Transfer Equivalencies

There are 363 transfer equivalencies on file for Rhodes College

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ADM 024101 Managerial Accounti ACTG ELLD LD: Managerial Accounti
AFS 105 Intro to Africana Studies AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
AN 0203 Human Evolution ANTH ELLD LD: Human Evolution
AN S 0105 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
AN S 0331 Prejudice & Hum Cond SOC ELLD LD: Prejudice & Hum Cond
ANSO 0103 Intro Anthropology ANTH ELLD LD: Intro Anthropology
ANSO 0105 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
ANSO 0203 Human Evolution ANTH ELLD LD: Human Evolution
ANSO 0205 Victims of Progress ELEC ELLD LD: Victims of Progress
ANSO 264 Life Histories ANTH ELLD LD:Life Histories
ANSO 347 Medical Sociology SOC 4040 Health Care Delivery Issues
ANSO 452 Research ANTH ELUD UD:Research
ARCE 0120 Env Arch Field Research ANTH ELLD LD:Env Arch Field Research
ART 0101 Drawing ART ELLD LD: Drawing
ART 0107 Sculpture ART ELLD LD:Sculpture
ART 0111 Photography PHOT ELLD LD: Photography
ART 0120 Classical Archaeology ART ELLD LD:Classical Archaeology
ART 012201 Prin of Modern Arch ART ELLD LD: Prin of Modern Arch
ART 0207 Interm Sculpture ART ELLD LD:Interm Sculpture
ART 023101 History of Art I ART ELLD LD: History of Art I
ART 0253 Art & Life in Pompeii ART ELLD LD:Art & Life in Pompeii
ART 0366 Adv Topic: Mural Painting ART ELUD UD: Adv Topic: Mural Painting
ART 0833 W Europe: Museums ART ELUD UD: W Europe: Museums
ART 0844 Renasnce, Mannrism ART ELUD UD: Renasnce, Mannrism
ART 152 Survey/Contemporary Art ART ELLD LD:Survey/Contemporary Art
ASIA 015001 Asian Societies SOC ELLD LD: Asian Societies
B AD 0241 Managerial Accountin ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
B AD 0343 Cost Accounting ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting
B AD 0361 Mgmt of Organization MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
B AD 0371 Marketing Management MKT 4890 Marketing Management
B AD 0372 Marketing Mgmt II MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Mgmt II
B AD 0375 Business Research MKT ELUD UD: Business Research
B AD 0486 Senior Seminar MGMT ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
BADM 0241 Financial Acct ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
BIOL 0105 Microbes & Human Aff BIOL ELLD LD: Microbes & Human Aff
BIOL 011101 Biology of Cells BIOL ELLD LD: Biology of Cells
BIOL 011201 Biology of Organism BIOL ELLD LD: Biology of Organism
BIOL 0113 Biology of Cell Lab BIOL ELLD LD: Biology of Cell Lab
BIOL 011401 Biology of Organism BIOL ELLD LD: Biology of Organism
BIOL 0120 Botany BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 0121 Zoology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0130 Biology I BIOL ELLD LD: Biology I
BIOL 0131 Biology I Lab BIOL ELLD LD: Biology I Lab
BIOL 0140 Biology II BIOL ELLD LD:Biology II
BIOL 020001 Evolution BIOL ELLD LD: Evolution
BIOL 020301 Biol of Invertebrat BIOL ELLD LD: Biol of Invertebrat
BIOL 035001 Comp Vertebrate Mor BIOL ELUD UD: Comp Vertebrate Mor
BIOL 141 Biology II Laboratory BIOL ELLD LD:Biology II Laboratory
BIOL 206 Survey of Plant Kingdom BIOL ELLD LD:Survey of Plant Kingdom
BIOL 252 Coral Reef Eco:Primry Lit BIOL ELLD LD:Coral Reef Eco:Primry Lit
BIOL 253 Coral Reef Ecology BIOL ELLD LD:Coral Reef Ecology
BIOL 254 Coral Reef Ecology w/Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Coral Reef Ecology w/Lab
BIOL 301 Microbiology BIOL ELUD UD:Microbiology
BIOL 308 Monoclonal Antibodies BIOL ELUD UD:Monoclonal Antibodies
BIOL 330 Virology/Immunology BIOL 4300 Immunology
BIOL 376 Molecular/Cellular Neurosci BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 451 Research in Biology BIOL ELUD UD:Research in Biology
BIOL 460 Internship in Biology BIOL ELUD UD:Internship in Biology
BUS 0241 Financial Accounting ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 0265 Topics BCED ELLD LD:Topics
