Transfer Equivalencies

There are 8292 transfer equivalencies on file for Univ of Tennessee at Knoxville

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
AAS 0162 Art of Africa/Ocean ART ELLD LD: Art of Africa/Ocean
AAS 020101 Intro to Afro-Amer HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
AAS 020201 Intro to Afro-Amer HIST 2050 Surv African American Hist II
AAS 0211 Intro to African Stu AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
AAS 0212 Intro to African Stu AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
AAS 0233 Major Black Writers ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
AAS 0235 Intro African Studi AST ELLD LD: Intro African Studi
AAS 0236 Intro African Study AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
AAS 031001 Intro to Afro-Amer AST ELUD UD: Intro to Afro-Amer
AAS 031401 Peoples & Cultures- AST ELUD UD: Peoples & Cultures-
AAS 031501 Afro-Amer Anthropol AST ELUD UD: Afro-Amer Anthropol
AAS 031901 Caribbean Cultures HIST 4490 Mexico and the Caribbean
AAS 032201 Min Group Politics- AST ELUD UD: Min Group Politics-
AAS 0331 Race & Ethnicity Ame ENGL ELUD UD: Race & Ethnicity Ame
AAS 0333 Black Amer Literatur ENGL 3340 African American Literature
AAS 034301 Race and Ethnicity SOC 4240 Race and Ethnic Relations
AAS 035001 History of Jazz MUHL ELUD UD: History of Jazz
AAS 035201 Afro-Amer Religion- AST ELUD UD: Afro-Amer Religion-
AAS 035301 Topics In Afro-Amer AST ELUD UD: Topics In Afro-Amer
AAS 036401 Contemp Issues-Af-A PSY 4720 Cross-Cultural Psychology
AAS 037101 African History AST ELUD UD: African History
AAS 037201 African History AST ELUD UD: African History
AAS 037301 African Religions AST ELUD UD: African Religions
AAS 037901 Geography of Africa GEOG 3470 Geography Sub-Saharan Africa
AAS 0381 Hist South Africa HIST ELUD UD: Hist South Africa
AAS 042001 Family Diversity AST ELUD UD: Family Diversity
AAS 042101 Compar Stud-African AST ELUD UD: Compar Stud-African
AAS 042901 Hist/Phil Afro-Amer AST ELUD UD: Hist/Phil Afro-Amer
AAS 043101 Resear Sem Afro-Ame AST ELUD UD: Resear Sem Afro-Ame
AAS 044201 Comparative Poverty AST ELUD UD: Comparative Poverty
AAS 0443 Topics Black Literat ENGL ELUD UD: Topics Black Literat
AAS 044501 Afro-Amer Experienc HIST 4750 Afr Amer Social Intellect Hist
AAS 045001 Issues/Topics-Af-Am AST ELUD UD: Issues/Topics-Af-Am
AAS 045201 Black African Polit PS 4180 Contemporary African Politics
AAS 046101 African Prehistory AST ELUD UD: African Prehistory
AAS 0462 Art & Archaeology An ART ELUD UD: Art & Archaeology An
AAS 0463 Arts African Diaspor ART ELUD UD: Arts African Diaspor
AAS 0473 Black Male Amer Soci SOC ELUD UD: Black Male Amer Soci
AAS 0480 Afri Amer Communitie AST ELUD UD: Afri Amer Communitie
AAS 048301 Afro-Amer Women Ame AST ELUD UD: Afro-Amer Women Ame
AAS 049101 Foreign Study AST ELUD UD: Foreign Study
AAS 049201 Off-Campus Study AST ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
AAS 049301 Independent Study AST ELUD UD: Independent Study
AAS 049601 Biol of Human Varia AST ELUD UD: Biol of Human Varia
AAS 121001 Af Aero Studies AERO ELLD LD: Af Aero Studies
AAS 122001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AAS 123001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AAS 2010 Intro Afro-Amer Stud AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
ABAS 0200 Intrn In Plant & Soi PLSO 4680 Internship Plant Soil Science
ABAS 0212 The Agribusiness Frm AGBS ELLD LD: The Agribusiness Frm
ACCO 021101 Fund of Acctg ACTG ELLD LD: Fund of Acctg
ACCO 2110 Fund of Actg ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCO 213001 Survy Managl Cost A ACTG ELLD LD: Survy Managl Cost A
ACCO 221001 Intro Manag Cost Ac ACTG ELLD LD: Intro Manag Cost Ac
ACCO 311001 Intermediate Acctg ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCO 3120 Inter Actg ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCO 3120 Inter Actg and ACTG 3120 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCO 321001 Managerial Cost Acc ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting
ACCO 3220 Managerial Cost Acct ACTG ELUD UD: Managerial Cost Acct
ACCO 343001 Federal Income Tax ACTG ELUD UD: Federal Income Tax
ACCO 3630 EDP Concepts & Contr ACTG ELUD UD: EDP Concepts & Contr
ACCT 0200 Foundations of Accounting ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 0201 Financial Acct ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 0203 Financial/Managerial ACTG ELLD LD:Financial/Managerial
ACCT 0207 Foundations Accounting ACTG ELLD LD:Foundations Accounting
ACCT 0301 Financial Reporting ACTG ELUD UD:Financial Reporting
ACCT 0311 Financial Reporting/Analysis ACTG ELUD UD:Financial Report/Analysis
ACCT 0321 Cost Management ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting
ACCT 0411 Financ Compliance/Oper Audit ACTG 4620 External Auditing I
ACCT 0414 Advanced Financial Reporting ACTG ELUD UD: Advanced Financial Rprting
ACCT 0431 Federal Income Taxation ACTG 4550 Intro to Federal Income Tax
ACCT 202 Pncps Managerial Acct ACTG ELLD LD:Pncps Managerial Acct
ACCT 204 Cost Management ACTG ELLD LD:Cost Management
ACCT 208 Hon Intro Financial Acctg ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 211001 Fund of Accounting ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 2120 Fund Actg ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 2120 Fund Actg and ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 3110 Interm Fin Acc ACTG ELUD UD: Interm Fin Acc
ACCT 3210 Managerial Cost Acct ACTG ELUD UD:Managerial Cost Acct
ACTG 0200 Found of Accounting ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACTG 0201 Prcps Financial Actg ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACTG 020201 Prin of Managerial ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACTG 0207 Honors Found of Acc ACTG ELLD LD: Honors Found of Acc
ACTG 0301 Financial Reporting ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACTG 0311 Intermed Financ Act ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACTG 031201 Intermediate Financ ACTG 3120 Intermediate Accounting II
ACTG 032101 Cost & Managerial A ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting
ACTG 034101 Actg Information Sy ACTG 4510 Accounting Systems
ACTG 040001 Special Topics ACTG ELUD UD: Special Topics
ACTG 041101 Auditing ACTG ELUD UD: Auditing
ACTG 041401 Advanced Accounting ACTG 4110 Advanced Financial Accounting
ACTG 0415 Governmental & Nonpr ACTG 4610 Fin Rptg Govt & NFP Entities
ACTG 043101 Federal Income Taxa ACTG 4530 Individual Income Tax
ACTG 0451 Operational Auditing ACTG ELUD UD: Operational Auditing
ACTG 0492 Accounting Internshi ACTG ELUD UD: Accounting Internshi
ACTG 202001 Fund of Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Fund of Accounting
ACTG 2110 Fund of Actg ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACTG 2120 Fund of Acctg ACTG ELLD LD:Fund of Acctg
ACTG 2130 Survy Managl Cost Ac ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACTG 3430 Federal Income Tax ACTG 4530 Individual Income Tax
ADES 0150 Idea of Graphic Design ART ELLD LD:Idea of Graphic Design
ADES 0251 Beginning Graphic Design ART ELLD LD: Beginning Graphic Design
ADES 0252 Beginning Graphic Design II ART ELLD LD: Beginning Graphic Design
ADES 0259 Special Topics ART ELLD LD: Special Topics
ADES 0405 Computer Enhanc Graphic Dsng ART ELUD UD: Comp Enhanc Graphic Desg
ADES 151 Graphic Design History ART ELLD LD:Graphic Design History
ADPR 216 Special Topics PR ELLD LD:Special Topics
ADPR 365 Social Media Strategy ADV ELUD UD:Social Media Strategy
ADPR 375 Integrated Media Mgmt ADV ELUD UD:Integrated Media Mgmt
ADRA 0211 Drawing I ART 1620 Drawing I
ADV 025001 Advertising Princip ADV ELLD LD: Advertising Princip
ADV 0310 Adv & Pub Rel Design ADV ELUD UD: Adv & Pub Rel Design
ADV 034001 Advertising Researc ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Researc
ADV 035001 Advertising Creativm ADV 3160 Advertising Design and Visuals
ADV 036001 Advertising Media S ADV 3480 Media Strategy and Buying
ADV 038001 Advertising Profess ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Profess
ADV 045001 Advertising Managem ADV 4230 Case Studies in Strategic Comm
ADV 047001 Advertising Campaig ADV 4970 Advertising Campaigns
ADV 048001 Advertising Issues ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Issues
ADV 049001 Special Topics JOUR 4800 Seminar in Media Issues
ADV 049201 Advertising Practic ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Practic
ADV 049301 Independent Study JOUR 4900 Independent Study of Media
ADV 300001 Advertising Princip ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Princip
ADVE 2360 Advertising Prin ADV ELLD LD:Advertising Prin
ADVE 300001 Advertising Princip ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Princip
ADVT 0250 Advertising Principles ADV ELLD LD:Advertising Principles
ADVT 0310 Advert PR ADV ELUD UD:Advert PR
ADVT 0340 Advert PR ADV ELUD UD:Advert PR
ADVT 340R Advertising Research Methods ADV ELUD UD:Advertising ResearchMethods
ADVT 350 Advertising Creative Strategy ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Creative Strat
AE 0201 Aerospace Seminar AERO ELLD LD:Aerospace Seminar
AE 0341 Fluid Mechanics I AERO ELUD UD:Fluid Mechanics I
AE 0345 Aero Engr Instrumentat/Meas AERO ELUD UD: Aero Engr Instrumentat/Mea
AE 0351 Compressible Flow AERO ELUD UD: Compressible Flow
AE 0363 Struct Anlys/Aerosp Vehicles AERO ELUD UD: Struct Anyls/Aerosp Vehicl
AE 0370 Airplane Performance AERO ELUD UD: Airplane Performance
AE 0424 Astronautics AERO ELUD UD: Astronautics
AE 0425 Propulsion AERO ELUD UD: Propulsion
AE 0494 Select Top: Astronautics AERO ELUD UD: Select Top: Astronautics
AE 0495 Select Top: Propulsion AERO ELUD UD: Select Top: Propulsion
AE 210 Professional Topics AERO ELLD LD:Professional Topics
AF 121001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AF 122001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AF 123001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AF A 201001 Intro to Afro Amer HIST ELLD LD: Intro to Afro Amer
AFAE 123001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AFAF 0236 Intro African Studie AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
AFAS 010101 Air Force Aerospace MS ELLD LD: Air Force Aerospace
AFAS 010201 Air Force Aerospace MS ELLD LD: Air Force Aerospace
AFAS 010301 Leadership Lab MS ELLD LD: Leadership Lab
AFAS 010401 Leadership Lab MS ELLD LD: Leadership Lab
AFAS 020101 Air Force Aerospace MS ELLD LD: Air Force Aerospace
AFAS 020201 Air Force Aerospace MS ELLD LD: Air Force Aerospace
AFAS 020301 Leadership Lab MS ELLD LD: Leadership Lab
AFAS 020401 Leadership Lab MS ELLD LD: Leadership Lab
AFAS 020501 Field Training MS ELLD LD: Field Training
AFAS 030101 Air Force Aerospace MS ELUD UD: Air Force Aerospace
AFAS 030201 Air Force Aerospace MS ELUD UD: Air Force Aerospace
AFAS 0303 Leadership Lab MS ELUD UD: Leadership Lab
AFAS 0304 Leadership Lab MS ELUD UD: Leadership Lab
AFAS 040101 Air Force Aerospace MS ELUD UD: Air Force Aerospace
AFAS 040201 Air Force Aerospace MS ELUD UD: Air Force Aerospace
AFAS 0403 Leadership Lab MS ELUD UD: Leadership Lab
AFAS 0404 Leadership Lab MS ELUD UD: Leadership Lab
AFAS 121001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AFAS 122001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AFAS 123001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AFAS 221001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AFAS 222001 Af Aerospace Studie AERO ELLD LD: Af Aerospace Studie
AFST 0201 Intro African Amer Studies HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
AFST 0202 Intro African American AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
AFST 0225 Intro:African Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
AFST 0233 Major Black Writers ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
AFST 0235 Intro to African Studies ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to African Stud
AFST 0236 Introduction to African Studie AST ELLD LD: Intro to African Studies
AFST 0315 The African Diaspora AST ELUD UD: The African Diaspora
AFST 0331 Race/Ethinicity in Amer Liter AST ELUD UD: Race/Ethinicity Amer Lit
AFST 0333 Black Amer Liter/Aesthetics ENGL 3340 African American Literature
AFST 0335 African Literature AST ELUD UD: African Literature
AFST 0336 Caribbean Literature AST ELUD UD: Caribbean Literature
AFST 0343 Race & Ethnicity AST ELUD UD: Race & Ethnicity
AFST 0346 African-Amer Religious History AST ELUD UD: African-Amer Rel History
AFST 0353 Relig/Race/Ethnicity Nrth Amer AST ELUD UD: Rel/Race/Ethnic Nrth Amer
AFST 0372 African History AST ELUD UD: African History
AFST 0375 Afr-Amer Women Hist: Slav-Pres AST ELUD UD:Afr-Am Women Hist:Slav-Pres
AFST 0376 Afr-Am Ex/Colonial-Civil War AST ELUD UD: Afr-Am Ex/Col-Civil War
AFST 0484 Afr-Amer Women/Amer Society AST ELUD UD: Afr-Amer Women/Amer Soc
AFST 325 Studies in Black Education AST ELUD UD:Studies in Black Education
AFST 413 Music and the African Diaspora AST ELUD UD:Music & the African Diaspor
AFST 442 Comparative Poverty & Devlpmnt AST ELUD UD:Comp Poverty & Devlpmnt
AFST 452 Politics/Sub-Saharan Africa PS 4180 Contemporary African Politics
AG B 3210 Economic Entomology AGBS ELUD UD: Economic Entomology
AGE 0301 Non-Formal Youth Dev AGRI ELUD UD: Non-Formal Youth Dev
AGEC 011001 Orientation Ag Econ AGBS ELLD LD: Orientation Ag Econ
AGEC 021001 Intro to Agri Econo AGBS 3130 Principles of Agri Economics
AGEC 0212 Agribusiness Firm AGBS ELLD LD: Agribusiness Firm
AGEC 0310 Agr Employee Process AGRI ELUD UD: Agr Employee Process
AGEC 0315 Agricultural Law AGBS ELUD UD: Agricultural Law
AGEC 0320 Inter Agricultural E AGBS ELUD UD: Inter Agricultural E
AGEC 0330 Econ of Ag Biotechno AGBS ELUD UD: Econ of Ag Biotechno
AGEC 0337 Honors:Econ of Ag Bi AGBS ELUD UD: Honors:Econ of Ag Bi
AGEC 034201 Farm Business Mgmt AGBS 4140 Agribusiness Mgmt
AGEC 035001 Marketing Agri Prod AGBS 4130 Agric Commodity Markets
AGEC 035201 Commodity/Fin Futur AGRI ELUD UD: Commodity/Fin Futur
AGEC 0355 Agribusiness Marketi AGBS 4130 Agric Commodity Markets
AGEC 0356 Marketing Team Parti AGBS ELUD UD: Marketing Team Parti
AGEC 0360 Rural Econ Developme AGBS ELUD UD: Rural Econ Developme
AGEC 041001 Seminar Ag Econ & B AGRI ELUD UD: Seminar Ag Econ & B
AGEC 041201 Agricultural Financ AGBS ELUD UD: Agricultural Financ
AGEC 0420 Int'l Ag Trade & Mkt AGBS 4190 International Agriculture
AGEC 043001 Agricultural/Trade AGBS 4150 Agricultural Policy
AGEC 044001 Agri Production Eco AGBS ELUD UD: Agri Production Eco
AGEC 044201 Farm Business Mgmt AGBS ELUD UD: Farm Business Mgmt
AGEC 0444 Econ Or Prec Farm Te AGBS ELUD UD: Econ Or Prec Farm Te
AGEC 045001 Agricultural Price AGBS 4130 Agric Commodity Markets
AGEC 045201 Agribusiness Firm M AGBS 4140 Agribusiness Mgmt
AGEC 046001 Rural Econ/Communit AGBS 4160 Agricultural Cooperatives
AGEC 047001 Natural Resource Ec AGRI ELUD UD: Natural Resource Ec
AGEC 049201 Off Campus Internsh AGRI ELUD UD: Off Campus Internsh
AGEC 049301 Independent Study AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGED 020101 Field Exp-Agri Educ AGED ELLD LD: Field Exp-Agri Educ
AGED 0211 Found Ag & Ext Ed AGRI ELLD LD: Found Ag & Ext Ed
AGED 0301 Non Formal Youth Dev AGRI ELUD UD: Non Formal Youth Dev
AGED 034501 Ag Exp,Leadersh,Adu AGED 4230 Prog Plan School-Based Ag Educ
AGED 034601 Teach/Progr Plannin AGED ELUD UD: Teach/Progr Plannin
AGED 041101 Fund of Agri Extens AGBS ELUD UD: Fund of Agri Extens
AGED 042001 Methods Teach Ag Me AGED 4220 Methods Teach Ag Food Nat Res
AGED 0434 Mthd Teach Agriscien AGED 4220 Methods Teach Ag Food Nat Res
AGED 043501 Student Teaching-Ag AGED ELUD UD: Student Teaching-Ag
AGED 043601 Student Teaching-Ag AGED ELUD UD: Student Teaching-Ag
AGED 0440 Comm Techn In Agricu AGRI 3010 Debate Discussion in Agri Cont
AGED 0450 Agri Ldrshp Developm AGRI 4250 Leadership in Agri Industries
AGED 049201 Ag/Extension Educ I AGED ELUD UD: Ag/Extension Educ I
AGED 049301 Independent Study AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGEE 0211 Foundations of Ag/Ext Ed AGRI ELLD LD: Foundations of Ag/Ext Ed
AGEN 010501 Fund of Engineering AGRI 2210 Intro Agricultural Engineering
AGEN 020001 Specialty Areas-Ag AGRI ELLD LD: Specialty Areas-Ag
AGEN 0243 Material & Energy AGRI ELLD LD: Material & Energy
AGEN 030001 Environmental Relat AGRI ELUD UD: Environmental Relat
AGEN 030301 Transport Processes AGRI ELUD UD: Transport Processes
AGEN 031001 Power Units & Machi AGED ELUD UD: Power Units & Machi
AGEN 031101 Processing Food & B AGBS ELUD UD: Processing Food & B
AGEN 032001 Structures & Enviro AGRI ELUD UD: Structures & Enviro
AGEN 033001 Processing AGRI ELUD UD: Processing
AGEN 033101 Power Units & Machi AGED ELUD UD: Power Units & Machine
AGEN 034001 Soil & Water Conser PLSO ELUD UD: Soil & Water Conser
AGEN 034101 Soil/Water Engineer PLSO ELUD UD: Soil/Water Engineer
AGEN 035001 Properties Biol Mat AGRI ELUD UD: Properties Biol Mat
AGEN 040001 Professional Develo AGRI ELUD UD: Professional Develo
AGEN 040301 Engineering Design AGRI ELUD UD: Engineering Design
AGEN 041001 Elec Measurem/Contr AGRI ELUD UD: Elec Measurem/Contr
AGEN 041301 Componet Design & M AGRI ELUD UD: Componet Design & M
AGEN 042001 Ag Engineeri Design AGRI ELUD UD: Ag Engineeri Design
AGEN 042301 Irrigation & Waste PLSO ELUD UD: Irrigation & Waste
AGEN 042501 Ag Engineer Design AGRI ELUD UD: Ag Engineer Design
AGEN 043001 Mobile Hydraulic Po AGRI ELUD UD: Mobile Hydraulic Po
AGEN 043301 Food & Bioprocessin AGBS ELUD UD: Food & Bioprocessin
AGEN 043501 Design Mech-Ag Mach AGRI ELUD UD: Design Mech-Ag Mach
AGEN 044001 Irrigation/Drainage PLSO ELUD UD: Irrigation/Drainage
AGEN 044501 Processing/Material AGRI ELUD UD: Processing/Material
AGEN 045001 Elec Distribution/U AGRI ELUD UD: Elec Distribution/U
AGEN 045101 Electronic Systems AGRI ELUD UD: Electronic Systems
AGEN 045501 Waste Mgmt Systems AGBS ELUD UD: Waste Mgmt Systems
AGEN 046001 Design of Agri Stru AGBS ELUD UD: Design of Agri Stru
AGEN 047001 Special Probl-Ag En AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGEN 048001 Select Topics-Agri AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGNR 0100 Orientation Studies Ag/Nat Res AGRI ELLD LD: Orien Studies Ag/Nat Res
AGNR 0101 Pers Ag/Assoc Nat Rsc AGRI ELLD LD: Pers Ag/Assoc Nat Rsc
AGNR 0103 Introduction to Teambuilding ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Teambuilding
AGNR 0290 Comp Applications AGRI 4100 Microcomputer Appl Agriculture
AGNR 0291 Spreadsh/Coll Bus Career Prep AGRI ELLD LD: Spreadsh/Bus Career Prep
AGNR 0292 Databases Career Prep AGRI ELLD LD: Databases Career Prep
AGNR 0317 Ag/Nat Res AGRI ELUD UD: Ag/Nat Res
AGNR 0333 Food Forests & Envir PLSO ELUD UD: Food Forests & Envir
AGNR 0481 Stream Ecology AGRI ELUD UD: Stream Ecology
AGNR 0491 Intl Experience AGRI ELUD UD: Intl Experience
AGNR 180 Glbl Dyn: Food/Biodivr/Environ AGRI ELLD LD:Gl Dyn: Food/Biodivr/Enviro
AGNR 480 How to Feed the World AGRI ELUD UD:How to Feed the World
AGRI 0100 Orien to Ag & Nat R AGRI 1000 Orientation in Agriculture
AGRI 010101 Persp Ag/Assoc Nat AGRI ELLD LD: Persp Ag/Assoc Nat
AGRI 020001 Microcomputers In A AGRI 4100 Microcomputer Appl Agriculture
AGRI 0211 Foundations of Ag AGRI ELLD LD: Foundations of Ag
AGRI 0290 Micomp App Prob Sol AGRI 4100 Microcomputer Appl Agriculture
AGRI 030001 Microcomputer Appl- AGRI 4100 Microcomputer Appl Agriculture
AGRI 0301 Non-Formal Youth Dev AGRI ELUD UD: Non-Formal Youth Dev
AGRI 030201 Spec Topics In Comp AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGRI 0317 Agri/Nat Rsrc Honors AGRI ELUD UD: Agri/Nat Rsrc Honors
AGRI 0320 The Employment Proce AGRI ELUD UD: The Employment Proce
AGRI 0330 Ldrshp Dev In Ag & N AGRI 4250 Leadership in Agri Industries
AGRI 0333 Food, Forest, & The PLSO ELUD UD: Food, Forest, & The
AGRI 0455 Soil Chemistry PLSO ELUD UD: Soil Chemistry
AGRI 0456 Soil Chemistry Lab PLSO ELUD UD: Soil Chemistry Lab
AGRI 0457 Soil Formation PLSO 4340 Genesis of Soil Landscapes
AGRI 048001 Agri Mgmt Systems A AGBS ELUD UD: Agri Mgmt Systems A
AGRI 0491 Internatnl Expierenc AGRI ELUD UD: Internatnl Expierenc
AGRI 0497 Honors Indep Projct AGRI ELUD UD: Honors Indep Projct
AGRI 0498 Honors Presentation AGRI ELUD UD: Honors Presentation
AGRI 111001 Intro Soc Sci For A AGRI ELLD LD: Intro Soc Sci For A
AGRI 112001 Intro to Ag Engr AGRI ELLD LD: Intro to Ag Engr
AGRI 1130 Animal Science For ANSC 1410 Introduction to Animal Science
AGRI 3210 Soil & Wat Conser PLSO 4370 Soil and Water Conservation
AGTE 020101 Materials & Fabrica AGRI ELLD LD: Materials & Fabrica
AGTE 020201 Materials & Fabrica AGRI ELLD LD: Materials & Fabrica
AGTE 021101 Surveying/Engin Tec AGRI 2210 Intro Agricultural Engineering
AGTE 021201 Surveying PLSO ELLD LD: Surveying
AGTE 042201 Food/Process Engin AGRI 4810 The Food Industry
AGTE 043201 Agri Machinery & Tr AGED ELUD UD: Agri Machinery & Tr
AGTE 044201 Ag Waste Mgmt & Pol AGBS ELUD UD: Ag Waste Mgmt & Pol
AGTE 045201 Small Internal Comb AGRI ELUD UD: Small Internal Comb
AGTE 046201 Ag Chem Application AGRI ELUD UD: Ag Chem Application
AHIS 0162 Art/Afri,Oc & Pre Colm ART ELLD LD:Art/Afri,Oc & Pre Colm
AHIS 0172 Western Art I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
AHIS 0173 Western Art II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
AHIS 0178 Honors: Western Art II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
AHIS 0183 Asian Art ART ELLD LD:Asian Art
AHIS 0419 Art of Japan ART ELUD UD:Art of Japan
AHIS 0479 Modern Japanese Art ART ELUD UD: Modern Japanese Art
ALEC 0101 Intro Agri/Nat Res Leadership AGBS ELLD LD:Intro Agri Nat Res Lead
ALEC 0102 Personal Leadership Dev AGBS ELLD LD:Personal Leadership Dev
ALEC 0201 Field Exp Agr Lead Edu AGED ELLD LD:Field Exp Agr Lead Edu
ALEC 0202 Lead/Diversity in Org/Comm AGRI ELLD LD: Lead/Diversity in Org/Comm
ALEC 0211 Foundations Agr Lead Edu AGED ELLD LD:Foundations Agr Lead Edu
ALEC 0240 Present Sales Strat AGBS ELLD LD:Present Sales Strat
ALEC 330 Intro to Ag Communications AGRI 3010 Debate Discussion in Agri Cont
AMED 0433 Hist Film Modern Art ART ELUD UD:Hist Film Modern Art
AMST 031001 Intro to American Sm ELEC ELUD UD:Intro American Sm
AMST 031201 Popular Culture & A PS ELUD UD: Popular Culture & A
AMST 0320 American Cultures ELEC ELUD UD:American Cultures
AMST 033401 Film & American Cul ENGL ELUD UD: Film & American Cul
AMST 034301 Race & Ethnicity SOC 4240 Race and Ethnic Relations
AMST 034501 Collective Behavior SOC 4510 Social Deviance
AMST 035501 Religion & Culture RS ELUD UD: Religion & Culture
AMST 0356 1960s In America ELEC ELUD UD:1960s in America
AMST 0374 Hist Civil Rights Movement US AST ELUD UD: Hist Civ Rights Movement
AMST 038001 American Issues:War ELEC ELUD UD:American Issues War
AMST 038101 Intro to Folklore ENGL 3760 Introduction to Folklore
AMST 041001 Topics In American M ENGL ELUD UD: Topics In American M
AMST 042001 Political Attitudes PS 3320 Public Opinion
AMST 0423 Geog Amer Popular Cu GEOG ELUD UD: Geog Amer Popular Cu
AMST 044001 Amer:Mind,Mood,Soci HIST 4740 Amer Cultural Intellect Hist
AMST 044201 American Humor ENGL ELUD UD: American Humor
AMST 0450 Seminar In Amer Stud ELEC ELUD UD: Seminar In Amer Stud
AMST 045501 Local & Regional Hi ELEC ELUD UD:Local & Regional Hi
AMST 045601 History of Sports I HIST ELUD UD: History of Sports I
AMST 046901 Freedom of Speech COMM ELUD UD: Freedom of Speech
AMST 0491 Foreign Studies ELEC ELUD UD:Foreign Studies
AMST 0492 Off Campus Study ELEC ELUD UD:Off Campus Study
AMST 049301 Independent Study M ELEC ELUD UD:Independent Study
AMST 326 Gay American History HIST ELUD UD:Gay American History
AMST 354 Popular Religion in the US RS ELUD UD:Popular Religion in the US
ANME 0366 Ancient Near Eastern HIST 4420 Medieval Mediterranean World
ANME 0381 Greek Civilization HIST 4410 Classical History
ANME 0382 Roman Civilization HIST 4410 Classical History
ANME 0400 Special Topics ELEC ELUD UD: Special Topics
ANME 0491 Foreign Study HIST ELUD UD: Foreign Study
ANME 0492 Off Campus Study HIST ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
ANME 0493 Independent Study HIST ELUD UD: Independent Study
ANSC 0100 Orientation to Animal Science AGRI 1000 Orientation in Agriculture
ANSC 010101 Orientation Animal ANSC ELLD LD: Orientation Animal
ANSC 0160 Intro to Aninal Sci ANSC 1410 Introduction to Animal Science
ANSC 022001 Anatomy & Physiolog ANSC 3450 Anat & Phys Domestic Animals
ANSC 024101 Breeds of Farm Anim ANSC ELLD LD: Breeds of Farm Anim
ANSC 026001 Animal Industry & M ANSC 4860 Meat Science and Technology
ANSC 026101 Fund Food Animal Ev ANSC ELLD LD: Fund Food Animal Ev
ANSC 028001 Livestock Mgmt/Well-being ANSC 3440 Livestock Management
ANSC 028101 Farm Animal Health/ ANSC ELLD LD: Farm Animal Health/
ANSC 0285 Horse Handling & Car HORS 3900 Horses and Horsemanship
ANSC 032001 The Physiology of R ANSC ELUD UD: The Physiology of R
ANSC 032101 Anat/Phys Farm Anim ANSC 3450 Anat & Phys Domestic Animals
ANSC 032201 Physiology Reproduc ANSC ELUD UD: Physiology Reproduc
ANSC 033001 Animal Nutrition,Fe ANSC 4410 Animal Nutrition
ANSC 033101 Animal Nutrition/Fe ANSC 4410 Animal Nutrition
ANSC 033201 Ration Formul/Linea AGRI ELUD UD: Ration Formul/Linea
ANSC 034001 Prin of Animal Bree ANSC 3420 Animal Breeding and Genetics
ANSC 034101 Princ of Animal Bre ANSC 3420 Animal Breeding and Genetics
ANSC 0360 Horse Dairy & Meat A HORS 2480 Equine Evaluation & Selection
ANSC 036101 Meat Animal Selecti ANSC 4490 Livestock Evaluation
ANSC 036201 Dairy Cattle Judgin ANSC ELUD UD: Dairy Cattle Judgin
ANSC 036301 Judging Poultry/P P POUL ELUD UD: Judging Poultry/P P
ANSC 0364 Horse Selection/Judge HORS 2480 Equine Evaluation & Selection
ANSC 038001 Animal Health Manag ANSC ELUD UD: Animal Health Manag
ANSC 038101 Animal Production S ANSC ELUD UD: Animal Production S
ANSC 0395 Careers Seminar AGRI ELUD UD: Careers Seminar
ANSC 042001 Adv Reproduction ANSC ELUD UD: Adv Reproduction
ANSC 042101 Aapl Reprod Farm An ANSC ELUD UD: Aapl Reprod Farm An
ANSC 043001 Adv Ration Formulat AGRI ELUD UD: Adv Ration Formulat
ANSC 044001 Adv Animal Breeding ANSC ELUD UD: Adv Animal Breeding
ANSC 046101 Adv Cattle,Horse,Po HORS ELUD UD: Adv Cattle,Horse,Po
ANSC 048101 Beef Cattle Produc/ ANSC 3470 Beef Cattle Production
ANSC 048201 Dairy Cattle Produc ANSC 3540 Dairy Production
ANSC 048301 Pork Production/Mgm ANSC 3480 Swine Production
ANSC 048401 Poultry Production/ POUL 3490 Comm Poultry Production
ANSC 048501 Horse Production/Mg HORS 3900 Horses and Horsemanship
ANSC 048601 Lamb/Wool Produc/Mg AGRI ELUD UD: Lamb/Wool Produc/Mg
ANSC 048901 Compan,Zoo,Lab Anim ANSC ELUD UD: Compan,Zoo,Lab Anim
ANSC 049201 Animal Science Fiel ANSC 4430 Internship in Animal Science
ANSC 049301 Special Problems-An AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
ANSC 049401 Animal Science Teac ANSC ELUD UD: Animal Science Teac
ANSC 049501 Ethics In Animal Agr AGRI ELUD UD: Ethics In Animal Agr
ANSC 049601 Veterinary Medical ANSC ELUD UD: Veterinary Medical
ANSC 150 Global Animal Ag Sys/Society ANSC ELLD LD:Global Animal Ag Sys/Societ
ANSC 250 Intro Animal Handling/Mgmt ANSC ELLD LD:Intro Animal Handling/Mgmt
ANSC 2610 Fund Food Animal Eva ANSC ELLD LD: Fund Food Animal Eva
ANSC 321001 Anat & Phys Farm An ANSC ELUD UD: Anat & Phys Farm An
ANSC 322001 Physiology of Repro ANSC ELUD UD: Physiology of Repro
ANSC 3510 Animal Hygine ANSC ELUD UD: Animal Hygine
ANTH 0110 Human Origins ANTH ELLD LD:Human Origins
ANTH 011001 Human Origins ANTH ELLD LD: Human Origins
ANTH 0117 Honors:Human Origins ANTH ELLD LD:Honors:Human Origins
ANTH 0127 Prehistoric Archaeology- Honor ANTH 2210 World Prehistory
ANTH 0130 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 013001 Cultural Anthropolo ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 0137 Hon:Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 021001 Princ of Biol Anthr ANTH 3310 Biological Anthropology
ANTH 022001 Prehistory of Tenne ANTH ELLD LD: Prehistory of Tenne
ANTH 023001 American Cultures ANTH ELLD LD: American Cultures
ANTH 030201 Anthropology of Reli ANTH 4750 Anthropology of Religion
ANTH 0305 Evolution & Society ANTH ELUD UD: Evolution & Society
ANTH 030601 Genetics & Society ANTH ELUD UD: Genetics & Society
ANTH 031001 North American Indi ANTH 3515 People & Culture Native N Amer
ANTH 031101 Southeastern Indian ANTH ELUD UD: Southeastern Indian
ANTH 031201 Appalachian Culture ANTH ELUD UD: Appalachian Culture
ANTH 031301 Peoples/Cultur Meso ANTH ELUD UD: Peoples/Cultur Meso
ANTH 031401 Peoples/Cultures Of ANTH 3514 Peoples and Cultures of Africa
ANTH 031501 The African Diaspora ANTH ELUD UD: The African Diaspora
ANTH 031601 Peopl & Cult of Sout ANTH ELUD UD: Peopl & Cult of Sout
ANTH 031901 Caribbean Cultures ANTH ELUD UD: Caribbean Cultures
ANTH 032001 American Cultures ANTH ELUD UD: American Cultures
ANTH 0321 Indians of Northwest ANTH 3515 People & Culture Native N Amer
ANTH 0322 Topics In Ethnograph ANTH ELUD UD: Topics In Ethnograph
ANTH 0325 Migration & Trans ANTH ELUD UD:Migration & Trans
ANTH 0357 Junior Honors In Ant ANTH ELUD UD: Junior Honors In Ant
ANTH 036001 North American Preh ANTH ELUD UD: North American Preh
ANTH 036101 Historical Achaeolo ANTH ELUD UD: Historical Achaeolo
ANTH 036201 Principles of Archa ANTH 3210 Archaeology
ANTH 0363 Prehistory of Tennes ANTH ELUD UD: Prehistory of Tennes
ANTH 0369 Archaelogy of Religion ANTH ELUD UD:Archaelogy of Religion
ANTH 037301 African Religions ANTH ELUD UD: African Religions
ANTH 0400 Readings In Anthrop ANTH 4910 Anth Undergrad Research
ANTH 041001 Prin of Cultural An ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 041101 Linguistic Anthropo ANTH ELUD UD: Linguistic Anthropo
ANTH 041201 Folklore In Anthrop ANTH ELUD UD: Folklore In Anthrop
ANTH 041301 Dynamics of Culture ANTH ELUD UD: Dynamics of Culture
ANTH 041401 Political Anthropol ANTH ELUD UD: Political Anthropol
ANTH 0416 Applied Anthropology ANTH ELUD UD: Applied Anthropology
ANTH 0421 Refugees & Displaced People ANTH ELUD UD:Refugees & Displaced People
ANTH 043001 Fieldwork In Archae ANTH 4950 Archaeological Field School
ANTH 043101 Ethnographic Resear ANTH 4950 Archaeological Field School
ANTH 043501 Historical Archaeol ANTH ELUD UD: Historical Archaeol
ANTH 0436 Cities & Sanctuaries ANTH ELUD UD: Cities & Sanctuaries
ANTH 044001 Cultural Ecology ANTH ELUD UD: Cultural Ecology
ANTH 0442 Intensive Survey Of ANTH ELUD UD: Intensive Survey Of
ANTH 0443 Intensive of the Arc ANTH ELUD UD: Intensive of the Arc
ANTH 045001 Current Trends In A ANTH ELUD UD: Current Trends In A
ANTH 0457 Senior Honors In Ant ANTH ELUD UD: Senior Honors In Ant
ANTH 045901 Selected Topics In ANTH ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
ANTH 046001 Selected Topics In ANTH 3710 Topics in Anthropology
ANTH 046101 African Prehistory ANTH ELUD UD: African Prehistory
ANTH 046201 Early European Preh ANTH ELUD UD: Early European Preh
ANTH 046301 Rise of Complex Civ ANTH ELUD UD: Rise of Complex Civ
ANTH 046401 Prin of Zooarchaeol ANTH ELUD UD: Prin of Zooarchaeol
ANTH 046501 Urban Archaeology ANTH ELUD UD: Urban Archaeology
ANTH 048001 Human Osteology ANTH ELUD UD: Human Osteology
ANTH 048101 Museology I:Muse,Pu ANTH ELUD UD: Museology I:Muse,Pu
ANTH 048201 Museology II:Exhib ANTH ELUD UD: Museology II:Exhib
ANTH 048401 Museology III:Field ANTH ELUD UD: Museology III:Field
ANTH 0485 Oral Biology ANTH ELUD UD: Oral Biology
ANTH 049001 Primate Evolution ANTH ELUD UD: Primate Evolution
ANTH 049101 Foreign Study ANTH ELUD UD: Foreign Study
ANTH 049201 Off-Campus Study ANTH ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
ANTH 049301 Independent Study ANTH ELUD UD: Independent Study
ANTH 049401 Primate Behavior ANTH ELUD UD: Primate Behavior
ANTH 049501 Human Paleontology ANTH ELUD UD: Human Paleontology
ANTH 049601 Biol of Human Varia ANTH ELUD UD: Biol of Human Varia
ANTH 049901 Hum Response to Env ANTH ELUD UD: Hum Response to Env
ANTH 120 Prehistoric Archaeology ANTH 3210 Archaeology
ANTH 201001 Human Origins ANTH ELLD LD: Human Origins
ANTH 203001 Human Cultures ANTH ELLD LD: Human Cultures
ANTH 229 Skeletal Processing ANTH ELLD LD:Skeletal Processing
ANTH 240 Human Anatomy ANTH ELLD LD:Human Anatomy
ANTH 2510 Human Origins ANTH ELLD LD:Human Origins
ANTH 251001 Human Orgins ANTH ELLD LD: Human Orgins
ANTH 252001 Prehistory Archaeol ANTH ELLD LD: Prehistory Archaeol
ANTH 253001 Human Cultures ANTH ELLD LD: Human Cultures
ANTH 353001 Peop & Cult of Afri ANTH ELUD UD: Peop & Cult of Afri
ANTH 3700 Forms of Folklre ANTH ELUD UD: Forms of Folklre
ANTH 432 Anth Warfare/Violence/Peace ANTH ELUD UD:Anth Warfare/Violence/Peace
ANTH 451 Hunter-Gatherers ANTH ELUD UD:Hunter-Gatherers
ANTH 4740 So Appal Folk Cult ANTH ELUD UD: So Appal Folk Cult
APRI 0263 Lithography I ART ELLD LD:Lithography I
APRI 262 Intaglio I ART ELLD LD:Intaglio I
APRI 264 Screen Printing I ART ELLD LD:Screen Printing I
APRI 266 Monoprint and Monotype ART ELLD LD:Monoprint and Monotype
ARAB 0121 Ele Modern Arabic I FL ELLD LD: Ele Modern Arabic I
ARAB 0122 Elem Standard Mod A FL ELLD LD: Elem Standard Mod A
ARAB 0221 Intermed Mod Standa FL ELLD LD: Inter Stand Mod Ara
ARAB 0222 Inter Stand Mod Ara FL ELLD LD: Inter Stand Mod Ara
ARCE 0191 Intro to Studio Art ART ELLD LD: Intro to Studio Art
ARCE 0221 Ceramics/Handbldg I ART ELLD LD: Ceramics/Handbldg I
ARCE 0222 Ceramics/Throwing I ART ELLD LD: Ceramics/Throwing I
ARCE 0225 Portfolio Practicum ART ELLD LD: Portfolio Practicum
ARCE 0226 Portfolio Practicum ART ELLD LD: Portfolio Practicum
ARCE 0229 Ceramics:Spec Topic ART ELLD LD: Ceramics:Spec Topic
ARCE 0320 Ceramics: Portfolio ART ELUD UD: Ceramics: Portfolio
ARCE 0321 Ceramics:Handbuildin ART ELUD UD: Ceramics:Handbuildin
ARCE 0322 Ceramics:Throwing II ART ELUD UD: Ceramics:Throwing II
ARCE 0421 Ceramics: Adv Handbu ART ELUD UD: Ceramics: Adv Handbu
ARCE 0422 Ceramics: Adv Throwi ART ELUD UD: Ceramics: Adv Throwi
ARCE 0424 Ceramics:Clay/Glazes ART ELUD UD: Ceramics:Clay/Glazes
ARCE 0429 Ceramics:Spec Topics ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARCE 0493 Independent Study ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARCE 0494 Individual Problems ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARCE 0495 Visiting Artist Sem ART ELUD UD: Visiting Artist Sem
ARCH 0101 Intro to Architecture CMT ELLD LD:Intro to Architecture
ARCH 010201 Visual Design ET ELLD LD: Visual Design
ARCH 0107 Hon:Intro Built Environment ET ELLD LD:Hon:Intro Built Environment
ARCH 0117 Hon: Arch/Built Environment ET ELLD LD: Hon: Arch/Built Environmnt
ARCH 0121 Drawing & Perception CMT ELLD LD:Drawing & Perception
ARCH 0122 Drawing & Abstractio CMT ELLD LD:Drawing & Abstraction
ARCH 017101 Design Fundamentals ET ELLD LD: Design Fundamentals
ARCH 017201 Design Fundamentals ET ELLD LD: Design Fundamentals
ARCH 0180 Intro to Architectur ET ELLD LD: Intro to Architecture
ARCH 0181 Intro to Graphic Skill CMT ELLD LD:Intro to Graphic Skill
ARCH 018201 Intro to Basic Desi IDES 2100 Int Design Elements/Principles
ARCH 020301 2nd Degree Prog:Sem ET ELLD LD: 2nd Degree Prog:Sem
ARCH 020401 2nd Degree Prog:Sem ET ELLD LD: 2nd Degree Prog:Sem
ARCH 021201 Hist/Theo of Arch II ET ELLD LD: Hist/Theo of Arch II
ARCH 0215 Arch Hist/Theory I ET ELLD LD: Arch Hist/Theory I
ARCH 0216 Architectural Histor ET ELLD LD: Architectural History
ARCH 0217 Hon:Hist/Thry of Arch I ENGR ELLD LD:Hon:Hist/Thry of Arch II
ARCH 0218 Hon:Hist/Theory of Arch II ENGR ELLD LD:Hon:Hist/Thry of Arch II
ARCH 0221 Represent III CMT ELLD LD:Represent III
ARCH 023101 Computer Applicatio CMT 3320 Arch Comp-Aided Drafting Dsg
ARCH 0232 Intro Arch Technolo ET ELLD LD: Intro Arch Technolo
ARCH 027101 Architectural Desig ET ELLD LD: Architectural Design
ARCH 027201 Architectural Desig ET ELLD LD: Architectural Design
ARCH 028101 Princ of Archit Form ET ELLD LD: Princ of Archit Form
ARCH 028201 Princ of Archite Des ET ELLD LD: Princ of Architec Design
ARCH 031201 Matl's/Methods Cons CMT 3180 Construction and Materials II
ARCH 032301 Adv Computer Applic ET 4330 Adv Computer-Aided Drafting
ARCH 032401 Architec Computer G ET ELUD UD: Architec Computer G
ARCH 033101 Architec Structur I ET ELUD UD: Architec Structure I
ARCH 033201 Architec Structur II ET ELUD UD: Architec Structure II
ARCH 033301 Adv Structural Desi ET ELUD UD: Adv Structural Desi
ARCH 033401 Adv Architec Struct ET ELUD UD: Adv Architec Structure
ARCH 0335 Struc In Architectur ET ELUD UD: Struc in Architrcture
ARCH 0336 Structures In Archit ET ELUD UD: Structures in Archit
ARCH 034101 Environm Contr Sys I ET ELUD UD: Environm Contro Sys I
ARCH 034201 Environ Contr Sys II ET ELUD UD: Environ Contr Sys II
ARCH 0345 Prin/Envrn Control I ET ELUD UD: Prin/Envrn Control I
ARCH 0346 Prin of Envir Con II ET ELUD UD: Prin of Envir Con II
ARCH 0370 Programming Arch Design ET ELUD UD:Programming Arch Des
ARCH 037101 Architec Desig III ET ELUD UD: Architec Design III
ARCH 037201 Architect Desig IV ET ELUD UD: Architect Design IV
ARCH 0401 Arch Hist/Thry I ET ELUD UD: Arch Hist/Thry I
ARCH 0402 Arch History/Thry II ET ELUD UD: Arch History/Thry II
ARCH 040301 Intro to Preservati ET ELUD UD: Intro to Preservati
ARCH 040401 Preservation Techno ET ELUD UD: Preservation Techno
ARCH 040501 Descrip Analys-Hist ET ELUD UD: Descrip Analy-Hist
ARCH 040601 Ideas In Architectu ET ELUD UD: Ideas in Architecture
ARCH 040901 Cult Comparison-Hou ET ELUD UD: Cult Comparison-Hou
ARCH 041001 Hist/Theory Urban F ET ELUD UD: Hist/Theory Urban F
ARCH 041101 Architec Since 1945 ET ELUD UD: Architec Since 1945
ARCH 041201 Nonwest/Indigenous ET ELUD UD: Nonwest/Indigenous
ARCH 041301 Tennessee Architect ET ELUD UD: Tennessee Architecture
ARCH 041401 Hist of Architec Te ET ELUD UD: Hist of Archetec Te
ARCH 041501 Medieval Architectu ET ELUD UD: Medieval Architecture
ARCH 041601 Forms of Utopia ET ELUD UD: Forms of Utopia
ARCH 041701 The International S ET ELUD UD: The International S
ARCH 041901 American Architectu ET ELUD UD: American Architecture
ARCH 042001 American Arch:1840- ET ELUD UD: American Arch: 1840-
ARCH 042101 History Landscape A ET ELUD UD: History Landscape A
ARCH 042201 Mod East European A ET ELUD UD: Mod East European A
ARCH 042501 Special Topics In A ET ELUD UD: Special Topics in A
ARCH 042601 Sp Top:Hist,Theory, ET ELUD UD: Sp Top: Hist, Theory,
ARCH 043101 Structural/Mechanic ET ELUD UD: Structural/Mechanic
ARCH 0432 Computer Appl In Des ET 3360 Computer-Assist Draft Dsg II
ARCH 0433 Computer Appl In Des ET ELUD UD: Computer Appl In Des
ARCH 043401 Elem Struc Matrix M ET ELUD UD: Elem Struc Matrix M
ARCH 043501 Planning/Design Tal ET ELUD UD: Planning/Design Tal
ARCH 044301 Building Energy Ana ET ELUD UD: Building Energy Ana
ARCH 044401 Adv Environ Control ET ELUD UD: Adv Environ Control
ARCH 044501 Adv Lighting ET ELUD UD: Adv Lighting
ARCH 0450 Special Topics ET ELUD UD:Special Topics
ARCH 0455 Special Topics ET ELUD UD:Special Topics
ARCH 046201 Professional Practi ET ELUD UD: Professional Practi
ARCH 046301 Architectural Devpt ET ELUD UD: Architectural Devpt
ARCH 046401 Project/Constructio ET ELUD UD: Project/Construction
ARCH 046501 Contract Documents ET ELUD UD: Contract Documents
ARCH 046601 Marketing Services ET ELUD UD: Marketing Services
ARCH 046901 Codes,Zoning,Fire P ET ELUD UD: Codes,Zoning,Fire P
ARCH 047101 Architect Desig V ET ELUD UD: Architect Design V
ARCH 047201 Architect Design Vi ET ELUD UD: Architect Design VI
ARCH 047301 Architectural Photo ET ELUD UD: Architectural Photo
ARCH 048001 Comprehens Design P ET ELUD UD: Comprehens Design P
ARCH 048101 Adv Arch Design Top ET ELUD UD: Adv Arch Design Top
ARCH 048201 Comprehens Design P ET ELUD UD: Comprehens Design P
ARCH 0483 Urban Design ET ELUD UD: Urban Design
ARCH 0484 Architecture & Prese ET ELUD UD: Architecture & Prese
ARCH 0485 Devel & Design ET ELUD UD: Devel & Design
ARCH 0486 Design of Sustainabl ET ELUD UD: Design of Sustainable
ARCH 0489 Structural Innovatio ET ELUD UD: Structural Innovation
ARCH 049101 Foreign Study ET ELUD UD: Foreign Study
ARCH 049201 Off-Campus Study ET ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
ARCH 049301 Independent Study ET ELUD UD: Independent Study
ARCH 0494 Foreign Studies CMT ELUD UD:Foreign Studies
ARCH 0496 Design Studies In Kr CMT ELUD UD:Design Studies in KR
ARCH 0497 Sketchbook Study CMT ELUD UD:Sketchbook Study
ARCH 0498 Fine Art Studiies In CMT ELUD UD:Fine Art Studies In
ARCH 0537 Architectural Photography ET ELUD UD:Architectural Photography
ARCH 1002 Visual Studies ART ELLD LD: Visual Studies
ARCH 110001 Intro to Archt ET ELLD LD: Intro to Archt
ARCH 110101 Design Drawing ET ELLD LD: Design Drawing
ARCH 111 Arch & Built Enviro ET ELLD LD: Arch & Built Enviro
ARCH 111101 Intro to Architectu ET ELLD LD: Intro to Architecture
ARCH 120001 Archt Graphics ET ELLD LD: Archt Graphics
ARCH 120101 Visual Design Princ ET ELLD LD: Visual Design Princ
ARCH 1300 Intro Archt Design ET ELLD LD: Intro Archt Design
ARCH 1301 Structural Design ET ELLD LD: Structural Design
ARCH 2100 Fund of Site Design ET ELLD LD: Fund of Site Design
ARCH 2101 Des In Environment ET ELLD LD: Des In Environment
ARCH 211 Hist/Theo of Arch I ET ELLD LD: Hist/Theo of Arch I
ARCH 2114 Computer Appl In Arc ET ELLD LD: Computer Appl In Arc
ARCH 213 Hist/Theory Contemp ET ELLD LD: Hist/Theory Contemp
ARCH 2200 Element of Arch ET ELLD LD: Element of Arch
ARCH 2201 Building Use ET ELLD LD: Building Use
ARCH 2207 Archt History I ET ELLD LD: Archt History I
ARCH 2214 Arch Structure Si ET ELLD LD: Arch Structure Si
ARCH 227 Honors Mod Arch Hist/Theories CMT ELLD LD:Honors Mod Arch Hist/Theori
ARCH 2300 Odern & Form In Bld ET ELLD LD: Odern & Form In Bld
ARCH 2301 Moderls of Bldg Form ET ELLD LD: Moderls of Bldg Form
ARCH 2307 Archt History II ET ELLD LD: Archt History II
ARCH 2314 Arch Structures II ET ELLD LD: Arch Structures II
ARCH 261 Tectonics and Stereotomics CMT ELLD LD:Tectonics and Stereotomics
ARCH 262 Climatic and Daylight Design CMT ELLD LD:Climatic and Daylight Desig
ARCH 263 Design Implementation I CMT ELLD LD:Design Implementation I
ARCH 264 Design Implementation II CMT ELLD LD:Design Implementation II
ARCH 3100 Archt Design I ET ELUD UD: Archt Design I
ARCH 3107 Arch History III ET ELUD UD: Arch History III
ARCH 3114 Struct Wood & Steel ET ELUD UD: Struct Wood & Steel
ARCH 3116 Environmental Contro ET ELUD UD: Environmental Contro
ARCH 321 Represent IV:Info Modeling CMT ELUD UD:Represent IV:Info Modeling
ARCH 3216 Mech Systms In Arch ET ELUD UD: Mech Systms In Arch
ARCH 361 Design Research in Tech CMT ELUD UD:Design Research in Tech
ARCH 362 Schematic Design Tech CMT ELUD UD:Schematic Design Tech
ARCH 370 Research and Design CMT ELUD UD:Research and Design
ARCH 371 Design as Applied Research CMT ELUD UD:Design as Applied Research
ARCH 4802 Amer Arch II ET ELUD UD: Amer Arch II
ARCH 4814 Forms of Utopia ET ELUD UD: Forms of Utopia
ARCH 4817 Arch Since 1945 ET ELUD UD: Arch Since 1945
ARCH 4820 Spec Topics In Arch ET ELUD UD: Spec Topics In Arch
ARCHT 1010 Introd to Architectur ELEC ELLD LD:Introd to Architecture
ARCHT 1020 Introd to Architecture ELEC ELLD LD:Introd to Architecture
ARCHT 1030 Introd to Architecture ELEC ELLD LD:Introd to Architecture
ARCN 211 Hist/Theory Arch I ART ELLD LD:Hist/Theory Arch I
ARDG 0151 Graphc Design Histor ART ELLD LD: Graphc Design Histor
ARDG 0251 Beg Graphic Design I ART ELLD LD: Beg Graphic Design I
ARDG 0252 Begn Graphc Des II ART ELLD LD: Begn Graphc Des II
ARDG 0259 Spec Top/Graphic De ART ELLD LD: Spec Top/Graphic De
ARDG 0352 Interm Grap Desig II ART ELUD UD: Interm Grap Desig II
ARDR 0191 Intro to Studio Art ART ELLD LD: Intro to Studio Art
ARDR 0211 Draw I: Surv/Drawing ART 1620 Drawing I
ARDR 0212 Draw II: Life Drawin ART 3650 Figure Drawing
ARDR 0219 Spec Top In Drawing ART ELLD LD: Spec Top In Drawing
ARDR 0311 Drawing III ART 3560 Drawing III
ARDR 0312 Drawing Portfolio Re ART ELUD UD: Drawing Portfolio Re
ARDR 0411 Drawing IV ART ELUD UD: Drawing IV
ARDR 0419 Spec Top In Drawing ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARDR 0493 Independent Study ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARDR 0494 Individual Problems ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARDR 0495 Visiting Artist Semi ART ELUD UD: Visiting Artist Semi
AREC 0201 Econ/Global Food AGBS ELLD LD: Econ/Global Food
AREC 0212 The Agribusiness Firm AGBS ELLD LD: The Agribusiness Firm
AREC 0315 Agric/Environmental Law AGBS ELUD UD: Agric/Environmental Law
AREC 0342 Farm Bus Mgmt AGBS ELUD UD: Farm Bus Mgmt
AREC 0350 Food & Agr Marketing System AGRI 4810 The Food Industry
AREC 110 Opport:Agr Food Res Economics AGBS ELLD LD:Opport:Agr Food Res Economi
AREC 332 Food Policy AGBS ELUD UD:Food Policy
AREC 352 Futures and Options Markets AGBS ELUD UD:Futures and Options Markets
ARED 030001 Art For Elem Classr ART ELUD UD: Art For Elem Classr
ARED 030101 Found of Art Educat ART 2200 Introduction to Art Education
ARED 030201 Multicul In Visua Ar ART ELUD UD: Multicul In Visua Ar
ARED 030301 Concepts of Sculptu ART ELUD UD: Concepts of Sculptu
ARED 030401 Concepts of Printma ART ELUD UD: Concepts of Printma
ARED 035001 Field Experience ART ELUD UD: Field Experience
ARED 040001 Curriculum Planning ART ELUD UD: Curriculum Planning
ARED 041001 Pre Internship Semi ART ELUD UD: Pre Internship Semi
ARED 048101 Internship I:Grades ART ELUD UD: Internship I:Grades
ARED 048201 Internship II:Grade ART ELUD UD: Internship II:Grade
ARED 049001 Special Topics ART ELUD UD: Special Topics
ARED 049301 Independent Study ART ELUD UD: Independent Study
ARED 310001 Intro to Art Educat ART ELUD UD: Intro to Art Educat
ARHI 0161 Oceanic Art ART ELLD LD: Oceanic Art
ARHI 0162 Art/Afri Oc & Pre C ART ELLD LD: Art/Afri Oc & Pre C
ARHI 0167 Honors: Art of Afri UH ELLD LD: Honors: Art of Afri
ARHI 0172 Western Art I ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARHI 0173 Western Art II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
ARHI 0177 Honors: Western Art UH ELLD LD: Honors: Western Art
ARHI 0178 Honors: West Art II UH ELLD LD: Honors: West Art II
ARHI 0183 Asian Art ART ELLD LD: Asian Art
ARHI 0187 Honors: Asian Art UH ELLD LD: Honors: Asian Art
ARHI 0279 Spec Topics Art Hist ART ELLD LD: Spec Topics Art Hist
ARHI 0376 Sem In Art History ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ARHI 0403 History of Photograp PHOT ELUD UD: History of Photograp
ARHI 0411 Art of S & SE Asia ART ELUD UD: Art of S & SE Asia
ARHI 0415 Art of China ART ELUD UD: Art of China
ARHI 0416 Chinese Art of 20th ART ELUD UD: Chinese Art of 20th
ARHI 0419 Art of Japan ART ELUD UD: Art of Japan
ARHI 0425 Early Christian And ART ELUD UD: Early Christian And
ARHI 0431 Medieval Art of The ART 3760 Romanesque and Gothic Art
ARHI 0441 Northern European Pa ART 3860 Northern Renaissance
ARHI 0442 Art of Northern Euro ART 3860 Northern Renaissance
ARHI 0452 Art Italy ART ELUD UD: Art Italy
ARHI 0453 Art/Sou Eur 1575-170 ART ELUD UD: Art/Sou Eur 1575-170
ARHI 0462 Art Arch Anc Afri ART ELUD UD: Art Arch Anc Afri
ARHI 0475 Hist 19th Pt/Sc Euro ART ELUD UD: Hist 19th Pt/Sc Euro
ARHI 0479 Spec Tops Art Hist ART ELUD UD: Spec Tops Art Hist
ARHI 0483 History of Amer Scul ART ELUD UD: History of Amer Scul
ARMD 0433 Hist Film Modern Art ART ELUD UD: Hist Film Modern Art
ARMP 0231 Photogrraphy I PHOT ELLD LD: Photogrraphy I
ARMP 0235 Intr Cinematog as Ar ART ELLD LD: Intr Cinematog as Ar
ARMP 0236 Intro Video Art ART ELLD LD: Intro Video Art
ARMP 0431 Photography III PHOT ELUD UD: Photography III
ARMP 0433 Hist Film Modern Art ART ELUD UD: Hist Film Modern Art
ARMP 0439 SPED Topic Media Art ART ELUD UD: SPED Topic Media Art
ARPA 0191 Intro to Studio Art ART ELLD LD: Intro to Studio Art
ARPA 0213 Painting I ART 2710 Painting I
ARPA 0214 Painting II ART 3720 Painting II
ARPA 0215 Watercolor I ART ELLD LD: Watercolor I
ARPA 0216 Watercolor II ART ELLD LD: Watercolor II
ARPA 0219 Spec Top Draw/Paint ART ELLD LD: Spec Top Draw/Paint
ARPA 0313 Painting III ART ELUD UD: Painting III
ARPA 0314 Painting Portfolio R ART ELUD UD: Painting Portfolio R
ARPA 0315 Watercolor III ART ELUD UD: Watercolor III
ARPA 0316 Watercolor Port Rev ART ELUD UD: Watercolor Port Rev
ARPA 0413 Painting IV ART 4710 Painting IV
ARPA 0415 Watercolor IV ART ELUD UD: Watercolor IV
ARPA 0419 Spec Top Draw/Paint ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARPA 0493 Independent Study ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARPA 0494 Individual Problems ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARPA 0495 Visiting Artist Sem ART ELUD UD: Visiting Artist Sem
ARPR 0191 Intro Stud Art:Vari ART ELLD LD: Intro Stud Art:Vari
ARPR 0262 Intaglio I ART ELLD LD: Intaglio I
ARPR 0263 Lithography I ART ELLD LD: Lithography I
ARPR 0264 Screen Printing I ART ELLD LD: Screen Printing I
ARPR 0265 Relief ART ELLD LD: Relief
ARPR 0266 Monoprint/Monotype ART ELLD LD: Monoprint/Monotype
ARPR 0269 Spec Top In Printma ART ELLD LD: Spec Top In Printma
ARPR 0291 Papermaking Worksho ART ELLD LD: Papermaking Worksho
ARPR 0360 Printmaking Port Rev ART ELUD UD: Printmaking Port Rev
ARPR 0361 Intermediate Print W ART 4000 Workshop
ARPR 0461 Adv Print Workshop ART 4000 Workshop
ARPR 0469 Spec Top In Printmak ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARPR 0493 Independent Study ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARPR 0494 Individual Problems ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARPR 0495 Visiting Artist ART ELUD UD: Visiting Artist
ARSC 0191 Intro to Studio Art ART ELLD LD: Intro to Studio Art
ARSC 0240 Techniques and Tool ART ELLD LD: Techniques and Tool
ARSC 0241 Sculpture I ART 2510 Sculpture I
ARSC 0242 Figuring the Body ART ELLD LD: Figuring the Body
ARSC 0243 Mold-Making and Cas ART ELLD LD: Mold-Making and Cas
ARSC 0245 Steel Sculpture I ART ELLD LD: Steel Sculpture I
ARSC 0249 Spec Topic Sculpture ART ELLD LD: Spec Topic Sculpture
ARSC 0340 Sculpture Portfolio ART ELUD UD: Sculpture Portfolio
ARSC 0341 Intermediate Sculptu ART 3520 Sculpture II
ARSC 0341 Intermediate Sculptu and ART 3530 Sculpture III
ARSC 0343 Adv Mold Making ART ELUD UD: Adv Mold Making
ARSC 0345 Adv Metal Fabricatio ART ELUD UD: Adv Metal Fabricatio
ARSC 0346 Adv Mixed Media ART ELUD UD: Adv Mixed Media
ARSC 0441 Adv Sculpture ART 4510 Sculpture IV
ARSC 0441 Adv Sculpture and ART 4520 Sculpture V
ARSC 0441 Adv Sculpture and ART 4530 Advanced 3D Practices
ARSC 0442 Senior Seminar ART ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
ARSC 0449 Spec Topics In Sculp ART 4000 Workshop
ARSC 0493 Independent Study ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARSC 0494 Individual Problems ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 177 Honors Western Art ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 178 Western Art II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
ART 376 Seminar Art History ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 411 Art of South ART ELUD UD: Art of South
ART 415 Art of China ART ELUD UD: Art of China
ART 419 Art of Japan ART ELUD UD: Art of Japan
ART 425 Christian Byzantine ART ELUD UD: Christian Byzantine
ART 431 Medieval Art ART ELUD UD: Medieval Art
ART 441 European Painting ART ELUD UD: European Painting
ART 442 Art of Northern Euro ART ELUD UD: Art of Northern Euro
ART 451 Art of Italy ART ELUD UD: Art of Italy
ART 452 Art of Italy ART ELUD UD: Art of Italy
ART 453 Art of Southern Euro ART ELUD UD: Art of Southern Euro
ART 454 Renaissance/Baroque ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 461 Art of So East ART ELUD UD: Art of So East
ART 462 Art/Arch of Africa ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 463 Artf of African Diap ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 471 Hist of No American ART 3990 American Art
ART 472 History of 20th Cent ART ELUD UD: History of 20th Cent
ART 473 19th Century Am Pain ART ELUD UD: 19th Century Am Pain
ART 474 Theory of 20th Centu ART ELUD UD: Theory of 20th Centu
ART 475 Hist of 19th Century ART ELUD UD: Hist of 19th Century
ART 476 20th Cent Painting ART ELUD UD: 20th Cent Painting
ART 0101 Intro Studio Art I ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
ART 010201 Stu Funds: 2-Dim De ART ELLD LD: Stu Funds: 2-Dim De
ART 0103 Intro to Studio Art II ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ART 010401 Fabric:Experimental ART ELLD LD: Fabric:Experimental
ART 010501 Fiber:Three Dimensi ART ELLD LD: Fiber:Three Dimensi
ART 010601 Intro Metalsmith/Je ART ELLD LD: Intro Metalsmith/Je
ART 011101 Graphics ART ELLD LD: Graphics
ART 0150 The Idea of Graf De ART ELLD LD: The Idea of Graf De
ART 015101 Hist Graph Des\Illu ART ELLD LD: Hist Graph Des\Illu
ART 016101 Basic Printmaking ART ELLD LD: Basic Printmaking
ART 017101 Survey Contemp Art ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 017101 Survey Contemp Art ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 0172 Western Art I ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 0173 Western Art II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
ART 017601 Experiencing Art ART ELLD LD: Experiencing Art
ART 018301 Asian Art ART ELLD LD: Asian Art
ART 019101 Int Stu Art: Vari M ART ELLD LD: Int Stu Art: Vari M
ART 0200 Special Topics ART ELLD LD: Special Topics
ART 020101 Fabric:Painting & D ART ELLD LD: Fabric:Painting & D
ART 020201 Fiber:Woven Tapestr ART ELLD LD: Fiber:Woven Tapestr
ART 020301 Fabric:Soft Sculpts ART ELLD LD: Fabric:Soft Sculpts
ART 020401 Fiber:Woven Wall Wo ART ELLD LD: Fiber:Woven Wall Wo
ART 020501 Jewelry ART ELLD LD: Jewelry
ART 020601 Enameling ART ELLD LD: Enameling
ART 020901 Special Topics In F ART ELLD LD: Special Topics In F
ART 0210 Drawing ART ELLD LD: Drawing
ART 021201 Draw II: Life Drawi ART ELLD LD: Draw II: Life Drawi
ART 021301 Painting I ART ELLD LD: Painting I
ART 021401 Painting II ART ELLD LD: Painting II
ART 021501 Watercolor I: Intro ART ELLD LD: Watercolor I: Intro
ART 021601 Watercolor II ART ELLD LD: Watercolor II
ART 021901 Spec Tops Draw/Pain ART ELLD LD: Spec Tops Draw/Pain
ART 022001 Ceramics ART ELLD LD: Ceramics
ART 022101 Ceramic: Handbldg I ART ELLD LD: Ceramic: Handbldg I
ART 022201 Ceramic: Throwing I ART ELLD LD: Ceramic: Throwing I
ART 022901 Special Topics In C ART ELLD LD: Special Topics In C
ART 0230 Photography PHOT ELLD LD: Photography
ART 023101 Photography I PHOT ELLD LD: Photography I
ART 023201 Hist of Photography PHOT ELLD LD: Hist of Photography
ART 023901 Special Topics In P PHOT ELLD LD: Special Topics In P
ART 0240 Painting ART 2710 Painting I
ART 024101 Sculpture ART ELLD LD: Sculpture
ART 024201 Life Sculpture I ART ELLD LD: Life Sculpture I
ART 024301 Metal Cast Sculpt I ART ELLD LD: Metal Cast Sculpt I
ART 024401 Wood Sculpture I ART ELLD LD: Wood Sculpture I
ART 024501 Steel Sculpture ART ELLD LD: Steel Sculpture
ART 024601 Mixed Media Sculptu ART ELLD LD: Mixed Media Sculptu
ART 024901 Special Topics In S ART ELLD LD: Special Topics In S
ART 025001 Metal Design ART ELLD LD: Metal Design
ART 025101 Begin Graph Desig I ART ELLD LD: Begin Graph Desig I
ART 025201 Begin Graph Desig II ART ELLD LD: Begin Graph Desig II
ART 025301 Advertising Design ART ELLD LD: Advertising Design
ART 025601 Individual Projects ART ELLD LD: Individual Projects
ART 0259 Spec Topic Graphic ART ELLD LD: Spec Topic Graphic
ART 0260 Fibers ART ELLD LD: Fibers
ART 026201 Intaglio I ART ELLD LD: Intaglio I
ART 026301 Lithography I ART ELLD LD: Lithography I
ART 026401 Screen Printing I ART ELLD LD: Screen Printing I
ART 026901 Special Topics In P ART ELLD LD: Special Topics In P
ART 0270 Fabric ART ELLD LD: Fabric
