED ELUD UD: Meet Needs of Diverse Lear
EDU 380R Study of Exceptional SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
EDU 381R Study Characteristim SPED ELUD UD: Study Characteristim
EDU 382R Educ Procedures Hanm SPED 4140 Techq Strat (Comprehensive)
EDU 383R Educational Assessm SPED ELUD UD: Educational Assessm
EDU 384R01 The Nature & Teachi SPED ELUD UD: The Nature & Teachi
EDU 386R01 Diagnosis & Treatme SPED ELUD UD: Diagnosis & Treatme
EDU 387R01 Intro Study Retarde SPED ELUD UD: Intro Study Retarde
EDU 4001 Ec Methods Block ELED ELUD UD: Ec Methods Block
EDU 4003 Mid Sch Mthd Block ELED ELUD UD: Mid Sch Mthd Block
EDU 4110 Strategies of Teachi YOED ELUD UD: Strategies of Teachi
EDU 4130 Classroom Org & Mgmt YOED 4000 Managing Clsrm for Instruction
EDU 419S01 Sponsoring High Sch FOED ELUD UD: Sponsoring High Sch
EDU 4200 Teaching K-8 & 1-8 ELED ELUD UD: Teaching K-8 & 1-8
EDU 4201 Teaching In Pre K-4 ELED ELUD UD: Teaching In Pre K-4
EDU 4203 Teach Mid Sch Gr 5-8 ELED ELUD UD: Teach Mid Sch Gr 5-8
EDU 420C01 Teaching In Grades ELED ELUD UD: Teaching In Grades
EDU 420E01 Teaching In Grades ELED ELUD UD: Teaching In Grades
EDU 420M01 Teaching Middle Sch ELED ELUD UD: Teaching Middle Sch
EDU 420S01 Teaching Secondary FOED ELUD UD: Teaching Secondary
EDU 4210 Elem Sch Mus Meth ELED ELUD UD: Elem Sch Mus Meth
EDU 421E01 Elem School Music M ELED ELUD UD: Elem School Music M
EDU 421S01 Teaching Math Secon YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Math Secon
EDU 4221 Mthd & Mat For Ece ELED ELUD UD: Mthd & Mat For Ece
EDU 422C01 Methods & Mat Early ELED ELUD UD: Methods & Mat Early
EDU 422S01 Secondary School Mu YOED ELUD UD: Secondary School Mu
EDU 4230 Literacy II ELED ELUD UD: Literacy II
EDU 4233 Teach Engl Secondary YOED ELUD UD: Teach Engl Secondary
EDU 423E01 Teaching & Language ELED ELUD UD: Teaching & Language
EDU 423S01 Teaching English Se YOED ELUD UD: Teaching English Se
EDU 4240 Teach Mus In Class ELED ELUD UD: Teach Mus In Class
EDU 424E01 Teaching Music Clas ELED ELUD UD: Teaching Music Clas
EDU 424S Tch For Lg Sec Levl ELED ELUD UD: Tch For Lg Sec Levl
EDU 4250 Science In Elem Sch ELED ELUD UD: Science In Elem Sch
EDU 425E01 Science In Elem Sch ELED ELUD UD: Science In Elem Sch
EDU 425S01 Teaching Natural Sc YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Natural Sc
EDU 4260 Teach Soc Stu Elem S ELED ELUD UD: Teach Soc Stu Elem S
EDU 426E01 Teaching Social Stu ELED ELUD UD: Teaching Social Stu
EDU 426S01 Teaching Social Stu YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Social Stu
EDU 4270 Tea Theatre & Drama THEA ELUD UD: Tea Theatre & Drama
EDU 427S01 Teaching Business S YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Business S
EDU 428S01 Teaching Phys Educ YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Phys Educ
EDU 429E01 Teaching Reading Co READ ELUD UD: Teaching Reading Co
EDU 429S01 Teaching Reading Co READ ELUD UD: Teaching Reading Co
EDU 4300 Pract In Elem Ed ELED ELUD UD: Pract In Elem Ed
EDU 4301 Practicum In Kinderg ELED ELUD UD: Practicum In Kinderg
EDU 4303 Pract In Mid Sch Ed ELED ELUD UD: Pract In Mid Sch Ed
EDU 430C01 Practicum In Kinder ELED ELUD UD: Practicum In Kinder
EDU 430E01 Practicum In Elem E ELED ELUD UD: Practicum In Elem E
EDU 430R Practicum In Speciam SPED ELUD UD: Practicum In Speciam
EDU 430S01 Practicum In Second YOED ELUD UD: Practicum In Second
EDU 4310 Spec Stud Elem Ed ELED ELUD UD: Spec Stud Elem Ed
EDU 4311 Spec Stud In Kinderg ELED ELUD UD: Spec Stud In Kinderg
EDU 431C01 Special Studies In ELED ELUD UD: Special Studies In
EDU 431E01 Special Studies Ele ELED ELUD UD: Special Studies Ele
EDU 431R01 Special Studies Spe SPED ELUD UD: Special Studies Spe
EDU 431S01 Special Studies Sec YOED ELUD UD: Special Studies Sec
EDU 4390 Spec Stud Elem Ed ELED ELUD UD: Spec Stud Elem Ed
EDU 4391 Spec Stud In Kinderg ELED ELUD UD: Spec Stud In Kinderg
EDU 439C01 Special Studies Kin ELED ELUD UD: Special Studies Kin
EDU 439E01 Special Studies Ele ELED ELUD UD: Special Studies Ele
EDU 439R01 Special Studies Spe SPED ELUD UD: Special Studies Spe
EDU 439S01 Special Studies Sec YOED ELUD UD: Special Studies Sec
EDU 4400 Stu Tea K-8 & 1-8 ELED ELUD UD: Stu Tea K-8 & 1-8
EDU 4401 Student Teach Prek-4 ELED ELUD UD: Student Teach Prek-4
EDU 4403 Stu Tea Mid Sch 5-8 ELED ELUD UD: Stu Tea Mid Sch 5-8
EDU 440C01 Student Teach Early ELED ELUD UD: Student Teach Early
EDU 440E01 Student Teach Grade ELED ELUD UD: Student Teach Grade
EDU 440M01 Student Teach Grade ELED ELUD UD: Student Teach Grade
EDU 440R01 Student Teaching Sp SPED ELUD UD: Student Teaching Sp
EDU 440S01 Student Teaching Se YOED ELUD UD: Student Teaching Se
EDU 441C01 Seminar For Student ELED ELUD UD: Seminar For Student
EDU 441E01 Seminar For Student ELED ELUD UD: Seminar For Student
EDU 441M01 Seminar For Student ELED ELUD UD: Seminar For Student
EDU 441R01 Seminar In Special ELED ELUD UD: Seminar In Special
EDU 441S01 Seminar For Student ELED ELUD UD: Seminar For Student
EDU 4500 Internship FOED ELUD UD: Internship
EDU 4510 Special Studies Work ELED ELUD UD: Special Studies Work
EDU 4601 Adm of Ece Programs ELED ELUD UD: Adm of Ece Programs
EDU 460C01 Admin Early Child E ELED ELUD UD: Admin Early Child E
EDU 4950 Studies Abroad ELED ELUD UD: Studies Abroad
EDU 498S01 Special Readings ELED ELUD UD: Special Readings
EDU 4990 Special Studies ELED 4260 Problems in Elementary Edu
EDUC 020001 School & Comn ELED ELLD LD: School & Comn
EDUC 0211 Educ Psychology FOED ELLD LD: Educ Psychology
EDUC 0241 Handwriting ELED ELLD LD: Handwriting
EDUC 0301 Teach Reading READ ELUD UD: Teach Reading
EDUC 0304 Math Elem School ELED ELUD UD: Math Elem School
EDUC 0324 Child Literature ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
EIS 1220 The Entertainment Industry EMC ELLD LD:Entertainment Industry
EIS 2100 Entertainment Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Entertainment Seminar
EIS 2310 Entertainment Industry Econ ELEC ELLD LD:Entertainment Industry Econ
EIS 2350 Creative Entertainment Technol ELEC ELLD LD:Creative Entertainment Tech
EIS 2895 SP TOP:Emot & Soc Intell Pract ELEC ELLD LD:SP TOP:Emot & Soc Intell Pr
EIS 3840 Entertainment Dist EMC ELUD UD:Entertainment Dist
EIS 3895 Emotion & Social Intelligence ELEC ELLD LD:Emotion & Social Intelligen
EIS 4000 Entertainment Seminar ELEC ELUD UD:Entertainment Seminar
ENG 008001 English DSPW ELLD LD: English
ENG 009001 Basic Composition DSPW ELLD LD: Basic Composition
ENG 010001 International Engli ENGL ELLD LD: International Engli
ENG 010101 Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0102 Freshman Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 010301 Composition Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Composition Writing
ENG 011001 Freshman Compositio ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 0195 Studies Abroad ENGL ELLD LD: Studies Abroad
ENG 019901 Special Studies ENGL ELLD LD: Special Studies
ENG 0200 Critical Read & Writ ENGL ELLD LD: Critical Read & Writ
ENG 0203 The Writing Studio ENGL ELLD LD: The Writing Studio
ENG 020401 Western World ENGL ELLD LD: Western World
ENG 0210 Writing Affiliate ENGL ELLD LD: Writing Affiliate
ENG 021101 British Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 0212 British Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 022101 American Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 022201 American Literature ENGL ELLD LD: American Literature
ENG 022501 American Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 023101 Continental Literat ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 023201 Continental Literat ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 0240 Postmodernism In Phi ENGL ELLD LD: Postmodernism In Phi
ENG 024501 Critical Reading & ENGL ELLD LD: Critical Reading &
ENG 0299 Spec Stu Bus of Am Li ENGL ELLD LD: Spec Stu Bus of Am Li
ENG 0300 Writing Publ ENGL ELUD UD: Writing Publ
ENG 031101 American Literature ENGL ELUD UD: American Literature
ENG 031201 American Literature ENGL ELUD UD: American Literature
ENG 0320 Class Mythology ENGL 3410 Classical Mythology
ENG 032101 Shakespeare Com Ds ENGL 4130 Early Shakespeare
ENG 0322 Shakespeare Trg ENGL 4140 Late Shakespeare
ENG 0325 Chaucer His Age ENGL 4110 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
ENG 0330 Classical Mythology ENGL 3410 Classical Mythology
ENG 0331 Special Topics In Cl ENGL ELUD UD: Special Topics In Cl
ENG 034101 Creative Writing:Fi ENGL ELUD UD: Creative Writing:Fi
ENG 034201 Creative Writing:Po ENGL ELUD UD: Creative Writing:Po
ENG 0344 Teaching English As ENGL 4540 Second Language Writing
ENG 035001 Hist of Language & ENGL 4530 History of English Language
ENG 035201 Special Topics In M ENGL ELUD UD: Special Topics In M
ENG 035401 Chaucer ENGL 4110 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
ENG 0355 Exploratory Writing ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
ENG 036001 Renaissance Literat ENGL 3120 English Lit 16th Century
ENG 036201 Shakespeare:Represem ENGL 4130 Early Shakespeare
ENG 036601 Restoration & Eight ENGL 3210 Engl Lit Restoration 18th Cent
ENG 037201 Romanticism In Engl ENGL 3220 English Lit 1790 to 1850
ENG 037401 Victorian Literatur ENGL 3230 English Lit Victorian Period
ENG 037601 Nineteenth-Century ENGL ELUD UD: Nineteenth-Century
ENG 038001 American Renaissanc ENGL 4310 The American Renaissance
ENG 038101 African-American Li ENGL ELUD UD: African-American Li
ENG 038201 American Southern L ENGL 3330 Southern Literature
ENG 0383 Modern Irish Literat ENGL ELUD UD: Modern Irish Literat
ENG 038401 Modern Poetry ENGL 4910 Studies in Poetry
ENG 0385 The Short Story ENGL 3350 America Short Story in Context
ENG 038601 Modern Fiction ENGL 4930 Studies in The Novel
ENG 0387 Ethnicity & Literatu ENGL ELUD UD: Ethnicity & Literatu
ENG 038801 Women Writers M ENGL 3725 19th Century Women Writers
ENG 0389 African American Lit ENGL ELUD UD: African American Lit
ENG 039001 Intro Literary Crit ENGL 4410 Literary Criticism
ENG 0391 Early American Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Early American Lit
ENG 0392 American Renaissance ENGL ELUD UD: American Renaissance
ENG 0395 Std Abrd/Irish Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Std Abrd/Irish Lit
ENG 0397 Journal Workshop ENGL ELUD UD: Journal Workshop
ENG 039901 Ind Stdy Oscar Wild ENGL ELUD UD: Ind Stdy Oscar Wild
ENG 0411 Lit Western Wrld ENGL ELUD UD: Lit Western Wrld
ENG 0412 Lit Western World ENGL ELUD UD: Lit Western World
ENG 043501 British ENGL ELUD UD: British
ENG 043601 American ENGL ELUD UD: American
ENG 043701 World ENGL ELUD UD: World
ENG 0438 Genre ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENG 0495 Studies Abroad ENGL ELUD UD: Studies Abroad
ENG 049901 Special Studies ENGL ELUD UD: Special Studies
ENG 100C International Englis ENGL ELLD LD: International Englis
ENG 1010 First Year Writing ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 101C01 Freshman Compositio ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 101S Composition/Serv Com ENGL ELLD LD: Composition/Serv Com
ENG 102C Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 102S Comp Service Learn ENGL ELLD LD: Comp Service Learn
ENG 1050 Understanding Literary Lang ENGL ELLD LD:Understanding Literary Lang
ENG 1100 1st Year Writing Se ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 110C Fresh Comp Seminar ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 1895 Special Topics ENGL ELLD LD:Special Topics
ENG 1900 Intro to English Studies ENGL ELLD LD:Intro to English Studies
ENG 2000 Critical Read & Write-Lit ENGL ELLD LD:Critical Read & Write-Lit
ENG 2100 Writ Affiliate/Musi ENGL ELLD LD: Writ Affiliate/Musi
ENG 211W British Lit I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 2120 British Literature II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 2220 Amer Literature II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 231W Phil Laughter Cont ENGL ELLD LD: Phil Laughter Cont
ENG 2320 Continental Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 2895 Digital Literacy ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 3000 Jr Seminar ENGL ELUD UD:Jr Seminar
ENG 3010 3rd Year Writing ENGL ELUD UD: 3rd Year Writing
ENG 3520 Arthurian Romance ENGL ELUD UD: Arthurian Romance
ENG 3600 Sp Top/Early Mod Bri ENGL 3120 English Lit 16th Century
ENG 3950 Third-Year Writing Central Eur ENGL ELUD UD:Third-Yr Wrtg Central Euro
ENGW 0195 Studies Abroad (3-12 ENGL ELLD LD: Studies Abroad (3-12
ENGW 0241 Interm Creat Writ W ENGL ELLD LD: Interm Creat Writ W
ENGW 0305 Writing & Learning ENGL ELUD UD: Writing & Learning
ENGW 0357 Professional Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Professional Writing
ENGW 0396 Internship (1-3) ENGL 4600 Writing Internship
ENGW 0397 Journal Workshop ENGL ELUD UD: Journal Workshop
ENGW 0399 Journalism as Litera ENGL ELUD UD: Journalism as Litera
ENGW 0401 Writing Seminar: Por ENGL ELUD UD: Writing Seminar: Por
ENGW 0495 Studies Abroad (3-12 ENGL ELUD UD: Studies Abroad (3-12
ENGW 2510 Inter Comp/Cultural ENGL ELLD LD: Inter Comp/Cultural
ENL 1895 True Lies:Music Autobiography ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENL 2000 Crit Read & Writ Li ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENL 2015 Faith and Doubt in Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENL 2110 British Literature I ENGL 3010 British Lit I: Beginnings-1700
ENL 2120 British Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENL 2210 American Lit I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENL 2220 American Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENL 2310 European Literature I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENL 2320 European Literature II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENL 2330 World Literature I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENL 2340 World Literature II ENGL ELLD LD:World Literature II
ENL 2895 Special Topics ENGL ELLD LD:Special Topics
ENL 2950 England/Intro Cultu ENGL ELLD LD: England/Intro Cultu
ENL 2990 Lit & Theatre ENGL ELLD LD: Lit & Theatre
ENL 3310 Classical Poetry ENGL ELUD UD:Classical Poetry
ENL 3500 Hist of Lang & Ling ENGL ELUD UD: Hist of Lang & Ling
ENL 3620 Shakespeare:Represntv Play ENGL 3135 Introduction to Shakespeare
ENL 3660 18th Cen Brit Lit ENGL 3210 Engl Lit Restoration 18th Cent
ENL 3740 Victorian Literature ENGL 3230 English Lit Victorian Period
ENL 3760 The Novel ENGL 4930 Studies in The Novel
ENL 3800 From Meiji to the Millennium ENGL ELUD UD:From Meiji to the Millenni
ENL 3850 The Short Story ENGL ELUD UD: The Short Story
ENL 3895 Shakespeare:Tragedies & Rom ENGL 3135 Introduction to Shakespeare
ENL 3910 Constructions of Gen ENGL ELUD UD: Constructions of Gen
ENL 3930 American Realism ENGL 3310 19th Century American Lit
ENL 3940 American Southern Literature ENGL 3330 Southern Literature
ENL 3950 Ccsa London/British ENGL ELUD UD: Ccsa London/British
ENL 3990 Pirates, Literature & Film ENGL ELUD UD:Pirates, Lit & Film
ENL 4360 Adv Studies in American Lit ENGL ELUD UD:Adv Studies in Amer Lit
ENV 1110 Intro Environ Studi ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
ENV 1150 Intro to Envi Sci ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
ENV 1155 Intro to Environmental Sci Lab ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
ENV 1950 Studies Abroad ELEC ELLD LD:Studies Abroad
ENW 1895 The Rhetoric of Country Music ENGL ELLD LD:The Rhetoric of Country Mus
ENW 2000 Theories of Writing ENGL ELLD LD:Theories of Writing
ENW 2015 Poetry & Human Experience ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENW 2100 Digital Literacies ENGL ELLD LD:Digital Literacies
ENW 2210 Writers in Context ENGL ELLD LD:Writers in Context
ENW 2310 Introduction to Rhetoric COMM ELLD LD:Introduction to Rhetoric
ENW 2430 Intermediate Creative Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Intermediate Creative Writ
ENW 2510 The Art of the Essay ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENW 2895 Writers in Context ENGL ELLD LD:Writers in Context
ENW 3410 Craft of Fiction ENGL 3645 Fiction Writing
ENW 3420 Adv Creative Writing-Poetry ENGL 3655 Poetry Writing
ENW 3510 Advanced Composition ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
ENW 3560 Reading & Writing in the Genre ENGL ELUD UD:Reading & Writing in Genre
ENW 3570 Professional Writing ENGL 3620 Professional Writing
ENW 3580 Writing in the Community ENGL ELUD UD:Writing in the Community
ENW 3680 Literary Editing in Context ENGL ELUD UD:Literary Editing in Context
ENW 3895 Sound and Persuasion ENGL ELUD UD:Sound and Persuasion
ENW 4010 Writing Seminar ENGL ELUD UD:Writing Seminar
ESP 0106 Reading For Writng ENGL ELLD LD: Reading For Writng
ESP 0122 Literary Genres 2 ENGL ELLD LD: Literary Genres 2
ETP 1895 Business Model You ENTR ELLD LD:Business Model You
ETP 3000 Found in Entrepreneurship BCED ELLD LD:Found Entrepreneurship
ETP 3600 Build Stakeholder Relations ENTR ELUD UD:Build Stakeholder Relations
ETP 3700 Entrepreneurial Fin Mgmt ENTR ELUD UD:Entrepreneurial Fin Mgmt
ETP 3800 Service Learning in Entreprenu BCED ELUD UD:Service Learning Entre
ETP 4200 International Entrepreneurship ENTR ELUD UD:International Entrepreneurs
EXS 020201 General Anat & Phys BIOL 2030 Anatomy and Physiology
EXS 022301 Nutrition NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition
EXS 030101 Physiology of Exerc EXSC ELUD UD: Physiology of Exercise
EXS 0375 Sports Medicine ATHT ELLD LD: Sports Medicine
EXS 038001 Sports Medicine II ATHT ELUD UD: Sports Medicine II
EXS 0387 Rehab of Ath Injur ATHT ELUD UD: Rehab of Ath Injur
EXS 040001 Stress Management HLTH ELUD UD: Stress Management
EXS 0401 Clinic Rotation Sprt ATHT ELUD UD: Clinic Rotation Sprt
EXS 040501 Practicum In Athlet ATHC ELUD UD: Practicum In Athlet
EXS 0421 Exercise Test & Pres EXSC 4240 Prin Exercise Assess Hlth Pop
EXS 042501 Kinesiology PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
EXS 043001 Program Planning Fi PHED ELUD UD: Program Planning Fi
EXS 0435 Prog Implem & Evalua EXSC 4810 Measurement and Evaluation
EXS 044001 Practicum In Fitnes PHED ELUD UD: Practicum In Fitnes
EXS 045001 Exercise Science Fi PHED ELUD UD: Exercise Science Fi
EXS 046001 Seminar In Exercise PHED ELUD UD: Seminar In Exercise
EXS 049001 Sports Medicine II ATHT ELUD UD: Sports Medicine II
EXS 0499 Prac For Ex Sci HLTH ELUD UD: Prac For Ex Sci
EXS 1010 Foundations of Sport Science PHED ELLD LD:Foundations of Sport Scienc
EXS 2000 Kinesiology EXSC ELLD LD: Kinesiology
EXS 3010 Exercise Physiology EXSC ELUD UD:Exercise Physiology
EXS 3120 Lab Methods in EXS EXSC ELUD UD:Lab Methods in EXS
EXS 4210 Exercise Prescription EXSC 4230 Exer Prescription Program Plan
EXS 4500 Intern in Exercise Science EXSC ELUD UD:Intern in Exercise Science
EXS 4600 Seminar in Exercise Science EXSC 4000 Research in Exercise Science
FIL 0101 Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
FIL 0106 Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Ethics
FIN 00430 Int'l Captial Mkts FIN 4860 International Financial Mgmt
FIN 015101 Personal Money Mana FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
FIN 019901 Special Studies FIN ELLD LD: Special Studies
FIN 024601 Intro to Investing FIN ELLD LD: Intro to Investing
FIN 030101 Investments Laborat FIN ELUD UD: Investments Laborat
FIN 030201 Investments Laborat FIN ELUD UD: Investments Laborat
FIN 030301 Investments Laborat FIN ELUD UD: Investments Laborat
FIN 032101 Business Finance FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FIN 032301 Real Estate FIN 3030 Principles of Real Estate
FIN 032401 Real Estate Investm FIN ELUD UD: Real Estate Investm
FIN 033201 Bank Management FIN ELUD UD: Bank Management
FIN 0333 Financial Institutio FIN 4260 Financial Markets Institutions
FIN 033801 Insurance & Risk Mg FIN 3050 Principles of Risk Mgmt & Ins
FIN 034601 Intro to Investing FIN ELUD UD: Intro to Investing
FIN 0351 Survey Financial Ser FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
FIN 0421 Corporate Finance FIN 3950 Corporate Finance
FIN 042901 Seminar In Insuranc FIN ELUD UD: Seminar In Insuranc
FIN 0430 Intl Corporate Finan FIN 4860 International Financial Mgmt
FIN 0433 Intl Fin Mkts & Inst FIN ELUD UD: Intl Fin Mkts & Inst
FIN 044101 Advanced Business F FIN 4110 Cases in Finance
FIN 0499 Special Studies FIN 4990 Independent Study in Finance
FIN 1510 Personal Money Mgnt FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
FIN 3010 Investments Lab FIN ELUD UD:Investments Lab
FIN 3020 Investments Lab FIN ELUD UD:Investments Lab
FIN 3210 Business Finance FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FIN 3460 Investment Portfolio Mgmt FIN ELUD UD: Investment Portfolio Mgmt
FR 010101 Elem French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FR 010201 Elem French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FR 020101 Interm French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FRE 010101 Elementary French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FRE 010201 Elementary French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FRE 0195 Studies Abroad FREN ELLD LD: Studies Abroad
FRE 0199 Special Studies FREN ELLD LD: Special Studies
FRE 020101 Intermediate French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FRE 020201 Intermediate French FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FRE 0210 Intermed Stud In Fre FREN ELLD LD: Intermed Stud In Fre
FRE 0295 Studies Abroad Franc FREN ELLD LD: Studies Abroad Franc
FRE 029901 Inter Stud In Frenc FREN ELLD LD: Inter Stud In Frenc
FRE 030101 Intro French Litera FREN ELUD UD: Intro French Litera