BUS 243 Cost Accounting ACTG ELLD LD:Cost Accounting
BUS 341 Intermediate Accounting Theory ACTG ELUD UD:Intermed Acctg Theory
BUS 342 Intermediate Accounting Theory ACTG ELUD UD:Intermed Actg Theory
BUS 351 Corporate Financial Management FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
BUS 371 Marketing Management I MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
BUS 452 Financl Cases & Asset Valuatn BIA 3620 Intro to Business Analytics
BUS 481 Ethics/Social Responsibility MGMT 3940 Ethical Leadership in Business
CHEM 011101 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 011201 General Chemistry I CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 0122 Chem Separtn & Measu CHEM ELLD LD: Chem Separtn & Measu
CHEM 021101 Intro Organic Chemi CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 0212 Introductory Organic Chemistry CHEM 2030 Elements of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 0311 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4330 Physical Chem Fundamentals I
CHEM 0406 Advanced Analytical Chem CHEM 4190 Mass Spectrometry
CHEM 120 Foundations of Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 125 Foundations of Chem Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 240 Analytical Chemistry CHEM 2230 Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 451 Introduction to Research CHEM ELUD UD:Introduction to Research
CHEM 452 Introduction to Research CHEM ELUD UD:Introduction to Research
CHIN 010101 Elementary Chinese CHIN ELLD LD: Elementary Chinese
CHIN 010201 Elementary Chinese CHIN ELLD LD: Elementary Chinese
CHIN 020101 Intermediate Chines CHIN ELLD LD: Intermediate Chines
CHIN 020201 Intermediate Chines CHIN ELLD LD: Intermediate Chines
CHIN 020501 Chinese Culture CHIN ELLD LD: Chinese Culture
CHIN 0215 Women in Chinese Literature ELEC ELLD LD:Women in Chinese Literature
COMP 0141 Comp Sci I: Programming Fundmt CSCI ELLD LD: Comp Sci I
COMP 0195 Intro to Cmp Sci I CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
ECON 0100 Intro Economics ECON ELLD LD:Intro Economics
ECON 010101 Intro to Economics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 010201 Intro to Economics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
EDUC 0201 Found of Educ FOED ELLD LD: Found of Educ
EDUC 0230 Survey of Exc Child SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
EDUC 031001 Reading In Content A ELED ELUD UD: Reading In Content A
EM 011101 Gen Chem I Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Gen Chem I Lab
ENGL 0111 Basic Writing Skills ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 011201 Basic Writing Skills ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 015101 Writing ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 0200 Intro to Poetry Writ ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Poetry Writ
ENGL 0210 Interpreting Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0230 Shakespeares Major ENGL ELLD LD: Shakespeares Major
ENGL 0241 American Cinema: His ENGL ELLD LD: American Cinema: His
ENGL 0242 World Film ENGL ELLD LD: World Film
ENGL 0245 Non Fiction Film ENGL ELLD LD: Non Fiction Film
ENGL 025101 Advanced Essay Writ ENGL ELLD LD: Advanced Essay Writ
ENGL 0260 Intro to Lit In Engl ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 026101 Intro to Lit In Eng ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0265 Topics ENGL ELLD LD:Topics
ENGL 0310 Adv Poetry Workshop ENGL ELUD UD: Adv Poetry Workshop
ENGL 0350 Romantic Poetry & Pr ENGL 4910 Studies in Poetry
ENGL 0351 Victorian Poetry & P ENGL ELUD UD: Victorian Poetry & P
ENGL 0361 American Lit:1860-19 ENGL 3310 19th Century American Lit
ENGL 0373 Developmnts ENGL ELUD UD: Developmnts
ENGL 0380 Topics In Literary ENGL ELUD UD: Topics In Literary
ENGL 0385 Topics Adv Lit Study ENGL ELUD UD: Topics Adv Lit Study
ENGL 0460 Internship ENGL ELUD UD: Internship
ENGL 0500 Crit Thinking & Writ ENGL ELUD UD: Crit Thinking & Writ