ART 027901 Special Topics In A ART ELLD LD: Special Topics In A
ART 028001 Enameling ART ELLD LD: Enameling
ART 029101 Papermaking Worksho ART ELLD LD: Papermaking Worksho
ART 029201 Film Design ART ELLD LD: Film Design
ART 029501 Intermed Design/Col ART ELLD LD: Intermed Design/Col
ART 029901 Special Topics ART ELLD LD: Special Topics
ART 030001 Inter-Area Portfoli ART ELUD UD: Inter-Area Portfoli
ART 030101 Foundation of Art E ART ELUD UD: Foundation of Art E
ART 030201 Concepts Draw & Pai ART ELLD LD: Concepts Draw & Pai
ART 030601 Silversmith ART ELUD UD: Silversmith
ART 031101 Drawing III ART ELUD UD: Drawing III
ART 031201 Drawing Portfolio R ART ELUD UD: Drawing Portfolio R
ART 031301 Painting III ART ELUD UD: Painting III
ART 031401 Painting Portfolio ART ELUD UD: Painting Portfolio
ART 031501 Watercolor III ART ELUD UD: Watercolor III
ART 031601 Watercolor Portfoli ART ELUD UD: Watercolor Portfoli
ART 032001 Ceramics Portfolio ART ELUD UD: Ceramics Portfolio
ART 032101 Ceramic: Handbldg II ART ELUD UD: Ceramic: Handbldg II
ART 032201 Ceramic: Throwing II ART ELUD UD: Ceramic: Throwing II
ART 033101 Photography II ART ELUD UD: Photography II
ART 033201 Studio Photography ART ELUD UD: Studio Photography
ART 033301 Photographic Portra ART ELUD UD: Photographic Portra
ART 033401 Photographic Tech W ART ELUD UD: Photographic Tech W
ART 034001 Sculpture Portfolio ART ELUD UD: Sculpture Portfolio
ART 034101 Sculpture II ART ELUD UD: Sculpture II
ART 034201 Life Sculpture II ART ELUD UD: Life Sculpture II
ART 034301 Metal Casting II ART ELUD UD: Metal Casting II
ART 034401 Wood Sculpture II ART ELUD UD: Wood Sculpture II
ART 034501 Steel Sculpture II ART ELUD UD: Steel Sculpture II
ART 034601 Mixed Media Sculptu ART ELUD UD: Mixed Media Sculptu
ART 035001 Gra Des\Ill Protfol ART ELUD UD: Gra Des\Ill Protfol
ART 035101 Intermed Gra Design ART ELUD UD: Intermed Gra Design
ART 035201 Corporate Design ART ELUD UD: Corporate Design
ART 035301 Black/White Illustr ART ELUD UD: Black/White Illustr
ART 035401 Color Illustration ART ELUD UD: Color Illustration
ART 035501 Visual Commun Conc ART ELUD UD: Visual Commun Conc
ART 035601 Graphic Design Produ ART ELUD UD: Graphic Design Produ
ART 036001 Printmaking Portfol ART ELUD UD: Printmaking Portfol
ART 036201 Intaglio II ART ELUD UD: Intaglio II
ART 036301 Lithography II ART ELUD UD: Lithography II
ART 036401 Screen Printing II ART ELUD UD: Screen Printing II
ART 037101 Early Christian & B ART ELUD UD: Early Christian & B
ART 037201 Northern European P ART ELUD UD: Northern European P
ART 037401 Art of Northern Eur ART ELUD UD: Art of Northern Eur
ART 037501 Hist of Modern Scul ART ELUD UD: Hist of Modern Scul
ART 038101 Medieval Art of The ART ELUD UD: Medieval Art of The
ART 038201 The Art of Italy:12 ART ELUD UD: The Art of Italy:12
ART 038301 Art of Italy:1475-1 ART ELUD UD: Art of Italy:1475-1
ART 038401 Art of Southern Eur ART ELUD UD: Art of Southern Eur
ART 038501 Chinese Art ART ELUD UD: Chinese Art
ART 038601 Japanese Art ART ELUD UD: Japanese Art
ART 039201 Adv Film Design ART ELUD UD: Adv Film Design
ART 039601 Beginning Airbrush ART ELUD UD: Beginning Airbrush
ART 040001 History of Photogra PHOT ELUD UD: History of Photogra
ART 040101 Adv Projects ART ELUD UD: Adv Projects
ART 040201 Fabric:Adv Projects ART ELUD UD: Fabric:Adv Projects
ART 0403 History of Photograp PHOT 2000 History of Photography
ART 040401 Computer Enhanced D ART ELUD UD: Computer Enhanced D
ART 040501 Comp Enhanc Grap Des ART ELUD UD: Comp Enhanc Grap Des
ART 040601 Goldsmithing ART ELUD UD: Goldsmithing
ART 040901 Special Topics In F ART ELUD UD: Special Topics In F
ART 0410 Drawing ART ELUD UD: Drawing
ART 041101 Drawing IV ART ELUD UD: Drawing IV
ART 041301 Painting IV ART ELUD UD: Painting IV
ART 041501 Watercolor IV ART ELUD UD: Watercolor IV
ART 041901 Special Topics In D ART ELUD UD: Special Topics In D
ART 0420 Ceramics ART ELUD UD: Ceramics
ART 042101 Ceramic: Adv Handbld ART ELUD UD: Ceramic: Adv Handbld
ART 042201 Ceramic: Adv Throwin ART ELUD UD: Ceramic: Adv Throwin
ART 042301 Ceramics:Surface De ART ELUD UD: Ceramics:Surface De
ART 042401 Ceramics:Clay & Gla ART ELUD UD: Ceramics:Clay & Gla
ART 042501 Hist of Ceramics Se ART ELUD UD: Hist of Ceramics Se
ART 042601 Kilns:Des,Const,Ope ART ELUD UD: Kilns:Des,Const,Ope
ART 042901 Ceramics: Spec Topic ART ELUD UD: Ceramics: Spec Topic
ART 0430 Photography PHOT ELUD UD: Photography
ART 043101 Photography III PHOT ELUD UD: Photography III
ART 043901 Special Topics In P PHOT ELUD UD: Special Topics In P
ART 0440 Painting ART ELUD UD: Painting
ART 044101 Adv Sculpture ART ELUD UD: Adv Sculpture
ART 044901 Special Topics In S ART ELUD UD: Special Topics In S
ART 0450 Metal Design ART ELUD UD: Metal Design
ART 045101 Adv Graphic Design ART ELUD UD: Adv Graphic Design
ART 045201 Graphic Design Semin ART ELUD UD: Graphic Design Semin
ART 045301 Advertising Illustr ART ELUD UD: Advertising Illustr
ART 045401 Editorial Illustrat ART ELUD UD: Editorial Illustrat
ART 045501 Graph Desig Prof Sem ART ELUD UD: Graph Desig Prof Sem
ART 045601 Gra Des/Ill Practic ART ELUD UD: Gra Des/Ill Practic
ART 045901 Special Topics In G ART ELUD UD: Special Topics In G
ART 0460 Fibers ART ELUD UD: Fibers
ART 046201 Intaglio III ART ELUD UD: Intaglio III
ART 046301 Lithography III ART ELUD UD: Lithography III
ART 046401 Screen Printing III ART ELUD UD: Screen Printing III
ART 046901 Special Topics In P ART ELUD UD: Special Topics In P
ART 0470 Fabrics ART ELUD UD: Fabrics
ART 047101 Hist of North Amer ART ELUD UD: Hist of North Amer
ART 047201 Hist of 20th Centur ART ELUD UD: Hist of 20th Centur
ART 047301 19th Century Amer P ART ELUD UD: 19th Century Amer P
ART 047401 Hist of Modern Arch ART ELUD UD: Hist of Modern Arch
ART 047501 Hist of 19th Centur ART ELUD UD: Hist of 19th Centur
ART 047601 Hist of 20th Centur ART ELUD UD: Hist of 20th Centur
ART 047901 Special Topics In A ART ELUD UD: Special Topics In A
ART 0480 Enameling ART ELUD UD: Enameling
ART 048101 Museology I:Museums ART ELUD UD: Museology I:Museums
ART 048201 Museology II:Exhibi ART ELUD UD: Museology II:Exhibi
ART 048401 Museology III:Field ART ELUD UD: Museology III:Field
ART 048501 Hist of Printmaking ART ELUD UD: Hist of Printmaking
ART 048601 Art of Indian Asia ART ELUD UD: Art of Indian Asia
ART 048901 Studies In Art Hist ART ELUD UD: Studies In Art Hist
ART 0490 Wood ART ELUD UD: Wood
ART 049101 Foreign Study ART ELUD UD: Foreign Study
ART 049201 Off Campus Study ART ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
ART 049301 Independent Study ART ELUD UD: Independent Study
ART 049401 Individual Problems ART ELUD UD: Individual Problems
ART 049501 Visiting Artist Sem ART ELUD UD: Visiting Artist Sem
ART 049601 Adv Airbrush ART ELUD UD: Adv Airbrush
ART 049901 Special Topics ART ELUD UD: Special Topics
ART 1000 The Visual Artist ART ELLD LD: The Visual Artist
ART 111001 Intro Studio Course ART ELLD LD: Intro Studio Course
ART 111501 Studio Funamentals ART ELLD LD: Studio Funamentals
ART 112001 Intro Studio Course ART ELLD LD: Intro Studio Course
ART 112501 Studio Fundamentals ART ELLD LD: Studio Fundamentals
ART 1135 Studio Fundamentals ART ELLD LD: Studio Fundamentals
ART 1501 Orient Graph Des ART ELLD LD: Orient Graph Des
ART 162 Art of Africa,Oceani ART ELLD LD: Art of Africa,Oceani
ART 1710 Introd to Art History ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 171001 Intro to Art Histor ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 171001 Intro to Art Histor ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 172001 Intro to Art Histor ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 172001 Intro to Art Histor ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 173001 Intro to Art Histor ART ELLD LD: Intro to Art Histor
ART 1815 World Art ART ELLD LD:World Art
ART 181501 World Art ART ELLD LD: World Art
ART 1825 World Art II ART ELLD LD: World Art II
ART 210001 Intro Art Educ Scho ART ELLD LD: Intro Art Educ Scho
ART 210501 Survey of Drawing ART ELLD LD: Survey of Drawing
ART 2110 Fund of Int Design ART ELLD LD: Fund of Int Design
ART 2111 Design of Int Space ART ELLD LD: Design of Int Space
ART 2205 Intro to Painting ART 2710 Painting I
ART 221501 Painting II ART ELLD LD: Painting II
ART 225 Port Practi Handbuil ART ELLD LD: Port Practi Handbuil
ART 226 Port Practi Throwing ART ELLD LD: Port Practi Throwing
ART 2305 Intro to Watercolor ART ELLD LD: Intro to Watercolor
ART 2405 Intro to Sculpture ART 2510 Sculpture I
ART 250501 Intro to Comm Desig TXMD ELLD LD: Intro to Comm Desig
ART 2515 Lettering & Layout ART ELLD LD: Lettering & Layout
ART 251601 Advertising Design ADV ELLD LD: Advertising Design
ART 2525 Production ART ELLD LD: Production
ART 254 Black/White Illustra ILLU 3290 Introduction to Illustration
ART 2565 Photo Graphics ART ELLD LD: Photo Graphics
ART 260501 Intro to Printmakin ART ELLD LD: Intro to Printmakin
ART 2615 Intaglio II ART ELLD LD:Intaglio II
ART 2950 Intro to Ceramics ART 2810 Ceramics I
ART 2970 Ceramc II: Wheel Tec ART ELLD LD: Ceramc II: Wheel Tec
ART 3130 Color ART ELUD UD: Color
ART 315001 Drawing Pntg & Des ART ELLD LD: Drawing Pntg & Des
ART 3500 Gph Des/Ill Port Rev ART ELUD UD: Gph Des/Ill Port Rev
ART 3509 Line Illustration ART ELUD UD: Line Illustration
ART 3515 Graphic Design ART ELUD UD: Graphic Design
ART 3519 Half Tone Illustrati ART ELUD UD: Half Tone Illustrati
ART 3525 Visual Comm Concept ART ELUD UD: Visual Comm Concept
ART 3529 Full Color Illustrat ART ELUD UD: Full Color Illustrat
ART 3555 Visual Comm ART ELUD UD: Visual Comm
ART 3710 Hist 19 Cent Paintin ART ELUD UD: Hist 19 Cent Paintin
ART 3711 Hist 20 Cent Paintin ART ELUD UD: Hist 20 Cent Paintin
ART 390501 Intermed Photograph PHOT ELUD UD: Intermed Photograph
ART 3960 Cer III: Indiv Cls ART ELUD UD: Cer III: Indiv Cls
ART 410301 Independent Study ART ELUD UD: Independent Study
ART 444 Graphic Design Cente ART ELUD UD: Graphic Design Cente
ARTA 0211 Drawing I ART 1620 Drawing I
ARTA 0212 Drawing II ART 1640 Drawing II
ARTA 0213 Painting I ART 2710 Painting I
ARTA 0214 Painting II ART ELLD LD:Painting II
ARTA 0215 Watercolor I ART ELLD LD: Watercolor I
ARTA 0231 Photography I PHOT ELLD LD:Photography I
ARTA 0262 Intaglio I ART ELLD LD: Intaglio I
ARTA 0266 Monoprint & Monotype ART ELLD LD: Monoprint & Monotype
ARTA 0291 Papermaking Workshop ART ELLD LD: Papermaking Workshop
ARTA 0312 Drawing Portfolio Review ART ELUD UD: Drawing Portfolio REview
ARTA 263 Lithography I ART ELLD LD:Lithography I
ARTA 341 Digital Photography PHOT ELUD UD:Digital Photography
ARTB 0191 Non Majors Intro ART ELLD LD:Non Majors Intro
ARTB 0221 Ceramic Sculpture ART ELLD LD:Ceramic Sculpture
ARTB 0240 Techniques & Tools ELEC ELLD LD:Techniques & Tools
ARTB 0241 Beginning Sculpture ART 2510 Sculpture I
ARTB 0320 Ceramics Portfolio Review ART ELUD UD:Ceramics Portfolio Review
ARTB 0322 Interm Pottery ART ELUD UD:Interm Pottery
ARTB 0422 Adv Pottery ART ELUD UD:Adv Pottery
ARTB 0493 Independent Study ART ELUD UD:Independent Study
ARTB 222 Beginning Pottery ART 2810 Ceramics I
ARTB 341 Intermediate Sculpture ART 3530 Sculpture III
ARTC 0232 Intro Performance as Art ART ELLD LD:Intro Performance as Art
ARTC 0236 Intro Video Art ART ELLD LD:Intro Video Art
ARTC 0330 4D Arts Conc Prog Req Review ART ELUD UD:4D Arts Conc Prog Req
ARTC 0436 Video Art ART ELUD UD:Video Art
ARTC 0439 Narrative ART ELUD UD:Narrative
ARTC 233 Animation I ANIM ELLD LD:Animation I
ARTC 402 Experiments in Space ART ELUD UD:Experiments in Space
ARTC 433 Animation III ANIM ELUD UD:Animation III
ARTD 0150 Graphic Design ART ELLD LD: Graphic Design
ARTD 0251 Beginning Graphic Design I ART ELLD LD:Begin Graphic Design I
ARTD 0252 Graphic Design II ART ELLD LD:Graphic Design II
ARTD 0255 Graphic Design Production ART ELLD LD:Graphic Design Production
ARTD 0350 Graphic Design Portfolio ART ELUD UD:Graphic Design Portfolio
ARTD 0351 Intermediate Graphic Design ART ELUD UD: Intermediate Graphic Desig
ARTD 0352 Intermediate Graphic Design ART ELUD UD: Intermediate Graphic Desig
ARTD 0400 Typography ART ELUD UD: Typography
ARTD 0405 Interaction Design ART ELUD UD:Interaction Design
ARTD 0451 Advanced Graphic Design ART ELUD UD: Advanced Graphic Design
ARTE 030101 Found of Art Educat ART ELLD LD: Found of Art Educat
ARTE 030201 Concepts/Draw & Pai ART ELUD UD: Concepts/Draw & Pai
ARTE 030301 Concepts Sclp & Crf ART ELUD UD: Concepts Sclp & Crf
ARTE 035001 Field Experience ART ELUD UD: Field Experience
ARTE 393001 Des Text For Sch Pr ART ELUD UD: Des Text For Sch Pr
ARTH 0172 Western Art I ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARTH 0173 Western Art II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
ARTH 0183 Asian Art ART ELLD LD:Asian Art
ARTH 0232 Archaeol/Art ART ELLD LD:Archaeol/Art
ARTH 0414 Art of China II ART ELUD UD:Art of China II
ARTH 0416 Chinese Art ART ELUD UD: Chinese Art
ARTH 0453 Art South Europe, 1575-1700 ART ELUD UD: Art South Europe 1575-1700
ARTH 0470 African American Art ART ELUD UD:African American Art
ARTH 0472 History: 20th Cent Amer Art ART ELUD UD: History: 20th Cent Amer Ar
ARTH 419 Art of Japan ART ELUD UD:Art of Japan
ARTH 479 ST: History of Sports/Games ART ELUD UD: ST: Hist of Sports/Games
ARTN 0222 Intro Pottery ART ELLD LD:Intro Pottery
ARTN 211 Non-Major Intro to Drawing ART 1620 Drawing I
ARTN 213 Non-Major Intro to Painting ART 2710 Painting I
ARTN 221 Non-Major Intro/Ceramic Sculpt ART ELLD LD:Non-Major Intro/Ceramic Scu
ARTN 231 Non Maj Intro to Photography PHOT 1050 Basic Digital Photography
ARTN 241 Non Maj Intro to Sculpture ART ELLD LD: Non Maj Intro to Sculpture
ARTP 020001 Special Topics ART ELLD LD: Special Topics
ARTP 021001 Drawing ART ELLD LD: Drawing
ARTP 022001 Ceramics ART ELLD LD: Ceramics
ARTP 023001 Photography ART ELLD LD: Photography
ARTP 024001 Painting ART ELLD LD: Painting
ARTP 025001 Metal Design ART ELLD LD: Metal Design
ARTP 026001 Fibers ART ELLD LD: Fibers
ARTP 027001 Fabric ART ELLD LD: Fabric
ARTP 028001 Enameling ART ELLD LD: Enameling
ARTP 029001 Wood ART ELLD LD: Wood
ARTP 040001 Special Topics ART ELUD UD: Special Topics
ARTP 041001 Drawing ART ELUD UD: Drawing
ARTP 042001 Ceramics ART ELUD UD: Ceramics
ARTP 043001 Photography PHOT ELUD UD: Photography
ARTP 044001 Painting ART ELUD UD: Painting
ARTP 045001 Metal Design ART ELUD UD: Metal Design
ARTP 046001 Fibers ART ELUD UD: Fibers
ARTP 047001 Fabric ART ELUD UD: Fabric
ARTP 048001 Enameling ART ELUD UD: Enameling
ARTP 049001 Wood ART ELUD UD: Wood
ASIA 010101 Asian Civilization FL ELLD LD: Asian Civilization
ASIA 010201 Asian Civilization FL ELLD LD: Asian Civilization
ASIA 012101 Elem Mod Stand Arab FL ELLD LD: Elem Mod Stand Arab
ASIA 012201 Elem Mod Stand Arab FL ELLD LD: Elem Mod Stand Arab
ASIA 0131 Elementary Chinese CHIN 1010 Elementary Chinese I
ASIA 0132 Elementary Chinese CHIN 1020 Elementary Chinese II
ASIA 014101 Elementary Modern H FL ELLD LD: Elementary Modern H
ASIA 014201 Elementary Modern H FL ELLD LD: Elementary Modern H
ASIA 0151 Elementary Japanese JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
ASIA 0152 Elementary Japanese JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
ASIA 016101 Elementary Persian FL ELLD LD: Elementary Persian
ASIA 016201 Elementary Persian FL ELLD LD: Elementary Persian
ASIA 0199 Japanese Lang & Worl JAPN ELLD LD: Japanese Lang & Worl
ASIA 022101 Interm Mod Stand Ar FL ELLD LD: Interm Mod Stand Ar
ASIA 022201 Inter Mod Stand Ara FL ELLD LD: Inter Mod Stand Ara
ASIA 023101 Intermediate Chines CHIN ELLD LD: Intermediate Chines
ASIA 023201 Intermediate Chines CHIN ELLD LD: Intermediate Chines
ASIA 024101 Interm Mod Hebrew I FL ELLD LD: Interm Mod Hebrew I
ASIA 024201 Interm Mod Hebrew FL ELLD LD: Interm Mod Hebrew
ASIA 025101 Interm Japanese I JAPN 2010 Intermediate Japanese I
ASIA 025201 Interm Japanese II JAPN 2020 Intermediate Japanese II
ASIA 026101 Intermediate Persia FL ELLD LD: Intermediate Persia
ASIA 026201 Intermediate Persia FL ELLD LD: Intermediate Persia
ASIA 031101 Chinese Lit-Engl Tr CHIN ELUD UD: Chinese Lit-Engl Tr
ASIA 031201 Chinese Lit-Engl Tr CHIN ELUD UD: Chinese Lit-Engl Tr
ASIA 031301 Japan Lit-Engl Tran JAPN ELUD UD: Japan Lit-Engl Tran
ASIA 031401 Japan Lit-Engl Tran JAPN ELUD UD: Japan Lit-Engl Tran
ASIA 031501 Lit of India-Engl T FL ELUD UD: Lit of India-Engl T
ASIA 031901 Islamic Lit-Engl Tr FL ELUD UD: Islamic Lit-Engl Tr
ASIA 032101 Spoken Leban-Pales FL ELUD UD: Spoken Leban-Pales
ASIA 032201 Adv Mod Stand Arabi FL ELUD UD: Adv Mod Stand Arabi
ASIA 033101 Adv Chinese I CHIN ELUD UD: Adv Chinese I
ASIA 0332 Classical Islam ELEC ELUD UD: Classical Islam
ASIA 0333 Islam In Modern Worl ELEC ELUD UD: Islam In Modern Worl
ASIA 035101 Adv Japanese I JAPN ELUD UD: Adv Japanese I
ASIA 035201 Adv Japanese II JAPN ELUD UD: Adv Japanese II
ASIA 0413 Topics In Jap Lit JAPN ELUD UD: Topics In Jap Lit
ASIA 042101 Readings In Islamic FL ELUD UD: Readings In Islamic
ASIA 043101 Readings In Chinese CHIN ELUD UD: Readings In Chinese
ASIA 045101 Readings In Japanes JAPN ELUD UD: Readings In Japanes
ASIA 0452 Read Mod Jap Lit JAPN ELUD UD: Read Mod Jap Lit
ASIA 047101 Select Topics-Asian FL ELUD UD: Select Topics-Asian
ASIA 049001 Internship FL ELUD UD: Internship
ASIA 049101 Foreign Study FL ELUD UD: Foreign Study
ASIA 049201 Off-Campus Study FL ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
ASIA 049301 Independent Study FL ELUD UD: Independent Study
ASIA 2510 Asian Civilization HIST ELLD LD: Asian Civilization
ASL 0111 Elem American Sign Lang I ELEC ELLD LD: Elem American Sign Lang I
ASL 0112 Elem American Sign Lang II ELEC ELLD LD:Elem American Sign Lang II
ASL 0211 Interm American Sign Lang ELEC ELLD LD:Interm American Sign Lang
ASLN 0151 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
ASLN 0152 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
ASLN 0231 Inter Chinese I CHIN 2010 Intermediate Chinese I
ASLN 0232 Inter Chinese II CHIN 2020 Intermediate Chinese II
ASLN 0251 Inter Japanese I JAPN 2010 Intermediate Japanese I
ASLN 0252 Inter Japanese II JAPN 2020 Intermediate Japanese II
ASLN 313 Japanese Lit/Eng Tra JAPN ELUD UD:Japanese Lit/Eng Tra
ASLN 351 Advanced Japanese I JAPN 3010 Advanced Japanese
ASST 0101 Asian Civilization HIST ELLD LD:Asian Civilization
ASST 0221 Inter Modern Stnd Arabic I ARAB 2010 Intermediate Arabic I
ASST 0222 Inter Modern Stnd Arabic II ARAB 2020 Intermediate Arabic II
ASST 0241 Inter Modern Hebrew I FL ELLD LD: Inter Modern Hebrew I
ASST 0242 Inter Modern Hebrew II FL ELLD LD: Inter Modern Hebrew II
ASST 0261 Inter Persian I FL ELLD LD:Inter Persian I
ASST 0262 Inter Persian II FL ELLD LD: Inter Persian II
ASST 0471 South Asian Cinema ELEC ELUD UD:South Asian Cinema
ASST 161 Elementary Persian I FL ELLD LD:Elementary Persian I
ASST 162 Elementary Persian II FL ELLD LD:Elementary Persian II
ASST 2510 Asian Civilization HIST ELLD LD: Asian Civilization
ASST 2520 Asian Civilization HIST ELLD LD: Asian Civilization
ASST 332 Classical Islam ELEC ELUD UD:Classical Islam
ASTR 0151 Journey Thr Solar Sys Lecture ASTR ELLD LD:Journey Thr Solar Sys Lectu
ASTR 0152 Intro Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Intro Astronomy
ASTR 0153 Solar Sys Lab ASTR ELLD LD:Solar Sys Lab
ASTR 0154 Astronomy Lab ASTR ELLD LD:Astronomy Lab
ASTR 0161 Intro Astr W Lab ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
ASTR 0162 Intro Astr W Lab ASTR ELLD LD: Intro Astr W Lab
ASTR 021701 Honors:Intro Astron ASTR ELLD LD: Honors:Intro Astron
ASTR 021801 Honors:Intro Astron ASTR ELLD LD: Honors:Intro Astron
ASTR 041101 Astrophysics ASTR 3400 Fundamentals of Astrophysics
ASTR 049001 Special Topics In A ASTR ELUD UD: Special Topics In A
ASTR 1110 Intro Astronomy ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
ASTR 1120 Intro Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Intro Astronomy
ASTR 1510 Introductory Astronomy ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
ASTR 152001 Intro Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Intro Astronomy
ASTR 153001 Intro Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Intro Astronomy
ASTR 2110 Intro Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD:Intro Astronomy
ASTR 211001 Intro Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Intro Astronomy
ASTR 211801 Honors Int Astronom ASTR ELLD LD: Honors Int Astronom
ASTR 2120 Intro Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD:Intro Astronomy
ASTR 212001 Intro Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Intro Astronomy
ASTR 212801 Honors Int Astronom ASTR ELLD LD: Honors Int Astronom
ASTR 213001 Intro Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Intro Astronomy
ASTR 213801 Honors Int Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Honors Int Astronomy
ASTR 421 Relativ/Black Holes/Cosmology ASTR ELUD UD:Relativ/Black Holes/Cosmo
AUD 3040 Intro to Sp Path & Aud CDIS ELUD UD:Intro to Sp Path & Aud
AUD 3050 Spch Science Phoneti COMM ELUD UD: Spch Science Phoneti
AUSP 012601 Speech-Foreign Stud COMM ELLD LD: Speech-Foreign Stud
AUSP 0300 Intr Comm Disorders CDIS 3050 Intro Speech Lang Path Aud
AUSP 0302 Acoustics & Percepti CDIS ELUD UD: Acoustics & Percepti
AUSP 0303 Intro Hearing Sci CDIS ELUD UD: Intro Hearing Sci
AUSP 030401 Intro-Communic Diso CDIS 3050 Intro Speech Lang Path Aud
AUSP 0305 Phonetics CDIS 3150 Phonetics
AUSP 0306 A & P of Speech CDIS 3400 Anatomy & Phys for Speech Path
AUSP 032001 Spee/Lang Developme CDIS 3250 Speech & Lang Develop for Educ
AUSP 033101 Articulation Disord CDIS 3200 Speech Sounds Disorders
AUSP 037101 Audiology I CDIS 3350 Introduction to Audiology
AUSP 040401 Appraisal-Spee/Lang COMM ELUD UD: Appraisal-Spee/Lang
AUSP 043101 Stuttering CDIS 3450 Fluency Disorders
AUSP 043301 Clin Prac:Sp-Lang Pm CDIS 4550 Clinic Prac in Sp Lang Path A
AUSP 043401 Clin Prac:Sp-Lang Pm CDIS 4580 Clinic Prac in Sp Lang Path D
AUSP 0435 Intro Spch Sound Dis CDIS 3200 Speech Sounds Disorders
AUSP 044001 Voice Disorders COMM ELUD UD: Voice Disorders
AUSP 044501 Clinical Pract-Audim CDIS 4700 Practicum in Audiology
AUSP 045501 Problems-Speech Pat COMM ELUD UD: Problems-Speech Pat
AUSP 046101 Intro-Lang Pathol-C CDIS 4850 Speech Lang Disorder Childhood
AUSP 046301 Pract Appl-Lang Hab COMM ELUD UD: Pract Appl-Lang Hab
AUSP 046501 Spee/Lang-Cult Diff COMM ELUD UD: Spee/Lang-Cult Diff
AUSP 047301 Intro to Audio Asses CDIS 4750 Advanced Audiology
AUSP 0475 Appraisal Spch & Lan CDIS 4900 Diag Procedures Sp Lang Path
AUSP 049101 Foreign Study COMM ELUD UD: Foreign Study
AUSP 049201 Off-Campus Study COMM ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
AUSP 049301 Independent Study COMM ELUD UD: Independent Study
AUSP 049401 Intro-Aural Rehabil COMM ELUD UD: Intro-Aural Rehabil
AUSP 049901 Senior Seminar In C COMM ELUD UD: Senior Seminar In C
B AD 0100 Approaches/Bus Admi BUAD ELLD LD: Approaches/Bus Admi
B AD 0101 Basic Business Plann BCED ELLD LD:Basic Business Planning
B AD 0201 Business Functions BUAD ELLD LD: Business Functions
B AD 0220 Business Career Plan BCED ELLD LD:Business Career Plan
B AD 031101 Internat'l Business MGMT 4710 International Business
B AD 032001 Bus Career Planning MGMT ELUD UD: Bus Career Planning
B AD 0331 Cbmi:Supply Chain Mg MGMT ELUD UD: Cbmi:Supply Chain Mg
B AD 0332 Cbmi:Demand Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Cbmi:Demand Mgmt
B AD 0341 Cbmii:Lean Operation MGMT ELUD UD: Cbmii:Lean Operation
B AD 0342 Cmbii:Info Managemen MGMT ELUD UD: Cmbii:Info Managemen
B AD 0351 Business Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Business Mgmt
B AD 0352 Org Behavior MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
B AD 0353 Integrated Process M MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
B AD 0361 Firm/Global Context MGMT ELUD UD: Firm/Global Context
B AD 0371 International Busine MGMT 4710 International Business
B AD 0400 Special Topics BUAD ELUD UD: Special Topics
B AD 046701 H:Corp Exec Reseden MGMT ELUD UD: H:Corp Exec Reseden
B AD 049101 Foreign Study MGMT ELUD UD: Foreign Study
B AD 049201 Off-Campus Study MGMT ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
B AD 049301 Independent Study MGMT ELUD UD: Independent Study
B AD 049501 Sem-Internat'l Bus MGMT ELUD UD: Sem-Internat'l Bus
BAD 0220 Bus Career Pl/Plcmt BUAD ELLD LD: Bus Career Pl/Plcmt
BAEN 010001 Seminar ET ELLD LD: Seminar
BAEN 010101 Computer Programmin CSCI ELLD LD: Computer Programmin
BAEN 011101 Fund Engr Graphics ET ELLD LD: Fund Engr Graphics
BAEN 012101 Statistics ET ELLD LD: Statistics
BAEN 013101 Particle Dynamics ET ELLD LD: Particle Dynamics
BAEN 020101 Numerical Technique ET ELLD LD: Numerical Technique
BAEN 131001 Statistics ET ELLD LD: Statistics
BAEN 132001 Particle Dynamics ET ELLD LD: Particle Dynamics
BAEN 133001 Basic Thermodynamic ET ELLD LD: Basic Thermodynamic
BAEN 141001 Engr Computations ET ELLD LD: Engr Computations
BAS 0310 Analytic Models/Decision Op BUAD ELUD UD:Analytic Models/Decision Op
BAS 0320 Regression Modeling BUAD ELUD UD:Regression Modeling
BAS 340 Exper Methods/Process Improv BIA ELUD UD:Exper Methods/Process Impro
BAS 474 Data Mining/Bus Analytics BIA 4010 Business Analytics & Visualiz
BASI 133001 Basic Thermodynamic ET ELLD LD: Basic Thermodynamic
BCMB 0230 Human Physiology BIOL ELLD LD: Human Physiology
BCMB 0240 Human Anatomy BIOL ELLD LD: Human Anatomy
BCMB 0311 Advanced Cellular Biology BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BCMB 0321 Introductory Plant Physiology BIOL 4500 Plant Physiology
BCMB 0330 Mechanism of Dev Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Mechanism of Dev Lab
BCMB 0401 Biochem Molec Biol I BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem Molec Biol I
BCMB 0403 Genetics BIOL ELUD UD:Genetics
BCMB 0409 Perspectives in BCMB BIOL ELUD UD:Perspectives in BCMB
BCMB 0410 Cell Compar Biochem BIOL ELUD UD: Cell Compar Biochem
BCMB 0412 Molecular Biology and Genomics BIOL ELUD UD:Molecular Biolog & Genomics
BCMB 0415 Found Neurobiology BIOL ELUD UD:Found Neurobiology
BCMB 0419 Cellular/Compar Biochem Lab BIOL ELUD UD:Cellular/Comp Biochem Lab
BCMB 0420 Structural Basis of Disease BIOL ELUD UD:Structural Basis of Disease
BCMB 0421 Cell Tiss Struct Fun BIOL ELUD UD: Cell Tiss Struct Fun
BCMB 0440 General Physiology BIOL ELUD UD: General Pyhsiology
BCMB 0471 Biophysical Chemistry BIOL ELUD UD:Biophysical Chemistry
BCMB 402 Biochemistry II BIOL ELUD UD:Biochemistry II
BCMB 461 Cancer Biology BIOL ELUD UD:Cancer Biology
BCMB 482 Physiology of Exercise EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
BCMB 493 Independent Study BIOL ELUD UD:Independent Study
BCPP 0101 Intro to Public Policy ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Public Policy
BCPP 0102 Freshman Seminar ELEC ELLD LD:Freshman Seminar
BE 111 Intro to Engineering ENGR ELLD LD:Intro to Engineering
BE 112 Fund of Engr Mech ENGR ELLD LD:Fund of Engr Mech
BE 113 Basic Engineering ENGR ELLD LD:Basic Engineering
BIEN 0104 Design Apprenticesh ET ELLD LD: Design Apprenticesh
BIEN 0201 Career Opportunities ET ELLD LD: Career Opportunities
BIEN 0221 Mass & Energy Biosy ET ELLD LD: Mass & Energy Biosy
BIEN 0231 Biochem For Engr ET ELLD LD: Biochem For Engr
BIEN 0243 Materials and Energy ET ELLD LD: Materials and Energy
BIEN 0303 Transport Processes ET ELUD UD: Transport Processes
BIEN 0311 Processing Food & Bi ET ELUD UD: Processing Food & Bi
BIEN 0315 Soil & Water Conserv ET ELUD UD: Soil & Water Conserv
BIEN 0321 Biothermodynamics ET ELUD UD: Biothermodynamics
BIEN 0331 Power Units & Machin ET ELUD UD: Power Units & Machin
BIEN 0400 Professional Devel ET ELUD UD: Professional Devel
BIEN 0401 Biosystems Engineeri ET ELUD UD: Biosystems Engineeri
BIEN 0402 Biosystems Engr Dsgn ET ELUD UD: Biosystems Engr Dsgn
BIEN 0403 Engineering Design ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
BIEN 0404 Engr Project Mgmt ET ELUD UD: Engr Project Mgmt
BIEN 0411 Mech Sys Engineering ET ELUD UD: Mech Sys Engineering
BIEN 0416 Hydrologic & Water Q ET ELLD LD: Hydrologic & Water Q
BIEN 0421 Natural Resource Eng ET ELUD UD: Natural Resource Eng
BIEN 0423 Irrigation & Wast ET ELUD UD: Irrigation & Wast
BIEN 0430 Mobile Hydraulic Pow ET ELUD UD: Mobile Hydraulic Pow
BIEN 0431 Bioprocessing Engr ET ELUD UD: Bioprocessing Engr
BIEN 0433 Bioporcess Systems ET ELUD UD: Bioporcess Systems
BIEN 0441 Life Sys Engineering ET ELUD UD: Life Sys Engineering
BIEN 0444 Practicum ET ELUD UD: Practicum
BIEN 0451 Electronic Systems ET ELUD UD: Electronic Systems
BIEN 0470 Special Prob ET ELUD UD: Special Prob
BIEN 0480 Top Biosystems Engr ET ELUD UD: Top Biosystems Engr
BIET 0202 Materials & Fabricat CMT ELLD LD:Materials & Fabrication
BIET 0212 Surveying CMT ELLD LD:Surveying
BIET 0326 Gis/Gps Appl Agri En ET ELUD UD: Gis/Gps Appl Agri En
BIET 0414 CAD Appl Biosys Engr ET ELUD UD: CAD Appl Biosys Engr
BIET 0422 Food & Process Engin ET ELUD UD:Food & Process Engin
BIET 0432 Agricultural Machine ET ELUD UD:Agricultural Machine
BIET 0434 Prod Mon & Automatio AGRI ELUD UD: Prod Mon & Automatio
BIET 0442 Agricultural Waste ET ELUD UD:Agricultural Waste
BIET 0452 Small Internal Combu ET ELUD UD:Small Internal Combu
BIET 0462 Agricultural Chem ET ELUD UD:Agricultural Chem
BIET 0474 Env Instrum & Monito ET ELUD UD: Env Instrum & Monito
BIO 311001 Intro to Biochemsit CHEM 4500 Biochemistry I
BIOC 0230 Human Physiology BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIOC 0240 Human Anatomy BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOC 0280 Modern Medicine & Yo BIOL ELLD LD: Modern Medicine & Yo
BIOC 0306 Genetics & Society BIOL ELUD UD: Genetics & Society
BIOC 031001 Physiological Chemis BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOC 0320 Physiology of Reprod BIOL ELUD UD: Physiology of Reprod
BIOC 0321 Intro Plant Physiolo BIOL 4500 Plant Physiology
BIOC 0330 Mechanisms of Develo BIOL 3010 Embryology
BIOC 0331 Mechanis of Deve Lab BIOL 3010 Embryology
BIOC 0401 Biochem/Molecular I BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem/Molecular I
BIOC 0402 Biochem/Molecular II BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem/Molecular II
BIOC 0403 Adv Genetics Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Adv Genetics Lab
BIOC 0404 Plant Molecular Biol BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Molecular Biol
BIOC 0405 Minicourse In Bcmb BIOL ELUD UD: Minicourse In Bcmb
BIOC 0406 Minicourse In Bcmb BIOL ELUD UD: Minicourse In Bcmb
BIOC 0409 Perspectives In Bioc BIOL ELUD UD: Perspectives In Bioc
BIOC 041001 Cell/Comparative Bi CHEM 4500 Biochemistry I
BIOC 0411 Adv Cellular Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Adv Cellular Biology
BIOC 0412 Adv Molecular Biol BIOL ELUD UD: Adv Molecular Biol
BIOC 0415 Found In Neurobiolog BIOL 4560 Neurobiology
BIOC 0416 Neurobiology Lab BIOL 4560 Neurobiology
BIOC 041901 Cell/Comparart Bioc CHEM 3530 Principles of Biochemistry
BIOC 041901 Cell/Comparart Bioc and CHEM 4500 Biochemistry I
BIOC 042001 Adv Topics-Biochemi CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Topics-Biochemi
BIOC 0421 Cell & Tissue Struct BIOL ELUD UD: Cell & Tissue Struct
BIOC 0429 Cell Biol Lab BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOC 0430 Immunology BIOL ELUD UD: Immunology
BIOC 0440 General Physiology BIOL 4110 General Physiology
BIOC 0449 Lab In Physiology BIOL 4110 General Physiology
BIOC 045201 Ind Research-Bioche CHEM ELUD UD: Ind Research-Bioche
BIOC 0457 Honors Thesis BIOL ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
BIOC 046201 Junior/Senior Semin BIOL ELUD UD: Junior/Senior Semin
BIOC 0465 Human Genetics BIOL 4460 Human Genetics
BIOC 047101 Biophysical Chemistr CHEM ELUD UD: Biophysical Chemistr
BIOC 0480 Physiology of Exerci BIOL ELUD UD: Physiology of Exerci
BIOC 048101 Biophysical Chemistr CHEM ELUD UD: Biophysical Chemistr
BIOC 0492 Off Campus Study BIOL 3200 Internship in Biology
BIOC 0493 Independent Study BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
BIOL 0101 Introduction to Biology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0102 Humankind In the Biotic World BIOL ELLD LD: Humankind In the Biotic Wr
BIOL 0105 Parasites/Pathogens/Pandemics BIOL 2100 Microbiology in Disease
BIOL 0106 The Living City BIOL ELLD LD:The Living City
BIOL 0110 General Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0111 Fund Botany BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 0112 Fund Botany BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 0113 Intro Plant Biology I BIOL ELLD LD:Intro Plant Biology I
BIOL 0120 General Biology BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 0130 Biodiversity BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 0138 Honors Biodiversity BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0140 Organization/Function of Cell BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 015001 Organismal & Ecological BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 0157 Honors Experimental BIOL ELLD LD: Honors Experimental
BIOL 0158 Hon:Organismal/Ecol Biology BIOL ELLD LD:Hon:Orgnsml/Ecol Biology
BIOL 0159 Skills of Biol Investigation BIOL ELLD LD:Skills Biol Investigation
BIOL 0160 Cellular and Molecular Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0167 Hon:Skills of Biol Investigat BIOL ELLD LD:Hon:Skills of Biol Investig
BIOL 0168 Cell/Molecular Biology BIOL ELLD LD:Cell/Molecular Biology
BIOL 020001 Professional Orient BIOL ELLD LD: Professional Orient
BIOL 0202 Inside Biological Sc BIOL ELLD LD: Inside Biological Sc
BIOL 0203 Inside the Biologica BIOL ELLD LD: Inside the Biologica
BIOL 021001 Cell Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Cell Biology
BIOL 0220 General Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 0229 Microbiology Lab BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 023001 General Ecology BIOL 3400 General Ecology
BIOL 0240 General Genetic BIOL 3250 Genetics
BIOL 0250 General Ecology BIOL 3400 General Ecology
BIOL 0260 Ecology BIOL ELLD LD:Ecology
BIOL 0269 Ecology Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Ecology Lab
BIOL 0307 Honors Colloquy In BIOL ELUD UD: Honors Colloquy In
BIOL 0308 Honors Colloquy BIOL ELUD UD: Honors Colloquy
BIOL 0397 Honors Seminar On Re BIOL ELUD UD: Honors Seminar On Re
BIOL 0398 Honors Practicum BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
BIOL 0401 Senior Thesis BIOL ELUD UD: Senior Thesis
BIOL 0461 Special Topics In Or BIOL ELUD UD: Special Topics In Or
BIOL 0470 Aquatic Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Aquatic Ecology
BIOL 0474 Ichthyology BIOL 4220 Ichthyology
BIOL 100 Discovery Biology at UT BIOL ELLD LD:Discovery Biology at UT
BIOL 104 Biology in the Real World BIOL ELLD LD:Biology in the Real World
BIOL 114 Introductory Plant Biology II BIOL ELLD LD:Introductory Plant Biol II
BIOL 115 Intro Plant Biology Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Intro Plant Biology Lab
BIOL 121001 General Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1220 General Biology BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 123001 General Biology BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 150 Organismal/Ecological Biology BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 211001 General Genetics BIOL 3250 Genetics
BIOL 2461 Human Anat & Phys BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIOL 2471 Human Anat & Phys BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIOL 2471 Human Anat & Phys and BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 2481 Human Anat & Phys I BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 280 Evolution BIOL ELLD LD:Evolution
BIOL 291001 General Microbiolog BIOL ELLD LD: General Microbiolog
BIOL 291901 Lab In Gen Microbio BIOL ELLD LD: Lab In Gen Microbio
BIOL 3110 General Genetics BIOL 3250 Genetics
BIOL 312001 Cell Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Cell Biology
BIOL 313001 General Ecology BIOL 3400 General Ecology
BIOL 361001 Physiol-Pathophysio BIOL ELUD UD: Physiol-Pathophysio
BIOL 362001 Physiol-Pathophysio BIOL ELUD UD: Physiol-Pathophysio
BIOL 363001 Physiol-Pathophysio BIOL ELUD UD: Physiol-Pathophysio
BIOL 4019 Biochem/Molecbiol BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem/Molecbiol
BLAC 2010 Intro to Black Studi AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
BLAC 2020 Intro to Black Studies AST ELLD LD: Intro to Black Studies
BLAC 3150 Direct Read Black Studies AST ELUD UD: Direct Read Black Studies
BLAC 3640 Educ of Black People AST ELUD UD: Educ of Black People
BLAC 4500 Cur ISS & Top Black Studies AST ELUD UD: Cur Iss Black Studies
BLAC 4830 Blk Wom in Amer Socty AST ELUD UD: Blk Wom in Amer Socty
BLAW 030101 Legal Environment B BLAW 3400 Legal Environment of Business
BLAW 040101 Law Bus Organiz/Com BLAW 3430 Commercial Law
BLAW 4110 Environmental Bus La BLAW 3400 Legal Environment of Business
BLAW 4120 Law of Bus Org & Reg BLAW 3400 Legal Environment of Business
BME 0201 Biomedical Engineer Sem ENGR ELLD LD:Biomedical Engineer Sem
BME 0271 Biomedical Engineering Analysi ET ELLD LD: Biomedical Engineering Ana
BME 0300 Engineering Physiology BIOL 3340 Human Pathophysiology
BME 410 Professional Topics BIOL ELUD UD:Professional Topics
BMOM 0111 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BMOM 0211 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD:Typewriting
BMOM 0212 Office Mthd & Typing BCED ELLD LD:Office Mthd & Typing
BOT 0110 General Botany BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BOT 0110 General Botany and BIOL ELLD LD: General Botany
BOT 011801 Honors:General Bota BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BOT 012001 General Botany BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BOT 012801 Honors:General Bota BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BOT 030501 Socio-Econ Impact P BIOL ELUD UD: Socio-Econ Impact P
BOT 030601 Genetics and Societ BIOL ELUD UD: Genetics and Societ
BOT 030901 Biology of Human Af BIOL ELUD UD: Biology of Human Af
BOT 0310 Plant Morphology BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Morphology
BOT 031301 Intro Plant Patholo BIOL ELUD UD: Intro Plant Patholo
BOT 032001 Plants:Evolutiona S BIOL ELUD UD: Plants:Evolutiona S
BOT 032101 Intro Plant Physiol BIOL 4500 Plant Physiology
BOT 033001 Field Botany BIOL ELUD UD: Field Botany
BOT 034601 Intro to Oceanograp BIOL ELUD UD: Intro to Oceanograp
BOT 037101 Undergraduate Semin BIOL ELUD UD: Undergraduate Semin
BOT 040001 Tutorial In Botany BIOL ELUD UD: Tutorial In Botany
BOT 040101 Field Studies In Bo BIOL ELUD UD: Field Studies In Bo
BOT 040201 Field Studies In Bo BIOL ELUD UD: Field Studies In Bo
BOT 0403 Plant Evolution BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Evolution
BOT 040401 Plant Molecular Biol BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Molecular Biol
BOT 0412 Plant Anatomy BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Anatomy
BOT 0419 Science as Method BIOL ELUD UD: Science as Method
BOT 042601 Paleobotany & Palyn BIOL ELUD UD: Paleobotany & Palyn
BOT 043101 Plant Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Ecology
BOT 044101 Undergrad Research BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
BOT 044201 Undergrad Research BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
BOT 0451 Plant Tissue Culture BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Tissue Culture
BOT 0471 Senior Seminar BIOL ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
BOT 0499 Evolutionary Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Evolutionary Ecology
BOT 113001 Fund Botany BIOL ELLD LD: Fund Botany
BOTA 111001 Fund Botany BIOL ELLD LD: Fund Botany
BOTA 112001 Fund Botany BIOL ELLD LD: Fund Botany
BOTA 113001 Fund Botany BIOL ELLD LD: Fund Botany
BOTA 3010 Plant Kingdom I BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Kingdom I
BOTY 309 Biology/Human Affairs BIOL ELUD UD:Biology/Human Affairs
BRDG 0001 Bridge Program ELEC ELLD LD:Bridge Program
BROA 027501 Intro to Radio\TV EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Radio\TV
BROA 031001 Radio News EMC ELUD UD: Radio News
BROA 032001 Radio Sales & Promo EMC ELUD UD: Radio Sales & Promo
BROA 033001 Audio/Video Producti EMC ELUD UD: Audio/Video Producti
BROA 0360 Radio TV Performance JOUR ELUD UD: Radio TV Performance
BROA 041001 Electronic News Gath EMC ELUD UD: Electronic News Gath
BROA 042001 Television Sales & EMC ELUD UD: Television Sales &
BROA 043001 Electronic Field Pro EMC ELUD UD: Electronic Field Pro
BROA 0435 Applied Aesthetics EMC ELUD UD: Applied Aesthetics
BROA 0440 Corporate Video EMC ELUD UD: Corporate Video
BROA 0450 Radio,TV, and Societ EMC ELUD UD: Radio,TV, and Societ
BROA 0460 Broadcast News Opera EMC ELUD UD: Broadcast News Opera
BROA 0470 Cable TV & Emerging EMC ELUD UD: Cable TV & Emerging
BROA 048001 Radio & TV Programm EMC ELUD UD: Radio & TV Programm
BROA 049001 Radio & TV Mgmt EMC ELUD UD: Radio & TV Mgmt
BROA 049201 Practicum EMC ELUD UD: Practicum
BROA 0493 Special Topics EMC ELUD UD: Special Topics
BROA 0598 Internship EMC ELUD UD: Internship
BROA 275001 Intro to Broadcasti JOUR ELLD LD: Intro to Broadcasti
BROA 3360 TV & Rad Adv JOUR ELUD UD:TV & Rad Adv
BROA 3610 Radio TV News JOUR ELUD UD:Radio TV News
BROA 365001 Radio Telev Writing EMC ELUD UD: Radio Telev Writing
BROA 3670 Television News EMC ELUD UD: Television News
BROA 3750 Intro Broadcasting JOUR ELUD UD:Intro Broadcasting
BROA 401001 Speech for Broadcasting COMM ELUD UD:Speech for Broadcasting
BROA 4020 Radio Production EMC ELUD UD: Radio Production
BROA 4021 Adv Radio Production EMC ELUD UD: Adv Radio Production
BROA 4030 Television Poduction EMC ELUD UD: Television Poduction
BROA 4040 Adv TV Prod JOUR ELUD UD:Adv TV Prod
BROA 451001 Practicum EMC ELUD UD: Practicum
BROA 452001 Practicum EMC ELUD UD: Practicum
BROA 4530 Practicum JOUR ELUD UD:Practicum
BROA 4670 Radio Television EMC ELUD UD: Radio Television
BROA 5650 Radio TV Prog EMC ELUD UD: Radio TV Prog
BROA 5970 Independent Study EMC ELUD UD: Independent Study
BSE 0104 Design Apprenticeship ET ELLD LD:Design Apprenticeship
BSE 201 Career Opportunities ELEC ELLD LD:Career Opportunities
BSE 221 Mass and Energy in Biosystems ENGR ELLD LD:Mass and Energy in Biosyste
BSE 321 Biothermo Heat/Mass Transfer ENGR ELUD UD:Biothermo Heat/Mass Transfe
BSET 0125 Fund Building Syst Materials ELEC ELLD LD:Fund Building Syst Material
BSET 0202 Materials Fab ELEC ELLD LD:Materials Fab
BSET 0211 Construction Documents ELEC ELLD LD:Construction Documents
BSET 0224 Const Surveying/Const Graphics ELEC ELLD LD:Const Surveying/Const Graph
BSET 0225 Mech Electrical Sys Structures ELEC ELLD LD:Mech Electrical Sys Structu
BSET 0335 Construction Estimating I ELEC ELUD UD:Construction Estimating I
BSET 0345 Green Constr/Constr Safety ELEC ELUD UD:Green Constr/Constr Safety
BSET 0355 Project Planning and Control ELEC ELUD UD:Project Planning & Control
BSET 0414 CAD Applic/Biosys Engr Technol ELEC ELUD UD:CAD Applic/Biosys Engr Tech
BSET 0425 Construction Estimating II ELEC ELUD UD:Construction Estimating II
BSET 0430 Construction Field Operations ELEC ELUD UD:Construction Field Operatio
BSET 270 Behavior of Construction Matl ELEC ELLD LD:Behavior Construction Matl
BSET 435 Construction Finance/Acct/Law ELEC ELUD UD: Const Finance/Acct/Law
BUAD 0100 Approach College Bus Adm BUAD ELLD LD:Approach Coll Bus Adm
BUAD 0101 Basic Bus Applicati BUAD ELLD LD: Basic Bus Applicati
BUAD 0102 Service Learning Seminar BUAD ELLD LD:Service Learning Seminar
BUAD 0103 Learning Community BUAD ELLD LD:Learning Community
BUAD 0200 Integrity:Ethical Lead/Eff Com BUAD ELLD LD:Integrity:Ethcl Lead/Eff Co
BUAD 0201 Business Functions BCED ELLD LD:Business Functions
BUAD 0202 Financial Literacy BUAD ELLD LD:Financial Literacy
BUAD 0205 Business Ethics BUAD ELLD LD:Business Ethics
BUAD 0208 Business Ethics BUAD ELLD LD:Business Ethics
BUAD 0217 Leadership Sem BUAD ELLD LD:Leadership Sem
BUAD 0220 Bus Career Plan/Plcm BCED ELLD LD:Bus Career Plan/Plcm
BUAD 0242 Bus Software Application INFS ELLD Bus Software Application
BUAD 0299 Special Topics BUAD ELLD LD:Special Topics
BUAD 0300 Insight:Person/Prof Aware Lead BUAD ELUD UD:Insgt:Persn/Prof Aware Lead
BUAD 0317 Leadership Sem BCED ELUD UD:Leadership Sem
BUAD 0320 Business Career Plan/Placement BUAD ELUD UD:Business Career Plan/Plcmt
BUAD 0331 CBM I:Supply Chain Mgt MGMT ELUD UD:CBMI:Supply Chain Mgt
BUAD 0332 CBM I:Demand Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: CBM I:Demand Mgmt
BUAD 0341 CBM II:Lean Operations MGMT ELUD UD:CBM II:Lean Operations
BUAD 0342 CBM II:Information Management MGMT ELUD UD:CBM II:Information Mgmt
BUAD 0353 CBM II:Integr Process Mgt MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
BUAD 0361 Firm/Global Context MGMT ELUD UD:Firm/Global Context
BUAD 0400 Special Topics BUAD ELUD UD:Special Topics
BUAD 0453 Global Strat Mgmt:Concpt/Appl BUAD ELUD UD:Global Strat Mgmt:Cncpt/App
BUAD 0499 Special Topics BCED ELUD UD:Special Topics
BUAD 107 Hon Inclusion Engaged Lead/Div BUAD ELLD LD:Hon Inclsn Engaged Lead/Div
BUAD 1110 Bus Administration BCED ELLD LD:Bus Administration
BUAD 210 Success in the Haslam College BUAD ELLD LD:Success in the Haslam Colle
BUAD 300 Insight:Person/Prof Aware Lead BUAD ELUD UD:Insight:Person/Prof Aware L
BUAD 342 CBM II:Information Management INFS ELUD UD: CBM II:Information Mgmt
BUAD 405 Impact:Lead Positive Diff BUAD ELUD UD:Impact:Lead Positive Diff
BULW 0301 Legal Environment of Business BLAW 3400 Legal Environment of Business
BUS 4010 Prin of Bus Educ BCED ELUD UD:Prin of Bus Educ
BUS 411001 Environmental Bus L BLAW ELUD UD: Environmental Bus L
BUS 412001 Law of Bus Org & Re BLAW ELUD UD: Law of Bus Org & Re
BUSA 1110 Business Administrat BCED ELLD LD:Business Administration
C ED 0205 Student Development ELEC ELLD LD: Student Development
C ED 030501 Lab In Ed & CS Psyc ELEC ELUD UD: Lab In Ed & CS Psyc
C S 0235 Intro to Cinematogra ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Cinematogra
C S 0236 Intro to Video Art ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Video Art
C S 028101 Intro to Film Studi EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Film Studi
C S 029201 Film Design EMC ELLD LD: Film Design
C S 031201 Pop Culture/Amer Po PS ELUD UD: Pop Culture/Amer Po
C S 0315 Asian Film ELEC ELUD UD: Asian Film
C S 0316 Luso Brazilian Cinem ELEC ELUD UD: Luso Brazilian Cinem
C S 0323 German Film ELEC ELUD UD: German Film
C S 0325 Russian Film ENGL ELUD UD: Russian Film
C S 033401 Film & American Cul ENGL ELUD UD: Film & American Cul
C S 039201 Adv Film Design EMC ELUD UD: Adv Film Design
C S 0400 Special Topics ENGL 4860 Special Topics in Film Studies
C S 042001 French Cinema FREN 4020 Topics in French Film
C S 0421 Top Italian Lit & Ci ELEC ELUD UD: Top Italian Lit & Ci
C S 0433 Modern Art & Film ENGL ELUD UD: Modern Art & Film
C S 0434 Hispanic Cult Thru F ELEC ELUD UD: Hispanic Cult Thru F
C S 0435 Cinematography as Ar ELEC ELUD UD: Cinematography as Ar
C S 0436 Video as Art ELEC ELUD UD: Video as Art
C S 0465 Latin Amer Film ELEC ELUD UD: Latin Amer Film
C S 0469 Sexuality & Cinema ELEC ELUD UD: Sexuality & Cinema
C S 0489 Sexuality & Cinema ELEC ELUD UD: Sexuality & Cinema
C S 0491 Foreign Study ELEC ELUD UD: Foreign Study
C S 0492 Off Campus Study ELEC ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
C S 0493 Independent Study ELEC ELUD UD: Independent Study
CBE 0201 Material and Energy Balances ET ELLD LD:Material & Energy Balances
CBE 0235 Fund/Molecular Bioengineering ET ELLD LD:Fund/Molecular Bioengineeri
CBE 0240 Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer ET ELLD LD:Fluid Flow & Heat Transfer
CBE 0250 Appl Chem/Biom Engr Thermodyn ET 3810 Engineering Thermodynamics
CBE 0301 Appl Stat/Numerical Tech Engr ET ELUD UD:Appl Stat/Numerical Tech En
CBE 340 Mass Trnasfer/Separ Processes ET ELUD UD:Mass Trnasfer/Separ Process
CBE 350 Chem/Bioengr Reactor Fund ET ELUD UD:Chem/Bioengr Reactor Fund
CBE 360 Process Dynamics & Control ET ELUD UD:Process Dynamics & Control
CCI 0150 Comm in an Info Age JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
CDFS 0101 Intro Child & Famil CDFS ELLD LD: Intro Child & Famil
CDFS 0102 Microcomputer Appl CDFS ELLD LD: Microcomputer Appl
CDFS 0105 Intro to Ece/Semina CDFS ELLD LD: Intro to Ece/Semina
CDFS 0106 Intro to Ece/Sem 2 CDFS ELLD LD: Intro to Ece/Sem 2
CDFS 011001 Intro to Early Chil FOED ELLD LD: Intro to Early Chil
CDFS 0205 Intro to Family Life CDFS ELLD LD: Intro to Family Life
CDFS 021001 Human Development CDFS 3340 Life Span Human Development
CDFS 021101 Devpt Infancy/Earl CDFS ELLD LD: Devpt Infancy/Earl
CDFS 021301 Dev Mid Childhood/A CDFS 3310 Human Development (Birth to 8)
CDFS 022001 Marriage/Family:Rol CDFS 3310 Human Development (Birth to 8)
CDFS 024001 Human Sexuality PSY ELLD LD: Human Sexuality
CDFS 030001 Family Systems CDFS ELUD UD: Family Systems
CDFS 031101 Development/Adolese CDFS 3310 Human Development (Birth to 8)
CDFS 031201 Famil In Mid & Lat CDFS 4390 Families in Later Life
CDFS 032001 Parent Education CDFS 4350 Parenting
CDFS 034501 Family Resource Mgm CDFS ELLD LD: Family Resource Mgm
CDFS 035001 Early Childhood Edu ELED ELUD UD: Early Childhood Edu
CDFS 035101 Early Childhood Edum ELED ELUD UD: Early Childhood Edum
CDFS 035201 Family,School,Commu CDFS ELUD UD: Family,School,Commu
CDFS 035301 Reading,Language & CDFS ELUD UD: Reading,Language &
CDFS 036001 Family Stress CDFS 4340 The Contemporary Family
CDFS 038001 Family Finance CDFS ELUD UD: Family Finance
CDFS 0385 Divers Among Child/F CDFS ELUD UD: Divers Among Child/F
CDFS 0395 Intro Rsrch Mthd & S CDFS ELUD UD: Intro Rsrch Mthd & S
CDFS 0405 Devel & Interpersona CDFS 3330 Dynamics Interpersonal Rel
CDFS 042001 Families:Ethnicity, CDFS ELUD UD: Families:Ethnicity,
CDFS 0422 Early Childhood Teac CDFS ELUD UD: Early Childhood Teac
CDFS 043001 Family Interaction CDFS ELUD UD: Family Interaction
CDFS 044001 Family Life & Parent CDFS ELUD UD: Family Life & Parent
CDFS 045001 Assessm Ear Childh CDFS ELUD UD: Assessm Ear Childh
CDFS 045101 Early Childhood Edu CDFS ELUD UD: Early Childhood Edu
CDFS 0455 Children & Stress CDFS ELUD UD: Children & Stress
CDFS 0460 Direct Study: Cfs ELEC ELUD UD: Direct Study: Cfs
CDFS 047001 Student Teaching ELED 4110 Directed Teaching K-5
CDFS 047101 Adv Pract Appl Chil CDFS ELUD UD: Adv Pract Appl Chil
CDFS 047501 Day Care Administra ECE 4360 Admin Early Childhood Prog
CDFS 047901 Preparation Seminar CDFS ELUD UD: Preparation Seminar
CDFS 048001 Internship In Fam St CDFS ELUD UD: Internship In Fam St
CDFS 048101 Research-Child/Fami CDFS ELUD UD: Research-Child/Fami
CDFS 048501 Spec Topics-Child/F CDFS ELUD UD: Spec Topics-Child/F
CDFS 0490 Practicum/Research CDFS ELUD UD: Practicum/Research
CDFS 049701 Honors:Child/Family CDFS ELUD UD: Honors:Child/Family
CDFS 241001 Human Sexuality CDFS ELLD LD: Human Sexuality
CDFS 321001 Developmnt Early Ch CDFS ELUD UD: Developmnt Early Ch
CDFS 351001 Intimacy:Marr Alter CDFS ELUD UD: Intimacy:Marr Alter
CDFS 351501 Family Relationship CDFS ELUD UD: Family Relationship
CE 205 Professional Development I ELEC ELLD LD:Professional Development I
CE 210 Geomatics CIM ELLD LD:Geomatics
CE 262 Structural Mechanics ENGR ELLD LD:Structural Mechanics
CE 391 Water Res Engr I ENGR ELLD LD:Water Res Engr I
CECP 0205 Student Dev ELEC ELLD LD:Student Dev
CFS 0101 Intro Child/Family Studies CDFS ELLD LD:Intro Child/Family Studies
CFS 0106 Intro to Ece CDFS ELLD LD:Intro to Ece
CFS 0210 Human Development CDFS 3340 Life Span Human Development
CFS 0211 Development/Infancy/Childhood CDFS ELLD LD: Development/Infancy/Child
CFS 0213 Develop/Adolescence/Adulthood CDFS ELLD LD: Develop/Adolescense/Adult
CFS 0220 Marriage Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
CFS 0240 Human Sexuality PSY ELLD LD: Human Sexuality
CFS 0320 Family Interaction CDFS 3320 Family Relations
CFS 0350 Ece I:Environments/Children ECE ELUD UD:Ece I:Environ/Children
CFS 0360 Family Stress CDFS ELUD UD: Family Stress
CFS 0385 Divers Among Children/Families CDFS ELUD UD: Divers Among Child/Familie
CFS 0395 Intro Research Methods/Stats CDFS ELUD UD:Intro Research Meth/Stats
CFS 330 Global Views on Child Learning CDFS ELUD UD:Global Views on Child Lrng
CFS 345 Family Resource Management CDFS ELUD UD: Family Resource Management
CFS 405 Develop Professional Skills CDFS ELUD UD:Develop Professional Skills
CFS 435 IntegrEarlyChildhoodGuidance CDFS ELUD UD:IntegrEarlyChildhoodGuidanc
CFS 440 Family Life/Parent Education CDFS 4790 FL Program Dev & Eval
CHD 011001 Intro/Erly Chlhd Ed FOED ELLD LD: Intro/Erly Chlhd Ed
CHD 0220 Marriage Family CDFS ELLD LD:Marriage Family
CHD 0345 Family Res Mgmt CDFS ELUD UD:Family Res Mgmt
CHD 150001 Intro to Early Educ FOED ELLD LD: Intro to Early Educ
CHD 210 Human Development CDFS ELLD LD:Human Development
CHD 211001 Human Development CDFS ELLD LD: Human Development
CHD 241001 Human Sexuality PSY ELLD LD: Human Sexuality
CHDE 2110 Human Socialization CDFS ELLD LD: Human Socialization
CHDE 321001 Child Development I CDFS ELUD UD: Child Development I
CHDF 241001 Human Sexuality PSY ELLD LD: Human Sexuality
CHEM 0100 Prin of Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 011001 Intro to Organic/Bi CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CHEM 0120 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 012101 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 012801 Honors:General Chem CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 0130 General Chemistry CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 013101 General Chemistry CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 013801 Honors:General Chem CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 014001 Chemical Programmin CHEM ELLD LD: Chemical Programmin
CHEM 0150 Chem & Society CHEM ELLD LD: Chem & Society
CHEM 0160 Chem & the Home CHEM ELLD LD: Chem & the Home
CHEM 020001 Intro to Chemical R CHEM ELLD LD: Intro to Chemical R
CHEM 0210 Found Analytical Chemistry CHEM 2230 Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 023001 Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 4400 Inorganic Chemistry I
CHEM 0240 Chemical Programming CHEM ELLD LD: Chemical Programming
CHEM 0260 Foundations Organic Chemistry CHEM 2030 Elements of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 0301 Industry/Lab Intersh CHEM ELUD UD: Industry/Lab Intersh
CHEM 031001 Analytical Chemistr CHEM 2230 Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 031901 Analytical Chem Lab CHEM 2230 Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 032001 Adv Analytical Chem CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Analytical Chem
CHEM 032901 Adv Analytical Chem CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Analytical Chem
CHEM 0350 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 0358 Honors Organic Chemistry I CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 036001 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 0368 Honors: Organic Chemistry II CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 036901 Organic Chemistry L CHEM 3021 Organic Chemistry II Lab
CHEM 040001 Research In Chemist CHEM ELUD UD: Research In Chemist
CHEM 0401 Adv Industry/Lab Int CHEM 3980 Cooperative Education
CHEM 040501 Topics In Devpt Of CHEM ELUD UD: Topics In Devpt Of
CHEM 0408 Honors Research CHEM ELUD UD: Honors Research
CHEM 040901 Adv Chem Experiment CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Chem Experiment
CHEM 0420 Selected Topics CHEM ELUD UD: Selected Topics
CHEM 043001 Adv Inorganic Chemi CHEM 4400 Inorganic Chemistry I