FRE 030201 Intro French Litera FREN ELUD UD: Intro French Litera
FRE 031101 Adv Conversation & FREN 3010 Advanced Composition
FRE 031201 Intro a La Civilisa FREN ELUD UD: Intro a La Civilisa
FRE 035001 Advanced French Lit FREN ELUD UD: Advanced French Lit
FRE 036001 Special Topics In F FREN ELUD UD: Special Topics In F
FRE 0395 Studies Abroad FREN 3910 Study Abroad
FRE 0423 Adv French Reading FREN ELUD UD: Adv French Reading
FRE 0424 Adv French Rdgs FREN ELUD UD: Adv French Rdgs
FRE 0499 Special Studies FREN 4900 Dir Study French Lit Culture
FRE 1010 Elem French I FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FRE 1020 Elem French II FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FRE 2010 Intermed French I FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FRE 2020 Intermed French II FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FRE 2100 Intermediate Study FREN ELLD LD: Intermediate Study
FRE 3010 French Lit & Civ FREN ELUD UD:French Lit & Civ
FRE 3100 Adv French Studies FREN ELUD UD:Adv French Studies
FRE 3600 Les Francais/Les Americains FREN ELUD UD: Les Francais/Les Americain
FRE 3950 Adv French In France FREN 3910 Study Abroad
FREN 0102 Elem French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 0201 Interm French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 0212 French Reading FREN ELLD LD: French Reading
FREN 0343 Conversational FREN 3040 Intensive Conversation French
FREN 0344 Fr Composition FREN 3010 Advanced Composition
FSD 1314 Flat Pattern I TXMD ELLD LD:Flat Pattern I
FSD 1400 Intro to Fashion TXMD ELLD LD:Intro to Fashion
FSD 1420 Evolution of Fashion TXMD 2200 History of Fashion
FSD 1440 Fashion Illustration I TXMD ELLD LD:Fashion Illustration I
FSD 2100 Fashion Forecasting TXMD ELLD LD:Fashion Forecasting
FSD 2200 Fashion Textiles TXMD 2180 Textiles
FSD 2306 Clothing Construction TXMD 3200 Apparel Construction I
FSD 2307 Clothing Construction II TXMD ELLD LD:Clothing Construction II
FSD 2315 Flat Pattern II TXMD ELLD LD:Flat Pattern II
FSD 2410 Fashion Technology I TXMD 1170 Intro to Fashion Industry
FSD 2440 Fashion Illustration II TXMD ELLD LD:Fashion Illustration II
FSD 2490 Fashion Design Illustration TXMD ELLD LD:Fashion Design Illustration
FSD 3000 Fashion Entrepreneurship TXMD ELUD UD:Fashion Entrepreneurship
FSD 3491 Fashion Design Illust II TXMD ELUD UD:Fashion Design Illust II
FSD 4211 Fashion Portfolio Development TXMD ELUD UD:Fashion Portfolio Develpmnt
FSD 4471 Fashion Internship II TXMD ELUD UD:Fashion Internship II
FSM 2420 Fashion Technology II TXMD ELLD LD:Fashion Technology II
FSM 2440 Fashion Illustration II TXMD ELLD LD:Fashion Technology II
GEO 019901 Special Studies GEOG ELLD LD: Special Studies
GEO 022001 Conservation Natura GEOG ELLD LD: Conservation Natura
GEO 023001 Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Geography
GEO 049901 Special Studies GEOG ELUD UD: Special Studies
GEO 2300 Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Geography
GER 010101 Elementary German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GER 010201 Elementary German GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GER 0199 Special Studies GERM ELLD LD: Special Studies
GER 020101 Intermediate German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GER 020201 Intermediate German GERM 2020 Intermediate German II
GER 0295 Studies Abroad GERM ELLD LD: Studies Abroad
GER 030101 Advanced German Stu GERM ELUD UD: Advanced German Stu
GER 030201 Advanced German Stu GERM ELUD UD: Advanced German Stu
GER 031101 Advanced Conversati GERM ELUD UD: Advanced Conversati
GER 031201 Intro to German Lit GERM ELUD UD: Intro to German Lit
GER 0320 German Lit In Trans GERM ELUD UD: German Lit In Trans
GER 0350 Topics In German Lit GERM ELUD UD: Topics In German Lit
GER 0360 Special Topics In Ge GERM 3050 Survey of German Culture
GER 0395 Studies Abroad GERM 3910 Study Abroad
GER 0499 Special Studies GERM 4900 Dir Study German Lit Culture
GER 1010 Elem German I GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GER 1020 Elementary German II GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GER 2010 Intermediate German I GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GER 2020 Intermed German II GERM 2020 Intermediate German II
GER 2950 Germany:IntermediateGERStudy GERM ELLD LD:Germany:Intermed. GERStudy
GER 3020 German Studies II GERM ELUD UD:German Studies II
GER 3600 Special Topics in German GERM ELUD UD:Special Topics in German
GER 3950 Germany:Studies in GER Lang GERM ELUD UD:Germany:Studies in GER Lang
GER 3990 Studies in German GERM ELUD UD:Studies in German
GLS 1100 Intro Global Leadership Stud GS 2010 Intro Cross-Cultural Exper
GLS 2015 Nat Amer & Amer Polit Dev LEAD ELLD LD:Nat Amer & Amer Polit Dev
GND 0105 Computer Prof Leveli CSCI ELLD LD: Computer Prof Leveli
GND 0110 Acad Orient Seminar UNIV ELLD LD: Acad Orient Seminar
GND 0199 Sp St Academic Orein ELEC ELLD LD: Sp St Academic Orein
GND 1015 First Year Seminar ELEC ELLD LD:First Year Seminar
GND 1050 Computer Prof/Lev I CSCI ELLD LD: Computer Prof/Lev I
GND 1100 Acad Orient Seminar UNIV ELLD LD: Acad Orient Seminar
GND 1895 Special Topics ELEC ELLD LD:Special Topics
GND 2050 Computer Prof II CSCI ELLD LD: Computer Prof II
GND 3050 Computer Prof III CSCI ELUD UD: Computer Prof III
GND 4050 Computer Prof IV CSCI ELUD UD: Computer Prof IV
GNST 0122 Drawing I ART ELLD LD: Drawing I
GNST 0160 Effective Speaking COMM ELLD LD: Effective Speaking
GNST 0212 Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
GNST 0250 General Economics ECON ELLD LD: General Economics
H EC 0101 Orient to H E FCSE ELLD LD: Orient to H E
H EC 0141 Pres Prep Food NFS ELLD LD: Pres Prep Food
H EC 0222 Cld Dev Fam Rel CDFS ELLD LD: Cld Dev Fam Rel
H EC 0242 Sel Prep Foods NFS ELLD LD: Sel Prep Foods
HADM 2200 Health Policy ELEC ELLD LD:Health Policy
HADM 3300 Intro to Health Administration ELEC ELUD UD:Intro to Health Administrat
HADM 4830 Comp Public Hlth Care Finance ELEC ELUD UD:Comp Public Hlth Care Fin
HBM 033901 Restaurant & Food S NFS ELUD UD: Restaurant & Food S
HBM 039101 Hotel Operating Pra NFS ELUD UD: Hotel Operating Pra
HBU 011101 Survey of Hospitali ELEC ELLD LD: Survey of Hospitali
HBU 019901 Special Studies ELEC ELLD LD: Special Studies
HBU 021101 Prin & Phil of Tour ELEC ELLD LD: Prin & Phil of Tour
HBU 022001 Travel Service Mana ELEC ELLD LD: Travel Service Mana
HBU 023801 Institutional Food ELEC ELLD LD: Institutional Food
HBU 023901 Food Service Manage ELEC ELLD LD: Food Service Manage
HBU 029101 Hotel Operating Pra ELEC ELLD LD: Hotel Operating Pra
HBU 030801 Restaurant/Food Ser ELEC ELUD UD: Restaurant/Food Ser
HBU 032001 International Trave ELEC ELUD UD: International Trave
HBU 033001 Bus & Corporate Trv ELEC ELLD LD: Bus & Corporate Trv
HBU 034101 Hospitality Law ELEC ELUD UD: Hospitality Law
HBU 037001 Hospitality Merchan ELEC ELUD UD: Hospitality Merchan
HBU 049101 Advanced Hotel Mana ELEC ELUD UD: Advanced Hotel Mana
HBU 049901 Special Studies ELEC ELUD UD: Special Studies
HCM 0301 Hlth Care Systems Is ELEC ELLD LD: Hlth Care Systems Is
HCM 0326 Financial Mgmt of He MGMT ELUD UD: Financial Mgmt of He
HCM 0333 Ethical & Legal Issu HLTH ELUD UD: Ethical & Legal Issu
HCM 0423 Marketing In Health MKT ELUD UD: Marketing In Health
HCM 0427 Resource Mgmt In Hea MGMT ELUD UD: Resource Mgmt In Hea
HCM 0436 Health Care Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Health Care Mgmt
HCM 0463 Health Care Mgmt Int MGMT ELUD UD: Health Care Mgmt Int
HEA 0222 Community Health HLTH ELLD LD: Community Health
HEA 022301 Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HEA 030001 School Health Educ HLTH 4300 The School Health Program
HEA 0303 Personal Health HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HEA 032701 Teaching First Aid HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HEA 040001 School Health Educa HLTH ELUD UD: School Health Educa
HEA 0450 Practicum In Health HLTH ELUD UD: Practicum In Health
HIS 0101 Hist of Western Civ HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIS 0102 World Hist Sn 1500 HIST ELLD LD: World Hist Sn 1500
HIS 0107 World Tradition HIST ELLD LD: World Tradition
HIS 019901 Special Studies HIST ELLD LD: Special Studies
HIS 020101 History of the Unit HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIS 020201 History of the Unit HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIS 020301 Western World HIST ELLD LD: Western World
HIS 020401 Western World HIST ELLD LD: Western World
HIS 020501 The Craft of Histor HIST 3010 The Historian's Craft
HIS 0206 Found Mod Europe HIST ELLD LD: Found Mod Europe
HIS 0210 Found of US History HIST ELLD LD: Found of US History
HIS 0212 Devel PR Nation HIST ELLD LD: Devel PR Nation
HIS 029101 Survey Ancient Hist HIST ELLD LD: Survey Ancient Hist
HIS 0310 Us & Wld Since 1945 HIST 4070 Cold War America
HIS 0315 Amer Social to 1865 HIST ELUD UD: Amer Social to 1865
HIS 032201 History of Tennesse HIST ELUD UD: History of Tennesse
HIS 032301 History of England HIST ELUD UD: History of England
HIS 032401 History of England HIST ELUD UD: History of England
HIS 032501 Nineteenth Century HIST ELUD UD: Nineteenth Century
HIS 032601 Twentieth Century HIST ELUD UD: Twentieth Century
HIS 032701 Southern History HIST ELUD UD: Southern History
HIS 032801 Renaissance & Refor HIST ELUD UD: Renaissance & Refor
HIS 032901 French Revolution/N HIST ELUD UD: French Revolution/N
HIS 0330 His of Amer West 180 HIST ELUD UD: Hist of Amer West 1800
HIS 0331 European Ideas & Soc HIST ELUD UD: European Ideas & Soc
HIS 0332 European Ideas & Soc HIST ELUD UD: European Ideas & Soc
HIS 0335 Amer Baseball Histor HIST ELUD UD: Amer Baseball Histor
HIS 033601 The Contemporary Wo PS ELUD UD: The Contemporary Wo
HIS 033801 Contemporary Americ PS ELUD UD: Contemporary Americ
HIS 0341 Hist of Mod Germ HIST ELUD UD: Hist Modern Germany
HIS 0350 History of Russia HIST 4330 The Russian Empire
HIS 0351 His of Modern Russia HIST 4340 The Soviet Experiment
HIS 0355 Fren Revol/Napoleoni HIST ELUD UD: Fren Revol/Napoleoni
HIS 0356 France Since 1870 HIST 4260 Modern France
HIS 0360 Hist of Central Asia HIST ELUD UD: Hist of Central Asia
HIS 0361 Hist Modern Germany HIST ELUD UD: Hist Modern Germany
HIS 0365 Hist of England I HIST ELUD UD: Hist of England I
HIS 0366 Hist of England II HIST 4370 Britain in the 20th Century
HIS 0367 History of Baseball HIST ELUD UD: History of Baseball
HIS 0369 Ireland Since 1798 HIST ELUD UD: Ireland Since 1798
HIS 0370 Hist Central Asia HIST ELUD UD: Hist Central Asia
HIS 0380 Modern Latin America HIST 4520 Latin America
HIS 0385 Africa Since 1890 HIST 4430 Sub-Saharan Africa
HIS 039501 History of Medieval HIST 4210 Middle Ages
HIS 0399 Spec St In History HIST ELUD UD: Spec St In History
HIS 040101 Capital Internship HIST ELUD UD: Capital Internship
HIS 040201 History Internship HIST ELUD UD: History Internship
HIS 040501 Senior Seminar In H HIST ELUD UD: Senior Seminar In H
HIS 041001 Recent US History HIST 4070 Cold War America
HIS 041201 Hist of Amer Diplom HIST ELUD UD: Hist of Amer Diplom
HIS 041501 China & Japan Encou HIST 4460 China
HIS 041601 China & Japan In Co HIST 4450 Japan
HIS 042201 American Colonial H HIST 4010 Colonial America
HIS 042301 A History of Societ HIST 4340 The Soviet Experiment
HIS 042401 History of Imperial HIST ELUD UD: History of Imperial
HIS 0425 Sem In Amer His Bio HIST ELUD UD: Sem In Amer His Bio
HIS 042701 History of the Bapt HIST ELUD UD: History of the Bapt
HIS 0430 Nationalism & Ethnic HIST ELUD UD: Nationalism & Ethnic
HIS 0431 Imperialism HIST ELUD UD: Imperialism
HIS 0432 Hist Amer West 1800- HIST ELUD UD: Hist Amer West 1800
HIS 0436 Adv Studies In Europ HIST ELUD UD: Adv Studies In Europ
HIS 0439 Adv Stud In US His HIST ELUD UD: Adv Stud In US His
HIS 0440 Nazi Germany & Holoc HIST ELUD UD: Nazi Germany & Holoc
HIS 0450 Europe In the Age Of HIST ELUD UD: Europe In the Age Of
HIS 0469 Adv Studies Eur Hist HIST ELUD UD: Adv Studies Eur Hist
HIS 0470 Colonialism & Empire HIST ELUD UD: Colonialism & Empire
HIS 0471 Ecology/Technology/G HIST ELUD UD: Ecology/Technology/G
HIS 0472 Disease & Plagues Wo HIST ELUD UD: Disease & Plagues
HIS 0475 Nationalism & Ethnic HIST ELUD UD: Nationalism & Ethnic
HIS 0480 The Vietnam War HIST 3130 The Vietnam War
HIS 0489 Adv Stud In World Hs HIST 3070 Topics in World History
HIS 049901 Special Studies HIST ELUD UD: Special Studies
HIS 0540 Nazi Germany & Holoc HIST ELUD UD: Nazi Germany & Holoc
HIS 1010 World Hist to 1500 HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIS 1020 World His Sn 1500 HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIS 1200 The Wild West HIST ELLD LD: The Wild West
HIS 1300 The Roman World HIST ELLD LD: The Roman World
HIS 1400 Medieval World:Kings, Queens, HIST ELLD LD:Medieval World:Kings, Queen
HIS 1700 Samurai & Their World HIST ELLD LD:Samurai & Their World
HIS 1800 Survey of East Asian History HIST ELLD LD:Survey of East Asian Histor
HIS 1895 Afr Amer Exp after 1865 HIST 2050 Surv African American Hist II
HIS 1950 Std Abrd/Wld His Sn HIST ELLD LD: Std Abrd/Wld His Sn
HIS 1990 Special Topics HIST ELLD LD:Special Topics
HIS 2010 Amer Exp to Civ War HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIS 2015 The New South HIST ELLD LD:The New South
HIS 2020 Amer Exper Frm Reco HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIS 2050 The Craft of Histor HIST 3010 The Historian's Craft
HIS 2895 Islamic World Since 1800 HIST ELLD LD:Islamic World Since 1800
HIS 3015 Junior Cornerstone HIST ELUD UD:Junior Cornerstone
HIS 3050 Writing History HIST 3010 The Historian's Craft
HIS 3250 Kings & Phil:Europe 1648-1789 HIST ELUD UD:Kings & Phil:Europe 1648-17
HIS 3300 1920s America HIST 3020 Topics in American History
HIS 3340 America in Depression & War HIST 4045 The Great Depression
HIS 3350 American Baseball History HIST ELUD UD:American Baseball History
HIS 3500 History of the Russian Empire HIST 4330 The Russian Empire
HIS 3510 Russia&Soviet Union Since 1900 HIST ELUD UD:Russia&Soviet Union Since 1
HIS 3550 European in Age of French Revo HIST ELUD UD:European in Age of French R
HIS 3560 France Since 1870 HIST 4260 Modern France
HIS 3600 US Viewed from Abroad HIST ELUD UD: US Viewed from Abroad
HIS 3650 The Making of England,400-1500 HIST ELUD UD:The Mkg of Eng, 400-1500
HIS 3690 Ireland Sn 1798 HIST ELUD UD: Ireland Sn 1798
HIS 3720 Islamic Social & Relig Thought HIST ELUD UD:Islamic Socl & Rel Thought
HIS 3850 Africa Sincs 1890 HIST ELUD UD: Africa Sincs 1890
HIS 3950 Ccsa London/Hist Of HIST ELUD UD: Ccsa London/Hist Of
HIS 3990 Japan in the Shogun Age HIST ELUD UD:Japan in the Shogun Age
HIS 4120 Rev Nation Age of Jackson HIST ELUD UD:Rev Nation Age of Jackson
HIS 4320 The American West HIST 3020 Topics in American History
HIS 4650 Russian Revol & Civil War HIST ELUD UD:Russian Revol & Civil War
HIS 4820 History of Modern Japan HIST 4450 Japan
HIS 4850 Cuba and the Caribbean HIST ELUD UD:Cuba and the Caribbean
HIST 010101 Western Civilizatio HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 010201 Western Civilizatio HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 0342 Current Affairs HIST ELUD UD: Current Affairs
HLTH 0327 M Tch First Aid HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HON 012101 The Ancient World UH ELLD LD: The Ancient World
HON 012201 The Middle Ages UH ELLD LD: The Middle Ages
HON 013601 Honors Tutorial UH ELLD LD: Honors Tutorial
HON 0181 Orientation UH ELLD LD: Orientation
HON 0199 Fund of Leadership ELEC ELLD LD: Fund of Leadership
HON 022101 The Renaissance & E UH ELLD LD: The Renaissance & E
HON 022201 The 19th & 20th Cen UH ELLD LD: The 19th & 20th Cen
HON 023501 Honors Tutorial UH ELLD LD: Honors Tutorial
HON 023601 Honors Tutorial UH ELLD LD: Honors Tutorial
HON 032101 Honors Seminar UH ELUD UD: Honors Seminar
HON 032501 Sem: Amer Mus Theat UH ELUD UD: Sem: Amer Mus Theat
HON 032901 U S In Vietnam/Vete UH ELUD UD: U S In Vietnam/Vete
HON 033101 Anal, Science,Math, UH ELUD UD: Anal, Science,Math,
HON 033201 Anyl Science,Math,L UH ELUD UD: Anyl Science,Math,L
HON 033501 Honors Tutorial UH ELUD UD: Honors Tutorial
HON 033601 Honors Tutorial UH ELUD UD: Honors Tutorial
HON 043501 Honors Tutorial UH ELUD UD: Honors Tutorial
HON 043601 Honors Thesis UH 4950 Honors Independent Research
HON 1110 Honors Interdisciplinary Sem UH ELLD LD:Honors Interdisciplinary Se
HON 1120 Engaging Bible and Culture UH ELLD LD:Engaging Bible and Culture
HON 1130 Honors Oral Comm Seminar UH ELLD LD:Honors Oral Comm Seminar
HON 1140 Honors Social Science Seminar UH ELLD LD:Honors Social Science Semin
HON 1150 Honors Wellness Seminar UH ELLD LD:Honors Wellness Seminar
HON 1210 Ancient World I UH ELLD LD: Ancient World I
HON 1211 Ancient World II UH ELLD LD: Ancient World II
HON 121A01 Ancient World UH ELLD LD: Ancient World
HON 121B01 Ancient World UH ELLD LD: Ancient World
HON 1220 The Middle Ages I UH ELLD LD: The Middle Ages I
HON 1221 The Middle Ages II UH ELLD LD: The Middle Ages II
HON 1225 Medieval World Lab UH ELLD LD: Medieval World Lab
HON 122A The Middle Ages UH ELLD LD: The Middle Ages
HON 122B The Middle Ages UH ELLD LD: The Middle Ages
HON 1360 Honors Tutorial I UH ELLD LD: Honors Tutorial I
HON 1517 World Trad. of Faith & Reason UH ELLD LD:Wrld Trad of Faith & Reason
HON 1520 The Ancient World UH ELLD LD:The Ancient World
HON 1525 Ancient World Lab UH ELLD LD:Ancient World Lab
HON 1810 Honors Orientation UH ELLD LD: Honors Orientation
HON 1895 Honors Colloquium UH ELLD LD:Honors Colloquium
HON 2045 Honors Writing UH ELLD LD: Honors Writing
HON 2110 The Medieval World UH ELLD LD:The Medieval World
HON 2120 Honors Humanities Seminar UH ELLD LD:Honors Humanities Seminar
HON 2150 Honors Humanities Seminar UH ELLD LD:Honors Humanities Seminar
HON 2210 Renaissance & Enlig UH ELLD LD: Renaissance & Enlig
HON 2211 Renais & Enlight II UH ELLD LD: Renais & Enlight II
HON 221A Renaiss & Enlighten UH ELLD LD: Renaiss & Enlighten
HON 221B Renaiss & Enlighten UH ELLD LD: Renaiss & Enlighten
HON 2220 19th & 20th Cent I UH ELLD LD: 19th & 20th Cent I
HON 2221 19th & 20th Cent II UH ELLD LD: 19th & 20th Cent II
HON 222A The 19th & 20th Cent UH ELLD LD: The 19th & 20th Cent
HON 222B The 19th & 20th Cent UH ELLD LD: The 19th & 20th Cent
HON 2310 Analytics: Sci Models UH ELLD LD: Analytics: Sci Models
HON 2350 Honors Tutorial UH ELLD LD: Honors Tutorial
HON 2360 Honors Tutorial UH ELLD LD: Honors Tutorial
HON 2520 The Age of Exploration UH ELLD LD: The Age of Exploration
HON 2600 Discovery and Revolution UH ELLD LD: Discovery and Revolution
HON 2950 LondonParis:Chemistry of Food ELEC ELLD LD: LondonParis:Chem of Food
HON 3130 Honors Religion and Culture RS ELUD UD:Honors Religion and Culture
HON 3290 Art Dsgn Hist & Phil UH ELUD UD: Art Dsgn Hist & Phil
HON 3310 Analytics; Math Models UH ELUD UD: Analytics; Math Models
HON 3350 Honors Tutorial UH ELUD UD: Honors Tutorial
HON 3510 HON Project Prep and Planning UH ELUD UD:HON Project Prep and Planni
HTH 223 Nutition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HTH 019901 Special Studies HLTH ELLD LD: Special Studies
HTH 020201 General Anatomy & P BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
HTH 0222 Community Health HLTH ELLD LD: Community Health
HTH 022301 Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HTH 030001 School Health Educa HLTH ELUD UD: School Health Educa
HTH 0303 Personal Health HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HTH 030401 Effective Living HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HTH 032401 Life Saving & Water HLTH ELUD UD: Life Saving & Water
HTH 032601 Safety Education HLTH ELUD UD: Safety Education
HTH 032701 Methods of Teaching HLTH 4280 Instructor Crse First Aid CPR
HTH 049001 Practicum In Health HLTH ELUD UD: Practicum In Health
HTH 049901 Special Studies HLTH ELUD UD: Special Studies
HTH 2230 Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HTH 3000 School Hlth Educatio HLTH ELUD UD: School Hlth Educatio
HTM 2010 Bus of Hosp & Tourism Mgt THM ELLD LD:Bus of Hosp & Tourism Mgt
HTM 3390 Food Service Management THM 4140 Food and Beverage Tourism
HTT 0199 Special Studies ELEC ELLD LD: Special Studies
HTT 0211 Hospitality Mgmt ELEC ELLD LD: Hospitality Mgmt
HTT 0298 Internship ELEC ELLD LD: Internship
HTT 0320 Travel & Tourism ELEC ELUD UD: Travel & Tourism
HTT 0339 Restaurant & Food ELEC ELLD LD: Restaurant & Food
HTT 0391 Hotel Operating Prac ELEC ELUD UD: Hotel Operating Prac
HTT 0491 Adv Hospitality ELEC ELUD UD: Adv Hospitality
HTT 0499 Special Studies ELEC ELLD LD: Special Studies
HUM 0100 World of Asian Hum HUM ELLD LD: World of Asian Hum
HUM 1000 Hum Sem/Medieval Wo HUM ELLD LD: Hum Sem/Medieval Wo
HUM 1400 Culture & Arts HUM ELLD LD:Culture & Arts
HUM 1500 Asian Humanities:World of Asia HUM ELLD LD:Asian Hum:World of Asia
HUM 1895 Diversity & Awareness HUM ELLD LD:Diversity & Awareness
HUM 2000 Language & Culture HUM ELLD LD:Language & Culture
HUM 2015 China in American Literature HUM ELLD LD: China in American Lit
HUM 2895 Spcl Tpc:Trad Jap Lit & Cult HUM ELLD LD:Spcl Tpc:Trad Jap Lit & Cul
HUM 2950 Studies Abroad HUM ELLD LD:Studies Abroad
HUM 2990 Munich-Berlin-Dresden:Then&Now HUM ELLD LD:Munich-Brln-Drsdn:Then&Now
HUM 3015 Jr Cornerstone Seminar HUM ELUD UD:Jr Cornerstone Seminar
HUM 3500 Topics HUM ELUD UD:Topics
HUM 3950 Eng/Hist Dyn of Fash HUM ELUD UD: Eng/Hist Dyn of Fash
HUM 3990 Special Studies HUM ELUD UD:Special Studies
INB 3300 International Business MGMT 4710 International Business
INB 4895 History of Economic Thought BUS ELUD UD:History of Economic Thought
INF 0105 Fund Informatics ELEC ELLD LD: Fund Informatics
