Transfer Equivalencies

Academy of Makeup Arts**
Allied Health Careers Inst**
American Baptist College*
American Technical Institute
Anthem Career College**
Aquinas College TN
Argosy University Nashville
Assessment Credit
Austin Peay State University
Aveda Institute Nashville**
Baptist Col Health Science
Baptist Memorial Col Health Sc
Belmont University
Bethel University TN
Blackbird Academy**
Bodyworks School of Massage**
Branell College**
Brightwood College-Nashville*
Bryan College
Carson-Newman University
Casa Loma College Nashville**
Chattanooga Col Med&Dental**
Chattanooga State Cmty College
Christian Brothers University
Clarksville Baptist College
Cleveland State Cmty College
Columbia State Community Coll
Concorde Career Col TN**
Court Reporting Academy**
Crown College of the Bible**
Cumberland Inst Holistic Th**
Cumberland School of Tech*
Cumberland University
Dark Horse Institute**
Daymar Institute Clarksville**
Daymar Institute Murfreesboro*
Daymar Institute Nashville*
DeVry University Memphis
DeVry University Nashville
Dental Staff School of TN**
Dual Credit-Statewide Exam
Dyersburg State Cmty College
East Tennessee State Univ
Edmondson Jr College*
Edmondson Junior College
EduMed Partners**
Emmanuel Bible College**
Emmanuel School Religion
Empire Beauty School-Nash**
Fayetteville Col Cosmetology**
Fisk University
Foothills Christian College**
Fortis Institute-Cookeville**
Fortis Institute-Nashville**
Fountainhead Coll Technology**
Four Rivers Reg PN Program**
Franklin Hair Acad Sch Cos**
Freed-Hardeman University
Galen Col of Nursing-Nashville**
Genesis Career Co-Cookeville**
Genesis Career Col-Airport**
Genesis Career Col-Lebanon**
George Peabody College
Hiwassee College
Huntington Coll Health Sci**
ITT Technical Inst Knoxville*
ITT Technical Inst Memphis**
ITT Technical Inst Nashville*
Intl Acad of Design-Nashville*
Jackson State Cmty Coll
John A Gupton College
Johnson University
King University
Knoxville College*
Lambuth University
Lane College
Lebanon Beauty & Style Acad**
Lee University
Lemoyne-Owen College
Lincoln Memorial University
Lipscomb University
Love Beauty School Inc**
Maryville College TN
Massage Inst of Memphis**
McKenzie College
Meharry Medical College
Memphis College Of Art
Memphis Theol Sem
Meridian Inst Surgical Asst**
Metro Law Enforcement Acad*
Mid America Baptist Theology
Middle Tennessee Sch Anesthsa
Middle Tennessee State Univ
Miller-Motte T C-Chattanooga**
Miller-Motte T C-Clarksville**
Milligan College
Mind Body Institute**
Motlow State Community College
NATS Inc**
Nashville Bible College*
Nashville Col Medical Career**
Nashville Electrical JATC**
Nashville Film Institute**
Nashville Lincoln College**
Nashville Sch Massage Th**
Nashville School of Law**
Nashville State Community Coll
National College Bus Tech*
New College Franklin**
North Central Institute*
Northeast State Cmty Coll
Nossi College Of Art*
Omore College Design
Paul Mitchell the Sch-Knox**
Paul Mitchell the Sch-M'boro**
Paul Mitchell the Sch-Nash**
Pellissippi State Cmty Coll
Pentecostal Theological Sem
Queen City College**
Regency Beauty Inst**
Remington College Memphis**
Remington College Nashville**
Rhodes College
Roane State Community College
Ross Medical Edu-JohnsonCity**
SAE Institute Tech-Nashville*
Scaritt College
Scarritt Graduate School
Sewanee Univ of the South
Shear Perfection Acad Cosm**
South College
Southeastern Institute-Nash**
Southrn Adventist University
Southrn College Optometry
Southwest Tennessee Comm Coll
St. Mary's Convent
TN Foreign Language Inst**
TN Law Enforcement Acad*
TN Prof Training Inst**
TN Specific Ind Certification
TN Tech Center Athens**
TN Tech Center Chattanooga**
TN Tech Center Covington**
TN Tech Center Crossville**
TN Tech Center Crump**
TN Tech Center Dickson**
TN Tech Center Elizabethton**
TN Tech Center Harriman**
TN Tech Center Hartsville**
TN Tech Center Hohenwald**
TN Tech Center Jacksboro**
TN Tech Center Jackson**
TN Tech Center Knoxville**
TN Tech Center Livingston**
TN Tech Center McKenzie**
TN Tech Center McMinnville**
TN Tech Center Memphis**
TN Tech Center Morristown**
TN Tech Center Murfreesboro**
TN Tech Center Nashville**
TN Tech Center Newbern**
TN Tech Center Oneida/Hntsvl**
TN Tech Center Paris**
TN Tech Center Pulaski**
TN Tech Center Ripley**
TN Tech Center Shelbyville**
TN Tech Center Whiteville**
Temple Baptist Seminary**
Tennessee Bible College**
Tennessee Career College**
Tennessee Career Institute**
Tennessee State University
Tennessee Tech University
Tennessee Temple University*
Tennessee Wesleyan College
The Art Institute of Tennessee
The Salon Prof Acd-Nashville**
Trevecca Nazarene University
Tusculum University
Union University
Univ of Tennessee Health Sci
Univ of Tennessee Southern
Univ of Tennessee at Knoxville
Univ of Tennessee at Martin
Univ of Tennessee-Chattanooga
University of Memphis
VUMC Cntr Prog Allied Hlth**
Vanderbilt University
Vatterott College-Dividend**
Victory University
Virginia College Chattanooga**
Visible Music College**
Volunteer State Community Coll
Walters State Community Coll
Watkins Coll Art & Design
Welch College
West Tennessee Business Col**
William Moore College of Tech*
Williamson Christian College*