CHEM 043101 Radioactivity & App CHEM ELUD UD: Radioactivity & App
CHEM 0439 Adv Inorganic Chem CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Inorganic Chem
CHEM 045001 Adv Organic Chemist CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Organic Chemist
CHEM 047101 Biophysical Chemist CHEM ELUD UD: Biophysical Chemist
CHEM 047301 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4350 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 047901 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4350 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 048101 Biophysical Chemist CHEM ELUD UD: Biophysical Chemist
CHEM 048301 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4360 In-depth Phys Chem
CHEM 048401 Adv Physical Chemis CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Physical Chemis
CHEM 048901 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4360 In-depth Phys Chem
CHEM 049001 Intro Polymer Chemi CHEM 4700 Polymers An Introduction
CHEM 102 Principles of Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 103 Principles of Chemistry Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 111 Gen Chem CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 111001 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 111501 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1118 Honors:Gen Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 112 Intro Organic/Biochemistry CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CHEM 1120 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1120 General Chemistry and CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 113 Intro Organic/Biochem Lab CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CHEM 113001 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 122 General Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 123 General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 132 General Chemistry II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 133 General Chemistry II Lab CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 141001 Chem For Nurses CHEM ELLD LD: Chem For Nurses
CHEM 1420 Chem For Nurses CHEM ELLD LD: Chem For Nurses
CHEM 151001 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1520 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1520 General Chemistry and CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1530 General Chemistry CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 161001 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 214001 Analytical Chemistr CHEM ELLD LD: Analytical Chemistr
CHEM 214901 Analytical Chem Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Analytical Chem Lab
CHEM 219 Found Analytical Chem Lab CHEM 2231 Quantitative Analysis Lab
CHEM 268 Honors:Found Organic Chem CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 269 Found Organic Chemistry CHEM 3011 Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 301001 Elem Organic Chem CHEM ELUD UD: Elem Organic Chem
CHEM 301901 Elem Organic Chem L CHEM ELUD UD: Elem Organic Chem L
CHEM 3050 Thermophys ET ELLD LD: Thermophys
CHEM 321101 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 321901 Organic Chemistry L CHEM ELUD UD: Organic Chemistry L
CHEM 322101 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 322901 Organic Chem Lab CHEM ELUD UD: Organic Chem Lab
CHEM 3231 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3239 Organic Chem Lab CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 330 Inorganic Chem CHEM ELUD UD:Inorganic Chem
CHEM 339 Found Inorganic Chem Lab CHEM ELUD UD:Found Inorganic Chem Lab
CHEM 340 Found Select Topics Chemistry CHEM ELUD UD:Found Select Topics Chemist
CHEM 3410 Flow of Fluids ET ELUD UD: Flow of Fluids
CHEM 3420 Heat Trnasfer ET ELUD UD: Heat Trnasfer
CHEM 3450 Diffusional Operatio ET ELUD UD: Diffusional Operatio
CHEM 359 In-depth Organic Chem Lab CHEM ELUD UD:In-depth Organic Chem Lab
CHEM 360 In-depth Organic Chem CHEM ELUD UD:In-depth Organic Chem
CHEM 3610 Intr Proc Dyn & Cont ET ELUD UD: Intr Proc Dyn & Cont
CHEM 3620 Industrl Process Cnt ET ELUD UD: Industrl Process Cnt
CHEM 370 Foundations Physical Chemistry CHEM 4330 Physical Chem Fundamentals I
CHEM 379 Found Physical Chem Lab CHEM 4330 Physical Chem Fundamentals I
CHEM 380 Foundations Chemical Biology CHEM 4150 Bioorganic Chemistry
CHEM 389 Found Chemical Biology Lab CHEM 4150 Bioorganic Chemistry
CHEM 406 Senior Seminar CHEM ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
CHEM 4110 Physical Chemistry CHEM ELUD UD: Physical Chemistry
CHEN 201001 Elem Proc Prin I ET ELLD LD: Elem Proc Prin I
CHIL 2110 Human Socialization CDFS ELLD LD: Human Socialization
CHIL 3520 The Family & Adoles CDFS ELUD UD: The Family & Adoles
CHIN 0131 Elem Chinese I CHIN 1010 Elementary Chinese I
CHIN 0132 Elem Chinese II CHIN 1020 Elementary Chinese II
CHIN 0231 Intermed Chinese I CHIN 2010 Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN 0232 Intermed Chinese II CHIN 2020 Intermediate Chinese II
CHIN 0311 Chin Lit In Engl Tra CHIN ELUD UD: Chin Lit In Engl Tra
CHIN 0312 Chin Lit Engl Transl CHIN ELUD UD: Chin Lit Engl Transl
CHIN 0331 Adv Chinese I CHIN ELUD UD: Adv Chinese I
CHIN 0332 Adv Chinese II CHIN ELUD UD: Adv Chinese II
CHIN 0431 Readings In Chin Lit CHIN ELLD LD: Readings In Chin Lit
CHL 241001 Human Sexuality CDFS ELLD LD: Human Sexuality
CHL 342001 Family Economics CDFS ELUD UD: Family Economics
CHLF 241001 Human Sexuality PSY ELLD LD: Human Sexuality
CHST 1120 Mgt & Contr Fam Livi CDFS ELLD LD: Mgt & Contr Fam Livi
CHST 3420 Family Economics CDFS ELUD UD: Family Economics
CHST 4210 Family Finance CDFS ELUD UD: Family Finance
CHST 4810 Consumer & the Marke CDFS ELUD UD: Consumer & the Marke
CHST 4830 Consumer & the Marke CDFS ELUD UD: Consumer & the Marke
CI 3010 Hist & Phil of Educ ELED ELUD UD:Hist & Phil of Educ
CI 3020 Prin & Org Ed ELED ELUD UD:Prin & Org Ed
CI 3030 Soc Foundations ELEC ELUD UD:Soc Foundations
CIEN 3210 Anlys Frmed Struc ET ELUD UD: Anlys Frmed Struc
CIVI 226001 Engineer Surveys I ET ELLD LD: Engineer Surveys I
CIVI 231001 Seminar ET ELLD LD: Seminar
CIVI 5470 Construct Estimat CMT ELUD UD:Construct Estimat
CLAS 011101 Beginning Latin LATN 1010 Elementary Latin I
CLAS 011201 Beginning Latin LATN 1020 Elementary Latin II
CLAS 0121 Beginning Greek ENGL ELLD LD: Beginning Greek
CLAS 0122 Beginning Greek FL ELLD LD: Beginning Greek
CLAS 0150 Latin Transition LATN ELLD LD: Latin Transition
CLAS 0201 Intro to Classical Civilizatn ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Classical Civiliz
CLAS 0221 Early Greek Mytholog ENGL ELLD LD: Early Greek Mytholog
CLAS 0232 Archaeol/Art Ancient Grce/Rme ANTH ELLD LD: Arch/Art Ancient Grce/Rme
CLAS 023301 Archaeology & Art O ENGL ELLD LD: Archaeology & Art O
CLAS 0251 Int Lat:Grammar/Rdng LATN 2010 Intermediate Latin I
CLAS 0252 Int Lat:Aeheid LATN 2020 Intermediate Latin II
CLAS 0255 Greek/Roman Drama in Eng Trans ENGL ELLD LD:Greek/Roman Drama in Eng Tr
CLAS 0261 Intermed Greek/Gram FL ELLD LD: Intermed Greek/Gram
CLAS 0264 Intermed Read/Greek FL ELLD LD:Intermed Read/Greek
CLAS 0273 Medical & Sci Termi ELEC ELLD LD: Medical & Sci Termi
CLAS 0303 Hist Roman Republic HIST 4410 Classical History
CLAS 0304 Hist Roman Empire HIST 4410 Classical History
CLAS 0305 Hist Late Roman Empi HIST 4410 Classical History
CLAS 0310 Ancient World/Greece HIST ELUD UD: Ancient World/Greece
CLAS 0311 Ancient World/Rome HIST ELUD UD: Ancient World/Rome
CLAS 033101 Archaeology Aegean ENGL ELUD UD: Archaeology Aegean
CLAS 033401 Cities & Sancturies ENGL ELUD UD: Cities & Sancturies
CLAS 0351 Cicero & Sallust ENGL ELUD UD: Cicero & Sallust
CLAS 0352 Roman Lyric Poetry ENGL ELUD UD: Roman Lyric Poetry
CLAS 0362 Roman Law PS ELUD UD: Roman Law
CLAS 0381 Greek Civilization ELEC ELUD UD: Greek Civilization
CLAS 038201 Roman Civilization ENGL ELUD UD: Roman Civilization
CLAS 038301 Women In Greek & Ro ENGL ELUD UD: Women In Greek & Ro
CLAS 0384 Gender Sexuality Ancient Rome HUM ELUD UD:Gender Sexuality Anc Rome
CLAS 040101 Greek Poetry ENGL ELUD UD: Greek Poetry
CLAS 040201 Greek Prose ENGL ELUD UD: Greek Prose
CLAS 0405 Sel Read Greek Liter ENGL ELUD UD: Sel Read Greek Liter
CLAS 0406 Sel Read Greek Liter ELEC ELUD UD: Sel Read Greek Liter
CLAS 0414 Cicero & Tech Latin ENGL ELUD UD: Cicero & Tech Latin
CLAS 042201 Seminar In Classica ENGL ELUD UD: Seminar In Classica
CLAS 0431 Sel Read Latin Liter ENGL ELUD UD: Sel Read Latin Liter
CLAS 0432 Sel Read Latin Liter ENGL ELUD UD: Sel Read Latin Liter
CLAS 0435 Medieval Latin LATN ELUD UD: Medieval Latin
CLAS 0436 Cities & Sanctuaries HIST 4410 Classical History
CLAS 044101 Special Topics Clas ENGL ELUD UD: Special Topics Clas
CLAS 0442 Intens Surv Archaeol ELEC ELUD UD: Intens Surv Archaeol
CLAS 0443 Intens Stud Arch/Gre ELEC ELUD UD: Intens Stud Arch/Gre
CLAS 0444 Intens Stud Arch/Etr ELEC ELUD UD: Intens Stud Arch/Etr
CLAS 046101 Studies Classical A ENGL ELUD UD: Studies Classical A
CLAS 046201 Roman Law ENGL ELUD UD: Roman Law
CLAS 0491 Foreign Study ELEC ELUD UD: Foreign Study
CLAS 0492 Off Campus Study ELEC ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
CLAS 0493 Independent Study ELEC ELUD UD: Independent Study
CLAS 2120 Cicero Orations ENGL ELLD LD:Cicero Orations
CLAS 222 Class Grk/Roman Myt ENGL ELLD LD: Class Grk/Roman Myt
CLAS 223 Classical Mythology ENGL ELLD LD:Classical Mythology
CLAS 224 World Mythology ENGL ELLD LD:World Mythology
CLAS 232 Archaeology & Art A ENGL ELLD LD: Archeology & Art A
CLAS 2330 Art & Archlgy Etr & ENGL ELLD LD: Art & Archlgy Etr &
CLAS 251101 Intermed Ltn:Grm & LATN ELLD LD: Intermed Ltn:Grm &
CLAS 251501 Intrmed Latin:Prose LATN ELLD LD: Intrmed Latin:Prose
CLAS 252101 Intrmed Ltn:Vergil LATN ELLD LD: Intrmed Ltn:Vergil
CLAS 253 Greek & Roman Liter ENGL ELLD LD: Greek & Roman Liter
CLAS 254 Greek & Roman Liter ENGL ELLD LD: Greek & Roman Liter
CLAS 256 The Ancient World Reimagined HUM ELLD LD:The Ancient World Reimagine
CLAS 271001 Greek Etymology ELEC ELLD LD: Greek Etymology
CLAS 2720 Scien & Gen Vocab La ELEC ELLD LD: Scien & Gen Vocab La
CLAS 2730 Medical Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
CLAS 282001 Roman Life ELEC ELLD LD: Roman Life
CLAS 302 History of Greece I HIST ELUD UD:History of Greece I
CLAS 309 Hist of the Roman Republic HIST 4410 Classical History
CLAS 3120 Latin Lit LATN ELUD UD:Latin Lit
CLAS 3230 Roman Mythology ELEC ELUD UD: Roman Mythology
CLAS 3350 Shr Sanct Gr & Rom W ENGL ELUD UD: Shr Sanct Gr & Rom W
CLAS 345 Greek & Roman Religion RS ELUD UD:Greek & Roman Religion
CLAS S2730 Medical Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
CLIT 020101 Intro to Comparativ ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
CLIT 0202 Cross-Cult Per In L ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
CLIT 0203 Cross-Cul Per In Li ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
CLIT 030101 Computer Techniques ENGL ELUD UD: Computer Techniques
CLIT 0401 Spec Top In Com Lite ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
CLIT 0402 Spec Top In Com Lit ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
CLIT 0452 Mod Drama 1880-1945 ENGL 4470 Modern Drama
CLIT 0454 20th Cent Int Novel ENGL 4930 Studies in The Novel
CLIT 0491 Foreign Study ENGL ELUD UD: Foreign Study
CLIT 0492 Off-Campus Study ENGL ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
CLIT 0493 Independent Study ENGL ELUD UD: Independent Study
CLS 0101 Intro/Clinical Lab Science ELEC ELLD LD:Intro/Clinical Lab Science
CMSC 151001 Intro to Computer S CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Computer S
CMST 0201 Intro Comm Studies COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
CMST 0210 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
CMST 0217 Honors: Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
CMST 0240 Business/Prof Com COMM 2140 Intro to Organizational Comm
CMST 0312 Survey Interpersonal Commun COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
CMST 0342 Survey Organizational Comm COMM 2140 Intro to Organizational Comm
CMST 0352 Communication Theory COMM 3300 Communication Theory
CMST 0354 Research Methods/Comm Lab COMM ELUD UD:Research Methods/Comm Lab
CMST 0356 Research Methods/Commun St COMM ELUD UD: Research Methods/Commun St
CMST 0360 Professional Skills/Comm Lab COMM ELUD UD:Prof Skills/Comm Lab
CMST 0400 Comm/Diversity/Tolerance COMM ELUD UD:Comm/Diversity/Tolerance
CMST 0412 Close Relationships COMM ELUD UD:Close Relationships
CMST 0414 Persuasion COMM ELUD UD:Persuasion
CMST 0492 Internship COMM ELUD UD:Internship
CMST 0499 Proseminar/Comm Studies COMM ELUD UD:Proseminar/Comm Studies
CMST 207 Hon:Intro to Com Studies COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
CMST 220 Interpersonal Communication COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
CMST 247 Hon:Busin/Prof Commun BCED ELLD LD:Hons:Busin/Prof Commun
CMST 250 Advanced Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
CMST 260 Prof Skills Communication Lab COMM ELLD LD:Prof Skills Commnctn Lab
CMST 300 Topics/Applied Communication COMM ELUD UD:Topics/Applied Communictn
CMST 410 Family Communication COMM ELUD UD:Family Communication
CMST 419 Interpersonal Conflict COMM ELUD UD:Interpersonal Conflict
CMST 442 Organiz Communicat Processes COMM 3500 Comm Org Effectiveness
CMST 446 Leadership COMM ELUD UD:Leadership
CNST 0281 Intro Film Studies EMC ELLD LD:Intro Film Studies
CNST 0312 Popular Cult/Amer Pols PS ELUD UD: Popular Cult/AmerPols
CNST 0323 German Film Survey EMC ELUD UD:German Film Survey
CNST 0334 Film and American Culture EMC ELUD UD:Film & American Culture
CNST 0365 Writing the Screenplay EMC ELUD UD:Writing the Screenplay
CNST 0433 History of Film and Modern Art ART ELUD UD:Hist of Film & Modern Art
CNST 236 Intro to Cinema/Video Art VFP ELLD LD:Intro to Cinema/Video Art
CNST 306 Shakespeare and Film EMC ELUD UD:Shakespeare and Film
CNST 321 Japanese Graphic Novel/Anime ANIM ELUD UD:Japn Graphic Nove/Anime
CNST 326 Brazilian Cinema EMC ELUD UD:Brazilian Cinema
CNST 400 Special Topics EMC ELUD UD:Special Topics
CNST 422 Italian Cinema ELEC ELUD UD:Italian Cinema
CNST 423 Themes in German Cinema GERM ELUD UD:Themes in German Cinema
CNST 489 Special Topics in Film EMC ELUD UD:Special Topics in Film
COEC 0205 Student Devel FOED ELLD LD: Student Devel
COEC 0206 Fac Tech Work Teams ELEC ELLD LD: Fac Tech Work Teams
COEC 0212 Career & Personal De PSY ELLD LD: Career & Personal De
COEC 0215 Learning Skills & St ELEC ELLD LD: Learning Skills & St
COEC 0305 Lab In Educational & PSY ELUD UD: Lab In Educational &
COEC 0306 Facilitation Ind Tec ELEC ELUD UD: Facilitation Ind Tec
COEC 0380 Interviewing & Couns ELEC ELUD UD: Interviewing & Couns
COEC 0404 Special Topics PSY ELUD UD: Special Topics
COEC 0406 Engr Comm & Performa ELEC ELUD UD: Engr Comm & Performa
COEC 0410 Sex Role Development PSY ELUD UD: Sex Role Development
COEC 0431 Personality & Mental PSY ELUD UD: Personality & Mental
COEC 0480 Interviewing & Couns ELEC ELUD UD: Interviewing & Couns
COEC 0493 Indep Study PSY ELUD UD: Indep Study
COED 0205 Student Development ELEC ELLD LD: Student Development
COEX 0411 Underground Rsrch Pa ELEC ELUD UD: Underground Rsrch Pa
COM 0100 Intro to Mass Comm JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
COM 0100 Intro to Mass Comm JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
COMM 010001 Intro to Mass Commu JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
COMM 010001 Intro to Mass Commu JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
COMM 0150 Commun In Inform Age JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
COMM 020001 Writing For Mass Co JOUR ELLD LD: Writing For Mass Co
COMM 0300 Mass Comm Research EMC ELUD UD: Mass Comm Research
COMM 0330 Group Communication COMM ELUD UD: Group Communication
COMM 040001 Mass Comm Law & Eth EMC ELUD UD: Mass Comm Law & Eth
COMM 0450 On-Line Electronic P JOUR ELUD UD: On-Line Electronic P
COMM 1110 Intro Communications COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COMM 111001 Intro to Communicat COMM ELLD LD: Intro to Communicat
COMM 1118 Hon: Intro to Comm COMM ELLD LD: Hon: Intro to Comm
COMP 010201 Intro to Programmin CSCI 1170 Computer Science I
COMP 011101 Computer Organizati CSCI 3160 Intro to Assembly Language
COMP 011201 Data Structures CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
COMP 021901 Electronic Pntg/Gra CSCI ELLD LD: Electronic Pntg/Gra
COMP 141001 Int Bus Orient Prog CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
COMP 161001 Intro Struct Progra CSCI ELLD LD: Intro Struct Progra
COMP 162001 Intermed Struct Prg CSCI ELLD LD: Intermed Struct Prg
COMP 221501 Discrete Structure CSCI ELLD LD: Discrete Structure
COMP 2410 Comp Prof Bus Orient CSCI ELLD LD: Comp Prof Bus Orient
COMP 261001 Progr Tech In Fortr CSCI ELLD LD: Progr Tech In Fortr
COMP 271001 Machine Organizatio CSCI ELLD LD: Machine Organizatio
COMP 315001 Intr Num Algor & Pr CSCI ELUD UD: Intr Num Algor & Pr
COMP 321501 Discrete Structure CSCI ELUD UD: Discrete Structure
COMP 341001 Computr Program Cob CSCI ELUD UD: Computr Program Cob
COMP 352001 Assembly Lang Progr CSCI ELUD UD: Assembly Lang Progr
COMP 391001 Com Comp Concp Cont CSCI ELUD UD: Com Comp Concp Cont
COSC 0100 Intro Computers CSCI ELLD LD:Intro Computers
COSC 0102 Intro Computer Science CSCI 1170 Computer Science I
COSC 0130 Computer Organization CSCI 3130 Assembly and Computer Org
COSC 0140 Data Structures CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
COSC 0160 Computer Organization CSCI 3130 Assembly and Computer Org
COSC 0302 Fundamental Algorithms CSCI 3110 Algorithms and Data Structures
COSC 0311 Discrete Structures CSCI 3080 Discrete Structures
COSC 0312 Algorithm Analysis/Automata CSCI ELUD UD:Algorithm Analysis/Automata
COSC 0360 Systems Programming CSCI ELUD UD:Systems Programming
COSC 0361 Operating Systems CSCI ELUD UD:Operating Systems
COSC 0365 Programming Lang Systems CSCI ELUD UD:Programming Lang Sys
COSC 0420 Biol Inspired Computation CSCI ELUD UD:Biol Inspired Comp
COSC 101 Introduction to Programming CSCI ELLD LD:Introduction to Programming
COSC 111 Computatnl Thnk/Art of Program CSCI ELLD LD:Cmpttnl Thnk/Art of Program
COSC 202 Data Structures and Algorithms CSCI ELLD LD:Data Strctrs and Algorithms
COSC 230 Computer Organization CSCI ELLD LD:Computer Organization
COSC 307 Data Structures-Algorithms II CSCI ELUD UD: Data Struct-Algorithms II
COSC 317 Discrete Structures CSCI 3080 Discrete Structures
COSC 340 Software Engineering ENGR ELUD UD:Software Engineering
COSC 494 Adv Algorithm and Program CSCI ELUD UD:Adv Algorithm and Program
COST 0201 Intro Comm Studies COMM ELLD LD: Intro Comm Studies
COST 0207 Hon/Intro Comm Stud COMM ELLD LD: Hon/Intro Comm Stud
COST 0210 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COST 0220 Interpersonal Comm COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
COST 0240 Bus & Prof Comm COMM ELLD LD: Bus & Prof Comm
COST 0250 Adv Public Speaking COMM ELLD LD: Adv Public Speaking
COST 0497 Senior Honors Thesis UH ELUD UD: Senior Honors Thesis
COST 0499 Proseminar Comm Stud COMM 4800 Topics in Communication
COUN 0205 Student Development UNIV ELLD LD:Student Development
COUN 0212 Career Personal Dev ELEC ELLD LD:Career Personal Dev
COUN 0306 Facilitation of Indv PSY ELUD UD: Facilitation of Indv
COUN 0404 Special Topics ELED ELUD UD:Special Topics
COUN 0406 Ecp Field Work PSY ELUD UD: Ecp Field Work
COUN 0480 Skills for Counseling ELEC ELUD UD:Skills for Counseling
COUN 333 Svc Lrn Studnts Int/Dev Disab ELEC ELUD UD:Svc Lrn Studnts Int/Dev Dis
CPSC 1510 Intro to Prog-Fortra CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Prog-Fortra
CRID 141901 Craf & Int Des Stud ART ELLD LD: Craf & Int Des Stud
CRID 351101 Textile Design TXMD ELUD UD: Textile Design
CRID 352101 Textile Design TXMD ELUD UD: Textile Design
CRID 441001 Craft Media ART ELUD UD: Craft Media
CRID 451101 Ceramics ART 2810 Ceramics I
CSAS 125 Fund/Build Syst&Materials CIM ELLD LD:Fund/Build Syst&Materials
CSAS 211 Construction Documents CMT ELLD LD:Construction Documents
CSAS 222 Construction CAD Apps ET ELLD LD:Construction CAD Apps
CSAS 224 Construction Surveying CCM ELLD LD:Construction Surveying
CSAS 225 Mech/Elec Systems in Structure CMT ELLD Mech/Elec Systems in Structure
CSAS 345 Green Constr/Constr Safety CMT ELUD UD:Green Constr/Constr Safety
CSCI 0100 Intro to Computers CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Computers
CSCI 010101 Intro-Programming F CSCI ELLD LD: Intro-Programming F
CSCI 010201 Intro to Programmin CSCI 1170 Computer Science I
CSCI 011101 Computer Organizati CSCI 3160 Intro to Assembly Language
CSCI 011201 Data Structures CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
CSCI 012501 Basic Programming CSCI ELLD LD: Basic Programming
CSCI 0140 Data Structures CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
CSCI 0160 Computer Organizati CSCI 3130 Assembly and Computer Org
CSCI 020301 Cobol CSCI ELLD LD: Cobol
CSCI 0219 Electronic Printing CSCI ELLD LD: Electronic Printing
CSCI 0291 Lower Division Speci CSCI ELLD LD: Lower Division Speci
CSCI 0300 Scripts & Utilities CSCI ELUD UD: Scripts & Utilities
CSCI 031101 Discrete Structures CSCI 3080 Discrete Structures
CSCI 032001 Problem Solving CSCI ELUD UD: Problem Solving
CSCI 033101 Digital Design CSCI ELUD UD: Digital Design
CSCI 034001 Intro to Info Syste CSCI ELUD UD: Intro to Info Syste
CSCI 0350 Intro to Tech Comput CSCI ELUD UD: Intro to Tech Comput
CSCI 036001 Systems Programming CSCI ELUD UD: Systems Programming
CSCI 0365 Programming Lang & S CSCI 3210 Theory Programming Languages
CSCI 0370 Intro to Scientific CSCI ELUD UD: Intro to Scientific
CSCI 037101 Numerical Algorithm CSCI 3180 Intro to Numerical Analysis
CSCI 038001 Theory of Computati CSCI ELUD UD: Theory of Computati
CSCI 038101 Formal Languages CSCI ELUD UD: Formal Languages
CSCI 040101 Applic of Computer CSCI ELUD UD: Applic of Computer
CSCI 040201 Appl-Artificial Int CSCI ELUD UD: Appl-Artificial Int
CSCI 040301 Applic of Microcomp CSCI ELUD UD: Applic of Microcomp
CSCI 040401 Appl of Database Sy CSCI ELUD UD: Appl of Database Sy
CSCI 041101 Senior Thesis I CSCI ELUD UD: Senior Thesis I
CSCI 041201 Senior Thesis II CSCI ELUD UD: Senior Thesis II
CSCI 042001 Adv Topics In Machi CSCI 4350 Intro Artificial Intelligence
CSCI 042101 Intro-Artificial In CSCI ELUD UD: Intro-Artificial In
CSCI 042201 Expert Systems CSCI ELUD UD: Expert Systems
CSCI 042301 Natural Language Pr CSCI ELUD UD: Natural Language Pr
CSCI 042401 Robotics Software CSCI ELUD UD: Robotics Software
CSCI 042501 Functional Language CSCI ELUD UD: Functional Language
CSCI 043001 Adv Topics In Hardw CSCI ELUD UD: Adv Topics In Hardw
CSCI 043201 Computer Graphics CSCI 4250 Computer Graphics
CSCI 043301 Comp Systems Archit CSCI ELUD UD: Comp Systems Archit
CSCI 043401 Networks & Communic CSCI ELUD UD: Networks & Communic
CSCI 043501 Microcomputer Syste CSCI ELUD UD: Microcomputer Syste
CSCI 043601 Comp Systems Hardwa CSCI ELUD UD: Comp Systems Hardwa
CSCI 043901 Micropogramming CSCI ELUD UD: Micropogramming
CSCI 044101 Science Info System CSCI ELUD UD: Science Info System
CSCI 044201 Intro Database Mgmt CSCI 4560 Database Management Systems
CSCI 044301 Intr Info Storage/R CSCI ELUD UD: Intr Info Storage/R
CSCI 044401 Data Security CSCI ELUD UD: Data Security
CSCI 045101 Pattern Recognition CSCI ELUD UD: Pattern Recognition
CSCI 045201 Image Processing/An CSCI ELUD UD: Image Processing/An
CSCI 046001 Human Factors In So CSCI ELUD UD: Human Factors In So
CSCI 046101 Intro to Operating CSCI 3250 Operating Systems
CSCI 046201 Software Engineerin CSCI 4700 Software Engineering
CSCI 046301 Programming Languag CSCI 3210 Theory Programming Languages
CSCI 046401 Complier Writing CSCI 4160 Compiler Dsg & Software Dev
CSCI 046501 Parallel Computatio CSCI ELUD UD: Parallel Computatio
CSCI 046601 Parallel Computatio CSCI ELUD UD: Parallel Computatio
CSCI 046901 Non-Numeric Algorit CSCI ELUD UD: Non-Numeric Algorit
CSCI 047001 Adv Topics In Scien CSCI ELUD UD: Adv Topics In Scien
CSCI 047101 Numerical Analysis CSCI ELUD UD: Numerical Analysis
CSCI 047201 Numerical Algebra CSCI ELUD UD: Numerical Algebra
CSCI 047301 Comp Modeling/Simul CSCI ELUD UD: Comp Modeling/Simul
CSCI 047601 Mgmt of Uncertainty CSCI ELUD UD: Mgmt of Uncertainty
CSCI 048001 Adv Topics In Theor CSCI ELUD UD: Adv Topics In Theor
CSCI 048201 Graph Theory & Appl CSCI ELUD UD: Graph Theory & Appl
CSCI 048301 Information Theory CSCI ELUD UD: Information Theory
CSCI 049301 Independent Study CSCI 4600 Independent Study in CSCI
CSCI 049401 Special Topics-Comp CSCI 4910 Computer Science Internship
CSCI 315001 Intr Num Algor & Pro CSCI ELUD UD: Intr Num Algor & Pro
CSE 0200 Survey/Intl Education ELEC ELLD LD: Survey/Intl Education
CSE 300 Soc Justice/Edu/Serv Learn ELED 3000 Contemp Class thru Diversity
CSED 0290 Human Motor Behavio PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
CSED 0291 Sport In Amer Societ PHED ELLD LD: Sport In Amer Societ
CSED 0302 School & Amer Societ EESE 2010 Introduction to Education
CSED 0321 Hist of Sport & Phys PHED ELUD UD: Hist of Sport & Phys
CSED 0356 Motor Development CDFS ELUD UD: Motor Development
CSED 0364 Contem Issues In Afr FOED ELUD UD: Contem Issues In Afr
CSED 0372 Phil of Sport PHED ELUD UD: Phil of Sport
CSED 0380 Special Topics PHED 4920 Independent Study
CSED 0400 Prof Stu: Tea, Sch & FOED ELUD UD: Prof Stu: Tea, Sch &
CSED 0405 Sociology of Sport LSTS 4790 Sport and Society
CSED 0435 Movement Education FOED ELUD UD: Movement Education
CSED 0451 Educ In Cultural Per FOED ELUD UD: Educ In Cultural Per
CSED 0466 Motor Devel Lab PHED ELUD UD: Motor Devel Lab
CSED 0493 Directed Independent PHED 4920 Independent Study
CSH 031701 College Scholars Se UH ELUD UD: College Scholars Se
CSH 031801 College Scholars Se UH ELUD UD: College Scholars Se
CSH 049101 College Honors:Fore UH ELUD UD: College Honors:Fore
CSH 049201 College Honors: Off UH ELUD UD: College Honors: Off
CSH 049301 College Honors: Ind UH ELUD UD: College Honors: Ind
CSH 049801 Honors: College Sch UH 4950 Honors Independent Research
CSM 211 Construction Documents CMT ELLD LD:Construction Documents
CULT 010001 Selected Topics ELEC ELLD LD: Selected Topics
CULT 040001 Interdiscipl Cult T ELEC ELUD UD: Interdiscipl Cult T
CULT 049101 Foreign Study ELEC ELUD UD: Foreign Study
CULT 049201 Off-Campus Study ELEC ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
CULT 049301 Independent Study ELEC ELUD UD: Independent Study
CURR 014101 Effic Read/Stdy Ski READ ELLD LD: Effic Read/Stdy Ski
CURR 047501 Util of Instruc Med FOED ELUD UD: Util of Instruc Med
CURR 049501 Apple Core ELED ELUD UD: Apple Core
CURR 141001 Eff Read & Study Sk FOED ELLD LD: Eff Read & Study Sk
DANC 010101 Practicum:Dance Prom DANC ELLD LD: Practicum:Dance Prom
DANC 020101 Practicum:Dance Per DANC ELLD LD: Practicum:Dance Per
DANC 021001 Ballet:Level I PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet:Level I
DANC 022001 Jazz:Level I PHED ACTY ACTY: Jazz:Level I
DANC 023001 Modern:Level I PHED ACTY ACTY: Modern:Level I
DANC 024001 Tap:Level I PHED ACTY ACTY: Tap:Level I
DANC 025001 Composition DANC ELLD LD: Composition
DANC 031001 Ballet:Level II PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet:Level II
DANC 032001 Jazz:Level II DANC ELUD UD: Jazz:Level II
DANC 0330 Modern:Level II PHED ACTY ACTY: Modern:Level II
DANC 034001 Tap:Level II PHED ACTY ACTY: Tap:Level II
DANC 035001 Composition II DANC ELUD UD: Composition II
DANC 038001 Special Topics DANC ELUD UD: Special Topics
DANC 041001 Ballet:Level III DANC ELUD UD: Ballet:Level III
DANC 041501 Teach Creative Danc DANC ELUD UD: Teach Creative Danc
DANC 0420 Jazz: Level III DANC 3020 Jazz Dance Techniques III
DANC 043001 Modern:Level III DANC ELUD UD: Modern:Level III
DANC 044001 Composition I DANC ELUD UD: Composition I
DANC 044501 Composition II DANC ELUD UD: Composition II
DANC 045001 Composition III DANC ELUD UD: Composition III
DANC 046001 Rhythmic Analysis DANC ELUD UD: Rhythmic Analysis
DANC 046501 Dance Notation DANC ELUD UD: Dance Notation
DANC 048001 Dance History Thru DANC ELUD UD: Dance History Thru
DANC 048101 History of Dance II DANC ELUD UD: History of Dance II
DANC 049001 Dance In 20thc DANC ELUD UD: Dance In 20thc
DANC 049301 Directed Independ S DANC ELUD UD: Directed Independ S
DANC 049501 Dance Pedagogy DANC ELUD UD: Dance Pedagogy
DATA 201 Data Knowledge/Discovery DATA 1500 Introduction to Data Science
DSGN 0130 Basic Dsgn Thnkng/Innovation ELEC ELLD LD:Basic Dsgn Thnkg/Innovation
EAER 0201 Aerospace Seminar AERO ELLD LD: Aerospace Seminar
EAER 0341 Fluid Mechanics I AERO ELUD UD: Fluid Mechanics I
EAER 034501 Aero Engin Instrume ET ELUD UD: Aero Engin Instrume
EAER 035101 Compressible Flow ET ELUD UD: Compressible Flow
EAER 036201 Dynamics/Vibrations ET ELUD UD: Dynamics/Vibrations
EAER 036301 Struc Analysis-Aero ET ELUD UD: Struc Analysis=Aero
EAER 037001 Airplane Performanc AERO ELUD UD: Airplane Performanc
EAER 040101 Thesis ET ELUD UD: Thesis
EAER 0410 Professional Develop AERO ELUD UD: Professional Develop
EAER 042201 Aerodynamics AERO ELUD UD: Aerodynamics
EAER 042301 Viscous Flow ET ELUD UD: Viscous Flow
EAER 042401 Astronautics ET ELUD UD: Astronautics
EAER 042501 Propulsion AERO 3030 Propulsion Fundamentals
EAER 042601 Intro to Aerospace ET ELUD UD: Intro to Aerospace
EAER 042901 Aerospace System De ET ELUD UD: Aerospace System De
EAER 043101 Mech Engin/Aero Eng ET ELUD UD: Mech Engin/Aero Eng
EAER 044901 Aerospace Engineeri ET ELUD UD: Aerospace Engineeri
EAER 049401 Sel Topics-Aerospac ET ELUD UD: Sel Topics-Aerospace
EAER 049501 Sel Topics-Aerospac ET ELUD UD: Sel Topics-Aerospace
EC 0230 Human Physiology BIOL ELLD LD: Human Physiology
EC E 0240 Human Anatomy BIOL ELLD LD: Human Anatomy
ECE 0201 Circuits I ET 3601 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
ECE 0202 Circuits II ENGR ELLD LD:Circuits II
ECE 0206 Electrical Engr Computations ENGR ELLD LD:Electrical Engr Cmptatns
ECE 0255 Logic Design Digit Syst ET 3620 Digital Circuits Fundamentals
ECE 0300 Circuits ENGR ELUD UD:Circuits
ECE 0301 Circuits/Electro Mech ET 3601 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
ECE 0313 Probability Random Var ENGR ELUD UD:Probability Random Var
ECE 0315 Signals & Systems I ENGR ELUD UD:Signals & Systems I
ECE 0316 Signals & Systems II ENGR ELUD UD:Signals & Systems II
ECE 0325 Electric Energy Syst ENGR ELUD UD:Electric Energy Syst
ECE 0335 Electronic Devices ENGR ELUD UD:Electronic Devices
ECE 0341 Fields ENGR ELUD UD:Fields
ECE 0342 Analog Comm Ampl ENGR ELUD UD:Analog Comm Ampl
ECE 0351 Digital Systems Design ENGR ELUD UD:Digital Systems Design
ECE 0355 Computing System Fund ENGR ELUD UD:Computing System Fund
ECE 0395 Junior Seminar ENGR ELUD UD:Junior Seminar
ECE 0443 Antenna Systems ENGR ELUD UD:Antenna Systems
ECE 0451 Computer Sys Architecture ENGR ELUD UD:Computer Sys Arch
ECE 0453 Computer Networks ENGR ELUD UD:Computer Networks
ECE 0454 Computer/Network Security ENGR ELUD UD:Computer/Network Security
ECE 0455 Embedded Systems Design ENGR ELUD UD:Embedded Systems Design
ECE 0461 Intro Computer Security CSCI ELUD UD:Intro Computer Security
ECE 317 Probability Random Var ENGR ELUD UD: Probability Random Var
ECEB 0202 Ecology & Evolutiona BIOL ELLD LD: Ecology & Evolutiona
ECEB 0203 Ecology & Evolutiona BIOL ELLD LD: Ecology & Evolutiona
ECEB 0230 Human Physiology BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
ECEB 0240 Human Anatomy BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
ECEB 0304 Socio Econ Impact Pl BIOL ELUD UD: Socio Econ Impact Pl
ECEB 0305 Evol & Society BIOL ELUD UD: Evol & Society
ECEB 0309 Biol Human Affairs BIOL ELUD UD: Biol Human Affairs
ECEB 0330 Field Botany BIOL ELUD UD: Field Botany
ECEB 0346 Intro to Oceanograph BIOL ELUD UD: Intro to Oceanograph
ECEB 0350 Comparative Vertebra BIOL 3020 Comparative Anat Vertebrates
ECEB 0360 Comparative Inverteb BIOL 4140 Invertebrate Zoology
ECEB 0370 Ethology & Sociobiol BIOL ELUD UD: Ethology & Sociobiol
ECEB 0380 General Entomology BIOL 3040 Entomology
ECEB 0400 Undergraduate Resear BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
ECEB 0402 Pract In Ecology & E BIOL ELUD UD: Pract In Ecology & E
ECEB 0403 Plant Evolution BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Evolution
ECEB 0407 Senior Honors Thesis BIOL ELUD UD: Senior Honors Thesis
ECEB 0409 Perspect In Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Perspect In Ecology
ECEB 0410 Plant Evol Morpholog BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Evol Morpholog
ECEB 0411 Minicourse In Ecolog BIOL ELUD UD: Minicourse In Ecolog
ECEB 0412 Minicourse In Ecolog BIOL ELUD UD: Minicourse In Ecolog
ECEB 0414 Plant Anatomy BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Anatomy
ECEB 0419 Science as Method BIOL ELUD UD: Science as Method
ECEB 0421 Community Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Community Ecology
ECEB 0423 Plant Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Ecology
ECEB 0431 Plant Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Ecology
ECEB 0446 Intro Oceanography BIOL ELUD UD: Intro Oceanography
ECEB 0450 Comparative Animal B BIOL 4390 Ethology (Animal Behavior)
ECEB 0459 Comp Animal Behav La BIOL 4390 Ethology (Animal Behavior)
ECEB 0460 Evolution BIOL ELUD UD: Evolution
ECEB 0461 Special Topics In Or BIOL ELUD UD: Special Topics In Or
ECEB 0465 Evol & Funct Vertebr BIOL 3020 Comparative Anat Vertebrates
ECEB 0470 Aquatic Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Aquatic Ecology
ECEB 0474 Ichthyology BIOL 4220 Ichthyology
ECEB 0475 Field Ornithology BIOL ELUD UD: Field Ornithology
ECEB 0484 Conservation Biol BIOL ELUD UD: Conservation Biol
ECEB 0490 Undergraduate Semina BIOL ELUD UD: Undergraduate Semina
ECEB 0493 Independent Study BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
ECEB 0495 Evolutionary Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Evolutionary Ecology
ECEB 0499 Evolutionary Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Evolutionary Ecology
ECHE 020001 Chem Engineering Fu ET ELLD LD: Chem Engineering Fu
ECHE 0207 Honors Chem Engineer ET ELLD LD: Honors Chem Engineer
ECHE 0215 Computer App Chem E ET ELLD LD: Computer App Chem E
ECHE 0230 Engineering Chemica ET 3810 Engineering Thermodynamics
ECHE 024001 Fluid Flow/Heat Tra ET ELLD LD: Fluid Flow/Heat Tra
ECHE 0250 Appl Chem Eng Therm ET 3810 Engineering Thermodynamics
ECHE 0301 Chem Engineering Dat ET ELUD UD: Chem Engineering Dat
ECHE 031001 Chem Engineering La ET ELUD UD: Chem Engineering Lab
ECHE 033001 Chem Engin Thermody ET ELUD UD: Chem Engin Thermody
ECHE 034001 Mass Transfer/Separ ET ELUD UD: Mass Transfer/Separ
ECHE 036001 Process Dynamics/Co ET ELUD UD: Process Dynamics/Co
ECHE 038001 Seminar ET ELUD UD: Seminar
ECHE 0394 Chem Engr Co Op COED ELUD UD: Chem Engr Co Op
ECHE 040101 Chem Engin Data Ana ET ELUD UD: Chem Engin Data Ana
ECHE 040301 Intro to Optimizati ET ELUD UD: Intro to Optimization
ECHE 0407 Honors Semianr ET ELUD UD: Honors Semianr
ECHE 0408 Pres ET ELUD UD: Pres
ECHE 041001 Chem Engineering La ET ELUD UD: Chem Engineering Lab
ECHE 0411 Undergrad Rsrch Expe ET ELUD UD: Undergrad Rsrch Expe
ECHE 041501 Computer Applic-Che ET ELUD UD: Computer Applic-Che
ECHE 042501 Intro Chem Eng Proc ET ELUD UD: Intro Chem Eng Proc
ECHE 044001 Transport Phenomena ET ELUD UD: Transport Phenomena
ECHE 044501 Separation Process ET ELUD UD: Separation Process
ECHE 0447 Honors:Transport Phe ET ELUD UD: Honors:Transport Phe
ECHE 045001 Chem Reactor Fundam ET ELUD UD: Chem Reactor Fundam
ECHE 046101 Adv Process Dynam/C ET ELUD UD: Adv Process Dynam/C
ECHE 0467 Honors Engineering ET ELUD UD: Honors Engineering
ECHE 046901 Engin Intnshp-Proc ET ELUD UD: Engin Intnshp-Proc
ECHE 047501 Fund Bioreactor Des ET ELUD UD: Fund Bioreactor Des
ECHE 047601 Princ Biochemical S ET ELUD UD: Princ Biochemical S
ECHE 0477 Honrs Applie Process ET ELUD UD: Honrs Applie Process
ECHE 0478 Honors Applied Proce ET ELUD UD: Honors Applied Proce
ECHE 048001 Equipm Design/Econ ET ELUD UD: Equipm Design/Econ
ECHE 0481 Green Engineering ET ELUD UD: Green Engineering
ECHE 0483 Intro Reliability En ET ELUD UD: Intro Reliability En
ECHE 0484 Intro Maint Engineer ET ELUD UD: Intro Maint Engineer
ECHE 048501 Hydrocarbon Process ET ELUD UD: Hydrocarbon Process
ECHE 048601 Coal Process-Liquid ET ELUD UD: Coal Process-Liquid
ECHE 0488 Honors Design Intern ET ELUD UD: Honors Design Intern
ECHE 048901 Design Internship I ET ELUD UD: Design Internship I
ECHE 049001 Process Design/Econ ET ELUD UD: Process Design/Econ
ECHE 049401 Spec Problems-Chem ET ELUD UD: Spec Problems-Chem
ECHE 0498 Honors Thesis ET ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
ECI 014101 Efficient Reading/S FOED ELLD LD: Efficient Reading/S
ECI 020301 Field Study In Educ SPSE ELLD LD: Field Study In Educ
ECI 030201 School & American S FOED ELUD UD: School & American S
ECI 030301 Teacher Effectivene YOED ELUD UD: Teacher Effectivene
ECI 030401 Microcomputers/Inst SPSE 3220 Technology in Teaching
ECI 032401 Applications of Ins ELED ELUD UD: Applications of Ins
ECI 032501 Teach Sci/Ss-Elem & ELED ELUD UD: Teach Sci/Ss-Elem &
ECI 032601 Teach L A/Read-Elem ELED ELLD LD: Teach L A/Read-Elem
ECI 032901 Teach Dev Read-Elem ELED ELUD UD: Teach Dev Read-Elem
ECI 033501 Teach Elem/Mid Sch ELED ELUD UD: Teach Elem/Mid Sch
ECI 035101 Lab/Field Studies-E ELED ELUD UD: Lab/Field Studies-E
ECI 035201 Field Exp-Teach:Sec YOED ELUD UD: Field Exp-Teach:Sec
ECI 035301 Field Exp-Teach Sec YOED ELUD UD: Field Exp-Teach Sec
ECI 035501 Intro to Secondary YOED ELUD UD: Intro to Secondary
ECI 035601 Elem & Middle Schoo ELED ELUD UD: Elem & Middle Schoo
ECI 036401 Contemp Iss-Afr-Ame AST ELUD UD: Contemp Iss-Afr-Ame
ECI 040201 Social Theory/Educ FOED ELUD UD: Social Theory/Educ
ECI 040401 Probl Improvement I SPSE ELUD UD: Probl Improvement I
ECI 041001 Pre-Internship Semi FOED ELUD UD: Pre-Internship Semi
ECI 041901 Teaching Lab FOED ELUD UD: Teaching Lab
ECI 042101 Elem/Mid Sch Sci/Ss ELED ELUD UD: Elem/Mid Sch Sci/Ss
ECI 042201 Elem & Middle Schoo ELED ELUD UD: Elem & Middle Schoo
ECI 042401 Studies In Elem Edu ELED 4260 Problems in Elementary Edu
ECI 042901 L A/Read Instr In E ELED ELUD UD: L A/Read Instr In E
ECI 043001 Elem/Mid Sch Dev Re ELED ELUD UD: Elem/Mid Sch Dev Re
ECI 043401 Topics In Reading E READ ELUD UD: Topics In Reading E
ECI 044301 Elem/Mid Sch Math I ELED ELUD UD: Elem/Mid Sch Math I
ECI 044501 Nursery School & Ki ELED ELUD UD: Nursery School & Ki
ECI 045101 Education-Cultural FOED ELUD UD: Education-Cultural
ECI 045301 Adolescent Literatu ELEC ELUD UD: Adolescent Literature
ECI 045401 Teach Strat/Iss In ELED ELUD UD: Teach Strat/Iss In
ECI 045501 Teach Foreign Lang, YOED ELUD UD: Teach Foreign Lang,
ECI 045601 Teach Spee/Drama,Gr YOED ELUD UD: Teach Spee/Drama,Gr
ECI 045901 Teach Engl Second S YOED ELUD UD: Teach Engl Second S
ECI 046001 Teach Read/Lit-Sec YOED ELUD UD: Teach Read/Lit-Sec
ECI 046101 Dev Read Skills-Con READ ELUD UD: Dev Read Skills-Con
ECI 047101 Internship I:Elemen ELED ELUD UD: Internship I:Elemen
ECI 047201 Internship II:Eleme ELED ELUD UD: Internship II:Eleme
ECI 047301 Stud Teach:Elem Sch ELED 4110 Directed Teaching K-5
ECI 047401 Student Teach,Gr 7- YOED ELUD UD: Student Teach,Gr 7-
ECI 047501 Utiliz Instructiona SPSE ELUD UD: Utiliz Instructiona
ECI 047601 Instruct Media-Elem SPSE ELUD UD: Instruct Media-Elem
ECI 048101 Internship I:Gr 7-1 YOED ELUD UD: Internship I:Gr 7-1
ECI 048201 Internship II:Gr 7- YOED ELUD UD: Internship II:Gr 7-
ECI 048501 Teach of Math,Gr 7- YOED ELUD UD: Teach of Math,Gr 7-
ECI 048601 Intro Instruct Comp SPSE ELUD UD: Intro Instruct Comp
ECI 049301 Independent Study FOED ELUD UD: Independent Study
ECI 049401 Supervised Readings FOED ELUD UD: Supervised Readings
ECI 049501 Special Topics FOED ELUD UD: Special Topics
ECI 049601 Teach Science,Gr 7- YOED ELUD UD: Teach Science,Gr 7-
ECIV 0205 Professional Devel EST ELLD LD: Professional Devel
ECIV 021001 Engineering Measurem ET ELLD LD: Engineering Measureme
ECIV 025101 Transporation Engin ET ELLD LD: Transportation Engin
ECIV 026101 Structural Analysis ET ELLD LD: Structural Analysis
ECIV 030501 Profess Develop II ET ELUD UD: Profess Develop II
ECIV 0309 Appl Prof Responsibi ET ELUD UD: Appl Prof Responsibi
ECIV 031001 Route Surveying ET ELUD UD: Route Surveying
ECIV 0321 Materials of Constru ET ELLD LD: Materials of Constru
ECIV 033001 Intro to Soil Behav ET ELUD UD: Intro to Soil Behav
ECIV 0351 Transportation Engin EST ELUD UD: Transportation Engin
ECIV 035201 Transportation Engi ET ELUD UD: Transportation Engi
ECIV 036101 Structural Analysis ET ELUD UD: Structural Analysis
ECIV 038001 Water & Waste Treat EST 4770 Pollution Control Technology
ECIV 039001 Hydraulics ET ELUD UD: Hydraulics
ECIV 039501 Hydrology ET ELUD UD: Hydrology
ECIV 040001 Senior Design Proje ET ELUD UD: Senior Design Proje
ECIV 0401 Review of Engineerin EST ELUD UD: Review of Engineerin
ECIV 040601 Legal/Ethical Appea ET ELUD UD: Legal/Ethical Appea
ECIV 040901 Special Topics ET ELUD UD: Special Topics
ECIV 041001 Land Surveying ET ELUD UD: Land Surveying
ECIV 0416 Hydrologic & Water Q ET ELUD UD: Hydrologic & Water Q
ECIV 042101 Portland Cement/Asp ET ELUD UD: Protland Cement/Asp
ECIV 0431 Geological Engin EST ELUD UD: Geological Engin
ECIV 043301 Earthquake-Resistan ET ELUD UD: Earthquake-Resistan
ECIV 0434 Geological Engineeri ET ELUD UD: Geological Engineerin
ECIV 043501 Foundation Engineer ET ELUD UD: Foundation Engineer
ECIV 044001 Civ Engin Syst Desi ET ELUD UD: Civ Engin Syst Desi
ECIV 044201 Construction Method ET ELUD UD: Construction Method
ECIV 045101 Highway Engineering ET ELUD UD: Highway Engineering
ECIV 045201 Traffic Engineering ET ELUD UD: Traffic Engineering
ECIV 045301 Airport/Railroad Pl ET ELUD UD: Airport/Railroad Pl
ECIV 046101 Analysis of Framed ET ELUD UD: Analysis of Framed
ECIV 0462 Ana Framed Structure ET ELUD UD: Ana Framed Structure
ECIV 047101 Intro to Structural ET ELUD UD: Intro to Structural
ECIV 047201 Steel Design ET ELUD UD: Steel Design
ECIV 047401 Reinforced Concrete ET ELUD UD: Reinforced Concrete
ECIV 048001 Water & Waste Trans ET ELUD UD: Water & Waste Trans
ECIV 048501 Princ of Geohydrolo GEOL 4130 Hydrogeology
ECIV 0486 Air & Waste Mgmt EST 4780 Air Solid Noise Pollution Tech
ECIV 049001 Water Resources Pro ET ELUD UD: Water Resources Pro
ECIV 049401 Urban Drainage Engi ET ELUD UD: Urban Drainage Engi
ECIV 049501 Water Resources Dev ET ELUD UD: Water Resources Dev
ECIV 0508 Seminar ET ELUD UD: Seminar
ECIV 226001 Engineer Surveys I ET ELLD LD: Engineer Surveys I
ECIV 231001 Seminar ET ELLD LD: Seminar
ECIV 3210 Anlys Frmed Struc I ET ELLD LD: Anlys Frmed Struc I
ECIV 3310 Soil Mechanics I ET ELLD LD: Soil Mechanics I
ECIV 3600 Transportat Planning ET ELLD LD: Transportat Planning
ECIV 3710 Materials of Constru ET ELLD LD: Materials of Constru
ECOL 499 Evolutionary Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Evolutionary Ecology
ECOL 037001 Environment & Conse BIOL ELUD UD: Environment & Conse
ECOL 0484 Conservation Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Conservation Biology
ECOL 1520 Aesthetic Env ELEC ELLD LD:Aesthetic Env
ECON 010001 Survey of Economic ECON ELLD LD: Survey of Economic
ECON 0201 Intro Econ: Survey Course ECON ELLD LD: Intro Econ: Survey Course
ECON 0211 Prin Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 0213 Prin of Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 0300 Special Topics ECON ELUD UD: Special Topics
ECON 0305 Markets Ethics Capitalism ECON ELUD UD:Markets Ethics Capitalism
ECON 0311 Intermediate Microeconomics ECON 3520 Intermed Microeconomic Theory
ECON 0312 Managerial Econ ECON 4570 Managerial Economics
ECON 031301 Intermediate Macroe ECON 3510 Intermediate Macroecon Theory
ECON 032101 International Econo ECON 4440 International Economics
ECON 0322 Global Economy ECON ELUD UD: Global Economy
ECON 032301 Econ Devpt-Third Wo ECON 4470 Economic Dev of Third World
ECON 032401 Comparative Econ Sy ECON ELUD UD: Comparative Econ Sy
ECON 032501 Econ Hist-N Atlanti ECON ELUD UD: Econ Hist-N Atlanti
ECON 0329 Intl Econ For Busine ECON 4440 International Economics
ECON 033101 Government & Busine ECON 4400 Antitrust and Regulation
ECON 0333 Law and Economics ECON 4100 Law and Economics
ECON 034101 Survey of Labor Eco ECON 4420 Labor & Human Resource Econ
ECON 034301 Labor Relat/Coll Ba ECON 4510 Unions & Collective Bargaining
ECON 035101 Monetary Economics ECON ELUD UD: Monetary Economics
ECON 036101 Regional/Urban Econ ECON 4500 Urban and Regional Economics
ECON 0362 Envrnmntl Ntrl Resc ECON ELUD UD: Envrnmntl Ntrl Resc
ECON 0371 Public Fin:Exp Anyls ECON 3430 Public Finance
ECON 038101 Econometrics ECON 4620 Econometrics and Forecasting
ECON 040001 Special Topics ECON ELUD UD: Special Topics
ECON 041301 Macroeconomic Fluct ECON ELUD UD: Macroeconomic Fluct
ECON 041501 History of Economic ECON 4660 History of Economic Thought
ECON 0421 International Econ ECON 4440 International Economics
ECON 042401 Political Econ-Worl ECON ELUD UD: Political Econ-Worl
ECON 043501 Industrial Organiz ECON ELUD UD: Industrial Organiz
ECON 0436 Econ Hlth & Hlth Car ECON ELUD UD: Econ Hlth & Hlth Car
ECON 0441 Labor Economics ECON 4420 Labor & Human Resource Econ
ECON 044201 Analytical Labor Ec ECON ELUD UD: Analytical Labor Ec
ECON 046201 Econ-Resources/Envi ECON ELUD UD: Econ-Resources/Envi
ECON 0463 Envrnmtl Econ ECON ELUD UD: Envrnmtl Econ
ECON 047101 Public Finance:Opti ECON ELUD UD: Public Finance:Opti
ECON 047201 Public Finance:Taxa ECON ELUD UD: Public Finance:Taxa
ECON 048201 Intro to Math Econ ECON ELUD UD: Intro to Math Econ
ECON 049101 Honors Seminar ECON ELUD UD: Honors Seminar
ECON 0492 Economics Off Campus ECON 4890 Internship in Economics
ECON 0493 Independent Study ECON 4990 Independent Study in Economics
ECON 0498 Honors Thesis ECON ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
ECON 0499 Anyl of Econ Prob ECON 4990 Independent Study in Economics
ECON 207 Honors:Intro Econom ECON ELLD LD: Honors:Intro Econom
ECON 2110 Intro Econ ECON ELLD LD: Intro Econ
ECON 2120 Intro to Economics ECON ELLD LD: Intro to Economics
ECON 213001 Intro Economics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 251001 Intro Economic ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2520 Intro Economics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2520 Intro Economics and ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 311001 Interm Micro Theory ECON 4570 Managerial Economics
ECON 3120 Intermed Macro Theor ECON 3510 Intermediate Macroecon Theory
ECON 334001 Governmt & Business ECON ELUD UD: Governmt & Business
ECON 335 Economics of Strategy ECON ELUD UD:Economics of Strategy
ECON 341001 Prin of Labor Econ ECON ELUD UD: Prin of Labor Econ
ECON 474 Applied Economic Analysis ECON 4570 Managerial Economics
ED 0305 Lab in Ed FOED ELUD UD:Lab in Ed
ED 221001 Academic Developmen ELED ELLD LD: Academic Developmen
ED 229901 Deveopmental Lab ELED ELLD LD: Deveopmental Lab
ED 300201 Ed Psy II:Pr Mgmt T FOED ELUD UD: Ed Psy II:Pr Mgmt T
ED 455101 How to Study ELED ELUD UD: How to Study
ED A 0455 Sem Student Leadersh ELEC ELUD UD: Sem Student Leadersh
ED C 021001 Psy of Human Dev/Te PSY ELLD LD: Psy of Human Dev/Te
ED P 100001 Ed Envir & Car Choi ELEC ELLD LD: Ed Envir & Car Choi
ED P 200001 Field Experience PSY ELLD LD: Field Experience
ED P 243001 Educ Psycho Chld St PSY ELLD LD: Educ Psycho Chld St
ED P 252001 Study Self & Self-C ELEC ELLD LD: Study Self & Self-C
ED P 381001 Educ Psych Adolesce PSY ELUD UD: Educ Psych Adolesce
ED P 5340 Group Dynamics PSY ELUD UD: Group Dynamics
EDDE 0410 Pract w/Deaf/Hard Of CDIS ELUD UD: Pract w/Deaf/Hard Of
EDDE 0415 Land Dev Dear/Hard O CDIS ELUD UD: Land Dev Dear/Hard O
EDDE 0416 Land Dev Deaf/Hard 2 CDIS 4500 Aural Rehabilitation
EDDE 0419 Spch Dev Deaf/Hard CDIS ELUD UD: Spch Dev Deaf/Hard
EDDE 0424 Nature of Hear Impar CDIS 3350 Introduction to Audiology
EDDE 0425 Intro Psy & Ed Deaf ELEC ELUD UD: Intro Psy & Ed Deaf
EDIN 0223 Am Sign Lang I ELEC ELLD LD: Am Sign Lang I
EDIN 0226 Am Sign Lang II ELEC ELLD LD: Am Sign Lang II
EDIN 0335 Interpreting Techniq ELEC ELUD UD: Interpreting Techniq
EDIN 0340 Prin of Interpreting ELEC ELUD UD: Prin of Interpreting
EDIN 0345 Interpreting In Educ ELEC ELUD UD: Interpreting In Educ
EDIN 0350 Voice to Sign Interp ELEC ELUD UD: Voice to Sign Interp
EDIN 0431 Am Sign Lang III ELEC ELUD UD: Am Sign Lang III
EDIN 0432 Am Sign Lang IV ELEC ELUD UD: Am Sign Lang IV
EDIN 0435 Linguistics of Am Si ELEC ELUD UD: Linguistics of Am Si
EDIN 0440 Educational Interpre ELEC ELUD UD: Educational Interpre
EDPS 1000 Car Dev Car Ed Dec-Mk PSY ELLD LD:Car Dev Car Ed Dec-Mk
EDPS 2520 Pers Skl Dev Col Stud PSY ELLD LD:Pers Skl Dev Col Stud
EDPS 4551 Stud Leadersh Worksh ELEC ELUD UD: Stud Leadersh Worksh
EDPS 4552 Stud Leadersh Worksh ELEC ELUD UD: Stud Leadersh Worksh
EDPS 4554 Stud Leadersh Workshs PSY ELUD UD:Stud Leadersh Workshs
EDPY 0210 Psychoed Issues Human Dev FOED ELLD LD:Psychoed Iss Human Dev
EDPY 0431 Personality/Mental Hlth PSY ELUD UD:Personality/Mental Hlth
EDPY 0493 Ind Stdy:Internshp Eval Resrch PSY ELUD UD:Ind Stdy:Internshp Eval Rsr
EDPY 200101 Pr Hum Gwth Dev Tea PSY ELLD LD: Pr Hum Gwth Dev Tea
EDPY 3000 Field Experience PSY ELUD UD:Field Experience
EDPY 301 Prof Studies:Applied Ed Psych PSY ELUD UD:Prof Studies:Applied Ed Psy
EDPY 310 Human Relationships PSY ELUD UD:Human Relationships
EDPY 3810 Adolescent Psy PSY ELUD UD:Adolescent Psy
EDPY 401 Prof Studies/Applied Ed Psych PSYC ELUD UD:Prof Studies/Applied Ed Psy
EDSM 0203 Field Study In Educ FOED ELLD LD: Field Study In Educ
EDSM 0304 Micro & Instruction SPSE 3220 Technology in Teaching
EDSM 0324 Applic of Instructio FOED ELUD UD: Applic of Instructio
EDSM 0352 Field Exper In Teach FOED ELUD UD: Field Exper In Teach
EDSM 0353 Field Exper In Teach FOED ELUD UD: Field Exper In Teach
EDSM 0355 Intro to Secondary S YOED ELUD UD: Intro to Secondary S
EDSM 0404 Prob In Improvement FOED ELUD UD: Prob In Improvement
EDSM 0475 Utilization of Instr SPSE 3220 Technology in Teaching
EDSM 0476 Instructional Media YOED ELUD UD: Instructional Media
EDSM 0485 Teach of Math YOED ELUD UD: Teach of Math
EDSM 0486 Intro to Instruction YOED ELUD UD: Intro to Instruction
EDSM 0493 Indep Study YOED ELUD UD: Indep Study
EDSM 0494 Supervised Readings READ ELUD UD: Supervised Readings
EDSM 0495 Special Topics YOED ELUD UD: Special Topics
EDSM 0496 Teach Sci Grades 7-1 YOED ELUD UD: Teach Sci Grades 7-1
EDUC 010001 Special Topics SPSE 4260 Problems in Education
EDUC 010201 Teaching/Helpi Prof FOED ELLD LD: Teaching/Helpi Prof
EDUC 0210 Psychoed Issu FOED ELLD LD: Psychoed Issu
EDUC 0215 Learn Skills & Stud FOED ELLD LD: Learn Skills & Stud
EDUC 030201 School & American S FOED ELUD UD: School & American S
EDUC 030301 Teacher Effectivene YOED ELUD UD: Teacher Effectivene
EDUC 030401 Microcomputers/Inst SPSE 3220 Technology in Teaching
EDUC 031501 Psych Learning/Clas FOED ELUD UD: Psych Learning/Clas
EDUC 032501 Princ Educ Test Con YOED ELUD UD: Princ Educ Test Con
EDUC 0370 Survey Exceptional SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
EDUC 040001 Professional Studie EESE 2010 Introduction to Education
EDUC 040101 Professional Studie EESE ELUD UD: Professional Studie
EDUC 040201 Social Theory/Educ FOED ELUD UD: Social Theory/Educ
EDUC 040301 Professional Studie ELED ELUD UD: Professional Studie
EDUC 0404 Special Topics FOED ELUD UD: Special Topics
EDUC 201101 Am Pub Sch:Strut/Go FOED ELLD LD: Am Pub Sch:Strut/Go
EDUC 301001 Hist & Phil of Educ ELED ELUD UD: Hist & Phil of Educ
EDUC 302001 Prin & Orgnzatn Of ELED ELUD UD: Prin & Orgnzatn Of
EDUC 303001 Soc Foundatns & Cur FOED ELUD UD: Soc Foundatns & Cur
EDUC 303101 Curr I:Micro In C & FOED ELUD UD: Curr I:Micro In C &
EDUC 310001 Found of Education FOED ELUD UD: Found of Education
EDUC 326001 Lang Arts Elem Sch ELED ELUD UD: Lang Arts Elem Sch
EDUC 328001 Tea Dev Read Elem S ELED ELUD UD: Tea Dev Read Elem S
EDUC 328101 Teach Dev Read El S ELED ELUD UD: Teach Dev Read El S
EDUC 335001 Tchng Elem School M ELED ELUD UD: Tchng Elem School M
EDUC 351001 Bks Rel Mat Childre LIBS 4150 Books, Media, Literacy Chldrn
EDUC 351101 Fld Exp In Teach El ELED ELUD UD: Fld Exp In Teach El
EDUC 351201 Fld Exp Tch Elem 4- ELED ELUD UD: Fld Exp Tch Elem 4-
EDUC 352101 Fld Exp In Teach Se YOED ELUD UD: Fld Exp In Teach Se
EDUC 372001 Tchg Sci Fr 1-6 ELED ELUD UD: Tchg Sci Fr 1-6
EDUC 4304 Dev Read Skl Cont ELED ELUD UD: Dev Read Skl Cont
EDUC 4356 Prob In Tcng Sem Mat ELED ELUD UD: Prob In Tcng Sem Mat
EDUC 475001 Utiliz Instr Media FOED ELUD UD: Utiliz Instr Media
EDUC 5890 Counseng Theor & Tec ELED ELUD UD: Counseng Theor & Tec
EEB 0240 Human Anatomy BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
EEB 0306 Ecology and Society BIOL ELUD UD:Ecology and Society
EEB 0309 Biol of Human Affairs BIOL ELUD UD:Biol of Human Affairs
EEB 0400 Undergraduate Research BIOL ELUD UD:Undergraduate Research
EEB 0433 Plant Ecology PLSO ELUD UD: Plant Ecology
EEB 0460 Evolution BIOL 3500 Evolution
EEB 0493 Independent Study ELEC ELUD UD:Independent Study
EEB 310 Evolution, Disease & Medicine BIOL ELUD UD:Evolution, Disease&Medicine
EEB 411 Biostatistics BIOL ELUD UD: Biostatistics
EEB 450 Comparative Animal Behav BIOL 4390 Ethology (Animal Behavior)
EEB 461 Special Topics BIOL ELUD UD:Special Topics
EELE 020101 Circuits I ET 3601 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
EELE 020201 Circuits II ET ELLD LD: Circuits II
EELE 020501 Electrical & Comput ET ELLD LD: Electrical & Comput
EELE 0206 Electr Eng Computat ET ELLD LD: Electr Eng Computat
EELE 025101 Small Computer Syst ET ELLD LD: Small Computer Syst
EELE 0255 Intro Logic Dsgn Di ET 3620 Digital Circuits Fundamentals
EELE 0259 Circuits & Computer ET ELLD LD: Circuits & Computer
EELE 0300 Circuits/Fund Law Of ET 3601 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
EELE 030101 Circuits/Electro Me ET 3601 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
EELE 030201 Electronics/Compute ET ELUD UD: Electronics/Computer
EELE 0310 Frequency Domain Ana ET ELUD UD: Frequency Domain Ana
EELE 031101 Transient Analysis ET ELUD UD: Transient Analysis
EELE 031201 Linear System Analy ET ELUD UD: Linear System Analysis
EELE 0313 Probability & Random ET ELUD UD: Probability & Random
EELE 0315 Signals & Systems ET ELUD UD: Signals & Systems
EELE 0316 Signals & Systems II ET ELUD UD: Signals & Systems II
EELE 032101 Elec Energy System ET ELUD UD: Elec Energy System
EELE 0325 Elect Energy Sys Com ET 4640 Industrial Electricity
EELE 0329 Systems & Power ET ELUD UD: Systems & Power
EELE 033101 Electronic Devices ET ELUD UD: Electronic Devices
EELE 033201 Electronic Circuits ET 3610 Intro Electricity Electronics
EELE 0335 Electronic Devices ET 3630 Electronics
EELE 0336 Electronic Circuits ET ELUD UD: Electronic Circuits
EELE 034101 Fields ET ELUD UD: Fields
EELE 034201 Communication Syste ET ELUD UD: Communication Syste
EELE 035101 Intro Logic Design ET ELUD UD: Intro Logic Design
EELE 0355 Computing Sys Fundam ET ELUD UD: Computing Sys Fundam
EELE 036101 Intro to Plasma Eng ET ELUD UD: Intro to Plasma Eng
EELE 039501 Junior Seminar ET ELUD UD: Junior Seminar
EELE 0400 Senior Design ET ELUD UD: Senior Design
EELE 040501 Digital Signal Proc ET ELUD UD: Digital Signal Proc
EELE 041101 System Modeling/Sim ET ELUD UD: System Modeling/Sim
EELE 041201 Linear Control Syst ET ELUD UD: Linear Control Syst
EELE 041301 Passive/Act Network ET ELUD UD: Passive/Act Network