ING 0123 Cont Women Lit ENGL ELLD LD: Cont Women Lit
ISM 013301 Computer Fundamenta INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
ISM 019901 Special Studies INFS ELLD LD: Special Studies
ISM 0201 Intro to Data Proc INFS ELLD LD: Intro to Data Proc
ISM 0202 Computer Prog Lab INFS ELLD LD: Computer Prog Lab
ISM 020501 Basic Programming INFS ELLD LD: Basic Programming
ISM 020601 Fortran Programming INFS ELLD LD: Fortran Programming
ISM 020901 Pascal Programming INFS ELLD LD: Pascal Programming
ISM 021001 Cobol Programming INFS ELLD LD: Cobol Programming
ISM 0215 Intro Prog In C++ CSCI 1170 Computer Science I
ISM 024001 Microcomputer Fdmtl INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
ISM 025001 Information Tech Su INFS ELLD LD: Information Tech Su
ISM 033001 Structures Analysis INFS ELUD UD: Structures Analysis
ISM 035501 Cobol Application INFS ELUD UD: Cobol Application
ISM 036201 Database Managemen INFS ELUD UD: Database Managemen
ISM 037301 Computer Networking INFS ELUD UD: Computer Networking
ISM 041701 Business Systems St INFS ELUD UD: Business Systems St
ISM 042601 Applications Develo INFS ELUD UD: Applications Develo
ISM 043001 Data Process Mgmt INFS ELUD UD: Data Process Mgmt
ISM 043101 Information Tech Mg INFS ELUD UD: Information Tech Mg
ISM 044001 EDP Audit & Control INFS ELUD UD: EDP Audit & Control
ISM 045001 Current Topics In I INFS ELUD UD: Current Topics In I
ISM 047001 Micro Computer Appl INFS ELUD UD: Micro Computer Appl
ISM 049301 Cdp Exam Review INFS ELUD UD: Cdp Exam Review
ISM 049901 Special Studies INFS ELUD UD: Special Studies
ISM 1330 Computer Appl INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
ISM 3100 Mng Info Syst Business INFS ELLD LD: Mng Info Syst Business
ISP 020001 Contemporary Europe ELEC ELLD LD: Contemporary Europe
ISP 3950 London:Internship ELEC ELUD UD:London:Internship
ITA 010101 Elem Italian ITAL 1010 Elementary Italian I
ITA 010201 Elem Italian ITAL 1020 Elementary Italian II
ITAL 0102 Elem Italian ITAL 1020 Elementary Italian II
ITD 1001 Architectural Drafting IDES ELLD LD:Architectural Drafting
ITD 1003 Foundations Studio IDES 2100 Int Design Elements/Principles
ITD 1004 Color Theory + Rendering IDES ELLD LD:Color Theory + Rendering
ITD 1005 Design Core IDES ELLD LD:Design Core
ITD 1010 Materials I IDES ELLD LD:Materials I
ITD 1100 Interior Design History I IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
ITD 1103 Building Systems I IDES ELLD LD:Building Systems I
ITD 1895 Design Drawing IDES ELLD LD:Design Drawing
ITD 2000 Material Fundamentals IDES ELLD LD:Material Fundamentals
ITD 2001 Studio I:Sustainable Design IDES ELLD LD:Studio I:Sustainable Design
ITD 2010 Materials II IDES ELLD LD:Materials II
ITD 2051 Interior Technology I IDES ELLD LD:Interior Technology I
ITD 2200 Interior Design Hist II IDES ELLD LD:Interior Design Hist II
ITL 0101 Elem Italian I ITAL 1010 Elementary Italian I
ITL 010201 Elementary Italian FL ELLD LD: Elementary Italian
ITL 0195 Studies Abroad FL ELLD LD: Studies Abroad
ITL 0199 Special Studies FL ELLD LD: Special Studies
ITL 020101 Intermediate Italia FL ELLD LD: Intermediate Italia
ITL 020201 Intermediate Italia FL ELLD LD: Intermediate Italia
ITL 0295 Studies Aboard FL ELLD LD: Studies Aboard
ITL 029901 Int Italian/Dir Stu FL ELLD LD: Int Italian/Dir Stu
ITL 0311 Adv Convers & Compos ITAL ELUD UD: Adv Convers & Compos
ITL 0312 Intro Italian Litera ITAL ELUD UD: Intro Italian Litera
ITL 0337 Spec Top Ital Studie ITAL ELUD UD: Spec Top Ital Studie
ITL 0499 Special Studies FL ELUD UD: Special Studies
ITL 1010 Elem Italian I ITAL 1010 Elementary Italian I
ITL 1020 Elem Italian II FL ELLD LD: Elem Italian II
ITL 1950 Study Abroad: Elem Italian ITAL ELLD LD:Study Abroad: Elem Italian
ITL 2010 Intermediate Italian I ITAL 2010 Intermediate Italian I
ITL 2020 Intermediate Italian II ITAL 2020 Intermediate Italian II
ITL 3010 Italian Lang Lit & Cult ITAL ELUD UD:Italian Lang Lit & Cult
ITL 3370 Special Topics ITAL ELUD UD:Special Topics
JPN 0101 Elem Japanese JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JPN 0102 Elem Japanese JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
JPN 0199 Special Studies JAPN ELLD LD: Special Studies
JPN 0202 Interm Japanese II JAPN 2020 Intermediate Japanese II
JPN 0499 Special Studies JAPN ELUD UD: Special Studies
JPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
JPN 2010 Intermediate Japanese I JAPN 2010 Intermediate Japanese I
JPN 2020 Intermediate Japanese II JAPN 2020 Intermediate Japanese II
JPN 2950 Japan:Japanese Reading A (II) JAPN ELLD LD:Japan:Japanese Reading A (I
JPN 3950 Japan:Comprehensive Japanese JAPN ELUD UD:Japan:Comprehensive Japanes
JPN 3990 Special Studies in Japan JAPN ELUD UD:Special Studies in Japan
JRN 0100 Comm Arts Seminar JOUR ELLD LD: Comm Arts Seminar
JRN 010101 History & Theory Ma JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
JRN 010101 History & Theory Ma JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
JRN 011501 Photojournalism I PHOT ELLD LD: Photojournalism I
JRN 0150 Mass Media & Societ JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
JRN 0150 Mass Media & Societ JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
JRN 019901 Special Studies JOUR 4900 Independent Study of Media
JRN 020101 Basic Newswriting JOUR ELLD LD: Basic Newswriting
JRN 021001 Basic Newswriting JOUR ELLD LD: Basic Newswriting
JRN 021101 Adv News & Feature JOUR ELLD LD: Adv News & Feature
JRN 021201 Media Ethics & Resp JOUR ELLD LD: Media Ethics & Resp
JRN 0213 Public Affaird Repor JOUR ELLD LD: Public Affaird Repor
JRN 021501 Photojournalism II PHOT ELLD LD: Photojournalism II
JRN 021701 Desktop Publishing VCOM 2010 Intro to Visual Communication
JRN 0221 Feature Writing JOUR ELLD LD: Feature Writing
JRN 024001 Editing Tech For Pr JOUR 3450 Editing
JRN 024101 Publication Design VCOM 2010 Intro to Visual Communication
JRN 0250 History of Journalis JOUR ELLD LD: History of Journalis
JRN 026001 Broadcast News JOUR 3430 Radio News Reporting
JRN 030601 Editorial & Opinion JOUR ELUD UD: Editorial & Opinion
JRN 0311 Media Ethics JOUR ELUD UD: Media Ethics
JRN 031701 Intro to Public Rel PR ELUD UD: Intro to Public Rel
JRN 034001 Writing For Magazin JOUR 3590 Magazine Writing and Editing
JRN 0387 Yearbook Workshop JOUR ELUD UD: Yearbook Workshop
JRN 039701 Publications Worksh JOUR 3580 MC Practicum
JRN 0399 Journalism as Literature JOUR ELUD UD:Journalism as Literature
JRN 041001 Communication Law JOUR 4250 Media Law
JRN 049001 Internship JOUR 4000 MC Internship
JRN 049901 Special Studies JOUR 4900 Independent Study of Media
LAT 010101 Latin Fundamentals LATN 1010 Elementary Latin I
LAT 010201 Latin Fundamentals LATN 1020 Elementary Latin II
LAT 020101 Intermediate Latin LATN 2010 Intermediate Latin I
LAT 020201 Intermediate Latin LATN 2020 Intermediate Latin II
LAT 0295 Studies Abroad LATN ELLD LD: Studies Abroad
LAT 030301 Virgil LATN ELUD UD: Virgil
LAT 030401 Ovid LATN ELUD UD: Ovid
LAT 031101 Medieval & Renaissa LATN ELUD UD: Medieval & Renaissa
LAT 031201 Special Topics In L LATN ELUD UD: Special Topics In L
LAT 0395 Studies Abroad LATN ELUD UD: Studies Abroad
LAT 1010 Latin Fundamentals I LATN 1010 Elementary Latin I
LAT 2010 Intermediate Latin I LATN 2010 Intermediate Latin I
LCT 0244 Acting I THEA 1015 Acting I
LEN 0102 Freshman Comp ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
LFR 0202 Inter French FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
LGS 1895 Intro to Legal Studies ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Legal Studies
LGS 2895 UG Pretrial Procedure ELEC ELLD LD:UG Pretrial Procedure
LGS 3130 Legal Entrepreneurship ELEC ELUD UD:Legal Entrepreneurship
LIS 0110 Cornerstone Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Cornerstone Seminar
LIS 0320 Southern Politics Si PS ELUD UD: Southern Politics Si
LIS 0330 Pers Dev Creative RS ELUD UD: Pers Dev Creative
LIS 0340 Professional Develop PHIL ELUD UD: Professional Develop
LIS 0350 Valuing PHIL 3150 Ethics
LIS 0360 Jrr Tolkien ENGL ELUD UD: Jrr Tolkien
LIS 0370 Aesthetics PHIL 4100 Aesthetics
LIS 0450 Valuing PHIL 3150 Ethics
LIS 0470 Aesthetics PHIL 4100 Aesthetics
LIS 1100 Intellectual Growth & Inquiry ELEC ELLD LD:Intellectual Growth & Inq
LIS 3000 Cooperative Experience COED ELUD UD: Cooperative Experience
LIS 3300 Novel You've Wanted to Write ENGL ELUD UD:Novel You've Wanted Write
LIS 3510 Discover Everyday Spirituality ELEC ELUD UD: Discvr Evrydy Spirituality
LIS 3600 Alternative Perspectives ELEC ELUD UD:Alternative Perspectives
LIS 3610 Topics ELEC ELLD LD:Topics
LIS 4200 Charity Begins at Home ELEC ELUD UD: Charity Begins at Home
LIS 4400 Path Intuitive Leade ELEC ELUD UD: Path Intuitive Leade
LIS 4600 Global Struggle For WMST ELUD UD: Global Struggle For
M B 011101 Survey of Mus Busin RIM ELLD LD: Survey of Mus Busin
M B 013801 Intro to Studio RIM ELLD LD: Intro to Studio
M B 022601 Studio Electr I RIM ELLD LD: Studio Electr I
M B 023601 Studio Technique MUS ELLD LD: Studio Technique
M B 024501 Mus Publishing MUS ELLD LD: Mus Publishing
M B 0372 Pub Rel Mus Indu RIM ELUD UD:Pub Rel Mus Indu
M B 040001 Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Seminar
M B 0482 Artist Mgt-Bkg RIM ELUD UD:Artist Mgt-Bkg
MAA 1060 Diction & Song Lit MUPD ELLD LD: Diction & Song Lit
MAA 1110 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MAA 1120 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MAA 1210 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MAA 1220 Private Voice MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
MAA 1310 Private Voice MUS ELLD LD: Private Voice
MAA 1320 Private Voice MUS ELLD LD: Private Voice
MAA 2050 Diction & Song Lit II MUPD ELLD LD:Diction & Song Lit II
MAA 2120 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MAA 2210 Private Voice MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
MAA 2220 Private Voice MUAP ELLD LD:Private Voice
MAA 2320 Private Voice MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
MAA 3050 Vocal Lit & Vocal Pedagogy MUPD ELUD UD:Vocal Lit & Vocal Pedagogy
MAA 3070 Vocal Seminar MUAP ELUD UD: Vocal Seminar
MAA 3110 Private Voice MUAP 4371 Private Instruction Voice
MAB 0100 Prep Private Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MAB 1000 Prep Private Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MAB 1110 Private Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MAB 1120 Private Piano MUAP ELLD LD:Private Piano
MAB 2110 Private Piano MUAP 2352 Private Instruction Piano
MAB 2120 Private Piano MUAP ELLD LD:Private Piano
MAB 2210 Private Piano MUAP ELLD LD:Private Piano
MAB 3070 Piano Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Piano Seminar
MAD 1110 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MAD 1120 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MAD 2070 Classical Guitar Seminar MUAP ELLD LD: Classical Guitar Semina
MAD 2110 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MAD 2120 Private Guitar MUAP ELLD LD: Private Guitar
MAD 3070 Classical Guitar Seminar MUS ELUD UD:Classical Guitar Seminar
MAE 1110 Private Brass MUAP ELLD LD:Private Brass
MAE 2210 Private Brass MUAP ELLD LD:Private Brass
MAF 1210 Private Woodwinds MUAP ELLD LD:Private Woodwinds
MAF 1220 Private Woodwinds MUAP ELLD LD: Private-Woodwinds
MAG 1110 Private Strings MUAP ELLD LD:Private Strings
MAG 1120 Private Strings MUAP ELLD LD:Private Strings
MAG 2110 Private Strings MUAP ELLD LD: Private Strings
MAG 2120 Private Strings MUAP ELLD LD: Private Strings
MAH 1110 Private Percussion MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MAH 1120 Private Percussion MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MAH 2220 Private Percussion MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MAI 2060 Inst Tech & Lit II-Percussion MUHL ELLD LD:Inst Tech & Lit II-Percussi
MAI 3070 Instru Sem Strings MUS ELUD UD: Instru Sem Strings
MAK 1110 Private Composition MUAP ELLD LD:Private Composition
MAN 1110 Private Carillon MUAP ELLD LD: Private Carillon
MAP 1110 Private Commercial Piano MUAP ELLD LD:Private Commercial Piano
MAT 009001 Basic Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Algebra
MAT 0100 Intro to Math MATH ELLD LD: Intro to Math
MAT 010201 Fund Number Conc MATH ELLD LD: Fund Number Conc
MAT 011101 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAT 021301 Business Statistics STAT ELLD LD: Business Statistics
MAT 0231 Business Stat BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
MATH 0100 Teacher's Arithmetic MATH ELLD LD: Teacher's Arithmetic
MATH 0101 Intro to College Mat MATH ELLD LD: Intro to College Mat
MATH 0110 Fund Geom Con MATH ELLD LD: Fund Geom Con
MATH 012001 Fund Concepts MATH ELLD LD: Fund Concepts
MATH 0121 Algebra & Trigonome MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 0122 Algebra & Trigonome MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MB 041101 Hist Comm Music MUS ELUD UD: Hist Comm Music
MBA 1110 Private Comm Voice ELEC ELLD LD: Private Comm Voice
MBA 1120 Private Comm Voice MUAP ELLD LD: Private Comm Voice
MBA 2120 Priv Commercial Voi MUAP ELLD LD: Priv Commercial Voi
MBA 3000 Half Recital Commercial Voice MUS ELUD UD:Half Recital Commercial Voi
MBA 3030 Comm Vocal Styles I-Jazz MUS ELUD UD:Comm Vocal Styles I-Jazz
MBA 3050 Comm Vocal Styles-Country MUS ELUD UD:Comm Vocal Styles-Country
MBA 3080 Cmm Vocal Sem/Lower MUS ELUD UD: Cmm Vocal Sem/Lower
MBA 3210 Private Commercial Voice MUAP ELUD UD:Private Commercial Voice
MBA 3220 Private Commercial Voice MUS ELUD UD:Private Commercial Voice
MBA 3310 Private Commercial Voice MUAP ELUD UD:Private Commercial Voice
MBA 4210 Private Commercial Voice MUS ELUD UD:Private Commercial Voice
MBA 4220 Private Commercial Voice MUS ELUD UD:Private Commercial Voice
MBB 1110 Private Commercial Piano MUAP ELLD LD:Private Commercial Piano
MBB 1120 Private Commercial Piano MUAP ELLD LD:Private Commercial Piano
MBB 2110 Private Commercial Piano MUAP ELLD LD:Private Commercial Piano
MBB 3080 Commercial Keyboard Seminar MUS ELUD UD:Commercial Keyboard Seminar
MBD 1110 Priv Commerc Guitar MUAP ELLD LD: Priv Commerc Guitar
MBD 1120 Priv Commercial Gui MUAP ELLD LD: Priv Commercial Gui
MBD 2110 Private Commercial Guitar MUAP ELLD LD: Private commercial Guit
MBD 2120 Priv Commercial Gui MUAP ELLD LD: Priv Commercial Gui
MBD 3080 Commercial Guitar MUAP ELUD UD: Commercial Guitar
MBE 1110 Priv Comm Brass MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Brass
MBF 1110 Private Commercial Woodwinds MUAP ELLD LD:Private Commercial Woodwind
MBG 1110 Private Commercial Strings MUAP ELLD LD:Private Commercial Strings
MBG 1120 Private Commercial Strings MUAP ELLD LD:Private Commercial Strings
MBG 2110 Priv Commerc String MUAP ELLD LD: Priv Commerc String
MBG 2120 Priv Commercial Str MUAP ELLD LD: Priv Commercial Str
MBG 3210 Priv Comm Strings MUAP ELUD UD: Priv Comm Strings
MBH 1110 Private Commercial Percussion MUAP ELLD LD:Private Commercial Percussi
MBH 1120 Private Commercial Percussion MUAP ELLD LD:Private Commercial Percussi
MBH 2110 Private Commercial Percussion MUAP ELLD LD:Private Cmrcl Percussion
MBH 2120 Private Commercial Percussion MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MBH 3210 Private Commercial Percussion MUAP 4521 Pri Inst Snare Kybd Percussion
MBI 2010 Improvisation I MUTH ELLD LD: Improvisation I
MBI 2020 Improvisation II MUTH ELLD LD: Improvisation II
MBI 2030 Ethnic Percussion MUS ELLD LD:Ethnic Percussion
MBI 3030 Commercial Instrumental Styles MUS ELUD UD:Commrcl Instrumental Styles
MBI 3080 Comm Instr Sem Wns S MUS ELUD UD: Comm Instr Sem Wns S
MBJ 1110 Private Electric Bass MUAP ELLD LD:Private Electric Bass
MBJ 1120 Private Electric Bass MUAP ELLD LD:Private Electric Bass
MBJ 2110 Private Electric Bass MUAP ELLD LD:Private Electric Bass
MBJ 2120 Private Electric Bass MUAP ELLD LD:Private Electric Bass
MBJ 3210 Private Electric Bass MUAP ELUD UD:Private Electric Bass
MBJ 3220 Private Electric Bass MUAP ELUD UD:Private Electric Bass
MBK 1110 Private Commercial Comp MUAP 2342 Private Instruct Composition
MBU 300 Music Bus Internship MUS 4270 Music Internship
MBU 011001 Fund of Music Techn MUS ELLD LD: Fund of Music Techn
MBU 011101 Survey of Music Bus RIM 3600 Survey of Recording Industry
MBU 013801 Intro Recording Stu RIM ELLD LD: Intro Recording Stu
MBU 019901 Special Studies RIM ELLD LD: Special Studies
MBU 0200 Music Bus Intern Lb RIM ELLD LD: Music Bus Intern Lb
MBU 0213 Hist Recording Busi RIM ELLD LD: Hist Recording Busi
MBU 022101 Music Technology Pr MUS ELLD LD: Music Technology Pr
MBU 022201 Music Technology Pr MUS ELLD LD: Music Technology Pr
MBU 022601 Studio Electronics ET ELLD LD: Studio Electronics
MBU 022701 Studio Electronics ET ELLD LD: Studio Electronics
MBU 0230 Audio Engineering I RIM ELLD LD: Audio Engineering I
MBU 024501 Music Publishing RIM ELLD LD: Music Publishing
MBU 025201 Copyright Law RIM ELLD LD: Copyright Law
MBU 0298 Internship RIM ELLD LD: Internship
MBU 0300 Music Bus Internship RIM ELUD UD: Music Bus Internship
MBU 0313 Dev Recording Indust RIM 3000 History of Recording Industry
MBU 031901 Recording Technique RIM ELUD UD: Recording Technique
MBU 0326 Studio Maint & Elect RIM ELUD UD: Studio Maint & Elect
MBU 0327 Studio Maint & Ele 2 RIM ELUD UD: Studio Maint & Ele 2
MBU 032901 Studio Maintenance RIM ELUD UD: Studio Maintenance
MBU 033001 International Music MUS ELUD UD: International Music
MBU 0333 Intl Music Business RIM ELUD UD: Intl Music Business
MBU 033601 Entertainment Caree RIM ELUD UD: Entertainment Caree
MBU 0337 Studio Production RIM ELUD UD: Studio Production
MBU 034001 Pre/Post Production MUS ELUD UD: Pre/Post Production
MBU 0345 Music Publishing RIM ELUD UD: Music Publishing
MBU 035001 Computer Assisted M MUS ELUD UD: Computer Assisted M
MBU 0352 Intellectual Propert RIM ELUD UD: Intellectual Propert
MBU 0356 Sound Reinforcement RIM ELUD UD: Sound Reinforcement
MBU 0357 Adv Sound Reinforcem RIM ELUD UD: Adv Sound Reinforcem
MBU 0358 Live Recording Tech RIM ELUD UD: Live Recording Tech
MBU 036001 Music Tech Lab MUS ELUD UD: Music Tech Lab
MBU 036201 Marketing of Commer RIM ELUD UD: Marketing of Commer
MBU 036301 Record Company Oper RIM ELUD UD: Record Company Oper
MBU 0372 Pub Rel In Mus Indus RIM ELUD UD: Pub Rel In Mus Indus
MBU 037301 Electronic Media In MUS ELUD UD: Electronic Media In
MBU 039901 Special Studies RIM ELUD UD: Special Studies
MBU 0400 Music Business Sem RIM ELUD UD: Music Business Sem
MBU 0419 Recording Tech RIM ELUD UD: Recording Tech
MBU 042101 Broadcast Media Adv EMC ELUD UD: Broadcast Media Adv
MBU 043801 The Recording Engin RIM ELUD UD: The Recording Engin
MBU 0440 Pre/Post Prod Techni RIM ELUD UD: Pre/Post Prod Techni
MBU 0459 Iq/Tef Computer Base RIM ELUD UD: Iq/Tef Computer Base
MBU 046301 Entertainment Indus RIM ELUD UD: Entertainment Indus
MBU 047101 Music Industry Admi RIM ELUD UD: Music Industry Admi
MBU 048001 Entrepreneurship In RIM ELUD UD: Entrepreneurship In
MBU 048201 Artist Management RIM ELUD UD: Artist Management
MBU 048301 Concert Promotion & RIM ELUD UD: Concert Promotion &
MBU 048501 Psychographics of E RIM ELUD UD: Psychographics of E
MBU 0486 Artist Mgmt II RIM ELUD UD: Artist Mgmt II
MBU 0495 Music Business Exit RIM ELUD UD: Music Business Exit
MBU 049801 Crnt Iss Entert RIM ELUD UD: Crnt Iss Entert
MBU 049901 Special Studies RIM ELUD UD: Special Studies
MBU 1110 Surv Mus Business RIM 3600 Survey of Recording Industry
MBU 1380 Surv Recording Tech RIM ELLD LD: Surv Recording Tech
MBU 1895 Music Business Forum RIM ELLD LD: Music Business Forum
MBU 2000 Mus Busi Internship RIM ELLD LD: Mus Busi Internship
MBU 2100 Music Business Seminar RIM ELLD LD: Music Business Seminar
MBU 2130 History Recording Business RIM 3000 History of Recording Industry
MBU 2520 Copyright Law RIM 3700 Ent. Intellectual Property I
MBU 2610 Radio Promotions RIM ELLD LD: Radio Promotions
MBU 2660 Social & Emotional Int RIM ELLD LD:Social & Emotional Int
MBU 2730 Electronic Media in Music Ind RIM ELLD LD:Electronic Media in Mus Ind
MBU 2895 Mus Bus RIM ELLD LD:Mus Bus
MBU 3000 Music Bus Internship RIM ELUD UD: Music Bus Internship
MBU 3260 Studio Maint & Elect RIM ELUD UD: Studio Maint & Elect
MBU 3330 International Music Bus RIM ELUD UD:International Music Bus
MBU 3360 Entertainment Career RIM ELUD UD: Entertainment Career
MBU 3450 Music Publishing RIM ELUD UD: Music Publishing
MBU 3520 Intellectual Propert RIM ELUD UD: Intellectual Propert
MBU 3550 Music Industry Contract Law RIM ELUD UD: Music Industry Contract La
MBU 3620 Marketing of Recorded Music RIM ELUD UD:Marketing of Recorded Music
MBU 3630 Record Company Oper RIM ELUD UD: Record Company Oper
MBU 3720 Public Relations in Music Ind PR ELUD UD:Public Relations in Music I
MBU 3740 Music Supv in Film & TV RIM ELUD UD:Music Supv in Film & TV
MBU 3760 A & R Administration RIM ELUD UD:A & R Administration
MBU 3895 Music Business Strategies RIM ELUD UD:Music Business Strategies
MBU 3990 Bus of Songwriting RIM ELUD UD: Bus of Songwriting
MBU 4000 Mus Bus Seminar RIM ELUD UD: Mus Bus Seminar
MBU 4015 Senior Music Bus Capstone RIM ELUD UD: Senior Music Bus Capstone
MBU 4560 Adv Sound Reinforcem RIM ELUD UD: Adv Sound Reinforcem
MBU 4580 Live Recording Techniques RIM ELUD UD:Live Recording Techniques
MBU 4630 Legal Issues-Entertainment Ind RIM ELUD UD:Legal Issues-Entrtnmnt Ind
MBU 4800 Entrepreneurship in Music Ind RIM ELUD UD: Entrepreneurship in Music
MBU 4820 Artist Management RIM ELUD UD:Artist Management
MBU 4830 Concert Promotion and Booking RIM ELUD UD:Concert Promotion & Booking
MBU 4895 Entertainment Industry in LA RIM ELUD UD:Entrnmnt Industry in LA