ENGL 0840 Comp Lit: Romance & ENGL ELUD UD: Comp Lit: Romance &
ENGL 190 Topic:Shakespeare on Screen ENGL ELLD LD:Topic:Shakespeare on Screen
ENGL 219 The Global Middle Ages ENGL ELLD LD:The Global Middle Ages
ENGL 224 Survey/African American Lit ENGL ELLD LD:Survey/African American Lit
ENGL 285 English Seminar ENGL ELLD LD:English Seminar
FREN 0101 Elem French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 0102 Elem French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 0134 Hitchcock and Truffaut ELEC ELLD LD:Hitchcock and Truffaut
FREN 0201 Inter French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 0202 Inter French FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FYS 101 First Year Experience Seminar ELEC ELLD LD:First Year Experience Semin
FYS 102 First-Year Experience Seminar ELEC ELLD LD:First-Year Experience Semin
FYWS 0151 First Year Writing Seminar ENGL ELLD LD:First Year Writing Sem
FYWS 155 First Yr Writing:Daily Themes ENGL ELLD LD:First Yr Writing:Daily Them
GEOL 0111 Intro Earth Sys Sci GEOL ELLD LD: Intro Earth Sys Sci
GEOL 0112 Evolution of the Ear GEOL ELLD LD: Evolution of the Ear
GERM 0201 Interm German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GL 015101 Writing ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
GL 016101 Intro to Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
GREK 101 Elementary Greek ELEC ELLD LD:Elementary Greek
GRMN 101 Elementary German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GRMN 102 Elementary German GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GRMN 201 Intermediate German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GSST 0200 Gender & Sexuality ELEC ELLD LD:Gender & Sexuality
HIST 010101 Westrn Civilztion T HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 010201 Westrn Civ:1815-Pre HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 0105 Pharaonic Egypt HIST ELLD LD:Pharaonic Egypt
HIST 0111 Man In Hist & Religi HIST ELLD LD: Man In Hist & Religi
HIST 011201 Man In Hist & Religi HIST ELLD LD: Man In Hist & Religi
HIST 0121 Western Civilization HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 0151 Amer Society to 1877 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 015201 Amer Society Since HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 017001 Intro to Historical HIST ELLD LD: Intro to Historical
HIST 0203 Intro to Hist Inves HIST ELLD LD: Intro to Hist Inves
HIST 0205 Latin Am Thru Film HIST ELLD LD: Latin Am Thru Film
HIST 0211 Intro to Afro Am Hs HIST 3030 Topics African American Hist
HIST 0233 Us In the 20th Cent HIST ELLD LD: Us In the 20th Cent
HIST 0243 Slavery In the US HIST ELLD LD: Slavery In the US
HIST 0250 Topics HIST ELLD LD:Topics
HIST 028301 East Asia In 20th C HIST ELLD LD: East Asia In 20th C
HIST 0834 Medvl Europe: Poltcs HIST ELUD UD: Medvl Europe: Poltcs
HIST 0840 Europe: Middle Ages HIST ELUD UD: Europe: Middle Ages
HIST 277 Modern Islamic Thought HIST ELLD LD:Modern Islamic Thought
HIST 288 Japan Since 1800 HIST ELLD LD:Japan Since 1800
HUM 010 Culture and Values I HUM ELLD LD:Culture and Values I
HUM 0101 Search Values In Hst HUM ELLD LD: Search Values In Hst
HUM 0102 Search Values In Hst HUM ELLD LD: Search Values In Hst
HUM 020 Culture and Values II HUM ELLD LD:Culture and Values II
HUM 0201 Search/Values Hst & HUM ELLD LD: Search/Values Hst &
HUM 0202 Search/Values Hst & HUM ELLD LD: Search/Values Hst &
HUM 030 Culture and Values III HUM ELLD LD:Culture and Values III
HUM 040 Culture and Values IV HUM ELLD LD:Culture and Values IV
HUMA 010101 Search:Values In Hs HUM ELLD LD: Search:Values In Hs
HUMA 010201 Seaarch:Values In H HUM ELLD LD: Seaarch:Values In H
HUMA 020101 Search:Values In Hs HUM ELLD LD: Search:Values In Hs
HUMA 020201 Search:Values In Hs HUM ELLD LD: Search:Values In Hs
INST 020001 Intro to Comparativ PS ELLD LD: Intro to Comparativ
INST 022101 Russia & Soviet Suc PS ELLD LD: Russia & Soviet Suc