EELE 0415 Automatic Contrl Sys ET ELUD UD: Automatic Contrl Sys
EELE 0416 Computer Cntrl Syste ET ELUD UD: Computer Cntrl Syste
EELE 042101 Electric Energy Sys ET ELUD UD: Electric Energy Sys
EELE 042201 Machines ET ELUD UD: Machines
EELE 042301 Electric Machines ET ELUD UD: Electric Machines
EELE 042401 Power Electronics C ET ELUD UD: Power Electronics C
EELE 042501 Direct Elec Energy ET ELUD UD: Direct Elec Energy
EELE 042601 Machines Lab ET ELUD UD: Machines Lab
EELE 042901 Power Electronics L ET ELUD UD: Power Electronics L
EELE 043101 Operat Amplifier Cir ET ELUD UD: Operat Amplifier Cir
EELE 043201 Electronic Amplifier ET ELUD UD: Electronic Amplifier
EELE 043301 Electronic Amplifie ET ELUD UD: Electronic Amplifier
EELE 044101 Digital Communicatio ET ELUD UD: Digital Communication
EELE 044201 Commun System Design ET ELUD UD: Commun System Design
EELE 044301 Antennas & Propagati ET ELUD UD: Antennas & Propagati
EELE 044401 Electro-Acoustics ET ELUD UD: Electro-Acoustics
EELE 0445 Electro Acoustics ET ELUD UD: Electro Acoustics
EELE 0446 Electromagnetic Comp ET ELUD UD: Electromagnetic Comp
EELE 045101 Comput Sys Architect ET 3650 Intro to Microprocessors
EELE 045201 Organiz/Design Digi ET ELUD UD: Organiz/Design Digi
EELE 045301 Computer Network Des ET ELUD UD: Computer Network Des
EELE 045401 Open System Interco ET ELUD UD: Open System Interco
EELE 046101 Plasma Magnetohydro ET ELUD UD: Plasma Magnetohydro
EELE 046201 Plasma Kinetic Theo ET ELUD UD: Plasma Kinetic Theo
EELE 0463 Physics of Fusion ET ELUD UD: Physics of Fusion
EELE 0464 Fusion Technology ET ELUD UD: Fusion Technology
EELE 0465 Prin of Industrial ET ELUD UD: Prin of Industrial
EELE 0466 Applic of Industrial ET ELUD UD: Applic of Industrial
EELE 046901 Plasma Lab ET ELUD UD: Plasma Lab
EELE 047101 Intro to Pattern Re ET ELUD UD: Intro to Pattern Re
EELE 047201 Intro Digital Image ET ELUD UD: Intro to Digital Image
EELE 048101 Power Electronics ET ELUD UD: Power Electronics
EELE 048201 Power Electron Circu ET ELUD UD: Power Electron Circu
EELE 0484 Intro to Maintenance ET ELUD UD: Intro to Maintenance
EELE 048901 Electro-Optics I La ET ELUD UD: Electro-Optics I Lab
EELE 0491 Special Topics ET ELUD UD: Special Topics
EELE 049301 Special Topics In E ET ELUD UD: Special Topics In E
EELE 049401 Spec Probl-Elect En ET ELUD UD: Spec Probl-Elect En
EELE 049501 Senior Seminar ET ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
EELE 049901 Electro-Optics II L ET ELUD UD: Electro-Optics II L
EELE 2010 Circuits I ET ELLD LD: Circuits I
EELE 2020 Circuits II ET ELLD LD: Circuits II
EELE 2030 Circuits III ET ELLD LD: Circuits III
EELE 3050 Basic Field Theory ET ELUD UD: Basic Field Theory
EF 0101 Engr Appr Phys Phenom ENGR ELLD LD: Engr Appr Phys Phenom
EF 0102 Fund Engr Mechanics ENGR ELLD LD: Fund Engr Mechanics
EF 0103 Engr Fund ET ELLD LD:Engr Fund
EF 0105 Computer Mth Engr Prob Solv ET ELLD LD:Comp Mth Engr Prob Solv
EF 0130 Survey/Engr Entrepreneurship ENGR ELLD LD:Survey/Engr Entrprneurshp
EF 0151 Physics for Engineers I PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
EF 0152 Physics for Engineers II ET ELLD LD:Physics for Engineers II
EF 0153 Introduction to Engineering ENGR ELLD LD:Introduction to Engineering
EF 0157 Honors: Physics/Engineers I ET ELLD LD: Honors: Physics/Engineers
EF 0158 Honors:Physics/Engineers II ET ELLD LD:Hnors:Physics/Engineers II
EF 0230 Comp Solution/Engr Problems ET ELLD LD:Comp Solu/Engr Prob
EF 0301 Engr Career Plan/Placement ENGR ELUD UD:Engr Crr Plan/Placement
EF 0402 Fund Engineering ENGR ELUD UD:Fund Engineering
EF 102 Intro to TCE ENGR ELLD LD:Intro to TCE
EF 105 Comp Meth/Engr Prob Solving ET ELLD LD:Comp Meth/Engr Prob Solving
EF 141 Intro to Physics & Modeling I ENGR ELLD LD:Intro to Physics & Modeling
EF 142 Intro to Physics & Modeling II ENGR ELLD LD:Intro to Physics & Mdlng II
EFND 0101 Eng Appr Phys Phenom ET ELLD LD: Eng Appr Phys Phenom
EI 0223 American Sign Language I ELEC ELLD LD: American Sign Lang I
EI 0226 American Sign Language II ELEC ELLD LD: American Sign Language II
EI 0431 American Sign Language III ELEC ELLD LD: American Sign Language III
EIND 0300 Engr Data Ana & Proc ET ELUD UD: Engr Data Ana & Proc
EIND 020001 Fund Comp Applic-In ET 3910 Intro to Operations Management
EIND 020101 Sophomore Seminar ET ELLD LD: Sophomore Seminar
EIND 0202 Work Methods & Meas ET 4990 Industrial Engineering Systems
EIND 0250 Sophomore Seminar ET ELLD LD: Sophomore Seminar
EIND 030101 Operations Research ET ELUD UD: Operations Research
EIND 030201 Work Methods/Measur ET ELUD UD: Work Methods/Measur
EIND 030501 Motion & Time Study ET ELUD UD: Motion & Time Study
EIND 0306 Simulation ET ELUD UD: Simulation
EIND 0310 Oper Research Ind En ET 4990 Industrial Engineering Systems
EIND 0330 Manuf Materials/Proc ET 3260 Manfacturing Process Materials
EIND 0350 Junior Seminar ET ELUD UD: Junior Seminar
EIND 040001 Manufacturing Matl' ET 3260 Manfacturing Process Materials
EIND 040101 Integrated Manufac ET 4280 Computer-Aided Mfg NC
EIND 040201 Produc System Plann ET ELUD UD: Produc System Plann
EIND 040301 Prod Facilities Des ET 4920 Plant Layout & Matl Handling
EIND 0404 Indust Engin Applica ET ELUD UD: Indust Engin Applica
EIND 040501 Engineering Economy ENGR 3970 Engineering Economy
EIND 040601 Simulation ET ELUD UD: Simulation
EIND 041001 Predetermined Time ET ELUD UD: Predetermined Time
EIND 041101 Planning & Scheduli ET ELUD UD: Planning & Scheduling
EIND 041201 Quant Methods-Proj ET ELUD UD: Quant Methods-Proj
EIND 041301 Research Methods-In ET ELUD UD: Research Methods-In
EIND 041401 Lab/Meth-Hum Factor ET ELUD UD: Lab/Meth-Hum Factor
EIND 0421 Info Sys Ana & Dsgn ET ELUD UD: Info Sys Ana & Dsgn
EIND 042201 Sr Ind Engin Probl ET ELUD UD: Sr Ind Engin Probl
EIND 042301 Industrial Safety ENGR 3920 Engineering Safety
EIND 0427 Intro Lean Systems ET 4900 Productivity Strategies
EIND 044001 Proc Improv Through ET ELUD UD: Proc Improv Through
EIND 0450 Senior Seminar ET ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
EIND 0454 Vis Basic Appl Engr ET ELUD UD: Vis Basic Appl Engr
EIND 0455 Human Computer Inter ET ELUD UD: Human Computer Inter
EIND 0483 Intro Reliability En ET ELUD UD: Intro Reliability En
EIND 0484 Intro Maint Engineer ET ELUD UD: Intro Maint Engineer
EIND 049401 Special Top-Indus E ET ELUD UD: Special Top-Indus E
EIND 049501 Special Top-Indus E ET ELUD UD: Special Top-Indus E
ELE 3110 Basic El Engr Cir ET ELUD UD: Basic El Engr Cir
ELEC 011101 Basic ELEC ELLD LD: Basic
ELEC 011201 Basic ELEC ELLD LD: Basic
ELEC 0275 Intro to Radio/TV EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Radio/TV
ELEC 0310 Electronic Media EMC ELUD UD: Electronic Media
ELEC 0330 Audio/Video Productn EMC ELUD UD: Audio/Video Productn
ELEC 2010 Circuits I ET ELLD LD: Circuits I
ELED 0325 Tea Sci & Soc Stu ELED ELUD UD: Tea Sci & Soc Stu
ELED 0326 Tea Lang Art/Reading ELED ELUD UD: Tea Lang Art/Reading
ELED 0351 Lab & Field Stu Eled ELED 4350 Theory to Practice
ELED 0356 Elem & Mid Tea Lab E ELED 4350 Theory to Practice
ELED 0421 Elem & Mid Sch Sci/S ELED ELUD UD: Elem & Mid Sch Sci/S
ELED 0422 Elem & Mid Tea Meth ELED ELUD UD: Elem & Mid Tea Meth
ELED 0424 Studies In Elem Educ ELED ELUD UD: Studies In Elem Educ
ELED 0429 Lang Art/Rea Elem & ELED ELUD UD: Lang Art/Rea Elem &
ELED 0445 Ece Pro Dev & Tea Ki ELED ELUD UD: Ece Pro Dev & Tea Ki
ELEN 201 Circuits I ET ELLD LD:Circuits I
ELEN 201001 Circuits I ET ELLD LD: Circuits I
ELEN 202 Circuits II ET ELLD LD:Circuits II
ELEN 203 Circuits III ET ELLD LD:Circuits III
ELEN 2030 Circuits III ET ELLD LD:Circuits III
ELEN 223 Fields I ET ELLD LD:Fields I
ELEN 2230 Fields I ET ELLD LD:Fields I
ELME 275 Intro to Radio/TV VFP ELLD LD:Intro to Radio/TV
ELPS 0201 Leadership Studies LEAD ELLD LD:Leadership Studies
ELPS 0350 Lead Skill Dev & Application LEAD ELUD UD:Lead Skill Dev & Appl
ELPS 207 Founda & Theor of Ldrship Stud LEAD ELLD LD:Found & Theor of Ldrshp Stu
ELPS 211 Servant Lead/Soc Justice Sem ELEC ELLD LD:Servant Lead/Soc Justice Sm
ELPS 217 Ethics in Leadership LEAD ELLD LD: Ethics in Leadership
ELPS 310 Emerging Leaders LEAD ELUD UD:Emerging Leaders
ELPS 495 ST:Explr Ldshp thru Soc Jus ELEC ELUD UD:ST:Explr Ldshp thru Soc Jus
EMEC 0231 Dynamics ENGR 2130 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
EMEC 0321 Mechanics of Materia ET 3860 Strength of Materials
EMEC 0331 Thermodynamics I ET 3810 Engineering Thermodynamics
EMEC 033201 Thermodynamics II ET ELUD UD: Thermodynamics II
EMEC 034101 Fluid Flow ET ELUD UD: Fluid Flow
EMEC 034401 Heat Transfer ET ELUD UD: Heat Transfer
EMEC 034501 Mech Engin Instrum/ ET ELUD UD: Mech Engine Instrum/
EMEC 036301 Dynam/Vibrations Ma ET ELUD UD: Dynam/Vibrations Ma
EMEC 036501 Elements Machine De ET ELUD UD: Elements Machine De
EMEC 036601 Manufacturing Proce ET ELUD UD: Manufacturing Proce
EMEC 039101 Engineereing Analys ET ELUD UD: Engineering Analys
EMEC 040101 Thesis ET ELUD UD: Thesis
EMEC 0402 Engineering Mechanic ET ELUD UD: Engineering Mechanic
EMEC 0405 Microcomputer Based ET ELUD UD: Microcomputer Based
EMEC 0406 Prod Dev Eval & Sele ET ELUD UD: Prod Dev Eval & Sele
EMEC 0410 Prof Development ET ELUD UD: Prof Development
EMEC 041501 Energy Conversion S ET ELUD UD: Energy Conversion S
EMEC 041601 Turbo-Machinery ET ELUD UD: Turbo-Machinery
EMEC 042201 Environmental Noise ET ELUD UD: Environmental Noise
EMEC 043101 Seminar ET ELUD UD: Seminar
EMEC 044501 Lubrication ET ELUD UD: Lubrication
EMEC 044901 Mechanical Engineer ET ELUD UD: Mechanical Engineer
EMEC 0450 Mech Engr Design I ET ELUD UD: Mech Engr Design I
EMEC 045101 Systems & Controls ET ELUD UD: Systems & Controls
EMEC 0452 Computational Mechan ET ELUD UD: Computational Mechan
EMEC 045501 Intro to Machine De ET ELUD UD: Intro to Machine De
EMEC 045601 Intro to Thermal De ET ELUD UD: Intro to Thermal De
EMEC 0457 Engr Entrepreneurshi ET ELUD UD: Engr Entrepreneurshi
EMEC 0460 Mech Engr Design II ET ELUD UD: Mech Engr Design II
EMEC 046101 Computer Integrated ET ELUD UD: Computer Integrated
EMEC 046201 Tool Design ET ELUD UD: Tool Design
EMEC 0463 Mechanical Vibration ET 4830 Vibration
EMEC 046401 Energy Methods-Mech ET ELUD UD: Energy Methods-Mech
EMEC 046601 Elements Machine De ET ELUD UD: Elements Machine De
EMEC 0467 Smart Structures & M ET ELUD UD: Smart Structures & M
EMEC 046901 Machine Design ET ELUD UD: Machine Design
EMEC 047101 Refrigeration/Air C ET ELUD UD: Refrigeration/Air C
EMEC 047401 Solar Energy Utiliz ET ELUD UD: Solar Energy Utiliz
EMEC 047501 Thermal Engineering ET ELUD UD: Thermal Engineering
EMEC 047901 Thermal Engineering ET ELUD UD: Thermal Engineering
EMEC 0480 Intro Hybrid Elec Ve ET ELUD UD: Intro Hybrid Elec Ve
EMEC 048101 Internal Combustion ET ELUD UD: Internal Combustion
EMEC 0483 Intro Reliability En ET ELUD UD: Intro Reliability En
EMEC 0484 Intro to Maing & Rel ET ELUD UD: Intro to Maing & Rel
EMEC 049401 Select Topics-Mech ET ELUD UD: Select Topics-Mech
EMEC 049501 Select Topics-Mech ET ELUD UD: Select Topics-Mech
EMEC 3520 Thermal Sciences ET ELUD UD: Thermal Sciences
EMEC 3530 Thermal Sciences ET ELUD UD: Thermal Sciences
EMEC 3540 Thermal Sciences ET ELUD UD: Thermal Sciences
EMSC 0101 Advances Mat Sci & ENGR 2210 Intro to Material Sci & Engr
EMSC 020101 Intro Matl's Sci/En ET ELLD LD: Intro Matl's Sci/En
EMSC 0220 Select & Use Soft G ET ELLD LD: Select & Use Soft G
EMSC 0250 Intro Mat Kinetics ET ELLD LD: Intro Mat Kinetics
EMSC 0260 Mat Engr Thermodynam ET 3810 Engineering Thermodynamics
EMSC 0290 Materials Seminar CMT ELLD LD:Materials Seminar
EMSC 0291 Materials Seminar ET ELLD LD: Materials Seminar
EMSC 030001 Materials Lab Proce ET ELUD UD: Materials Lab Proce
EMSC 030101 Mater Sci & Engi Dat ET ELUD UD: Mater Sci & Engi Dat
EMSC 030201 Mechanical Behavi-M ET ELUD UD: Mechanical Behavi-M
EMSC 030301 Thermodynamics of S ET ELUD UD: Thermodynamics of S
EMSC 0304 Prin of Materials La ET ELUD UD: Prin of Materials La
EMSC 030501 Struc Charact Mater ET ELUD UD: Struc Charact Mater
EMSC 031001 Theory & Processing ET ELUD UD: Theory & Processing
EMSC 031301 Elect Properties-So ET ELUD UD: Elect Properies-So
EMSC 032001 Diffu & Phase Transf ET ELUD UD: Diffu & Phase Transf
EMSC 032201 Prin of Metallic Ma ET ELUD UD: Prin of Metallic Ma
EMSC 034001 Prin of Polymer Mate ET ELUD UD: Prin of Polymer Mate
EMSC 034201 Struc-Prop Relation ET ELUD UD: Struc-Prop Relation
EMSC 0350 Prin Elec Optical & ET 3610 Intro Electricity Electronics
EMSC 036001 Prin of Ceramic Matl ET ELUD UD: Prin of Ceramic Matl
EMSC 0370 Materials Processing ET ELUD UD: Materials Processing
EMSC 0380 Materials Selection CMT ELUD UD:Materials Selection
EMSC 039001 Materials Seminar ET ELUD UD: Materials Seminar
EMSC 040001 Materials Seminar ET ELUD UD: Materials Seminar
EMSC 040101 Diffusion & Phase T ET ELUD UD: Diffusion & Phase T
EMSC 0402 Prin Metallic Materi ET ELUD UD: Prin Metallic Materi
EMSC 040501 Structural Characte ET ELUD UD: Structural Characte
EMSC 0410 Thry & Proc Electron ET ELUD UD: Thry & Proc Electron
EMSC 041401 Corrosion Sci & Eng ET ELUD UD: Corrosion Sci & Eng
EMSC 0421 Mech Behav of Materi ET ELLD LD: Mech Behav of Materi
EMSC 042201 Chem Process Metall ET ELUD UD: Chem Process Metall
EMSC 0423 Metallurgical Fabri ENGR 2210 Intro to Material Sci & Engr
EMSC 042401 Metallurgical Proce ET ELUD UD: Metallurgical Proce
EMSC 042501 Metallurgical Appli ET ELUD UD: Metallurgical Appli
EMSC 042601 Materials Joining ET ELUD UD: Materials Joining
EMSC 0429 Intro to Ceramic Mat CMT ELUD UD:Intro to Ceramic Mat
EMSC 044101 Structure Property ET ELUD UD: Structure Property
EMSC 044201 Mechan Properties-P ET ELUD UD: Mechan Properties-P
EMSC 044301 Polymer Processing ET ELUD UD: Polymer Processing
EMSC 0444 Plastics Fabrication ET ELUD UD: Plastics Fabrication
EMSC 0445 Polymer Engr Proc & ET ELUD UD: Polymer Engr Proc &
EMSC 047001 Corrosion Sci/Engin ET ELUD UD: Corrosion Sci/Engin
EMSC 047101 Semiconductor Mater ET ELUD UD: Semiconductor Mater
EMSC 047201 Fund Princ Composit ET ELUD UD: Fund Princ Composit
EMSC 0474 Biomaterials ET ELUD UD: Biomaterials
EMSC 047501 Fracture-Safe Desig ET ELUD UD: Fracture-Safe Desig
EMSC 0476 Overview Intermetall ET ELUD UD: Overview Intermetall
EMSC 0480 Mat Selection In Des ET ELUD UD: Mat Selection In Des
EMSC 0484 Intro Maint Engineer ET ELUD UD: Intro Maint Engineer
EMSC 0489 Materials Design ET ELUD UD: Materials Design
EMSC 049101 Materials Design I ET ELUD UD: Materials Design I
EMSC 049201 Materials Design II ET ELUD UD: Materials Design II
EMSC 049401 Special Project Lab ET ELUD UD: Special Project Lab
EMSC 049501 Thesis ET ELUD UD: Thesis
EMSC 049601 Spec Topics-Matls S ET ELUD UD: Spec Topics-Matls S
EMSC 2110 Engr Materials I ET ELLD LD: Engr Materials I
ENBI 0271 Intro Biomedical En ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Biomedical En
ENBI 0300 Engineering Physiolo ELEC ELUD UD: Engineering Physiolo
ENBI 0310 Biomechanics ELEC ELUD UD: Biomechanics
ENBI 0320 Fda Regulation Biome ELEC ELUD UD: Fda Regulation Biome
ENBI 0346 Design of Experiment ELEC ELUD UD: Design of Experiment
ENBI 0401 Thesis ELEC ELUD UD: Thesis
ENBI 0408 Cell & Tissue Engine ELEC ELUD UD: Cell & Tissue Engine
ENBI 0430 Biomedical Engr Lab ELEC ELUD UD: Biomedical Engr Lab
ENBI 0431 Biomedical Seminar ELEC ELUD UD: Biomedical Seminar
ENBI 0435 Bioinstrumentation ELEC ELUD UD: Bioinstrumentation
ENBI 0455 Biomedical Engr Dsgn ELEC ELUD UD: Biomedical Engr Dsgn
ENBI 0469 Biomedical En Dsgn 2 ELEC ELUD UD: Biomedical En Dsgn 2
ENBI 0473 Appl Biomechanics ELEC ELUD UD: Appl Biomechanics
ENBI 0475 Dsgn Artif Internal ELEC ELUD UD: Dsgn Artif Internal
ENBI 0494 Sp Project Biomedica ELEC ELUD UD: Sp Project Biomedica
ENBI 0495 Sp Project Biomedica ELEC ELUD UD: Sp Project Biomedica
ENED 0141 Eff Read & Stu Skil ELEC ELLD LD: Eff Read & Stu Skil
ENED 0456 Speech & Drama 7-12 THEA ELUD UD: Speech & Drama 7-12
ENED 0459 Tea Eng In Sec Schoo ENGL 4500 Mthds Teaching Secondary Engl
ENED 0460 Tea Read & Lit Sec S READ ELUD UD: Tea Read & Lit Sec S
ENFD 0101 Engr Appr Phys Phen PHYS ELLD LD: Engr Appr Phys Phen
ENG 010001 Seminar ET ELLD LD: Seminar
ENG 010101 Computer Programmin CSCI ELLD LD: Computer Programmin
ENG 010201 Fund Engr Mech ET ELLD LD: Fund Engr Mech
ENG 011101 Fund Engineering Gr ET ELLD LD: Fund Engineering Gr
ENG 0121 Statics ENGR 2110 Statics
ENG 0131 Particle Dynamics ENGR 2120 Dynamics
ENG 020101 Numerical Technique ET ELLD LD: Numerical Technique
ENG 0211 Engineering Design W ET ELLD LD: Engineering Design W
ENG 0226 Engineer Surveys I ET ELLD LD: Engineer Surveys I
ENG 0301 Engineering Career P ET ELUD UD: Engineering Career P
ENG 0331 Soil Mechanics I ET ELLD LD: Soil Mechanics I
ENG 0360 Transportation Plann ET ELLD LD: Transportation Plann
ENG 0371 Materials of Constru ET ELLD LD: Materials of Constru
ENG 0455 Embedded Systems Des ET ELUD UD: Embedded Systems Des
ENG 1310 Basic Mechanics I ET ELLD LD: Basic Mechanics I
ENG 1320 Particle Dynamics ET ELLD LD: Particle Dynamics
ENG 1330 Basic Thermodynamics ET ELLD LD: Basic Thermodynamics
ENG 1410 Engr Computations ET ELLD LD: Engr Computations
ENG 2260 Engineer Surveys I ET ELLD LD: Engineer Surveys I
ENGE 0141 Iffic Read Study Ski ELEC ELLD LD: Iffic Read Study Ski
ENGI 0101 Eng Approaches Physi ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
ENGI 0301 Engi Career & Planni ET ELUD UD: Engi Career & Planni
ENGI 0402 Fund of Engineering ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
ENGL 0101 English Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 0102 English Composition II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 010201 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 0103 Writing Workshop I ENGL ELLD LD:Writing Workshop I
ENGL 010301 Writing Workshop ENGL ELLD LD: Writing Workshop
ENGL 010401 Writing Workshop ENGL ELLD LD: Writing Workshop
ENGL 0111 Engl Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 0112 Comp ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 0113 Engl Comp ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 0118 Honors English Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 012101 Engl Grammar Rev-Fo ENGL ELLD LD: Engl Grammar Rev-Fo
ENGL 0131 Comp-Non-Native Spe ENGL ELLD LD: Comp-Non-Native Spe
ENGL 0132 Comp-Non-Native Spe ENGL ELLD LD: Comp-Non-Native Spe
ENGL 0141 Effic Read/Study Sk ENGL ELLD LD: Effic Read/Study Sk
ENGL 0198 Chancellor's Honors Writing I ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 0201 British Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0202 British Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0205 Intro to Shakespear ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Shakespear
ENGL 0206 Intro to Shakespeare ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Shakespeare
ENGL 0207 Honors British Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0208 Honors:British Lite ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0211 Engl Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0213 Am Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0221 Lit of West World I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0222 Lit of West World I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0225 Intro/African Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 022701 Honors Lit West Wor ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 022801 Honors Lit-West Wor ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0231 Amlit I:Colony-Civ ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0232 Am Lit II:Civwar-Pre ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0237 Honors Amer Lit I ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0238 Honors Amer Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0247 Hon: Introduction/Poetry ENGL ELLD LD: Introduction/Poetry
ENGL 0248 Honors Intro to Poe ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0251 Intro to Poetry ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0252 Intro to Drama ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Drama
ENGL 0253 Intro to Fiction ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Fiction
ENGL 0254 Themes In Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0255 Public Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Public Writing
ENGL 0258 Honors Intro to Dra ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0262 Intro/Poetry Writing ENGL ELLD LD:Intro/Poetry Writing
ENGL 0263 Intr Creative Writi ENGL ELLD LD: Intr Creative Writi
ENGL 0264 Intro Fiction Writing ENGL ELLD LD:Intro Fiction Writing
ENGL 026801 Honors Intro to Fic ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0290 Interm Writing Research ENGL ELLD LD:Interm Writing Research
ENGL 0295 Bus/Tech Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Bus/Tech Writing
ENGL 0298 Chancellor's Honors Writing II ENGL ELLD LD:Chancellor's Hnrs Wrtg II
ENGL 030101 British Culture To ENGL ELUD UD: British Culture To
ENGL 030201 Brit Culture:1600-P ENGL ELUD UD: Brit Culture:1600-P
ENGL 030601 Intro to Shakespearm ENGL 4130 Early Shakespeare
ENGL 0321 Intro Old English ENGL ELUD UD: Intro Old English
ENGL 0331 Race & Ethnicity ENGL ELUD UD: Race & Ethnicity
ENGL 033201 Women In Amer Lit M ENGL 3725 19th Century Women Writers
ENGL 033301 Black Amer Lit & Ae ENGL 3340 African American Literature
ENGL 033401 Film & American Cul ENGL ELUD UD: Film & American Cul
ENGL 0335 The Short Story ENGL 3350 America Short Story in Context
ENGL 0339 Children's Lit ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
ENGL 0340 Science Fiction & Fantasy ENGL ELUD UD:Science Fiction & Fantasy
ENGL 0351 The Short Story ENGL 3350 America Short Story in Context
ENGL 0355 Rhetoric and Writing ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
ENGL 0360 Technical & Professional ENGL ELUD UD: Technical & Professional
ENGL 036301 Writing Poetry ENGL ELUD UD: Writing Poetry
ENGL 036401 Writing Fiction ENGL ELUD UD: Writing Fiction
ENGL 036501 Writing Drama/Scree ENGL ELUD UD: Writing Drama/Scree
ENGL 037101 Found of Engl Lang ENGL 3570 Introduction to Linguistics
ENGL 037201 Structure of Modern ENGL ELUD UD: Structure of Modern
ENGL 037901 Literary Criticism ENGL 4410 Literary Criticism
ENGL 038101 Intro to Folklore ENGL 3760 Introduction to Folklore
ENGL 0389 Lit of English Bibl ENGL 3440 The Bible as Literature
ENGL 039801 Jr/Sr Honors Semina ENGL ELUD UD: Jr/Sr Honors Semina
ENGL 040101 Medieval Literature ENGL 3110 English Lit Medieval Period
ENGL 040201 Chaucer ENGL 4110 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
ENGL 040401 Shakespeare I: Early Plays ENGL 4130 Early Shakespeare
ENGL 040501 Shakespeare II:Late ENGL 4140 Late Shakespeare
ENGL 040601 Renaissance Drama ENGL 3160 English Drama 1475-1642
ENGL 040901 Spencer & His Conte ENGL ELUD UD: Spencer & His Conte
ENGL 041001 Milton,Donne,Contem ENGL 3120 English Lit 16th Century
ENGL 041101 Restor-18thc Poetry ENGL 3210 Engl Lit Restoration 18th Cent
ENGL 041201 Brit Drama-1660-180 ENGL ELUD UD: Brit Drama-1660-180
ENGL 041301 18thc British Novel ENGL ELUD UD: 18thc British Novel
ENGL 041401 Romantic Poetry/Pro ENGL 3220 English Lit 1790 to 1850
ENGL 041501 Romantic Poetry/Pro ENGL 3220 English Lit 1790 to 1850
ENGL 041601 Early Victor Poetry/ ENGL 3230 English Lit Victorian Period
ENGL 041901 Later Victor Poetry/ ENGL 3230 English Lit Victorian Period
ENGL 042001 19thc British Novel ENGL ELUD UD: 19thc British Novel
ENGL 042101 Modern British Nove ENGL ELUD UD: Modern British Nove
ENGL 042201 Women Writers In En ENGL ELUD UD: Women Writers In En
ENGL 0423 Col & Post Col Liter ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENGL 043101 Early American Liter ENGL ELUD UD: Early American Liter
ENGL 0432 Am Romant/Transcende ENGL ELUD UD: Am Romant/Transcende
ENGL 043301 Amer Realism/Natura ENGL 3310 19th Century American Lit
ENGL 043401 Modern American Lit ENGL 3320 20th Century American Lit
ENGL 043501 Amer Novel Before 1 ENGL ELUD UD: Amer Novel Before 1
ENGL 043601 Modern American Nov ENGL ELUD UD: Modern American Nov
ENGL 044101 Southern Lit ENGL 3330 Southern Literature
ENGL 044201 American Humor ENGL ELUD UD: American Humor
ENGL 044301 Topics In Black Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Topics In Black Lit
ENGL 0444 Appalachian Lit ENGL ELUD UD:Appalachian Lit
ENGL 045101 Modern Brit & Amer ENGL 4910 Studies in Poetry
ENGL 045201 Modern Brit/Amer Dr ENGL 4470 Modern Drama
ENGL 045301 Contemporary Drama ENGL ELUD UD: Contemporary Drama
ENGL 045401 20thc Internatl Nov ENGL ELUD UD: 20thc Internatl Nov
ENGL 0455 Persuasive Writing ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
ENGL 0456 Contemp/Post Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Contemp/Post Lit
ENGL 045901 Adv Technical Writi ENGL ELUD UD: Adv Technical Writi
ENGL 046001 Technical Editing ENGL ELUD UD: Technical Editing
ENGL 0461 Adv Technical & Prof ENGL ELUD UD: Adv Technical & Prof
ENGL 046201 Writing For Publica ENGL ELUD UD: Writing For Publica
ENGL 0463 Adv Poetry Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Adv Poetry Writing
ENGL 046401 Adv Fiction Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Adv Fiction Writing
ENGL 0465 Women and Mass Medi WGST 3500 Women in the Media
ENGL 0466 Writing Layout & Prd ENGL ELUD UD: Writing Layout & Prd
ENGL 0470 Special Topics In Rh ENGL 4670 Special Topics in Writing
ENGL 047101 Sociolinguistics ENGL ELUD UD: Sociolinguistics
ENGL 047201 American English ENGL ELUD UD: American English
ENGL 047401 Teach Engl-2nd/Fore ENGL ELUD UD: Teach Engl-2nd/Fore
ENGL 047501 Teach Engl-2nd/Fore ENGL ELUD UD: Teach Engl-2nd/Fore
ENGL 0476 Second Language Acqu HUM ELUD UD: Second Language Acqu
ENGL 0477 Pedag Grammar ESL Te ENGL 4540 Second Language Writing
ENGL 0479 Literary Criticism ENGL 4410 Literary Criticism
ENGL 048001 Fair/Legen/&Myth:Fol ENGL ELUD UD: Fair/Legen/&Myth:Fol
ENGL 048101 Studies In Folklore ENGL ELUD UD: Studies In Folklore
ENGL 048201 Major Authors ENGL ELUD UD: Major Authors
ENGL 048301 Special Topics In L ENGL ELUD UD: Special Topics In L
ENGL 0484 Dreamworks ENGL ELUD UD: Dreamworks
ENGL 048501 Special Topics In L ENGL ELUD UD: Special Topics In L
ENGL 048601 Special Topics In C ENGL ELUD UD: Special Topics In C
ENGL 048901 Special Topics In F ENGL ELUD UD: Special Topics In F
ENGL 0490 Language & Law ENGL ELUD UD: Language & Law
ENGL 049101 Foreign Study ENGL ELUD UD: Foreign Study
ENGL 049201 Off-Campus Study ENGL ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
ENGL 049301 Independent Study ENGL ELUD UD: Independent Study
ENGL 049501 Intro to Rhetoric & ENGL ELUD UD: Intro to Rhetoric &
ENGL 0496 The Rhetoric of Lega ENGL ELUD UD: The Rhetoric of Lega
ENGL 049801 Senior Honors Paper ENGL ELUD UD: Senior Honors Paper
ENGL 0499 Senior Seminar ENGL ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
ENGL 0591 Foreign Study ENGL ELUD UD: Foreign Study
ENGL 1010 English Composition I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 101001 English Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 101101 English Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 101801 Honors English Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1019 Writing Workshop ENGL ELLD LD: Writing Workshop
ENGL 1020 English Comp ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 102001 English Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 102001 English Composition and ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 102801 Honors English Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 102801 Honors English Comp and ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 1031 English Comp ENGL ELLD LD:English Comp
ENGL 103101 English Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 103201 English Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 103301 English Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 103801 Hon English Composi ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 104 Writing Workshop II ENGL ELLD LD:Writing Workshop II
ENGL 111001 Engl Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 111801 Hon Eng Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 112001 English Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 112001 English Composition and ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 112801 Hon Eng Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 112801 Hon Eng Comp and ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 113001 English Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 113801 Hon Eng Comp ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 122101 Written & Oral Eng ENGL ELLD LD: Written & Oral Eng
ENGL 143101 Engl Composit For S ENGL ELLD LD: Engl Composit For S
ENGL 144101 Engl Composit For S ENGL ELLD LD: Engl Composit For S
ENGL 145101 Engl Composit For S ENGL ELLD LD: Engl Composit For S
ENGL 151001 English Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 151801 Honors English Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 152001 English Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 152001 English Composition and ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 152801 Honor English Comp ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 2010 Poetry & Fic ENGL ELLD LD:Poetry & Fic
ENGL 209 Introduction to Jane Austen ENGL ELLD LD:Introduction to Jane Austen
ENGL 211101 Mas Pieces Engl Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 211201 Lit Western World ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 211A01 Mas Pieces English ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 212101 Mas Pieces Engl Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 212101 Mas Pieces Engl Lit and ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 212A Mas Pieces Engl Lit ENGL ELLD LD:Mas Pieces Engl Lit
ENGL 213101 Mas Pieces Amer Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 213201 Lit Western World ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 214101 Lit of Black Americ ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 233 Major Black Writers ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 241001 Creative Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Creative Writing
ENGL 251001 English Masterpiece ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 2520 English Masterpieces ENGL ELLD LD:English Masterpieces
ENGL 252001 English Masterpiece ENGL ELLD LD: English Masterpiece
ENGL 2530 American Masterpieces ENGL ELLD LD:American Masterpieces
ENGL 253001 American Masterpiec ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 253101 American Masterpiec ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 253201 American Masterpiec ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2540 Lit of Black America ENGL ELLD LD:Lit of Black America
ENGL 254001 Lit of Black Americ ENGL ELLD LD: Lit of Black Americ
ENGL 256001 Lit of Western Worl ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 2580 Lit of Western World ENGL ELLD LD:Lit of Western World
ENGL 266001 Intro to Drama ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Drama
ENGL 267001 Intro to Poetry ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Poetry
ENGL 268001 Intro to the Novel ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to the Novel
ENGL 269001 Intro to Film Studi ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Film Studi
ENGL 281 Intro to Film Studi ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Film Studi
ENGL 301001 American Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 302001 American Literature ENGL ELUD UD: American Literature
ENGL 303 American Cultures ENGL ELUD UD:American Cultures
ENGL 303001 American Literature ENGL ELUD UD: American Literature
ENGL 304201 Colloq In Literatur ENGL ELUD UD: Colloq In Literatur
ENGL 307001 Modern British Poet ENGL ELUD UD: Modern British Poet
ENGL 308001 Modern American Poe ENGL ELUD UD: Modern American Poe
ENGL 313601 Brown Arnold Hopkin ENGL ELUD UD: Brown Arnold Hopkin
ENGL 315001 Melville ENGL ELUD UD: Melville
ENGL 3160 The Short Story ENGL 3350 America Short Story in Context
ENGL 317401 Am Realsm & Natural ENGL ELUD UD: Am Realsm & Natural
ENGL 3175 Modern Amer Lit ENGL 3320 20th Century American Lit
ENGL 323301 Forms of Pop Lit Cu ENGL ELUD UD: Forms of Pop Lit Cu
ENGL 323401 Forms of Pop Lit Cu ENGL ELUD UD: Forms of Pop Lit Cu
ENGL 3310 Modern Drama to 1930 ENGL ELUD UD:Modern Drama to 1930
ENGL 332001 Regnl Ids In Amer L ENGL ELUD UD: Regnl Ids In Amer L
ENGL 341201 Modern Drama ENGL ELLD LD: Modern Drama
ENGL 3420 Modern Drama ENGL ELUD UD:Modern Drama
ENGL 345001 Writing Fiction ENGL ELLD LD: Writing Fiction
ENGL 347001 Writing Poetry ENGL ELUD UD: Writing Poetry
ENGL 348001 Writing Drama ENGL ELLD LD: Writing Drama
ENGL 366 Writing Creative Nonfiction ENGL 3630 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
ENGL 3710 Lit of English Bible ENGL ELUD UD:Lit of English Bible
ENGL 372101 Introduct to Folklo ENGL 3760 Introduction to Folklore
ENGL 376 Colloquium In Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Colloquium in Lit
ENGL 384001 Advanced Writing ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
ENGL 386001 Spec Topics In Writ ENGL ELUD UD: Spec Topics In Writ
ENGL 389 Lit of English Bibl ENGL 3440 The Bible as Literature
ENGL 394001 Novel of Cont Wes W ENGL ELLD LD: Novel of Cont Wes W
ENGL 401001 Shakespeare ENGL 4140 Late Shakespeare
ENGL 402001 Shakespeare ENGL ELUD UD: Shakespeare
ENGL 407001 American Novel ENGL ELLD LD: American Novel
ENGL 4140 Adv Tech Writing ENGL ELUD UD:Adv Tech Writing
ENGL 425001 Adv Fiction Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Adv Fiction Writing
ENGL 427001 Advanced Poetry Wri ENGL ELUD UD: Advanced Poetry Wri
ENGL 465201 South Lit In 20th C ENGL ELUD UD: South Lit In 20th C
ENGL 466001 Emerson & Thoreau ENGL ELUD UD: Emerson & Thoreau
ENGL 485001 Milton ENGL 4180 Milton
ENGL 4860 17th C Prose ENGL ELUD UD:17th C Prose
ENGL 4930 Chaucer ENGL 4110 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
ENGR 0100 Engin Skills Develop ET ELLD LD: Engin Skills Develop
ENGR 0101 Engin Appro to Physi ET ELLD LD: Engin Appro to Physi
ENGR 010201 Fund Engr Mech ET ELLD LD: Fund Engr Mech
ENGR 0103 Review Engr Fundame ET ELLD LD: Review Engr Fundame
ENGR 0105 Computer Mthd Engr ET ELLD LD: Computer Mthd Engr
ENGR 0108 Hon:Fund Engr Mecha ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
ENGR 0111 Intor Engr Graphics ET ELLD LD: Intor Engr Graphics
ENGR 0121 Statistics ET ELLD LD: Statistics
ENGR 0131 Particle Dynamics ET ELLD LD: Particle Dynamics
ENGR 0151 Physics Engr I ET ELLD LD: Physics Engr I
ENGR 0152 Physics Engr II ET ELLD LD: Physics Engr II
ENGR 0153 Intro Engineering ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
ENGR 0157 Hon Physics Engr I ET ELLD LD: Hon Physics Engr I
ENGR 0158 Hon Physics Engr II ET ELLD LD: Hon Physics Engr II
ENGR 0201 Engr Dsgn Workshop ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
ENGR 0202 Engr Mechanics ET ELLD LD: Engr Mechanics
ENGR 0230 Computer Solution E ET ELLD LD: Computer Solution E
ENGR 0231 Dynamics ET ELLD LD: Dynamics
ENGR 0301 Engr Career Planning ET ELUD UD: Engr Career Planning
ENGR 0321 Mechanics of Mats I ET ELUD UD: Mechanics of Mats I
ENGR 0341 Fluid Mechanics ET ELUD UD: Fluid Mechanics
ENGR 0402 Fund of Engineering ET ELUD UD: Fund of Engineering
ENGR 1310 Basic Mechanics I ENGR ELLD LD:Basic Mechanics I
ENGR 1320 Basic Mechanics II ENGR ELLD LD:Basic Mechanics II
ENGR 1410 Fund of Engr Graphics ENGR ELLD LD:Fund of Engr Graphics
ENGR 272001 Dynamics ET ELLD LD: Dynamics
ENGR 3220 Work Mthd & Measure ET ELUD UD: Work Mthd & Measure
ENGR 3311 Mechanics of Materi ENGR 2110 Statics
ENSC 0321 Mechanics of Materia ET 3860 Strength of Materials
ENSO 0110 Intro to Env & Soil PLSO ELLD LD: Intro to Env & Soil
ENSO 0120 Soils & Civilizatio PLSO ELLD LD: Soils & Civilizatio
ENSO 0210 Intro to Soil Sci PLSO 3340 Fundamentals of Soil Science
ENSO 0242 Soil Morpholoty PLSO ELLD LD: Soil Morpholoty
ENSO 0301 Professional Develop AGRI ELUD UD: Professional Develop
ENSO 0324 Soil & Water Conserv PLSO 4370 Soil and Water Conservation
ENSO 0334 Soil Nutrient Mgmt & PLSO 3350 Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
ENSO 0355 Env Soil Biology PLSO ELUD UD: Env Soil Biology
ENSO 0434 Env Soil Chemistry PLSO ELUD UD: Env Soil Chemistry
ENSO 0442 Soil Gen & Classific PLSO ELUD UD: Soil Gen & Classific
ENSO 0444 Tran Proc In Soil PLSO ELUD UD: Tran Proc In Soil
ENSO 0462 Env Climatology ELEC ELUD UD: Env Climatology
ENSO 0481 Capstone In Env & So AGRI ELUD UD: Capstone In Env & So
ENSO 0492 Internship PLSO 4680 Internship Plant Soil Science
ENSO 0493 Prob In Env & Soil S AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
ENT 0350 Intro to Entrepreneurship ENTR ELUD UD:Intro to Entrepreneurship
ENT 410S Lead in Nonprofit/Soc Entr ENTR ELUD UD:Lead in Nonprofit/Soc Entr
ENT 451 New Venture Planning ENTR ELUD UD:New Venture Planning
ENT 480 Franchising ENTR ELUD UD:Franchising
ENUC 0200 Intro Nucl & Radio ET ELLD LD: Intro Nucl & Radio
ENUC 020101 Seminar ET ELLD LD: Seminar
ENUC 020201 Seminar ET ELLD LD: Seminar
ENUC 020301 Thermodynamics I ET ELLD LD: Thermodynamics I
ENUC 020401 Thermodynamics II ET ELLD LD: Thermodynamics II
ENUC 030101 Intro to Nuclear En ET ELUD UD: Intro to Nuclear En
ENUC 030201 Intro Nuclear React ET ELUD UD: Intro Nuclear React
ENUC 030401 Nuclear Engineering ET ELUD UD: Nuclear Engineering
ENUC 030501 Energy Transport ET ELUD UD: Energy Transport
ENUC 030601 Designing-Energy Tr ET ELUD UD: Designing-Energy Tr
ENUC 031001 Thermalhydraulics ET ELUD UD: Thermalhydraulics
ENUC 031101 Thermalhydraulics ET ELUD UD: Thermalhydraulics
ENUC 034201 Thermal Science ET ELUD UD: Thermal Science
ENUC 035101 Nuclear Reactor Sys ET ELUD UD: Nuclear Reactor Sys
ENUC 0360 Reactor Sys & Safety ET ELUD UD: Reactor Sys & Safety
ENUC 0400 Senior Seminar ET ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
ENUC 040101 Nuclear Reactor The ET ELUD UD: Nuclear Reactor The
ENUC 040201 Nuclear System Desi ET ELUD UD: Nuclear System Desi
ENUC 040301 Nuclear Engineering ET ELUD UD: Nuclear Engineering
ENUC 040401 Nuclear Fuel Mgmt ET ELUD UD: Nuclear Fuel Mgmt
ENUC 040501 Nuclear System Dyna ET ELUD UD: Nuclear System Dyna
ENUC 040601 Radiation Shielding ET ELUD UD: Radiation Shielding
ENUC 042101 Intro Nuclear Criti ET ELUD UD: Intro Nuclear Criti
ENUC 043101 Radiation Protectio ET ELUD UD: Radiation Protection
ENUC 0432 Radiation Risk Anala ET ELUD UD: Radiation Risk Analy
ENUC 0433 Radioassasy & Dosime ET ELUD UD: Radioassasy & Dosime
ENUC 046301 Intro to Fusion Ene ET ELUD UD: Intro to Fusion Ene
ENUC 046401 Intro Fusion Energy ET ELUD UD: Intro Fusion Energy
ENUC 047001 Nuclear Reator Theo ET ELUD UD: Nuclear Reator Theo
ENUC 047101 Nuclear Reactor The ET ELUD UD: Nuclear Reactor The
ENUC 047201 Nuclear Systems Des ET ELUD UD: Nuclear Systems Des
ENUC 0483 Intro Reliability En ET ELUD UD: Intro Reliability En
ENUC 0484 Intro to Maintenance ET ELUD UD: Intro to Maintenance
ENUC 049401 Special Topics-Nuc ET ELUD UD: Special Topics-Nuc
ENUC 0495 Sp Topic Radiologica ET ELUD UD: Sp Topic Radiologica
ENUC 0498 Research ET ELUD UD: Research
ENVI 0324 Soil Water Conservat PLSO 4370 Soil and Water Conservation
ENVI 0334 Soil Nutrient PLSO 3350 Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
ENVI 0492 Internship PLSO 4680 Internship Plant Soil Science
EPP 0201 Impact Insects & Pl BIOL ELLD LD: Impact Insects & Pl
EPP 030601 Forest Protection PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Protection
EPP 031301 Plant Pathology PLSO ELUD UD: Plant Pathology
EPP 032101 Economic Entomology AGBS ELUD UD: Economic Entomology
EPP 032501 Veterinary Entomolo ANSC ELUD UD: Veterinary Entomolo
EPP 0405 Mycology BIOL 4080 Mycology
EPP 0410 Diseases & Insects BIOL ELUD UD: Diseases & Insects
EPP 0411 Forest Insects & Dis BIOL ELUD UD: Forest Insects & Dis
EPP 0448 Taxonomy Adult Insec BIOL ELUD UD: Taxonomy Adult Insec
EPP 0451 Plant Tissue Culture BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Tissue Culture
EPP 0493 Independent Study BIOL ELUD UD: Independent Study
EPP 123 Chocolate: Bean to Bar BIOL ELLD LD:Chocolate: Bean to Bar
EPSY 021001 Psych Human Devpt-T FOED ELLD LD: Psych Human Devpt-T
EPSY 021201 Career/Personal Dev FOED ELLD LD: Career/Personal Dev
EPSY 021501 Learn Skills/Study FOED ELLD LD: Learn Skills/Study
EPSY 030501 Lab In Educ/Counsel FOED ELUD UD: Lab In Educ/Counsel
EPSY 031501 Psych Learning/Clas FOED ELUD UD: Psych Learning/Clas
EPSY 032501 Princ Educ Test Con YOED ELUD UD: Princ Educ Test Con
EPSY 040401 Special Topics FOED ELUD UD: Special Topics
EPSY 041001 Sex Role Devpt:Impl FOED ELUD UD: Sex Role Devpt:Impl
EPSY 043101 Personality/Mental FOED ELUD UD: Personality/Mental
EPSY 043201 Disadvantaged Stude FOED ELUD UD: Disadvantaged Stude
EPSY 046001 Self-Mgmt--Helping FOED ELUD UD: Self-Mgmt--Helping
EPSY 049301 Independent Study FOED ELUD UD: Independent Study
EPSY 2001 Pr Hum Gwth Dev Teac FOED ELLD LD: Pr Hum Gwth Dev Teac
EPSY 300001 Educational Psychol PSY ELUD UD: Educational Psychol
EPSY 343001 Child Study PSY ELUD UD: Child Study
EPSY 355001 Child Psychology PSY ELUD UD: Child Psychology
EPSY 381001 Educ Psych Adolesce PSY ELUD UD: Educ Psych Adolesce
EPSY 413001 Mental Health PSY ELUD UD: Mental Health
ESM 0231 Dynamics ENGR 2120 Dynamics
ESM 027101 Intro Biomedical En ET ELLD LD: Intro Biomedical En
ESM 030101 Seminar ET ELUD UD: Seminar
ESM 032101 Mechanics of Materi ET 3860 Strength of Materials
ESM 032101 Mechanics of Materi and ET ELUD UD: Mechanics of Materi
ESM 032201 Mechanics of Matera ET 3860 Strength of Materials
ESM 032201 Mechanics of Matera and ET ELUD UD: Mechanics of Matera
ESM 032301 Mechanical Behavi-M ET ELUD UD: Mechanical Behavi-M
ESM 034101 Fluid Mechanics I ET 4850 Fluid Power
ESM 035101 Computational Mecha ET ELUD UD: Computational Mecha
ESM 042101 Materials of Engine ET ELUD UD: Materials of Engine
ESM 042301 Fracture-Safe Desig ET ELUD UD: Fracture-Safe Design
ESM 042501 Princ-Nondestruc Te ET ELUD UD: Princ-Nondestruc Te
ESM 042601 Fund Pric-Composite ET ELUD UD: Fund Pric-Composite
ESM 0429 Intro to Ceramic Mat CMT ELUD UD:Intro to Ceramic Mat
ESM 043101 Fund of Vibrations ET ELUD UD: Fund of Vibrations
ESM 043301 Dynamic Systems ET ELUD UD: Dynamic Systems
ESM 043501 Engineering Acousti ET ELUD UD: Engineering Acousti
ESM 044201 Fluid Mechanics II ET ELUD UD: Fluid Mechanics II
ESM 045201 Computational Mecha ET ELUD UD: Computational Mecha
ESM 045301 Projects In Design ET ELUD UD: Projects in Design
ESM 045401 Computat Mechanics- ET ELUD UD: Computat Mechanics
ESM 046101 Exp Stress Analysis ET ELUD UD: Exp Stress Analysis
ESM 046301 Photomechanics ET ELUD UD: Photomechanics
ESM 046501 Dynamic Data Acquis ET ELUD UD: Dynamic Data Acquis
ESM 047101 Clinical Eng/Bioins ET ELUD UD: Clinical Eng/Bioins
ESM 047301 Biomechanics ET ELUD UD: Biomechanics
ESM 047501 Design-Artif Intern ET ELUD UD: Design-Artif Intern
ESM 047601 Transport Phenomena ET ELUD UD: Transport Phenomena
ESM 049401 Spec Engineer Sci T ET ELUD UD: Spec Engineer Sci T
ESM 049501 Spec Engineer-Sci T ET ELUD UD: Spec Engineer-Sci T
ESM 2720 Dynamics ET ELLD LD: Dynamics
ESM 3110 Fluid Mechanics ET ELLD LD: Fluid Mechanics
ESM 3311 Mechanics of Materia ET ELLD LD: Mechanics of Materia
ESS 0120 Soils and Civilizations PLSO ELLD LD: Soils and Civilizations
ESS 0210 Intro Soil Science PLSO 3340 Fundamentals of Soil Science
ESS 0220 Waters & Civilizations AGRI ELLD LD: Waters & Civilizations
ESS 0324 Soil and Water Conservation EST ELUD UD:Soil & Water Conservation
ESS 110 Energy for the World ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
ET 0476 Overview of Intermet ET ELUD UD: Overview of Intermet
ET 0480 Materials Selection ET ELUD UD: Materials Selection
ETEC 386 Integrate Tech into Curriculum ELED 3300 Digital Apps for Teach/Learn
EXSC 0100 Orientation to Exerc PHED ELLD LD: Orientation to Exerc
EXSC 0260 Exercise Science Pra PHED ELLD LD: Exercise Science Pra
EXSC 0276 Fitness For Life PHED ELLD LD: Fitness For Life
EXSC 0322 Fitness Activities PHED ELUD UD: Fitness Activities
EXSC 0325 Athletic Training Te ATHT ELUD UD: Athletic Training
EXSC 0330 Wellness Through Hea HLTH ELUD UD: Wellness Through Hea
EXSC 0332 Applied Anatomy BIOL ELUD UD: Applied Anatomy
EXSC 0350 Disease & Injury:Epi HLTH ELUD UD: Disease & Injury:Epi
EXSC 0380 Special Topics PHED 4920 Independent Study
EXSC 0411 Phys Activ For Speci PHED 3900 Adapted Physical Education
EXSC 0412 Practicum In Adapted PHED ACTY ACTY: Practicum In Adapted
EXSC 0414 Fitness Testing & Ex EXSC 4240 Prin Exercise Assess Hlth Pop
EXSC 0422 Biomech of Hum Movem PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
EXSC 0426 Exercise Science Pra PHED ELUD UD: Exercise Science Pra
EXSC 0440 Strngth/Cond Prog ATHT 4000 Strength, Cond, Human Perform
EXSC 0480 Physiology of Exerci EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
EXSC 0490 Exercise Physiology EXSC ELUD UD: Exercise Physiology
EXSC 0493 Directed Indep Studi PHED 4920 Independent Study
EXSC 0497 Honors Research Proj PHED ELUD UD: Honors Research Proj
F L 010201 Asian Civilization FL ELLD LD: Asian Civilization
F L 011101 Elementary Portugue FL ELLD LD: Elementary Portugue
FD T 014001 The Food Industry NFS ELLD LD: The Food Industry
FD T 0240 Field Observation In NFS ELLD LD: Field Observation In
FD T 0259 Evaluation & Grading NFS ELLD LD: Evaluation & Grading
FD T 026901 Meat Evaluation/Gra NFS ELLD LD: Meat Evaluation/Gra
FD T 0290 Food Laws & Regulati NFS ELLD LD: Food Laws & Regulati
FD T 0310 Food Chemistry NFS ELUD UD: Food Chemistry
FD T 0320 Food Microbiology NFS ELUD UD: Food Microbiology
FD T 0329 Food Microbiol Lab NFS ELUD UD: Food Microbiol Lab
FD T 0340 Food Preservation NFS ELUD UD: Food Preservation
FD T 0350 Dairy Products I NFS ELUD UD: Dairy Products I
FD T 036001 Meat Science ANSC ELUD UD: Meat Science
FD T 036901 Meat Science Lab NFS ELUD UD: Meat Science Lab
FD T 040101 Food Tech/Sci Semin NFS ELUD UD: Food Tech/Sci Semin
FD T 041001 Food Chemistry I NFS ELUD UD: Food Chemistry I
FD T 041101 Food Chemistry II NFS ELUD UD: Food Chemistry II
FD T 042001 Food Microbiology NFS ELUD UD: Food Microbiology
FD T 042901 Food Microbiology L NFS ELUD UD: Food Microbiology L
FD T 043001 Sensory Evaluation- NFS ELUD UD: Sensory Evaluation-
FD T 044001 Preservation of Foo NFS ELUD UD: Preservation of Foo
FD T 044201 Spec Topics-Food Te NFS ELUD UD: Spec Topics-Food Te
FD T 045001 Dairy Products I NFS ELUD UD: Dairy Products I
FD T 045101 Dairy Products II NFS ELUD UD: Dairy Products II
FD T 0452 Science of Diary Foo NFS ELUD UD: Science of Diary Foo
FD T 046001 Meat Products Techn NFS ELUD UD: Meat Products Techn
FD T 0469 Meat Science La NFS ELUD UD: Meat Science La
FD T 047001 Food Crop Products NFS ELUD UD: Food Crop Products
FD T 048001 Cereal Sci/Bakery P NFS ELUD UD: Cereal Sci/Bakery P
FD T 049301 Independent Study NFS ELUD UD: Independent Study
FD T 0495 Qualit Assur & Sanit NFS ELUD UD: Qualit Assur & Sanit
FDSC 0150 History & Culture of Food ELEC ELLD LD:History & Culture of Food
FDSC 0241 Food Preservation & Packaging ELEC ELLD LD:Food Preservation & Pckg
FDSC 100 Science of Food NFS ELLD LD:Science of Food
FDST 0100 Science of Food NFS ELLD LD: Science of Food
FDST 0101 Science of Foods NFS ELLD LD:Science of Foods
FDST 0150 History and Culture of Food ELEC ELLD LD: History & Culture of Food
FDST 0201 Prof Dev ELEC ELLD LD:Prof Dev
FDST 0241 Food Preservation ELEC ELLD LD:Food Preservation
FDST 0390 Food Laws & Reg ELEC ELUD UD:Food Laws & Reg
FDST 0401 Food Sci Comm ELEC ELUD UD:Food Sci Comm
FDST 0410 Food Chemistry ELEC ELUD UD:Food Chemistry
FDST 0421 Food Microbiology ELEC ELUD UD:Food Microbiology
FDST 0429 Food Microbiology Lab ELEC ELUD UD:Food Microbiology Lab
FDST 0430 Sensory Eval ELEC ELUD UD:Sensory Eval
FDST 0442 Food Prod Dev ELEC ELUD UD:Food Prod Dev
FDST 0445 Applied Food Science NFS ELUD UD:Applied Food Science
FDST 0462 Manufactured Meat Tech ELEC ELUD UD:Manufactured Meat Tech
FDST 0493 Pract Exper in Food Sci/Tech NFS ELUD UD: Pract Exper Food Sci/Tech
FDST 0495 Quality Assur ELEC ELUD UD:Quality Assur
FDSY 291001 Sem Tour Food Lodg ELEC ELLD LD: Sem Tour Food Lodg
FDT 0140 The Food Industry ELEC ELLD LD: The Food Industry
FDT 0240 Field Observ In Foo ELEC ELLD LD: Field Observ In Foo
FDT 0269 Meat Eval & Grading ELEC ELLD LD: Meat Eval & Grading
FDT 0301 Prof Development ELEC ELUD UD: Prof Development
FDT 0340 Food Preserv & Pkg ELEC ELUD UD: Food Preserv & Pkg
FDT 035001 Dairy Products I AGRI 3810 Milk Processing and Marketing
FDT 0401 Prof Food Sci Comm ELEC ELUD UD: Prof Food Sci Comm
FDT 0410 Food Chemistry ELEC ELUD UD: Food Chemistry
FDT 0420 Food Microbiology ELEC ELUD UD: Food Microbiology
FDT 0429 Food Microbiology La ELEC ELUD UD: Food Microbiology La
FDT 0430 Sensory Eval of Food ELEC ELUD UD: Sensory Eval of Food
FDT 0442 Spec Top Food Sci Te ELEC ELUD UD: Spec Top Food Sci Te
FDT 0445 Appl Food Chem & Pro ELEC ELUD UD: Appl Food Chem & Pro
FDT 0460 Meat Science ELEC ELUD UD: Meat Science
FDT 0469 Meat Sci Lab ELEC ELUD UD: Meat Sci Lab
FDT 0490 Food Laws & Regualti ELEC ELUD UD: Food Laws & Regualti
FDT 0493 Prac Exper Food Sci ELEC ELUD UD: Prac Exper Food Sci
FDT 0495 Quality Assurance & ELEC ELUD UD: Quality Assurance &
FIN 0201 Personal Finnace FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
FIN 0280 Intro to Real Estate FIN 3030 Principles of Real Estate
FIN 0301 Financial Mgmt FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FIN 040001 Special Topics FIN ELUD UD: Special Topics
FIN 0402 Special Topics In Fi FIN ELUD UD: Special Topics In Fi
FIN 042101 Investment Analysis FIN 3810 Investments
FIN 0422 Portfolio Analys/Mgt FIN 4810 Portfolio Theory Management
FIN 0425 Investment & Portfol FIN 3810 Investments
FIN 043001 Financial Markets FIN 4260 Financial Markets Institutions
FIN 043101 Financial Instituti FIN ELUD UD: Financial Instituti
FIN 0435 Fincl Mrkts & Insti FIN 4260 Financial Markets Institutions
FIN 045001 Fin Mgmt:Theory & P FIN 3950 Corporate Finance
FIN 0455 Fin Mgmt/Thry & Prac FIN 3950 Corporate Finance
FIN 046001 Adv Topics In Fin M FIN ELUD UD: Adv Topics In Fin M
FIN 047001 Risk Mgmt & Insuran FIN 4750 Enterprise Risk Management
FIN 047101 Estate & Fin Planni FIN 4710 Estate Planning
FIN 0475 Insurance & Fin Plan FIN ELUD UD: Insurance & Fin Plan
FIN 048101 Real Estate Fin & I FIN 4440 Real Estate Finance
FIN 048201 Urban Devpt & Finan FIN ELUD UD: Urban Devpt & Finan
FIN 0485 Real Estate Fin & In FIN 4440 Real Estate Finance
FIN 0492 Off Campus Study FIN ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
FIN 0493 Independent Study FIN ELUD UD: Independent Study
FIN 0495 Investment Fund Mgt FIN ELUD UD: Investment Fund Mgt
FIN 311001 Money & Banking FIN ELUD UD: Money & Banking
FIN 3120 Business Finance FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FIN 313001 Business Finance FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FIN 3510 Us Financial System ECON 3210 Financial System & The Economy
FIN 4110 Investment Analysis FIN 3810 Investments
FIN 4515 Fin Mkts & Instituti FIN 4260 Financial Markets Institutions
FIN 4520 Commercial Banking ECON 3210 Financial System & The Economy
FIN 4650 Theo of Finan Mgt FIN 4810 Portfolio Theory Management
FIN 4700 Bus & Publc Risk Mgm FIN 4750 Enterprise Risk Management
FIN 4810 Real Estate Finance FIN 4440 Real Estate Finance
FINA 312001 Business Finance FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FINA 313001 Business Finance FIN ELUD UD: Business Finance
FINA 351001 Money & Banking ECON 3210 Financial System & The Economy
FINC 0201 Personal Finance FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
FINC 0300 Fundamentals of Finance FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FINC 0301 Financial Management FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FINC 0307 Financial Mgmt FIN ELUD UD:Financial Mgmt
FINC 0420 Financial Statement FIN 4015 Financial Statement Analysis
FINC 0425 Investment/Portfolio Mgt FIN 3810 Investments
FINC 0435 Fin Mkts/Institutions FIN ELUD UD: Fin Mkts/Institutions
FINC 0493 Independent Study FIN ELUD UD:Independent Study
FINC 306 Financial Management FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FINC 381 Real Estate Principles FIN 3030 Principles of Real Estate
FINC 455 Fin Mgmt:Theory/Practice FIN ELUD UD:Fin Mgmt:Theory/Practice
FINC 475 Insurance/Financial Plan Mgt FIN 3050 Principles of Risk Mgmt & Ins
FINC 481 Real Estate Finc/Invest FIN 4550 Real Estate Investment Anlys
FINC 494 Bloomberg Basics FIN ELUD UD:Bloomberg Basics
FOLA 0455 Teach For Lan/7-12 FL ELUD UD: Teach For Lan/7-12
FOOD 1010 Food Principles NFS ELLD LD: Food Principles
FORE 0100 Forests and Forestry PLSO 3630 Agroforestry
FORE 0211 Intro Frst/Wldlf/Fi PLSO ELLD LD: Intro Frst/Wldlf/Fi
FORE 0214 Tree Biology PLSO ELLD LD: Tree Biology
FORE 0215 Forest Ecology PLSO ELLD LD: Forest Ecology
FORE 030101 Forest & Wildland R PLSO ELUD UD: Forest & Wildland R
FORE 0305 Prescribed Fire Mgmt AGBS ELUD UD: Prescribed Fire Mgmt
FORE 0306 Forest Protection PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Protection
FORE 0314 Econ of Forest Wild PLSO ELUD UD: Econ of Forest Wild
FORE 0315 Forest Ecology PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Ecology
FORE 032101 Wildland Recreation PLSO ELUD UD: Wildland Recreation
FORE 032201 Silvicultural Practi PLSO ELUD UD: Silvicultural Practi
FORE 032301 People & Forest Prac PLSO ELUD UD: People & Forest Prac
FORE 032401 Forest Resource Ana PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Resource Ana
FORE 032501 Forest Resource Inv PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Resource Inv
FORE 032601 Lang Measurement Te PLSO ELUD UD: Lang Measurement Te
FORE 032901 Forest Resource Inv PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Resource Inv
FORE 033001 Ecosystem Prescript PLSO ELUD UD: Ecosystem Prescript
FORE 033101 Wood Properties & U PLSO ELUD UD: Wood Properties & U
FORE 033201 Wood Identification PLSO ELUD UD: Wood Identification
FORE 0414 Tree Physiology ANSC ELUD UD: Tree Physiology
FORE 0415 Forest Conserv Wkshp PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Conserv Wkshp
FORE 0420 Forest Resource Mgmt PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Resource Mgmt
FORE 0421 Forest & Wildland Re PLSO ELUD UD: Forest & Wildland Re
FORE 042201 Forest & Wildland R PLSO ELUD UD: Forest & Wildland R
FORE 042301 Forest Recreation P PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Recreation P
FORE 043101 Solid Wood Processi PLSO ELUD UD: Solid Wood Processi
FORE 043201 Practicum In Wood P PLSO ELUD UD: Practicum In Wood P
FORE 043301 Wood Adhesives & Glu PLSO ELUD UD: Wood Adhesives & Glu
FORE 043401 Wood Process & Machi PLSO ELUD UD: Wood Process & Machi
FORE 0435 Wood Drying & Preser PLSO ELUD UD: Wood Drying & Preser
FORE 0436 Wood Industry Survey PLSO ELUD UD: Wood Industry Survey
FORE 049201 Practicum In Forestr PLSO ELUD UD: Practicum In Forestr
FORE 049301 Independent Study I PLSO ELUD UD: Independent Study I
FORE 049401 Independent Study I PLSO ELUD UD: Independent Study I
FORE 049501 Internship In Wildl ANSC ELUD UD: Internship In Wildl
FORE 0496 Internship In Forest PLSO ELUD UD: Internship In Forest
FORE 162001 Intro to Forestry PLSO ELLD LD: Intro to Forestry
FORE 250001 Conservation PLSO ELLD LD: Conservation
FORE 304001 Dend Silv Wood Agni PLSO ELUD UD: Dend Silv Wood Agni
FORE 3050 Dentrol & Silv Gymnos PLSO ELUD UD:Dentrol & Sil Gymnos