MCO 010101 Intro to Comm Arts ART ELLD LD: Intro to Comm Arts
MCO 021001 Adv Photography PHOT ELLD LD: Adv Photography
MCO 035001 Communications Law JOUR ELUD UD: Communications Law
MCO 039701 Publication Worksho JOUR ELUD UD: Publication Worksho
MDS 1100 Foundations of Journalism JOUR ELLD LD:Foundations Journalism
MDS 1130 Basic Newswriting JOUR ELLD LD: Basic Newswriting
MDS 1180 Intro Public Relati PR ELLD LD: Intro Public Relati
MDS 1450 Intro Audio & Video EMC ELLD LD: Intro Audio & Video
MDS 1500 Mass Media & Societ EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
MDS 1550 Intro to Sport Production EMC ELLD LD:Intro to Sport Production
MDS 1600 Intro Media Technol EMC ELLD LD: Intro Media Technol
MDS 1700 Digital Citizenship EMC ELLD LD:Digital Citizenship
MDS 1800 Sports Writing JOUR ELLD LD:Sports Writing
MDS 1895 Digital Citizenship EMC ELLD LD:Digital Citizenship
MDS 1900 Journalism Practicu JOUR ELLD LD: Journalism Practicu
MDS 1950 Std Abrd Mass Media EMC ELLD LD: Std Abrd Mass Media
MDS 2100 Voice and Diction EMC ELLD LD:Voice and Diction
MDS 2130 Adv Reporting JOUR ELLD LD: Media Writing II
MDS 2140 Broadcast News Reporting JOUR ELLD LD:Broadcast News Reporting
MDS 2170 Desktop Publishing JOUR ELLD LD: Desktop Publishing
MDS 2180 Pub Relat Writ & Pr PR ELLD LD: Pub Relat Writ & Pr
MDS 2200 Vis Aesthetics In Story EMC ELLD LD:Vis Aesthetics in Story
MDS 2230 Digital Storytelling EMC ELLD LD:Digital Storytelling
MDS 2300 Entrepreneurial Media EMC ELLD LD:Entrepreneurial Media
MDS 2450 Remote Video Production EMC ELLD LD:Remote Video Production
MDS 2460 Television Studio Production VFP ELLD LD:Television Studio Productio
MDS 2480 Audio-Video Prod Wkshp EMC ELLD LD:Audio-Video Prod Wkshp
MDS 2500 Mass Communication Theory EMC ELLD LD: Mass Communication Theory
MDS 2600 Broadcast News JOUR ELLD LD: Broadcast News
MDS 2895 Special Topics EMC ELLD LD:Special Topics
MDS 302 Radio Programming EMC ELUD UD:Radio Programming
MDS 3020 Radio Programming EMC ELUD UD: Radio Programming
MDS 3100 Covering Diverse Populations EMC ELUD UD:Covering Diverse Population
MDS 3180 Public Relations Rsr PR ELUD UD: Public Relations Rsr
MDS 3300 Media Research Methods EMC ELUD UD:Media Research Methods
MDS 3330 Arts and Entertainment Report JOUR ELUD UD:Arts&Entertainment Report
MDS 3500 Media Advertising & Sales ADV ELUD UD:Media Advertising & Sales
MDS 3950 London:Mass Media EMC ELUD UD:London:Mass Media
MDS 4015 Senior Media Studies Capstone EMC ELUD UD:Senior Media Studies Capsto
MDS 4100 Communication Law COMM ELUD UD: Communication Law
MDS 4110 Media Ethics JOUR ELUD UD: Media Ethics
MDS 4180 Pub Rel Strat & Impl PR ELUD UD: Pub Rel Strat & Impl
MDS 4200 Media Leadership EMC ELLD LD:Media Leadership
MDS 4300 Global Media Systems EMC ELUD UD:Global Media Systems
MDS 4900 Journalism Internship JOUR ELUD UD:Journalism Internship
MDS 4910 Pub Relat Internship PR ELUD UD: Pub Relat Internship
MEA 1101 Applied Classical Voice MUAP ELLD LD:Applied Classical Voice
MEA 1110 Applied Commercial Guitar MUAP ELLD LD:Applied Commercial Guitar
MFA 1110 Classical Voice Class I MUS ELLD LD:Classical Voice Class I
MFA 1120 Commercial Class Voice II MUS ELLD LD: Commercial Class Voice II
MFB 0100 Class Piano-Preparatory MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MFB 0100 Class Piano Prep MUS ELLD LD:Class Piano Prep
MFB 1000 Class Piano-Preparatory MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano-Preparatory
MFB 1100 Secondary Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MFB 1110 Secondary Cls Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MFB 1120 Secondary Cls Piano MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MFB 2110 Secondary Class Piano III MUAP ELLD LD:Secondary Class Piano III
MFB 2120 Secondary Class Piano IV MUS 2540 Class Piano IV
MFD 1110 Beg Guitar Class MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MFK 1110 Commercial Class Comp MUAP ELLD LD: Commercial Class Com
MFTG 0150 Apparel Manuf Proces TXMD ELLD LD: Apparel Manuf Proces
MFTG 0190 Apparel Manuf Proc 2 TXMD ELLD LD: Apparel Manuf Proc 2
MFTG 0222 Flat Sketching TXMD ELLD LD: Flat Sketching
MFTG 0248 Merch Specif & Costi TXMD ELLD LD: Merch Specif & Costi
MGT 019901 Special Studies MGMT ELLD LD: Special Studies
MGT 0301 Hospitality Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Hospitality Mgmt
MGT 031101 Prin of Management MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MGT 0312 Management Communica BCED 3510 Business Communication
MGT 0320 Travel & Tour Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Travel & Tour Mgmt
MGT 0323 Business Ethics MGMT 3940 Ethical Leadership in Business
MGT 0325 Event Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Event Mgmt
MGT 032701 Human Resource Mana MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
MGT 0339 Res & Food Srvc Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Res & Food Srvc Mgmt
MGT 034101 Labor Relations MGMT 4510 Unions Collective Bargaining
MGT 0350 Mangng the Family Bu MGMT ELUD UD: Mangng the Family Bu
MGT 0391 Hotel Operating Prac MGMT ELUD UD: Hotel Operating Prac
MGT 040001 Seminar On Selected MGMT ELUD UD: Seminar On Selected
MGT 040101 Prin & Examples Of MGMT ELUD UD: Prin & Examples Of
MGT 040201 Patterns & Examples MGMT ELUD UD: Patterns & Examples
MGT 041201 Small Business Mana ENTR 4920 Small Business Management
MGT 0416 Entrepreneurship MGMT ELUD UD: Entrepreneurship
MGT 041801 Operation Managemen MGMT 3620 Supply Chain Operations
MGT 042701 Personnel Mgt MGMT ELUD UD: Personnel Mgt
MGT 042801 Organizational Theo MGMT ELUD UD: Organizational Theo
MGT 049601 Strategic Managemen MGMT ELUD UD: Strategic Managemen
MGT 049901 Special Studies MGMT ELUD UD: Special Studies
MGT 1100 Intellectual Growth & Inquiry ELEC ELLD LD: Intellectual Growth & Inqu
MGT 1110 Business Freshman E MGMT ELLD LD: Business Freshman E
MGT 1990 Intro to Pbba MGMT ELLD LD: Intro to Pbba
MGT 2000 Workshop MGMT ELLD LD:Workshop
MGT 2130 Mgmt Communications BCED 3510 Business Communication
MGT 2230 Ethics Bowl Competition MGMT ELLD LD:Ethics Bowl Competition
MGT 2410 Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law I
MGT 3000 Coop Exper Intern COED ELUD UD: Coop Exper Intern
MGT 3010 Health Care Systems MGMT ELUD UD:Health Care Systems
MGT 3110 Prin of Management MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MGT 3120 Mgmt Communications BCED 3510 Business Communication
MGT 3230 Business Ethics MGMT 3940 Ethical Leadership in Business
MGT 3250 Event Management MGMT ELUD UD: Event Management
MGT 3270 Human Resource Manag MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
MGT 3300 International Business MGMT 4710 International Business
MGT 3330 Ethical & Legal Iss-Hlth Care MGMT ELUD UD:Eth & Legal Iss-Hlth Care
MGT 3810 Global Supply Chain Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Global Supply Chain Mgmt
MGT 3895 Special Topics MGMT ELUD UD:Special Topics
MGT 3990 Study in Employment Law MGMT ELUD UD:Study in Employment Law
MGT 4015 Senior Mgmt Capstone MGMT ELUD UD:History of Economic Thought
MGT 4220 Business Law II BLAW ELUD UD:Business Law II
MGT 4280 Organizational Behavior in Mgt MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
MGT 4310 Negotiation MGMT ELUD UD: Negotiation
MGT 4320 Leading in the 21st Century MGMT ELUD UD:Leading in the 21st Century
MGT 4895 Creativity & Opportunity MGMT ELUD UD:Creativity & Opportunity
MIS 2050 Intro to Web Programming CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Web Programming
MIS 3100 Manage Info Systems in Bus INFS ELUD UD: Manage Info Systems In Bus
MIS 3620 Business Data Mgt & Analysis MGMT ELUD UD: Business Data Mgt & Analys
MIS 4450 Business Intelligence for Mgrs MGMT ELUD UD:Business Intelligence for M
MKT 019901 Special Studies MKT ELLD LD: Special Studies
MKT 032101 Prin of Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MKT 032201 Personal Selling MKT 3840 Professional Selling
MKT 032301 Services Marketing MKT 4870 Services Marketing
MKT 0324 Church Marketing MKT ELUD UD: Church Marketing
MKT 033201 Consumer Behavior MKT 3910 Consumer Behavior
MKT 036201 Marketing of Commer MKT ELUD UD: Marketing of Commer
MKT 039101 Consumer Behavior MKT 3910 Consumer Behavior
MKT 040101 Consumer Behavior MKT ELUD UD: Consumer Behavior
MKT 040201 Advertising Princip MKT 3850 Digital Marketing & Promotion
MKT 0422 Sales Mgmt MKT 4800 Sales Management
MKT 043101 International Marke MKT ELUD UD: International Marke
MKT 043201 Retailing MKT 3830 Retailing and E-Commerce
MKT 044401 Marketing Research MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Research
MKT 0445 Special Topics In Mk MKT 4990 Independent Study
MKT 0446 Directed Studies In MKT 4990 Independent Study
MKT 046201 Marketing of Commer MKT ELUD UD: Marketing of Commer
MKT 047501 Marketing Managemen MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Managemen
MKT 049901 Special Studies MKT ELUD UD: Special Studies
MKT 3210 Prin of Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MKT 3630 Integrated Marketing Comm MKT ELUD UD: Integrated Marketing Comm
MKT 3640 Social Media Marketing MKT ELUD UD:Social Media Marketing
MLT 1010 AROTC:Leaders & Pers Develop MS ELLD LD:AROTC:Leaders&Pers Develop
MLT 1011 AROTC:Leaders & Pers Devel Lab MS ELLD LD:AROTC:Ledaers&Pers Deve Lab
MLT 2011 AROTC 2 - Tech Ldrshp Lab MS ELLD LD:AROTC 2-Tech Ldrshp Lab
MLT 2020 AROTC 2 Found Tactical Leaders MS ELLD LD:AROTC 2 Found Tactical Ldrs
MLT 3010 AROTC:Leadership Problem Solve MS ELUD UD:AROTC:Ldrshp Prob Solve
MMKT 0150 Specialty Merchandis TXMD ELLD LD: Specialty Merchandis
MMKT 0170 Merchandise Mkt II MKT ELLD LD: Merchandise Mkt II
MMKT 0190 Trend Forecasting MKT ELLD LD: Trend Forecasting
MMKT 0277 Product Development MKT ELLD LD: Product Development
MOT 1010 Cinematic Storytelling EMC ELLD LD:Cinematic Storytelling
MOT 1110 Film Hist I-Lumiere/Cassavet EMC ELLD LD:Film Hist I-Lumiere/Cassave
MOT 1115 Art of Storytelling EMC ELLD LD:Art of Storytelling
MOT 1120 Film Hist II Cassavettes-Now EMC ELLD LD:Film Hist II Cassavettes-No
MOT 1170 Media Makers EMC ELLD LD:Media Makers
MOT 1500 History of Television EMC ELLD LD:History of Television
MOT 1895 Special Topic:The Media Makers EMC ELLD LD:Spc Tpc:The Media Makers
MOT 2010 Film Hist I-Lumiere/Cassavet EMC ELLD LD:Film Hist I-Lumiere/Cassave
MOT 2020 Film Hist II ELEC ELLD LD: Film Hist II
MOT 2110 Short Film Analysis & Writing EMC ELLD LD:Short Film Analysis & Writi
MOT 2200 Directing I EMC ELLD LD:Directing I
MOT 2230 Editing I EMC ELLD LD:Editing I
MOT 2250 Cinematography EMC ELLD LD:Cinematography
MOT 2710 Produciton & Set Management EMC ELLD LD:Production & Set Mgmt
MOT 2895 Editing EMC ELLD LD:Editing
MOT 3000 MOT Internship EMC ELUD UD:MOT Internship
MOT 3895 SP TOP:Science Fiction Film EMC ELUD UD:SP TOP:Science Fiction Film
MPA 2101 App/CLASS Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MPA 2103 Priv Appl Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MPA 2104 Priv Appl Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MPA 2109 AppClassGuitar MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MPA 2110 AppCMMGuitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MPA 2143 App/CLASS Euphonium MUS ELLD LD:App/CLASS Euphonium
MPA 2146 App/CMM Trombone MUS ELLD LD:App/CMM Trombone
MPA 2151 Appl Study:Percussion MUAP 2524 Private Percussion
MPA 2152 Appl Study:Percussion MUAP 2524 Private Percussion
MPA 2201 Applied Voice MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
MPA 4310 App/CMM Guitar MUAP 4441 Private Instruction Guitar
MPR 3010 Half/CMM Guitar MUAP 3800 Junior Recital
MPR 4010 Full/CMM Guitar MUAP 4900 Senior Recital
MSA 2180 Applied Prep Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MSA 2181 Applied C1 Piano I MUAP 2352 Private Instruction Piano
MSA 2182 Applied Cl Piano II MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MSC 0110 Sp Top Gen Ed:Mass JOUR ELLD LD: Sp Top Gen Ed:Mass
MSC 0150 Mass Media and Soci JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
MSC 0150 Mass Media and Soci JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
MSC 019901 Special Studies MGMT ELUD UD: Special Studies
MSC 034501 Business Simulation MGMT ELUD UD: Business Simulation
MSC 035101 Work Design MGMT ELUD UD: Work Design
MSC 036101 Decision Support Sy MGMT ELUD UD: Decision Support Sy
MSC 049901 Special Studies MGMT ELUD UD: Special Studies
MSM 2001 Music Seminar Voice MUAP ELLD LD:Music Seminar Voice
MSM 2002 Sem/CMM Voice-Lower MUAP ELLD LD:Sem/CMM Voice-Lower
MSM 2003 Music Seminar Piano MUS ELLD LD:Music Seminar Piano
MSM 2004 Mus Seminar Piano MUS ELLD LD:Mus Seminar Piano
MSM 2009 Sem/CLASS Guitar MUAP ELLD LD:Sem/CLASS Guitar
MSM 2010 Sem/CMM Guitar MUAP ELLD LD:Sem/CMM Guitar
MSM 2051 Seminar:Percussion MUS ELLD LD:Seminar:Percussion
MSM 2052 Percussion Seminar MUS ELLD LD:Percussion Seminar
MTH 008501 Basic Mathematics DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Mathematics
MTH 009001 Basic Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Algebra
MTH 010101 Dosage Computation NURS ELLD LD: Dosage Computation
MTH 010201 Number Concepts MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MTH 010301 Statistical Concept MATH ELLD LD: Statistical Concept
MTH 010501 Math For Elem Teach MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
MTH 010601 Math For Elem Teach MATH 1420 Informal Geometry
MTH 0111 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MTH 011201 Trigonometry MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MTH 0113 Pre-Calculus Mathema MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MTH 0115 Elem Statistics BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
MTH 0116 Biostatistics Lab MATH 2110 Data Analysis
MTH 0117 Calc I Bus/Econ/Soc MATH ELLD LD: Calc I Bus/Econ/Soc
MTH 0118 Calculus II/Bus Eco MATH ELLD LD: Calculus II/Bus Eco
MTH 012101 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MTH 0122 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MTH 019901 Special Studies MATH ELLD LD: Special Studies
MTH 0201 Elem Bus Stats MATH ELLD LD: Elem Bus Stats
MTH 0202 Interm Statistics STAT ELLD LD: Interm Statistics
MTH 021301 Business Statistics MATH ELLD LD: Business Statistics
MTH 021401 Quantitative Mthd O MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MTH 022401 Differential Equati MATH 3120 Differential Equations I
MTH 022501 Discrete Mathematic MATH 3080 Discrete Structures
MTH 0226 Linear Algebra MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MTH 0299 Spec Study Diff Equ MATH ELLD LD: Spec Study Diff Equ
MTH 031401 Differential Equati MATH ELUD UD: Differential Equati
MTH 031601 Linear Algebra MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MTH 032101 Probability STAT 3150 Mathematical Statistics I
MTH 0322 Theory of Statistics STAT ELUD UD: Theory of Statistics
MTH 0326 Graph Theory MATH ELUD UD: Graph Theory
MTH 0327 Combinatorics MATH 4700 Combinatorics and Graph Theory
MTH 041101 Modern Geometry MATH 3070 College Geometry
MTH 041201 Intro to Analysis MATH ELUD UD: Intro to Analysis
MTH 041301 History of Mathemat MATH 4620 History and Philosophy of Math
MTH 041401 Abstract Algebra MATH 4510 Abstract Algebra I
MTH 041501 Numerical Methods MATH 4310 Numerical Analysis I
MTH 041601 Modeling & Simulati MATH ELUD UD: Modeling & Simulati
MTH 042101 Theory of Statistic STAT 3150 Mathematical Statistics I
MTH 042601 Graph Theory MATH ELUD UD: Graph Theory
MTH 0461 Adv Top In Math MATH 4600 Problems in Contemporary Math
MTH 0471 Senior Seminar MATH ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
MTH 049901 Special Studies MATH ELUD UD: Special Studies
MTH 0900 Basic Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Algebra
MTH 090C Basic Alg-Computer DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Alg-Computer
MTH 1000 Seminar in Mathematics MATH ELLD LD:Seminar in Mathematics
MTH 1010 Quant Literacy & Reasoning MATH ELLD LD:Quant Literacy & Reasoning
MTH 1020 Basic Concepts Math MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MTH 1030 Statistical Concept MATH ELLD LD: Statistical Concept
MTH 1050 Math Elem Tchr I MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
MTH 1060 Math Elem Tchr II MATH 1420 Informal Geometry
MTH 1080 Mathmatical Inquiry MATH ELLD LD: Mathmatical Inquiry
MTH 1100 Interm Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Interm Algebra
MTH 1110 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MTH 1130 Precalculus Mathematics MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MTH 1140 Quantitative Methods in Bus MATH ELLD LD:Quantitative Methods In Bus
MTH 1150 Elem Statistics BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
MTH 1151 Elem Statistics Sciences MATH ELLD LD: Elem Statistics Sciences
MTH 1160 Biostatistics Lab MATH ELLD LD: Biostatistics Lab
MTH 1162 Data Analysis Lab MATH ELLD LD: Data Analysis Lab
MTH 1170 Calc I/Bus Eco Soc MATH ELLD LD: Calc I/Bus/Econ/Soc
MTH 1210 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MTH 1220 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MTH 1240 Quant Methods in Business MATH ELLD LD:Quant Methods in Business
MTH 1895 Special Topics MATH ELLD LD:Special Topics
MTH 201A01 Business Statistics MATH ELLD LD: Business Statistics
MTH 2140 Quant Mthd In Busin MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MTH 2210 Calculus III MATH 3110 Calculus III
MTH 2240 Differential Equations MATH ELLD LD:Differential Equations
MTH 2250 Discrete Mathematics MATH ELLD LD:Discrete Mathematics
MTH 2260 Linear Algebra MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MTH 3015 Jr Cornerstone MATH ELUD UD:Jr Cornerstone
MTH 3210 Probability MATH ELUD UD:Probability
MTH 3270 Combinatorics MATH ELUD UD: Combinatorics
MTH 4110 Modern Geometry MATH ELUD UD: Modern Geometry
MTH 4130 History of Mathematics MATH 4620 History and Philosophy of Math
MTH 4140 Abstract Algebra MATH ELUD UD:Abstract Algebra
MTH 4170 Modeling and Simulation MATH ELUD UD:Modeling and Simulation
MTH 4610 Advanced Topics MATH ELUD UD:Advanced Topics
MTH 4710 Senior Seminar MATH ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
MUA 001001 Private Applied Pre MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied Pre
MUA 001D01 Prin Guitar Nc MUS ELLD LD: Prin Guitar Nc
MUA 001K01 Priv Composit Nc MUS ELLD LD: Priv Composit Nc
MUA 010101 Intro Improve I MUS ELLD LD: Intro Improve I
MUA 011101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 011201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 012101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 012201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 013101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 013201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 014101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 014201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 016001 Cl Piano I & II MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUA 020001 Recital Attendance MUS ELLD LD: Recital Attendance
MUA 020101 Interm Improv I MUS ELLD LD: Interm Improv I
MUA 020201 Intermd Improv MUS ELLD LD: Intermd Improv
MUA 021101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 021201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 022101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 022201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 023101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 023201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 024101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 024201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUA 026001 Cl Piano III & IV MUAP 2352 Private Instruction Piano
MUA 030701 Vocal Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Vocal Seminar
MUA 031101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 031201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 032101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 032201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 033101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 0332 Private Voice MUAP 4372 Private Instruction Voice
MUA 034101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 034201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 041101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 041201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 042101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 042201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 043101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 043201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 044101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 044201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUA 105A01 It Eng Dict Lit MUS ELLD LD: It Eng Dict Lit
MUA 106A01 Itl/Eng Dict MUS ELLD LD: Itl/Eng Dict
MUA 111B01 Private Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUA 132A01 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUA 208D01 Comm Guitar Tech MUS ELLD LD: Comm Guitar Tech
MUA 221A01 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUA 300D01 Half Rec Guitar MUS ELUD UD: Half Rec Guitar
MUA 305A01 French Dict Lit MUS ELUD UD: French Dict Lit
MUA 308D01 Comm Guitar Smnr MUS ELUD UD: Comm Guitar Smnr
MUA A105 Italian Dict & Lit MUS ELLD LD: Italian Dict & Lit
MUA A131 Private Voice MUAP ELLD LD: Private Voice
MUA A211 Private Voice MUAP ELLD LD: Private Voice
MUA A307 Vocal Seminar MUAP ELLD LD: Vocal Seminar
MUAA 010601 Diction & Song Lit MUPD 2180 Diction Singers I Engl Latin