INT 010001 Intro to Intrntnl S PS ELLD LD: Intro to Intrntnl S
INT 0190 Intrntl Politics Fro PS ELLD LD: Intrntl Politics Fro
INT 020001 Intro to Comparatve PS ELLD LD: Intro to Comparatve
INT 020501 International Polit PS ELLD LD: International Polit
INT 0262 Chinas Foreign Poli PS ELLD LD: Chinas Foreign Poli
INT 030001 Theory & Methods Of PS ELUD UD: Theory & Methods Of
INTD 0133 Crit Think & Writ ELEC ELLD LD: Crit Think & Writ
INTD 0137 Poetry Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Poetry Writing
INTD 0156 Reading the Fairy T ENGL ELLD LD: Reading the Fairy T
INTD 0165 Contemp Practice ELEC ELLD LD:Contemp Practice
INTD 0331 Postgrad ELEC ELUD UD:Postgrad
INTD 105 Chemistry/Drug Design CHEM ELLD LD:Chemistry/Drug Design
INTE 0130 American Popular Cul HIST ELLD LD: American Popular Cul
INTE 0137 Poetry Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Poetry Writing
INTE 026501 A Renaissance Tapes ELEC ELLD LD: A Renaissance Tapes
INTS 010001 Intro to Intrntl St PS ELLD LD: Intro to Intrntl St
INTS 013301 Model United Nation PS ELLD LD: Model United Nation
INTS 0190 Intl Politics 1945- PS ELLD LD: Intl Politics 1945-
INTS 020001 Intro to Comparativ PS ELLD LD: Intro to Comparativ
INTS 025001 International Relat PS 3210 International Relations
INTS 0252 Pan-Africanism ELEC ELLD LD:Pan-Africanism
INTS 033401 Post Communist Worl PS ELUD UD: Post Communist Worl
INTS 037101 U S Foreign Policy PS ELUD UD: U S Foreign Policy
INTS 037201 Contemp US Foreign PS ELUD UD: Contemp US Foreign
INTS 043201 Topics:Taiwan PS ELUD UD: Topics:Taiwan
INTS 050001 The Future of Commu PS ELLD LD: The Future of Commu
INTS 110 Intro/International Relations PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
JAPA 0101 Intro Japanese JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JAPA 0301 Advanced Japanese JAPN 3010 Advanced Japanese
JAPA 0302 Advanced Jananese JAPN 3020 Advanced Japanese
LANG 048201 Sympostium:Lit of A ENGL ELUD UD: Sympostium:Lit of A
LATI 0102 Elementary Latin LATN 1020 Elementary Latin II
LATI 0242 Reading Component LATN ELLD LD: Reading Component
LATI 0315 Reading Component LATN ELUD UD: Reading Component
LATN 0101 Elementary Latin LATN 1010 Elementary Latin I
LATN 102 Elementary Latin LATN 1020 Elementary Latin II
LATN 201 Intermediate Latin I LATN 2010 Intermediate Latin I
LIG 012001 Intro to the New Te RS ELLD LD: Intro to the New Te
LIG 015301 Pauls Epistles RS ELLD LD: Pauls Epistles
MATH 010201 Elementary Function MATH ELLD LD: Elementary Function
MATH 010301 Calculus I MATH ELLD LD: Calculus I
MATH 0105 Topics: Secret Writi MATH ELLD LD: Topics: Secret Writi
MATH 0107 Linear Methods MATH ELLD LD: Linear Methods
MATH 0108 Cryptology MATH ELLD LD:Cryptology
MATH 011101 Elem Prob & Stat I MATH ELLD LD: Elem Prob & Stat I
MATH 011501 Diffrntl & Intergl MATH ELLD LD: Diffrntl & Intergl
MATH 011502 Applied Calculus MATH ELLD LD: Applied Calculus
MATH 0121 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 0122 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 0201 Transition MATH ELLD LD:Transition
MATH 0223 Calculus III MATH ELLD LD:Calculus III
MATH 0251 Diff Equations MATH ELLD LD:Diff Equations
MATH 0261 Linear Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Linear Algebra
MATH 0311 Probability Theory MATH ELUD UD:Probability Theory
MATH 0362 Abstract Algebra MATH ELUD UD:Abstract Algebra
MATH 0370 Complex Variables MATH ELUD UD:Complex Variables
MATH 0386 Seminar MATH ELUD UD:Seminar
MATH 211 Applied Stats/Nat Sciences MATH ELLD LD:Applied Stats/Nat Sciences
MUSC 0101 Music:A Sound Exper MUS ELLD LD: Music:A Sound Exper
MUSC 0103 Elements of Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSC 0160 Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUSC 0163 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUSC 0164 Guitar MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MUSC 0190 Rhodes Singers MUEN ELLD LD: Rhodes Singers