FORE 311001 Forest Measmnts Bio PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Measmnts Bio
FORE 4210 For Organization PLSO ELUD UD: For Organization
FORS 0100 Forests/Forestry Amer Society PLSO 3630 Agroforestry
FORS 0214 Tree Biology PLSO ELLD LD: Tree Biology
FORS 0250 Conservation ELEC ELLD LD:Conservation
FORS 0321 Wildland Recreation LSTS 3370 Principles of Outdoor Rec
FORS 335 Principles of Urban Forestry ELEC ELUD UD:Prin of Urban Forestry
FOSC 101001 Food Principles NFS ELLD LD: Food Principles
FREN 011101 Elementary French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 011201 Elementary French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 0123 Intensive Elem French FREN ELLD LD:Intensive Elem French
FREN 015001 Interm Fren Transio FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 019901 Fr Language & World FREN ELLD LD: Fr Language & World
FREN 021001 Intermediate French FREN ELLD LD: Intermediate French
FREN 021101 Intermediate French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 021201 Intermediate French FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FREN 021701 Honors:Intermediate FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 021801 Honors:Intermediate FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FREN 0223 Intensive Intermediate French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 029101 French Lit-Engl Tra FREN ELLD LD: French Lit-Engl Tra
FREN 029201 French Lit-Engl Tra FREN ELLD LD: French Lit-Engl Tra
FREN 030001 French Transition FREN ELLD LD: French Transition
FREN 030101 Elements of French- FREN ELUD UD: Elements of French-
FREN 030201 Elements of French- FREN ELUD UD: Elements of French-
FREN 031101 History of French L FREN ELUD UD: History of French L
FREN 031201 History of French L FREN ELUD UD: History of French L
FREN 031301 Aspects of French L FREN ELUD UD: Aspects of French L
FREN 032401 Women In French Cul FREN ELUD UD: Women In French Cul
FREN 0333 Inter Comp & Convers FREN 3010 Advanced Composition
FREN 0334 Inter Comp & Convers FREN 3010 Advanced Composition
FREN 034101 Interm Comp & Conve FREN ELUD UD: Interm Comp & Conve
FREN 034201 Interm Comp & Conve FREN ELUD UD: Interm Comp & Conve
FREN 034501 French For Business FREN ELUD UD: French For Business
FREN 0351 Hist of French Lit FREN ELUD UD: Hist of French Lit
FREN 0352 Hist of French Lit FREN ELUD UD: Hist of French Lit
FREN 0353 Aspects of French Li FREN 3110 French Francophone Culture
FREN 040001 Fr/Engl;Engl/Fr Tra FREN ELUD UD: Fr/Engl;Engl/Fr Tra
FREN 040101 Fr/Engl;Engl/Fr Tra FREN ELUD UD: Fr/Engl;Engl/Fr Tra
FREN 041001 Medieval French Lit FREN ELUD UD: Medieval French Lit
FREN 041101 French Lit-16thc FREN ELUD UD: French Lit-16thc
FREN 041201 French Lit-17thc FREN ELUD UD: French Lit-17thc
FREN 041301 French Lit-18thc FREN ELUD UD: French Lit-18thc
FREN 041401 French Lit-19thc FREN ELUD UD: French Lit-19thc
FREN 041501 French Lit-20thc FREN 4010 Topics 20th Century French Lit
FREN 041601 Surv of Francophone FREN ELUD UD: Surv of Francophone
FREN 041901 Readings In French FREN ELUD UD: Readings In French
FREN 042001 French Cinema FREN 4020 Topics in French Film
FREN 042101 Phonetics FREN ELUD UD: Phonetics
FREN 042201 Adv Grammar FREN ELUD UD: Adv Grammar
FREN 042301 Adv Conversation FREN ELUD UD: Adv Conversation
FREN 042401 Adv Conversation FREN ELUD UD: Adv Conversation
FREN 042501 Intro Descriptive L FREN ELUD UD: Intro Descriptive L
FREN 042601 Methods of Hist Lin FREN ELUD UD: Methods of Hist Lin
FREN 042901 Romance Linguistics FREN ELUD UD: Romance Linguistics
FREN 043001 Theatrical French FREN ELUD UD: Theatrical French
FREN 043101 Highlights-Fr Civil FREN ELUD UD: Highlights-Fr Civil
FREN 043201 Contemporary Fren C FREN ELUD UD: Contemporary Fren C
FREN 043301 Literary Portraits- FREN ELUD UD: Literary Portraits-
FREN 043401 Literature of Quebe FREN ELUD UD: Literature of Quebe
FREN 044001 Capstone Experi In FREN ELUD UD: Capstone Experi In
FREN 0445 Adv French For Busie FREN ELUD UD: Adv French For Busie
FREN 0450 Special Topics FREN ELUD UD: Special Topics
FREN 049001 Internship FREN ELUD UD: Internship
FREN 049101 Foreign Study FREN 3910 Study Abroad
FREN 049201 Off-Campus Study FREN ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
FREN 049301 Independent Study FREN 4900 Dir Study French Lit Culture
FREN 111001 Elementary French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 112001 Elementary French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 112001 Elementary French and FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 112K Elem French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 113001 Elem French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 151001 Elem French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 1520 Elementary French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 211001 Intermed French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 2120 Intermediate French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 2120 Intermediate French and FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FREN 2130 Interm French FREN ELLD LD:Interm French
FREN 2518 Interm French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 2528 Interm French FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FREN 3000 French Transition FREN ELUD UD:French Transition
FWF 0100 Current Issues In Re AGRI ELLD LD: Current Issues In Re
FWF 021101 Intro Forestry,Wild PLSO 3630 Agroforestry
FWF 0212 Dendrology & Silvic PLSO ELLD LD: Dendrology & Silvic
FWF 025001 Conservation AGRI ELLD LD: Conservation
FWF 030001 Curr Iss-Renew Natu AGRI ELUD UD: Curr Iss-Renew Natu
FWF 0310 Wildland Fire Behavior/Mgmt AGBS ELUD UD: Wildland Fire Behavior/Mgt
FWF 031101 Dendrology/Ecology/ PLSO ELUD UD: Dendrology/Ecology/
FWF 031301 Measurements/Sampli AGRI ELUD UD: Measurements/Sampli
FWF 031501 Forest Soils/Waters PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Soils/Waters
FWF 031601 Managing Nat Resour AGRI ELUD UD: Managing Nat Resour
FWF 031701 Prins Wildlife/Fish ANSC ELUD UD: Prins Wildlife/Fish
FWF 0320 Human Dimen/Natural Resour ELEC ELUD UD: Human Dimen/Natural Res
FWF 041001 Wildlife Habitat Ev ANSC ELUD UD: Wildlife Habitat Ev
FWF 0412 Manageing Natural Re AGRI ELUD UD: Manageing Natural Re
FWF 041601 Planning/Mgmt Fores AGBS ELUD UD: Planning/Mgmt Fores
FWF 0420 International Natura AGRI ELUD UD: International Natura
FWF 3110 Forest Measmnts Biom PLSO ELUD UD: Forest Measmnts Biom
FWF 312 Siliviculture PLSO ELUD UD: Siliviculture
FWF 315 Prin/Wildlife & Fisheries Mgmt ELEC ELUD UD:Prin/Wldlf & Fisheries Mgmt
FWF 3320 Princ of Silvicult PLSO ELUD UD: Princ of Silvicult
FWP 0250 Conservation ELEC ELLD LD:Conservation
FYRS 0101 First Year Studies UNIV ELLD LD:First Year Studies
FYRS 0129 Special Topics ELEC ELLD LD:Special Topics
FYS 0100 Volunteer Connection UNIV ELLD LD:Volunteer Connection
FYS 0101 First-Year Studies UNIV ELLD LD: First-Year Studies
FYS 010101 First Year Studies UNIV ELLD LD:First Year Studies
FYS 0129 Special Topics ELEC ELLD LD:Special Topics
FYS 0401 Peer Mentor Techniques ELEC ELLD LD:Peer Mentor Techniques
FYS 0402 Peer Mentor Practicum ELEC ELLD LD:Peer Mentor Practicum
FYS 041001 Peer Mentoring Semi ELEC ELUD UD: Peer Mentoring Semi
G S 0250 Intro Global Studie ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Global Studie
G S 0393 Global Justice & Hum ELEC ELUD UD: Global Justice & Hum
GEOG 0101 World Geography GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOG 0102 World Geography GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOG 0102 World Geography and GEOG ELLD LD: World Geography
GEOG 0108 Hon World Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Hon World Geography
GEOG 0111 Geography of the Digital World GEOG ELLD LD: Geography of Digital World
GEOG 0121 Human Geography PGEO ELLD LD:Human Geography
GEOG 0137 Hon:Geog/Natural Environ I GEOG ELLD LD:Hon:Geog/Natural Environ I
GEOG 014101 Intro Economic Geog GEOG ELLD LD: Intro Economic Geog
GEOG 0173 El of Geography GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOG 0201 Human Geography PGEO 1030 Physical Geography
GEOG 0210 Intro Technical Geo GEOG ELLD LD: Intro Technical Geo
GEOG 0271 El of Econ Geog GEOG ELLD LD: El of Econ Geog
GEOG 0272 El of Econ Geog GEOG ELLD LD: El of Econ Geog
GEOG 031001 Intro to Cartography PGEO 4520 Image Interpretation
GEOG 0311 Geovisualization GEOG ELUD UD:Geovisualization
GEOG 032001 Cultural Geography GEOG 4360 Cultural Geography
GEOG 032301 Behavioral Geograph GEOG ELUD UD: Behavioral Geograph
GEOG 0331 Natural Hazards GEOG ELUD UD:Natural Hazards
GEOG 033401 Meteorology GEOL 4050 Meteorology
GEOG 034001 Economic Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Economic Geography
GEOG 0343 Geog of Human Rights GEOG ELUD UD:Geog of Human Rights
GEOG 0345 Population & Environ GEOG ELUD UD: Population & Environ
GEOG 0351 The Global Economy GEOG ELUD UD: The Global Economy
GEOG 0361 Region Geog US & Can GEOG 3410 Cultr Landscapes US and Canada
GEOG 036301 Geography of Amer S GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Amer S
GEOG 0365 Geog of Appalachia GEOG ELUD UD: Geog of Appalachia
GEOG 0366 Geog of Tennessee GEOG ELUD UD: Geog of Tennessee
GEOG 0371 Geography of Europe GEOG 3430 Geographical Approach Europe
GEOG 037201 Geography of Middle GEOG 3420 Latin America in 21st Century
GEOG 037501 Geography of Soviet GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Soviet
GEOG 037901 Geography of Africa GEOG 3470 Geography Sub-Saharan Africa
GEOG 0410 Global Posit Sys & G GEOG ELUD UD: Global Posit Sys & G
GEOG 041101 Computer Mapping & PGEO 4530 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 041201 Cartography PGEO 4380 Cartography
GEOG 041301 Remote Sensing:Type PGEO 4490 Remote Sensing
GEOG 041901 Practicum In Cartog PGEO 4510 Lab Problems in Remote Sensing
GEOG 042101 Geography of Folk S GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Folk S
GEOG 0423 Geog Amer Pop Cultur GEOG ELUD UD: Geog Amer Pop Cultur
GEOG 042501 Historical Geograph GEOG 4340 Historical Geography
GEOG 0432 Dendrochronology GEOG ELUD UD: Dendrochronology
GEOG 043301 The Land-Surface Sy GEOG ELUD UD: The Land-Surface Sy
GEOG 043401 Climatology GEOG ELUD UD: Climatology
GEOG 043501 Biogeography GEOG ELUD UD: Biogeography
GEOG 043601 Water Resources GEOG ELUD UD: Water Resources
GEOG 043901 Plant Geography Of GEOG ELUD UD: Plant Geography Of
GEOG 044101 Urban Geography GEOG 4370 Urban Geography
GEOG 044301 Rural Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Rural Geography
GEOG 044501 Geography of Resour PGEO ELUD UD: Geography of Resour
GEOG 044901 Geography of Transp GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Transp
GEOG 045001 Process Geomorpholo GEOL 4020 Geomorphology
GEOG 0466 Teach & Learn Geogra GEOG ELUD UD: Teach & Learn Geogra
GEOG 049101 Foreign Study M PGEO 3401 Field Studies in Physical Geog
GEOG 049201 Off Campus Study GEOG ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
GEOG 049301 Independent Study PGEO 4280 Topics & Problems Phys Geog
GEOG 0494 Research Experience GEOG ELUD UD: Research Experience
GEOG 0495 Spec Topics Geog GEOG ELUD UD: Spec Topics Geog
GEOG 0497 Honors Senior Thesis GEOG ELUD UD: Honors Senior Thesis
GEOG 0498 Honors Senior Thesis GEOG ELUD UD: Honors Senior Thesis
GEOG 049901 Proseminar In Geogr GEOG ELUD UD: Proseminar In Geogr
GEOG 131 Geography Natural E GEOG ELLD LD: Geography Natural E
GEOG 132 Geography Natural E GEOG ELLD LD: Geography Natural E
GEOG 1610 Intro Geography GEOG ELLD LD:Intro Geography
GEOG 161001 Intro to Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Intro to Geography
GEOG 1620 Intro Geography GEOG ELLD LD:Intro Geography
GEOG 162001 Intro to Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Intro to Geography
GEOG 171001 El of Geography GEOG ELLD LD: El of Geography
GEOG 172001 El of Geography GEOG ELLD LD: El of Geography
GEOG 1780 El of Geog GEOG ELLD LD: El of Geog
GEOG 181001 Geog Natural Enviro GEOG ELLD LD: Geog Natural Enviro
GEOG 182001 Geog Natural Enviro GEOG ELLD LD: Geog Natural Enviro
GEOG 200 Environ Issues National Parks GEOG ELLD LD:Environ Issues Natl Parks
GEOG 211001 Economic Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Economic Geography
GEOG 212001 Economic Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Economic Geography
GEOG 213001 Economic Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Economic Geography
GEOG 271001 Economic Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Economic Geography
GEOG 272001 Economic Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Economic Geography
GEOG 273001 Economic Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Economic Geography
GEOG 309 Russia & its Neighbors GEOG ELUD UD:Russia & its Neighbors
GEOG 341 Contemporary Urban Spaces GEOG ELUD UD:Contemporary Urban Spaces
GEOG 3410 Interm Econ Geog GEOG ELUD UD:Interm Econ Geog
GEOG 343 Geography of Human Rights GS 3000 Globalization
GEOG 344 Population Geography GEOG ELUD UD:Population Geography
GEOG 345001 Rural Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Rural Geography
GEOG 349 Geog/Human Rights GEOG ELUD UD:Geog/Human Rights
GEOG 350 Geog/Hum Rights GEOG ELUD UD:Geog/Hum Rights
GEOG 352001 Climatology GEOG ELUD UD: Climatology
GEOG 3530 Land Surf GEOG ELUD UD:Land Surf
GEOG 361001 Political Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Political Geography
GEOG 366001 Cultural Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Cultural Geography
GEOG 373 Geography of South GEOG 3420 Latin America in 21st Century
GEOG 374 Emerging Landscapes of E Asia GEOG ELUD UD:Emerging Lndscps of E Asia
GEOG 383001 Geography of Africa GEOG 3470 Geography Sub-Saharan Africa
GEOG 391001 Reg Geog US & Canad GEOG 3410 Cultr Landscapes US and Canada
GEOG 407501 Geog of Transportat GEOG ELUD UD: Geog of Transportat
GEOG 415 Quantitative Method GEOG ELUD UD: Quantitative Method
GEOG 420 GIS in the Community PGEO 4530 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 444 Age of Migration GS 3040 Contemporary Migration
GEOG 451 The Global Economy GEOG 4325 Global Geo-Political Economics
GEOL 0101 The Dynamic Earth GEOL 1030 Introduction to Earth Science
GEOL 0102 Earth Life Time GEOL 1030 Introduction to Earth Science
GEOL 0104 Exploring the Planets GEOL ELLD LD: Exploring the Planets
GEOL 0111 Elem of Geol GEOL ELLD LD: Elem of Geol
GEOL 0203 Geology of National Parks GEOL ELLD LD:Geology of National Parks
GEOL 0205 Age of the Dinosaurs GEOL ELLD LD:Age of the Dinosaurs
GEOL 0206 Sustain: Reduc Impct Plan Erth GEOL ELLD LD: Sustain: Reduce Impct Erth
GEOL 0207 Hon: Age of the Dinosaurs GEOL ELLD LD: Hon: Age of the Dinosaurs
GEOL 031001 Mineralogy GEOL 3000 Mineralogy
GEOL 032001 Paleobiology GEOL ELUD UD: Paleobiology
GEOL 032501 Geological Hist Of GEOL ELUD UD: Geological Hist Of
GEOL 033001 Igneous & Metamorph GEOL 4000 Petrology and Petrography
GEOL 033001 Igneous & Metamorph and GEOL ELUD UD: Igneous & Metamorph
GEOL 034001 Stratigraphy & Sedi GEOL 4070 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
GEOL 034501 Geology of East Ten GEOL ELUD UD: Geology of East Ten
GEOL 034601 Intro to Oceanograp GEOL 3010 Oceanography
GEOL 037001 Structural Geology GEOL 4080 Structural Geology
GEOL 038001 Resources Crises-Mi PGEO ELUD UD: Resources Crises-Mi
GEOL 0381 Minerals & Energy Re GEOL ELUD UD: Minerals & Energy Re
GEOL 040101 Quantitative Method GEOL ELUD UD: Quantitative Method
GEOL 041001 Mineral Science GEOL ELUD UD: Mineral Science
GEOL 0411 Optical Mineralogy GEOL ELUD UD: Optical Mineralogy
GEOL 0412 Elements X Ray Diffr GEOL ELUD UD: Elements X Ray Diffr
GEOL 042001 Paleoeconogy GEOL ELUD UD: Paleoeconogy
GEOL 042101 Invertebrate Paleon GEOL 4030 Invertebrate Paleontology
GEOL 042201 Invertebrate Paleon GEOL ELUD UD: Invertebrate Paleon
GEOL 042501 Evolution & Geologi GEOL ELUD UD: Evolution & Geologi
GEOL 042601 Paleobotany & Palyn GEOL ELUD UD: Paleobotany & Palyn
GEOL 0431 Geological Engineeri GEOL ELUD UD: Geological Engineeri
GEOL 0440 Field Geology GEOL ELUD UD: Field Geology
GEOL 044501 Regional Geology Of GEOL 4020 Geomorphology
GEOL 045001 Process Geomorpholo GEOL ELUD UD: Process Geomorpholo
GEOL 045501 Environmental Geology GEOL 4120 Environmental Geology
GEOL 046001 Prin of Geochemistr GEOL ELUD UD: Prin of Geochemistr
GEOL 047001 Applied Geophysics GEOL ELUD UD: Applied Geophysics
GEOL 047101 Fieldwork In Geophy GEOL ELUD UD: Fieldwork In Geophy
GEOL 047501 Physical & Chemical GEOL ELUD UD: Physical & Chemical
GEOL 048001 Prin of Economic Ge GEOL ELUD UD: Prin of Economic Ge
GEOL 048501 Prin of Geohydrolog GEOL 4130 Hydrogeology
GEOL 0486 Hydrogeology Lab GEOL ELUD UD: Hydrogeology Lab
GEOL 049001 Special Prob In Geo GEOL 4090 Problems in Geology
GEOL 049101 Foreign Study GEOL ELUD UD: Foreign Study
GEOL 049201 Off Campus Study GEOL ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
GEOL 049301 Independent Study GEOL ELUD UD: Independent Study
GEOL 100 The Worlds Oceans GEOL 3010 Oceanography
GEOL 101001 General Geology I GEOL ELLD LD: General Geology I
GEOL 102001 General Geology II GEOL ELLD LD: General Geology II
GEOL 103 Environmental Geolo GEOL ELLD LD: Environmental Geolo
GEOL 103001 General Geology III GEOL ELLD LD: General Geology III
GEOL 107 Honors:The Dynamic GEOL ELLD LD: Honors:The Dynamic
GEOL 108 Honors:Earth Life & GEOL ELLD LD: Honors:Earth Life &
GEOL 111001 Elem of Geology GEOL ELLD LD: Elem of Geology
GEOL 112001 Elem of Geology GEOL ELLD LD: Elem of Geology
GEOL 113001 Elem of Geology GEOL ELLD LD: Elem of Geology
GEOL 121001 Gen Geol For Engrs GEOL ELLD LD: Gen Geol For Engrs
GEOL 1410 Geology I GEOL ELLD LD:Geology I
GEOL 141001 General Geology I GEOL ELLD LD: General Geology I
GEOL 142001 General Geology I GEOL ELLD LD: General Geology I
GEOL 1430 General Geology III GEOL ELLD LD: General Geology III
GEOL 151001 Geoscience I GEOL ELLD LD: Geoscience I
GEOL 152001 Geoscience II GEOL ELLD LD: Geoscience II
GEOL 201 Biodiversity: Past,Pres,Future GEOL ELLD LD: Biodiersity: Past, Pres
GEOL 202 Earth as Ecosyst GEOL ELLD LD: Earth as Ecosyst
GEOL 203 Geology National Pa GEOL ELLD LD: Geology National Pa
GEOL 210 Basic Geology For E GEOL ELLD LD: Basic Geology For E
GEOL 231001 Res Crises Min & En GEOL ELLD LD: Res Crises Min & En
GEOL 2410 Geology of Nat Parks GEOL ELLD LD: Geology of Nat Parks
GEOL 261001 Introd Geol For Eng GEOL ELLD LD: Introd Geol For Eng
GEOL 271001 Intro Oceanography GEOL ELLD LD: Intro Oceanography
GEOL 456 Global Climate Change GEOL 3070 Geochemistry of Earth Systems
GERM 010101 Elementary German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GERM 010201 Elementary German GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GERM 010801 Honors:Elementary G GERM ELLD LD: Honors:Elementary G
GERM 0111 Language Lab GERM ELLD LD: Language Lab
GERM 0112 Language Lab GERM ELLD LD: Language Lab
GERM 0123 Intensive Elementary German GERM ELLD LD:Intensive Elementary German
GERM 015001 Elem German Transit GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GERM 019901 Germ Lang & World B GERM ELLD LD: Germ Lang & World B
GERM 020101 Intermediate German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GERM 020201 Intermediate German GERM 2020 Intermediate German II
GERM 020801 Honors:Intermediate GERM ELLD LD: Honors:Intermediate
GERM 0211 Intermediate German I GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GERM 0212 Intermediate German II GERM 2020 Intermediate German II
GERM 0215 German Special Topic GERM ELLD LD: German Special Topic
GERM 0223 Intensive Intermediate German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GERM 030101 Intro to German Lit GERM 3050 Survey of German Culture
GERM 030201 Intro to German Lit GERM 3060 Survey of German Culture
GERM 030401 Elementary Dutch GERM ELUD UD: Elementary Dutch
GERM 030501 Readings In German GERM ELUD UD: Readings In German
GERM 031101 Conversation & Comp GERM ELUD UD: Conversation & Comp
GERM 031201 Conversation & Comp GERM ELUD UD: Conversation & Comp
GERM 032501 Mod Germ Novel-Engl GERM ELUD UD: Mod Germ Novel-Engl
GERM 032601 Germ Drama-Engl Tra ENGL ELUD UD: Germ Drama-Engl Tra
GERM 033101 Elements of Germ-Ud GERM ELUD UD: Elements of Germ-Ud
GERM 033201 Elements of Germ-Ud GERM ELUD UD: Elements of Germ-Ud
GERM 0350 German Jewish Topics GERM ELUD UD: German Jewish Topics
GERM 041101 Adv Conversation/Co GERM ELUD UD: Adv Conversation/Co
GERM 041201 Adv Conversation/Co GERM ELUD UD: Adv Conversation/Co
GERM 0415 German Special Topic GERM 4010 Topics in German Lit Culture
GERM 0416 Metropolis Revisited GERM ELUD UD: Metropolis Revisited
GERM 0419 Germ Fairy Tales & L GERM ELUD UD: Germ Fairy Tales & L
GERM 042001 Germ Lit-1750-Prese GERM 4030 German Literature 1880-Present
GERM 042101 German Lyric Poetry GERM ELUD UD: German Lyric Poetry
GERM 042201 German Drama GERM ELUD UD: German Drama
GERM 042301 German Narrative Pr GERM ELUD UD: German Narrative Pr
GERM 042401 German Literary Mov GERM ELUD UD: German Literary Mov
GERM 042501 Intro Descriptive L GERM ELUD UD: Intro Descriptive L
GERM 042601 Methods of Hist Lin GERM ELUD UD: Methods of Hist Lin
GERM 0431 Images Nature & The GERM ELUD UD: Images Nature & The
GERM 0432 Germ Creative Thinki GERM ELUD UD: Germ Creative Thinki
GERM 0433 Nation Race & Ethnic GERM ELUD UD: Nation Race & Ethnic
GERM 0434 Extraordinary Wo/Men GERM ELUD UD: Extraordinary Wo/Men
GERM 043501 Structure of German GERM ELUD UD: Structure of German
GERM 043601 History of Germ Lan GERM ELUD UD: History of Germ Lan
GERM 0477 German Honors GERM ELUD UD: German Honors
GERM 0478 German Honors GERM ELUD UD: German Honors
GERM 048501 Business German GERM ELUD UD: Business German
GERM 049101 Foreign Study GERM 3910 Study Abroad
GERM 049201 Off-Campus Study GERM ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
GERM 049301 Independent Study GERM 4900 Dir Study German Lit Culture
GERM 0494 German Community Ser GERM ELUD UD: German Community Ser
GERM 049701 Senior Honors GERM ELUD UD: Senior Honors
GERM 111 Elementary German I GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GERM 111001 Elem German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GERM 112 Elementary German II GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GERM 112001 Elem German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GERM 112001 Elem German and GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GERM 113001 First Year German GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GERM 2010 Intensive Intermediate German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GERM 211001 Intermediate German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GERM 323 German Film GERM ELUD UD: German Film
GERM 363 Modern German Cultu GERM ELUD UD: Modern German Cultu
GERM 370 Witches:Myth/Reality/Rep GERM ELUD UD:Witches:Myth/Reality/Rep
GLBS 0250 Intro to Global Studies GS 2010 Intro Cross-Cultural Exper
GRAF 011101 Graphics VCOM ELLD LD:Graphics
GRAF 011201 Graphics VCOM ELLD LD:Graphics
GRAP 111 Engr Graphics ENGR ELLD LD:Engr Graphics
GRAP 112 Engr Graphics ENGR ELLD LD:Engr Graphics
GRAP 113 Engr Graphics ENGR ELLD LD:Engr Graphics
GRAP 131001 Fund of Engineering ET ELLD LD: Fund of Engineering
GRAP 132001 Fund of Engr Graphi ET ELLD LD: Fund of Engr Graphics
GRAP 133001 Fund of Engr Graphi ET ELLD LD: Fund of Engr Graphics
GRAP 141001 Fund of Engr Graphi ET ELLD LD: Fund of Engr Graphics
GRAP 142001 Fund Engr Graphics ET ELLD LD: Fund Engr Graphics
GRDS 101 Graphic Design Found Studio I ART ELLD LD:Graphic Design Found Studio
GRDS 102 Graphic Design Found Studio II ART ELLD LD:Graphic Design Found Studio
GRDS 103 Graphic Design Fnd Studio III ART ELLD LD:Graphic Dsgn Fnd Studio III
GRDS 150 The Idea of Design ART ELLD LD:The Idea of Design
GRDS 200 Graphic Design Prtfolio Review ART ELLD LD:Graphic Dsgn Prtflio Review
GREE 012101 Beginning Greek FL ELLD LD: Beginning Greek
GREE 012201 Beginning Greek FL ELLD LD: Beginning Greek
GREE 026101 Inter Greek:Grammar FL ELLD LD: Inter Greek:Grammar
GREE 026201 Inter Greek:New Tes FL ELLD LD: Inter Greek:New Tes
GREE 026401 Inter Readings In G FL ELLD LD: Inter Readings In G
GREE 040101 Greek Poetry FL ELUD UD: Greek Poetry
GREE 040201 Greek Prose FL ELUD UD: Greek Prose
GREE 040501 Readings From Greek FL ELUD UD: Readings From Greek
GREE 040601 Readings From Greek FL ELUD UD: Readings From Greek
H ED 021001 Field Exp-Teac Hom FCSE ELLD LD: Field Exp-Teac Hom
H ED 0220 Intro Home Ec Educ FCSE 2510 FCS Education Curriculum
H ED 0320 Strategies Teach Ho FCSE ELUD UD: Strategies Teach Ho
H ED 0420 Curric Devpt Voc Ho FCSE 2510 FCS Education Curriculum
H ED 042101 Teaching Occupat Ho FCSE 4570 Fundamentals of Culinary Arts
H ED 043001 Stud Teaching Voc H FCSE ELUD UD: Stud Teaching Voc H
H ED 044001 Teach:Community-Bas FCSE ELUD UD: Teach:Community-Bas
H ED 044501 Field Exp:Commun-Ba FCSE ELUD UD: Field Exp:Commun-Ba
H ED 049701 Honors:Home Econ Ed FCSE ELUD UD: Honors:Home Econ Ed
H PR 027201 PE Major: Volleybal PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
H PR 0275 PE Major Ballroom Da PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
H PR 0290 Hum Motor Behavior PHED ELLD LD: Hum Motor Behavior
H PR 0291 Spt In Amer Society PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
H PR 0326 Pract/Pre-Sch Aquati PHED ELUD UD: Pract/Pre-Sch Aquati
H PR 033201 Applied Anatomy PHED ELUD UD: Applied Anatomy
H PR 041101 Adapted Pe PHED ELUD UD: Adapted Pe
H PR 041201 Pract In Adapted Pe PHED ELUD UD: Pract In Adapted Pe
H RA 012601 Front Office Manage ELEC ELLD LD: Front Office Manage
H SC 1010 Rm Econ as a Profes HSC ELLD LD: Rm Econ as a Profes
HEA 0200 Student Leadership ELEC ELLD LD: Student Leadership
HEA 0455 Seminar In Student ELEC ELUD UD: Seminar In Student
HEAL 0110 Personal Health HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HEAL 0310 Adv 1st Aid HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HEAL 0430 Suicide/Crisis Inter HLTH ELUD UD: Suicide/Crisis Inter
HEAL 100C Personal Health HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HEAL 1110 Prin Persnl Hlth Wlns HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HEAL 111001 Prin Personal Healt HLTH ELLD LD: Prin Personal Healt
HEAL 204001 Sem In Hum Sexualit HLTH ELLD LD: Sem In Hum Sexualit
HEAL 205001 Alchl/Drg & Coll St HLTH ELLD LD: Alchl/Drg & Coll St
HEAL 321001 First Aid & Emer Ca HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HEAL 412001 Alcoholism & Alchl HLTH ELUD UD: Alcoholism & Alchl
HEAL 4140 Death,Dying & Bereavement HLTH ELUD UD:Death,Dying & Bereavement
HEAL 441201 Cardiopulm Resuscit HLTH ELUD UD: Cardiopulm Resuscit
HEAM 0455 Seminar in Student Leadership ELEC ELUD UD: Seminar in Student Leaders
HEBR 0241 Intermediate Modern Hebrew I FL ELLD LD: Interm Modern Hebrew I
HEBR 0242 Intermediate Hebrew II FL ELLD LD: Intermediate Hebrew II
HECO 010001 Spec Topics-Human E HSC ELLD LD: Spec Topics-Human E
HECO 020001 Professional Orient HSC 1010 Career Orientation
HECO 0201 Field Exper In Famil CDFS ELLD LD: Field Exper In Famil
HECO 021001 Microcomputer Appli HSC ELLD LD: Microcomputer Appli
HECO 0310 Design In Everyday L BIOL ELUD UD: Design In Everyday L
HECO 0325 Strategies For Facil CDFS ELUD UD: Strategies For Facil
HECO 0350 Special Top:Human Ec CDFS ELUD UD: Special Top:Human Ec
HECO 040001 Professional Enviro HSC ELUD UD: Professional Enviro
HECO 0410 Human Ecological Sys BIOL ELUD UD: Human Ecological Sys
HECO 0425 Program Planning, Cu CDFS ELUD UD: Program Planning, Cu
HECO 0430 Student Teaching In BIOL ELUD UD: Student Teaching In
HECO 0445 Field Experience In CDFS ELUD UD: Field Experience In
HECO 046001 Dir Study:Human Eco HSC ELUD UD: Dir Study:Human Eco
HECO 0497 Honors:Human Ecology CDFS ELUD UD: Honors:Human Ecology
HECO 151001 Family Sys Human De HSC ELLD LD: Family Sys Human De
HECO 251001 Fam Sys: Phy Well B HSC ELLD LD: Fam Sys: Phy Well B
HIAF 372 African History Since 1880 HIST ELUD UD:African History Since 1880
HIAS 383 Studies in Asian History HIST ELUD UD:Studies in Asian History
HIAS 390 Modern Chinese History HIST 4460 China
HIAS 394 Chinese Intel Hist:EarlyTimes HIST ELUD UD:Chinese Intel Hist:EarlyTim
HIED 0455 Sem Student Leadersh ELEC ELUD UD: Sem Student Leadersh
HIEU 0241 Development/West Civilization HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIEU 0242 Dev Western Civ HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIEU 0312 High Middle Ages HIST 4210 Middle Ages
HIEU 0332 Europe Age Total War HIST ELUD UD:Europe Age Total War
HIEU 248 Development/West Civilization HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIEU 303 History of the Roman Republic HIST ELUD UD:History of the Roman Republ
HIEU 311 Early Middle Ages HIST ELUD UD:Early Middle Ages
HIEU 314 Renaissance Europe HIST 4220 Renaissance Europe
HIEU 315 Reformation Europe HIST 4230 Reformation Europe
HIEU 319 Modern Europe HIST 3090 Topics in European History
HIEU 320 Contemporary Europe HIST ELUD UD:Contemporary Europe
HIEU 354 Early Medieval Warfare HIST ELUD UD:Early Medieval Warfare
HIEU 383 Viking World HIST ELUD UD:Viking World
HIEU 395 Crusad/Med Christ/Muslim Relat ELEC ELUD UD:Crus/Med Christ/Musl Relat
HIGH 045501 Sem Student Leaders ELEC ELUD UD: Sem Student Leaders
HILA 0255 Early Latin Am Caribbean Hist HIST ELLD LD:Early Latin Am Caribbean
HILA 0343 History of Mexico HIST 4490 Mexico and the Caribbean
HILA 256 Modern Latin Am/Caribbean Hist HIST ELLD LD:Modern Latin Am/Caribbean H
HILA 370 Latin Ameri Hist at Movies HIST ELUD UD:Latin Ameri Hist at Movies
HILA 383 History of Sport/Lat Am HIST ELUD UD:History of Sport/Lat Am
HIME 369 Hist MidEast/Islamic 1050-1500 HIST ELUD UD:Hist MidEast/Ism 1050-1500
HIME 370 Modern Middle East HIST ELUD UD: Modern Middle East
HIME 382 Archaeology of Biblical World HIST ELUD UD:Archaeology of Biblicl Wrld
HIME 383 Early Jewish History HIST ELUD UD: Early Jewish History
HIST 0121 Backgr of Mod Civil HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 015101 Western Civilizatio HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 0152 Western Civilization HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 015701 Honors:Western Civi HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 015801 Honors:Western Civi HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 0161 Hist of World Civil HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 016201 Hist of World Civil HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 019501 Afro-Amer Hist:Intr HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
HIST 019601 Afr-Amer Hist:Intro HIST 2050 Surv African American Hist II
HIST 020201 City In Europe,1000 HIST ELLD LD: City In Europe,1000
HIST 0221 History of the Us HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 0222 History of the US HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 0227 Honor History of Us HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 0228 Honors Hist of Us HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 0241 Dev of Western Civil HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 0242 Development/West Civilization HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 0247 Honors Deve West Civ HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 0248 Honors Devel of West HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 025101 History of Us HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 025201 History of Us HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 025301 Us Hist-Internatl S HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 025401 Us Hist-Internatl S HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 0255 Intro to Latin Ameri HIST ELLD LD: Intro to Latin Ameri
HIST 0256 Intro to Latin Ameri HIST ELLD LD: Intro to Latin Ameri
HIST 025701 Honors:History of U HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 025801 Honors:History of U HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 0261 History World Civil HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 0262 Hist World Civil HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 0267 Hist of World Civ- Honors HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 0268 Hist of World Civ- Honors HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 0301 Early Greece HIST 4410 Classical History
HIST 0302 Class & Hellen Gree HIST 4410 Classical History
HIST 0303 Hist Roman Republic HIST 4410 Classical History
HIST 0304 Hist Roman Empire HIST ELUD UD: Hist Roman Empire
HIST 0305 Hist Late Roman Empi HIST 4410 Classical History
HIST 030701 Honors:Introduction HIST ELUD UD: Honors:Introduction
HIST 030801 Honors:Historical P HIST ELUD UD: Honors:Historical P
HIST 031001 The Ancient World HIST 4410 Classical History
HIST 031001 The Ancient World and HIST ELUD UD: The Ancient World
HIST 031101 The Ancient World HIST 4410 Classical History
HIST 031101 The Ancient World and HIST ELUD UD: The Ancient World
HIST 031201 Medieval History HIST 4420 Medieval Mediterranean World
HIST 031301 Medieval History HIST 4210 Middle Ages
HIST 031401 Renaissance Europe HIST 4220 Renaissance Europe
HIST 031501 Reformati Eur 1500- HIST 4230 Reformation Europe
HIST 031601 Early Mod Eur-1650- HIST ELUD UD: Early Mod Eur-1650-
HIST 031901 Modern Europe:1750- HIST ELUD UD: Modern Europe:1750-
HIST 032001 Contemp Eur:1900-Pr HIST ELUD UD: Contemp Eur:1900-Pr
HIST 032101 New Testament Origi PHIL ELUD UD: New Testament Origi
HIST 032201 Christian Thought PHIL ELUD UD: Christian Thought
HIST 0323 Deviance & Persecuti HIST ELUD UD: Deviance & Persecuti
HIST 033001 History of England HIST ELUD UD: History of England
HIST 033101 History of England HIST ELUD UD: History of England
HIST 033201 History of France HIST ELUD UD: History of France
HIST 033301 History of France HIST 4260 Modern France
HIST 033401 History of Germany HIST ELUD UD: History of Germany
HIST 033501 History of Germany HIST ELUD UD: History of Germany
HIST 033601 Hist of Austria/Cen HIST ELUD UD: Hist of Austria/Cen
HIST 033901 Modern Ireland 1760 HIST ELUD UD: Modern Ireland 1760
HIST 034001 History of Russia HIST 4330 The Russian Empire
HIST 034101 History of Russia HIST 4340 The Soviet Experiment
HIST 0342 Hist Nazi Germany HIST ELUD UD: Hist Nazi Germany
HIST 0346 Environment In US Hi HIST 4640 Environmental History
HIST 0349 US Military Hist 1754-Present HIST ELUD LD: US Military Hist 1754-Pres
HIST 035001 Coloni Amer to 1763 HIST 4010 Colonial America
HIST 035101 Amer Revol 1763-1789 HIST 4020 The American Revolution
HIST 035201 Us-Jackson Era:1815 HIST 4030 Jacksonian America 1815-1850
HIST 035301 Civil War Reconstru HIST 4040 Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 035401 Us:1877-1933 HIST ELUD UD: Us:1877-1933
HIST 035501 Us:1933-Present HIST ELUD UD: Us:1933-Present
HIST 0356 1960's In America HIST ELUD UD: 1960's In America
HIST 0359 Hist of US Economy HIST ELUD UD: Hist of US Economy
HIST 036001 History of Latin Am HIST 4490 Mexico and the Caribbean
HIST 036101 History of Latin Am HIST 4480 South America
HIST 036201 History of East Asi HIST ELUD UD: History of East Asi
HIST 0363 US Const Hist to 1877 HIST ELUD UD:US Const Hist to 1877
HIST 036401 History of China HIST 4460 China
HIST 036501 History of Japan HIST 4450 Japan
HIST 036601 Ancient Near Easter HIST ELUD UD: Ancient Near Easter
HIST 036901 History of Middle E HIST 4440 The Middle East
HIST 036901 History of Middle E and HIST ELUD UD: History of Middle E
HIST 037001 History of Middle E HIST 4440 The Middle East
HIST 037001 History of Middle E and HIST ELUD UD: History of Middle E
HIST 037101 African History HIST ELUD UD: African History
HIST 037201 African History HIST ELUD UD: African History
HIST 037301 Historical Issues HIST ELUD UD: Historical Issues
HIST 037401 West/3rd World Sinc HIST ELUD UD: West/3rd World Sinc
HIST 037501 Revolutions-Hist Pe HIST ELUD UD: Revolutions-Hist Pe
HIST 037601 History Behind The PS ELUD UD: History Behind The
HIST 037901 Amer Issues:Indiv/C HIST ELUD UD: Amer Issues:Indiv/C
HIST 038001 Amer Iss:War/Peacef HIST ELUD UD: Amer Iss:War/Peacef
HIST 0381 History of South Afr HIST ELUD UD: History of South Afr
HIST 0383 His of Jewish Civ I HIST ELUD UD: His of Jewish Civ I
HIST 0384 His of Jewish Civ II HIST ELUD UD: His of Jewish Civ II
HIST 0385 Studies In World His HIST ELUD UD: Studies In World His
HIST 0389 History of China HIST ELUD UD: History of China
HIST 0390 History of China HIST ELUD UD: History of China
HIST 0391 Chinese Intellectual HIST ELUD UD: Chinese Intellectual
HIST 0392 History of Japan HIST ELUD UD: History of Japan
HIST 0395 The Crusades & Mediv HIST ELUD UD: The Crusades & Mediv
HIST 040701 Honors:Senior Paper HIST ELUD UD: Honors:Senior Paper
HIST 0415 Western Economics Th HIST ELUD UD: Western Economics Th
HIST 042101 Comp Stud-Afr & Afr HIST ELUD UD: Comp Stud-Afr & Afr
HIST 0429 Medieval Intellectur HIST ELUD UD: Medieval Intellectur
HIST 043001 Euro Intellect/Cult HIST ELUD UD: Euro Intellect/Cult
HIST 043101 Euro Intellect/Cult HIST ELUD UD: Euro Intellect/Cult
HIST 043201 Women In European H HIST 4790 Women and Gender in Europe
HIST 043301 War/Society In Euro HIST ELUD UD: War/Society In Euro
HIST 0436 History Gender/Sexuality US HIST ELUD UD:History Gender/Sexuality US
HIST 0439 Southeastern Indian HIST ELUD UD: Southeastern Indian
HIST 044001 Amer:Mind,Mood,Soci HIST 4740 Amer Cultural Intellect Hist
HIST 044101 Amer Frontier/West HIST ELUD UD: Amer Frontier/West
HIST 044201 Indian-White Relat- HIST 4690 Indigenous History
HIST 044301 History of the Sout HIST ELUD UD: History of the Sout
HIST 044401 History of the Sout HIST ELUD UD: History of the Sout
HIST 044501 Afro-American Exper HIST 4750 Afr Amer Social Intellect Hist
HIST 044601 Hist of Amer Cultur HIST ELUD UD: Hist of Amer Cultur
HIST 044901 History of Tennesse HIST 2030 Tennessee History
HIST 045001 Hist of Amer Foreig HIST ELUD UD: Hist of Amer Foreig
HIST 045101 Us Military His:175 HIST ELUD UD: Us Military His:175
HIST 045201 Amer Experience In HIST ELUD UD: Amer Experience In
HIST 045301 Women In Amer Histom HIST ELUD UD: Women In Amer Histom
HIST 045401 Cities/Urbaniz In A HIST 3670 Civil War Reconst 1850-1877
HIST 0455 The Life Cycle In Am HIST ELUD UD: The Life Cycle In Am
HIST 045601 Topics in Cherokee History HIST ELUD UD: Topics in Cherokee History
HIST 0459 Jefferson's America HIST 4720 Boone's and Crockett's America
HIST 0460 History of Brazil HIST ELUD UD: History of Brazil
HIST 0461 Cuban Revolution In HIST ELUD UD: Cuban Revolution In
HIST 0462 Hist of Mexico HIST 4490 Mexico and the Caribbean
HIST 0463 Modern Latin America HIST ELUD UD: Modern Latin America
HIST 0469 Studies/African History HIST ELUD UD:Studies/African History
HIST 047001 Studies In Brit His HIST ELUD UD: Studies In Brit His
HIST 047101 Studies West Europe HIST ELUD UD: Studies West Europe
HIST 047201 Studies Central Eur HIST ELUD UD: Studies Central Eur
HIST 047301 Studies East Europe HIST ELUD UD: Studies East Europe
HIST 047401 Medieval/Early Mod HIST ELUD UD: Medieval/Early Mod
HIST 047501 Latin American Hist HIST ELUD UD: Latin American Hist
HIST 047601 Studies In Asian Hi HIST ELUD UD: Studies In Asian Hi
HIST 047901 Studies In US Histo HIST ELUD UD: Studies In US Histo
HIST 048001 Studies In African HIST ELUD UD: Studies In African
HIST 048101 Studies In History HIST ELUD UD: Studies In History
HIST 048201 Colloquium In Histo HIST ELUD UD: Colloquium In Histo
HIST 048301 History of US Forei HIST ELUD UD: History of US Forei
HIST 0484 Studies Jewish Hist HIST ELUD UD: Studies Jewish Hist
HIST 0485 Studies In Cross Cul HIST ELUD UD: Studies In Cross Cul
HIST 0486 Studies Anc Near Eas HIST ELUD UD: Studies Anc Near Eas
HIST 0489 Oral Hist War & Peac HIST ELUD UD: Oral Hist War & Peac
HIST 0490 Intern In Cntr For S HIST ELUD UD: Intern In Cntr For S
HIST 049101 Foreign Study HIST ELUD UD: Foreign Study
HIST 049201 Off-Campus Study HIST ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
HIST 049301 Independent Study HIST ELUD UD: Independent Study
HIST 121001 Devel West Civiliza HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 122001 Deve West Civil HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 122001 Deve West Civil and HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 123001 Devel West Civil HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 151001 Devel of West Civil HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 151801 Hon Devel West Civ HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 152001 Devel of West Civ II HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 152801 Hon Dev West Civ II HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 152801 Hon Dev West Civ II and HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 161001 World Civ Since 145 HIST ELLD LD: World Civ Since 145
HIST 162001 World Civ Since 145 HIST ELLD LD: World Civ Since 145
HIST 1950 Afro Am Hist HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
HIST 1960 Afro Amer Hist HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
HIST 1960 Afro Amer Hist and HIST 2050 Surv African American Hist II
HIST 201501 Historical Issues HIST ELLD LD: Historical Issues
HIST 221001 Hist of US HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 222001 Hist of US HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 222001 Hist of US and HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 223001 Hist of US HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 2510 History of the Us HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 2511 Readings in US History HIST ELLD LD:Readings in US Hist
HIST 2518 Honors History of Us HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 252001 Hist of the US II HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 252001 Hist of the US II and HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 299 Thinking Historically HIST 3010 The Historian's Craft
HIST 314001 England to 1688 HIST ELUD UD: England to 1688
HIST 331101 Hist of Tennessee I HIST ELUD UD: Hist of Tennessee I
HIST 332101 Hist of Tennessee I HIST ELUD UD: Hist of Tennessee I
HIST 361001 Am Colon to 1754 HIST ELUD UD: Am Colon to 1754
HIST 362001 Era Amer Revolution HIST ELUD UD: Era Amer Revolution
HIST 363001 Us Early Nat to 181 HIST ELUD UD: Us Early Nat to 181
HIST 376001 The Ancient World HIST ELUD UD: The Ancient World
HIST 388001 History of Latin Am HIST ELUD UD: History of Latin Am
HIST 393101 Us Since 1945 HIST ELUD UD: Us Since 1945
HIST 397 Hist at Play:Moments/Mod Hist HIST ELUD UD:Hist at Play:Moments/Mod Hi
HIST 4040 Hist Behind the New HIST ELUD UD: Hist Behind the New
HIST 408 Honors:Senior Paper HIST ELUD UD: Honors:Senior Paper
HIST 4360 American Exp WW II HIST ELUD UD: American Exp WW II
HIST 437001 Us Mil Hist 1745 Pr HIST ELUD UD: Us Mil Hist 1745 Pr
HIST 438001 Civ Mil Rel Mod W W HIST ELUD UD: Civ Mil Rel Mod W W
HIST 4410 Europe 1914-1929 HIST ELUD UD: Europe 1914-1929
HIST 4420 Europe 1929-1945 HIST ELUD UD: Europe 1929-1945
HIST 4430 Europe 1945-Present HIST ELUD UD: Europe 1945-Present
HIST 465101 Amer:Mind, Mood, & HIST ELUD UD: Amer:Mind, Mood, &
HIST 495 Modern China in Film HIST ELUD UD:Modern China in Film
HIST 499 Britain During WWII HIST ELUD UD:Britain During WWII
HIUS 0221 History of the United States HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIUS 0222 History of the United States HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIUS 0354 United States 1877-1933 HIST ELUD UD:United States 1877-1933
HIUS 0355 US 1933-Present HIST ELUD UD:US 1933-Present
HIUS 0374 Hist Civil Rights HIST ELUD UD:Hist Civil Rights
HIUS 0379 African Amer Exp AST ELUD UD: African Amer Exp
HIUS 301 Border/Burrito/Gringo:US/Mex HIST ELUD UD:Border/Burrito/Gringo:US/Me
HIUS 303 Hist/Capitalism America/Beyond HIST ELUD UD:Hist/Capitalism Amer/Beyond
HIUS 310 Red Dead America:Real History HIST ELUD UD:Red Dead America:Real Histo
HIUS 350 Colonial America to 1763 HIST 4010 Colonial America
HIUS 359 American Religous History HIST 4650 Religious Experience in Amer
HIUS 361 Free Spch Fights:1st Amendmnt HIST ELUD UD:Free Spch Fights:1st Amndmt
HIUS 363 US Constitutional Hist to 1877 HIST ELUD UD:US Constitutnl Hist to 1877
HIUS 364 US Constitution Hist 1877-pres HIST ELUD UD:US Constitution Hist1877-Pr
HIUS 365 Food and Power in U.S. History HIST ELUD UD:Food & Power in US History
HIUS 376 African-Am Women Slave-Present HIST ELUD UD:Afr-Am Women Slave-Present
HIUS 383 American Legal History HIST ELUD UD:American Legal History
HIUS 452 American Experience in WWII HIST 4840 World War II
HIUS 484 Intro to Public History HIST 3110 Explorations in Public History
HLTH 0110 Personal Health Wel HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HLTH 0200 Sem In Hum Sexuality HLTH ELLD LD: Sem In Hum Sexuality
HLTH 0225 Alchl/Drg Col Std HLTH ELLD LD: Alchl/Drg Col Std
HLTH 0310 Adv 1st Aid/Emer Ca HLTH ELUD UD: Adv 1st Aid/Emer Ca
HLTH 0406 Death Dying Bervmnt PSY 4630 Death and Dying
HLTH 0425 Women's Health HLTH 4390 Women's Health
HLTH 0435 Substance Use/Abuse HLTH 4400 Drugs and Violence Education
HLTH 3510 Sch Community Health HLTH ELUD UD:Sch Comm Health
HLTH 4120 Alcoholism HLTH ELUD UD:Alcoholism
HLTH 4430 Women's Health HLTH ELUD UD:Women's Health
HLTL 0203 Field Study In Educ ELED ELLD LD: Field Study In Educ
HLTL 0310 Spec Educ Principles SPED ELUD UD: Spec Educ Principles
HLTL 0320 Spec Educ Strategies SPED ELUD UD: Spec Educ Strategies
HLTL 0325 Teaching Science & S ELED ELUD UD: Teaching Science & S
HLTL 0326 Teaching Lnag Art & ELED ELUD UD: Teaching Lnag Art &
HLTL 0329 Teaching Devel Readi ELED ELUD UD: Teaching Devel Readi
HLTL 0351 Lab & Field Studies ELED ELUD UD: Lab & Field Studies
HLTL 0356 Elem & Middle School ELED ELUD UD: Elem & Middle School
HLTL 0410 Pre Internship Semin ELED ELUD UD: Pre Internship Semin
HLTL 0419 Psyc & Education Of ELED ELUD UD: Psyc & Education Of
HLTL 0420 Field Experience In ELED ELUD UD: Field Experience In
HLTL 0421 Elem & Middle School ELED ELUD UD: Elem & Middle School
HLTL 0422 Elem & Middle School ELED ELUD UD: Elem & Middle School
HMEC 0322 History of American IDES ELUD UD: History of American
HMEC 0336 Sports Nutrition NFS 3280 Sports Nutrition
HMEC 0423 Interior Systems Des IDES ELUD UD: Interior Systems Des
HMEC 0431 Quanity Food Service NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
HMEC 0434 Perspectives Clin Nu NFS ELUD UD: Perspectives Clin Nu
HMEC 0436 Perspective In Clini NFS ELUD UD: Perspective In Clini
HOEC 1010 Hm Econ as a Profess ELEC ELLD LD: Hm Econ as a Profess
HOEC 151001 Family Sys Human De CDFS ELLD LD: Family Sys Human De
HOEC 152001 Fam Sys Aesthetic E CDFS ELLD LD: Fam Sys Aesthetic E
HOEC 251001 Fam Sys Phy Well-Be CDFS ELLD LD: Fam Sys Phy Well-Be
HOME 1010 Hm Econ as a Profes HSC ELLD LD: Hm Econ as a Profes
HOME 1120 Mgt & Contr Fam Liv CDFS ELLD LD: Mgt & Contr Fam Liv
HOME 151001 Family Sys:Human De CDFS ELLD LD: Family Sys:Human De
HOME 1520 Fam Sys Aesthetic CDFS ELLD LD: Fam Sys Aesthetic
HOME 224001 Intro Tchg Voc Hm E HSC ELLD LD: Intro Tchg Voc Hm E
HOME 3420 Family Economcis FCSE ELUD UD: Family Economics
HOME 4000 Senior Seminar FCSE ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
HOME 4830 Consumers In Mkt FCSE ELUD UD: Consumers in Mkt
HON 0317 College Scholars Sem UH ELUD UD: College Scholars Sem
HON 0318 Collee Scholars Sem UH ELUD UD: Collee Scholars Sem
HON 1138 Honors Fr-Men & Ide UH ELLD LD: Honors Fr-Men & Ide
HON 3138 Honors Jr-Colloquim UH ELUD UD: Honors Jr-Colloquim
HORT 011001 Environmental Horti PLSO ELLD LD: Environmental Horti
HORT 021001 Floral Design PLSO ELLD LD: Floral Design
HORT 022001 Basic Landscape Pla PLSO 4640 Landscaping
HORT 023001 Interior Plants PLSO ELLD LD: Interior Plants
HORT 0231 Interior Plantscapin PLSO 4380 Interior Landscaping
HORT 028001 Fund of Landscape D PLSO ELLD LD: Fund of Landscape D
HORT 031001 Greenhouse Producti PLSO 4620 Greenhouse Management
HORT 032001 Plant Materials PLSO 3640 Woody Landscape Plants
HORT 033001 Plant Propagation PLSO 4670 Plant Propagation
HORT 034001 Turfgrass Managemen PLSO 4330 Turf Management
HORT 035001 Basic Landscape Con PLSO ELUD UD: Basic Landscape Con
HORT 036001 Practicum-Landscape PLSO ELUD UD: Practicum-Landscape
HORT 037001 Grounds Maintenance PLSO ELUD UD: Grounds Maintenance
HORT 038001 Supplemental Landsc PLSO ELUD UD: Supplemental Landsc
HORT 0391 Spring Herbaceous PLSO ELUD UD: Spring Herbaceous
HORT 041001 Nursery Mgmt & Prod PLSO ELUD UD: Nursery Mgmt & Prod
HORT 0420 Adv Floriculture Sci PLSO 4630 Floriculture
HORT 0430 Greenhouse Floral Cr PLSO ELUD UD: Greenhouse Floral Cr
HORT 0431 Greenhouse Floral Cr PLSO ELUD UD: Greenhouse Floral Cr
HORT 044001 Adv Turfgrass Mgmt PLSO ELUD UD: Adv Turfgrass Mgmt
HORT 045001 Specialty Landscape PLSO ELUD UD: Specialty Landscape
HORT 045101 Plant Tissue Cultur PLSO ELUD UD: Plant Tissue Cultur
HORT 046001 Prof Prac Landscape PLSO ELUD UD: Prof Prac Landscape
HORT 048001 Adv Landscape Desig PLSO ELUD UD: Adv Landscape Desig
HORT 0485 Computer Aided Lands AGRI ELUD UD: Computer Aided Lands
HORT 049001 Seminar AGRI ELUD UD: Seminar
HORT 049201 Off-Campus Internsh PLSO 4680 Internship Plant Soil Science
HORT 049301 Individual Problem AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
HOTE 0311 Dev the Service Wkfr MGMT ELUD UD: Dev the Service Wkfr
HOTE 0323 Diversity In the Srv MGMT ELUD UD: Diversity In the Srv
HOTE 0480 Pro Exp In Res & Foo MGMT 4950 Management Applied Experience
HOTE 0481 Pro Exp In Hotel/Tou MGMT ELUD UD: Pro Exp In Hotel/Tou
HOTE 0485 Managerial Issues Re MGMT ELUD UD: Managerial Issues Re
HOTE 0486 Managerial Issues Ho MGMT ELUD UD: Managerial Issues Ho
HOTE 0490 Mgmt Exp In Restaura MGMT ELUD UD: Mgmt Exp In Restaura
HOTE 0491 Mgmt Exp In Hotel/To MGMT ELUD UD: Mgmt Exp In Hotel/To
HPER 011001 Personal Health & W HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HPER 0111 Phys Educ Men PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPER 0112 Phys Edu Men PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPER 012001 Intro to Htl/Rst Ad PHED ELLD LD: Intro to Htl/Rst Ad
HPER 020001 Semin In Human Sexua PHED ELLD LD: Semin In Human Sexua
HPER 022001 Jazz: Level I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPER 022501 Alcohol/Drugs-Coll HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
HPER 023001 Cardiopulmonary Res HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HPER 0300 Health Educ HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HPER 030501 School Community He HLTH 4300 The School Health Program
HPER 030601 Hlth Instr Elem Grd HLTH 4300 The School Health Program
HPER 031001 Adv 1st Aid/Emergen HLTH 4280 Instructor Crse First Aid CPR
HPER 032501 Planning,Eval,Adm-H HLTH ELUD UD: Planning,Eval,Adm-H
HPER 0330 Wellness Thru Health HLTH 4340 Fitness Education for Adult
HPER 035601 Motor Development PHED ELUD UD: Motor Development
HPER 037501 Health Ed:Curr,Meth HLTH ELUD UD: Health Ed:Curr,Meth
HPER 038001 Research & Grant Wr HLTH ELUD UD: Research & Grant Wr
HPER 040001 Consumer Health M HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
HPER 040501 Alcoholism/Alcohol M HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
HPER 040601 Death,Dying,Bereavem HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
HPER 041001 Pre-Internship Semi PHED ELUD UD: Pre-Internship Semi
HPER 041401 Physival Activity/F PHED ELUD UD: Physival Activity/F
HPER 041501 Field Evalua of Phy PHED ELUD UD: Field Evalua of Phy
HPER 042001 Sex Educ-Relat to H HLTH ELUD UD: Sex Educ-Relat to H
HPER 042501 Women's Health HLTH ELUD UD: Women's Health
HPER 0426 Health Ed Program Pl HLTH 4430 Program Planning in Health Edu
HPER 043001 Suicide & Crisis Inm HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
HPER 043501 Substance Use & Abum HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
HPER 046501 Aging & Health M HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
HPER 047001 Special Topics PHED ELUD UD: Special Topics
HPER 047501 Directed Independen PHED ELUD UD: Directed Independen
HPER 048101 Internship I:Grades PHED ELUD UD: Internship I:Grades
HPER 048201 Internship II:Grade PHED ELUD UD: Internship II:Grade
HPER 048301 Field Practice PHED ELUD UD: Field Practice
HPER 059301 Directed Independen PHED ELUD UD: Directed Independen
HPER 111001 Prin Persnl Hlth Wl HLTH ELLD LD: Prin Persnl Hlth Wl
HPER 321001 First Aid & Emer Ca HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HPER 362001 Sx Ed Realt Hmn Sxl HLTH ELUD UD: Sx Ed Realt Hmn Sxl
HRA 0101 Food Principles NFS ELLD LD: Food Principles
HRA 0102 Microcomputer Appli ELEC ELLD LD: Microcomputer Appli
HRA 0119 Intro to the Servic ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to the Servic
HRA 012001 Intro Hotel/Rest Ad NFS ELLD LD: Intro Hotel/Rest Ad
HRA 012601 Front Office Mgmt NFS ELLD LD: Front Office Mgmt
HRA 0210 Foodserv Oper Mgmt ELEC ELLD LD: Foodserv Oper Mgmt
HRA 0211 Hotel Operations ELEC ELLD LD: Hotel Operations
HRA 022001 Foodservice Systems NFS 4322 Dietetics Management
HRA 0224 Tourism Management ELEC ELLD LD: Tourism Management
HRA 0311 Developing a Diverse ELEC ELUD UD: Developing a Diverse
HRA 0315 Hospitality Interior NFS ELUD UD: Hospitality Interior
HRA 0320 Quantity Food Proc NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
HRA 032101 Quant Food Procurem NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
HRA 032201 Quant Food Procurem NFS ELUD UD: Quant Food Procurem
HRA 032401 Tourism/Travel Admi NFS ELUD UD: Tourism/Travel Admi
HRA 032601 Food/Lodging Cost C NFS ELUD UD: Food/Lodging Cost C
HRA 0341 Food Safety and Sani ELEC ELUD UD: Food Safety and Sani
HRA 0360 Issues/Trends In Con ELEC ELUD UD: Issues/Trends In Con
HRA 0390 Professional Develop ELEC ELUD UD: Professional Develop
HRA 0410 Strategic Planning ELEC ELUD UD: Strategic Planning
HRA 042001 Field Exp-Hotel/Res NFS ELUD UD: Field Exp-Hotel/Res
HRA 042101 Foodservice Systems NFS ELUD UD: Foodservice Systems
HRA 042201 Food/Lodgi Personne NFS ELUD UD: Food/Lodgi Personne
HRA 042301 Hospitality Sales/M NFS ELUD UD: Hospitality Sales/M
HRA 042401 Adv Hotel/Restauran NFS ELUD UD: Adv Hotel/Restauran
HRA 042501 Legal Issues In Serv NFS ELUD UD: Legal Issues In Serv
HRA 042601 Convention Mgmt NFS ELUD UD: Convention Mgmt
HRA 044001 Sp Topics:Hotel/Res NFS ELUD UD: Sp Topics:Hotel/Res
HRA 0445 Adv Food Production NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
HRA 049401 Dir Study:Hotel/Res NFS ELUD UD: Dir Study:Hotel/Res
HRA 049701 Honors:Hotel/Rest A NFS ELUD UD: Honors:Hotel/Rest A
HRD 0161 Graphic Communicatio ET ELLD LD: Graphic Communicatio
HRD 0163 Power & Energy Syste ET ELLD LD: Power & Energy System
HRD 0165 Woods Technology ET ELLD LD: Woods Technology
HRD 0166 Metals Techology ENGR 2210 Intro to Material Sci & Engr
HRD 0201 Field Experience In ET ELLD LD: Field Experience In
HRD 0210 Microcomputer Applic BCED ELLD LD:Microcomputer Applic
HRD 0230 Typewriting & Shorth ET ELLD LD: Typewriting & Shorthand
HRD 0261 Architectural Graphic CMT ELLD LD:Architectural Graphic
HRD 0263 Basic Electricity/E ET 3610 Intro Electricity Electronics
HRD 0265 Construction Tech ET ELLD LD: Construction Tech
HRD 0266 Machine Tool Process ET ELLD LD: Machine Tool Process
HRD 0285 Intro Human Res De MGMT ELLD LD: Intro Human Res De
HRD 0305 Construction Syst CMT ELUD UD:Construction Syst
HRD 0306 Manufacturing Syst ET 3910 Intro to Operations Management