MUAA 011101 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 0112 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 0121 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 012201 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 0131 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 0132 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 020501 Diction & Song Lit MUS ELLD LD: Diction & Song Lit
MUAA 0207 Musical Theater Styl MUS ELLD LD: Musical Theater Styl
MUAA 0208 Musical Theater Styl MUS ELLD LD: Musical Theater Styl
MUAA 0211 Private Voice MUAP ELLD LD: Private Voice
MUAA 0212 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 0221 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 022201 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 0231 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 023201 Private Voice MUS ELLD LD: Private Voice
MUAA 0299 Sp St In Voice MUS ELLD LD: Sp St In Voice
MUAA 0301 Musical Theater Coac MUS ELUD UD: Musical Theater Coac
MUAA 030501 Vocal Lit & Vocal Pm MUPD 4310 Vocal Pedagogy
MUAA 030601 Opera & Ort Song Li MUS ELUD UD: Opera & Ort Song Li
MUAA 0307 Vocal Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Vocal Seminar
MUAA 0331 Private Voice MUAP 4371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 0332 Private Voice MUAP 4372 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 0401 Musical Theater Coac MUS ELUD UD: Musical Theater Coac
MUAA 0407 Musical Thtr Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Musical Thtr Seminar
MUAA 043101 Private Voice MUAP 4371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 1220 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 2050 Dict & Song Lit II MUPD ELLD LD: Dict & Song Lit II
MUAA 2120 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 2310 Private Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAA 3070 Vocal Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Vocal Seminar
MUAA 4070 Music Theatre Semina MUS ELUD UD: Music Theatre Semina
MUAB 0010 Private Piano-Prep MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUAB 0111 Private Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUAB 0112 Private Piano MUAP 2352 Private Instruction Piano
MUAB 0121 Private Piano MUAP 2352 Private Instruction Piano
MUAB 020501 Piano Literature I MUHL ELLD LD: Piano Literature I
MUAB 020601 Piano Literature II MUHL ELLD LD: Piano Literature II
MUAB 0211 Private Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUAB 0212 Private Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUAB 030501 Piano Pedagogy MUPD ELUD UD: Piano Pedagogy
MUAB 0307 Piano Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Piano Seminar
MUAB 031101 Private Piano MUAP ELUD UD: Private Piano
MUAB 031201 Private Piano MUAP ELUD UD: Private Piano
MUAB 1120 Private Piano MUAP 2352 Private Instruction Piano
MUAC 020501 Organ Literature I MUAP ELLD LD: Organ Literature I
MUAC 020601 Organ Literature II MUS ELLD LD: Organ Literature II
MUAC 030501 Service Playing MUS ELUD UD: Service Playing
MUAC 030701 Organ Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Organ Seminar
MUAD 011101 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAD 011201 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAD 0121 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAD 0122 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAD 020501 Classical Guitar Li MUHL 4060 Guitar Literature
MUAD 020601 Classical Guitar Li MUHL 4060 Guitar Literature
MUAD 021101 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAD 0212 Private Guitar MUAP 2412 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAD 022101 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAD 0222 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAD 0232 Private Guitar MUAP ELLD LD: Private Guitar
MUAD 030501 Classical Guitar Pe MUS ELUD UD: Classical Guitar Pe
MUAD 0307 Classical Guitar Sem MUS ELUD UD: Classical Guitar Sem
MUAD 1120 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAD 3070 Classical Guitar Sem MUS ELLD LD: Classical Guitar Sem
MUAF 0111 Private Woodwinds MUS ELLD LD: Private Woodwinds
MUAF 012101 Private Woodwinds MUS ELLD LD: Private Woodwinds
MUAG 0111 Private Strings MUAP ELLD LD: Private Strings
MUAG 0112 Private Strings MUAP ELLD LD: Private Strings
MUAG 0121 Private Strings MUS ELLD LD: Private Strings
MUAG 0122 Private Strings MUS ELLD LD: Private Strings
MUAG 0211 Private Strings MUAP ELLD LD: Private Strings
MUAG 0231 Private Strings MUS ELLD LD: Private Strings
MUAG 1120 Private Strings MUAP ELLD LD: Private Strings
MUAG 1320 Private Strings MUAP ELLD LD: Private Strings
MUAH 011101 Private Percussion MUS ELLD LD: Private Percussion
MUAH 0112 Private Percussion MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MUAH 0121 Private Percussion MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MUAH 0122 Private Percussion MUAP ELLD LD: Private Percussion
MUAH 0211 Private Percussion MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MUAH 0212 Private Percussion MUAP ELLD LD: Private Percussion
MUAI 020501 Tech & Lit Major In MUS ELLD LD: Tech & Lit Major In
MUAI 020601 Tech & Lit Major In MUS ELLD LD: Tech & Lit Major In
MUAI 030501 Instrumental Pedago MUS ELUD UD: Instrumental Pedago
MUAI 0307 Instrumental Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Instrumental Seminar
MUAI 3070 Instr Sem Strings MUS ELUD UD: Instr Sem Strings
MUAK 0111 Priv Composition MUS ELLD LD: Priv Composition
MUAK 011201 Private Composition MUAP ELLD LD: Private Composition
MUAK 021101 Private Comp MUAP ELLD LD: Private Comp
MUAO 0111 Private Elec Keyboar MUS ELLD LD: Private Elec Keyboar
MUAO 0112 Priv Ele Keyboard MUS ELLD LD: Priv Ele Keyboard
MUB 001001 Private Applied Pre MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied Pre
MUB 011101 Priv Com Compos MUS ELLD LD: Priv Com Compos
MUB 011201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 012101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 012201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 013101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 013201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 014101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 014201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 021101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 021201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 022101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 022201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 023101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 023201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 024101 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 024201 Private Applied MUS ELLD LD: Private Applied
MUB 031101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 031201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 032101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 032201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 033101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 033201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 034101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 034201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 041101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 041201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 042101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 042201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 043101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 043201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 044101 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB 044201 Private Applied MUS ELUD UD: Private Applied
MUB A308 Comm Voc Sem MUS ELLD LD: Comm Voc Sem
MUBA 001001 Private Comm Voice MUS ELLD LD: Private Comm Voice
MUBA 0111 Priv Comm Voice MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Voice
MUBA 0112 Priv Comm Voice MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Voice
MUBA 0211 Private Comm Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUBA 021201 Private Comm Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUBA 0222 Priv Commer Voice MUS ELLD LD: Priv Commer Voice
MUBA 0300 Half Recital MUS ELUD UD: Half Recital
MUBA 0303 Comm Vocal Styles I MUS ELUD UD: Comm Vocal Styles I
MUBA 0304 Comm Voc Styles II MUS ELUD UD: Comm Voc Styles II
MUBA 030501 Commercial Vocual S MUS ELUD UD: Commercial Vocual S
MUBA 030601 Singers Reading Lab MUS ELUD UD: Singers Reading Lab
MUBA 0308 Commercial Voice Sem MUS ELUD UD: Commercial Voice Sem
MUBA 0341 Private Comm Voice MUS ELUD UD: Private Comm Voice
MUBA 0342 Private Comm Voice MUS ELUD UD: Private Comm Voice
MUBA 1100 Priv Commercial Voi MUS ELLD LD: Priv Commercial Voi
MUBA 3080 Cmm Vocal Seminar/Lo MUS ELUD UD: Cmm Vocal Seminar/Lo
MUBB 0111 Pri Comm Piano MUS ELLD LD: Pri Comm Piano
MUBB 0112 Priv Comm Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUBB 0308 Comm Keyboard Sem MUS ELUD UD: Comm Keyboard Sem
MUBB 211 Private Commercial Piano MUAP 2352 Private Instruction Piano
MUBB 212 Private Piano MUAP ELLD LD:Private Piano
MUBD 0111 Private Commercial G MUS ELLD LD: Private Commercial G
MUBD 0112 Priv Commercial Gui MUS ELLD LD: Priv Commercial Gui
MUBD 0121 Priv Comm Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUBD 0131 Priv Comm Guitar MUAP ELLD LD: Priv Comm Guitar
MUBD 0211 Priv Commercial Gui MUS ELLD LD: Priv Commercial Gui
MUBD 021201 Priv Comm Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Guitar
MUBD 030801 Comm Guitar Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Comm Guitar Seminar
MUBD 1120 Priv Commer Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Priv Commer Guitar
MUBD 3080 Cmm Guitar Seminar MUS ELLD LD: Cmm Guitar Seminar
MUBF 0111 Pri Com Woodwinds MUS ELLD LD: Pri Com Woodwinds
MUBG 0111 Priv Commercial Str MUS ELLD LD: Priv Commercial Str
MUBG 011201 Priv Comm Strings MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Strings
MUBG 021101 Priv Comm Strings MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Strings
MUBG 1120 Priv Commerc Strings MUAP ELLD LD: Priv Commerc Strings
MUBH 011101 Priv Comm Percussio MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Percussio
MUBH 0112 Priv Comm Perc MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Perc
MUBH 0211 Priv Comm Perc MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Perc
MUBH 0212 Priv Comm Perc MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Perc
MUBH 0322 Priv Comm Perc MUS ELUD UD: Priv Comm Perc
MUBH 0331 Priv Comm Perc MUS ELUD UD: Priv Comm Perc
MUBH 0431 Priv Comm Perc MUS ELUD UD: Priv Comm Perc
MUBI 010101 Intro to Improv I MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Improv I
MUBI 011101 Priv Com Instr MUS ELLD LD: Priv Com Instr
MUBI 011201 Private Comm Instru MUS ELLD LD: Private Comm Instru
MUBI 020101 Imporvisation I MUTH ELUD UD: Imporvisation I
MUBI 020201 Improvisation II MUTH ELUD UD: Improvisation II
MUBI 030301 Commercial Styles MUEN 3420 Commercial Music Ensemble
MUBI 0308 Comm Instrumental Se MUS ELUD UD: Comm Instrumental Se
MUBI 3080 Cmm Instr Sem/Winds MUS ELUD UD: Cmm Instr Sem/Winds
MUBJ 0111 Priv Electric Bass MUS ELLD LD: Priv Electric Bass
MUBJ 0112 Private Elec Bass MUAP ELLD LD: Private Elec Bass
MUBJ 0211 Priv Electric Bass MUAP ELLD LD: Priv Electric Bass
MUBK 0111 Prive Comm Compso MUS ELLD LD: Prive Comm Compso
MUBK 011201 Priv Comm Compos MUS ELLD LD: Priv Comm Compos
MUC 0111 Intro to Music Tech MUTH ELUD UD: Intro to Music Tech
MUC 021501 Intro to Instrument MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Instrument
MUC 021601 Commercial Song Wri MUS ELLD LD: Commercial Song Wri
MUC 021701 Commercial Song Wri MUS ELLD LD: Commercial Song Wri
MUC 021801 Music Copying MUS ELLD LD: Music Copying
MUC 0221 Music Technology I MUS ELLD LD: Music Technology I
MUC 0222 Music Technology 3 MUS ELLD LD: Music Technology 3
MUC 0317 Studio Instrumental MUS ELUD UD: Studio Instrumental
MUC 031801 Studio Singers MUEN 3420 Commercial Music Ensemble
MUC 034001 Film & Video Scorin MUS ELUD UD: Film & Video Scorin
MUC 041701 Recording Staff Mus MUS ELUD UD: Recording Staff Mus
MUC 0499 Special Studies In C MUS ELUD UD: Special Studies In C
MUC 1110 Intro to Music Technology MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Music Tech
MUC 2160 Commercial Song Wri MUTH ELLD LD: Commercial Song Wri
MUC 2610 Guitar Mechanics MUS ELLD LD:Guitar Mechanics
MUC 3170 Studio Instrumentalist MUS ELUD UD:Studio Instrumentalist
MUC 3895 Special Topics MUS ELUD UD:Special Topics
MUC 3991 Spc Stud In Com Mus-Guitar RSU MUS ELUD UD:Spc Stud Com Mu-Guitar
MUDA 011101 Basic Class Voice I MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Voice I
MUDA 011201 Basic Class Voice I MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Voice I
MUDA 021101 Basic Class Voice I MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Voice I
MUDA 021201 Basic Class Voice I MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Voice I
MUDB 011101 Basic Class Piano I MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Piano I
MUDB 011201 Basic Class Piano I MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Piano I
MUDB 021101 Basic Class Piano I MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Piano I
MUDB 021201 Basic Class Piano I MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Piano I
MUDD 011101 Basic Class Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Guitar
MUDD 011201 Basic Class Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Guitar
MUDD 021101 Basic Class Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Guitar
MUDD 021201 Basic Class Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Basic Class Guitar
MUE 022101 Brass Class Methods MUED 1330 Brass Techniques
MUE 022201 Woodwind Class Meth MUED 1310 Woodwind Techniques I
MUE 022301 Intro to Music Educ MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Music Educ
MUE 029901 Sp St Intro Mus Ed MUS ELLD LD: Sp St Intro Mus Ed
MUE 032101 String Class Method MUED 1410 String Techniques
MUE 032201 Percussion Class Me MUED ELUD UD: Percussion Class Me
MUE 032301 Basic Conducting Te MUS 3140 Conducting I
MUE 032401 Choral Conducting MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MUE 032501 Recreational Music MUS ELUD UD: Recreational Music
MUE 032601 Instrumental Conduc MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MUE 032701 Conducting Lab MUS ELUD UD: Conducting Lab
MUE 041801 Issues In Kodaly Mu MUS ELUD UD: Issues In Kodaly Mu
MUE 041901 Issues In Kodlay Mu MUS ELUD UD: Issues In Kodlay Mu
MUE 042001 Seminar In Music Ed MUS ELUD UD: Seminar In Music Ed
MUE 042101 Elem School Music M MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUE 042201 Middle School Music MUED 3220 Choral Mus Midl Sr High School
MUE 042301 Secondary Instrumen MUED 3230 Instrumental Materials
MUE 042401 Teaching Music In E MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUE 042501 Psychology of Music MUS ELUD UD: Psychology of Music
MUE 042601 Secondary Choral Mu MUED 3220 Choral Mus Midl Sr High School
MUE 042701 Kidaly Methodology MUS ELUD UD: Kidaly Methodology
MUE 042801 Adv Seminar In Chor MUS ELUD UD: Adv Seminar In Chor
MUE 042901 Special Studies In MUS ELUD UD: Special Studies In
MUE 0430 Tech For the Music E MUS ELUD UD: Tech For the Music E
MUE 044001 Student Teaching In MUS ELUD UD: Student Teaching In
MUE 0499 Special Studies In M MUS ELUD UD: Special Studies In M
MUE 1000 Music Education Seminar MUED ELLD LD:Music Education Seminar
MUE 2000 Music Education Seminar MUED ELLD LD:Music Education Seminar
MUE 2210 Brass Methods MUED 1330 Brass Techniques
MUE 2230 Intro Music Education MUED ELLD LD:Intro Music Education
MUE 2240 Guitar Methods MUS ELLD LD:Guitar Methods
MUE 2250 World Percussion Methods MUED 1320 Percussion Techniques
MUE 3230 Basic Conducting Tec MUS 3140 Conducting I
MUE 3270 Conducting Lab MUS ELUD UD:Conducting Lab
MUE 3290 Woodwind Methods II MUED 1310 Woodwind Techniques I
MUEA 0303 Vocal Seminar Fr/So MUS ELUD UD: Vocal Seminar Fr/So
MUFA 001001 Secondary Class Voi MUS ELLD LD: Secondary Class Voi
MUFA 011101 Secondary Class Voi MUS 1510 Class Voice I
MUFA 011201 Secondary Class Voi MUS ELLD LD: Secondary Class Voi
MUFA 021101 Secondary Clas Voic MUS ELLD LD: Secondary Clas Voic
MUFA 021201 Secondary Class Voi MUS ELLD LD: Secondary Class Voi
MUFB 0010 Class Piano Prepara MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano Prepara
MUFB 011101 Secondary Class Pia MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUFB 011201 Secondary Class Pia MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUFB 015401 Secondary Class Pian MUS ELLD LD: Secondary Class Pian
MUFB 021101 Secondary Clas Pian MUS ELLD LD: Secondary Clas Pian
MUFB 021201 Secondary Class Pia MUS ELLD LD: Secondary Class Pia
MUFB 1120 Sec Class Piano II MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUFD 0110 Guitar Reading Lab MUS ELLD LD: Guitar Reading Lab
MUFD 0111 Beginning Guitar Class MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MUFD 1110 Begin Guitar Class MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MUFG 0494 String Chamber Pract MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUFG 049501 String Quartet MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUFG 4950 Classical String Qua MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUFK 0111 Class Comp Comm MUS ELLD LD: Class Comp Comm
MUG 0200 Recital Attendance MUS 1010 Recital Attendance
MUG 020101 Piano Proficiency MUS ELLD LD: Piano Proficiency
MUG 020201 Sophomore Technical MUS ELLD LD: Sophomore Technical
MUG 031201 Music History III MUS ELUD UD: Music History III
MUG 2000 Recital/Wkshp Atten MUS 1010 Recital Attendance
MUG 2010 Piano Proficiency MUS ELLD LD:Piano Proficiency
MUG 2020 Sophomore Technical MUS ELLD LD: Sophomore Technical
MUG 3010 The Professional Musician MUS ELUD UD:The Professional Musician
MUG 4015 Senior Capstone-Music MUS ELUD UD:Senior Capstone-Music
MUGA 020201 Sophomore Technical MUS ELLD LD: Sophomore Technical
MUH 0200 The Musical Experien MUS ELLD LD: The Musical Experien
MUH 021001 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUH 021101 Survey Music Hist & MUS ELLD LD: Survey Music Hist &
MUH 021201 Survey Mus Hist & L MUS ELLD LD: Survey Mus Hist & L
MUH 021301 Today's Music MUS ELLD LD: Today's Music
MUH 021401 The Arts For Educ, MUS ELLD LD: The Arts For Educ,
MUH 021501 The History of Rock MUS ELLD LD: The History of Rock
MUH 0216 Music For Education MUS ELLD LD: Music For Education
MUH 031101 Studies In Early Mu MUS ELUD UD: Studies In Early Mu
MUH 031201 Studies In Baroque MUS ELUD UD: Studies In Baroque
MUH 031301 Studies Nineteenth MUS ELUD UD: Studies Nineteenth
MUH 031401 Studies In Twentiet MUS ELUD UD: Studies In Twentiet
MUH 041101 Hist Commercial Mus MUHL 3670 Studies in Ameri Popular Music
MUH 0412 World Music MUHL 1610 The World of Music
MUH 0413 History of Musical T MUS ELUD UD: History of Musical T
MUH 041901 Special Studies Mus MUS ELUD UD: Special Studies Mus
MUH 0499 Special Studies In M MUS ELUD UD: Special Studies In M
MUH 1200 Intro Mus/Hist Styl MUS ELLD LD: Intro Mus/Hist Styl
MUH 2000 The Musical Experie MUS ELLD LD: The Musical Experie
MUH 2010 Popular Music Experience MUS ELLD LD: Popular Music Experience
MUH 2020 World Music Experience MUS ELLD LD:World Music Experience
MUH 2110 Surv Mus Hist & Lit MUHL ELLD LD: Surv Mus Hist & Lit
MUH 2120 Surv Mus Hist & Lit MUHL ELLD LD: Surv Mus Hist & Lit
MUH 2140 Arts for Education ELED ELLD LD:Arts for Education
MUH 2160 Music for Education MUED ELLD LD:Music for Education
MUH 2200 Hist Western Music MUHL ELLD LD:Hist Western Music
MUH 2950 Central Europe:1700 to Present MUHL ELLD LD:Central Euro:1700 to Presen
MUH 3015 Music Junior Cornerstone MUHL ELUD UD:Music Junior Cornerstone
MUH 3200 Hist-Westn Music Ancient-1700 MUHL 3010 History of Western Art Music I
MUH 4110 History Commercial Music MUHL ELUD UD:History Commercial Music
MUK 1110 Intro to Digital Musicianship RIM ELLD LD:Intro to Digital Musiciansh
MUL 0397 Musical Theatre Read MUS ELUD UD: Musical Theatre Read
MUN 389 University Singers MUEN 3260 University Chorus
MUN 0380 Tennessee Repertory MUS ELUD UD: Tennessee Repertory
MUN 038101 Image MUS ELUD UD: Image
MUN 038201 Belmont Pops MUS ELUD UD: Belmont Pops
MUN 0383 Southbound MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MUN 0389 University Singers MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MUN 0390 Oratorio Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUN 0391 Belmont Chorale MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUN 039201 Belmont Chamber Sin MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUN 0393 Womens Choir MUEN 3220 Soprano Alto Chorale
MUN 039401 Men's Chorus MUS ELUD UD: Men's Chorus
MUN 039501 Company MUS ELUD UD: Company
MUN 039601 Opera Theater MUS ELUD UD: Opera Theater
MUN 039701 Musical Theater MUS ELUD UD: Musical Theater
MUN 039801 Jazzmin MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MUN 039901 Belmont Pops MUS ELUD UD: Belmont Pops
MUN 041201 World Music MUS ELUD UD: World Music
MUN 0481 Woodwind Quintet MUEN 3750 Woodwind Chamber Ensemble
MUN 0482 Brass Quinntet MUEN 3710 Brass Chamber Ensembles
MUN 0484 Bluegrass Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Bluegrass Ensemble
MUN 0485 Guitar Ensemble MUEN 3720 Guitar Chamber Ensembles
MUN 0486 Percussion Ensemble MUEN 3500 Percussion Ensemble
MUN 0487 Piano Ensemble MUEN 3730 Piano Chamber Ensembles
MUN 049001 Belmont Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUN 049101 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUN 0492 Collegium Musicum MUS ELUD UD: Collegium Musicum