MUSC 0191 Rhodes Orchestra MUEN ELLD LD: Rhodes Orchestra
MUSC 0204 Understanding Musicianship MUS ELLD LD: Understanding Musicianship
MUSC 0228 European Music Heritage II MUS ELLD LD: European Music Heritage II
MUSC 116 Music and Society MUHL ELLD LD:Music and Society
MUSC 118 African American Music MUS ELLD LD:African American Music
MUSC 140 Music and Healing MUS ELLD LD:Music and Healing
MUSC 193 Rhodes Women's Chorus MUEN ELLD LD:Rhode Women's Chorus
MUSC 222 Music Technology/Modern Harmon RIM ELLD LD:Music Tech/Modern Harmony
MUSI 0101 Music a Sound Experi MUS ELLD LD: Music a Sound Experi
MUSI 011901 Music In the Cinema MUS ELLD LD: Music In the Cinema
MUSI 0120 Musicl Heritage: Eas MUS ELLD LD: Musicl Heritage: Eas
MUSI 0160 Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUSI 019001 Rhodes College Sing MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
NEUR 270 Neuroscience PSY ELLD LD:Neuroscience
OL 010501 Topics: Human Hered BIOL ELLD LD: Topics: Human Hered
OL 011101 Biology of Cells BIOL ELLD LD: Biology of Cells
OL 011201 Biology of Organism BIOL ELLD LD: Biology of Organism
PH E 010001 Varsity Football PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PH E 0154 Weightlifting PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PH E 0157 Run For Fun PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PH E 0179 Akido PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PH E 0200 Physical Education PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PH E 020101 Physical Education PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PH E 0254 Weightlifting PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHED 0100 Varsity Volleyball PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0101 Club Sports PHED ELLD LD:Club Sports
PHED 0107 Golf for Business PHED ELLD LD:Golf for Business
PHED 0144 Swing Dance PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 015401 Weightlifting PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHED 0157 Run For Fun PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0174 Aerobics PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PHED 0176 Tai Chi PHED ACTY ACTY: Tai Chi
PHED 0178 Muay Thai Kickboxing PHED ELLD LD:Muay Thai Kickboxing
PHED 0180 Yoga PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0200 Varsity Volleyball PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0280 Yoga PHED ELLD LD:Yoga
PHED 0293 Swing Dance PHED ACTY Swing Dance
PHED 278 Self Defense PHED 1250 Self Defense
PHIL 020101 Intro to & Hist Of PHIL ELLD LD: Intro to & Hist Of
PHIL 0203 Early Modern Philosophy PHIL ELLD LD:Early Modern Philosophy
PHIL 0206 Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 0830 Phil In Middle Ages PHIL 4010 History Ancient Medieval Phil
PHIL 220 Social & Political Philosophy PHIL ELLD LD:Social & Political Philosop
PHYS 0101 Astronomy ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
PHYS 0111 Fundamentals of Physics I PHYS ELLD LD:Fund of Physics I
PHYS 0112 Physics II PHYS ELLD LD:Physics II
PHYS 0115 Astronomy ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
PHYS 0211 Modern Physics PHYS ELLD LD:Modern Physics
PHYS 0250 Math Methods PHYS ELLD LD:Math Methods
PHYS 0301 Electro Theory PHYS ELUD UD:Electro Theory
PHYS 109 Intro Physics-Life Sciences PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHYS 113 Intro Physics Laboratory I PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PLAW 151 United States Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PLAW 262 Trial Procedure PS ELLD LD:Trial Procedure
POL 015101 United States Polit PS ELLD LD: United States Polit
POL 020001 Urban Politics PS ELLD LD: Urban Politics
POLS 0151 US Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLS 015101 United States Polit PS ELLD LD: United States Polit
POLS 016101 Cont Issues In Publ PS ELLD LD: Cont Issues In Publ
POLS 0216 Issues:Philosophy of Law PS ELLD LD:Issues:Philosophy of Law