HRD 0320 Program Planning For ET ELUD UD: Program Planning For
HRD 0325 Devel of Instruction ET ELUD UD:Devel of Instruction
HRD 0330 Instructional Strate ET ELUD UD: Instructional Strate
HRD 0336 Micro Business Appli ET ELUD UD: Micro Business Appli
HRD 0340 Train Sys/Strat & Te MGMT ELLD LD: Train Sys/Strat & Te
HRD 0350 Rel/Appl Theory Tech ELEC ELUD UD: Rel/Appl Theory Tech
HRD 0351 Manipul Skills/Occup ELEC ELUD UD: Manipul Skills/Occup
HRD 0352 Practicum In Industr ET ELUD UD: Practicum in Industry
HRD 0354 Job Analysis Techniq ET ELUD UD: Job Analysis Techniq
HRD 0355 Microcomputer Applic ET ELUD UD: Microcomputer Applic
HRD 0356 Lab Organization Mgm ET ELUD UD: Lab Organization Mgmt
HRD 0361 Graphic Reproduction ET ELUD UD: Graphic Reproduction
HRD 0363 Application of Integ ET ELUD UD: Application of Integ
HRD 0366 Manufacturing Tech ET ELUD UD: Manufacturing Tech
HRD 0369 Plastic Tech ET ELUD UD: Plastic Tech
HRD 0370 Tech Systems I ET ELUD UD:Tech Systems I
HRD 0371 Tech Systems II ET ELUD UD:Tech Systems II
HRD 0372 Job Analysis ELEC ELUD UD: Job Analysis
HRD 0373 Instr Tech In Ind Ed ELEC ELUD UD: Instr Tech In Ind Ed
HRD 0374 Planning Instruction ET ELUD UD: Planning Instruction
HRD 0401 Utilization of Commu ELEC ELUD UD: Utilization of Commu
HRD 0410 Pre Student Teaching ELEC ELUD UD: Pre Student Teaching
HRD 0413 Spec Top/Tech Ad Ed ELED ELUD UD: Spec Top/Tech Ad Ed
HRD 0414 Individual Study In ELEC ELUD UD: Individual Study In
HRD 0415 Coordination Tech ELEC ELUD UD: Coordination Tech
HRD 0420 Intro Adult Educ ELEC ELUD UD: Intro Adult Educ
HRD 0421 Adult Educ Program ELEC ELUD UD: Adult Educ Program
HRD 0422 Adult Dev & Training ELEC ELUD UD: Adult Dev & Training
HRD 0430 Prin & Organ of Busi ELEC ELUD UD: Prin & Organ of Busi
HRD 0432 Methods & Material I ELEC ELUD UD: Methods & Material I
HRD 0434 Methods In Actg & Da ELEC ELUD UD: Methods In Actg & Da
HRD 0435 Business & Marketing BCED ELUD UD:Business & Marketing
HRD 0436 Supervised Occupatio ELEC ELUD UD: Supervised Occupatio
HRD 0439 Areas of Marketing ELEC ELUD UD: Areas of Marketing
HRD 0440 Special Topics In Bu ELEC ELUD UD: Special Topics In Bu
HRD 0441 Materials & Process ET 3260 Manfacturing Process Materials
HRD 0442 Materials & Process ET ELUD UD: Materials & Process
HRD 0451 Adapting Vocation BCED ELUD UD:Adapting Vocation
HRD 0452 Tech In Learning Env ET ELUD UD: Tech In Learning Env
HRD 0454 Training Aids Devel ELEC ELUD UD: Training Aids Devel
HRD 0455 Performance Based Ev ELEC ELUD UD: Performance Based Ev
HRD 0456 Organ & Oper of VICA ELEC ELUD UD: Organ & Oper of VICA
HRD 0464 Methods & Mediation ELEC ELUD UD: Methods & Mediation
HRD 0465 Materials & Process ELEC ELUD UD: Materials & Process
HRD 0466 Course Construction ET ELUD UD: Course Construction
HRD 0470 Tng Human Res Devel ELEC ELUD UD: Tng Human Res Devel
HRD 0471 Prcps of Supervision ELEC ELUD UD: Prcps of Supervision
HRD 0473 Integrating Organiza ET ELUD UD:Integrating Organiza
HRD 0475 Human Resources Poli ET ELUD UD:Human Resources Poli
HRD 0476 Supervised Occupatio ET ELUD UD:Supervised Occupatio
HRD 0479 Inter Hum Res Devel ELEC ELUD UD: Inter Hum Res Devel
HRD 0480 Directed Study ET ELUD UD:Directed Study
HRD 0481 Student Teaching ELEC ELUD UD: Student Teaching
HRD 0482 Directed Study ET ELUD UD:Directed Study
HRD 0485 Special Topics ET ELUD UD:Special Topics
HRD 0493 Independent Study MGMT 4990 Independent Study
HRM 0330 Found Org Behavior MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
HRM 0340 Training Sys/Strat & MGMT 4650 Training and Development
HRM 0350 Employee & Labor Rel MGMT 4490 Indstrl Relations Legislation
HRM 0360 Managing Human Resources MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
HRM 0460 Compensation/Benefit MGMT 4660 Compensation Management
HRM 0470 Staffing Organizatio MGMT 4640 Talent Acquisition Management
HRM 0492 Off Campus Study ELEC ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
HRM 0498 Independent Study MGMT 4990 Independent Study
HRS 0119 Intr Service Indus ELEC ELLD LD: Intr Service Indus
HRT 0101 Food Quality Principles ELEC ELLD LD:Food Quality Principles
HRT 0119 Intro Service Indus ELEC ELLD LD:Intro Service Indus
HRT 0210 Foodservice Operations Mgmt ELEC ELLD LD:Foodservice Oper Mgmt
HRT 0211 Hotel/Resort Operations ELEC ELLD LD:Hotel/Resort Operations
HRT 0212 Conventions/Meetings ELEC ELLD LD:Conventions/Meetings
HRT 0224 Tourism Management ELEC ELLD LD:Tourism Management
HRT 0311 Hum Res Mgt/Hosp/Retail ELEC ELLD LD:Hum Res Mgt/Hosp/Retail
HRT 0361 Issues Trends Customer Serv ELEC ELUD UD:Issues Trends Customer Sr
HRT 0435 Meet Plan/Spec Ev/Conv Mgt ELEC ELUD UD:Meet Plan/Spec Ev/Conv Mgt
HRT 0450 Advanced Lodging Management ELEC ELUD UD:Adv Lodging Management
HRT 102 Intro to Business Hosp/Travel THM ELLD LD:Intro to Business Hosp/Trav
HRT 150 Career Planning ELEC ELLD LD:Career Planning
HRT 210 Foodservice Operations Mgt NFS ELLD LD:Foodservice Operations Mgt
HRT 326 Financial Mgt for the Hosp Ind THM ELUD UD:Financial Mgt for the Hosp
HRT 390 Ldrship & Mnging the Corp Cult THM ELUD UD:Ldrshp & Mng the Corp Cult
HRT 440 SpTp Trnds in Hosp/Tourism THM 4300 Issues and Trends in THM
HSP 0195 Summer Leadership ELEC ELLD LD:Summer Leadership
HSP 0197 Scholarships ELEC ELLD LD:Scholarships
HSP 0258 Modernity ELEC ELLD LD:Modernity
HSP 0268 Persp Globalization ELEC ELLD LD:Persp Globalization
HSP 0288 Energy Modern World ELEC ELLD LD:Energy Modern World
HSP 257 Power ELEC ELLD LD:Power
HSP 267 Life ELEC ELLD LD:Life
HSP 287 Knowledge ELEC ELLD LD:Knowledge
HTM 102 Business of Hospitality/Trave THM ELLD LD:Business of Hosptlty/Travel
HTM 210 Foodservice Operations Mgt THM ELLD LD:Foodservice Operations Mgt
HTM 211 Hotel and Resort Operations THM ELLD LD:Hotel and Resort Operations
HTM 212 Event Planning and Design THM ELLD LD:Event Planning and Design
HTM 311 Hum Res Mgt/Hospitality/Retail THM ELUD UD:Hum Res Mgt/Hospitality/Ret
HTM 390 Lead/Manage Corp Culture THM ELUD UD:Lead/Manage Corp Culture
HTM 445 Restaurant/Cater Mgt/Execution THM ELUD UD:Restaurant/Cater Mgt/Execut
HTM 484 Critical Sustainable Tourism THM ELUD UD:Critical Sustainable Touris
HUEC 151001 Family Sys Human De CDFS ELLD LD: Family Sys Human De
HUEC 152001 Fam Sys CDFS ELLD LD: Fam Sys
HUEC 200001 Microcomp Appl Home CSCI ELLD LD: Microcomp Appl Home
HUEC 251001 Fam Sys Phy Well Be CDFS ELLD LD: Fam Sys Phy Well Be
HUEC 410 Human Ecological Sys CDFS ELUD UD:Human Ecological Sys
HUM 269001 Intro to Human Serv SW ELLD LD: Intro to Human Serv
HUMA 0285 Intro to HR Develop MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
HUMA 269001 Intro to Human Serv HSC ELLD LD: Intro to Human Serv
HUMA 410301 Independent Study HSC ELUD UD: Independent Study
HUMA 422901 Spec Top In Human S HSC ELUD UD: Spec Top In Human S
HUSE 2190 Intro to Human Serv HSC ELLD LD: Intro to Human Serv
HUSE 269001 Intro to Human Serv HSC ELLD LD: Intro to Human Serv
HUSR 022001 Intro Human Service HSC ELLD LD: Intro Human Service
HUSR 032001 Peoples/Probl-Appal SOC ELUD UD: Peoples/Probl-Appal
HUSR 033001 Thinking About Peop HSC ELUD UD: Thinking About Peop
HUSR 038001 Human Services Meth HSC ELUD UD: Human Services Meth
HUSR 039001 Info Interpret/Asse HSC ELUD UD: Info Interpret/Asse
HUSR 0400 Prefield Seminar HSC ELUD UD: Prefield Seminar
HUSR 042001 Human Services Meth HSC ELUD UD: Human Services Meth
HUSR 043001 Working Within The HSC ELUD UD: Working Within The
HUSR 044001 Human Services Fiel HSC ELUD UD: Human Services Fiel
HUSR 044101 Hum Servi Field Wor HSC ELUD UD: Hum Servi Field Wor
HUSR 045001 Spec Topics:Human S HSC ELUD UD: Spec Topics:Human S
HUSR 049101 Foreign Study HSC ELUD UD: Foreign Study
HUSR 049201 Off-Campus Study HSC ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
HUSR 049301 Independent Study HSC ELUD UD: Independent Study
I S 011101 Intro to Engineerin ET ELLD LD: Intro to Engineering
I S 011201 Fund of Engr Mech ET ELLD LD: Fund of Engr Mech
I S 048101 Adv Archit Design T ET ELUD UD: Adv Archit Design T
I S 049201 Off-Campus Study ET ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
IARC 0101 Built Environment IDES ELLD LD:Built Environment
IARC 0212 Hist Interior Design IDES ELLD LD:Hist Interior Design
IARC 0221 Theory of Color IDES ELLD LD:Theory of Color
IARC 0261 Mater Resour Textile IDES ELLD LD:Mater Resour Textile
IARC 0271 Interior Arch Studio IDES ELLD LD:Interior Arch Studio
IARC 0272 Interior Arch Studio II IDES ELLD LD:Interior Arch Studio II
IARC 0273 Interior Arch Seminar IDES ELLD LD:Interior Arch Seminar
IARC 0274 Interior Arch Seminar II IDES ELLD LD:Interior Arch Seminar II
IARC 0460 Lighting for Interior Arch IDES ELUD UD:Lighting for Interior Arch
IARC 200 Human-Environment Relations IDES ELLD LD:Human-Environment Relations
IARC 207 Hon:Human-Environmt Relations ELEC ELLD LD:Hon:Human-Environmt Relatio
IARC 211 Hist/Inter Dsgn/Furn/DecArts IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
IARC 222 Interior Perspectives on Art IDES ELLD LD:Interior Perspectives/Art
IARC 275 People/Spaces/Experi/Politics IDES ELLD LD:People/Spaces/Experi/Politi
IARC 276 Context/Concept/Input/Interact IDES ELLD LD:Context/Concept/Input/Inter
IARC 321 Advanced Representation IDES ELUD UD:Advanced Representation
IARC 361 Lighting for Interior Arch IDES 3330 Lighting, Mechanical, Environ
IB 0409 International Bus BCED ELUD UD:International Bus
IB 449 International Finance FIN 4860 International Financial Mgmt
IDES 014001 Intro to Interior D IDES ELLD LD: Intro to Interior D
IDES 0141 Intro to Interior De IDES ELLD LD: Intro to Interior De
IDES 015001 Visual Studies IDES 2100 Int Design Elements/Principles
IDES 0171 Visual Studies IDES 2100 Int Design Elements/Principles
IDES 0172 Intro to Microenvir IDES 3100 Design Process
IDES 0200 Human Environ Syste IDES ELLD LD: Human Environ Syste
IDES 0221 Theory of Color IDES 2100 Int Design Elements/Principles
IDES 0231 Micro Computers For IDES ELLD LD: Micro Computers For
IDES 024001 Fund Interior Desig IDES 3200 Int Perspec Sketch and Render
IDES 025001 Fund Interior Desig IDES 3100 Design Process
IDES 0260 Materials & Resource IDES ELLD LD: Materials & Resource
IDES 0261 Materials & Resourc IDES 3140 Interior Material and Finishes
IDES 027001 Hist of Int Archite IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
IDES 0271 Fund of Interior De IDES 3200 Int Perspec Sketch and Render
IDES 0272 Fund of Interior De IDES 3100 Design Process
IDES 028001 Micro-Computers-Int IDES ELLD LD: Micro-Computers-Int
IDES 031001 Survey of Interior IDES ELUD UD: Survey of Interior
IDES 0311 History of Interior IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
IDES 0312 History of Contempor IDES 3120 History of Interiors II
IDES 031501 Sur of Contract Int IDES 3120 History of Interiors II
IDES 0331 Working Drawings IDES 3110 Interior Detailing I
IDES 034001 Intermediate Int De IDES 3220 Studio I
IDES 035001 Intermediate Int De IDES 3220 Studio I
IDES 036001 Business Princ/Prac IDES 3130 House Design
IDES 037001 Hist-Int Architectu IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
IDES 0371 Interm Interior Desi IDES 3100 Design Process
IDES 0372 Interm Interior Desi IDES 3220 Studio I
IDES 040001 Proxemics IDES 3100 Design Process
IDES 041001 Environment as Code IDES ELUD UD: Environment as Code
IDES 0411 Hist of Amer Interio IDES ELUD UD: Hist of Amer Interio
IDES 041701 Honors:Interior Des IDES ELUD UD: Honors:Interior Des
IDES 042001 Practicum-Interior IDES ELUD UD: Practicum-Interior
IDES 043001 Computer-Aided Desi IDES ELUD UD: Computer-Aided Desi
IDES 0431 Computer Aided Desig IDES 3110 Interior Detailing I
IDES 0433 Digital Grap Int Dsg IDES ELUD UD: Digital Grap Int Dsg
IDES 044001 Adv Interior Design IDES ELUD UD: Adv Interior Design
IDES 045001 Adv Interior Design IDES ELUD UD: Adv Interior Design
IDES 046001 Lighting For Int De IDES 3330 Lighting, Mechanical, Environ
IDES 0464 Evironmental Factor IDES ELUD UD: Evironmental Factor
IDES 047001 Hist-Contemp Int Ar IDES 3120 History of Interiors II
IDES 0471 Adv Interior Design IDES ELUD UD: Adv Interior Design
IDES 0472 Adv Interior Design IDES ELUD UD: Adv Interior Design
IDES 047501 Hist-Amer Int Archi IDES 3120 History of Interiors II
IDES 048001 Furniture Design IDES ELUD UD: Furniture Design
IDES 0484 Needs Assessment & D IDES ELUD UD: Needs Assessment & D
IDES 048501 Interior Design Syn IDES ELUD UD: Interior Design Syn
IDES 049101 International Study IDES ELUD UD: International Study
IDES 049301 Dir Studies-Int Des IDES ELUD UD: Dir Studies-Int Des
IDES 0494 Directed Studies HSC 4054 Adv Problems Interior Design
IDHS 243501 Mat & Mthd of Desig IDES ELLD LD: Mat & Mthd of Desig
IDS 0101 Built Environment ELEC ELLD LD:Built Environment
IDS 0141 Intro to Inter Design IDES 1010 Inter Desgn Career Orientation
IDS 0200 Human-Environment Relations ELEC ELLD LD:Human Environ Relations
IDS 0221 Theory of Color ELEC ELLD LD:Theory of Color
IDS 0491 Follow Up ELEC ELUD UD:Follow Up
IE 0200 Engineering Statistics ENGR ELLD LD:Engineering Statistics
IE 0202 Work Measure Manuf Proc ENGR ELLD LD:Work Measure Manuf Proc
IE 0250 Leadership/Industrial Engr I ENGR ELLD LD:Ldrshp/Industrial Engr I
IE 0301 Op Res I:Deterministic Models ENGR ELUD UD:Op Res I:Determinstc Models
IE 0405 Engineering Econ Analysis ENGR ELUD UD:Engineering Econ Analysis
IE 0423 Industrial Safety ET ELUD UD:Industrial Safety
IECE 0472 Field Exper In Early ELED ELUD UD: Field Exper In Early
IET 021301 Work Meas Stds ELEC ELLD LD: Work Meas Stds
INDU 311001 Production Manageme MGMT ELUD UD: Production Manageme
INFR 0102 Tech/Info Retrieval ELEC ELLD LD: Tech/Info Retrieval
INMG 0341 Bus Process Analysis INFS ELUD UD: Bus Process Analysis
INMG 0342 Intro Database Syste INFS ELUD UD: Intro Database Syste
INMG 0431 Computer Mapping & G PGEO 4530 Geographic Information Systems
INMG 0442 E Enterprise ELEC ELUD UD: E Enterprise
INMG 0443 Bus Appl & Tools INFS 3200 Business Appl Development
INMG 3010 Prin of Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Prin of Mgmt
INMT 0341 Business Process Analysis INFS 3700 Systems Analysis and Design
INMT 0342 Intro to Database Systems INFS ELUD UD: Intro to Database Systems
INMT 0443 Business Application/Tools INFS ELUD UD: Business Applications/Tool
INMT 242 Business Software Applications INFS ELLD LD:Business Software Applicati
INMT 441 Intro Cybersecurity/Business CYBM ELUD UD:Intro Cybersecurity/Busness
INPG 0100 Selected Topics ELEC ELLD Selected Topics
INPG 0110 Vols Teach ELEC ELLD LD:Vols Teach
INPG 0120 VolsTeach:Inq-Based Less Dsgn ELEC ELLD LD:VolsTeach:Inq-Based Less Ds
INPG 0200 Intro Interdisciplinary Topics ELEC ELLD LD:Intro Interdisciplinary Top
INPG 0210 Health Care Delivery ELEC ELLD LD:Health Care Delivery
INPG 220 Intro to Law/Legal Profession PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
INPG 385 VolsTeach:Rsrch Methods/Sci ELEC ELUD UD:VolsTeach:Rsrch Methods/Sci
INPG 400 Sel Indtrdisc Cult To ELEC ELUD UD:Sel Indtrdisc Cult To
INPR 0100 Selected Topics ELEC ELLD LD: Selected Topics
INPR 040001 Sel Intrdisc Cult T ELEC ELUD UD: Sel Intrdisc Cult T
INPR 049101 Foreign Study ELEC ELUD UD: Foreign Study
INPR 049201 Off Campus Study ELEC ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
INPR 049301 Independent Study ELEC ELUD UD: Independent Study
INSC 0101 Info Foundations ELEC ELLD LD: Info Foundations
INSC 0102 Tech Info Retrieval CSCI ELLD LD: Tech Info Retrieval
INSC 0301 Intro to Web Technologies INFS ELUD UD:Intro to Web Technologies
INSC 0310 Inf Seek/Resrch & St ELEC ELUD UD: Inf Seek/Resrch & St
INSC 0330 Bks/Relat Mat Child LIBS 4150 Books, Media, Literacy Chldrn
INSC 0350 Information Consumer ELEC ELUD UD: Information Consumer
INSC 0351 Race/Gender/Info Technology INFS ELUD UD:Race/Gender/Info Technology
INSC 0451 Info Management in Organiz INFS ELUD UD: Info Mgmt in Org
INSC 0460 Internet Applicat/Technologies INFS ELUD UD:Internat Applicat/Technolog
INSC 0485 Elct/Com/Info/Res In INFS ELUD UD: Elct/Com/Info/Res In
INSC 0486 Adv Elect Comm & Inf INFS ELUD UD: Adv Elect Comm & Inf
INSC 0490 Information Environm ELEC ELUD UD: Information Environm
INSC 201 Found/Information Sciences ELEC ELLD LD:Found/Information Sciences
INSC 210 Found/Info Technology INFS ELLD LD:Found/Info Technology
INSC 220 Information Search INFS ELLD LD:Information Search
INSC 305 Internet and Society INFS ELUD UD:Internet and Society
INSC 311 User-Centered Design INFS ELUD UD:User-Centered Design
INSC 360 Programming for Info Apps INFS ELUD UD:Programming for Info Apps
INSC 380 Information Mgmt/Organizations INFS ELUD UD:Info Mgmt/Organizations
INSC 384 Database Design INFS ELUD UD:Database Design
INSC 430 Foundations of User Experienc INFS ELUD UD:Fndtns of User Experience
INSC 435 Usability Testing and Methods INFS ELUD UD:Usability Testing and Metho
INSC 436 Usability Testing and Methods INFS ELUD UD:Usability Testing and Metho
INSC 450 Writing about Science/Medicine ELEC ELUD UD:Writing about Science/Medic
INSC 495 Special Topics INFS ELUD UD:Special Topics
INSR 302001 Intr Risk & Insuran ELEC ELLD LD: Intr Risk & Insuran
INT 022101 Theory of Color IDES ELLD LD: Theory of Color
INT 0400 Sel Intrdisc Topics ELEC ELUD UD: Sel Intrdisc Topics
INT 0475 Util of Instruc Medi ELEC ELUD UD: Util of Instruc Medi
INTD 0100 Selected Topics ELEC ELLD LD: Selected Topics
ITAL 011101 Elementary Italian ITAL 1010 Elementary Italian I
ITAL 011201 Elementary Italian ITAL 1020 Elementary Italian II
ITAL 0123 Intensive Elem Italian ITAL ELLD LD: Intensive Elem Italian
ITAL 0190 Italian Lang & World ITAL ELLD LD: Italian Lang & World
ITAL 0199 Ital Lang & World B ITAL ELLD LD: Ital Lang & World B
ITAL 021101 Intermediate Italia ITAL 2010 Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 021201 Intermediate Italia ITAL 2020 Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 0223 Intensive Intermediate Italian ITAL 2010 Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 031101 History of Italian FL ELUD UD: History of Italian
ITAL 031201 History of Italian FL ELUD UD: History of Italian
ITAL 0314 Highlights of Italin ITAL ELUD UD: Highlights of Italin
ITAL 034101 Intermed Gramm,Comp FL ELUD UD: Intermed Gramm,Comp
ITAL 034201 Intermed Gramm,Comp FL ELUD UD: Intermed Gramm,Comp
ITAL 040101 Dante & Medieval Cu FL ELUD UD: Dante & Medieval Cu
ITAL 040201 Petrarch & Boccacci FL ELUD UD: Petrarch & Boccacci
ITAL 040301 Lit of the Rinascim FL ELUD UD: Lit of the Rinascim
ITAL 040401 Lit of the Rinascim FL ELUD UD: Lit of the Rinascim
ITAL 040501 Modern Italian Poet FL ELUD UD: Modern Italian Poet
ITAL 040601 The Modern Italian FL ELUD UD: The Modern Italian
ITAL 040901 Directed Readings FL ELUD UD: Directed Readings
ITAL 0410 Italian Cultural Stu ITAL ELUD UD: Italian Cultural Stu
ITAL 0414 Italian Culture Stud ITAL ELUD UD: Italian Culture Stud
ITAL 0421 Topics Ital Lit & Ci ITAL ELUD UD: Topics Ital Lit & Ci
ITAL 049001 Internship ITAL ELUD UD: Internship
ITAL 0491 Foreign Study ITAL ELUD UD: Foreign Study
ITAL 0493 Independent Study ITAL ELUD UD: Independent Study
ITAL 111001 Elem Italian FL ELLD LD: Elem Italian
ITAL 112001 Elem Italian FL ELLD LD: Elem Italian
ITAL 113001 Elem Italian FL ELLD LD: Elem Italian
ITAL 211 Intermediate Italian ITAL 2010 Intermediate Italian I
ITCE 0486 Intro Instr Computer SPSE ELUD UD: Intro Instr Computer
ITED 0495 Special Topics FOED ELUD UD: Special Topics
JAP 015101 Elementary Japanese JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JAP 015201 Ellementary Japanes JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
JAPA 0151 Elem Japanese JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JAPA 0152 Elem Japanese II JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
JAPA 0251 Intermed Japanese I JAPN 2010 Intermediate Japanese I
JAPA 0252 Intermed Japanese II JAPN 2020 Intermediate Japanese II
JAPA 0313 Japa Lit/Eng Tran JAPN ELUD UD: Japa Lit/Eng Tran
JAPA 0314 Japn Lit In Engl Tra JAPN ELUD UD: Japn Lit In Engl Tra
JAPA 0321 Japan Graphic Novel/Animat JAPN ELUD UD:Japan Graphic Novel/Animat
JAPA 0351 Advanced Japanese1 JAPN 3010 Advanced Japanese
JAPA 0352 Advanced Japanese II JAPN 3020 Advanced Japanese
JAPA 0413 Topics JAPN ELUD UD:Topics
JAPA 0443 Topics Jap Lit JAPN ELUD UD: Topics Jap Lit
JAPA 0452 Read Mod Jap Lit JAPN ELUD UD: Read Mod Jap Lit
JAPA 0454 Read Pre Mod Jap Lit JAPN ELUD UD: Read Pre Mod Jap Lit
JAPA 315 Asian Film JAPN ELUD UD:Asian Film
JAPN 151 Elem Japanese JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JAPN 152 Elementary Japanese JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
JAPN 251 Interm Japanese JAPN 2010 Intermediate Japanese I
JAPN 252 Intermed Japanese JAPN 2020 Intermediate Japanese II
JAPN 351 Advanced Japanese JAPN 3010 Advanced Japanese
JAPN 352 Advanced Japanese JAPN 3020 Advanced Japanese
JOUR 0100 Intro to Mass Comm JOUR ELLD LD:Intro to Mass Comm
JOUR 0200 Intro News Writing JOUR 3090 Reporting
JOUR 020101 Writing For Mass Med PR 3360 Strategic Writg Public Rela
JOUR 020301 Editing JOUR 3450 Editing
JOUR 027001 Public Relations Pr PR ELLD LD: Public Relations Pr
JOUR 0275 Intro Electronic Me EMC ELLD LD: Intro Electronic Me
JOUR 0280 Communications Grap VCOM 2010 Intro to Visual Communication
JOUR 029001 Photojournalism PHOT ELUD UD: Photojournalism
JOUR 0302 Readership & Audienc JOUR ELUD UD: Readership & Audienc
JOUR 031001 Feature Writing JOUR 3530 Feature Writing
JOUR 0311 Electronic News Writ JOUR ELUD UD: Electronic News Writ
JOUR 0315 Print/Web News Writi JOUR ELUD UD: Print/Web News Writi
JOUR 0320 Mass Media Commercia JOUR ELUD UD: Mass Media Commercia
JOUR 0335 Electronic Media Pro EMC ELUD UD: Electronic Media Pro
JOUR 0360 Electronic Media Per EMC ELUD UD: Electronic Media Per
JOUR 037001 Public Relations Ca PR 3400 Case Studies in PR
JOUR 039001 Communications Grap VCOM 2010 Intro to Visual Communication
JOUR 0400 Mass Comm Law & Ethi EMC ELUD UD: Mass Comm Law & Ethi
JOUR 040301 International Commu JOUR 4790 Global News Wrld Media Culture
JOUR 0411 Electronic News Gath JOUR ELUD UD: Electronic News Gath
JOUR 0412 Opinion Writing JOUR ELUD UD: Opinion Writing
JOUR 041401 Magazine Article Wr JOUR 3590 Magazine Writing and Editing
JOUR 0415 Magazine Industry Wo JOUR ELUD UD: Magazine Industry Wo
JOUR 041601 Issues In Journalis JOUR 4800 Seminar in Media Issues
JOUR 042001 Print Media Managem JOUR 4780 Media and Markets
JOUR 043001 Public Affairs Repo JOUR 4440 Advanced Reporting
JOUR 0433 Editing & Layout For JOUR ELUD UD: Editing & Layout For
JOUR 0435 Electronic Field Pro EMC ELUD UD: Electronic Field Pro
JOUR 0440 Corporate Video EMC ELUD UD: Corporate Video
JOUR 0444 Journalism as Litera JOUR ELUD UD: Journalism as Litera
JOUR 045001 Writing About Scien JOUR ELUD UD: Writing About Scien
JOUR 045101 Environmental Repor JOUR ELUD UD: Environmental Repor
JOUR 045501 Issues In Science C JOUR ELUD UD: Issues In Science C
JOUR 045601 Science Writing As JOUR ELUD UD: Science Writing As
JOUR 0457 Media & Society EMC ELUD UD: Media & Society
JOUR 046001 Mass Communications JOUR 4510 Media and Social Change
JOUR 0465 Media & Diversity EMC ELUD UD: Media & Diversity
JOUR 0467 Mass Comm History EMC ELUD UD: Mass Comm History
JOUR 047001 Public Relations Ca PR 4740 Public Relations Campaigns
JOUR 048001 Journalism In High JOUR ELUD UD: Journalism In High
JOUR 0485 Media Management EMC ELUD UD: Media Management
JOUR 0488 Web Publishing EMC ELUD UD: Web Publishing
JOUR 049001 Advanced Photojourn PHOT ELUD UD: Advanced Photojourn
JOUR 0491 Foreign Study EMC ELUD UD: Foreign Study
JOUR 049201 Field Experience JOUR 4000 MC Internship
JOUR 049301 Independent Study JOUR 4900 Independent Study of Media
JOUR 0498 Internship EMC ELUD UD: Internship
JOUR 221001 Writing For Mass Me JOUR ELLD LD: Writing For Mass Me
JOUR 2215 Basic News Writing JOUR ELLD LD: Basic News Writing
JOUR 2220 Reporting JOUR ELLD LD: Reporting
JOUR 2230 Editing For Mass Med JOUR ELLD LD: Editing For Mass Med
JOUR 3110 Comm History JOUR ELUD UD: Comm History
JOUR 3410 Communications Law JOUR ELUD UD: Communications Law
JOUR 3710 Public Relations PR ELUD UD: Public Relations
JOUR 3910 Basic Photography PHOT ELUD UD: Basic Photography
JOUR 4410 Mass Media Society JOUR ELUD UD: Mass Media Society
JREM 0175 Princ/Hist Journ & Media JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
JREM 0200 Intro to News Writing JOUR 2710 Media Writing
JREM 0230 Media Reporting JOUR 3090 Reporting
JREM 0250 Visual Communication EMC ELLD LD: Visual Communication
JREM 0275 Intro Jour Electronic Media EMC ELLD LD:Intro Jour Electronic Med
JREM 0320 Media Promotions EMC 3030 Electronic Media Advertising
JREM 0333 Print/Web Editing JOUR ELUD UD:Print/Web Editing
JREM 0336 Video Production EMC ELUD UD:Video Production
JREM 0350 Digital News Reporting JOUR ELUD UD:Digital News Reporting
JREM 0367 Mass Communication History EMC ELUD UD: Mass Communication History
JREM 0375 Sports Reporting JOUR ELUD UD:Sports Reporting
JREM 0380 Media Graphics EMC ELUD UD:Media Graphics
JREM 0390 Photojournalism JOUR ELUD UD:Photojournalism
JREM 0400 Mass Comm Law/Ethics EMC ELUD UD:Mass Comm Law/Ethics
JREM 0410 Media Ethics JOUR ELUD UD:Media Ethics
JREM 0414 Magazine Writing JOUR ELUD UD:Magazine Writing
JREM 0420 Media Sales EMC 4010 Media Sales
JREM 0430 Public Affairs Reporting JOUR ELUD UD:Public Affairs Reporting
JREM 0433 Editing/Layout Print Web JOUR ELUD UD:Editing/Layout Print Web
JREM 0436 Advanced Video Production EMC ELUD UD:Adv Video Production
JREM 0457 Media and Society JOUR ELUD UD:Media and Society
JREM 0466 Media Diversity & Society EMC ELUD UD:Media Diversity & Society
JREM 0470 Cable/Brdband Dig Media PR 4740 Public Relations Campaigns
JREM 0475 Sports Writing JOUR ELUD UD:Sports Writing
JREM 0492 Practicum EMC ELUD UD:Practicum
JREM 0499 Media Bus Future Journalism JOUR ELUD UD:Media Bus Future Journ
JREM 236 Foundations/Video Production VFP ELLD LD:Foundations/Video Productio
JREM 330 Communication for Media JOUR ELUD UD:Communication for Media
JREM 411 Television News Reporting EMC ELUD UD:Television News Reporting
JREM 441 Entrepre in Journalism/Media JOUR ELUD UD:Entr in Journalism/Media
JREM 480 Media Prgmg/Digital Era EMC ELUD UD:Media Prgmg/Digital Era
JREM 484 Sports,Media, and Society JOUR ELUD UD:Sports,Media, and Society
JREM 491 Foreign Study JOUR ELUD UD:Foreign Study
JREM 494 Special Topics EMC ELUD UD:Special Topics
JST 0386 Voices of the Holocaust ELEC ELUD UD:Voices of the Holocaust
JST 0395 Crusad/Med Christ/Muslim Rela RS ELUD UD: Crusad/Med Christ/Muslim R
JST 381 Judaism RS ELUD UD:Judaism
JUST 0311 Ancient Herabic Reli ELEC ELUD UD: Ancient Herabic Reli
JUST 0312 Religious Aspects Of ELEC ELUD UD: Religious Aspects Of
JUST 0320 Women & Religion ELEC ELUD UD: Women & Religion
JUST 0322 Medieval Phil ELEC ELUD UD: Medieval Phil
JUST 0350 German Jewish ELEC ELUD UD: German Jewish
JUST 0369 History of Middle E ELEC ELUD UD: History of Middle E
JUST 0370 Hist of Middle Eas ELEC ELUD UD: Hist of Middle Eas
JUST 0381 Intro to Judaism ELEC ELUD UD: Intro to Judaism
JUST 0383 Hist Jewish Civiliza HIST ELUD UD: Hist Jewish Civiliza
JUST 0384 Hist Jewish Civiliza HIST ELUD UD: Hist Jewish Civiliza
JUST 0385 Conte Jewish Thinker ELEC ELUD UD: Conte Jewish Thinker
JUST 0386 Voices of the Holoca ELEC ELUD UD: Voices of the Holoca
JUST 0395 The Crusades and The ELEC ELUD UD: The Crusades and The
JUST 0405 Modern Jewish Though ELEC ELUD UD: Modern Jewish Though
JUST 0425 Early Christian & By ELEC ELUD UD: Early Christian & By
JUST 0431 Medieval Art of The ELEC ELUD UD: Medieval Art of The
KNS 0100 Orientation to Kinesiology PHED ELLD LD:Orientation Kinesiology
KNS 0231 Intro to Sport Psychology ATHC ELLD LD: Intro to Sport Psychology
KNS 0260 Practicum Kinesiology PHED ELLD LD:Practicum Kinesiology
KNS 0290 Prin Movmt Cont Skill Learn EXSC ELLD LD:Prin Movmt Cont Skill Learn
KNS 0332 Applied Anatomy PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
KNS 0350 Physical Activity Epidemiology EXSC ELUD UD:Phys Activity Epidemiology
KNS 0380 Special Topics EXSC ELUD UD: Special Topics
KNS 0414 Fitness Test/Exercise Prescr EXSC ELUD UD:Fitness Test/Exercise Presc
KNS 0440 Strength/Conditioning Programs EXSC 4230 Exer Prescription Program Plan
KNS 0485 Physiology of Athletes EXSC ELUD UD:Physiology of Athletes
KNS 200 Introduction to Kinesiology PHED ELLD LD:Introduction to Kinesiology
KNS 260 Practicum in Kinesiology PHED ELLD LD:Practicum in Kinesiology
KNS 331 Exercise Psychology EXSC ELUD UD:Exercise Psychology
KNS 335 Athletic Training Techniques ATHT ELUD UD:Athetlic Training Technique
KNS 422 Biomechanics of Human Movement EXSC ELUD UD:Biomechanics Human Movement
KNS 426 Practicum in Kinesiology II PHED ELUD UD:Practicum in Kinesiology II
KNS 480 Physiology of Exercise ATHT ELUD UD:Physiology of Exercise
L S 033001 Bks/Relat Mats Chil LIBS 4150 Books, Media, Literacy Chldrn
L SE 0451 Children's Lit ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
L SE 451M Childerns Lit ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
LAC 0251 Latin America ELEC ELLD LD:Latin America
LAC 0252 Intro/Latin Amer/Caribbean St HIST ELLD LD:Intro/Latin Amer/Caribbean
LAMS 0251 Intro to Latin Amer Studies ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Latin Amer Stu
LAMS 0252 Intro to Latin Amer Studies ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Lat Amer Stu
LAMS 0361 Hist Latin America since 1810 HIST 4480 South America
LAT 025101 Intro Latin Am Stds HUM ELLD LD: Intro Latin Am Stds
LAT 025201 Intro Latin Am Stds HUM ELLD LD: Intro Latin Am Stds
LAT 0314 Peoples/Cult So Amer HIST ELUD UD: Peoples/Cult So Amer
LAT 0319 Carribean Cult/Socie HIST ELUD UD: Carribean Cult/Socie
LAT 0331 Intro Hispanic Cultu HIST ELUD UD: Intro Hispanic Cultu
LAT 0333 Survey Span-Amer Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Survey Span-Amer Lit
LAT 0334 Survey Hispanic Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Survey Hispanic Lit
LAT 0456 Latin Amer Govt & Po PS ELUD UD: Latin Amer Govt & Po
LAT 0465 Lat Amer Film & Cult SPAN ELUD UD: Lat Amer Film & Cult
LAT 0491 Foreign Study ELEC ELUD UD: Foreign Study
LAT 0492 Off Campus Study ELEC ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
LAT 0493 Independent Study ELEC ELUD UD: Independent Study
LATM 031901 Caribbean Cultures FL ELUD UD: Caribbean Cultures
LATN 011101 Beginning Latin LATN ELLD LD: Beginning Latin
LATN 011201 Beginning Latin LATN ELLD LD: Beginning Latin
LATN 015001 Latin Transition LATN 1020 Elementary Latin II
LATN 025101 Int Latin:Gramm Rev LATN ELLD LD: Int Latin:Gramm Rev
LATN 025201 Int Latin:Vergil's LATN ELLD LD: Int Latin:Vergil's
LATN 035101 Cicero & Sallust LATN ELUD UD: Cicero & Sallust
LATN 035201 Roman Lyric Poetry LATN ELUD UD: Roman Lyric Poetry
LATN 041401 Cicero & Tech of La LATN ELUD UD: Cicero & Tech of La
LATN 043101 Sel Readings-Latin LATN ELUD UD: Sel Readings-Latin
LATN 043201 Sel Readings-Latin LATN ELUD UD: Sel Readings-Latin
LATN 043501 Medieval Latin LATN ELUD UD: Medieval Latin
LATN 2110 Cicero Orations LATN ELLD LD:Cicero Orations
LCHE 0141 Efficient Reading & FOED ELLD LD: Efficient Reading &
LCHE 0203 Field Studi In Educa FOED ELLD LD: Field Studi In Educa
LCHE 0453 Adolescent Literatur FOED ELUD UD: Adolescent Literatur
LCHE 0455 Teach of Foreign Lan FOED ELUD UD: Teach of Foreign Lan
LCHE 0456 Teach Speech & Drama FOED ELUD UD: Teach Speech & Drama
LCHE 0459 Teach English In Sec YOED ELUD UD: Teach English In Sec
LCHE 0460 Teach Read & Lit YOED ELUD UD: Teach Read & Lit
LCHE 0461 Devel Reading Skills FOED ELUD UD: Devel Reading Skills
LCHE 0481 Internship I:Grades YOED ELUD UD: Internship I:Grades
LCHE 0482 Internship II:Grades YOED ELUD UD: Internship II:Grades
LCHE 0493 Independent Study YOED ELUD UD: Independent Study
LCHE 0494 Supervised Readings YOED ELUD UD: Supervised Readings
LCHE 0495 Special Topics FOED ELUD UD: Special Topics
LEGA 0244 Prof Resposibility PLEG ELLD LD: Prof Resposibility
LEGA 0300 Mass Comm Research JOUR ELUD UD: Mass Comm Research
LEGA 0301 The Legal Environmen PLEG ELLD LD: The Legal Environmen
LEGA 0330 Law In American Soci PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
LEGA 0331 Sociological Researc SOC ELUD UD: Sociological Researc
LEGA 0340 Women, Politics & Lw PS 3010 US Women's Rights
LEGA 0344 Professional Respons PHIL ELUD UD: Professional Respons
LEGA 0362 Roman Law ELEC ELUD UD: Roman Law
LEGA 0392 Philosophy of Law PS ELUD UD: Philosophy of Law
LEGA 0393 Global Justice & Hum PLEG ELUD UD: Global Justice & Hum
LEGA 0400 Mass Comm Law & Ethc EMC ELUD UD: Mass Comm Law & Ethc
LEGA 0401 Political Analysis PS 3001 Research Methods in PS
LEGA 0424 Psychology & Law PSY ELUD UD: Psychology & Law
LEGA 0430 Us Const Law: Pwr & PS 3370 American Constitutional Law I
LEGA 0431 Us Const Law: Cvl Rt PS 3380 American Constitutional Law II
LEGA 0435 Criminal Law & Proce PLEG ELUD UD: Criminal Law & Proce
LEGA 0442 Admin Law PS 3500 International Law
LEGA 0451 Criminal Justice CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Justice
LEGA 0455 Society & Law SOC ELUD UD: Society & Law
LEGA 0469 Freedom 0f Speech COMM ELUD UD: Freedom 0f Speech
LEGA 0470 Internatl Law PS 3500 International Law
LEGA 0490 Language & Law ENGL ELUD UD: Language & Law
LEGA 0496 Rhetoric of Legal Ds ENGL ELUD UD: Rhetoric of Legal Ds
LEST 0200 Student Leadership ELEC ELLD LD: Student Leadership
LIB 0310 Find Info: Research ELEC ELUD UD: Fund Info: Reseach
LIB 351001 Bks Lib Mat Childre LIBS 4150 Books, Media, Literacy Chldrn
LING 020001 Lang,Linguistics,So ENGL ELLD LD: Lang,Linguistics,So
LING 0321 Intro Old English ENGL ELUD UD: Intro Old English
LING 037101 Found of English La ENGL 3570 Introduction to Linguistics
LING 037201 Structure of Modern ENGL ELUD UD: Structure of Modern
LING 040001 Topics In Linguisti MGMT ELUD UD: Topics In Linguisti
LING 041101 Linguistic Anthropo ANTH ELUD UD: Linguistic Anthropo
LING 042001 Dev Hist Ling as Sc ENGL ELUD UD: Dev Hist Ling as Sc
LING 0423 The Devel of Diachro ENGL ELUD UD: The Devel of Diachro
LING 042501 Intro Descriptive L FL ELUD UD: Intro Descriptive L
LING 042601 Methods of Hist Lin FL ELUD UD: Methods of Hist Lin
LING 042901 Romance Linguistics FL ELUD UD: Romance Linguistics
LING 043001 Synchronic Ling As ENGL ELUD UD: Synchronic Ling As
LING 0431 Topics Hispanic Ling ENGL 4570 Special Topics in Linguistics
LING 0435 Structure German Lan GERM ELUD UD: Structure German Lan
LING 043601 Hist of German Lang GERM ELUD UD: Hist of German Lang
LING 047101 Socioloinguistics M ENGL ELUD UD: Socioloinguistics M
LING 047102 Sociolinguistics SOC ELUD UD: Sociolinguistics
LING 047201 American English ENGL ELUD UD: American English
LING 047401 Teach Eng as 2nd/Fo ENGL ELUD UD: Teach Eng as 2nd/Fo
LING 047501 Teach Eng as 2nd/Fo ENGL ELUD UD: Teach Eng as 2nd/Fo
LING 0476 Second Lang Acquisit ENGL ELUD UD: Second Lang Acquisit
LING 0477 Pedagogical Grammar ENGL 4540 Second Language Writing
LING 048501 Special Topics In L ENGL ELUD UD: Special Topics In L
LING 0490 Language & Law ENGL ELUD UD: Language & Law
LING 0491 Foreign Study ENGL ELUD UD: Foreign Study
LING 0492 Off Campus Study ENGL ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
LING 0493 Independent Study ENGL ELUD UD: Independent Study
LIS 031001 Finding Info:Resour ELEC ELUD UD: Finding Info:Resources
LIS 033001 Books/Rel Materials LIBS 4150 Books, Media, Literacy Chldrn
LIS 034001 Books/Rel Matls You LIBS 4160 Bks Media Literacy Young Adult
LIS 043001 History of the Book ELEC ELUD UD: History of the Book
LIS 047501 Utilization-Instruc SPSE ELUD UD: Utilization-Instruc
LMS 426 Practicum in Kinesiology II PHED ELUD UD:Practicum in Kinesiology II
LOG 0310 Intermediate Logistics MGMT 4810 Integrated Logistics Mgmt
LOGT 030101 Intro to Logistics MKT ELUD UD: Intro to Logistics
LOGT 030201 Intro to Transporta MKT ELUD UD: Intro to Transporta
LOGT 0310 Intermed Logistics MGMT ELUD UD: Intermed Logistics
LOGT 040001 Logistics & Transpo MKT ELUD UD: Logistics & Transpo
LOGT 040101 Matls & Traffic Mgm MKT ELUD UD: Matls & Traffic Mgm
LOGT 040201 Transportation Oper MKT ELUD UD: Transportation Oper
LOGT 0411 Logistics & Trans ELEC ELUD UD: Logistics & Trans
LOGT 0412 Logistics Analytical MGMT ELUD UD: Logistics Analytical
LOGT 0413 Logistics Oper Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Logistics Oper Mgmt
LOGT 0421 Procurement & Supply MGMT 3750 Intl Supply Chain Mgmt
LOGT 044101 Global Logistics/Tr MKT ELUD UD: Global Logistics/Tr
LOGT 045001 Comp Info Systems A MKT ELUD UD: Comp Info Systems A
LOGT 0460 Strategic Logistics MGMT ELUD UD: Strategic Logistics
LOGT 046101 Seminar-Logistics S MKT ELUD UD: Seminar-Logistics S
LOGT 046201 Sem-Transportation MKT ELUD UD: Sem-Transportation
LOGT 0492 Logistics & Tran ELEC ELUD UD: Logistics & Tran
LOGT 049301 Independent Study MKT ELUD UD: Independent Study
LOGT 049701 Exec-In-Residence-T MKT ELUD UD: Exec-In-Residence-T
LTAM 025101 Intro to Latin Amer FL ELLD LD: Intro to Latin Amer
LTAM 025201 Intro to Latin Amer FL ELLD LD: Intro to Latin Amer
LTAM 031101 Aspects of Luso Bra FL ELUD UD: Aspects of Luso Bra
LTAM 031201 Aspects of Span Ame SPAN ELUD UD: Aspects of Span Ame
LTAM 031301 Peoples & Cultures FL ELUD UD: Peoples & Cultures
LTAM 0315 Aspects Luso Braz ELEC ELUD UD: Aspects Luso Braz
LTAM 0316 Luso Brazilian Cinem ELEC ELUD UD: Luso Brazilian Cinem
LTAM 0319 Carribean Cult & Soc ELEC ELUD UD: Carribean Cult & Soc
LTAM 0333 Surv Span Amer Lit ELEC ELUD UD: Surv Span Amer Lit
LTAM 0336 Aspects of Span Amer SPAN ELUD UD: Aspects of Span Amer
LTAM 035501 Latin Amer Governme PS ELUD UD: Latin Amer Governme
LTAM 036001 Hist of Latin Ameri HIST ELUD UD: Hist of Latin Ameri
LTAM 036101 History of Latin Am HIST ELUD UD: History of Latin Am
LTAM 037201 Geography of Middle GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Middle
LTAM 037301 Geography of South GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of South
LTAM 040101 Cultural Plurality FL ELUD UD: Cultural Plurality
LTAM 040201 Latin American Stud FL ELUD UD: Latin American Stud
LTAM 043101 Directed Readings I FL ELUD UD: Directed Readings I
LTAM 043201 Directed Readings I FL ELUD UD: Directed Readings I
LTAM 045001 20th Century Hispan FL ELUD UD: 20th Century Hispan
LTAM 045501 Latin Amer Govern & PS ELUD UD: Latin Amer Govern &
LTAM 0460 History of Brazil HIST ELUD UD: History of Brazil
LTAM 0461 Cuban Revolution In HIST ELUD UD: Cuban Revolution In
LTAM 0462 History of Mexico HIST ELUD UD: History of Mexico
LTAM 0463 Modern Latin Amer Hi HIST ELUD UD: Modern Latin Amer Hi
LTAM 047101 Latin Amer Civiliza FL ELUD UD: Latin Amer Civiliza
LTAM 047201 Masterpieces of Spa SPAN ELUD UD: Masterpieces of Spa
LTAM 047301 Survey of Spanish A SPAN ELUD UD: Survey of Spanish A
LTAM 047401 Survey of Span Amer SPAN ELUD UD: Survey of Span Amer
LTAM 047501 Studies In Latin Am HIST ELUD UD: Studies In Latin Am
LTAM 047901 Social Protest Lit FL ELUD UD: Social Protest Lit
M S 0101 Foundations Officer MS ELLD LD: Foundations Officer
M S 0103 Army Rotc Fitness P MS ELLD LD: Army Rotc Fitness P
M S 011001 Basic Military Sci MS 1010 Introduction to the Army
M S 0111 Basic MS ELLD LD: Basic
M S 0112 Aerial Nav MS ELLD LD: Aerial Nav
M S 0113 Basic MS ELLD LD: Basic
M S 012001 Basic Milit Scien II MS 1020 Foundations of Leadership
M S 0130 Army Conditioning Pr MS ELLD LD: Army Conditioning Pr
M S 020001 Basic Milit Stud-Pr MS 3000 Basic Military Science
M S 021001 Basic Officer Skil I MS 2010 Leadership in Ethics
M S 022001 Basic Offic Skill II MS 2020 Army Doctrine/Decision Making
M S 031001 Adv Military Studie MS 3110 Training Mgmt/Warfighting
M S 032001 Adv Military Studie MS 3120 Applied Leadership Small Unit
M S 040001 Adv Camp-Practicum MS 3130 Military Science Field Methods
M S 041001 Command/Staff Funct MS 4110 The Army Officer
M S 042001 Military Ethics & L MS 4120 Company Grade Leadership
M S 043001 Us Military Hist,17 HIST ELUD UD: Us Military Hist,17
M S 111001 Fund Militry Orgnaz MS ELLD LD: Fund Militry Orgnaz
M S 112E Basic MS ELLD LD: Basic
M S 211001 Appl Leadership & M MS ELLD LD: Appl Leadership & M
M S 211T Basic MS ELLD LD: Basic
M S 212T Basic MS ELLD LD: Basic
M S 213T Basic MS ELLD LD: Basic
MAED 0485 Tch Math 7-12 MATH ELUD UD: Tch Math 7-12
MANA 301001 Prin of Management MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MANA 311001 Production Manageme MGMT 3620 Supply Chain Operations
MARK 0300 Marketing/Supply Chain Mgt MKT ELUD UD:Marketing/Supply Chain
MARK 0301 Marketing Management MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Management
MARK 0340 Interm Marketing MKT ELUD UD:Intermediate Marketing
MARK 0350 Consumer Behavior MKT ELUD UD:Consumer Behavior
MARK 0360 Marketing Analytics MKT ELUD UD:Marketing Analytics
MARK 311001 Intro to Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MARK 3120 Marketing Mgmt MKT 4890 Marketing Management
MARK 465 Strategic Digital Marketing MKT 3850 Digital Marketing & Promotion
MARK 485 Digital Consumer Insights MKT ELUD UD:Digital Consumer Insights
MATH 115 Academic Prelude ELEC ELLD LD: Academic Prelude
MATH 424 Probability STAT 4320 Probability Stochastic Process
MATH 495 Actuarial Math ACSI 4140 Math Found Actuarial Science
MATH 0100 Intermed Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermed Algebra
MATH 0106 Intermediate Algebra DSPM ELLD LD:Intermediate Algebra
MATH 0109 Algebra Workshop MATH ELLD LD: Algebra Workshop
MATH 0110 Algebraic Reasoning MATH ELLD LD: Algebraic Reasoning
MATH 0111 Gen Mathematics MATH ELLD LD: Gen Mathematics
MATH 0113 Math Reasoning MATH ELLD LD: Math Reasoning
MATH 0115 Statistical Reasoning MATH 1530 Applied Statistics
MATH 0117 Honors:Math Reasoni MATH ELLD LD: Honors:Math Reasoni
MATH 0119 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 0120 Pre-Calculus I MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 0121 Calculus A MATH ELLD LD: Calculus A
MATH 0122 Calculus B MATH ELLD LD: Calculus B
MATH 0123 Finite Math MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MATH 0125 Basic Calculus MATH 1810 Applied Calculus I
MATH 0130 Pre-Calculus I MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 0131 Select Topics in Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Select Topics in Algebra
MATH 0140 Geometry Part II MATH ELLD LD: Geometry Part II
MATH 0141 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 0142 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 014301 Microcomputer Lab MATH ELLD LD: Microcomputer Lab
MATH 014401 Microcomputer Lab MATH ELLD LD: Microcomputer Lab
MATH 015001 Trigonometry MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MATH 0171 Comp Lit For Mathema BCED ELLD LD:Comp Lit For Mathema
MATH 0172 Business Math BCED ELLD LD:Business Math
MATH 020001 Matrix Computations MATH ELLD LD: Matrix Computations
MATH 020101 Structure of Number MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
MATH 022101 Discrete Math I MATH 3080 Discrete Structures
MATH 022201 Discrete Math II MATH ELLD LD: Discrete Math II
MATH 023101 Differential Equati MATH 3120 Differential Equations I
MATH 024101 Calculus III MATH 3110 Calculus III
MATH 024301 Microcomputer Lab MATH ELLD LD: Microcomputer Lab
MATH 024701 Honors:Calculus III MATH 3110 Calculus III
MATH 025101 Matrix Algebra I MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MATH 025301 Microcomputer Lab MATH ELLD LD: Microcomputer Lab
MATH 025701 Honors:Matrix Algeb MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MATH 0299 Studies In Math MATH ELLD LD: Studies In Math
MATH 0300 Intro to Abstract Ma MATH 3460 Foundation of Higher Math
MATH 0307 Hon:Intro/Abstract Mathematics MATH ELUD UD:Hon:Intro/Abstract Math
MATH 032301 Probability I STAT 3150 Mathematical Statistics I
MATH 034101 Analysis I MATH ELUD UD: Analysis I
MATH 035101 Algebra I MATH 4470 Introduction to Modern Algebra
MATH 037101 Numerical Algorithm MATH 4310 Numerical Analysis I
MATH 039901 Studies In Math MATH ELUD UD: Studies In Math
MATH 040001 History of Math MATH 4620 History and Philosophy of Math
MATH 040101 Math & Microcompute MATH ELUD UD: Math & Microcompute
MATH 0403 Math Methods For Eng MATH ELUD UD: Math Methods For Eng
MATH 040401 Applied Vector Calc MATH 4230 Vector Analysis
MATH 040501 Models In Biology MATH ELUD UD: Models In Biology
MATH 041101 Math Modeling MATH ELUD UD: Math Modeling
MATH 042101 Combinatorics MATH 4700 Combinatorics and Graph Theory
MATH 042301 Probability II MATH ELUD UD: Probability II
MATH 0424 Probability II MATH ELUD UD: Probability II
MATH 042501 Statistics STAT 4190 Mathematical Statistics II
MATH 043101 Differential Equati MATH 3260 Differential Equations II
MATH 043501 Partial Differentia MATH ELUD UD: Partial Differentia
MATH 044301 Complex Varibles I MATH ELUD UD: Complex Varibles I
MATH 044401 Complex Variables I MATH ELUD UD: Complex Variables I
MATH 044501 Adv Calculus I MATH ELUD UD: Adv Calculus I
MATH 044601 Adv Calculus II MATH ELUD UD: Adv Calculus II
MATH 044701 Honors:Adv Calculus MATH ELUD UD: Honors:Adv Calculus
MATH 044801 Honors:Adv Calculus MATH ELUD UD: Honors:Adv Calculus
MATH 045101 Topics In Algebra MATH 4420 Number Theory
MATH 045301 Matrix Algebra II MATH ELUD UD: Matrix Algebra II
MATH 045501 Abstract Algebra I MATH 4510 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 045601 Abstract Algebra II MATH 4530 Abstract Algebra II
MATH 045701 Honors:Abstract Alg MATH 4510 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 045801 Honors:Abstract Alg MATH 4530 Abstract Algebra II
MATH 046001 Geometry MATH 3070 College Geometry
MATH 046101 Topology MATH 4270 Introduction to Topology
MATH 047101 Numerical Analysis MATH 4320 Numerical Analysis II
MATH 0472 Regression Analysis STAT 4360 Regression Analysis
MATH 0473 Experimental Design STAT 4380 Experimental Design
MATH 0474 Intro to Data Mining MATH ELUD UD: Intro to Data Mining
MATH 0475 Time Series Analysis STAT 4200 Statistical Methods Forecast
MATH 049001 Readings In Math MATH ELUD UD: Readings In Math
MATH 0495 Seminar In Actuarial MATH ELUD UD: Seminar In Actuarial
MATH 0497 Undergrad Honors Sem MATH ELUD UD: Undergrad Honors Sem
MATH 049901 Seminar In Math MATH ELUD UD: Seminar In Math
MATH 104 Trigonometry MATH ELLD LD:Trigonometry
MATH 1100 Math Drugs Solution MATH ELLD LD: Math Drugs Solution
MATH 111001 Gen Mathematics MATH ELLD LD: Gen Mathematics
MATH 112001 Gen Mathematics MATH ELLD LD: Gen Mathematics
MATH 113001 Gen Mathematics MATH ELLD LD: Gen Mathematics
MATH 114001 Basic Math Skills MATH ELLD LD: Basic Math Skills
MATH 131 Calculus 1A Infused w/Precal MATH ELLD LD:Calculus 1A Infused w/Preca
MATH 132 Mathematical Analysis MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 133 Mathematical Analy MATH ELLD LD:Mathematical Analy
MATH 147 Honors:Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 148 Honors:Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 151 Math for Life Sciences I MATH ELLD LD: Math for Life Sciences I
MATH 152 Math for Life Sciences II MATH ELLD LD: Math for Life Sciences II
MATH 154001 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 1550 Intro Calcul Gen Mat MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 1550 Intro Calcul Gen Mat and MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MATH 156001 Intro Calculus Gen MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MATH 170001 Pre-Calculus Math MATH ELLD LD: Pre-Calculus Math
MATH 171001 Pre-Calculus Math MATH ELLD LD: Pre-Calculus Math
MATH 181001 Anam Geom Cal Sgl V MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 182001 Anyl Geom Cal Sgl V MATH ELLD LD: Anyl Geom Cal Sgl V
MATH 183001 Anyl Geom Cal Sgl V MATH ELLD LD: Anyl Geom Cal Sgl V
MATH 184001 Singl Variab Calcul MATH ELLD LD: Singl Variab Calcul
MATH 184401 Calculus I-A MATH ELLD LD: Calculus I-A
MATH 1848 Hon:Sin Var Calculus MATH ELLD LD:Hon:Sin Var Calculus
MATH 185001 Singl Variab Calcul MATH ELLD LD: Singl Variab Calcul
MATH 1858 Hon:Sin Var Calculus MATH ELLD LD:Hon:Sin Var Calculus
MATH 186001 Singl Variab Calcul MATH ELLD LD: Singl Variab Calcul
MATH 201001 Basic Conc of El Ma MATH ELLD LD: Basic Conc of El Ma
MATH 201201 Basic Concept Elem Ma MATH ELLD LD: Basic Concept Elem Ma
MATH 202 Probab/Stats/Euclid MATH ELLD LD: Probab/Stats/Euclid
MATH 211001 Str of the Num Syst MATH ELLD LD: Str of the Num Syst
MATH 212001 Str of the Num Sys MATH ELLD LD: Str of the Num Sys
MATH 213001 Str of the Num Sys MATH ELLD LD: Str of the Num Sys
MATH 2140 Comp Prog Prob Orien MATH ELLD LD: Comp Prog Prob Orien
MATH 232 Higher Math Analysis MATH ELLD LD:Higher Math Analysis
MATH 233 Calculus & Analy Geome MATH ELLD LD:Calculus & Analy Geome
MATH 2330 Calculus & Analy Geome MATH ELLD LD:Calculus & Analy Geome
MATH 237 Honrs Differential Equations I MATH ELLD LD:Hnrs Differential Equations
MATH 2610 Intro to Differ Equa MATH ELLD LD: Intro to Differ Equa
MATH 271001 Calculus MATH ELLD LD: Calculus
MATH 272001 Calculus MATH ELLD LD: Calculus
MATH 2810 Ele Li Al Cal Ser Va MATH ELLD LD: Ele Li Al Cal Ser Va
MATH 2820 Ele Li Al Cal Ser Va MATH ELLD LD: Ele Li Al Cal Ser Va
MATH 2830 Ele Li Al Cal Ser Va MATH ELLD LD: Ele Li Al Cal Ser Va
MATH 284001 Difental Eq & Inf S MATH ELLD LD: Difental Eq & Inf S
MATH 285001 Multivar Cal & Mat MATH ELLD LD: Multivar Cal & Mat
MATH 286001 Multivar Cal & Mat MATH ELLD LD: Multivar Cal & Mat
MATH 295 Intro to Mathematical Sciences MATH ELLD LD:Intro to Mathemtcl Sciences
MATH 300001 Elem Quantitative M BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
MATH 331001 Adv Euclidean Geome MATH ELUD UD: Adv Euclidean Geome
MBIO 041001 Lab Safety Educatio BIOL ELUD UD: Lab Safety Educatio
MBIO 041101 Undergrad Research BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
MCOL 0110 Music Western Cult MUS ELLD LD: Music Western Cult
MCOL 0120 History of Rock MUHL ELLD LD: History of Rock
MCOL 0125 Jazz In Amer Cult MUHL ELLD LD: Jazz In Amer Cult
MCOL 0350 History of Jazz MUHL 4530 History of Jazz
MDST 0201 Medieval Civ ELEC ELLD LD:Medieval Civ
MDST 0202 Medieval Civ ELEC ELLD LD: Medieval Civ
MDST 0322 Medieval Philosophy PHIL 4010 History Ancient Medieval Phil
MDST 261 Med Cult:Rdgs Mid Ages ELEC ELLD LD:Med Cult:Rdgs Mid Ages
MDVI 0201 Medievl Civ HIST ELLD LD: Medievl Civ
MDVI 0202 Medieval Civilizati HIST ELLD LD: Medieval Civilizati
MDVI 0261 Med Cult:Erly Mid A ENGL ELLD LD: Med Cult:Erly Mid A
MDVI 0262 Medieval Culture ENGL ELLD LD: Medieval Culture
MDVI 0312 Medieval History HIST 4420 Medieval Mediterranean World
MDVI 0313 Medieval History HIST 4420 Medieval Mediterranean World
MDVI 0322 Medieval Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD: Medieval Philosophy
MDVI 0401 Dante and Medieval FL ELUD UD: Dante and Medieval
MDVI 0402 Petrarch and Boccacc FL ELUD UD: Petrarch and Boccacc
MDVI 0403 Seminar In Medieval ELEC ELUD UD: Seminar In Medieval
MDVI 0405 Medieval Literature ENGL 3110 English Lit Medieval Period
MDVI 0406 Chaucer ENGL 4110 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
MDVI 0410 Medieval French Lit FREN ELUD UD: Medieval French Lit
MDVI 0415 Medieval Architectur ET ELUD UD: Medieval Architecture
MDVI 0431 Medieval Art of The ART 3760 Romanesque and Gothic Art
MDVI 0441 Northern European Pa ART 3860 Northern Renaissance
MDVI 0451 The Art of Italy ART ELUD UD: The Art of Italy
MDVI 0475 Ancient/Medieval Pol PS 4230 Classical Political Theory
MDVI 0491 Foreign Study HIST ELUD UD: Foreign Study
MDVI 0492 Off Campus Study HIST ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
MDVI 0493 Independent Study HIST ELUD UD: Independent Study
MDVL 020101 Medieval Civilizati HIST ELLD LD: Medieval Civilizati
MDVL 020201 Medieval Civilizati HIST ELLD LD: Medieval Civilizati
MDVL 026101 Medieval Culture HIST ELLD LD: Medieval Culture
MDVL 026201 Medieval Culture HIST ELLD LD: Medieval Culture
MDVL 031201 Medieval History HIST 4420 Medieval Mediterranean World
MDVL 031301 Medieval History HIST 4210 Middle Ages
MDVL 032201 Medieval Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD: Medieval Philosophy
MDVL 037101 Early Christ/Byzant ART ELUD UD: Early Christ/Byzant
MDVL 037201 Northern European P ART ELUD UD: Northern European P
MDVL 038101 Medieval Art of The ART ELUD UD: Medieval Art of The
MDVL 038201 The Art of Italy,12 ART ELUD UD: The Art of Italy,12
MDVL 040101 Dante & Medieval Cu FL ELUD UD: Dante & Medieval Cu
MDVL 040201 Petrarch & Boccacci FL ELUD UD: Petrarch & Boccacci
MDVL 040301 Seminar In Medieval ENGL ELUD UD: Seminar In Medieval
MDVL 0405 Medieval Literature ENGL 3110 English Lit Medieval Period
MDVL 0406 Chaucer ENGL 4110 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
MDVL 041001 Medieval French Lit FREN ELUD UD: Medieval French Lit
MDVL 041501 Medieval Architectu ET ELUD UD: Medieval Architecture
ME 0202 Engineering Mechanics ET ELLD LD:Engineering Mechanics
ME 0231 Dynamics ENGR 2120 Dynamics
ME 0321 Mechanics of Materials ENGR 3560 Mechanics of Materials
ME 0331 Thermodynamics ET ELUD UD: Thermodynamics
ME 0344 Heat Transfer ET ELUD UD: Heat Transfer
ME 0363 System Dynamics ET ELUD UD: System Dynamics
ME 0366 Computer Aided Engr/Manufact ENGR ELUD UD:Computer Aided Engr/Mfg
ME 0391 Engineering Analysis ET ELUD UD: Engineering Analysis
ME 0466 Elements/Machine Design II ET ELUD UD:Elements/Machine Dsng II
ME 0484 Intro/Maintainability Engr ET ELUD UD:Intro/Maintainability Engr
ME 210 Professional Topics ET ELLD LD:Professional Topics
MECH 0331 Thermodynamics I ET ELUD UD: Thermodynamics I
MECH 0363 Mechanical Vibration ET ELUD UD: Mechanical Vibration
MECH 0365 Elems Machine Desgn ET ELUD UD: Elems Machine Desgn
MECH 0391 Engineering Analysis ET ELUD UD: Engineering Analysis
MECH 2130 Statics ET ELLD LD:Statics
MED 260201 Lit of Later Mid Ag ENGL ELLD LD: Lit of Later Mid Ag
MEDI 0201 Medieval Civilizatio HIST ELLD LD: Medieval Civilizatio
MEDI 0202 Medieval Civilizatio HIST ELLD LD: Medieval Civilizatio
MEDU 432 Knowing & Learning Math/Sci MATH ELUD UD:Knowing & Learning Math/Sci
META 211001 Engr Materials I ET ELLD LD: Engr Materials I
MFLL 0300 Global Texts and Cultures ELEC ELLD LD: Global Texts and Cultures
MFLL 0495 Proficiency Exam ELEC ELUD UD:Proficiency Exam
MFLL 199 Language&World Business FL ELLD LD:Language&World Business
MFLL 200 Intro to Chinese Culture CHIN ELLD LD:Intro to Chinese Culture
MGMT 0410 Management Science MGMT 3640 Managing Key Perf Indicators
MGMT 0203 Mgmt Info Systems INFS ELLD LD: Mgmt Info Systems
MGMT 0300 Organizational Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Organizational Mgmt
MGMT 030101 Pncps Gen Operat Mg MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MGMT 030301 Mgt Information Sys INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info Systems
MGMT 031101 Labor Rel/Collectiv MGMT 4510 Unions Collective Bargaining
MGMT 032101 Organi Structure/Be MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
MGMT 0334 Developing Manageria MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
MGMT 034101 Operations Mgmt I MGMT 3620 Supply Chain Operations
MGMT 040101 Business Strategy/P MGMT ELUD UD: Business Strategy/P
MGMT 0402 Intl Business Strate MGMT 4710 International Business
MGMT 042101 Total Quality Mgmtl MGMT ELUD UD: Total Quality Mgmtl
MGMT 043101 Human Resource Mgmt MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
MGMT 043201 Human Resour Mgmt II MGMT ELUD UD: Human Resour Mgmt II
MGMT 044001 Organizational Psyc PSY 4360 Organizational Psychology
MGMT 044101 Operations Mgmt II MGMT ELUD UD: Operations Mgmt II
MGMT 0451 Business Planning BCED ELUD UD:Business Planning
MGMT 046101 Database Mgmt-Busin MGMT ELUD UD: Database Mgmt-Busin
MGMT 047101 International Mgmt MGMT 4710 International Business
MGMT 0472 Intl Hum Resource Mg MGMT ELUD UD: Intl Hum Resource Mg
MGMT 048101 Mgmt Science MGMT 3640 Managing Key Perf Indicators
MGMT 0492 Mgmt Off Campus Stud MGMT 4950 Management Applied Experience
MGMT 049301 Independent Study MGMT ELUD UD: Independent Study
MGMT 301001 Prin of Management MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MGMT 3110 Production Managemen MGMT 3620 Supply Chain Operations
MGT 0201 Intro/Business Management MGMT ELLD Intro/Business Management
MGT 0202 Intro Business Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD:Intro Business Mgmt
MGT 0207 Intro Bus Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD:Intro Bus Mgmt
MGT 0300 Organizational Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Organizational Mgmt
MGT 0311 Ethics Corrupt Crime Bus MGMT ELUD UD:Ethics Corrupt Crime Bus
MGT 0331 Leadership Skills MGMT ELUD UD:Leadership Skills
MGT 0336 Found/Organizational Behavior MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
MGT 0350 Intro Entrepreneurship MGMT ELUD UD:Intro Entrepreneurship
MGT 0402 International Busin Strategy MGMT 4710 International Business
MGT 0430 Negotiation Skills MGMT ELUD UD:Negotiation Skills
MGT 0435 Solv Complex Business Problems MGMT ELUD UD:Solv Complex Bus Prob
MGT 0451 New Venture Planning MGMT ELUD UD:New Venture Planning
MGT 0460 Leading Innovation & Change MGMT ELUD UD:Leading Innovation & Chg
MGT 202 Intro to Business Management MGMT ELLD LD:Intro to Business Mgmt
MGT 2110 Decision Models MGMT ELLD LD: Decision Models
MGT 212001 Decision Models MGMT ELLD LD: Decision Models
MGT 499 Special Topics in Management MGMT ELUD UD:Special Topics in Mngmnt
MIBI 020001 Microbiology-Studen BIOL ELLD LD: Microbiology-Studen
MIBI 0210 General Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
MIBI 031001 Intro to Microbiolo BIOL ELUD UD: Intro to Microbiolo
MIBI 031901 Intro Microbiology BIOL ELUD UD: Intro Microbiology
MIBI 032001 Advanced Microbiolo BIOL ELUD UD: Advanced Microbiolo
MIBI 032901 Adv Microbiology La BIOL ELUD UD: Adv Microbiology La
MIBI 040001 Lab Problems In Mic BIOL ELUD UD: Lab Problems In Mic
MIBI 040101 Undergraduate Resea BIOL ELUD UD: Undergraduate Resea
MIBI 040201 Microbiology Senior BIOL ELUD UD: Microbiology Senior
MIBI 041001 Bacterial Physiology BIOL ELUD UD: Bacterial Physiology
MIBI 041101 Bacterial Genetics BIOL ELUD UD: Bacterial Genetics
MIBI 041901 Bact Physiology/Gen BIOL ELUD UD: Bact Physiology/Gen
MIBI 042001 Medical Microbiology BIOL 4430 Diagnostic Microbiology
MIBI 042901 Medical Micro Lab BIOL 4430 Diagnostic Microbiology
MIBI 043001 Immunology BIOL 4300 Immunology
MIBI 043901 Immunology Lab BIOL 4300 Immunology
MIBI 0440 Viriology BIOL 4440 General Virology
MIBI 0440 Viriology and BIOL ELUD UD: Viriology
MIBI 044901 Virology Lab BIOL 4440 General Virology
MIBI 047001 Microbial Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Microbial Ecology
MIBI 047901 Exper Microbial Eco BIOL ELUD UD: Exper Microbial Eco
MIBI 048001 Mycology BIOL 4080 Mycology
MIBI 048901 Mycology Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Mycology Lab
MIBI 049101 Foreign Study BIOL ELUD UD: Foreign Study
MIBI 049201 Off-Campus Study BIOL ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
MIBI 049301 Independent Study BIOL ELUD UD: Independent Study
MIBI 049501 Senior Seminar BIOL ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
MIBI 3200 Medical Microbiology BIOL ELUD UD: Medical Microbiology
MIBI 3519 Intro Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
MIBI 3700 Biology of Micro Org BIOL ELUD UD: Biology of Micro Org
MICR 0210 Gen Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
MICR 0310 Intro Microbiology BIOL ELUD UD:Intro Microbiology
MICR 0319 Intro Microbiology Lab BIOL ELUD UD:Intro Microbiology Lab
MICR 0321 Adv Microbiology BIOL ELUD UD:Adv Microbiology
MICR 0329 Advanced Microbiology Lab BIOL ELUD UD:Advanced Microbiology Lab
MICR 0330 Immunology BIOL 4300 Immunology
MICR 0411 Microbial Genetics BIOL 4450 Molecular Genetics
MICR 0420 Microbial Pathogenesis BIOL 4730 Microbial Physiology Biochem
MICR 0421 Food Microbiology BIOL 4510 Food & Industrial Microbiology
MICR 0430 Immunology BIOL 4300 Immunology
MICR 0440 Virology BIOL 4440 General Virology
MICR 0459 Introduction/Oceanography GEOL 3010 Oceanography
MICR 0470 Microbial Ecology BIOL 3210 Environmental Microbiology
MICR 0480 Genomics and Bioinformatics BIOL ELUD UD:Genomics & Bioinformatics
MICR 2010 Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
MICR 2110 Micro For Stu Nurs BIOL ELLD LD: Micro For Stu Nurs
MICR 261001 General Microbiolog BIOL 2230 Microbiology
MICR 2910 General Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
MICR 2919 Lab In Gen Microbiol BIOL 2230 Microbiology
MICR 300001 Intro to Micro BIOL 2230 Microbiology
MICR 3110 General Genetic BIOL 3250 Genetics
MICR 320001 Medical Microbiolog BIOL ELUD UD: Medical Microbiolog
MICR 410 Microbial Physiology BIOL ELUD UD:Microbial Physiology
MIL 040001 Advan Camp-Practicu MS 3130 Military Science Field Methods
MIL 041001 Command/Staff Funct MS 4110 The Army Officer
MIL 042001 Military Ethics/Law MS 4120 Company Grade Leadership
MIL 111001 Find Militry Organz MS 1010 Introduction to the Army
MIL 112001 Hst US Army 1775-18 MS ELLD LD: Hst US Army 1775-18
MIL 113001 Hst US Army 1865-Pr MS ELLD LD: Hst US Army 1865-Pr
MIL 200001 Army Rotc Basc Sum MS ELLD LD: Army Rotc Basc Sum
MIL 211001 Leadership Dev Tech MS ELLD LD: Leadership Dev Tech
MIL 212001 Basic Officer Skill MS ELLD LD: Basic Officer Skill
MIL 213001 The Art of War MS ELLD LD: The Art of War
MIL 311001 Adv Leadership & Mg MS 3110 Training Mgmt/Warfighting
MIL 312001 Adv Leadership & Mg MS 3120 Applied Leadership Small Unit
MIL 313001 Adv Leadership & Mg MS 3130 Military Science Field Methods
MILS 0101 Leadership/Personal Develop MS ELLD LD:Leadership/Personal Dev
MILS 0102 Intro/Tactical Leadership MS ELLD LD:Intro/Tactical Leadership
MILS 0103 Army ROTC Fitness Program MS ELLD LD:Army ROTC Fitness Program
MILS 0120 Basic Military Sci II MS ELLD LD:Basic Military Sci II
MILS 1110 Basic MS ELLD LD:Basic
MILS 1120 Basic MS ELLD LD:Basic
MILS 2110 Appl Leadership & Mgt MS ELLD LD:Appl Leadership & Mgt
MILS 212001 Appl Leadershp & Mg MS ELLD LD: Appl Leadershp & Mg
MKT 0300 Mkt/Supply Chain Mgt MKT ELUD UD: Mkt/Supply Chain Mgt
MKT 030101 Marketing Managmene MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MKT 031001 Buyer Beh-Analysis- MKT 3910 Consumer Behavior
MKT 032001 Mkt Research/Info P MKT ELUD UD: Mkt Research/Info P
MKT 0340 Mrktg Strategy Frmwk MKT ELUD UD: Mrktg Strategy Frmwk
MKT 0345 Marketing Analytics MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Analytics
MKT 0350 Custmr Value Analysi MKT ELUD UD: Custmr Value Analysi
MKT 0400 Special Topics In Mk MKT ELUD UD: Special Topics In Mk
MKT 0410 Advertising Mgmt MKT 3850 Digital Marketing & Promotion
MKT 042001 Sales Force Mgmt MKT 3850 Digital Marketing & Promotion
MKT 043001 Mkt Amalysis/Strate MKT 4890 Marketing Management
MKT 0440 International Market MKT ELUD UD: International Market
MKT 0450 Services Marketing MKT 4870 Services Marketing
MKT 0452 Product/Service Mgmt MKT 3855 Product Management
MKT 0456 Integrated Mkt Commu MKT ELUD UD: Integrated Mkt Commu
MKT 0458 Sales Force Mgmt MKT 4800 Sales Management
MKT 0460 Global Mkt Strategy MKT ELUD UD: Global Mkt Strategy
MKT 0470 Marketing Forecastin MKT ELLD LD: Marketing Forecastin
MKT 0492 Marketing Off Campus MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Off Campus
MKT 049301 Independent Study MKT ELUD UD: Independent Study
MKT 049701 Honors I MKT ELUD UD: Honors I
MKT 049801 Honors II MKT ELUD UD: Honors II
MKT 311001 Intro to Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MKT 312001 Marketing Managemen MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MKT 331001 Marketing Channels MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Channels
MKT 4150 Mkt Communicaitons MKT ELUD UD: Mkt Communicaitons
MKTG 3110 Intro to Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MLS 101 Intro Medical Lab Sci HLTH ELLD LD:Intro Medical Lab Sci
MLSC 0110 Basic Leadership Sci MS ELLD LD: Basic Leadership Sci
MLSC 0120 Leadership Devel Tec MS ELLD LD: Leadership Devel Tec
MLSC 013001 Army Conditioning P MS ELLD LD: Army Conditioning P
MLSC 0220 Basic Officer Skills MS ELLD LD: Basic Officer Skills
MLSC 111001 Fund Militry Organz MS ELLD LD: Fund Militry Organz
MLSC 211001 Leadrshp Dev Technq MS ELLD LD: Leadrshp Dev Technq
MLSL 0101 Leadership Pers Dev ELEC ELLD LD:Leadership Pers Dev
MLSL 0102 Intro Tactical Leadership MS ELLD LD: Intro Tactical Leadership
MLSL 0103 Army ROTC Fitness Program PHED ELLD LD: Army ROTC Fitness Program
MLSL 0201 Innovative Team Leadership MS ELLD LD: Innovative Team Leadership
MLSL 0202 Found Tactical Leadership MS ELLD LD:Found Tactical Leadership
MLSL 303 Leadership in Military History MS ELUD UD:Leadership in Military Hist
MRST 0202 Medieval Civilization II HIST ELLD LD:Medieval Civilization II
MRST 201 Medieval Civilization I HIST ELLD LD:Medieval Civilization I
MS 0101 Leadership/Personal Develop MS ELLD LD:Leadership/Personal Dev
MS 0102 Basic Leadership MS ELLD LD: Basic Leadership
MS 0103 Army ROTC Fitness Program MS ELLD LD:Army ROTC Fitness Program
MS 0110 Basic Military Sci MS 1010 Introduction to the Army
MS 0202 Ldrshp & Teamwork MS ELLD LD: Ldrshp & Teamwork
MS 0301 Ldrshp & Prob Solv MS ELUD UD: Ldrshp & Prob Solv
MS 0302 Military History MS ELUD UD: Military History
MS 0303 Military Hist MS ELUD UD: Military Hist
MS 0400 Natl Adv Ldrshp Camp MS ELUD UD: Natl Adv Ldrshp Camp
MS 0401 Ldrshp & Management MS ELUD UD: Ldrshp & Management
MS 0402 Officership MS ELUD UD: Officership
MS 0430 Us Military History MS ELUD UD: Us Military History
MS 0493 Leadership Topics MS 1000 Military Science Practicum
MSCI 031001 Mgmt Sci/Managerial MGMT ELUD UD: Mgmt Sci/Managerial
MSE 0101 Adv/Mat Science/Engineering ENGR ELLD LD: Adv/Mat Science/Engineer
MSE 020101 Intro Mat Sci & Eng ENGR 2210 Intro to Material Sci & Engr
MSE 110 Materials Chemistry ENGR ELLD LD:Materials Chemistry
MSE 120 Impact of Materials on Society ENGR ELLD LD:Impact of Matrls on Society
MSEN 0210 Class Woodwind Meth MUS ELLD LD: Class Woodwind Meth
MSEN 030101 Woodwind Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MSEN 0302 Jazz Saxophone Ensem MUEN ELUD UD: Jazz Saxophone Ensem
MSEN 030301 Small Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MSEN 030401 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MSEN 030501 Studio Orchestra MUS ELUD UD: Studio Orchestra
MSEN 030601 Trombone Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MSEN 030901 Tuba Ensemble MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MSEN 031001 Percussion Ensemble MUEN ELLD LD: Percussion Ensemble
MSEN 031101 Marimba Choir MUEN ELLD LD: Marimba Choir
MSEN 031201 Baroque Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Baroque Ensemble
MSEN 031301 Synthesizer Ensembl MUS ELUD UD: Synthesizer Ensembl
MSEN 031401 Brass Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MSEN 031501 Chamber Music Ensem MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MSEN 0316 Steel Band MUEN ELUD UD: Steel Band
MSEN 032001 Ut Singers MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MSEN 033001 Chamber Singers MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MSEN 033201 Collegium MUS ELUD UD: Collegium
MSEN 033401 Saxophone Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MSEN 034001 Opera Theater MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MSEN 034201 Opera Workshop MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MSEN 0350 Concert Band MUEN 3110 Symphonic Band
MSEN 0352 Symphonice Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MSEN 0353 Wind Ensemble MUEN 3120 Wind Ensemble
MSEN 035401 Pep Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MSEN 035601 Laboratory Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MSEN 0359 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MSEN 037001 Symphony Orchestra MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MSEN 0380 Concert Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MSEN 038201 University Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MSEN 038301 Men's Chorale MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MSEN 0389 Women's Chorale MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MSEN 039901 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MSEN 0504 Jazz Ensemble MUEN ELUD UD:Jazz Ensemble
MSEN 055201 Campus Band MUS ELUD UD: Campus Band
MSEN 055401 Varsity Band MUS ELUD UD: Varsity Band
MSEN 055901 Marching Band MUS ELUD UD: Marching Band
MSHE 0593 Independent Study MUHL ELUD UD: Independent Study
MSHI 0100 Fund of Music MUED ELLD LD: Fund of Music
MSHI 0110 Intr Music West Cult MUHL ELLD LD: Intr Music West Cult
MSHI 0115 Music In the Us MUHL ELLD LD: Music In the Us
MSHI 0120 History of Rock MUHL ELLD LD: History of Rock
MSHI 0125 Jazz American Cultu MUHL ELLD LD: Jazz American Cultu
MSHI 020001 Intro to Music Lit MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Music Lit
MSHI 021001 History of Music I MUS ELLD LD: History of Music I
MSHI 022001 History of Music II MUS ELLD LD: History of Music II
MSHI 0290 Introto World Music MUHL ELLD LD: Introto World Music
MSHI 031001 Intro Afro-American MUS ELUD UD: Intro Afro-American
MSHI 033001 Women In Music MUS ELUD UD: Women In Music
MSHI 0340 Contemp Trends In Am MUS ELUD UD: Contemp Trends In Am
MSHI 0341 Contemp Trends In Am MUS ELUD UD: Contemp Trends In Am
MSHI 035001 History of Jazz MUHL ELUD UD: History of Jazz
MSHI 038001 Music In World Cultr MUHL 3670 Studies in Ameri Popular Music
MSHI 039001 World Music MUS ELUD UD: World Music
MSHI 040001 Music History Surve MUS ELUD UD: Music History Surve
MSHI 041001 Music History Genre MUED ELUD UD: Music History Genre
MSHI 042001 History of Opera MUS ELUD UD: History of Opera
MSHI 043001 Symphonic Lit MUS ELUD UD: Symphonic Lit
MSHI 044001 Music of North Amer MUS ELUD UD: Music of North Amer
MSHI 045001 Composer Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Composer Seminar
MSHI 046001 Music Aesthetics MUS ELUD UD: Music Aesthetics
MSHI 048001 Music In Christian MUHL ELUD UD: Music In Christian
MSHI 049001 Church Music Method MUS ELUD UD: Church Music Method
MSHI 049301 Independent Study MUS ELUD UD: Independent Study
MSHI 0593 Independent Study MUHL ELUD UD: Independent Study
MSIN 031001 Brass Lit MUS ELUD UD: Brass Lit
MSIN 032001 Woodwind Lit MUS ELUD UD: Woodwind Lit
MSIN 033001 Percussion Lit MUS ELUD UD: Percussion Lit
MSIN 034001 String Lit I MUS ELUD UD: String Lit I
MSIN 035001 String Lit II MUS ELUD UD: String Lit II
MSIN 041001 Band Arranging MUS ELUD UD: Band Arranging
MSIN 049001 Instrumental Conduc MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MSIN 049501 Suzuki Violin Metho MUS ELUD UD: Suzuki Violin Metho
MSJZ 011001 Jazz Theory MUS ELLD LD: Jazz Theory
MSJZ 012001 Analysis of Jazz St MUS ELLD LD: Analysis of Jazz St
MSJZ 0130 Jazz Piano I MUTH ELUD UD: Jazz Piano I
MSJZ 014001 Jazz Piano II MUTH ELUD UD: Jazz Piano II
MSJZ 015001 Studio Guitar Style MUS ELLD LD: Studio Guitar Style
MSJZ 016001 Intro-Styles Jazz D MUS ELLD LD: Intro-Styles Jazz D
MSJZ 0210 Jazz Improvisation I MUS ELLD LD:Jazz Improvisation I
MSJZ 031001 Jazz Composition/Ar MUS ELUD UD: Jazz Composition/Ar
MSJZ 032001 Jazz Band Arranging MUS ELUD UD: Jazz Band Arranging
MSJZ 041001 Adv Improvisation MUS ELUD UD: Adv Improvisation
MSJZ 042001 Jazz Pedagogy MUS ELUD UD: Jazz Pedagogy
MSKY 011001 Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MSKY 012001 Class Piano II MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MSKY 021001 Class Piano III MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano III
MSKY 022001 Class Piano IV MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano IV
MSKY 023001 Keyboard Harmony MUS ELLD LD: Keyboard Harmony
MSKY 024001 Church Service Play MUAP ELLD LD: Church Service Play
MSKY 031001 Church Service Play MUAP ELUD UD: Church Service Play
MSKY 032001 Church Service Play MUAP ELUD UD: Church Service Play
MSKY 033001 Sight Reading-Keybo MUS ELUD UD: Sight Reading-Keybo
MSKY 034001 Piano Pedagogy I MUS ELUD UD: Piano Pedagogy I
MSKY 035001 Piano Pedagogy II MUS ELUD UD: Piano Pedagogy II
MSKY 036001 Piano Pedagogy III MUS ELUD UD: Piano Pedagogy III
MSKY 037001 Piano Pedagogy IV MUS ELUD UD: Piano Pedagogy IV
MSKY 041001 Early Keyboard Lit MUS ELUD UD: Early Keyboard Lit
MSKY 046001 The Organ & Its Lit MUS ELUD UD: The Organ & Its Lit
MSKY 047001 The Organ & Its Lit MUS ELUD UD: The Organ & Its Lit
MSKY 048001 Teaching Class Pian MUS ELUD UD: Teaching Class Pian
MSKY 048501 Suzuki Piano Method MUS ELUD UD: Suzuki Piano Method
MSKY 049001 Internship MUS ELUD UD: Internship
MSKY 049101 Internship MUS ELUD UD: Internship
MSKY 049501 Suzuki Piano Method MUS ELUD UD: Suzuki Piano Method
MSPF 010301 Flute MUAP 2421 Private Instruct Flute Piccolo
MSPF 010501 Oboe MUAP 2431 Private Instruct Oboe Eng Horn
MSPF 011001 Bassoon MUAP 2451 Private Instruction Bassoon
MSPF 011501 Clarinet MUAP 2441 Private Instruction Clarinet
MSPF 012001 Saxophone MUAP 2461 Private Instruction Saxophone
MSPF 012501 Horn MUAP 2481 Private Instruct French Horn
MSPF 013001 Trumpet MUAP 2471 Private Instruction Trumpet
MSPF 013501 Trombone MUAP 2491 Private Instruction Trombone
MSPF 014001 Baritone MUAP 2501 Pri Instr Baritone Euphonium
MSPF 014501 Tuba MUAP 2511 Private Instruction Tuba
MSPF 015001 Percussion MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MSPF 0155 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MSPF 016001 Violin MUAP 2381 Private Instruction Violin
MSPF 016501 Viola MUAP 2381 Private Instruction Violin
MSPF 017001 Cello MUAP 2391 Private Instruct Violoncello
MSPF 017501 String Bass MUAP 2401 Private Instruct String Bass
MSPF 017601 Electric Bass MUS ELLD LD: Electric Bass
MSPF 017901 Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Guitar
MSPF 0180 Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MSPF 018501 Harpsichord MUS ELLD LD: Harpsichord
MSPF 019001 Organ MUAP 2361 Private Instruction Organ
MSPF 020301 Flute MUAP 2421 Private Instruct Flute Piccolo
MSPF 020501 Oboe MUAP 2431 Private Instruct Oboe Eng Horn
MSPF 021001 Bassoon MUAP 2451 Private Instruction Bassoon
MSPF 021501 Clarinet MUAP 2441 Private Instruction Clarinet
MSPF 022001 Saxophone MUAP 2461 Private Instruction Saxophone
MSPF 022501 Horn MUAP 2481 Private Instruct French Horn
MSPF 023001 Trumpet MUAP 2471 Private Instruction Trumpet
MSPF 023501 Trombone MUAP 2491 Private Instruction Trombone
MSPF 024001 Baritone MUAP 2501 Pri Instr Baritone Euphonium
MSPF 024501 Tuba MUAP 2511 Private Instruction Tuba
MSPF 025001 Percussion MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MSPF 0255 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MSPF 026001 Violin/Viola MUAP 2381 Private Instruction Violin
MSPF 026501 Viola MUAP 2381 Private Instruction Violin
MSPF 027001 Cello MUAP 2391 Private Instruct Violoncello
MSPF 027501 String Bass MUAP 2401 Private Instruct String Bass
MSPF 027601 Electric Bass MUS ELLD LD: Electric Bass
MSPF 027901 Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Guitar
MSPF 028001 Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MSPF 028501 Harpsichord MUS ELLD LD: Harpsichord
MSPF 029001 Organ MUAP 2361 Private Instruction Organ
MSPF 029401 Composition MUS ELLD LD: Composition
MSPF 030301 Flute MUAP 4421 Private Instruct Flute Piccolo
MSPF 030501 Oboe MUAP 4431 Private Instruct Oboe Eng Horn
MSPF 031001 Bassoon MUAP 4451 Private Instruction Bassoon
MSPF 031501 Clarinet MUAP 4441 Private Instruction Clarinet
MSPF 032001 Saxophone MUAP 4461 Private Instruction Saxophone
MSPF 032501 Horn MUAP 4481 Private Instruct French Horn
MSPF 033001 Trumpet MUAP 4471 Private Instruction Trumpet
MSPF 033501 Trombone MUAP 4491 Private Instruction Trombone
MSPF 034001 Baritone MUAP 4501 Pri Instr Baritone Euphonium
MSPF 034501 Tuba MUAP 4511 Private Instruction Tuba
MSPF 035001 Percussion MUAP 4521 Pri Inst Snare Kybd Percussion
MSPF 035501 Voice MUAP 4371 Private Instruction Voice
MSPF 036001 Violin/Viola MUAP 4381 Private Instruction Violin
MSPF 036501 Viola MUAP 4381 Private Instruction Violin
MSPF 037001 Cello MUAP 4391 Private Instruct Violoncello
MSPF 037501 String Bass MUAP 4401 Private Instruct String Bass
MSPF 037601 Electric Bass MUS ELUD UD: Electric Bass
MSPF 037901 Guitar MUS ELUD UD: Guitar
MSPF 038001 Piano MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MSPF 038501 Harpsichord MUAP ELUD UD: Harpsichord
MSPF 039001 Organ MUAP ELUD UD: Organ
MSPF 039401 Composition MUAP ELUD UD: Composition
MSPF 039501 Composition w/Elec MUS ELUD UD: Composition w/Elec
MSPF 040301 Flute MUAP 4421 Private Instruct Flute Piccolo
MSPF 040501 Oboe MUAP 4431 Private Instruct Oboe Eng Horn
MSPF 041001 Bassoon MUAP 4451 Private Instruction Bassoon
MSPF 041501 Clarinet MUAP 4441 Private Instruction Clarinet
MSPF 042001 Saxophone MUAP 4461 Private Instruction Saxophone
MSPF 042501 Horn MUAP 4481 Private Instruct French Horn
MSPF 043001 Trumpet MUAP 4471 Private Instruction Trumpet
MSPF 043501 Trombone MUAP 4491 Private Instruction Trombone
MSPF 044001 Baritone MUAP 4501 Pri Instr Baritone Euphonium
MSPF 044501 Tuba MUAP 4511 Private Instruction Tuba
MSPF 045001 Percussion MUAP 4521 Pri Inst Snare Kybd Percussion
MSPF 045501 Voice MUAP 4371 Private Instruction Voice
MSPF 046001 Violin MUAP 4381 Private Instruction Violin
MSPF 046501 Viola MUAP 4381 Private Instruction Violin
MSPF 047001 Cello MUAP 4391 Private Instruct Violoncello
MSPF 047501 String Bass MUAP 4401 Private Instruct String Bass
MSPF 047601 Electric Bass MUS ELUD UD: Electric Bass
MSPF 047901 Guitar MUS ELUD UD: Guitar
MSPF 048001 Piano MUAP 4351 Private Instruction Piano
MSPF 048501 Harpsichord MUAP ELUD UD: Harpsichord
MSPF 049001 Organ MUAP ELUD UD: Organ
MSPF 049401 Composition MUS ELUD UD: Composition
MSPF 049501 Composition w/Elec MUS ELUD UD: Composition w/Elec
MSPF 049601 Composition For Med MUS ELUD UD: Composition For Med
MSPF 049901 Improvisation MUTH ELUD UD: Improvisation
MSPV 0176 Electric Bass MUAP ELLD LD: Electric Bass
MSTH 0100 Fund of Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MSTH 0105 Intro Music Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Intro Music Theory
MSTH 011001 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Theory I
MSTH 012001 Theory II MUTH ELLD LD: Theory II
MSTH 013001 Ear Training MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Training
MSTH 014001 Ear Training II MUTH ELLD LD: Ear Training II
MSTH 0210 Theory III MUTH ELLD LD: Theory III
MSTH 023001 Adv Ear Training MUTH ELLD LD: Adv Ear Training
MSTH 024001 Adv Ear Training IV MUTH ELLD LD: Adv Ear Training IV
MSTH 025001 Composition MUS ELLD LD: Composition
MSTH 029001 Sound Recording Tec MUTH ELUD UD: Sound Recording Tec
MSTH 031001 Form & Analysis MUTH ELUD UD: Form & Analysis
MSTH 032001 Instumentation MUTH ELUD UD: Instumentation
MSTH 034001 Intro to Computer M MUS ELUD UD: Intro to Computer M
MSTH 039001 Sound Synthesis Tec MUTH ELUD UD: Sound Synthesis Tec
MSTH 040001 Survey of Music The MUS ELUD UD: Survey of Music The
MSTH 0410 Ear Training Review MUS ELUD UD: Ear Training Review
MSTH 042001 Orchestration MUTH ELUD UD: Orchestration
MSTH 045001 Choral Arranging MUS ELUD UD: Choral Arranging
MSTH 049301 Ind Study In Music MUS ELUD UD: Ind Study In Music
MSVC 011001 Class Voice I MUS 1510 Class Voice I
MSVC 012001 Class Voice II MUS ELLD LD: Class Voice II
MSVC 013001 Fund of Acting For MUS ELLD LD: Fund of Acting For
MSVC 014001 Fund of Acting For MUS ELLD LD: Fund of Acting For
MSVC 021001 Vocal Techniques-Po MUS ELLD LD: Vocal Techniques-Po
MSVC 022001 Intro-Music Theatre MUS ELLD LD: Intro-Music Theatre
MSVC 023001 Acting For Singers MUS ELLD LD: Acting For Singers
MSVC 024001 Diction I MUPD 2180 Diction Singers I Engl Latin
MSVC 025001 Diction II MUS ELLD LD: Diction II
MSVC 033001 Opera Production MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MSVC 041001 Song Lit I MUHL 4710 Vocal Literature
MSVC 0425 Functional Diction F MUPD 2180 Diction Singers I Engl Latin
MSVC 043001 Styles In Opera Act MUS ELUD UD: Styles In Opera Act
MSVC 044001 Projects In Opera T MUS ELUD UD: Projects In Opera T
MSVC 045001 Pedagogy I MUPD 4310 Vocal Pedagogy
MSVC 046001 Pedagogy II MUPD 4310 Vocal Pedagogy
MT S 020101 Intro Mats Sci & En ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Mats Sci & En
MTEC 0101 Intro Clinical Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Intro Clinical Lab
MTEC 041001 Microbioloby CHEM ELUD UD: Microbioloby
MTEC 041101 Microbiology CHEM ELUD UD: Microbiology
MTEC 042001 Clinical Chemistry CHEM ELUD UD: Clinical Chemistry
MTEC 042101 Clinical Chemistry CHEM ELUD UD: Clinical Chemistry
MTEC 043001 Hematology & Clinic CHEM ELUD UD: Hematology & Clinic
MTEC 043101 Hematology & Clinic CHEM ELUD UD: Hematology & Clinic
MTEC 044001 Immunohematology CHEM ELUD UD: Immunohematology
MTEC 044101 Immunohematology CHEM ELUD UD: Immunohematology
MTEC 045001 Clinical Serology & CHEM ELUD UD: Clinical Serology &
MTEC 047001 Orientation & Basic CHEM ELUD UD: Orientation & Basic
MTEC 048001 Prin of Supervision CHEM ELUD UD: Prin of Supervision
MTEC 4011 Microbiology BIOL ELUD UD: Microbiology
MTEC 4012 Microbiology BIOL ELUD UD: Microbiology
MTEC 4021 Clinical Chemistry CHEM ELUD UD: Clinical Chemistry
MTEC 4022 Clinical Chemistry CHEM ELUD UD: Clinical Chemistry
MTEC 4031 Hematlgy & Clin Micr BIOL ELUD UD: Hematlgy & Clin Micr
MTEC 4032 Hematlgy & Clin Micr BIOL ELUD UD: Hematlgy & Clin Micr
MTEC 4041 Immunohematology BIOL ELUD UD: Immunohematology
MTEC 4042 Immunohematology BIOL ELUD UD: Immunohematology
MTEC 4043 Clin Serol& Immunol BIOL ELLD LD: Clin Serol& Immunol
MTEC 4050 Nuclear Medicine BIOL ELUD UD: Nuclear Medicine
MTEC 4060 Histology BIOL 4130 Histology
MTEC 4071 Orient & Basic Tech BIOL ELUD UD: Orient & Basic Tech
MTEC 4072 Prin Sup Educ Med BIOL ELUD UD: Prin Sup Educ Med
MTSC 2030 Proc Princ & Mats ET ELLD LD: Proc Princ & Mats
MUCO 0110 Intro Music Western Culture MUS ELLD LD:Intro Music Western
MUCO 0115 Music in the US MUS ELLD LD: Music in the US
MUCO 0120 History of Rock MUHL ELLD LD:History of Rock
MUCO 0125 Jazz in Amercan Culture MUHL ELLD LD:Jazz in Amer Culture
MUCO 0210 Hist West Mus MUHL ELLD LD:Hist West Mus
MUCO 0220 West Music Classical/Present MUS ELLD LD:West Music Class Present
MUCO 0290 Soundac:Explor Mus Chang Wrld MUS ELLD LD:Soundac:Exp Mus Chg Wrld
MUCO 0350 History of Jazz MUHL 4530 History of Jazz
MUCO 0410 Music History Genre MUS ELUD UD:Music History Genre
MUCO 310 Intro African-American Music MUHL 4800 Art Music African Americans
MUCO 411 Music of Appalachia MUHL ELUD UD:Music of Appalachia
MUED 020001 Conducting Laborator MUED 3220 Choral Mus Midl Sr High School
MUED 0201 Fld Exp General Mus MUED ELLD LD: Fld Exp General Mus
MUED 0210 Class Woodwind Meth MUS ELLD LD: Class Woodwind Meth
MUED 0211 Class Woodwind Meth MUED ELLD LD: Class Woodwind Meth
MUED 022001 Class Brass Methods MUED 1330 Brass Techniques
MUED 0221 Class Brass Methods II MUED ELLD LD:Class Brass Methods II
MUED 023001 Class Percussion Me MUED ELLD LD: Class Percussion Me
MUED 024001 Class String Method MUED 1410 String Techniques
MUED 0241 Class String Mthd 2 MUED ELLD LD: Class String Mthd 2
MUED 025001 Functional Piano Fo MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUED 026001 Eurhythmics MUS ELLD LD: Eurhythmics
MUED 030001 Music-Elementary Te MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUED 031001 Conducting I MUS 3140 Conducting I
MUED 032001 Conducting II MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MUED 033001 Music Methods-Elem MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUED 035001 Field Exp In Music MUS ELUD UD: Field Exp In Music
MUED 0352 Campus Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUED 0400 Student Teaching Mus MUS ELUD UD: Student Teaching Mus
MUED 0401 Senior Seminar MUS ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
MUED 041001 Pre-Internship Semi MUS ELUD UD: Pre-Internship Semi
MUED 042001 Music Methods-Jr Hi MUED 3220 Choral Mus Midl Sr High School
MUED 044001 Marching Band Techn MUED 3250 Band Org and March Band Tech
MUED 045001 Eurhythmics MUS ELUD UD: Eurhythmics
MUED 048101 Internship I:Grades MUS ELUD UD: Internship I:Grades
MUED 048201 Internship II:Grade MUS ELUD UD: Internship II:Grade
MUED 049001 Spec Topics-Music E MUED ELUD UD: Spec Topics-Music E
MUED 049301 Ind Study In Music MUS ELUD UD: Ind Study In Music
MUED 049501 Adv Music Methods-E MUS ELUD UD: Adv Music Methods-E
MUED 058001 Seminar In Music Ed MUS ELUD UD: Seminar In Music Ed
MUED 2411 Methods String Class MUED ELLD LD:Methods String Class
MUED 242101 Mthd Woodwind Class MUS ELLD LD: Mthd Woodwind Class
MUED 2422 Woodwind Class MUED ELLD LD:Woodwind Class
MUED 242201 Mthd Woodwind Class MUS ELLD LD: Mthd Woodwind Class
MUED 2423 Woodwind Class MUED ELLD LD:Woodwind Class
MUED 2431 Met Mat Te Br MUED ELLD LD:Met Mat Te Br
MUED 243101 Met Mat Te Br Cl In MUS ELLD LD: Met Mat Te Br Cl In
MUED 2432 Met Mat Te Br Cl Inst MUED ELLD LD:Met Mat Te Br Cl Inst
MUED 2433 Met Mat Te Per MUED ELLD LD:Met Mat Te Per
MUED 243301 Met Mat Te Per Cl I MUS ELLD LD: Met Mat Te Per Cl I
MUED 430 Music Methods-High MUED 3230 Instrumental Materials
MUEN 0303 Small Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUEN 0304 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3430 Jazz Combo
MUEN 0305 Studio Orchestra MUS ELUD UD:Studio Orchestra
MUEN 0309 Tuba & Euphonium MUEN ELUD UD:Tuba & Euphonium
MUEN 0310 Percussion Ensemble MUEN 3500 Percussion Ensemble
MUEN 0320 UT Singers MUEN ELUD UD: UT Singers
MUEN 0350 Concert Band MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUEN 0352 Symphonic Band MUEN 3110 Symphonic Band
MUEN 0353 Wind Ensemble MUEN 3120 Wind Ensemble
MUEN 0354 Pep Band MUEN ELLD LD: Pep Band
MUEN 0359 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUEN 0370 Symphony Orchestra MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUEN 0380 Concert Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUEN 0383 Men's Chorale MUEN ELUD UD:Men's Chorale
MUEN 0389 Women's Chorale MUEN 3220 Soprano Alto Chorale
MUEN 0505 Studio Orchestra MUEN ELUD UD:Studio Orchestra
MUEN 0550 Concert Band MUEN 3110 Symphonic Band
MUEN 0553 Wind Ensemble MUEN 3120 Wind Ensemble
MUEN 306 Trombone Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUEN 314 Horn Choir MUEN ELUD UD:Horn Choir
MUEN 315 Chamber Music Ensemble MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUEN 559 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUEN 580 Concert Choir MUEN ELUD UD:Concert Choir
MUHI 0110 Intro Music West Cul MUHL ELLD LD: Intro Music West Cul
MUHI 0210 History of Music I MUHL 1610 The World of Music
MUHI 0380 Music World Culture MUHL 4130 Survey of World Music
MUHL 0200 Intro to Music Lit MUHL ELLD LD:Intro to Music Lit
MUHL 0210 History of Music I MUHL ELLD LD:History of Music I
MUHS 0120 History of Rock MUHL ELLD LD:History of Rock
MUHS 0310 Intro Afro-Am Music MUHL ELUD UD:Intro Afro-Am Music
MUIN 340 String Literature/Pedagogy I MUHL ELUD UD:String Literature/Pegagogy
MUIN 360 Orchestral Repertoire MUHL ELUD UD:Orchestral Repertoire
MUJZ 0110 Jazz Theory MUS ELLD LD:Jazz Theory
MUJZ 0120 Analysis of Jazz Styles MUS ELLD LD:Analysis of Jazz Styles
MUJZ 0130 Jazz Piano I MUS ELLD LD: Jazz Piano I
MUJZ 0140 Jazz Piano II MUS ELLD LD:Jazz Piano II
MUJZ 0210 Jazz Improvisation II MUS ELLD LD:Jazz Improvisation II
MUJZ 0220 Jazz Improvisation II MUS ELLD LD:Jazz Improvisation II
MUKB 0110 Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUKB 0120 Class Piano II MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUKB 210 Class Piano III MUS 2530 Class Piano III
MUPE 0103 Flute MUAP ELLD LD: Flute
MUPE 0105 Oboe MUAP 2431 Private Instruct Oboe Eng Horn
MUPE 0120 Saxophone MUAP 2461 Private Instruction Saxophone
MUPE 0121 Saxophone MUAP 2462 Private Instruction Saxophone
MUPE 0125 Horn MUAP ELLD LD: Horn
MUPE 0130 Trumpet MUAP 2471 Private Instruction Trumpet
MUPE 0150 Percussion MUEN ELLD LD: Percussion
MUPE 0155 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUPE 0160 Violin MUAP 2381 Private Instruction Violin
MUPE 0165 Viola MUAP 2561 Private Instruction Viola
MUPE 0170 Cello MUAP ELLD LD: Cello
MUPE 0176 Electric Bass MUAP ELLD LD: Electric Bass
MUPE 0179 Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUPE 0180 Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUPE 0203 Flute MUAP 2422 Private Instruct Flute Piccolo
MUPE 0220 Saxophone MUAP 2462 Private Instruction Saxophone
MUPE 0221 Saxophone MUAP 2462 Private Instruction Saxophone
MUPE 0250 Percussion MUEN ELLD LD: Percussion
MUPE 0255 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUPE 0265 Viola MUAP 2562 Private Instruction Viola
MUPE 0365 Viola MUAP 4561 Private Instruction Viola
MUPE 0380 Piano MUAP 4351 Private Instruction Piano
MUPF 0103 Flute MUAP ELLD LD:Flute
MUPF 0104 Flute MUAP ELLD LD:Flute
MUPF 0105 Oboe MUAP 2431 Private Instruct Oboe Eng Horn
MUPF 0106 Oboe MUAP 2432 Private Instruct Oboe Eng Horn
MUPF 0115 Clarinet MUAP 2441 Private Instruction Clarinet
MUPF 0120 Saxophone MUAP 2461 Private Instruction Saxophone
MUPF 0121 Saxophone MUAP 2462 Private Instruction Saxophone
MUPF 0140 Euphonium MUAP ELLD LD:Euphonium
MUPF 0145 Tuba MUS ELLD LD:Tuba
MUPF 0146 Tuba MUS ELLD LD:Tuba
MUPF 0150 Percussion MUAP ELLD LD:Percussion
MUPF 0172 Electric Bass MUS ELLD LD: Electric Bass
MUPF 0173 Electric Bass MUS ELLD LD: Electric Bass
MUPF 0174 String Bass MUS ELLD LD: String Bass
MUPF 0180 Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUPF 0181 Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUPF 0203 Flute MUAP 2422 Private Instruct Flute Piccolo
MUPF 0204 Flute MUAP ELLD LD:Flute
MUPF 0220 Saxophone MUS ELLD LD:Saxophone
MUPF 0221 Saxophone MUS ELLD LD:Saxophone
MUPF 0272 Electric Bass MUS ELLD LD: Electric Bass
MUPF 0280 Piano MUAP 2352 Private Instruction Piano
MUPF 0320 Saxophone MUS ELUD UD:Saxophone
MUPF 0321 Saxophone MUS ELUD UD:Saxophone
MUPF 0420 Saxophone MUS ELUD UD:Saxophone
MUPF 0545 Tuba MUS ELUD UD:Tuba
MUPF 116 Clarinet MUAP 2442 Private Instruction Clarinet
MUPF 151 Percussion MUEN 3500 Percussion Ensemble
MUPF 155 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUPF 156 Voice MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
MUPF 165 Viola MUAP 2561 Private Instruction Viola
MUPF 166 Viola MUAP 2562 Private Instruction Viola
MUPF 175 String Bass MUS ELLD LD:String Bass
MUPF 250 Percussion MUEN ELLD LD:Percussion
MUPF 265 Viola MUAP ELLD LD:Viola
MUPF 266 Viola MUAP ELLD LD:Viola
MUPF 294 Composition MUS ELLD LD:Composition
MUPF 295 Composition MUS ELLD LD:Composition
MUPF 360 Violin MUAP ELLD LD:Violin
MUPF 361 Violin MUAP ELUD UD:Violin
MUPF 394 Composition MUS ELUD UD:Composition
MUPF 395 Composition MUS ELUD UD:Composition
MUS 211 Woodwind Methods II MUED 1310 Woodwind Techniques I
MUS 212 Woodwinds Methods 11 MUED 3310 Woodwind Techniques II
MUS 221 Brass Methods II MUED ELLD LD: Brass Methods II
MUS 231 Percussion Methods MUED ELLD LD: Percussion Methods
MUS 241 String Methods I MUED ELLD LD: String Methods I
MUS 302 Jazz-Saxaphone MUEN 3750 Woodwind Chamber Ensemble
MUS 440 Marching Band Tech MUED 3250 Band Org and March Band Tech
MUS 502 Jazz Saxaphone Ens MUEN 3750 Woodwind Chamber Ensemble
MUS 0110 Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUS 0120 Class Piano II MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUS 0135 Trombone MUEN ELLD LD:Trombone
MUS 0225 Horn MUEN ELLD LD:Horn
MUS 0235 Trombone MUS ELLD LD:Trombone
MUS 0290 Sound Recording RIM ELLD LD: Sound Recording
MUS 0325 Horn MUS ELUD UD:Horn
MUS 0362 University Singers MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MUS 0425 Horn MUS ELUD UD:Horn
MUS 070701 Teachin Music Prima MUS ELLD LD: Teachin Music Prima
MUS 130 Ear Training I MUTH ELLD LD:Ear Training I
MUS 140 Ear Training II MUTH ELLD LD:Ear Training II
MUS 1517 Concert Band MUEN 3110 Symphonic Band
MUS 1532 Univ Bands MUEN ELLD LD:Univ Bands
MUS 335001 Intro Afro Amer Mus MUS ELLD LD: Intro Afro Amer Mus
MUSC 0101 Fundamentals of Performance MUS ELLD LD: Fund of Performance
MUSC 0110 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSC 0200 Solo Class MUS ELLD LD:Solo Class
MUSC 025501 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUSC 0305 Business of Music EMC ELUD UD:Business of Music
MUSC 035001 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSC 035201 Campus Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSC 035901 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSC 038001 Concert Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSC 058901 Womens Chorale MUS ELUD UD: Womens Chorale
MUSC 1111 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD:Theory I
MUSC 1113 Sight Singing & Ear MUS ELLD LD:Sight Singing & Ear
MUSC 1121 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD:Theory I
MUSC 1123 Sight Singing & Ear MUS ELLD LD:Sight Singing & Ear
MUSC 1131 Theory MUTH ELLD LD:Theory
MUSC 1133 Sight Singing & Ear MUS ELLD LD:Sight Singing & Ear
MUSC 1590 Organ MUS ELLD LD:Organ
MUSC 2000 Solo MUS ELLD LD:Solo
MUSC 2113 Adv Ear Training MUS ELLD LD:Adv Ear Training
MUSC 2123 Adv Ear Training MUS ELLD LD:Adv Ear Training
MUSC 2133 Adv Ear Training MUS ELLD LD:Adv Ear Training
MUSC 2310 Hist of Music MUHL ELLD LD:Hist of Music
MUSC 2320 Hist of Music MUHL ELLD LD:Hist of Music
MUSC 2330 Hist of Music MUHL ELLD LD:Hist of Music
MUSC 2590 Organ MUS ELLD LD:Organ
MUSC 310 Practical Experience/Art Mgmt MUS ELUD UD:Practical Experience/Art Mg
MUSC 3682 Univ Chorus MUEN ELUD UD:Univ Chorus
MUSI 010001 Fund of Music MUED ELLD LD: Fund of Music
MUSI 0101 Fund of Performance MUAP ELLD LD: Fund of Performance
MUSI 011001 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 0115 Music In the Us MUS ELLD LD: Music In the Us
MUSI 0120 History of Rock MUHL ELLD LD: History of Rock
MUSI 013001 Music Performance MUS ELLD LD: Music Performance
MUSI 0131 Orientation to Musi MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 0133 Orientation to Music MUS ELLD LD: Orientation to Music
MUSI 0140 Fund of Performance MUS ELLD LD: Fund of Performance
MUSI 015501 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUSI 0180 Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUSI 0200 Solo Class MUS ELLD LD: Solo Class
MUSI 030001 Music For Elem Teac MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUSI 035001 History of Jazz MUS ELUD UD: History of Jazz
MUSI 042101 Spec Topics In Perf MUS ELUD UD: Spec Topics In Perf
MUSI 043101 Spec Topics In Peda MUS ELUD UD: Spec Topics In Peda
MUSI 100001 Fund of Music Theor MUTH ELLD LD: Fund of Music Theor
MUSI 101001 Class Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUSI 101501 Class Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUSI 102501 Class Voice MUS 1510 Class Voice I
MUSI 103001 Class Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUSI 111101 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Theory I
MUSI 111301 Sight Sing & Ear Tr MUS ELLD LD: Sight Sing & Ear Tr
MUSI 112101 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Theory I
MUSI 1123 Sight Sing & Ear Trng MUTH ELLD LD:Sight Sing & Ear Trng
MUSI 113101 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Theory I
MUSI 1133 Sight Sing & Ear Trng MUTH ELLD LD:Sight Sing & Ear Trng
MUSI 121001 Orien In Music Appr MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 1220 Orient In Music App MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 123001 History of Rock MUS ELLD LD: History of Rock
MUSI 131001 Orientation to Musi MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 141201 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUSI 151201 University Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 151701 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 152501 Horn MUS ELLD LD: Horn
MUSI 152601 Glee Clubs MUS ELLD LD: Glee Clubs
MUSI 155001 Percussion MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MUSI 155501 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUSI 200001 Solo Class MUS ELLD LD: Solo Class
MUSI 210001 Basic Exper In Clrm MUS ELLD LD: Basic Exper In Clrm
MUSI 219901 Tech Sound Recordin MUS ELLD LD: Tech Sound Recordin
MUSI 230001 Intro to Music Lit MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Music Lit
MUSI 242201 Mthd Woodwinds Clas MUS ELLD LD: Mthd Woodwinds Clas
MUSI 243101 Met Mat Te Br Cl In MUS ELLD LD: Met Mat Te Br Cl In
MUSI 251501 Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 255001 Percussion MUS ELLD LD: Percussion
MUSI 281001 Jazz Piano MUS ELLD LD: Jazz Piano
MUSI 307001 Opera Production MUS ELUD UD: Opera Production
MUSI 351501 Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 360001 Small Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Small Ensemble
MUSI 360301 Small Jazz Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Small Jazz Ensemble
MUSI 3604 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3431 Jazz Improvisation Lab
MUSI 360501 Studio Orchestra MUS ELUD UD: Studio Orchestra
MUSI 361001 Percussion Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Percussion Ensemble
MUSI 365001 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 365201 Campus Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 365401 Varsity Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 365701 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 368001 Concert Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUSI 368201 University Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 395001 Evolution of Jazz MUS ELUD UD: Evolution of Jazz
MUSI 5650 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 568201 University Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSIC 1527 Concert Band MUEN 3140 Concert Band
MUTC 0290 Sound Rec Tech EMC ELLD LD:Sound Rec Tech
MUTC 0340 Intro/Computer Music Transcrip RIM ELUD UD:Intro/Comp Mus Trscp
MUTC 0390 Sound Synthesis Techniques RIM ELUD UD:Sound Synthesis Techniques
MUTC 225 Commercial Scoring for Media RIM ELLD LD:Commercial Scoring/Media
MUTE 0340 Int Comp Mus Transcr RIM ELUD UD: Int Comp Mus Transcr
MUTH 0100 Fundamentals of Music MUED ELLD LD: Fundamentals of Music
MUTH 0101 Theory Workshop MUTH ELLD LD:Theory Workshop
MUTH 0110 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD:Theory I
MUTH 0120 Theory II MUTH ELLD LD:Theory II
MUTH 0130 Ear Training I MUTH ELLD LD:Ear Training I
MUTH 0140 Ear Training II MUTH ELLD LD:Ear Training II
MUTH 0210 Theory III MUTH ELLD LD: Theory III
MUTH 0220 Theory IV MUTH ELLD LD:Theory IV
MUTH 0230 Adv Ear Training III MUTH ELLD LD:Adv Ear Training III
MUTH 0240 Adv Ear Training IV MUTH ELLD LD:Adv Ear Training IV
MUTH 0310 Form & Analysis MUTH ELUD UD:Form & Analysis
MUTH 0320 Instrumentation MUTH ELUD UD:Instrumentation
MUVC 0110 Class Voice I MUS 1510 Class Voice I
N FS 010001 Intro Nutrition NFS ELLD LD: Intro Nutrition
N FS 010101 Food Principles NFS 3210 Meal Prepping
N FS 010501 Food For the Next C NFS ELLD LD: Food For the Next C
N FS 010701 Honors:Intro Nutrit NFS ELLD LD: Honors:Intro Nutrit
N FS 020001 Physiological Chemi NFS ELLD LD: Physiological Chemi
N FS 020101 Food & Clinical Ana NFS ELLD LD: Food & Clinical Ana
N FS 030001 Fund of Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
N FS 030101 Nutrition For Educa NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition For Educa
N FS 031101 Science of Food NFS 3200 Food Science
N FS 031201 Science of Food NFS ELUD UD: Science of Food
N FS 031301 Adv Nutrition NFS 4270 Advanced Nutrition I
N FS 041001 Professional Issues NFS ELUD UD: Professional Issues
N FS 041101 Nutrition In Diseas NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition In Diseas
N FS 041201 Food/Nutrition Reso NFS 3260 Community Nutrition
N FS 041301 Experimental Food S NFS 4240 Experimental Food Study
N FS 041401 Nutrient-Drug Inter NFS ELUD UD: Nutrient-Drug Inter
N FS 042301 Foodservice Sytems NFS ELUD UD: Foodservice Sytems
N FS 045001 Nutrition & Food Sc NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition & Food Sc
N FS 048701 Nutrition/Food Scie NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition/Food Scie
N FS 049201 Field Exp:Nutrition NFS ELUD UD: Field Exp:Nutrition
N FS 049301 Dir Study:Nutrition NFS ELUD UD: Dir Study:Nutrition
NE 0200 Nuclear & Radiolog Engr ELEC ELLD LD:Nuclear & Radiolog Engr
NE 0342 Thermal Science ELEC ELUD UD:Thermal Science
NE 0362 Numerical Methods ELEC ELUD UD:Numerical Methods
NE 0433 Health Physics ELEC ELUD UD:Health Physics
NMT 0410 Physics For Nuclear ELEC ELUD UD: Physics For Nuclear
NMT 0411 Nuclear Instrumentat ELEC ELUD UD: Nuclear Instrumentat
NMT 0412 Radiopharmacy ELEC ELUD UD: Radiopharmacy
NMT 0415 Physics For Nuclear ELEC ELUD UD: Physics For Nuclear
NMT 0420 Clinical Nuclear Med ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Nuclear Med
NMT 0425 Computer Application ELEC ELUD UD: Computer Application
NMT 0430 Clinical Nuclear Med ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Nuclear Med
NMT 0440 Clinical Nuclear Med ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Nuclear Med
NMT 0450 Clinical Practicum I ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Practicum I
NMT 0460 Clinical Pract II ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Pract II
NMT 0470 Clinical Pract III ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Pract III
NMT 0475 Nuclear Medicine Reg ELEC ELUD UD: Nuclear Medicine Reg
NUCL 2320 Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Seminar
NURS 0201 Intro to Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Nursing
NURS 0202 Nursing Short Term NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Short Term
NURS 021401 Integrated Biomedic NURS ELLD LD: Integrated Biomedic
NURS 0220 Nursing Seminar NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Seminar
NURS 030101 Clinical Pharmacolo NURS ELUD UD: Clinical Pharmacolo
NURS 030201 Intro Professional NURS ELUD UD: Intro Professional
NURS 030401 Nursing Assessment/ NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Assessment/
NURS 030501 Transition to Prof NURS ELUD UD: Transition to Prof
NURS 030601 Health Deviation Co NURS ELUD UD: Health Deviation Co
NURS 031101 Acute Care Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Acute Care Nursing
NURS 031201 Acute Care Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Acute Care Nursing
NURS 031301 Intro to Nursing Re NURS ELUD UD: Intro to Nursing Re
NURS 0314 Wellness & Lifestyle NURS ELUD UD: Wellness & Lifestyle
NURS 031501 Clinical Nursing Pr NURS ELUD UD: Clinical Nursing Pr
NURS 031601 Health Deviation Co NURS ELUD UD: Health Deviation Co
NURS 031701 Wellness & Lifestyl NURS ELUD UD: Wellness & Lifestyl
NURS 0319 Pathophysiology/Hlth Deviat NURS ELUD UD: Pathophysiology/Hlth Devia
NURS 032001 Care of the Adult C NURS ELUD UD: Care of the Adult C
NURS 032101 Care of Child-Beari NURS ELUD UD: Care of Child-Beari
NURS 032201 Care of the Child NURS ELUD UD: Care of the Child
NURS 032301 Care of Client w/Me NURS ELUD UD: Care of Client w/Me
NURS 032401 Nursing of Children NURS ELUD UD: Nursing of Children
NURS 032501 Nursing of Children NURS ELUD UD: Nursing of Children
NURS 0330 Nursing of Adults NURS ELUD UD: Nursing of Adults
NURS 0332 Comm Hlt Nurs: Aggre NURS ELUD UD: Comm Hlt Nurs: Aggre
NURS 0333 Health Assessment NURS ELUD UD: Health Assessment
NURS 0341 Transcultural Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Transcultural Nursing
NURS 039001 Clinical Practice E NURS ELUD UD: Clinical Practice E
NURS 0400 Aging & Society NURS ELUD UD: Aging & Society
NURS 040101 Family Health Nursi NURS ELUD UD: Family Health Nursi
NURS 040201 Family Health Nursi NURS ELUD UD: Family Health Nursi
NURS 040301 Community Health Nu NURS ELUD UD: Community Health Nu
NURS 040501 Professional Nursin NURS ELUD UD: Professional Nursin
NURS 040901 Nursing Mgmt & Stra NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Mgmt & Stra
NURS 041101 Psychosocial Long-T NURS ELUD UD: Psychosocial Long-T
NURS 041201 Psychosocial Long-T NURS ELUD UD: Psychosocial Long-T
NURS 041401 Community Mental He NURS ELUD UD: Community Mental He
NURS 041501 Family Community He NURS ELUD UD: Family Community He
NURS 0431 Nursing of Children NURS ELUD UD: Nursing of Children
NURS 0433 Community Health Nur NURS ELUD UD: Community Health Nur
NURS 0440 Leadership & Managem NURS ELUD UD: Leadership & Managem
NURS 0441 Clinical Nursing Pra NURS ELUD UD: Clinical Nursing Pra
NURS 045001 Physiological Princ NURS ELUD UD: Physiological Princ
NURS 045101 Profess Leader Issue NURS ELUD UD: Profess Leader Issue
NURS 045301 Oncology Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Oncology Nursing
NURS 047001 Special Topics NURS ELUD UD: Special Topics
NURS 0480 Nursing Informatics NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Informatics
NURS 049301 Independent Study NURS ELUD UD: Independent Study
NURS 1110 Nursing 1110 NURS ELLD LD: Nursing 1110
NURS 1120 Nursing 1120 NURS ELLD LD: Nursing 1120
NURS 1130 Contd Std Nsg NURS ELLD LD: Contd Std Nsg
NURS 1140 Contd Stdy Nsg Prob NURS ELLD LD: Contd Stdy Nsg Prob
NURS 2800 Intro Clinical Nurs NURS ELLD LD: Intro Clinical Nurs
NURS 3010 Nursing Process NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Process
NURS 302001 Philosophy of Nursi NURS ELUD UD: Philosophy of Nursi
NURS 311001 Pharmacology NURS ELUD UD: Pharmacology
NURS 315001 Family Hlth Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Family Hlth Nursing
NURS 317001 Wellness & Lifestyl NURS ELUD UD: Wellness & Lifestyl
NURS 321001 Adult Care Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Adult Care Nursing
NURS 332001 Hum Resp Stress & I NURS ELUD UD: Hum Resp Stress & I
NURS 333001 Psychosocial Nursin NURS ELUD UD: Psychosocial Nursin
NURS 341001 Children & Health NURS ELUD UD: Children & Health
NURS 351 Pharmacotherapeutics I NURS ELUD UD:Pharmacotherapeutics I
NURS 3750 Hlth Promo Thru Lf NURS ELUD UD: Hlth Promo Thru Lf
NURS 3770 Compreh Hlth Assess NURS ELUD UD: Compreh Hlth Assess
NUTR 0101 Food Principles NFS ELLD LD: Food Principles
NUTR 0104 Sports Nutr/Athelet NFS ELLD LD: Sports Nutr/Athelet
NUTR 0201 Careers In Nutrition NFS ELLD LD: Careers In Nutrition
NUTR 0300 Funds of Nutrition NFS ELUD UD: Funds of Nutrition
NUTR 0302 Life Span Nutrition NFS ELUD UD: Life Span Nutrition
NUTR 0303 Foodsrvcs Mgmt NFS ELUD UD: Foodsrvcs Mgmt
NUTR 0310 Physiological Chem NFS ELUD UD: Physiological Chem
NUTR 0311 Psychological Biochemistry NFS 4270 Advanced Nutrition I
NUTR 0313 Vitamins and Miner NFS ELUD UD: Vitamins and Miner
NUTR 0314 Energy Metabolism & NFS ELUD UD: Energy Metabolism &
NUTR 0410 Prof Issues In Diete NFS ELUD UD: Prof Issues In Diete
NUTR 0412 Food & Nutr In Commu NFS 3260 Community Nutrition
NUTR 0415 Clinical Nutrition NFS 4300 Medical Nutrition Therapy I
NUTR 0416 Clinical Nutrition NFS ELUD UD: Clinical Nutrition
NUTR 0420 Food & Nutritional A NFS ELUD UD: Food & Nutritional A
NUTR 0450 Special Topics:Nutrition NFS ELUD UD:Special Topics:Nutrition
NUTR 0490 Intro Dietetic Inter NFS ELUD UD: Intro Dietetic Inter
NUTR 0492 Field Exp/Nutrition NFS 4090 Field Exp Foods and Nutrition
NUTR 0493 Directed Study/Nutr HSC 4052 Adv Prob Nutrition-Food Sci
NUTR 100 Intro Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
NUTR 1010 Food Principles NFS ELLD LD: Food Principles
NUTR 113001 Elem Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
NUTR 123001 Elem Nutrition NFS ELLD LD: Elem Nutrition
NUTR 216 World Foods NFS ELLD LD:World Foods
NUTR 2210 Intro Trsm, Fd Ldg NFS ELLD LD: Intro Trsm, Fd Ldg
NUTR 302001 Nutrition NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition
NUTR 312001 Fund of Nutrition NFS ELLD LD: Fund of Nutrition
NUTR 321 Vitamins in Human Nutrition NFS ELUD UD:Vitamins in Human Nutrition
OFAD 0111 Bus Administration BCED ELLD LD:Bus Administration
OFAD 0212 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD:Typewriting
OFAD 0231 Begin Shrthnd & Tran BCED ELLD LD:Begin Shrthnd & Tran
OFAD 0232 Begin Shrthnd & Tran BCED ELLD LD:Begin Shrthnd & Tran
OFAD 2120 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD: Typewriting
OFAD 213001 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD:Typewriting
OFAD 214001 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD:Typewriting
OFAD 2310 Begin Shorthnd & Trn BCED ELLD LD:Begin Shorthnd & Trn
OFAD 2330 Begin Shrthnd & Trns BCED ELLD LD:Begin Shrthnd & Trns
OFAD 3210 Office Equip Prob BCED ELUD UD:Office Equip Prob
OFAD 431001 Bus Letter Writing BCED ELUD UD:Bus Letter Writing
OFAD 441001 Adv Shrthnd & Trans BCED ELUD UD:Adv Shrthnd & Trans
OFAD 4420 Adv Shrthnd & Trans BCED ELUD UD:Adv Shrthnd & Trans
OFAD 4430 Supervised Office Ex BCED ELUD UD:Supervised Office Ex
OFAD 4710 Punch Card Methods BCED ELUD UD:Punch Card Methods
OFFI 0232 Begin Shorthand BCED ELLD LD:Begin Shorthand
OFFI 211001 Beginning Typewriti BCED ELLD LD: Beginning Typewriti
OFFI 2120 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD:Typewriting
OFFI 2130 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD:Typewriting
OFFI 2310 Begin Shrthnd & Tran BCED ELLD LD:Begin Shrthnd & Tran
OFFI 275001 Elec Data Processin BCED ELLD LD:Elec Data Processing
OFFI 3180 Word Processing Mgmnt BCED ELUD UD:Word Processing Mgmnt
OFFI 431001 Bus Letter Writing BCED ELUD UD:Bus Letter Writing
OHLD 0110 Ornamental Hort PLSO ELLD LD: Ornamental Hort
OHLD 0220 Landscape Plants PLSO ELLD LD: Landscape Plants
OHLD 0230 Interior Plantscaping PLSO ELLD LD: Interior Plantscaping
OHLD 0330 Plant Propagation PLSO ELUD UD: Plant Propagation
OHLD 0350 Landscape Const PLSO ELUD UD: Landscape Const
OHLD 0370 Grounds Maintenance PLSO ELUD UD: Grounds Maintenance
OHLD 0391 Herb Orn Plants PLSO ELUD UD: Herb Orn Plants
OHLD 0421 Native Plants PLSO ELUD UD: Native Plants
OHLD 0430 Greenh Florl PLSO ELUD UD: Greenh Florl
OHLD 0450 Special Landscape PLSO ELUD UD: Special Landscape
OHLD 0460 Prof Prac AGRI ELUD UD: Prof Prac
OPMG 0341 Operations Managemen MGMT 3620 Supply Chain Operations
OPMG 0410 Management Science MGMT 3640 Managing Key Perf Indicators
OPMG 0421 Total Quality Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Total Quality Mgmt
OPMG 0441 Operations Mgmt II MGMT ELUD UD: Operations Mgmt II
ORNA 0421 Native Plants Landsc PLSO ELUD UD: Native Plants Landsc
ORNA 0429 Field Study of Pulic AGRI ELUD UD: Field Study of Pulic
P R 0270 Public Relations Pri PR ELLD LD: Public Relations Pri
P R 0320 Public Relations Com PR 3360 Strategic Writg Public Rela
P R 0370 Public Relations Cas PR 3400 Case Studies in PR
P R 0380 Public Relations Pro PR ELUD UD: Public Relations Pro
P R 0412 Opinion Writing JOUR 3450 Editing
P R 0416 Issues In Public Rel PR ELUD UD: Issues In Public Rel
P R 0470 Public Relations Cam PR 4740 Public Relations Campaigns
P R 0490 Special Topics PR ELUD UD: Special Topics
P R 0491 Foreign Study PR ELUD UD: Foreign Study
P R 0492 Field Experience JOUR 4000 MC Internship
P R 0493 Independent Study JOUR 4900 Independent Study of Media
PBRL 0270 Public Relations Principles PR ELLD LD:Public Relations Principles
PBRL 0310 Adv/Pub Relations Design PR 3380 Public Relations Publications
PBRL 0320 Public Relations Writing PR ELUD UD:Public Relations Writing
PBRL 0340 Advert & Pr Research Methods PR ELUD UD:Adv & PR Research Methods
PBRL 0370 Public Relation Cases PR ELUD UD:Public Relation Cases
PBRL 0380 Public Relations Prof Seminar PR ELUD UD:Public Rltns Prof Seminar
PBRL 0461 Social Media PR ELUD UD:Social Media
PBRL 0470 Public Relations Campaigns PR ELUD UD:Public Relations Campaigns
PBRL 0490 Special Topics-Siena Italy PR ELUD UD:Special Topics-Siena Italy
PE 0112 Phys Educ Women PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0115 Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming
PE 0206 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PE 0212 Phys Educ Women PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0213 Ice Skating PHED ELLD LD:Ice Skating
PE 0216 Martial Arts PHED ACTY Physical Activity
PE 0225 Phys Fit:Exer/Music PHED ELLD LD:Phys Fit:Exer/Music
PE 0226 Exercise/Weight Cntrl PHED ELLD LD:Exercise/Weight Cntrl
PE 0230 Phys Fit:Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Phys Fit:Swimming
PE 0231 Phys Fit:Walking PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PE 0232 Raquetball I PHED ACTY ACTY: Raquetball I
PE 0234 Soccer PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PE 0239 Beg Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Beg Swimming
PE 0244 Tennis I PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PE 0251 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PE 0252 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PE 0256 Lifeguarding PHED ELLD LD:Lifeguarding
PE 1329 Social Dance PHED ELLD LD:Social Dance
PE 2181 Tumbling PHED ELLD LD:Tumbling
PE 2187 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PE 2707 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PE 2728 Folk & Square Dance PHED ELLD LD:Folk & Square Dance
PERL 0270 Public Relations Principles PR ELLD LD:Public Relations Principles
PERS 0161 Elem Persian I FL ELLD LD: Elem Persian I
PERS 0162 Elem Pers II FL ELLD LD: Elem Pers II
PERS 0261 Intermed Persian I FL ELLD LD: Intermed Persian I
PERS 0262 Interm Persian II FL ELLD LD: Interm Persian II
PHEA 030001 Intro to Public Hea HLTH ELUD UD: Intro to Public Hea
PHEA 030501 Communicable & Nonc HLTH ELUD UD: Communicable & Nonc
PHEA 031001 Environmental Mgmt HLTH ELUD UD: Environmental Mgmt
PHEA 040001 Consumer Health HLTH ELUD UD: Consumer Health
PHEA 041001 Health In Work Envi HLTH ELUD UD: Health In Work Envi
PHEA 048001 Special Topics HLTH ELUD UD: Special Topics
PHEA 049301 Directed Independen HLTH ELUD UD: Directed Independen
PHED 010001 Orientation to Phys HLTH ELLD LD: Orientation to Phys
PHED 010201 PE Major:Basketball PHED ELLD LD: PE Major:Basketball
PHED 010301 PE Major:Tennis PHED ELLD LD: PE Major:Tennis
PHED 010401 PE Educ Major:Gymna PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
PHED 010501 PE Major:Folk/Squar DANC ELLD LD: PE Major:Folk/Squar
PHED 010601 PE Major:Track & Fi PHED ELLD LD: PE Major:Track & Fi
PHED 0111 Phys Educ Women PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0112 Phys Educ Women PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0200 Tae Kwon Do PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 020101 Arc Wsi-Handicapped PHED ELLD LD: Arc Wsi-Handicapped
PHED 020201 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PHED 020301 Elem Ballet I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 020401 Elem Ballet II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 020501 Basketball PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
PHED 020601 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHED 020901 Flag Football PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 021001 Folk & Square Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Folk & Square Dance
PHED 021101 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PHED 021201 Handball PHED ACTY ACTY: Handball
PHED 021301 Ice Skating PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 021401 Elementary Jazz I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 021501 Elementary Jazz II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 021601 Martial Arts PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 021901 Coed Gymnastics:Men PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 022001 Elem Modern Dance I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 022101 Elem Modern Dance I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 022201 Paddleball PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 022301 Personal Safety & D PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 022401 Phys Fitness:Condit PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0225 Phys Fit:Exer/Music PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 022501 Phys Fit:Exer/Music PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 022601 Phys Fit:Exercise/W PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 022901 Physical Fitness:Jo PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PHED 023001 Phys Fitness:Swimmi PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 023101 Physical Fitness:Wa PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 023201 Raquetball I PHED ACTY ACTY: Raquetball I
PHED 023301 Raquetball II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 023401 Soccer PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PHED 023501 Social Dance PHED 1020 Beginning Social Dance
PHED 023601 Softball PHED ACTY ACTY: Softball
PHED 0237 Stress Management PHED ELLD LD: Stress Management
PHED 023901 Beginning Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Beginning Swimming
PHED 024001 Intermediate Swimmi PHED ACTY ACTY: Intermediate Swimmi
PHED 024101 Emergency Water Saf PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 024201 Tap Dance I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 024301 Tap Dance II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 024401 Tennis I PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PHED 024501 Tennis II PHED ACTY ACTY: Tennis II
PHED 024601 Track & Field PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 024901 Tumbling I PHED ACTY ACTY: Tumbling I
PHED 025001 Tumbling II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 025101 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PHED 025201 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHED 025301 Coed Gymnastics:Wom PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 025401 Yoga & Relaxation PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 025601 Lifeguarding PHED ACTY ACTY: Lifeguarding
PHED 0259 Snow Skiing PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 026001 Practicum I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0261 Scuba Diving PHED ACTY ACTY: Scuba Diving
PHED 0262 Snowboarding PHED ELLD LD: Snowboarding
PHED 027101 PE Major:Soccer/Sof PHED ELLD LD: PE Major:Soccer/Sof
PHED 027201 PE Major:Volleyball PHED ELLD LD: PE Major:Volleyball
PHED 027301 PE Major:Golf PHED ELLD LD: PE Major:Golf
PHED 027401 PE Major:Gymnastics PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
PHED 027501 PE Major:Ballroom D DANC ELLD LD: PE Major:Ballroom D
PHED 0276 Fitness For Life HLTH 4340 Fitness Education for Adult
PHED 029001 Human Motor Behavio PHED ELLD LD: Human Motor Behavio
PHED 029101 Sport In American S LSTS 4790 Sport and Society
PHED 029201 Field Studies I PHED 4920 Independent Study
PHED 0311 Coaching Football ATHC 4600 Intermediate C&O Football
PHED 0312 Coaching of Basketb ATHC 3610 Coach/Officiate Basketball
PHED 0313 Coaching of Track & ATHC 4650 Coach/Officiate CC, T&F
PHED 031401 Coaching of Gymnast ATHC ELUD UD: Coaching of Gymnast
PHED 0315 Coaching Baseball/S ATHC 4640 Intermed Coach/Ump Baseball
PHED 032101 World Hist-Sport/Ph PHED ELUD UD: World Hist-Sport/Ph
PHED 0322 Fitness Activities PHED 3720 Fitness Education K-12
PHED 0325 Athletic Training ATHT ELUD UD: Athletic Training
PHED 032601 Practicum-Preschool PHED ELUD UD: Practicum-Preschool
PHED 0330 Wellness Thru Heal, HLTH 4340 Fitness Education for Adult
PHED 033201 Applied Anatomy BIOL 2030 Anatomy and Physiology
PHED 033501 Approaches to Pe-Ch PHED ELUD UD: Approaches to Pe-Ch
PHED 034501 Movement Education PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
PHED 035001 Sport Mgmt:Theory T ATHC ELUD UD: Sport Mgmt:Theory T
PHED 035601 Motor Development PHED ELUD UD: Motor Development
PHED 037201 Phil of Sport & P E PHED 3850 Foundations of Physical Edu
PHED 038001 Special Topics PHED 4920 Independent Study
PHED 0391 Psych of Coaching ATHC 4690 Psychology of C&O
PHED 040501 Sociology of Sport LSTS 4790 Sport and Society
PHED 040901 Measure/Evaluation EXSC 4810 Measurement and Evaluation
PHED 041001 Pre-Internship Semi PHED ELUD UD: Pre-Internship Semi
PHED 041101 Adapted Physical Ed PHED 3900 Adapted Physical Education
PHED 041201 Practicum In Adapte PHED ELUD UD: Practicum In Adapte
PHED 041301 Spec Prac In Adapti PHED ELUD UD: Spec Prac In Adapti
PHED 041401 Physical Activity/F PHED ELUD UD: Physical Activity/F
PHED 041501 Heal-Related Fitnes PHED ELUD UD: Heal-Related Fitnes
PHED 041601 Athl Coaching Field ATHC ELUD UD: Athl Coaching Field
PHED 042001 Methods In Phys Edu PHED ELUD UD: Methods In Phys Edu
PHED 042101 Curriculum Devel & PHED 4780 Curriculum Physical Education
PHED 042201 Applied Kinesiology PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
PHED 042301 Readings In Phys Ed PHED 4920 Independent Study
PHED 042401 Program Planning In PHED 4780 Curriculum Physical Education
PHED 042501 Admin & Evaluation PHED 4990 Sem Teach Physical Education
PHED 042601 Practicum II PHED ELUD UD: Practicum II
PHED 043501 Approaches to PE F PHED ELUD UD: Approaches to PE F
PHED 044201 Admin of PE & Athle PHED 4990 Sem Teach Physical Education
PHED 045001 Field Studies II PHED ELUD UD: Field Studies II
PHED 046501 Movement Education PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
PHED 046601 Motor Dev Lab:Presc PHED ELUD UD: Motor Dev Lab:Presc
PHED 048001 Physiology of Exerc EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
PHED 048101 Internship I:Grades PHED ELUD UD: Internship I:Grades
PHED 048201 Internship 2:Grades PHED ELUD UD: Internship 2:Grades
PHED 049001 Mgmt Or Fitness Int PHED ELUD UD: Mgmt Or Fitness Int
PHED 049301 Dir Independent Stu PHED 4920 Independent Study
PHED 1012 Physical Education PHED ELLD LD: Physical Education
PHED 1022 Physical Education PHED ELLD LD: Physical Education
PHED 1138 Physical Fitness PHED ELLD LD:Physical Fitness
PHED 121501 Badminton Elem PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PHED 143801 Physical Fundamenta PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 1547 Gymnastics Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Gymnastics Elem
PHED 157701 Tennis Elementary PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PHED 1621 Folk & Square Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Folk & Square Dance
PHED 1624 Modern Dance Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Modern Dance Elem
PHED 206201 PE Major: Football PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2403 Adaptive Phys Educ PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 246501 Elem Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Elem Swimming
PHED 246601 Swimming Intermedia PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming Intermedia
PHED 248101 Tumbling PHED ACTY ACTY: Tumbling
PHED 2515 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PHED 2518 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHED 261801 Bowling Elem PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHED 270101 Arc Advan Life Savi PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 270201 Arc Wat Saf Inst Tr PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2703 Arc Wat Saf Ins Hand PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2707 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PHED 271001 Phy Edu Mat Elem Sc PHED ELLD LD: Phy Edu Mat Elem Sc
PHED 271101 Ballet Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet Elem
PHED 2715 Bowling Elem PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHED 272001 Phys Fit Exercs Mus PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2728 Folk and Square PHED ELLD LD:Folk & Square
PHED 2732 Inter Golf PHED ACTY Physical Activity
PHED 2734 Gymnastics Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Gymnastics Elem
PHED 273701 Handball Elem PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2741 Ice Skating Elem PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 274201 Ice Skating Interme PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 274301 Ics Skating Advance PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 274701 Modern Dance Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Modern Dance Elem
PHED 275001 Modern Jazz PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 275501 Racquetball Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball Elem
PHED 275701 Men S Ele Gymnas Co PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 275801 Self Defense PHED 1250 Self Defense
PHED 276201 Social Dance PHED 1020 Beginning Social Dance
PHED 276401 Softball PHED ACTY ACTY: Softball
PHED 2766 Racquetball Intermed PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball Intermed
PHED 277101 Swimming Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming Elem
PHED 277301 Swimming Intermedia PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming Intermedia
PHED 277801 Tap Dance Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Tap Dance Elem
PHED 278101 Tennis Elementary PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PHED 278201 Tennis Intermediate PHED ACTY ACTY: Tennis Intermediate
PHED 278401 Track & Field PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2785 Tumbling PHED ACTY ACTY: Tumbling
PHED 278901 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PHED 279001 Volleyball Interm PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 279201 Phys Fit:Ex & Wt Cn PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 279401 Weight Training Ele PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHED 279501 Weight Training Int PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 304001 Elem Jazz Technique PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 307001 Elem Ballet Techniq PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 307501 Intermed Ballet Tec PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 312001 Athletic Coaching ATHC ELUD UD: Athletic Coaching
PHED 345001 PE In the Elem Scho PHED ELUD UD: PE in the Elem School
PHED 361001 Individual Dual Spo PHED ELUD UD: Individual Dual Spo
PHED 362001 Individual Dual Spo PHED ELUD UD: Individual Dual Spo
PHED 380001 Court Sports PHED ELUD UD: Court Sports
PHED 411001 Adapt Phy Educ PHYS ELUD UD: Adapt Phy Educ
PHED 413001 Community Recreatio REC ELUD UD: Community Recreatio
PHED 423001 Prog Plan In Phy Ed PHED ELUD UD: Prog Plan In Phy Ed
PHED 433001 Directed Indepndt S PHED ELUD UD: Directed Indepndt S
PHIL 360 Philsophy of Science PHIL 4500 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 480 Topics In Phil/Histo PHIL 3300 Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 0101 Intro Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 0107 Honors: Intro/Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 0110 The Human Condition PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 011101 The Human Condition PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 012001 Found of Western Th PHIL ELLD LD: Found of Western Th
PHIL 012101 Found of Western Th PHIL ELLD LD: Found of Western Th
PHIL 0135 Formal Logic PHIL ELLD LD: Formal Logic
PHIL 0235 Formal Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 024001 Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHIL 0241 Engineering Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Engineering Ethics
PHIL 024201 Ethical Theory & It PHIL ELLD LD: Ethical Theory & It
PHIL 0243 Business Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Business Ethics
PHIL 0244 Prof Responsibility PHIL ELLD LD: Prof Responsibility
PHIL 0245 Environmental Ethic PHIL ELLD LD: Environmental Ethic
PHIL 0246 Bioethics PHIL ELLD LD: Bioethics
PHIL 0252 Contemporary Moral Problems PHIL ELLD LD: Contemporary Moral Problem
PHIL 029001 Social & Political PHIL ELLD LD: Social & Political
PHIL 0300 Special Topics PHIL ELUD UD: Special Topics
PHIL 032201 Medieval Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD: Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 0327 Hon:Ancient West Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD:Hon:Anct West Phil
PHIL 0329 Contemporary Phil PHIL ELUD UD: Contemporary Phil
PHIL 033501 Intermediate Formal PHIL ELUD UD: Intermediate Formal
PHIL 0340 Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHIL 034201 Business Ethics PHIL ELUD UD: Business Ethics
PHIL 034401 Professional Respon PHIL ELUD UD: Professional Respon
PHIL 0347 Ethical Theory PHIL ELUD UD:Ethical Theory
PHIL 034901 War & Morality PHIL ELUD UD: War & Morality
PHIL 035001 Aesthetics PHIL ELUD UD: Aesthetics
PHIL 035301 Philosophy & Litera PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy & Litera
PHIL 036001 Intro to Phil of Science PHIL 4500 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 036301 Conceptual Hist Of PHIL ELUD UD: Conceptual Hist Of
PHIL 037001 Philosophy of Relig PHIL 3300 Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 0371 Epistemology PHIL ELUD UD:Epistemology
PHIL 0372 Metaphysics PHIL ELUD UD: Metaphysics
PHIL 037401 Philosophy & Reli O PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy & Reli O
PHIL 037601 Buddhist Phil & Rel PHIL ELUD UD: Buddhist Phil & Rel
PHIL 037901 Religion & Phil In PHIL ELUD UD: Religion & Phil In
PHIL 038001 Concept of Women PHIL ELUD UD: Concept of Women
PHIL 0391 Social/Political Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD:Social/Political Philosophy
PHIL 0392 Philosophy of Law PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Law
PHIL 039301 Marxism PHIL ELUD UD: Marxism
PHIL 039501 Existentialism PHIL 4200 Existentialism
PHIL 040001 Special Topics PHIL 4800 Readings in Philosophy
PHIL 041101 Modern Religious Ph PHIL ELUD UD: Modern Religious Ph
PHIL 041201 Classical Indian Sy PHIL ELUD UD: Classical Indian Sy
PHIL 0419 Science as Method PHIL ELUD UD: Science as Method
PHIL 042001 Topics In Hist of P PHIL ELUD UD: Topics In Hist of P
PHIL 042501 American Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD: American Philosophy
PHIL 043001 Topics In Logic PHIL ELUD UD: Topics In Logic
PHIL 0435 Inter Formal Logic PHIL 4150 Formal Logic
PHIL 044001 Contemporary Ethica PHIL ELUD UD: Contemporary Ethica
PHIL 0443 Advanced Business Et PHIL ELUD UD: Advanced Business Et
PHIL 0445 Advanced Environment PHIL ELUD UD: Advanced Environment
PHIL 044601 Theoretical Issues PHIL ELUD UD: Theoretical Issues
PHIL 046001 Philosophy of Scien PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Scien
PHIL 0462 Philosophy of Langua PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Langua
PHIL 046501 Philosophy of Histo PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Histo
PHIL 0472 Philosophy of Langua PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Langua
PHIL 047301 Philosophy of Mind PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 047501 Analytic Metaphysic PHIL ELUD UD: Analytic Metaphysic
PHIL 047601 Philosophy of Langu PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Langu
PHIL 047901 Studies Recent Cont PHIL ELUD UD: Studies Recent Cont
PHIL 049101 Foreign Study PHIL ELUD UD: Foreign Study
PHIL 049201 Off Campus Study PHIL ELUD UD: Off Campus Study
PHIL 0493 Independent Study PHIL 4240 Recent Continental Philosophy
PHIL 111001 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 117 Honors:Intro to Philosophy I PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 130 Critical Thinking PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 151001 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 151101 Hum Cond Value & Re PHIL ELLD LD: Hum Cond Value & Re
PHIL 152001 Int Phil Consc Real PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 152001 Int Phil Consc Real and PHIL ELLD LD: Int Phil Consc Real
PHIL 1521 Hum Cond Consc Relit PHIL ELLD LD: Hum Cond Consc Relit
PHIL 181001 Intro Symbolic Logi PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 200 Special Topics PHIL ELLD LD: Special Topics
PHIL 221 Deductive Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 221001 Deductive Logic PHIL ELLD LD: Deductive Logic
PHIL 2220 Inductive Reasoning PHIL ELLD LD: Inductive Reasoning
PHIL 231001 Elementary Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Elementary Ethics
PHIL 251001 Elem Logic PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHIL 252001 Elem Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 320 Ancient Western Phi PHIL 4010 History Ancient Medieval Phil
PHIL 324 17th & 18th Century PHIL ELUD UD: 17th & 18th Century
PHIL 326 19th & 20th Century PHIL ELUD UD: 19th & 20th Century
PHIL 331101 American Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD: American Philosophy
PHIL 341001 Phil Ideas In Lit PHIL ELLD LD: Phil Ideas In Lit
PHIL 343001 Concepts of Woman PHIL ELUD UD: Concepts of Woman
PHIL 3440 Social Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHIL 345 Medical Ethics PHIL ELUD UD: Medical Ethics
PHIL 346 Environmental Ethic PHIL ELUD UD: Environmental Ethic
PHIL 359001 Business Ethics PHIL ELUD UD: Business Ethics
PHIL 361101 Medical Ethics PHIL ELUD UD: Medical Ethics
PHIL 382 Philosophy of Femin PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Femin
PHIL 390 Phil Foundations of Democracy PHIL ELUD UD: Phil Foundations of Democr
PHIL 441 Global Justice & Human Rights PHIL ELUD UD:Global Justice&Human Right
PHYS 0101 How Things Work PHYS ELLD LD: How Things Work
PHYS 0102 How Things Work PHYS ELLD LD: How Things Work
PHYS 0121 Intro Physics PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 012201 Intro Physics PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 013101 Fund of Physics:Mec PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 013201 Fund of Physics:Mec PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 0133 Fund of Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Fund of Physics
PHYS 0134 Fund of Physics Elec PHYS ELLD LD: Fund of Physics Elec
PHYS 0135 Intro to Physics PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHYS 0136 Intro to Physics PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PHYS 0137 Honors Fund of Physi PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHYS 0138 Honors Fund of Physi PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PHYS 014501 Physics of Athletic PHYS ELLD LD: Physics of Athletic
PHYS 015101 Elems Phys/Comp Sci PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 015201 Elem of Phys-Comp S PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 0161 Elements of Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Elements of Physics
PHYS 018101 Physics of Music PHYS ELLD LD: Physics of Music
PHYS 020601 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHYS 0221 Elem of Physics PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHYS 0222 Elements of Physics PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PHYS 022501 Phys Fit:Exer/Music PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PHYS 023701 H:Elec,Magnetism,Li PHYS ELLD LD: H:Elec,Magnetism,Li
PHYS 023801 H:Wave Motion/Moder PHYS ELLD LD: H:Wave Motion/Moder
PHYS 0240 Fund of Physics:Mode PHYS ELLD LD: Fund of Physics:Mode
PHYS 0250 Fund Physics:Modern Physics PHYS ELLD LD:Fund Phys:Modern Phys
PHYS 025201 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHYS 031101 Mechanics PHYS 3300 Classical Mechanics
PHYS 031201 Mechanics PHYS ELUD UD: Mechanics
PHYS 032101 Thermal Physics PHYS 3610 Thermodynamics
PHYS 034001 Relativity/Struc Of PHYS 3100 Modern Physics I
PHYS 034101 Structure of Matter PHYS 3110 Modern Physics II
PHYS 034201 Structure of Matter PHYS ELUD UD: Structure of Matter
PHYS 034701 Honors:Fund of Phys PHYS 3100 Modern Physics I
PHYS 036101 Electronics Laborat PHYS 3350 Concepts Appl Analog Electron
PHYS 036201 Electronics Laborat PHYS ELUD UD: Electronics Lab
PHYS 039001 Junior Seminar PHYS ELUD UD: Junior Seminar
PHYS 040101 Background of Physi PHYS ELUD UD: Background of Physi
PHYS 040201 Forefront of Physic PHYS ELUD UD: Forefront of Physic
PHYS 041101 Intro to Quantum Me PHYS 4380 Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 041201 Modern Optics PHYS ELUD UD: Modern Optics
PHYS 042101 Modern Optics PHYS ELUD UD: Modern Optics
PHYS 042501 Prin of Non-Destruc PHYS ELUD UD: Prin of Non-Destruc
PHYS 043101 Electricity & Magne PHYS 4310 Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 0432 Electricity & Magne PHYS 4330 Electricity and Magnetism II
PHYS 0441 Contemporary Physic PHYS 3100 Modern Physics I
PHYS 0442 Contemporary Physi2 PHYS 3110 Modern Physics II
PHYS 045201 Tech of Theoretical PHYS 3160 Topic Mthd Theoretical Phys II
PHYS 0453 Team Research Projec PHYS 4850 Physics Research
PHYS 0454 Research Project PHYS 4860 Physics Research
PHYS 046101 Modern Phys Lab PHYS 3910 Advanced Physics Lab I
PHYS 046201 Modern Phys Lab PHYS 3920 Advanced Physics Lab II
PHYS 046301 Modern Phys Lab PHYS 3111 Modern Physics Laboratory
PHYS 047101 Health Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Health Physics
PHYS 047201 Health Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Health Physics
PHYS 049001 Senior Seminar PHYS ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
PHYS 049101 Foreign Study PHYS ELUD UD: Foreign Study
PHYS 049201 Off-Campus Study PHYS ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
PHYS 049301 Research & Independ PHYS ELUD UD: Research & Independ
PHYS 100001 Car Orien Perf Prer PHED ELLD LD: Car Orien Perf Prer
PHYS 102001 Phys Educat Swimmin PHED ACTY ACTY: Phys Educat Swimmin
PHYS 102201 Phys Educ Basketbal PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
PHYS 103201 Phys Educ Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PHYS 1210 Intro Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Intro Physics
PHYS 122001 Intro Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Intro Physics
PHYS 1318 Fund Phys Mech & Hea PHYS ELLD LD: Fund Phys Mech & Hea
PHYS 1328 Fund Phys Mech & Hea PHYS ELLD LD: Fund Phys Mech & Hea
PHYS 1330 Fund Mech & Heat PHYS ELLD LD: Fund Mech & Heat
PHYS 1338 Fund Phys Mech & Hea PHYS ELLD LD: Fund Phys Mech & Hea
PHYS 141001 The Nat of Phys Wor PHYS ELLD LD: The Nat of Phys Wor
PHYS 142001 The Nat of Physworl PHYS ELLD LD: The Nat of Physworl
PHYS 143001 The Nat of Phys Wor PHYS ELLD LD: The Nat of Phys Wor
PHYS 143801 Physical Fundamenta PHED ELLD LD: Physical Fundamenta
PHYS 145001 Physics of Athlet A ATHT ELLD LD: Physics of Athlet A
PHYS 152401 Modern Dance Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Modern Dance Elem
PHYS 153201 Tap Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Tap Dance
PHYS 162101 Folk & Square Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Folk & Square Dance
PHYS 1810 Physics of Music MUS ELLD LD:Physics of Music
PHYS 202201 Phys Educ Volleybal PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PHYS 218701 Weight Training Ele PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHYS 221001 Elements of Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Elements of Physics
PHYS 2240 Elem of Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Elem of Physics
PHYS 2250 Elem of Phys For Arc PHYS ELLD LD: Elem of Phys For Arc
PHYS 2260 Elem of Phys For Arc PHYS ELLD LD: Elem of Phys For Arc
PHYS 231 Fund of Physics:Ele PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PHYS 231001 Fund Physics Elect PHYS ELLD LD: Fund Physics Elect
PHYS 232 Fund of Physics PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 250001 Arc Wat Saf Ins Han PHED ELLD LD: Arc Wat Saf Ins Han
PHYS 2510 Mechanics PHYS ELLD LD: Mechanics
PHYS 261 Mechanics Physics PHYS ELLD LD:Mechanics Physics
PHYS 262 Elec & Magnetism PHYS ELLD LD:Elec & Magnetism
PHYS 263 Heat Light & Sound PHYS ELLD LD:Heat Light & Sound
PHYS 2644 Golf Elem PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PHYS 2707 Badminton Elementary PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PHYS 2710 Phys Edu Mat Elem Sc PHED ELLD LD:Phys Edu Mat Elem Sc
PHYS 271401 Basketball PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
PHYS 271501 Bowling Elementary PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHYS 272001 Phys Fit:Exercs Mus PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PHYS 275501 Racquetball Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball Elem
PHYS 2771 Swimming Elementary PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHYS 2772 Swimming Elem II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHYS 278201 Tennis Intermediate PHED ACTY ACTY: Tennis Intermediate
PHYS 278501 Tumbling Elementary PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHYS 279201 Phys Fit:Ex & Wt Cn PHED ELLD LD: Phys Fit:Ex & Wt Cn
PHYS 279401 Weight Training Ele PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHYS 400101 Stage Movement PHED ELUD UD: Stage Movement
PHYS 4310 Folk & Square Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Folk & Square Dance
PHYS 451 Tech of Theoretical PHYS 3150 Topic Mthd Theoretical Phys I
PLAN 040101 The City In the US ELEC ELUD UD: The City In the US
PLAN 040201 Survey of Planning ELEC ELUD UD: Survey of Planning
PLAN 044601 Fisheries Housing ELEC ELUD UD: Fisheries Housing
PLSC 0101 U S Govt Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PLSC 0102 Intro to Political PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
PLSC 010701 Honors US Gov & PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PLSC 0115 Plants for Hlth/Aesthetics/Rec PLSO ELLD LD: Plants Hlth/Aesthetics/Rec
PLSC 0201 Intro to Politcl Ana PS ELLD LD: Intro to Politcl Ana
PLSC 0210 Intro to Soil Science PLSO 1101 Intro Ornamental Horticulture
PLSC 0220 Basic Landscape Plants PLSO ELLD LD: Basic Landscape Plants
PLSC 0221 Landscape Plants II PLSO ELLD LD: Landscape Plants II
PLSC 0230 Interior Plantscaping PLSO ELLD LD: Interior Plantscaping
PLSC 0240 Turfgrass Mgmt PLSO 4330 Turf Management
PLSC 0241 Turfgrass Mgmt Lab PLSO ELLD LD: Turfgrass Mgmt Lab
PLSC 0280 Fundamentals Landscape Design PLSO ELLD LD: Fund Landscape Design
PLSC 0291 Spring Herb Ornamental Plts PLSO ELLD LD: Spr Herb Ornamental Plts
PLSC 0300 Intro Political Phil PS ELUD UD: Intro Political Phil
PLSC 030101 Intro to Political PS ELUD UD: Intro to Political
PLSC 031001 Political Community PS ELUD UD: Political Community
PLSC 031101 Contemporary Issues PS ELUD UD: Contemporary Issues
PLSC 031201 Popular Culture & A PS ELUD UD: Popular Culture & A
PLSC 031501 Tenn Govt/Politics PS 4120 Tennessee Government
PLSC 032001 State Government & PS 2020 State and Local Government
PLSC 032101 Urban Politics & Pr PS 3400 Municipal Policy and Politics
PLSC 032201 Minority Group Poli PS ELUD UD: Minority Group Poli
PLSC 033001 Law In American Soc PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
PLSC 033101 Judicial Process PS ELUD UD: Judicial Process
PLSC 034001 Intro to Public Adm PS 3250 Public Management
PLSC 0341 Judicial Process PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
PLSC 035001 Political Change In PS ELUD UD: Political Change In
PLSC 035501 Latin Am Gov & Poli PS 4900 Latin American Politics
PLSC 036101 Politics In Western PS 4300 EU Policymaking
PLSC 036501 Intro to Internatio PS 3210 International Relations
PLSC 036601 U.S. Foreign Policym PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
PLSC 036602 U.S. Foreign Policy PS ELUD UD: U.S. Foreign Policy
PLSC 037001 Contemporary Intern PS ELUD UD: Contemporary Intern
PLSC 037401 American Political PS ELUD UD: American Political
PLSC 0380 Suppl Landscape Design Graph PLSO ELUD UD: Suppl Landscape Dsgn Graph
PLSC 038701 Junior Honors Semin PS ELUD UD: Junior Honors Semin
PLSC 038801 Junior Honors Semin PS ELUD UD: Junior Honors Semin
PLSC 0401 Political Analysis PS 3001 Research Methods in PS
PLSC 0402 The City In Us PS 3400 Municipal Policy and Politics
PLSC 0403 Survey of Planning PS ELUD UD: Survey of Planning
PLSC 041101 Presidency PS 3050 The U.S. Presidency
PLSC 041201 Congress PS ELUD UD: Congress
PLSC 042001 Political Attitudes PS 3320 Public Opinion
PLSC 042101 Political Parties & PS 3330 Political Parties
PLSC 042201 Political Campaigns PS ELUD UD: Political Campaigns
PLSC 0425 Media & Politics PS ELUD UD: Media & Politics
PLSC 043001 U.S. Constitutional PS 3370 American Constitutional Law I
PLSC 043101 U.S. Constitutional PS 3380 American Constitutional Law II
PLSC 0435 Criminal Law & Proce CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Law & Proce
PLSC 044001 Public Mgmt & Human PS 4630 Public Human Resource Mgmt
PLSC 044101 Budgetary Process PS 3440 Public Budgeting
PLSC 044201 Administrative Law PS 4590 Adminstrative Law
PLSC 0445 Admin of Justice PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
PLSC 0446 Housing PS ELUD UD: Housing
PLSC 0450 Specialty Landscape Const PLSO ELUD UD: Specialty Landscape Const
PLSC 0451 Ethc Conflct Forgn C PS ELUD UD: Ethc Conflct Forgn C
PLSC 045201 Black African Polit PS 4180 Contemporary African Politics
PLSC 045401 Gov & Politics of C PS ELUD UD: Gov & Politics of C
PLSC 045501 Latin Am Gov & Poli PS 4900 Latin American Politics
PLSC 0456 Latin Amer Govt & Po PS 4900 Latin American Politics
PLSC 045901 Gov & Politics of S PS 4770 Russian Politics
PLSC 046001 Revolution PS ELUD UD: Revolution
PLSC 046101 Policy Making In De PS ELUD UD: Policy Making In De
PLSC 046301 Contemporary Middle PS 4190 Contemp Middle East Politics
PLSC 046401 Special Topics In C PS ELUD UD: Special Topics In C
PLSC 046901 Soviet Foreign Poli PS ELUD UD: Soviet Foreign Poli
PLSC 047001 International Law PS ELUD UD: International Law
PLSC 0471 Intermat Pol Econ PS ELUD UD: Intermat Pol Econ
PLSC 0473 Negotiation/Bargaini PS ELUD UD: Negotiation/Bargaini
PLSC 0474 Intl Organization PS 3910 International Organization
PLSC 047501 Ancient & Medieval PS 4230 Classical Political Theory
PLSC 047601 Modern Political Th PS 4920 Modern Political Theory
PLSC 0480 Advanced Landscape Design PLSO ELUD UD: Advanced Landscape Design
PLSC 0485 Computer Aided Landscape Desig PLSO ELUD UD: Comp Aided Landscape Dsgn
PLSC 048701 Senior Honors Thesi PS ELUD UD: Senior Honors Thesi
PLSC 048801 Senior Honors Thesi PS ELUD UD: Senior Honors Thesi
PLSC 0490 Seminar PS ELUD UD: Seminar
PLSC 049201 Off-Campus Study PS ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
PLSC 0493 Independent Study PS ELUD UD: Independent Study
PLSC 0494 Internship PLEG 4010 Paralegal Internship
PLSC 0499 Mock Trial PS 2100 Legal Courtroom Procedure
PLSC 2020 Intro to Polit Sci PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
PLSC 251001 US Government & Pol PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PLSC 252001 US Government & Pol PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PLSC 275 Organic/Sustain Crop Prod PLSO ELLD LD:Organic/Sustain Crop Prod
PLSC 3415 Law In Amer Society PS ELUD UD: Law In Amer Society
PLSC 3546 Us Cons Law Cl Rt PS ELUD UD: Us Cons Law Cl Rt
PLSC 3722 Us For Pol Process PS ELUD UD: Us For Pol Process
PLSC 410 Special Topics In U PS ELUD UD: Special Topics In U
PLSC 4550 Congress PS ELUD UD: Congress
PLSC 4750 Political Campaigns PS ELUD UD: Political Campaigns
PLSC 491 Foreign Study PS ELUD UD: Foreign Study
PLSO 213001 Soils PLSO ELLD LD: Soils
PLSO 361001 Interpre of Agric R AGBS ELUD UD: Interpre of Agric R
POL 2510 US Governmt & Politic PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POL 363601 Pol In Western Demo PS ELLD LD: Pol In Western Demo
POLI 010101 US Govt/Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLI 010201 Intro Political Sci PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
POLI 031101 Cont Iss/Am Pub Pol PS ELUD UD: Cont Iss/Am Pub Pol
POLI 032001 Stat Gov't Politics PS 2020 State and Local Government
POLI 033001 Law In Amer Society PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
POLI 0331 Judicial Process PS ELUD UD: Judicial Process
POLI 034001 Int Pub Adm/Pub Pol PS ELLD LD: Int Pub Adm/Pub Pol
POLI 036101 Politics/West Democ PS ELUD UD: Politics/West Democ
POLI 036501 Contemp Internat Pr PS ELLD LD: Contemp Internat Pr
POLI 037001 Contemp Intern Prob PS ELLD LD: Contemp Intern Prob
POLI 0421 Pol Prties/Inter Grp PS ELUD UD: Pol Prties/Inter Grp
POLI 0435 Criminal Law & Procd CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Law & Procd
POLI 045401 Govt/Pol China/Japa PS ELUD UD: Govt/Pol China/Japa
POLI 0455 Lat Am Govt/Polit II PS ELUD UD: Lat Am Govt/Polit II
POLI 0456 Latin Amercn Gov PS 4900 Latin American Politics
POLI 047001 International Law PS ELUD UD: International Law
POLI 0475 AMC/Med Polit Thought PS ELUD UD: AMC/Med Polit Thought
POLI 047601 Mod Political Thoug PS ELUD UD: Mod Political Thoug
POLI 202001 Intro to Political PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLI 221001 Am Govt & Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLI 222001 Am Govt & Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLI 223001 Am Govt & Politics PS ELLD LD: Am Govt & Politics
POLI 251001 US Government & Pol PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLI 252001 U S Government & Pol PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLI 2530 Tenn Govt & Politic PS 4120 Tennessee Government
POLI 321001 Internatl Relations PS 3210 International Relations
POLI 3545 Us Const Law PS 3370 American Constitutional Law I
POLI 354601 Us Cons Law Cl Rt & PS ELUD UD: Us Cons Law Cl Rt &
POLI 3547 Us Cons Law Crim PS 3380 American Constitutional Law II
POLI 3565 Int Pub Adm Or & Mgm PS 3250 Public Management
POLI 3616 Blk Afr PS ELUD UD: Blk Afr
POLI 3625 Latin Amer Govt PS ELUD UD: Latin Amer Govt
POLI 3702 Intro to Inter Rel PS 3210 International Relations
POLI 3710 State Politics PS ELUD UD: State Politics
POLI 371201 U S For Pol Process PS ELUD UD: U S For Pol Process
POLI 379001 Contemp Dipl Mil Pr PS ELUD UD: Contemp Dipl Mil Pr
POLS 0101 US Government & Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLS 0102 Intro Political Sci PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
POLS 0107 Hon:US Govt/Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLS 0200 Intro Political Philosophy PS ELLD LD:Intro Political Philosophy
POLS 0201 Research Methods PS ELLD LD:Research Methods
POLS 0249 Intro/Comparative Politics PS ELLD LD:Intro/Comparative Politics
POLS 0265 Intro/International Relations PS ELLD LD:Intro/International Relatns
POLS 0300 Intro to Political Philosophy PS ELUD UD: Intro to Political Phil
POLS 0311 Contemp Iss/Am Public Policy PS 3160 American Public Policy
POLS 0312 Popular Culture/Amer Politics PS 3100 Politics and Film
POLS 0320 State Government Politics PS ELUD UD:State Govt Politics
POLS 0330 Law in American Society PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
POLS 0340 Intro Public Adm/Public Policy PS 3160 American Public Policy
POLS 0341 Judicial Process/Policymaking PS 3500 International Law
POLS 0350 Political Change/Develop Areas PS ELUD UD:Political Change/Deve Areas
POLS 0365 Intro International Relations PS ELUD Intro International Relations
POLS 0366 US Foreign Policy Process PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
POLS 0370 Contemp Intern Problems PS ELUD UD:Contemp Intern Problem
POLS 0374 American Political Thought PS 4700 American Political Thought
POLS 0401 Political Analysis PS ELUD UD: Political Analysis
POLS 0403 Survey of Planning PS ELUD UD: Survey of Planning
POLS 0411 Presidency PS 3050 The U.S. Presidency
POLS 0422 Political Campaigns/Elections PS ELUD UD:Pol Campaigns/Elections
POLS 0425 Media and Politics PS ELUD UD:Media and Politics
POLS 0430 US Con Law PS ELUD UD:US Con Law
POLS 0435 Criminal Law and Procedure PS ELUD UD:Criminal Law & Procedure
POLS 0440 Public Mgt and Human Resources PS ELUD UD:Public Mgt & Human Resource
POLS 0454 Govt/Politics of China/Japan PS 4310 Comparative Asian Government
POLS 0455 South Asian Gov/Politics PS ELUD UD:South Asian Gov/Politics
POLS 0471 Internat Political Economy PS 4510 Intl Political Economy
POLS 0475 Ancient/Medieval Polit Thought PS ELUD UD:Ancient/Medieval Plt Thght
POLS 0476 Modern Political Thought PS 4920 Modern Political Theory
POLS 0479 Region Analysis/Internat Polit PS ELUD UD:Region Analysis/Intrntl Plt
POLS 0493 Independent Study PS ELUD UD:Independent Study
POLS 215 Tennessee Government PS ELLD LD:Tennessee Government
POLS 231 Contemp Wld Pol PS ELLD LD:Contemp Wld Pol
POLS 240 Intro Public Adm/Public Policy PS ELLD LD:Intro Public Adm/Public Pol
POLS 2530 Tenn Govt & Politics PS 2020 State and Local Government
POLS 301 Research Methods PS 3001 Research Methods in PS
POLS 315 Tenn Gov't/Politics PS 4120 Tennessee Government
POLS 355 Latin Am Govt/Pol PS ELUD UD:Latin Am Govt/Pol
POLS 410 Spec Topics PS ELUD UD:Spec Topics
POLS 420 Political Attitudes/Behavior PS ELUD UD:Political Attitudes/Behavio
POLS 441 Budget Process/Fin Mg PS ELUD UD:Budget Process/Fin Mg
POLS 452 Black African Pol PS ELUD UD:Black African Pol
POLS 453 Western European Politics PS 4300 EU Policymaking
POLS 456 Latin Ameri Govt Poli PS ELUD UD:Latin Ameri Govt Poli
POLS 461 Policy Mkng/Democrac PS ELUD UD:Policy Mkng/Democrac
POLS 463 Contempt Mid East Pol PS ELUD UD:Contempt Mid East Pol
POLS 470 International Law PS ELUD UD:International Law
POLS 472 Conflict Processes PS ELUD UD:Conflict Processes
POLS 473 Negotiation/Bargain/Diplomacy PS ELUD UD:Negotiation/Bargain/Diploma
POLS 474 International Organization PS 3910 International Organization
POLS 480 Capstone PS ELUD UD:Capstone
POLS 481 Experiential Learning Pol Sci PS ELUD UD:Experiential Learning PSci
POLS 494 Internship PS ELUD UD:Internship
PORT 011101 Elementary Portuguese FL ELLD LD: Elementary Portuguese
PORT 011201 Elementary Portugue FL ELLD LD: Elementary Portugue
PORT 0123 Intensive Element Portuguese PORT ELLD LD:Intensive Elem Portuguese
PORT 019901 The Portugues Lang FL ELLD LD: The Portugues Lang
PORT 021101 Intermediate Portug FL ELLD LD: Intermediate Portug
PORT 021201 Intermediate Portug FL ELLD LD: Intermediate Portug
PORT 0223 Intensive Intermediate Portugu PORT 2010 Intermediate Portuguese I
PORT 030001 Portuguese For Span FL ELUD UD: Portuguese For Span
PORT 030101 Literature,Culture, FL ELUD UD: Literature,Culture,
PORT 030201 Literature,Culture FL ELUD UD: Literature,Culture
PORT 0303 Highlights Brazilian Civ PORT ELUD UD:Highlights Brazilian Civ
PORT 030901 Interm Conversation FL ELUD UD: Interm Conversation
PORT 031101 Aspects of Luso-Bra FL ELUD UD: Aspects of Luso-Bra
PORT 031501 Aspects of Luso-Bra FL ELUD UD: Aspects of Luso-Bra
PORT 031601 Aspects of Luso-Bra FL ELUD UD: Aspects of Luso-Bra
PORT 032301 Conversation & Comp FL ELUD UD: Conversation & Comp
PORT 0400 Portuguse For Speake FL ELUD UD: Portuguse For Speake
PORT 0409 Adv Convers Composition PORT ELUD UD:Adv Convers Composition
PORT 040901 Adv Conversation & FL ELUD UD: Adv Conversation &
PORT 043101 Directed Readings I FL ELUD UD: Directed Readings I
PORT 043201 Conversation & Comp FL ELUD UD: Conversation & Comp
PORT 0490 Internship FL ELUD UD: Internship
PORT 049101 Foreign Study FL ELUD UD: Foreign Study
PORT 049301 Independent Study FL ELUD UD: Independent Study
PORT 151001 Elem Portuguese FL ELLD LD: Elem Portuguese
PORT 152001 Elem Portuguese FL ELLD LD: Elem Portuguese
PORT 326 Brazilian Cinema PORT ELUD UD:Brazilian Cinema
PORT 352001 Aspects of Port Lit FL ELUD UD: Aspects of Port Lit
PRBL 0310 Advert/Public Relations Dsgn PR ELUD UD:Advert/Public Relations Dsg
PSLS 0490 Seminar ELEC ELUD UD:Seminar
PSLS 0492 Internship ELEC ELUD UD:Internship
PSS 0200 Curr Topics ELEC ELLD LD:Curr Topics
PSS 0210 Intro to Soil Science PLSO 3340 Fundamentals of Soil Science
PSST 0210 Psychoeducational Is FOED ELLD LD: Psychoeducational Is
PSST 0215 Learning Skills & St ELEC ELLD LD: Learning Skills & St
PSST 0305 Lab In Educational & PSY ELUD UD: Lab In Educational &
PSST 0404 Special Topics PSY ELUD UD: Special Topics
PSST 0431 Personality & Mental PSY ELUD UD: Personality & Mental
PSST 0432 The Disadvantage Stu PSY ELUD UD: The Disadvantage Stu
PSST 0460 Self Mgmt In Helping PSY ELUD UD: Self Mgmt In Helping
PSST 0493 Independent Study PSY ELUD UD: Independent Study
PSY 0110 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 0210 Psy of Humn Dev/Teach PSY ELLD LD:Psy of Humn Dev/Teach
PSY 0211 Gen Psycho PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 022001 Behav/Exp: Humanist PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSY 026101 Psychology of Adjus PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSY 033001 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSY 0415 Psychology of Religi PSY ELUD UD: Psychology of Religi
PSY 044201 Int & Counseling PSY ELUD UD: Int & Counseling
PSY 2540 Psych of Individual PSY ELLD LD: Psych of Individual
PSY 460A Alcohol, Drugs, & Be PSY ELUD UD: Alcohol, Drugs, & Be
PSYC 0110 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0117 Honors General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0210 Biolog Basic/Behavio PSY 2190 Intro to Biopsychology
PSYC 022001 Behavior & Experien PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 0295 Res Analysis in Psychology PSY ELLD LD: Res Analysis in Psychology
PSYC 0299 Found Proficiency/Psychology PSY ELLD LD:Found Proficiency/Psycholog
PSYC 030001 Child Psychology PSY 4190 Child Development
PSYC 0301 Found Behavioral Neuroscience PSY ELUD UD: Found Behavioral Neuroscie
PSYC 0305 Lab In Ed & CS Psyc PSY ELUD UD: Lab In Ed & CS Psyc
PSYC 031001 Learning & Thinking PSY 2180 Think Intelligence Creativity
PSYC 0314 Cognitive Basis of Behavior PSY ELUD UD:Cognitive Basis of Behavior
PSYC 032001 Motivation PSY ELUD UD: Motivation
PSYC 0330 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 033001 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 0347 Honors Seminar PSY ELUD UD: Honors Seminar
PSYC 035901 Lab In Human Relati PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 036001 Social Psychology PSY 2210 Psychology of Social Behavior
PSYC 0367 Psychology Honors Pr PSY ELUD UD: Psychology Honors Pr
PSYC 037001 Ethology & Sociobio PSY ELUD UD: Ethology & Sociobio
PSYC 037501 Working With Data PSY ELUD UD: Working With Data
PSYC 038201 Contemporary Topics PSY ELUD UD: Contemporary Topics
PSYC 039501 Methods of Research PSY ELUD UD: Methods of Research
PSYC 039601 Lab In Psychology PSY ELUD UD: Lab In Psychology
PSYC 039901 Supervised Research PSY ELUD UD: Supervised Research
PSYC 040901 Group Facilitation PSY ELUD UD: Group Facilitation
PSYC 041001 Sensory Processes PSY 4030 Psy of Sensation Perception
PSYC 0415 Psychology of Religi PSY ELUD UD: Psychology of Religi
PSYC 042001 Hist & Systems of P PSY 4700 History and Systems of Psy
PSYC 042401 Psychology & the La PSY ELUD UD: Psychology & the La
PSYC 043001 Health Psychology PSY ELUD UD: Health Psychology
PSYC 0431 Psy of Adjustment PSY ELUD UD: Psy of Adjustment
PSYC 0432 Childhood Psychopathologies PSY ELUD UD: Child Psychopathologies
PSYC 0435 Multicultural Psy PSY ELUD UD:Multicultural Psy
PSYC 044001 Organizational Psyc PSY 4360 Organizational Psychology
PSYC 044501 Measurement & Testi PSY 4260 Intro to Psychological Testing
PSYC 0446 Adv Measurement & Te PSY ELUD UD: Adv Measurement & Te
PSYC 045001 Comparative Animal PSY ELUD UD: Comparative Animal
PSYC 0454 Animal Communication PSY ELUD UD:Animal Communication
PSYC 045901 Comparative Animal PSY ELUD UD: Comparative Animal
PSYC 046101 Psysiological Psych PSY 4240 Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC 0464 Drugs & Behavior PSY ELUD UD:Drugs & Behavior
PSYC 0467 Psychology Honrs The PSY ELUD UD: Psychology Honrs The
PSYC 046901 Lab In Physiologica PSY ELUD UD: Lab In Physiologica
PSYC 047001 Theories of Persona PSY 3590 Personality
PSYC 0475 Adolescent Devel PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
PSYC 048001 Theories of Learnin PSY 4480 Learning Theories
PSYC 048201 Topics In Psycholog PSY ELUD UD: Topics In Psycholog
PSYC 0489 Supervised Research PSY 3990 Research in Psychology
PSYC 049101 Foreign Study PSY ELUD UD: Foreign Study
PSYC 049201 Off-Campus Study PSY ELUD UD: Off-Campus Study
PSYC 049301 Independent Study PSY ELUD UD: Independent Study
PSYC 049601 Senior Seminar PSY ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
PSYC 211 Brain Science Applications PSY ELLD LD:Brain Science Applications
PSYC 211001 Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 212001 Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 212001 Gen Psychology and PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 213001 General Psychology PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 235 Intergroup Dialogues PSY ELLD LD:Intergroup Dialogues
PSYC 245 Orientation/Psychology Major PSY ELLD LD: Orientation/Psych Major
PSYC 2500 Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 250001 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 251801 Hon Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 252001 Biology Found of Be PSY ELLD LD: Biology Found of Be
PSYC 252801 Hon Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 252801 Hon Gen Psychology and PSY ELLD LD: Hon Gen Psychology
PSYC 253001 Psychology as a Soc PSY ELLD LD: Psychology as a Soc
PSYC 254001 Psych of Individual PSY ELLD LD: Psych of Individual
PSYC 294 Research Methods in Psych Lab PSY ELLD LD:Research Methods in Psych L
PSYC 298 Hon Intro Psych Research Meth PSY ELLD LD:Hon Intro Psych Rsrch Metho
PSYC 3020 Intro Group Dynamics PSY ELUD UD: Intro Group Dynamics
PSYC 312001 Social Psychology PSY 4440 Social Psy Close Relationships
PSYC 315001 Psychology Statisti PSY ELUD UD: Psychology Statisti
PSYC 321001 Learning & Thinking PSY ELUD UD: Learning & Thinking
PSYC 321901 Lab In Learn & Thin PSY ELUD UD: Lab In Learn & Thin
PSYC 3220 Motivation & Emotion PSY ELUD UD:Motivation & Emotion
PSYC 322001 Motivation & Emotio PSY ELUD UD: Motivation & Emotio
PSYC 355001 Child Psychology PSY 4190 Child Development
PSYC 355901 Lab Child Psycholog PSY ELUD UD: Lab Child Psycholog
PSYC 360 Social Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Social P sychology
PSYC 361601 Human Relations PSY ELUD UD: Human Relations
PSYC 3626 Human Relations PSY ELUD UD: Human Relations
PSYC 365001 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 3720 Ethology & Sociobiol PSY ELUD UD: Ethology & Sociobiol
PSYC 373 Youth Mentor:Superv Field Exp PSY ELUD UD:Youth Mentor:Superv Field E
PSYC 3810 Ed Psy Adolescene PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
PSYC 385 Stats In Psychology PSY 3020 Basic Stats Behavior Science
PSYC 397 Hon Adv Research Meth in Psych PSY ELUD UD:Hon Adv Rsrch Meth in Psych
PSYC 400 Cognitive Psycholog PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 4210 Psy of Death Dying PSY 4630 Death and Dying
PSYC 4230 Sensory Proc & Perce PSY ELUD UD: Sensory Proc & Perce
PSYC 434 Psychology of Gende PSY 4620 Psychology of Women
PSYC 436 Positive Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Positive Psychology
PSYC 4460 Organiza-Indust Psyc PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy
PSYC 451001 Personality Theorie PSY ELUD UD: Personality Theorie
PSYC 4550 Adult Psychology PSY 4610 Adult Development and Aging
PSYC 4640 Psych Test & Measure PSY ELUD UD: Psych Test & Measure
PSYC 473 Youth Mentoring PSY ELUD UD: Youth Mentoring
PSYC 490001 Asp of Urban Enviro PSY ELUD UD: Asp of Urban Enviro
PSYC 496001 U Grad Read Res Psy PSY ELUD UD: U Grad Read Res Psy
PSYC 499 Psychology Proficiency PSY ELUD UD:Psychology Proficiency
PTSC 0110 Intro Ornamental Ho PLSO ELLD LD: Intro Ornamental Ho
PTSC 0120 Intro Plant Science PLSO 1610 Elements of Plant Science
PTSC 020001 Current Topics In E AGRI ELLD LD: Current Topics In E
PTSC 021001 Intro to Soil Scien PLSO 3340 Fundamentals of Soil Science
PTSC 0211 Intro to Soil Scienc PLSO ELLD LD: Intro to Soil Scienc
PTSC 0220 Basic Landscape Plant PLSO 3640 Woody Landscape Plants
PTSC 0226 Public Horticulture PLSO ELLD LD: Public Horticulture
PTSC 0230 Into to Crop Science PLSO 3330 Field Crop Production
PTSC 0240 Turfgrass Mgmt PLSO 4330 Turf Management
PTSC 0241 Turfgrass Mgmt Lab PLSO ELLD LD: Turfgrass Mgmt Lab
PTSC 0280 Funds Landscapr Des PLSO ELLD LD: Funds Landscapr Des
PTSC 0290 Fall Herbaceous Orn PLSO ELLD LD: Fall Herbaceous Orn
PTSC 0291 Spring Herbaceous O PLSO ELLD LD: Spring Herbaceous O
PTSC 029201 Soil Morphology PLSO ELLD LD: Soil Morphology
PTSC 0310 Socil Science PLSO 3340 Fundamentals of Soil Science
PTSC 031101 Soil Fertility PLSO 3350 Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
PTSC 031201 Soil & Water Conser PLSO ELUD UD: Soil & Water Conser
PTSC 031301 Soil & Water Conser PLSO ELUD UD: Soil & Water Conser
PTSC 0315 Soil & Water Conserv PLSO 4370 Soil and Water Conservation
PTSC 0328 Conservatories/Mgmt AGBS ELUD UD: Conservatories/Mgmt
PTSC 0329 Hort Interpret/Ed Pr PLSO ELUD UD: Hort Interpret/Ed Pr
PTSC 0330 Crop Science PLSO 3330 Field Crop Production
PTSC 033101 Field & Forage Crop PLSO 4310 Forage Crops
PTSC 033201 Fruit Crops PLSO ELUD UD: Fruit Crops
PTSC 033301 Vegetable Crops PLSO 3660 Vegetable Gardening
PTSC 033401 Weed Management PLSO ELUD UD: Weed Management
PTSC 0335 World Food & Plant F AGRI ELUD UD: World Food & Plant F
PTSC 0340 Turfgrass Managemant PLSO 4330 Turf Management
PTSC 0341 Integrated Turfgrass PLSO ELUD UD: Integrated Turfgrass
PTSC 0343 Turfgrass Entomology PLSO ELUD UD: Turfgrass Entomology
PTSC 0348 Landscape Plant Phys PLSO ELUD UD: Landscape Plant Phys
PTSC 0350 Basic Landscape Cons PLSO ELUD UD: Basic Landscape Cons
PTSC 0353 Biodiversity, Germpl AGRI ELUD UD: Biodiversity, Germpl
PTSC 0360 Pract Landscape Cons PLSO ELUD UD: Pract Landscape Cons
PTSC 0370 Grounds Maintenance PLSO ELUD UD: Grounds Maintenance
PTSC 0380 Supplemental Landsca PLSO ELUD UD: Supplemental Landsca
PTSC 039201 Practicum In Agricu AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
PTSC 040101 Seminar AGRI ELUD UD: Seminar
PTSC 041101 Soil Microbiology PLSO ELUD UD: Soil Microbiology
PTSC 041201 Soil Genesis, Class PLSO ELUD UD: Soil Genesis, Class
PTSC 041301 Soil Chemistry PLSO ELUD UD: Soil Chemistry
PTSC 041401 Soil, Land Use & En PLSO 4350 Soil Survey and Land Use
PTSC 041501 Soil Water Relation PLSO 3370 Soil Analysis
PTSC 0429 Field Study Public H AGRI ELUD UD: Field Study Public H
PTSC 0430 Greenhouse Mgmt PLSO 4620 Greenhouse Management
PTSC 043101 Crop Physiology & E PLSO ELUD UD: Crop Physiology & E
PTSC 043201 Agricultural Climat AGBS ELUD UD: Agricultural Climat
PTSC 0433 Ag Pesticides PLSO 4300 Plant Protection
PTSC 0434 Fruit/Veg Crops PLSO 3660 Vegetable Gardening
PTSC 0435 Field & Forage Crop PLSO 4310 Forage Crops
PTSC 0436 Plant & Garden Photo PHOT ELUD UD: Plant & Garden Photo
PTSC 0437 Public Garden Op & M PLSO ELUD UD: Public Garden Op & M
PTSC 0441 Adv Turfgrass Mgmt PLSO ELUD UD: Adv Turfgrass Mgmt
PTSC 0442 Turf Root Zone Const PLSO ELUD UD: Turf Root Zone Const
PTSC 0446 Hort Therapy PLSO ELUD UD: Hort Therapy
PTSC 0448 Hort Internet Techno PLSO ELUD UD: Hort Internet Techno
PTSC 0450 Speciality Landscape PLSO ELUD UD: Speciality Landscape
PTSC 0451 Plant Tissue Culture PLSO ELUD UD: Plant Tissue Culture
PTSC 0453