MUN 049301 Belmont Orchestra MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUN 049401 Instrumental Chambe MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUN 049501 Instrumental Ensemb MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUN 0496 Jazz Small Group II MUEN 3430 Jazz Combo
MUN 0497 Rock Ensemble MUEN 3420 Commercial Music Ensemble
MUN 0498 New Music Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: New Music Ensemble
MUN 3810 Phoenix MUEN 3420 Commercial Music Ensemble
MUN 3820 Belmont Pops MUS ELUD UD: Belmont Pops
MUN 3840 Session MUEN ELUD UD: Session
MUN 3890 University Singers MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MUN 3895 Special Topics MUS ELUD UD:Special Topics
MUN 3900 Oratorio Chorus MUEN ELUD UD: Oratorio Chorus
MUN 3910 Belmont Chorale MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUN 3920 Chamber Singers MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUN 3930 Womens Chorus MUEN 3220 Soprano Alto Chorale
MUN 3950 Company MUEN ELUD UD:Company
MUN 3970 Musical Theatre MUS ELUD UD: Musical Theatre
MUN 3980 Jazzmin MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MUN 3991 Sp Stu Ens Cmm Cham Ens MUEN ELUD UD:Sp St Ens Cmm Cham
MUN 4730 Concert Band MUEN ELUD UD: Concert Band
MUN 4750 Commercial Guitar Ensemble MUEN ELUD UD:Commercial Guitar Ensemble
MUN 4830 Bass Ensemble MUEN ELUD UD:Bass Ensemble
MUN 4840 Bluegrass Ensemble MUEN ELUD UD: Bluegrass Ensemble
MUN 4850 Guitar Ensemble MUEN 3720 Guitar Chamber Ensembles
MUN 4860 Percussion Ensemble MUEN 3500 Percussion Ensemble
MUN 4870 Piano Ensemble MUEN 3730 Piano Chamber Ensembles
MUN 4880 World Percussion Ensemble MUEN ELUD UD:World Percussion Ensemble
MUN 4895 Special Topics Ensemble MUEN 3140 Concert Band
MUN 4900 Belmont Wind Ensemble MUEN 3120 Wind Ensemble
MUN 4915 Jazz Band II MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUN 4930 Belmont Orchestra MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUN 4960 Jazz Small Group I MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUN 4970 Rock Ensemble MUAP ELUD UD: Rock Ensemble
MUP 034501 Piano Pedagogy & Li MUPD ELUD UD: Piano Pedagogy & Li
MUP 034601 Piano Pedagogy & Li MUS ELUD UD: Piano Pedagogy & Li
MUP 034901 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUP 044501 Supervised Piano Te MUS ELUD UD: Supervised Piano Te
MUP 044701 Group Piano Pedagog MUS ELUD UD: Group Piano Pedagog
MUP 044801 Private Piano Studi MUS ELUD UD: Private Piano Studi
MUP 044901 Accompanying Labora MUS ELUD UD: Accompanying Labora
MUR 024001 Intro to Church Mus MUHL ELLD LD: Intro to Church Mus
MUR 034101 Church Music Educ I MUS ELUD UD: Church Music Educ I
MUR 034201 Church Music Educ I MUS ELUD UD: Church Music Educ I
MUR 034301 Intro to Organ MUAP ELUD UD: Intro to Organ
MUR 044101 Church Music Admini MUS ELUD UD: Church Music Admini
MUR 044201 Hymnology MUS ELUD UD: Hymnology
MUR 044301 Church Music Fieldw MUS ELUD UD: Church Music Fieldw
MUR 0499 Special Studies In C MUS ELUD UD: Special Studies In C
MUR 4440 Music in Worship 21st Century MUS ELUD UD:Music in Worship 21st Cent
MUS 000101 Depart Recital MUS ELLD LD: Depart Recital
MUS 000501 Comm Coaching MUS ELLD LD: Comm Coaching
MUS 000601 Comm Seminar MUS ELLD LD: Comm Seminar
MUS 001A01 Ital & Eng Dict MUS ELLD LD: Ital & Eng Dict
MUS 001B01 Ital & Eng Dict MUS ELLD LD: Ital & Eng Dict
MUS 005D Private Voice MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 006001 Class Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUS 013101 Freshman Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Freshman Theory
MUS 0132 Basic Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Basic Theory
MUS 013301 Fresh Ear Train MUS ELLD LD: Fresh Ear Train
MUS 013401 Fresh Ear Train MUS ELLD LD: Fresh Ear Train
MUS 013501 Fresh Key HRMny MUS ELLD LD: Fresh Key HRMny
MUS 0136 Fresh Key HRMny MUS ELLD LD: Fresh Key HRMny
MUS 013701 Fresh Theory MUS ELLD LD: Fresh Theory
MUS 013801 Fresh Comp Thry MUS ELLD LD: Fresh Comp Thry
MUS 0151 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 0152 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 015301 Private Voice MUS ELLD LD: Private Voice
MUS 015401 Private Voice MUS ELLD LD: Private Voice
MUS 016101 Private Piano MUS ELLD LD: Private Piano
MUS 0162 Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUS 018001 Class Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Class Guitar
MUS 018301 Private Instrument MUS ELLD LD: Private Instrument
MUS 018401 Priv Instrument MUS ELLD LD: Priv Instrument
MUS 019101 Oratorio Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 021001 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 021101 Survey of Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 0212 Mus History I MUS ELLD LD: Mus History I
MUS 022301 Intro to Instr MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Instr
MUS 0231 Soph Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Soph Theory
MUS 0232 Soph Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Soph Theory
MUS 0233 Soph Ear Train MUS ELLD LD: Soph Ear Train
MUS 0235 Soph Keybd HRMn MUS ELLD LD: Soph Keybd HRMn
MUS 0236 Soph Key Harmny MUS ELLD LD: Soph Key Harmny
MUS 025101 Private Voice MUS ELLD LD: Private Voice
MUS 0252 Priv Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 0253 Priv Voice MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 0254 Private Voice MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 0260 Class Piano IV MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUS 0293 Bel Chorale MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MUS 0294 Belmont Chorale MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MUS 0296 Chapel Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 0311 Mus History II MUS ELUD UD: Mus History II
MUS 0312 Mus History III MUS ELUD UD: Mus History III
MUS 0323 Conducting I MUS 3140 Conducting I
MUS 0324 Adv Conducting MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MUS 032701 Survey Mus Bus MUS ELUD UD: Survey Mus Bus
MUS 0331 Form Analysis MUTH ELUD UD: Form Analysis
MUS 0341 Choral Lit I MUS ELUD UD: Choral Lit I
MUS 0351 Private Voice MUAP 4371 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 0355 Private Voice MUAP 4372 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 0356 Private Voice MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 0392 Oratorio MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 0395 Chapel Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 0396 Chapel Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 0421 Elem Sch Mus Me MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUS 0431 Counterpoint MUTH ELUD UD: Counterpoint
MUS 0432 Counterpoint II MUS ELUD UD: Counterpoint II
MUS 0441 Church Mus Method MUHL ELUD UD: Church Mus Method
MUS 0442 Hymnology MUS ELUD UD: Hymnology
MUS 130A Basic Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Basic Theory
MUS 150A Oratorio Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 160A01 Class Piano I MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano I
MUS 160B01 Class Piano II MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano II
MUS 260A01 Class Piano III MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano III
MUS 390A01 Oratorio Chorus MUS ELUD UD: Oratorio Chorus
MUS 390C01 Chapel Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUT 013001 Fundamentals of Mus MUED ELLD LD: Fundamentals of Mus
MUT 013101 Diatonic Harmony MUTH ELLD LD: Diatonic Harmony
MUT 013201 Diatonic Harmony MUTH ELLD LD: Diatonic Harmony
MUT 013301 Ear Training I MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Training I
MUT 013401 Ear Training II MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Training II
MUT 013501 Keyboard Harmony I MUS ELLD LD: Keyboard Harmony I
MUT 013601 Keyboard Harmony II MUS ELLD LD: Keyboard Harmony II
MUT 013701 Music Fund For Musi MUS ELLD LD: Music Fund For Musi
MUT 013801 Music Theory For Mu MUS ELLD LD: Music Theory For Mu
MUT 023101 Chromatic Harmony MUTH ELLD LD: Chromatic Harmony
MUT 023201 Contemporary Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Contemporary Theory
MUT 023301 Ear Training III MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Training III
MUT 023401 Ear Training IV MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Training IV
MUT 0235 Ear Trainin IV MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Trainin IV
MUT 023601 Keyboard Harmony MUS ELLD LD: Keyboard Harmony
MUT 033101 Form & Analysis MUTH ELUD UD: Form & Analysis
MUT 033201 Orchestration & Ins MUTH ELUD UD: Orchestration & Ins
MUT 033301 Improvisational The MUTH ELUD UD: Improvisational The
MUT 033701 Intro to Electronic MUTH ELUD UD: Intro to Electronic
MUT 033801 Electronic Music La MUS ELUD UD: Electronic Music La
MUT 043101 Counterpoint I MUTH ELUD UD: Counterpoint I
MUT 043201 Counterpoint II MUS ELUD UD: Counterpoint II
MUT 043301 Contemporary Arrang MUTH ELUD UD: Contemporary Arrang
MUT 0434 Adv Contemporary Arr MUTH ELUD UD: Adv Contemporary Arr
MUT 043501 Twentieth Century A MUS ELUD UD: Twentieth Century A
MUT 043901 Special Studies In MUS ELUD UD: Special Studies In
MUT 0499 Special Studies In M MUS ELUD UD: Special Studies In M
MUT 1300 Fund of Music MUED ELLD LD: Fund of Music
MUT 1310 Harmony I MUTH ELLD LD: Harmony I
MUT 1320 Theory II MUTH ELLD LD:Theory II
MUT 1330 Ear Training I MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Training I
MUT 1340 Ear Training II MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Training II
MUT 1380 Music Theory Music Business MUTH ELLD LD:Music Theory Music Business
MUT 2310 Harmony III MUTH ELLD LD: Harmony III
MUT 2320 Harmony IV MUTH ELLD LD: Harmony IV
MUT 2330 Ear Training III MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Training III
MUT 2350 Ear Trn IV Commerci MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Trn IV Commerci
MUT 3320 Orchestration/instrumentation MUS 3140 Conducting I
MUT 3330 Inprovisatnl Theory MUTH ELUD UD: Inprovisatnl Theory
MUY 1010 Intro to Music Therapy MUS ELLD LD:Intro to Music Therapy
MUY 1020 Clin Tech Music Therapy MUS ELLD LD:Clin Tech Music Therapy
MUY 2010 Music & Human Behavior MUS ELLD LD:Music & Human Behavior
MUY 2030 Self Care Music Therapy MUS ELLD LD:Self Care Music Therapy
NEU 1000 Seminar in Neuroscience ELEC ELLD LD:Seminar in Neuroscience
NEU 1895 General Neuroscience ELEC ELLD LD:General Neuroscience
NEU 2080 Intro to Neuroscience ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Neuroscience
NEU 3895 Special Topics ELEC ELUD UD: Special Topics
NTR 2230 Principles of Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
NTR 3430 Community Nutrition NFS 3260 Community Nutrition
NTR 4100 Advanced Nutrition NFS 4270 Advanced Nutrition I
NTR 4120 Diet and Disease NFS ELUD UD: Diet and Disease
NTR 4800 Internship in Nutrition NFS ELUD UD:Internship in Nutrition
NUR 010101 Fund Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Fund Nursing
NUR 010201 Family Child Hl NURS ELLD LD: Family Child Hl
NUR 010301 Cln Ap of Adpt Nur NURS ELLD LD: Cln Ap of Adpt Nur
NUR 0110 Wellness/Nutrition NURS ELLD LD: Wellness/Nutrition
NUR 011101 Application Nurs II NURS ELLD LD: Application Nurs II
NUR 011201 Nursing Role II NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Role II
NUR 011301 Nursing Clinical Ap NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Clinical Ap
NUR 0131 Hlth Begin/Well Pre NURS ELLD LD: Hlth Begin/Well Pre
NUR 0133 Hlth Promo of Fam NURS ELLD LD: Hlth Promo of Fam
NUR 0200 Nursing Seminar NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Seminar
NUR 020101 Phys Mental Hlth NURS ELLD LD: Phys Mental Hlth
NUR 020201 Phys Mental Hlth NURS ELLD LD: Phys Mental Hlth
NUR 020301 Cl App Adpt Nur III NURS ELLD LD: Cl App Adpt Nur III
NUR 0204 Health Assessment NURS ELLD LD: Health Assessment
NUR 0210 Nutrition Throughout NURS ELLD LD: Nutrition Throughout
NUR 021101 Adaptation Nurs V NURS ELLD LD: Adaptation Nurs V
NUR 021201 Nursing Role Sem IV NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Role Sem IV
NUR 021301 Clin Application IV NURS ELLD LD: Clin Application IV
NUR 0224 Pathophysiology NURS ELLD LD: Pathophysiology
NUR 024101 Intro to Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Nursing
NUR 029901 Transition to Pro N NURS ELLD LD: Transition to Pro N
NUR 0300 Nursing Seminar II NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Seminar II
NUR 030401 Health Assessment F NURS ELUD UD: Health Assessment F
NUR 031401 Pharmacology For Nu NURS ELUD UD: Pharmacology For Nu
NUR 032101 Adult Health Nursin NURS ELUD UD: Adult Health Nursin
NUR 032201 Professional Role D NURS ELUD UD: Professional Role D
NUR 032401 Pathophysiology In NURS ELUD UD: Pathophysiology In
NUR 033101 Maternal-Infant Hea NURS ELUD UD: Maternal-Infant Hea
NUR 034101 Mental Health Nursi NURS ELUD UD: Mental Health Nursi
NUR 034201 Professional Role D NURS ELUD UD: Professional Role D
NUR 0343 Spirituality In Nurs NURS ELUD UD: Spirituality In Nurs
NUR 0353 Nursing Informatics NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Informatics
NUR 0363 Basic Arrhythmia Int NURS ELUD UD: Basic Arrhythmia Int
NUR 039201 International Healt NURS ELUD UD: International Healt
NUR 039701 Health Care of Vuln NURS ELUD UD: Health Care of Vuln
NUR 039901 Transition to Pro N NURS ELUD UD: Transition to Pro N
NUR 0400 Nursing Seminar III NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Seminar III
NUR 040401 Research In Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Research In Nursing
NUR 043101 Child & Family Heal NURS ELUD UD: Child & Family Heal
NUR 044101 Prin of Acute Care NURS ELUD UD: Prin of Acute Care
NUR 044201 Professional Role D NURS ELUD UD: Professional Role D
NUR 045001 Gerontology In Nurs NURS ELUD UD: Gerontology In Nurs
NUR 045101 Community Health Nu NURS ELUD UD: Community Health Nu
NUR 046101 Leadership & Mgmt N NURS ELUD UD: Leadership & Mgmt N
NUR 046201 Professional Role D NURS ELUD UD: Professional Role D
NUR 0471 Senior Practicum NURS ELUD UD: Senior Practicum
NUR 1010 Perspectives in Health Care NURS ELLD LD:Persp in Health Care
NUR 1020 Diversity in Health Care NURS ELLD LD:Diversity in Health Care
NUR 1100 Wellness Nutrition NURS ELLD LD: Wellness Nutrition
NUR 1110 Wellness & Mental Health NURS ELLD LD:Wellness & Mental Health
NUR 1310 Hlth Beg Well Preg NURS ELLD LD: Hlth Beg Well Preg
NUR 1330 Hlth Promo of Famil NURS ELLD LD: Hlth Promo of Famil
NUR 1340 Men's Health: Wellness NURS ELLD LD:Men's Health Wellness
NUR 1600 Wellness, Assessment & Health NURS ELLD LD:Wellness, Assessment & Hlth
NUR 1601 Assessment & Found Skills NURS ELLD LD: Assessment & Found Skills
NUR 1895 Media Protrayal Healthcare NURS ELLD LD:Media Protrayal Healthcare
NUR 1990 Wellness & Mental Health NURS ELLD LD:Wellness & Mental Health
NUR 2000 Prefessional Nurs I NURS ELLD LD: Prefessional Nurs I
NUR 2030 Intro to Pharmacology NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Pharmacology
NUR 2040 Health Assessment NURS ELLD LD: Health Assessment
NUR 2041 Health Assessment L NURS ELLD LD: Health Assessment L
NUR 204L Hlth Assessment Lab NURS ELLD LD: Hlth Assessment Lab
NUR 2100 Nutrition Thru Life NURS ELLD LD: Nutrition Thru Life
NUR 2240 Pathophysiology NURS ELLD LD: Pathophysiology
NUR 2250 Lifespan Nutrition NURS ELLD LD: Lifespan Nutrition
NUR 2270 Found of Care Management NURS ELLD LD: Found of Care Management
NUR 2271 Found of Experiential Learning NURS ELLD LD: Found Experiential Lrning
NUR 2290 Nursing Research NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Research
NUR 2410 Intro to Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Nursing
NUR 2411 Intro Nursing Lab NURS ELLD LD: Intro Nursing Lab
NUR 2412 Intro Nursing Clini NURS ELLD LD: Intro Nursing Clini
NUR 241C Intro to Nurs NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Nurs
NUR 241L Intro to Nurs NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Nurs
NUR 3000 Prof Nursing II NURS ELUD UD: Prof Nursing II
NUR 3010 Care Management I NURS ELUD UD:Care Management I
NUR 3011 Experiential Learning I NURS ELUD UD:Experiential Learning I
NUR 3040 Pathophysiology/Pharm I NURS ELUD UD:Pathophysiology/Pharm I
NUR 304L Health Assessment NURS ELUD UD: Health Assessment
NUR 3100 Nurse as Scholar NURS ELUD UD:Nurse as Scholar
NUR 3140 Pharmacology NURS ELUD UD: Pharmacology
NUR 3200 Nurse as Team Member NURS ELUD UD:Nurse as Team Member
NUR 3210 Adult Hlth Nurs I NURS ELUD UD: Adult Hlth Nurs I
NUR 3211 Adult Health Lab NURS ELUD UD:Adult Health Lab
NUR 3212 Adult Hlth Nur Clini NURS ELUD UD: Adult Hlth Nur Clini
NUR 321C Adult Hlth Nur Clini NURS ELUD UD: Adult Hlth Nur Clini
NUR 3350 Therapeutic Nutrition NURS ELUD UD:Therapeutic Nutrition
NUR 3410 Mental Health NURS ELUD UD:Mental Health
NUR 3412 Mental Health Clinical NURS ELUD UD:Mental Health Clinical
NUR 3630 Arrhythmia Interpretation NURS ELUD UD:Arrhythmia Interpretation
NUR 3850 Evidence-Based Prac NURS ELUD UD:Evidence-Based Prac
NUR 4210 Family Nursing NURS ELUD UD:Family Nursing
NUR 4211 Family Nursing Lab NURS ELUD UD:Family Nursing Lab
NUR 4212 Family Nursing NURS ELUD UD:Family Nursing
NUR 4310 Family Nursing NURS ELUD UD:Family Nursing
NUR 4311 Family Nursing NURS ELUD UD:Family Nursing
NUR 4312 Family Nurs Clin NURS ELUD UD:Family Nurs Clin
NUR 4500 Family Practice NURS ELUD UD:Family Practice
NUR 4510 Comm Health NURS ELUD UD:Comm Health
NUR 4512 Comm Health NURS ELUD UD:Comm Health
NURS 0100 Nursing Seminar NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Seminar
OAD 013001 Keyboarding BCED ELLD LD: Keyboarding
OAD 013101 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD: Typewriting
OAD 013201 Intermediate Typewr BCED ELLD LD: Intermediate Typewr
OAD 019901 Special Studies BCED ELLD LD:Special Studies
OAD 022501 Advanced Typewritin BCED ELLD LD: Advanced Typewritin
OAD 0231 Shorthand BCED ELLD LD:Shorthand
OAD 023201 Intermediate Shorth BCED ELLD LD: Intermediate Shorth
OAD 032501 Office Management BCED ELUD UD: Office Management
OAD 033101 Advanced Shorthand BCED ELUD UD: Advanced Shorthand
OAD 033201 Administrative Offi BCED ELUD UD:Administrative Office
OAD 033601 Medical Office Prac BCED ELUD UD:Medical Office Prac
OAD 033701 The Legal Secretary BCED ELUD UD:Legal Secretary
OAD 034001 Word Processing & O BCED ELUD UD: Word Processing & O
OAD 049401 CPS Review BCED ELUD UD:CPS Review
OAD 049901 Special Studies BCED ELUD UD:Special Studies
P ED 0200 Folk Games Arch PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
P ED 024101 Soph Req M&W PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
P ED 0242 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
P ED 140M01 Beg & Int Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Beg & Int Swimming
P ED 141M01 Fresh Phy Ed PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
P ED 141W Fresh Req Women PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
P ED 142W Fresh Phy Ed PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
P SC 0326 Amer Pol Thought PS ELUD UD: Amer Pol Thought
PAS 010101 Int Law & Legal Res PLEG ELLD LD: Int Law & Legal Res
PAS 0102 Introduction to Law PLEG ELLD LD:Introduction to Law
PED 160 Health/Fitness Conce HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
PED 010101 Intro to Physical E PHED 3850 Foundations of Physical Edu
PED 0134 Org & Admin In Phys PHED ELLD LD: Org & Admin In Phys
PED 014101 Fr Ped Wmn PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 0150 Lifetime Fitness PHED ELLD LD: Lifetime Fitness
PED 015501 Lifetime Fitness PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 0160 Health and Fitness PHED ELLD LD: Health and Fitness
PED 019901 Special Studies PHED ELLD LD: Special Studies
PED 0200 Various Activities PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 020201 General Anatomy & P BIOL 2030 Anatomy and Physiology
PED 022001 Physical Educ Act F PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 022101 Methods of Teaching ELED ELLD LD: Methods of Teaching
PED 0222 Methods of Coaching ATHC 4640 Intermed Coach/Ump Baseball
PED 0223 Methods of Coaching ATHC 3610 Coach/Officiate Basketball
PED 023001 Sailboating In The PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 024301 Essentials Adapted PHED 3900 Adapted Physical Education
PED 0244 Self Test Inf Games PHED ELLD LD: Self Test Inf Games
PED 029801 Camping REC ELLD LD: Camping
PED 030101 Physiology of Exerc EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
PED 031101 Advanced Tennis PHED ACTY ACTY: Advanced Tennis
PED 0321 Sports Officiating ATHC 3910 Athletic Coaching/Officiating
PED 032301 Phys Educ In Elem S PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
PED 032401 Life Saving & Water PHED 3760 Teaching Water Safety
PED 032501 Methods Promoting I ATHC 3810 Directing Intramurals
PED 0335 Dynamics of Coachin ATHC 4690 Psychology of C&O
PED 0390 Physiology of Exerci EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
PED 042301 Test & Measurements EXSC 4810 Measurement and Evaluation
PED 042401 Organization & Admi PHED 4990 Sem Teach Physical Education
PED 042501 Kinesiology PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
PED 042801 Physical Educ In Se PHED 4780 Curriculum Physical Education
PED 0498 Prof Growth & Part PHED ELUD UD: Prof Growth & Part
PED 049901 Special Studies PHED 4920 Independent Study
PED 1010 Foundations of Sport Science EXSC ELLD LD: Foundations of Sport Sci
PED 142M01 Fresh Phy Edu PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 142W01 Fresh Phy Educ PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 1500 Lifetime Fitness PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PED 1600 Health & Fitness Co HLTH ELLD LD: Health & Fitness Co
PED 2001 Aerobic Dance PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PED 2002 Aerobic Walking PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PED 2003 Aikido PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2006 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PED 2008 Ballet/Adv PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet/Adv
PED 200A Aerobic Dance PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PED 200B Ballet PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet
PED 200C Country Line Dance PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 200D Distance Running PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 200E Exercise & Stess Mgt PHED ELLD LD: Exercise & Stess Mgt
PED 200G Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PED 200I In Line Skating PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 200J Intermed Jazz PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 200K Karate PHED ACTY ACTY: Karate
PED 200P Various Activities PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 200R Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
PED 200S Strgth & Cond II/At PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 200T Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PED 200W Weight Training PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2010 Country Line Dance PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2012 Exercise Yoga PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2013 Exercise/Stress Mgt PHED ELLD LD: Exercise/Stress Mgt
PED 2014 Fly Fishing PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2015 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PED 2017 Ice Skating PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2021 Jog Run PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2023 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PED 2024 Physical Ed Activit PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2025 Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
PED 2027 Step Aerobics PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2032 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PED 2033 Walleyball PHED ACTY Physical Activity
PED 2036 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PED 2040 Womens Self Defense PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2041 Weight Control PHED ELLD LD: Weight Control
PED 2043 Hiking PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 2044 Social Dance PHED 1020 Beginning Social Dance
PED 2045 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PED 2046 Pilates PHED 1280 Beginning Pilates
PED 220W Weight Control PHED ELLD LD: Weight Control
PED 3015 Jr Cornerstone Semin PHED ELUD UD: Jr Cornerstone Semin
PEN 010101 Orientation to Engi ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
PEN 010201 Experimental Method ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
PEN 011101 Engineering Drawing ET ELLD LD: Engineering Drawing
PEN 022101 Intro to Material S PHYS ELLD LD: Intro to Material S
PHI 0150 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 015101 Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHI 015201 Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHI 0160 Philosophical Inquir PHIL ELLD LD: Philosophical Inquir
PHI 0199 Special Studies PHIL ELLD LD: Special Studies
PHI 020001 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 020201 Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Ethics
PHI 0225 Applied Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Applied Ethics
PHI 0231 Phil of Religion PHIL 3300 Philosophy of Religion
PHI 023301 Hist of Phil:Anc & PHIL 4010 History Ancient Medieval Phil
PHI 023401 Hist of Phil:Modern PHIL 4020 History of Modern Philosophy
PHI 0235 History of Philosoph PHIL ELLD LD: History of Philosoph
PHI 030101 Logic PHIL ELUD UD: Logic
PHI 030401 Death & Dying PSY ELUD UD: Death & Dying
PHI 0309 Moral Issues PHIL ELUD UD: Moral Issues
PHI 0311 Moral Theory PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHI 0315 Epistemology PHIL ELUD UD: Epistemology
PHI 0316 Metaphysics PHIL ELUD UD: Metaphysics
PHI 0320 Philosophy & Film PHIL 3600 Philosophy and Film
PHI 032201 Existensialism & Ph PHIL ELUD UD: Existensialism & Ph
PHI 0323 Business Ethics PHIL ELUD UD: Business Ethics
PHI 0325 Postmodernism PHIL ELUD UD: Postmodernism
PHI 033301 Analytical Philosop PHIL 4400 Analytic Philosophy
PHI 033701 Biomedical Ethics PSCI ELUD UD: Biomedical Ethics
PHI 0405 American Philosophy PHIL 4300 American Philosophy
PHI 0410 Wittgenstein PHIL ELUD UD: Wittgenstein
PHI 0415 Kant & Hegal PHIL ELUD UD: Kant & Hegal
PHI 0420 Special Topics PHIL ELUD UD: Special Topics
PHI 0425 Contemporary Contine PHIL 4240 Recent Continental Philosophy
PHI 0430 Philosophy & Feminis PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy & Feminis
PHI 0431 Philosophy of Religi PHIL 3300 Philosophy of Religion
PHI 043801 Readings In Philoso PHIL 4800 Readings in Philosophy
PHI 0440 Directed Studies PHIL ELUD UD: Directed Studies
PHI 0490 Senior Seminar In Ph PHIL ELUD UD: Senior Seminar In Ph
PHI 0499 Special Studies PHIL ELUD UD: Special Studies
PHI 1510 Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHI 1520 Ethics Global Moral PHIL ELLD LD: Ethics Global Moral
PHI 1540 Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHI 1600 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 1950 Studies Abroad PHIL ELLD LD:Studies Abroad
PHI 1990 Scientific Reasoning PHIL ELLD LD: Scientific Reasoning
PHI 2015 Beauty & Aesthetics PHIL ELLD LD:Beauty & Aesthetics
PHI 2150 Philosophy & the Arts PHIL ELLD LD:Philosophy & the Arts
PHI 2310 Phil of Religion PHIL ELLD LD:Phil of Religion
PHI 2330 History of Phil PHIL ELLD LD:History of Phil
PHI 2340 Hist of Philosophy PHIL ELLD LD:Hist of Philosophy
PHI 2380 Creationism & Evolution PHIL ELLD LD:Creationism & Evolution
PHI 3015 Junior Cornerstone Seminar PHIL ELUD UD: Junior Cornerstone Seminar
PHI 3020 History of Philosophy:Medieval PHIL 4010 History Ancient Medieval Phil
PHI 3030 Modern Philosophy PHIL 4020 History of Modern Philosophy
PHI 3200 Philosophy and Film PHIL 3600 Philosophy and Film
PHI 3220 Existentialism PHIL 4200 Existentialism
PHI 3230 Comparative Phil PHIL ELUD UD:Comparative Phil
PHI 3240 Philosophy of Mind PHIL 4550 Philosophy of Mind
PHI 3990 Problems In Philsoph PHIL ELUD UD: Problems In Philsoph
PHI 4080 Philosophies of Chin PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophies of Chin
PHI 4200 Special Topics PHIL ELUD UD: Special Topics
PHIL 020001 History of Philosop PHIL 4020 History of Modern Philosophy
PHIL 0213 Elem Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Elem Ethics
PHY 010101 Physical Science PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PHY 011001 Physics of Sound PHYS ELLD LD: Physics of Sound
PHY 011101 Basic College Physi PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHY 0112 Basic College Physi PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHY 012001 Phys Science PSCI ELLD LD: Phys Science
PHY 019901 Independent Study PHYS ELLD LD: Independent Study
PHY 021101 Gen College Physics PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHY 021201 Gen College Physics PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHY 0223 Intro to Modern Phys PHYS ELLD LD: Intro to Modern Phys
PHY 0224 Intro Medical Physic PHYS ELLD LD: Intro Medical Physic
PHY 022501 Electronics & Circu PHYS ELLD LD: Electronics & Circu
PHY 030101 Experimental Physic PHYS 3910 Advanced Physics Lab I
PHY 030201 Experimental Physic PHYS 3920 Advanced Physics Lab II
PHY 030301 Experimental Physic PHYS ELUD UD: Experimental Physic
PHY 030401 Experimental Physic PHYS ELUD UD: Experimental Physic
PHY 031101 Analytical Mechanic PHYS 3300 Classical Mechanics
PHY 031201 Electricity & Magne PHYS 4310 Electricity and Magnetism
PHY 031301 Optics PHYS ELUD UD: Optics
PHY 032301 Thermal Physics PHYS 3610 Thermodynamics
PHY 032401 Modern Physics PHYS 3110 Modern Physics II
PHY 0370 Research In Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Research In Physics
PHY 0401 Adv Lab I PHYS ELUD UD: Adv Lab I
PHY 0411 Interaction of Elec PHYS 4330 Electricity and Magnetism II
PHY 042101 Intro Quantum Mecha PHYS 4380 Quantum Mechanics
PHY 042201 Nuclear & Elem Part PHYS ELUD UD: Nuclear & Elem Part
PHY 043101 Theoretical Mechani PHYS ELUD UD: Theoretical Mechani
PHY 0461 Spec Prob In Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Spec Prob In Physics
PHY 0462 Spec Prob In Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Spec Prob In Physics
PHY 0463 Spec Prob In Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Spec Prob In Physics
PHY 0464 Spec Prob In Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Spec Prob In Physics
PHY 047001 Research In Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Research In Physics
PHY 047101 Research In Phyiscs PHYS ELUD UD: Research In Phyiscs
PHY 049901 Independent Study PHYS ELUD UD: Independent Study
PHY 1010 Sci/A Process of In PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PHY 1050 Freshman Physics Seminar PHYS ELLD LD:Freshman Physics Seminar
PHY 1100 Physics of Sound PHYS ELLD LD: Physics of Sound
PHY 1110 Basic Coll Phys I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHY 1115 Precal-based Physics I Lab PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHY 1120 Basic Col Physics 2 PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHY 1125 Precal-based Physics II Lab PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHY 1140 Intro to Physics PHYS ELLD LD:Intro to Physics
PHY 1145 Intro to Physics Lab PHYS ELLD LD:Intro to Physics Lab
PHY 1600 Intro Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHY 1895 Precalc Based Phys Class PHYS ELLD LD:Precalc Based Phys Class
PHY 1896 Precalc Based Phys Lab PHYS ELLD LD:Precalc Based Phys Lab
PHY 2010 Physics for Audio Engineering PHYS 1600 Physics of Music
PHY 2110 General College Physics I PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHY 2120 Calculus-Based Physics II PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PHY 2250 Electronics & Circuit Theory PHYS ELLD LD:Electronics & Circuit Theor
PHY 2895 Machine Learning & Neural Net PHYS ELUD UD:Machine Learning & Neural N
PHY 3110 Analytical Mechanics PHYS 3300 Classical Mechanics
PHY 3120 Electricity & Magnetism PHYS 4310 Electricity and Magnetism
PHY 4410 Survey of Advanced Physics PHYS ELUD UD:Survey of Adv Physics
PHYS 0120 Phys Universe ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
POE 2710 Intro Pol Economy PS ELLD LD: Intro Pol Economy
PRL 1180 Intro to Public Relations PR ELLD LD: Intro to Public Relations
PRL 1895 PR Writing for Journlstc Media PR ELLD LD:PR Wrtg for Jrnlstc Media
PRL 2130 Public Relations Writing I PR ELLD LD:Public Relations Writing I
PRL 2650 Public Relations Fundraising PR ELLD LD:Public Relation Fundraising
PRL 2820 PR Design&Prod PR ELLD LD:PR Design&Prod
PRL 4190 Public Relations Campaign PR ELUD UD:Public Relations Campaign
PRL 4910 Strat Comm Internship PR ELUD UD:Strat Comm Internship
PSC 0110 Spec Topics In Pol S PS ELLD LD: Spec Topics In Pol S
PSC 0121 American Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSC 0130 Us & World Affairs PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
PSC 019901 Special Studies PS ELLD LD: Special Studies
PSC 020101 Capital Experience PS 4290 Public Service Internship
PSC 0221 American Government PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSC 022101 American Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSC 022201 State & Local Gover PS 2020 State and Local Government
PSC 022901 Judicial Process CJA 2400 The Judicial Process
PSC 0230 International Relat PS 3210 International Relations
PSC 0276 Intro Intl Pol Econ PS ELLD LD: Intro Intl Pol Econ
PSC 0299 Amer Constitut Law PS ELLD LD: Amer Constitut Law
PSC 0320 Congress & the Presi PS ELUD UD: Congress & the Presi
PSC 032101 Public Administrati PS 3250 Public Management
PSC 0322 Bureaucracy and Admi PS ELUD UD: Bureaucracy and Admi
PSC 0323 American Democracy & PS 3100 Politics and Film
PSC 032701 Electoral & Pressur PS 3330 Political Parties
PSC 033001 International Relat PS ELUD UD: International Relat
PSC 0334 Natioanl Security PS ELUD UD: Natioanl Security
PSC 033601 The Contemporary Wo PS ELUD UD: The Contemporary Wo
PSC 033801 Contemporary Americ PS ELUD UD: Contemporary Americ
PSC 0341 Politics of Africa PS 4180 Contemporary African Politics
PSC 034201 Politics of Industr PS ELUD UD: Politics of Industr
PSC 0343 Politics of Developm PS ELUD UD: Politics of Developm
PSC 0345 Politics of Europe PS 4300 EU Policymaking
PSC 034701 Topics In Comparati PS ELUD UD: Topics In Comparati
PSC 0348 Politics of Md East PS 4190 Contemp Middle East Politics
PSC 035001 Political Theory & PS ELUD UD: Political Theory &
PSC 0355 Modern Ideologies PS ELUD UD: Modern Ideologies
PSC 0399 Terrorism PS ELUD UD: Terrorism
PSC 040001 Internship PS 4290 Public Service Internship
PSC 041201 His of Amer Diploman PS ELUD UD: His of Amer Diploman
PSC 042101 Congress & the Pres PS ELUD UD: Congress & the Pres
PSC 042201 Judiciary & the Con PS ELUD UD: Judiciary & the Con
PSC 042401 American Public Pol PS ELUD UD: American Public Pol
PSC 042601 International Relati PS 3210 International Relations
PSC 043201 International Law & PS ELUD UD: International Law &
PSC 043401 National Security P PS ELUD UD: National Security P
PSC 044301 Politics Developing PS ELUD UD: Politics Developing
PSC 045301 Topics In Political PS ELUD UD: Topics In Political
PSC 0457 American Political PS 4700 American Political Thought
PSC 046001 Research Seminar:In PS ELUD UD: Research Seminar:In
PSC 046101 Research Seminar: A PS ELUD UD: Research Seminar: A
PSC 049901 Special Studies PS ELUD UD: Special Studies
PSC 1100 Intro to Public Policy PS ELLD LD: Intro to Public Policy
PSC 1210 American Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSC 1300 Us & World Affairs PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
PSC 2010 Capital Experience PS ELLD LD:Capital Experience
PSC 2015 America: God's Chosen People PS ELLD LD: America:God's Chosn People
PSC 2200 American Pol Institution PS ELLD LD:American Pol Institution
PSC 2300 International Relat PS 3210 International Relations
PSC 2400 Comparative Politics PS ELLD LD:Comparative Politics
PSC 2500 Political Theory PS ELLD LD:Political Theory
PSC 2600 Social Scientific Methods PS ELLD LD:Social Scientific Methods
PSC 2990 Amer Constitut Law PS ELLD LD: Amer Constitut Law
PSC 3010 Internship PS ELUD UD:Internship
PSC 3015 Jr Cornerstone ELEC ELUD UD:Jr Cornerstone
PSC 3210 State & Local Politics PS ELUD UD:State & Local Politics
PSC 3280 American Constitutional Law I PS 3370 American Constitutional Law I
PSC 3340 National Security Pol & Proc PS ELUD UD: National Security Pol&Proc
PSC 3480 Politics Middle East PS 4190 Contemp Middle East Politics
PSC 3550 Modern Ideologies PS ELUD UD: Modern Ideologies
PSC 3710 International Pol Econ PS ELUD UD:International Pol Econ
PSC 3950 London:Comparative Political PS ELUD UD:London:Comp Political
PSC 3990 Presidential Electio PS ELUD UD: Presidential Electio
PSC 4010 Capital Internship in Pol Sci PS ELUD UD:Capital Internship in Pol S
PSC 4320 International Law PS 3500 International Law
PSY 011001 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 019901 Special Studies PSY ELLD LD: Special Studies
PSY 020001 Intro Psychology PSY ELLD LD: Intro Psychology
PSY 020101 Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 020201 General Psychology PSY ELLD LD: General Psychology
PSY 0210 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 021101 Educational Psychol PSY ELLD LD: Educational Psychol
PSY 022101 Child Psychology PSY 4190 Child Development
PSY 024001 Research Methods I PSY ELLD LD: Research Methods I
PSY 026001 Research Methods II PSY ELLD LD: Research Methods II
PSY 028001 Life Span Developme PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSY 030401 Death & Dying PSY 4630 Death and Dying
PSY 031001 Child Development PSY 4190 Child Development
PSY 032001 Human Grwth Dev PSY ELUD UD: Human Grwth Dev
PSY 032101 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSY 032401 Psychology of Perso PSY 3590 Personality
PSY 0325 Cross-Cultural Psy PSY ELUD UD: Cross-Cultural Psy
PSY 032601 Psychology of Relig PSY ELUD UD: Psychology of Relig
PSY 033001 Social Psychology PSY 2210 Psychology of Social Behavior
PSY 033201 Psychological Testi PSY 4260 Intro to Psychological Testing
PSY 033501 Industrial & Organi PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy
PSY 034101 Clinical Theories & PSY ELUD UD: Clinical Theories &
PSY 034701 Psychology of Adole PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
PSY 035001 Research Methods PSY ELUD UD: Research Methods
PSY 035501 Psy of Adulthood & PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
PSY 036201 Group Dynamics PSY 4380 Group Dynamics
PSY 037001 Human Sexuality PSY 4600 Psychosexual Adjustment
PSY 039001 Practicum In Psycho PSY ELUD UD: Practicum In Psycho
PSY 0399 Special Studies PSY ELUD UD: Special Studies
PSY 042101 Hist & Systems of P PSY 4700 History and Systems of Psy
PSY 042401 Psychology of Learn PSY 4480 Learning Theories
PSY 043501 Physiological Psych PSY 4240 Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 044001 Psychology of Perce PSY ELUD UD: Psychology of Perce
PSY 045001 Cognitive Psycholog PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology
PSY 047001 Adv Study In Psycho PSY ELUD UD: Adv Study In Psycho
PSY 048001 Senior Seminar PSY ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
PSY 049001 Practicum In Psycho PSY ELUD UD: Practicum In Psycho
PSY 049901 Special Studies PSY ELUD UD: Special Studies
PSY 1000 Intro Sem In Psych PSY ELLD LD: Intro Sem In Psych
PSY 1050 Scientific Com Psych Science PSY ELLD LD:Scientific Com Psych Scienc
PSY 1100 Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 110C General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 1150 Scientific Psychology PSY ELLD LD:Scientific Psychology
PSY 1155 Scientific Psychology Lab PSY ELLD LD:Scientific Psychology Lab
PSY 1200 Intro Psy Science PSY ELLD LD: Intro Psy Science
PSY 1895 Scientific Psychology Class PSY ELLD LD:Scientific Psychology Class
PSY 1896 Scientific Psychology Lab PSY ELLD LD:Scientific Psychology Lab
PSY 2400 Research Methods PSY ELLD LD:Research Methods
PSY 2800 Life Span Developme PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSY 3015 Junior Cornerstone Seminar PSY ELUD UD:Junior Cornerstone Seminar
PSY 3040 Death and Dying PSY 4630 Death and Dying
PSY 3100 Child Development PSY ELUD UD: Child Development
PSY 3210 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSY 3240 Psy of Personality PSY 3590 Personality
PSY 3300 Std Abrd/Soc Psychol PSY 2210 Psychology of Social Behavior
PSY 3350 Industrial/Organizational Psy PSY ELUD UD:Industrial/Organizational P
PSY 3895 Relationships PSY ELUD UD:Relationships
PSY 4210 Hist & Systems of Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Hist & Systems of Psycholog
PSY 4240 Learning & Conditioning PSY ELUD UD: Learning & Conditioning
PSY 4300 Social Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Social Psychology
PSY 4320 Psychological Testing PSY ELUD UD:Psychological Testing
PSY 4400 Sensation and Perception PSY ELUD UD: Sensation and Perception
PSY 4500 Cognitive Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Cognitive Psychology
PSY 4895 Judgement and Decision-Making PSY ELUD UD:Judgement and Decision-Maki
PSYC 020101 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 032201 Human Growth & Deve FOED ELUD UD: Human Growth & Deve
PSYC 3580 Social Psychology SOC 4500 Soc Interaction & Identities
PUB 1010 The Publishing Process JOUR ELLD LD:The Publishing Process
PUB 2000 The Publishing Process JOUR ELLD LD:The Publishing Process
PUB 3000 Copyediting JOUR ELUD UD:Copyediting
REL 010101 Elementary Greek RS ELLD LD: Elementary Greek
REL 010201 Elementary Greek RS ELLD LD: Elementary Greek
REL 010301 Elementary Hebrew RS ELLD LD: Elementary Hebrew
REL 010401 Elementary Hebrew RS ELLD LD: Elementary Hebrew
REL 0105 The Study of Religio RS ELLD LD: The Study of Religio
REL 011001 Intro to Bible RS ELLD LD: Intro to Bible
REL 0111 Old Testament Survey RS ELLD LD: Old Testament Survey
REL 011201 Introduction to New Testament RS ELLD LD: Intro to New Testament
REL 0114 Jesus In Gospels & RS ELLD LD: Jesus In Gospels &
REL 0115 Spiritual Formation RS ELLD LD: Spiritual Formation
REL 0116 Ancient Wisdom-Cont RS ELLD LD: Ancient Wisdom-Cont
REL 0117 Compar Spirituality RS ELLD LD: Compar Spirituality
REL 019901 Special Studies RS ELLD LD: Special Studies
REL 0215 Spiritual Formation RS ELLD LD: Spiritual Formation
REL 021601 Pastoral Counseling RS ELLD LD: Pastoral Counseling
REL 021701 Practicum Ministry RS ELLD LD: Practicum Ministry
REL 021801 Practicum Ministry RS ELLD LD: Practicum Ministry
REL 021901 Practicum In Preach RS ELLD LD: Practicum In Preach
REL 022101 New Testament Greek RS ELLD LD: New Testament Greek
REL 022201 New Testament Greek RS ELLD LD: New Testament Greek
REL 0224 Poverty & Justice RS ELLD LD: Poverty & Justice
REL 023101 Intro Church Recrea RS ELLD LD: Intro Church Recrea
REL 0232 Intro to Church Recr ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Church Recr
REL 026101 Christian Doctrine RS ELLD LD: Christian Doctrine
REL 030001 Readings Greek New RS ELUD UD: Readings Greek New
REL 030701 American Christiani RS ELUD UD: American Christiani
REL 031501 Spiritual Formation RS ELUD UD: Spiritual Formation
REL 0316 Women In the Bible RS ELUD UD: Women In the Bible
REL 032301 The General Epistle RS ELUD UD: The General Epistle
REL 032401 The Life & Letters RS ELUD UD: The Life & Letters
REL 032501 Old Testament Poetr RS ELUD UD: Old Testament Poetr
REL 0326 Psychology of Religi RS ELUD UD: Psychology of Religi
REL 032801 Johannine Literatur RS ELUD UD: Johannine Literatur
REL 033001 Ministry Internship RS ELUD UD: Ministry Internship
REL 033101 Internship Church R RS ELUD UD: Internship Church R
REL 033201 Worship & Preaching RS ELUD UD: Worship & Preaching
REL 036101 Christian Doctor RS ELUD UD: Christian Doctor
REL 038101 The Life of Christ RS ELUD UD: The Life of Christ
REL 038201 Major & Minor Proph RS ELUD UD: Major & Minor Proph
REL 0400 Readings In the Hebr RS ELUD UD: Readings In the Hebr
REL 042301 The Pentateuch RS ELUD UD: The Pentateuch
REL 042701 History of Baptist RS ELUD UD: History of Baptist
REL 042801 Hist Church Patrist RS ELUD UD: Hist Church Patrist
REL 042901 Hist Church Reforma RS ELUD UD: Hist Church Reforma
REL 043101 World Religions RS ELUD UD: World Religions
REL 0436 Old Testament Theolo RS ELUD UD: Old Testament Theolo
REL 044001 Seminar For Religio RS ELUD UD: Seminar For Religio
REL 045001 Special Studies RS ELUD UD: Special Studies
REL 049901 Special Studies RS ELUD UD: Special Studies
REL 1010 Understanding the Bible RS ELLD LD: Understanding the Bible
REL 1020 Intro Old Testament RS ELLD LD: Intro Old Testament
REL 1050 Study of Religion RS ELLD LD: Study of Religion
REL 1100 Undrstanding the Bi RS ELLD LD: Undrstanding the Bi
REL 1110 Intro Old Testament RS ELLD LD: Intro Old Testament
REL 1120 Intro New Testament RS ELLD LD: Intro New Testament
REL 1150 Elem Koine Greek RS ELLD LD: Elem Koine Greek
REL 1160 Ancient Wisdom/Cont RS ELLD LD: Ancient Wisdom/Cont
REL 1170 Compar Spirituality RS ELLD LD: Compar Spirituality
REL 1250 Intro to NT & Exegetical Meth RS ELLD LD:Intro to NT & Exegetical Me
REL 1410 Vocation & Christia RS ELLD LD: Vocation & Christia
REL 2110 Intermed. Biblical Hebrew RS ELLD LD:Intermed. Biblical Hebrew
REL 2120 Adv Biblical Hebrew RS ELLD LD:Adv Biblical Hebrew
REL 2350 Christian Doctrine RS ELLD LD:Christian Doctrine
REL 2360 Hermeneutics RS ELLD LD:Hermeneutics
REL 2410 Spiritual Formation RS ELLD LD:Spiritual Formation
REL 2510 Christian Ethics RS ELLD LD:Christian Ethics
REL 3015 Junior Cornerstone Seminar RS ELUD UD: Junior Cornerstone Seminar
REL 3020 Anc Wisdom Contemp Issues RS ELUD UD:Anc Wisdom Contemp Issues
REL 3050 Intro to New Testament RS ELUD UD: Intro to New Testament
REL 3060 Jesus in the Gospel and Film RS ELUD UD:Jesus in the Gospel & Film
REL 3080 Questions that Matter RS ELUD UD:Questions that Matter
REL 3085 Entertainment Scripture & Cul RS ELUD UD: Entertainment Scripture
REL 3090 Spirituality in World Religion RS ELUD UD: Spirituality in World Rel
REL 3210 Gender and the Bible RS ELUD UD:Gender and the Bible
REL 3250 Johannine Literature RS ELUD UD:Johannine Literature
REL 3380 Faith and Beauty RS ELUD UD:Faith and Beauty
REL 3450 Missions & Church Dev RS ELUD UD:Missions & Church Dev
REL 3460 Worship & Preaching RS ELUD UD:Worship & Preaching
REL 3540 Eco Justice and Faith RS ELUD UD:Eco Justice and Faith
REL 3550 Faith & Popular Culture RS ELUD UD:Faith & Popular Culture
REL 3580 Psy of Religion RS ELUD UD:Psy of Religion
REL 3950 Study Abroad JCS Ancient May RS ELUD UD:Study Abr JCS Ancient May
REL 4220 Prophetic Literature RS ELUD UD:Prophetic Literature
REL 4250 Life & Letters of Paul RS ELUD UD:Life & Letters of Paul
REL 4410 Servant Leadership RS ELUD UD:Servant Leadership
RELE 021301 Survey of Religious RS ELLD LD: Survey of Religious
RUS 010101 Elem Russian RUSS 1010 Elementary Russian I
RUS 010201 Elem Russian RUSS 1020 Elementary Russian II
RUS 0199 Special Studies RUSS ELLD LD: Special Studies
RUS 020101 Intermediate Russia RUSS 2010 Intermediate Russian I
RUS 020201 Intermediate Russia RUSS 2020 Intermediate Russian II
RUS 0295 Studies Abroad RUSS ELLD LD: Studies Abroad
RUS 030201 Studies In Russian RUSS ELUD UD: Studies In Russian
RUS 033701 Special Topics In R RUSS ELUD UD: Special Topics In R
RUS 0395 Studies Abroad RUSS ELUD UD: Studies Abroad
RUS 0499 Special Studies RUSS ELUD UD: Special Studies
RUS 1010 Elem Russian I RUSS 1010 Elementary Russian I
RUS 1020 Elem Russian II RUSS 1020 Elementary Russian II
S SC 0131 Begin Typing BCED ELLD LD: Begin Typing
S SC 013201 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD: Typewriting
SAD 013201 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD: Typewriting
SAM 2010 Intro to Sport Administration ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Sport Administrati
SAM 2020 Sport in Society ELEC ELLD LD: Sport in Society
SCI 008001 Science Skills PSCI ELLD LD: Science Skills
SCI 1000 Pathways Science Seminar PSCI ELLD LD:Pathways Science Seminar
SCI 2000 Pathways Science Seminar ELEC ELLD LD:Pathways Science Seminar
SET 2100 Social Entrepreneurship ELEC ELLD LD:Social Entrepreneurship
SNG 1895 Sp Top:Intro to Comm Songwri RIM ELLD LD:Sp Top:Intro to Comm Songwr
SNG 2000 Songwriting Internship Lab RIM ELLD LD:Songwriting Internship Lab
SNG 2100 Songwriter Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Songwriter Seminar
SNG 2110 Fund of Comm Songwriting I RIM ELLD LD: Fund of Comm Songwriting I
SNG 2120 Fund of Comm Songwriting II RIM ELLD LD: Fund Comm Songwriting II
SNG 4000 Songwriter Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Songwriter Seminar
SOC 010101 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 019901 Special Studies SOC ELLD LD: Special Studies
SOC 020001 Intro to Criminal J CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
SOC 0201 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 020201 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOC 0205 The Famliy SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOC 021001 General Anthropolog ANTH ELLD LD: General Anthropolog
SOC 022001 Social Theory & Met SOC 3060 Sociological Theory
SOC 022101 General Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 022201 Gen Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 0225 Research Methods SOC 3040 Research Methods
SOC 0230 Crime & Deviance SOC 4300 Criminology
SOC 0299 Sp St: Pop Culture SOC ELLD LD: Sp St: Pop Culture
SOC 0300 Schools & Society SOC ELUD UD: Schools & Society
SOC 0302 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
SOC 031101 Marriage Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOC 032101 The Family SOC 4050 Sociology of Families
SOC 032201 Sociology of Religi SOC 4550 Sociology of Religion
SOC 032301 Medical Sociology SOC 4360 Medical Sociology
SOC 0324 Political Sociology SOC ELUD UD: Political Sociology
SOC 0325 Analy of Complex Org SOC ELUD UD: Analy of Complex Org
SOC 033001 Social Psychology SOC 4500 Soc Interaction & Identities
SOC 0335 Social Movements SOC 4510 Social Deviance
SOC 0340 Social Stratificatio SOC 4010 Organized Crime
SOC 0344 Sociology of Science SOC ELUD UD: Sociology of Science
SOC 0345 Race & Ethnic Relati SOC 4240 Race and Ethnic Relations
SOC 0350 Deviance SOC 3250 Social Deviance
SOC 0351 Social Control SOC ELUD UD: Social Control
SOC 0355 The Urban Community SOC ELUD UD: The Urban Community
SOC 0360 Envioronmental Socio SOC ELUD UD: Envioronmental Socio
SOC 0365 Popular Culture SOC ELUD UD: Popular Culture
SOC 037001 Human Sexuality SOC ELUD UD: Human Sexuality
SOC 0399 Sex, Gender & Society SOC ELUD UD: Sex, Gender & Society
SOC 043201 Gen Anthropology ANTH ELUD UD: Gen Anthropology
SOC 0480 Senior Research Semi SOC 4800 Special Projects
SOC 049001 Practicum In Sociol SOC ELUD UD: Practicum In Sociol
SOC 049901 Special Studies SOC ELUD UD: Special Studies
SOC 1010 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 1020 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOC 1100 Special Topics SOC ELLD LD: Special Topics
SOC 1950 Studies Abroad SOC ELLD LD:Studies Abroad
SOC 2200 Sociological Theory SOC ELLD LD:Sociological Theory
SOC 2250 Social Rsrch Method SOC 3040 Research Methods
SOC 3000 Schools&Society Soc SOC ELUD UD:Schools&Society Soc
SOC 3015 Junior Cornerstone Seminar SOC ELUD UD:Junior Cornerstone Seminar
SOC 3050 Family Prob & Social SOC ELUD UD: Family Prob & Social
SOC 3120 Sociology of Music SOC ELUD UD:Sociology of Music
SOC 3160 Soc of Photography SOC ELUD UD:Soc of Photography
SOC 3200 Sociology of Gender SOC ELUD UD:Sociology of Gender
SOC 3210 Men Masc Movies SOC ELUD UD:Men Masc Movies
SOC 3230 Medical Sociology SOC 4360 Medical Sociology
SOC 3350 Social Movements SOC 4511 Social Movement Social Change
SOC 3450 Race & Ethnic Relati SOC 4240 Race and Ethnic Relations
SOC 3555 Race, Class & Gender SOC 3400 Gender and Society
SOC 3600 Environmental Sociol SOC ELUD UD: Environmental Sociol
SOC 3800 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
SOC 3990 Politics of Knowledg SOC ELUD UD: Politics of Knowledg
SPA 010101 Elementary Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPA 010201 Elementary Spanish SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPA 0106 Accelerated Elem Spn SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPA 0106 Accelerated Elem Spn and SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPA 0199 Special Studies SPAN ELLD LD: Special Studies
SPA 020101 Intermediate Spanis SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 020201 Intermediate Spanis SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPA 0205 Accelerated Intermed SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 0205 Accelerated Intermed and SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPA 0206 Accel Interm Spanish SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPA 030101 Intro to Hispanic L SPAN 3080 Intro to Hispanic Literature
SPA 030201 Intro to Hispanic L SPAN 3080 Intro to Hispanic Literature
SPA 031101 Conversation & Comp SPAN 3010 Advanced Spanish
SPA 031201 Spani Through Hist SPAN ELUD UD: Spani Through Hist
SPA 0321 Survy of Span Lit SPAN 3060 Intro to Hispanic Culture
SPA 0330 Civ of Hispanic Amer SPAN 3070 Intro Latin Amer Civ Culture
SPA 0331 Survy of His Amer Lt SPAN 4050 Latin American Literature II
SPA 035001 Advanced Hispanic L SPAN ELUD UD: Advanced Hispanic L
SPA 036001 Special Topics In S SPAN ELUD UD: Special Topics In S
SPA 0395 Studies Abr Adv Span SPAN ELUD UD: Studies Abr Adv Span
SPA 039901 Ind Stdy/Span Sh St SPAN ELUD UD: Ind Stdy/Span Sh St
SPA 0499 Special Studies SPAN 4060 Special Topic Hispanic Studies
SPA 1010 Elem Spanish I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPA 1020 Elem Spanish II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPA 2010 Intermed Span I SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 2020 Intermed Spanish II SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPA 2895 Special Topics SPAN ELLD LD: Special Topics
SPA 2950 Valladolid:Interm Spanish SPAN ELLD LD:Valladolid:Interm Spanish
SPA 3100 Adv Spanish I SPAN 3010 Advanced Spanish
SPA 3110 Adv Spanish II SPAN 3020 Advanced Spanish
SPA 3200 Civilization of Spai SPAN ELUD UD: Civilization of Spai
SPA 3300 Civil Hispanic Amer SPAN 3070 Intro Latin Amer Civ Culture
SPA 3500 Spanish-American Short Story SPAN ELUD UD:Span-Amer Short Story
SPA 3600 SpTop:Transatlatc Hisp Studies SPAN 4060 Special Topic Hispanic Studies
SPA 3895 ST:Abrazo Cultural Embrace SPAN ELUD UD:ST:Abrazo Cult Embrace
SPA 3950 Adv Spanish In Spain SPAN ELUD UD: Adv Spanish In Spain
SPAN 022101 Intermediate Spanis SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPC 011001 Intro to Comm Arts COMM ELLD LD: Intro to Comm Arts
SPCH 011001 Fund Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPCH 0230 Voice & Diction CDIS 2150 Voice and Diction
SPE 0110 Fund of Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPE 011501 Interpersonal Commu COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
SPE 019901 Special Studies COMM ELLD LD: Special Studies
SPE 021001 Voice & Diction CDIS 2150 Voice and Diction
SPE 021101 Forensics Survey COMM ELLD LD: Forensics Survey
SPE 021201 Practicum In Public COMM ELLD LD: Practicum In Public
SPE 022201 Parliamentary Proce COMM ELLD Palriamentary Proce
SPE 031001 Audience Analysis THEA ELUD UD: Audience Analysis
SPE 032001 Argumentation COMM ELUD UD: Argumentation
SPE 032301 Decision Making & G COMM 3220 Small Group Communication
SPE 032501 Communication Disor COMM ELUD UD: Communication Disor
SPE 0400 Comm Arts Seminar COMM ELUD UD: Comm Arts Seminar
SPE 042001 Rhetorical Criticis COMM 3580 Political Communication
SPE 042301 Select Topics Commu COMM 4260 Independent Study
SPE 042401 Organizational Comm COMM ELUD UD: Organizational Comm
SPE 048201 Political Communica COMM 3580 Political Communication
SPE 049201 Rhetorical Theory COMM 4320 Persuasion
SPE 049401 Directed Studies COMM ELUD UD: Directed Studies
SPE 049901 Special Studies COMM ELUD UD: Special Studies
SPEE 0101 Fund of Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPM 2350 Prevention & Treat Injury ATHT ELLD LD:Prevention & Treat Injury
SPM 3750 Sport Medicine I ATHT 3580 Prevent & Care Athletic Injury
STS 2895 What's Your Why? ELEC ELLD LD: What's Your Why?
SWK 019901 Special Studies SW ELLD LD: Special Studies
SWK 020001 Intro to Social Wor SW 2570 Introduction to Social Work
SWK 020101 Intro Soc Welfare SW 2570 Introduction to Social Work
SWK 020301 Intro to Social Wor SW 2570 Introduction to Social Work
SWK 020501 Research In Social SW ELLD LD: Research In Social
SWK 021001 Probation & Parole SW ELLD LD: Probation & Parole
SWK 021501 Drug Abuse SW ELLD LD: Drug Abuse
SWK 022001 Child Welfare SW 4030 Child Welfare Services I
SWK 022501 Human Behavior & So SW ELLD LD: Human Behavior & So
SWK 022601 Human Behavior & So SW 3160 Human Behavior Social Envr I
SWK 031001 Social Work With Th SW ELUD UD: Social Work With Th
SWK 031501 Public School Issue SW ELUD UD: Public School Issue
SWK 032101 Social Wk Methodolom SOC 3040 Research Methods
SWK 032201 Social Wk Methodolom SOC 3050 Data Analysis
SWK 0370 Social Work Field Fo SW ELUD UD: Social Work Field Fo
SWK 038101 Social Welfare Poli SW 3000 Social Policy
SWK 038201 Social Welfare Poli SW ELUD UD: Social Welfare Poli
SWK 042301 Crisis Intervention SW 4720 Crisis Intervention
SWK 044101 Field Instruction I SW ELUD UD: Field Instruction I
SWK 044201 Field Instruction I SW ELUD UD: Field Instruction I
SWK 044401 Senior Seminar SW ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
SWK 047001 Adv Study In Social SW ELUD UD: Adv Study In Social
SWK 049901 Special Studies SW ELUD UD: Special Studies
SWK 1895 Native American Persp SW ELLD LD:Native American Persp
SWK 2000 Introduction to Social Work SW 2570 Introduction to Social Work
SWK 2050 Research Social Work SW ELLD LD: Research Social Work
SWK 2150 Issues in Substance Abuse SW ELLD LD:Issues in Substance Abuse
SWK 2200 Child Welfare SW ELLD LD:Child Welfare
SWK 2250 Hum Behav & Soc Env SW ELLD LD: Hum Behav & Soc Env
SWK 2260 Hum Behav & Soc Env SW 3160 Human Behavior Social Envr I
SWK 2300 Exploring Human Diversity SW ELLD LD:Exploring Human Diversity
SWK 2895 SWK Practice in Health Care SW ELLD LD:SWK Practice in Health Care
SWK 2990 Ind Study SW ELLD LD:Ind Study
SWK 3210 Social Work Practice SW ELUD UD:Social Work Practice
SWK 3350 Spiritual Formation SW ELUD UD:Spiritual Formation
SWK 3810 Soc Welfare Policy & Serv SW ELUD UD:Soc Welfare Policy & Serv
TDR 010101 Theatre Orientation THEA ELLD LD: Theatre Orientation
TDR 010201 Survey of Theatre & THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
TDR 0111 Intro to the Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
TDR 0112 Fund of Production D THEA 1025 Stage Craft I
TDR 019901 Special Studies THEA ELLD LD: Special Studies
TDR 0200 Thea & Film Experie THEA ELLD LD: Thea & Film Experie
TDR 020101 Basic Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
TDR 020201 Advanced Acting THEA 3510 Acting II
TDR 0203 Play Analysis THEA ELLD LD: Play Analysis
TDR 020501 Audition Techniques THEA ELLD LD: Audition Techniques
TDR 021001 Voice & Diction CDIS 2150 Voice and Diction
TDR 0211 Theatre Workshop THEA 2900 Production Practices Lab
TDR 0212 Theatre Workshop THEA ELLD LD: Theatre Workshop
TDR 0213 Performance & Prod L THEA ELLD LD: Performance & Prod L
TDR 021501 Theatre Workshop THEA ELLD LD: Theatre Workshop
TDR 0225 Basic Directing THEA 3700 Fundamentals of Play Directing
TDR 024001 Survey of Theatre/D THEA ELLD LD: Survey of Theatre/D
TDR 0245 Acting II THEA 3510 Acting II
TDR 030101 Stage Dialects THEA ELUD UD: Stage Dialects
TDR 0302 Basic Playwriting THEA ELUD UD: Basic Playwriting
TDR 0303 Stage Movement THEA 3500 Stage Movement
TDR 0305 Creative Drama In Th THEA 3600 Drama in the Classroom
TDR 0308 Intermediate Acting THEA ELUD UD: Intermediate Acting
TDR 031101 Reader's Theater THEA ELUD UD: Reader's Theater
TDR 0351 Theatre & Drama Hist THEA 4800 Thea Hist I: Greek Restoration
TDR 0352 Theatre & Drama Hist THEA 4810 Thea Hist II: Restor-Present
TDR 0353 Shakespeare Represen THEA ELUD UD: Shakespeare Represen
TDR 036001 Script Analysis I:G THEA ELUD UD: Script Analysis I:G
TDR 036101 Script Analysis II: THEA ELUD UD: Script Analysis II:
TDR 036201 Script Analysis III THEA ELUD UD: Script Analysis III
TDR 036301 Script Analysis IV: THEA ELUD UD: Script Analysis IV:
TDR 039401 Directed Studies THEA ELUD UD: Directed Studies
TDR 0400 Comm Arts Seminar THEA ELUD UD: Comm Arts Seminar
TDR 0411 Theatre Workshop THEA 2900 Production Practices Lab
TDR 0420 Adv Performance Stud THEA ELUD UD: Adv Performance Stud
TDR 0442 Audition Techniques THEA ELUD UD: Audition Techniques
TDR 044301 Play Production THEA ELUD UD: Play Production
TDR 044401 Tech Theatre State THEA 1025 Stage Craft I
TDR 044501 Stage Directing THEA 3700 Fundamentals of Play Directing
TDR 049101 Theatre Internship COMM ELUD UD: Theatre Internship
TDR 049401 Directed Studies COMM ELUD UD: Directed Studies
TDR 049901 Special Studies THEA ELUD UD: Special Studies
TDR 1120 Funds of Production Design THEA 2100 Intro to Production Practices
TDR 1310 Performance & Production Lab THEA ELLD LD:Performance & Production
TDR 1320 Performance & Production Lab THEA ELLD LD:Performance & Prod Lab
TDR 1500 Proficiency Review I THEA ELLD LD:Proficiency Review I
TDR 2000 Theatre & Film Exp THEA ELLD LD: Theatre & Film Exp
TDR 200P Proficiency Review THEA ELLD LD: Proficiency Review
TDR 2010 Basic Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
TDR 2015 Costume History THEA ELLD LD:Costume History
TDR 2080 Acting I THEA 1015 Acting I
TDR 2100 Stage Voice & Diction I THEA ELLD LD:Stage Voice & Diction I
TDR 2110 Thea Wrkshp/Costume THEA 2900 Production Practices Lab
TDR 2200 Stage Movement I THEA ELLD LD:Stage Movement I
TDR 2250 Directing I THEA ELLD LD:Directing I
TDR 2310 Perform & Prod Lab THEA ELLD LD: Perform & Prod Lab
TDR 2320 Performance & Production Lab THEA ELLD LD:Performance & Production La
TDR 2400 Scriptwriting I THEA ELLD LD:Scriptwriting I
TDR 2720 Acting for Camera I THEA ELLD LD:Acting for Camera I
TDR 2800 The Theatre Experience THEA ELLD LD:The Theatre Experience
TDR 300P Proficiency Review 3 THEA ELUD UD: Proficiency Review 3
TDR 3015 Junior Cornerstone Seminar ELEC ELUD UD: Junior Cornerstone Seminar
TDR 3080 Acting II THEA 3510 Acting II
TDR 3100 Stage Voice & Diction II THEA 3520 Voice for the Actor I
TDR 3310 Performance & Prod Lab THEA ELUD UD:Performance & Prod Lab
TDR 3510 Theater History I THEA 4800 Thea Hist I: Greek Restoration
TDR 3520 Theatre History II THEA 4810 Thea Hist II: Restor-Present
TDR 3560 Play Analysis THEA ELUD UD:Play Analysis
TDR 4310 Performance & Production Lab THEA ELUD UD:Performance & Prod Lab
TDRL 0101 Performance & Production Lab THEA ELLD LD:Performance & Prod Lab
TDRL 0102 Performance THEA ELLD LD: Performance
TDRP 0100 Proficiency Review THEA ELLD LD: Proficiency Review
TEL 0209 Int Radio Telecom EMC ELLD LD: Int Radio Telecom
TEO 0214 Jesus His Message RS ELLD LD: Jesus His Message
TEXT 0240 Advanced Textiles TXMD ELLD LD: Advanced Textiles
THEA 2320 Performance & Production Lab THEA ELLD LD:Performance & Production La
TUR 0104 Turism Fund Tech ELEC ELLD LD: Turism Fund Tech
TUR 0210 Tourism Destination ELEC ELLD LD: Tourism Destination
WEL 1500 Lifetime Fitness PHED ELLD LD:Lifetime Fitness
WEL 1600 Health & Fitness PHED ELLD LD:Health & Fitness
WEL 1700 Health & Fitness Concepts w/Ac PHED ELLD LD:Health & Ftns Cncpts w/Actv
WEL 1895 Health & Fitness PHED ELLD LD:Health & Fitness
WEL 2001 Aerobic Walking PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
WEL 2002 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
WEL 2003 Exercise/Stress Mgmt PHED ELLD LD:Exercise/Stress Mgmt
WEL 2004 Ice Skating PHED ELLD LD:Ice Skating
WEL 2005 Jog Run PHED ELLD LD: Jog Run
WEL 2006 Group Games PHED ELLD LD:Group Games
WEL 2007 Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
WEL 2008 Walleyball PHED ELLD LD:Walleyball
WEL 2010 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
WEL 2011 Hiking PHED 1120 Backpacking and Hiking
WEL 2014 Circut Training PHED ELLD LD: Circut Training
WEL 2016 Physical Education Activity PHED ELLD LD: Physical Education Activit
WEL 2020 Exercise Yoga PHED 1270 Yoga
WEL 2021 Spikeball PHED ELLD LD:Spikeball
WEL 2950 The Practice of Living Well PHED ELLD LD:The Practice of Living Well
WEL 3015 Jr Cornerstone ELEC ELUD UD:Jr Cornerstone
[ED 0223 Methods of Coaching ATHC 3610 Coach/Officiate Basketball