POLS 023001 Black Politics PS ELLD LD: Black Politics
POLS 030401 Trial Procedures PS ELUD UD: Trial Procedures
PSYC 0105 Topics PSY ELLD LD: Topics
PSYC 0110 Explanations of Para PSY ELLD LD: Explanations of Para
PSYC 0150 Psych:Found Issues PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0152 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0201 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0202 General Psychology PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 0211 Quantitative Aspects PSY ELLD LD: Quantitative Aspects
PSYC 0212 Experimental Methods PSY ELLD LD: Experimental Methods
PSYC 0226 Cognitive Process PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 0229 Devel Psych I PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 0303 Psychology of Health PSY 4460 Psy of Happiness & Well Being
PSYC 030401 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 0410 Research In Social P PSY ELUD UD: Research In Social P
PSYC 0485 Senior Seminar PSY ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
RELI 010001 Intro to the Bible RS ELLD LD: Intro to the Bible
RELI 0101 Intro Biblical Tradi RS ELLD LD: Intro Biblical Tradi
RELI 0102 Intro Theologic Trad RS ELLD LD: Intro Theologic Trad
RELI 011001 Intro to the Old Te RS ELLD LD: Intro to the Old Te
RELI 0111 Man In Hist & Religi RS ELLD LD: Man In Hist & Religi
RELI 012001 Intro to the New Te RS ELLD LD: Intro to the New Te
RELI 0142 Historical Lit:King RS ELLD LD: Historical Lit:King
RELI 014701 Selected Topics: Ge RS ELLD LD: Selected Topics: Ge
RELI 015101 Synoptic Gospels RS ELLD LD: Synoptic Gospels
RELI 0155 Jesus the Galilean RS ELLD LD: Jesus the Galilean
RELI 0156 Topics: Jesus the Ga RS ELLD LD: Topics: Jesus the Ga
RELI 021001 Hist of Christian T RS ELLD LD: Hist of Christian T
RELI 0212 Philosophical Theolg RS ELLD LD: Philosophical Theolg
RELI 023201 Socl Issues:Women RS ELLD LD: Socl Issues:Women
RELI 0251 Religion In Amer RS ELLD LD: Religion In Amer
RELI 027001 Topic: M L King Jr RS ELLD LD: Topic: M L King Jr
RELS 010 Social Issues: Holocaust RS ELLD LD:Social Issues: Holocaust
RELS 0101 The Bible and Medicine RS ELLD LD:The Bible and Medicine
RELS 0102 Intro to Theological RS ELLD LD: Intro to Theological
RELS 0211 Contemporary Theolog RS ELLD LD: Contemporary Theolog
RELS 0212 Phil Theology RS ELLD LD: Phil Theology
RELS 0259 Topics RS ELLD LD:Topics
RELS 255 Living Religions RS ELLD LD:Living Religions
RELS 256 Phenomenology of Religion RS ELLD LD:Phenomenology of Religion
RMN 010101 Elem German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
RUSS 101 Elementary Russian RUSS 1010 Elementary Russian I
SIC 010101 Music a Sound Exper MUS ELLD LD: Music a Sound Exper
SPAN 010101 Elementary Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 010201 Elementary Spanish SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 020101 Intermediate Spanis SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
T 010501 Painting ART 2710 Painting I
THEA 0100 Theatre Arts THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 012001 Beginning Acting THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 0122 Intro Design THEA ELLD LD:Intro Design
THEA 0220 Theatre Production THEA ELLD LD:Theatre Production
THEA 0221 Acting II THEA ELLD LD: Acting II
THEA 0280 Theatre History THEA ELLD LD:Theatre History
THEA 0345 Applied Production THEA ELUD UD: Applied Production
THEA 0352 Lighting Design THEA ELUD UD:Lighting Design
THEA 0365 Special Topics THEA ELUD UD: Special Topics
THEA 0385 Jr Seminar THEA ELUD UD:Jr Seminar
THME 012001 Problems In Acting COMM ELLD LD: Problems In Acting
UBRN 262 Music&Community in Memphis MUS ELLD LD:Music&Community in Memphis
URBA 0190 Urban Perspective ELEC ELLD LD: Urban Perspective
URBN 0201 Intro Urban Studies ELEC ELLD LD:Intro Urban Studies
URBN 120 Intro to Memphis ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Memphis
YCH 015101 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology