Transfer Equivalencies

There are 5044 transfer equivalencies on file for East Tennessee State Univ

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACCT 1010 Principles of Accounting ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 1020 Principles of Accounting II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 2000 ACCT for Nonbusiness Majors ACTG ELLD LD:ACCT for Nonbusiness Majors
ACCT 201001 Principles of Acct ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 201002 Intro Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Intro Accounting
ACCT 2018 Honors Prin Af Acct ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 202001 Principles of Acct ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 202002 Intro Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Intro Accounting
ACCT 203001 Intro Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Intro Accounting
ACCT 300001 Professionalism In ACTG ELUD UD: Professionalism In
ACCT 301001 Financial Accountin ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 302001 Financial Accountin ACTG 3120 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 309001 Administrative Acco ACTG 3020 Managerial Accounting
ACCT 311001 Management Accounti ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting
ACCT 3320 Info Tech for Accounting ACTG ELUD UD:Info Tech for Accounting
ACCT 341001 Federal Income Taxe ACTG 4530 Individual Income Tax
ACCT 401001 Advanced Accounting ACTG 4110 Advanced Financial Accounting
ACCT 4018 Senior Honors Semina ACTG ELUD UD: Senior Honors Semina
ACCT 412701 Cost Accounting II ACTG ELUD UD: Cost Accounting II
ACCT 431001 Acounting Info Syst ACTG 4510 Accounting Systems
ACCT 442701 Income Taxes II ACTG ELUD UD: Income Taxes II
ACCT 4527 Financial Statement ACTG ELUD UD: Financial Statement
ACCT 461001 Auditing Theory & P ACTG ELUD UD: Auditing Theory & P
ACCT 462701 Auditing II ACTG ELUD UD: Auditing II
ACCT 470701 Financial Accountin ACTG 4650 Financial Accounting Standards
ACCT 4710 Not For Profit Actg ACTG ELUD UD: Not For Profit Actg
ACCT 4717 Not For Profit Actg ACTG 4610 Fin Rptg Govt & NFP Entities
ACCT 4898 Senior Honors Semina ACTG ELUD UD: Senior Honors Semina
ACCT 490001 Independent Study A ACTG 4980 Independent Study Accounting
ACCT 490101 Independent Study I ACTG 4980 Independent Study Accounting
ACCT 4905 Acct Internship ACTG 4420 Accounting Internship
ACCT 495701 Topics In Accountan ACTG ELUD UD: Topics In Accountan
ADVR 2070 Typography & Printi VCOM 3930 Visual Storytellng: Journalism
ADVR 3100 Principles of Brand Communicat ADV ELUD UD:Principles of Brand Communi
ADVR 324001 Advertising Princip ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Princip
ADVR 325001 Advertising Practic ADV 3160 Advertising Design and Visuals
ADVR 326001 Radio TV Advertisin ADV ELUD UD: Radio TV Advertising
ADVR 327001 Advertising Media P ADV 3480 Media Strategy and Buying
ADVR 375001 Advertising Campaig ADV 4970 Advertising Campaigns
ADVR 4018 Honors Thesis UH ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
ADVR 4080 Internship ADV ELUD UD: Internship
ADVR 4101 Topics In Advertisin ADV ELUD UD: Topics In Advertisin
ADVR 4250 Adv Agency Managemen ADV ELUD UD: Adv Agency Managemen
ADVR 490001 Independent Studies ADV ELUD UD: Independent Studies
ADVR 495701 Topics In Mass Comm ADV ELUD UD: Topics In Mass Comm
AFAM 398901 Cooperative Educati AST ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
AFAM 399901 Cooperative Educati AST ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
AFAM 490001 Special Studies AST ELUD UD: Special Studies
AFAM 495001 Senior Seminar AST ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
AGRI 1020 Intro to Animal Science ANSC 1410 Introduction to Animal Science
AHSC 1030 Honors Orientation HSC ELLD LD: Honors Orientation
AHSC 111001 Family Development CDFS 3340 Life Span Human Development
AHSC 141001 Food Selection & Pr NFS 3210 Meal Prepping
AHSC 151001 Career Mgmt In Appl HSC 1010 Career Orientation
AHSC 1620 Intro to Contemporar IDES ELLD LD: Intro to Contemporar
AHSC 1621 Design Communication IDES ELLD LD: Design Communication
AHSC 200001 Preparation For Mar CDFS 3320 Family Relations
AHSC 2030 Professional Ethics HSC ELLD LD: Professional Ethics
AHSC 211001 Infant & Toddler De CDFS ELLD LD: Infant & Toddler De
AHSC 212001 Intro to Early Chil CDFS ELLD LD: Intro to Early Chil
AHSC 220501 Principles of Cloth TXMD 3200 Apparel Construction I
AHSC 221001 Non Apparell Constr TXMD ELLD LD: Non Apparell Constr
AHSC 222001 Consumer Clothing C TXMD ELLD LD: Consumer Clothing C
AHSC 224001 Prin of Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
AHSC 242001 Prin of Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
AHSC 242201 Nutrition For Denta NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition For Denta
AHSC 261001 Residential Design IDES ELLD LD: Residential Design
AHSC 2611 Furniture Equipement IDES ELLD LD: Furniture Equipement
AHSC 262001 Design For Human Be IDES 2100 Int Design Elements/Principles
AHSC 263001 Presentation & Rend IDES 2110 Interior Design Communication
AHSC 298901 Cooperative Educati COED ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
AHSC 299901 Cooperative Educati COED ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
AHSC 3030 Technical Communicat HSC ELUD UD: Technical Communicat
AHSC 3040 Methods of Research HSC ELUD UD: Methods of Research
AHSC 311001 Parent/Child Relati CDFS 4350 Parenting
AHSC 3120 Comp Techn In Ec CDFS ELUD UD: Comp Techn In Ec
AHSC 314001 Guiding Young Child CDFS ELUD UD: Guiding Young Child
AHSC 321001 Apparel Quality Ana TXMD ELUD UD: Apparel Quality Ana
AHSC 322001 Textiles I TXMD 2180 Textiles
AHSC 322101 Textiles II TXMD 3120 Adv Topics Textile Prod &Trade
AHSC 323001 Fashion Fundamental TXMD ELUD UD: Fashion Fundamental
AHSC 3420 Nutition Throughout NFS 4250 Life Cycle Nutrition
AHSC 343001 Community Nutrition NFS 3260 Community Nutrition
AHSC 3440 Food Systems Mgmt NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
AHSC 345001 Food Science NFS 3200 Food Science
AHSC 346501 Human Nutrition & M NFS ELUD UD: Human Nutrition & M
AHSC 361001 Historical Interior IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
AHSC 3615 Space Planning IDES ELUD UD: Space Planning
AHSC 362001 Furniture,Equipment IDES 3330 Lighting, Mechanical, Environ
AHSC 3621 Residental Design HSC 3430 Housing
AHSC 3625 Autocad For Int Desi IDES ELUD UD: Autocad For Int Desi
AHSC 3630 Advanced Lighting IDES 3330 Lighting, Mechanical, Environ
AHSC 365001 Contract Design IDES 4200 Studio IV
AHSC 398901 Cooperative Educati COED ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
AHSC 399901 Cooperative Educati COED ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
AHSC 4030 Honors Thesis HSC ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
AHSC 4040 Honors International HSC ELUD UD: Honors International
AHSC 411701 Preschool Programs CDFS ELUD UD: Preschool Programs
AHSC 412701 Divorce:Causes & Co CDFS ELUD UD: Divorce:Causes & Co
AHSC 416701 Practicum In Early CDFS ELUD UD: Practicum In Early
AHSC 421001 Tailoring TXMD ELUD UD: Tailoring
AHSC 4217 Furniture Marketing IDES ELUD UD: Furniture Marketing
AHSC 422001 Fashion Merchandisi TXMD 4150 Fashion Buying
AHSC 4225 Merchandising Planni IDES ELUD UD: Merchandising Planni
AHSC 423001 Apparel Buying TXMD 3170 Fashion Branding
AHSC 424001 Visual Merchandisin TXMD ELUD UD: Visual Merchandisin
AHSC 425001 Fashion Advertising TXMD 4100 Fashion Promo & Digital Comm
AHSC 425701 Apparel Merchandisi HSC 4043 Seminar Textiles-Merch-Design
AHSC 4260 Merchandising Semina IDES ELUD UD: Merchandising Semina
AHSC 4261 Merchandising Intern HSC 4103 Intern Textiles Mdse Design
AHSC 433001 Mgmt of the Family HSC 4410 Consumer Economics
AHSC 440701 Experimental Foods NFS 4240 Experimental Food Study
AHSC 441701 Food Systems Operat NFS ELUD UD: Food Systems Operat
AHSC 442701 Diet In Disease I NFS ELUD US: Diet in Disease I
AHSC 443701 Diet In Disease NFS ELUD UD: Diet in Disease
AHSC 444701 Advanced Nutrition NFS 4270 Advanced Nutrition I
AHSC 445701 Nutrition Education NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition Education
AHSC 4467 Quantity Food Procu NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
AHSC 4468 Quantity Food Procur NFS ELUD UD: Quantity Food Procur
AHSC 447701 Food Service Layout NFS 4322 Dietetics Management
AHSC 4480 Food Systems Mgmt In NFS ELUD UD: Food Systems Mgmt In
AHSC 4487 Nutrition & Disease NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition & Disease
AHSC 451001 Demonstration Techn HSC 3020 Presentation Techniques
AHSC 4517 Demonstration Tech HSC 3020 Presentation Techniques
AHSC 452001 Senior Seminar HSC 4000 Senior Seminar
AHSC 453701 Field Studies HSC ELLD LD: Field Studies
AHSC 4547 Corporate Etiquette ELEC ELUD UD: Corporate Etiquette
AHSC 461001 Interior Studio I IDES ELUD UD: Interior Studio I
AHSC 461501 Professional Practi IDES 3300 Interior Architecture Business
AHSC 4657 Architectural Stdy T IDES ELUD UD: Architectural Stdy T
AHSC 4717 Vocational Home Econ FCSE ELUD UD: Vocational Home Econ
AHSC 4719 Vocational Home Eco FCSE 2510 FCS Education Curriculum
AHSC 4727 Methods For Vocation FCSE ELUD UD: Methods For Vocation
AHSC 4729 Method For Vocation FCSE ELUD UD: Method For Vocation
AHSC 4737 Occupational Home Ec FCSE 4570 Fundamentals of Culinary Arts
AHSC 473901 Occupational Home E HSC ELUD UD: Occupational Home E
AHSC 490001 Independent Studies HSC ELUD UD: Independent Studies
AHSC 495701 Special Topics In A HSC ELUD UD: Special Topics In A
AHSC 498901 Cooperative Educati COED ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
AHSC 499901 Cooperative Educati COED ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
ALH 1000 Careers in Health Care ALH 1000 Careers in Healthcare
ALHE 200001 Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Seminar
ALHE 2010 Intro Allied Health ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Allied Health
ALHE 2020 Pat Care & Assessme ELEC ELLD LD: Pat Care & Assessme
ALHE 3010 Allied Health Profes ELEC ELUD UD: Allied Health Profes
ALHE 3040 Interprofess Allied Hlth Teams HETH ELUD UD:Interprofess Allied Hlth Te
ALHE 3050 Culture & Disability ELEC ELUD UD:Culture & Disability
ALHE 4010 Teach & Learn for Allied Hlth ELEC ELLD LD:Teach & Learn for Allied Hl
ALHE 4030 Professional Issues ELEC ELUD UD:Professional Issues
ALHE 4040 Managing Allied Health Prof HETH 4100 Healthcare Leadership & Mgmt
ALHE 4060 Research In Allied ELEC ELUD UD: Research In Allied
ALHE 4070 Leadership In Allied ELEC ELLD LD: Leadership In Allied
ALHE 4100 Information Management ELEC ELUD UD:Information Management
ALNU 104001 Dosage Calculations MATH ELLD LD: Dosage Calculations
ALNU 106001 Fund Concepts of Nu NURS ELLD LD: Fund Concepts of Nu
ALNU 106101 Fund Skills of Nurs NURS ELLD LD: Fund Skills of Nurs
ALNU 107101 L.P.N. Transition P NURS ELLD LD: L.P.N. Transition P
ALNU 1100 Basics of Patient C NURS ELLD LD: Basics of Patient C
ALNU 201001 Audlt Nurs Interven NURS ELLD LD: Audlt Nurs Interven
ALNU 201101 Adult Interven I Cl NURS ELLD LD: Adult Interven I Cl
ALNU 2016 Pathophysiology NURS ELLD LD: Pathophysiology
ALNU 202001 Adult Nurs Interven NURS ELLD LD: Adult Nurs Interven
ALNU 202101 Adult Nursing Inter NURS ELLD LD: Adult Nursing Inter
ALNU 3000 Pathophysiology For NURS ELUD UD: Pathophysiology For
ALNU 300501 Dosage Calculations ELEC ELLD LD: Dosage Calculations
ALNU 3010 Pharmacology For Nur NURS ELUD UD: Pharmacology For Nur
ALNU 3016 Pathophysiology: Con NURS ELUD UD: Pathophysiology: Con
ALNU 3020 Found of Nursing Ski NURS ELUD UD: Found of Nursing Ski
ALNU 3021 Adult & Family Care NURS ELUD UD: Adult & Family Care
ALNU 3030 Found of Nursing Practice NURS ELUD UD: Found of Nursing Practice
ALNU 3031 Foundations Practicum NURS ELUD UD: Foundations Practicum
ALNU 310001 Pharmacodynamics Of NURS ELUD UD: Pharmacodynamics Of
ALNU 311001 Care of Adults Comm NURS ELUD UD: Care of Adults Comm
ALNU 311101 Clinical Practicum NURS ELUD UD: Clinical Practicum
ALNU 316001 Adult\Rn Transition NURS ELUD UD: Adult\Rn Transition
ALNU 317001 Transition to Profes ELEC ELLD LD: Transition to Profes
ALNU 4000 Care of the Middle A NURS ELUD UD: Care of the Middle A
ALNU 4008 Honors Mentorship In NURS ELUD UD: Honors Mentorship In
ALNU 4010 Gerontological Nursi NURS ELUD UD: Gerontological Nursi
ALNU 4018 Nurs Hon Thesis NURS ELUD UD: Nurs Hon Thesis
ALNU 4020 Care of Older Adult NURS ELUD UD: Care of Older Adult
ALNU 4021 Adult & Family Care NURS ELUD UD: Adult & Family Care
ALNU 4030 Nursing Process & Re NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Process & Re
ALNU 4040 Care of the Adult NURS ELUD UD: Care of the Adult
ALNU 4041 Care of the Adult Practicum NURS ELUD UD: Care of the Adult Practicu
ALNU 4051 Care of the Older Adult NURS ELUD UD: Care of the Older Adult
ALNU 415001 Care of Adults Acut NURS ELUD UD: Care of Adults Acut
ALNU 415101 Care of Adults Acut NURS ELUD UD: Care of Adults Acut
ALNU 416001 Care of Adults Post NURS ELUD UD: Care of Adults Post
ALNU 416101 Care of Adult Postc NURS ELUD UD: Care of Adult Postc
ALNU 4260 Intro to Critical Ca NURS ELUD UD: Intro to Critical Ca
ALNU 4267 Nursing Management NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Management
ALNU 4300 Skills Validation NURS ELUD UD: Skills Validation
ALNU 4900 Nursing Independent NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Independent
ALNU 4957 Spec Topics In Nursi NURS ELUD UD: Spec Topics In Nursi
ALNU 498901 Cooperative Ed In Nu ELEC ELLD LD: Cooperative Ed In Nu
ANTH 1240 Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANTH ELLD LD: Intro Cultural Anthropolog
ANTH 1260 Intro to Archaeology ANTH ELLD LD: Intro to Archaeology
ANTH 1280 Intro to Physical Anthropology ANTH ELLD LD: Intro Physical Anthropolog
ANTH 2040 Folk Culture in Modern World ANTH ELLD LD: Folk Culture Modern World
ANTH 2150 American Folk Music ANTH ELLD LD: American Folk Music
ANTH 3028 Honors Cultural Anthropology ANTH ELUD UD: Honors Cultural Anthropolo
ANTH 3070 Medical Anthropology ANTH 3730 Medical Anthropology
ANTH 3080 Nutritional Anthropology ANTH ELUD UD: Nutritional Anthropology
ANTH 3250 Environmental Anthropology ANTH 3720 Environmental Anthropology
ANTH 3260 Visual Anthropology ANTH 3640 Visual Anthropology
ANTH 3450 Forensic Anthropology ANTH 3650 Forensic Anthropology
ANTH 3500 Appalachian Folk Medicine ANTH ELUD UD: Appalachian Folk Medicine
ANTH 3800 Magic,Witchcraft & Religion ANTH ELLD LD:Magic,Witchcraft & Religion
ANTH 4007 Archaeology of Southeast US ANTH 4520 Southeastern US Archaeology
ANTH 4017 Historic Native Am Cultures ANTH 3515 People & Culture Native N Amer
ANTH 4018 Honors Thesis ANTH ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
ANTH 4037 Old World Archaeology ANTH ELUD UD: Old World Archaeology
ANTH 4240 Primatology ANTH ELUD UD: Primatology
ANTH 4400 Archaeological Field School ANTH 4950 Archaeological Field School
ANTH 4407 Archaeological Field Sch ANTH 4950 Archaeological Field School
ANTH 4567 Scottish Ethnology ANTH ELUD UD: Scottish Ethnology
ANTH 4630 Native Am Culture ANTH 3515 People & Culture Native N Amer
ANTH 4830 Anthropology Theory ANTH 3000 Anthropological Theory
APST 2060 Intro to Appalachian ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Appalachian
APST 3530 Religion In Appalach ELEC ELUD UD: Religion In Appalach
APST 4177 Art and Appalachia ELEC ELUD UD: Art and Appalacia
APST 4237 Scots-Irish in Appalachia ELEC ELUD UD: Scots-Irish in Appalachia
APST 4337 Appalachia In Scotla ELEC ELUD UD: Appalachia In Scotla
APST 4567 Scottish Ethnology ELEC ELUD UD: Scottish Ethnology
APST 4907 Appalachian Foodways ELEC ELUD UD: Appalachian Foodways
APST 4957 Appalachian Scottish ELEC ELUD UD: Appalachian Scottish
APST 4997 Current Issues In Ap ANTH 3710 Topics in Anthropology
ART 1030 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ART 111001 Basic Design ART ELLD LD: Basic Design
ART 112001 Basic Design ART ELLD LD: Basic Design
ART 120101 Drawing ART 1620 Drawing I
ART 120201 Drawing ART ELLD LD: Drawing
ART 201001 Intermed Drawing ART ELLD LD: Intermed Drawing
ART 204001 Art History Survey ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 204001 Art History Survey ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 205101 Painting ART 2710 Painting I
ART 206101 Lapidary ART ELLD LD: Lapidary
ART 207101 Weaving ART ELLD LD: Weaving
ART 208101 Jewelry & Metalsmit ART ELLD LD: Jewelry & Metalsmit
ART 209101 Ceramics ART 2810 Ceramics I
ART 211101 Plastics ART ELLD LD: Plastics
ART 212001 Basic Figure Drawin ART ELLD LD: Basic Figure Drawin
ART 220001 Basic Photography PHOT ELLD LD: Basic Photography
ART 221001 Intro Printmaking ART 2130 Printmaking I
ART 231001 The Artist/Teacher ART ELLD LD: The Artist/Teacher
ART 240101 Commercial Art DSGN 3325 Word and Image
ART 250101 Sculpture ART 2510 Sculpture I
ART 295701 Topics In Art ART ELLD LD: Topics In Art
ART 298901 Cooperative Educati ART ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
ART 301001 Adv Drawing ART ELUD UD: Adv Drawing
ART 3040 Art History II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 3040 Art History II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 306101 Lapidary ART ELUD UD: Lapidary
ART 307101 Weaving ART ELUD UD:
ART 307201 Weaving ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 307301 Fiber Construction ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 308101 Jewelry & Metalsmit ART ELUD UD: Jewelry & Metalsmit
ART 308201 Jewelry & Metalsmit ART ELUD UD: Jewelry & Metalsmit
ART 309101 Ceramics Throwing ART 3820 Wheel Throwing
ART 309201 Ceramics ART 3830 Ceramics III
ART 311001 Oil Painting ART 3720 Painting II
ART 311101 Plastics ART ELUD UD: Plastics
ART 312001 Oil Painting ART 3730 Painting III
ART 313001 Watercolor Painting ART ELUD UD: Watercolor Painting
ART 314701 Adv Watercolor Pain ART ELUD UD: Adv Watercolor Pain
ART 320101 Adv Figure Drawing ART 3650 Figure Drawing
ART 320201 Adv Figure Drawing ART 3650 Figure Drawing
ART 321101 Lithography ART ELUD UD: Lithography
ART 322101 Screen Process ART ELUD UD: Screen Process
ART 330101 Intaglio ART 3140 Print Media:Etching and Relief
ART 332101 Art Experiences Wit ART 3200 Art Education for Teachers
ART 332201 Art Exper With Chil ART 3210 Elementary Art Edu Methods
ART 334101 Relief ART ELUD UD: Relief
ART 338001 Vegetable Dyeing ART ELUD UD: Vegetable Dyeing
ART 340101 Typography ART ELUD UD: Typography
ART 3402 Commercial Art ART 2325 Typographic Design
ART 350101 Sculpture ART 3520 Sculpture II
ART 350201 Sculpture ART 3530 Sculpture III
ART 360101 Intermediate Photog PHOT ELUD UD: Intermediate Photog
ART 360201 Color Photography PHOT ELUD UD: Color Photography
ART 360301 Alternate Photograp PHOT ELUD UD: Alternate Photograp
ART 370101 Product Design ART ELUD UD: Product Design
ART 398901 Coop Education ART ELUD UD: Coop Education
ART 400101 Lettering ART ELUD UD: Lettering
ART 400201 Graphic Design ART 3330 Portfolio I
ART 401701 Classical Art ART ELUD UD: Classical Art
ART 402701 Art History of Midd ART ELUD UD: Art History of Midd
ART 403701 Art History of Rena ART ELUD UD: Art History of Rena
ART 404701 Art History of Baro ART ELUD UD: Art History of Baro
ART 405701 Art History of 19th ART ELUD UD: Art History of 19th
ART 406101 Lapidary ART ELUD UD: Lapidary
ART 406701 20th Century Art ART 4900 Nineteenth-Century Art
ART 407101 Weaving ART ELUD UD: Weaving
ART 407201 Weaving ART ELUD UD: Weaving
ART 407301 Fabric Design ART ELUD UD: Fabric Design
ART 407701 Contemporary Art ART 4920 Contemporary Art
ART 408101 Jewelry & Metalsmit ART ELUD UD: Jewelry & Metalsmit
ART 408201 Jewelry & Metalsmit ART ELUD UD: Jewelry & Metalsmit
ART 408701 Oriental Art ART ELUD UD: Oriental Art
ART 409701 Art History,Theory ART ELUD UD: Art History,Theory
ART 410701 Art Study Tour ART ELUD UD: Art Study Tour
ART 411001 Painting ART 4710 Painting IV
ART 411101 Plastics ART ELUD UD: Plastics
ART 412001 Painting ART 4720 Painting V
ART 414001 Woodworking ART ELUD UD: Woodworking
ART 420101 Advanced Drawing ART ELUD UD: Advanced Drawing
ART 420201 Advanced Drawing ART ELUD UD: Advanced Drawing
ART 421101 Adv Lithography ART 4120 Intermediate Printmaking
ART 422101 Adv Screen Process ART 4130 Advanced Printmaking
ART 427101 Adv Ceramics ART ELUD UD: Adv Ceramics
ART 427201 Adv Ceramics II ART 4820 Ceramics V
ART 427301 Technical Ceramics ART 4830 Ceramics VI
ART 427401 Glassblowing ART ELUD UD: Glassblowing
ART 430101 Display & Package D ART ELUD UD: Display & Package D
ART 430201 Illustration ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 432001 Elem School Art ART 3210 Elementary Art Edu Methods
ART 433001 Elem School Art ART ELUD UD: Elem School Art
ART 434101 Adv Relief ART 4130 Advanced Printmaking
ART 440101 Adv Intaglio ART 4140 Printmaking Thesis
ART 441901 Teaching Art In Sec ART 3330 Portfolio I
ART 450101 Sculpture ART 3530 Sculpture III
ART 450201 Sculpture ART 4510 Sculpture IV
ART 460101 History of Photogra PHOT ELUD UD: History of Photogra
ART 460201 View Camera Photogr PHOT ELUD UD: View Camera Photogr
ART 460301 Intro to Studio Pho PHOT ELUD UD: Intro to Studio Pho
ART 461001 Basic Film Making ART ELUD UD: Basic Film Making
ART 490101 Independent Studies ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 490201 Independent Studies ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 491201 Independent Studies PHOT ELUD UD: Independent Studies
ART 491301 Independent Sutdies ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 491501 Independ Sutdies In ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 491601 Portfolio & Exhibit ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 495701 Special Topics In A ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 498901 Coop Education ART ELUD UD: Coop Education
ART 499901 Coop Education ART ELUD UD: Coop Education
ARTA 1020 Exp In the Vis Art ART ELLD LD: Exp In the Vis Art
ARTA 1030 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ARTA 1110 Basic Design ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
ARTA 1140 3-D Design ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ARTA 1201 Drawing Fundamentals ART ELLD LD:Drawing Fundamentals
ARTA 120101 Drawing ART ELLD LD: Drawing
ARTA 1202 Drawing ART ELLD LD: Drawing
ARTA 1204 Color Theory ART ELLD LD: Color Theory
ARTA 201001 Art History I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ARTA 201001 Art History I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ARTA 201201 Interm Drawing ART ELLD LD: Interm Drawing
ARTA 2020 Art History II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARTA 2020 Art History II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARTA 204001 Art History I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ARTA 204001 Art History I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ARTA 205101 Painting ART 2710 Painting I
ARTA 2071 Beginning Weaving ART ELLD LD: Beginning Weaving
ARTA 2081 Jewelry & Metalsmit ART ELLD LD: Jewelry & Metalsmit
ARTA 209101 Intro to Ceramics ART 3820 Wheel Throwing
ARTA 212001 Basic Figure Drawing ART 3650 Figure Drawing
ARTA 2128 Artistic Experience II ART ELLD LD: Artistic Experience II
ARTA 2200 Basic Photography PHOT ELLD LD: Basic Photography
ARTA 2202 Layout and Production VCOM ELLD LD:Layout and Production
ARTA 2210 Intro Print ART ELLD LD: Intro Print
ARTA 240101 Graphic Design Theory ART ELLD LD:Grapic Design Theory
ARTA 2501 Intro to Sculpture ART 2510 Sculpture I
ARTA 2604 Digital Photography I PHOT ELLD LD:Digital Photography I
ARTA 2916 Works in Progress Review ART ELLD LD: Works in Progress
ARTA 2957 Topics In Art ART 4000 Workshop
ARTA 2989 Cooperative Educati ART ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
ARTA 3010 Advanced Drawing ART 3560 Drawing III
ARTA 3040 Art History II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARTA 3040 Art History II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARTA 3071 Intermediate Weaving II ART ELUD UD: Intermediate Weaving II
ARTA 3072 Intermediate Weaving ART ELLD LD: Intermediate Weaving
ARTA 3073 Fiber Construction ART ELUD UD: Fiber Construction
ARTA 3081 Intermediate Jewelry Design ART ELUD UD: Intermediate Jewelry Desig
ARTA 3082 Intermed Jewelry Design ART ELUD UD: Intermed Jewelry Design
ARTA 3091 Beg Throwing ART 2810 Ceramics I
ARTA 3092 Inter Ceramics ART 3830 Ceramics III
ARTA 311001 Inter Painting ART 3720 Painting II
ARTA 3120 Life Painting ART ELUD UD: Life Painting
ARTA 3130 Watercolor Painting ART ELLD LD: Watercolor Painting
ARTA 3147 Advanced Watercolor ART ELUD UD: Advanced Watercolor
ARTA 3201 Intermediate Figure ART ELUD UD: Intermediate Figure
ARTA 3211 Lithography ART ELUD UD: Lithography
ARTA 3221 Screen Process ART 2130 Printmaking I
ARTA 3301 Intaglio ART 3140 Print Media:Etching and Relief
ARTA 3321 Art Exp w/Children ART ELUD UD: Art Exp w/Children
ARTA 3341 Relief ART ELUD UD: Relief
ARTA 3380 Natural & Chem Dying ART ELUD UD: Natural & Chem Dying
ARTA 3401 Typography ART 2325 Typographic Design
ARTA 3402 Commercial Art DSGN 3325 Word and Image
ARTA 3501 Int Sculpture ART 3520 Sculpture II
ARTA 3502 Intermed Sculpture ART 3530 Sculpture III
ARTA 3601 Intermediate Photogr PHOT ELUD UD: Intermediate Photogr
ARTA 3602 Color Photography PHOT ELUD UD: Color Photography
ARTA 3603 Alt Photo Processes PHOT ELUD UD: Alt Photo Processes
ARTA 3989 Cooperative Educatio PHOT ELUD UD: Cooperative Educatio
ARTA 4002 Graphic Design ART 2310 Graphic Design Technology
ARTA 4027 Art History Mid Ages ART ELUD UD: Art History Mid Ages
ARTA 4037 Art History Renaissa ART ELUD UD: Art History Renaissa
ARTA 4047 Art History Baroque ART ELUD UD: Art History Baroque
ARTA 4057 Art History 19th Cen ART ELUD UD: Art History 19th Cen
ARTA 4067 Twentieth Century Ar ART ELUD UD: Twentieth Century Ar
ARTA 4071 Adv Weaving II ART ELUD UD: Adv Weaving II
ARTA 4072 Adv Weaving III ART ELUD UD: Adv Weaving III
ARTA 4073 Fabric Design ART ELUD UD: Fabric Design
ARTA 4077 Contemporary Art ART 4920 Contemporary Art
ARTA 4081 Jewelry & Metalsmith ART ELUD UD: Jewelry & Metalsmith
ARTA 4082 Jewelry & Metalsmith ART ELUD UD: Jewelry & Metalsmith
ARTA 4087 Orieintal Art ART ELUD UD: Orieintal Art
ARTA 4097 Art History Theory ART ELUD UD: Art History Theory
ARTA 4107 Art Study Tour ART 4000 Workshop
ARTA 4110 Combined Media Paint ART ELUD UD: Combined Media Paint
ARTA 4120 Figure Painting ART ELUD UD: Figure Painting
ARTA 4201 Adv Figure Drawing ART ELUD UD: Adv Figure Drawing
ARTA 4202 Mixed Media Drawing ART ELUD UD: Mixed Media Drawing
ARTA 4211 Advanced Lithography ART ELUD UD: Advanced Lithography
ARTA 4217 Book Arts ART 3960 The Art History of the Books
ARTA 4221 Screen Process Adv ART ELUD UD: Screen Process Adv
ARTA 4271 Advanced Ceramics ART 3830 Ceramics III
ARTA 4272 Adv Ceramics II ART 4810 Ceramics IV
ARTA 4273 Technical Ceramics ART ELUD UD: Technical Ceramics
ARTA 4301 Displays & Package Design ART ELUD UD: Displays & Package Design
ARTA 4302 Illustration ILLU 3290 Introduction to Illustration
ARTA 430301 Computer Art & Desi ART ELUD UD: Computer Art & Desi
ARTA 4320 Elementary School Art ART ELUD UD: Elementary School Art
ARTA 4330 Elem School Art ART ELUD UD: Elem School Art
ARTA 4401 Advanced Intaglio ART 4120 Intermediate Printmaking
ARTA 4419 Teaching Art In Seco ART 3220 Secondary Art Edu Methods
ARTA 4501 Advanced Sculpture ART 3530 Sculpture III
ARTA 4502 Advanced Sculpture ART 4510 Sculpture IV
ARTA 4601 Hist of Photography PHOT ELUD UD: Hist of Photography
ARTA 4602 View Camera Photo PHOT ELUD UD: View Camera Photo
ARTA 4603 Intro Studio Photo PHOT ELUD UD: Intro Studio Photo
ARTA 4901 Indep Study Sculptur ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ARTA 4912 Ind Studies In Photo PHOT ELUD UD: Ind Studies In Photo
ARTA 4915 Ind Studies In Weavi PHOT ELUD UD: Ind Studies In Weavi
ARTA 4916 Portfolio/Exhibit ART ELUD UD: Portfolio/Exhibit
ARTA 4957 Spec Topic In Art ART ELUD UD: Spec Topic In Art
ARTH 2010 Art History Survey I ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARTH 2020 Art History Survey II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
ARTH 3403 Hist of Graphic Design ART ELUD UD: Hist of Graphic Design
ARTH 4017 Classical Art ART ELUD UD: Classical Art
ARTH 4018 Honors Thesis ART ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
ARTH 4027 Medieval Art ART 3760 Romanesque and Gothic Art
ARTH 4037 Renaissance Art ART 3860 Northern Renaissance
ARTH 4047 Baroque Art ART ELUD UD: Baroque Art
ARTH 4057 19th Century Art ART 4900 Nineteenth-Century Art
ARTH 4067 Modern Art ART ELUD UD: Modern Art
ARTH 4077 Contemporary Art ART 4920 Contemporary Art
ARTH 4087 Asian Art ART ELUD UD: Asian Art
ARTH 4097 Art History, Theory & Criticis ART ELUD UD: Art History, Theory & Crit
ARTH 4107 Art Study Tour ART ELUD UD: Art Study Tour
ARTH 4117 Women Artists & Their Art ART ELUD UD: Women Artists & Their
ARTH 4127 History of Architecture ART ELUD UD: Hist of Architecture
ARTH 4403 History Graphic Design ART ELUD UD:History Graphic Design
ARTH 4601 History of Photography ART ELUD UD: History of Photography
ARTH 4902 Independent Study in Sculpture ART ELUD UD: Independent Study Sculp
ASDN 180001 Int Clinical Nurs NURS ELLD LD: Int Clinical Nurs
ASLC 2020 ASL II:Intermediate ELEC ELLD LD:ASL II:Intermediate
ASTR 1010 Astronomy I ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
ASTR 101501 Astronomy I ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
ASTR 101501 Astronomy I and ASTR 1031 Observing the Universe
ASTR 1020 Astronomy II ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
ASTR 102501 Astronomy II ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
ASTR 102501 Astronomy II and ASTR 1031 Observing the Universe
ASTR 1030 Astronomy ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
ASTR 1035 Extraterrestrial Life ASTR ELLD LD: Exraterrstrail Life
ASTR 3415 Astrophysics ASTR 3400 Fundamentals of Astrophysics
ASTR 3970 Variable Stars ASTR ELUD UD: Variable Stars
B AD 1000 Business Algebra BCED ELLD LD: Business Algebra
B AD 113001 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
B AD 360001 Bus Management MGMT ELUD UD: Bus Management
B AD 421701 Business Law BLAW ELUD UD: Business Law
B ED 101001 Beg Typewriting BCED ELLD LD: Beg Typewriting
B ED 4419 Methods Materials O BCED ELUD UD: Methods Materials O
B ED 442901 Methods Materials B BCED ELUD UD: Methods Materials B
B ED 4617 Methods Materials M BCED ELUD UD: Methods Materials M
B ED 4717 Organization & Admi BCED ELUD UD: Organization & Admi
B ED 4817 Coordination Techni BCED ELUD UD: Coordination Techni
BADM 1130 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BADM 2000 Business Career Development I BCED ELLD LD:Business Career Development
BASD 3210 Professional Field E ELEC ELUD UD: Professional Field E
BEDU 4419 Methods Materials O BCED ELUD UD: Methods Materials O
BEDU 442901 Methods Materials B BCED ELUD UD: Methods Materials B
BEDU 4617 Methods Materials M BCED ELUD UD: Methods Materials M
BEDU 4717 Organization & Admi BCED ELUD UD: Organization & Admi
BEDU 4817 Coordination Techni BCED ELUD UD: Coordination Techni
BGSD 1010 Protfolio Devel Educ ELEC ELLD LD: Protfolio Devel Educ
BGSD 1800 Library Research Skills LIBS ELLD LD:Library Research Skills
BGSD 2100 Successful Online L ELEC ELLD LD: Successful Online L
BGSD 2200 Using Information Te ELEC ELLD LD: Using Information Te
BGSD 2300 Building E Portfoli ELEC ELLD LD: Building E Portfoli
BGSD 3210 Prof Field Exper ELEC ELUD UD: Prof Field Exper
BGSD 3211 Prof Field Exper ELEC ELUD UD: Prof Field Exper
BGSD 4210 Prof Foeld Experienc ELEC ELUD UD: Prof Foeld Experienc
BGSD 4950 Spec Top In Adult Co ELEC ELUD UD: Spec Top In Adult Co
BIOL 1000 Academic Advantage BIOL ELLD LD: Academic Advantage
BIOL 1010 Biology For Non Majo BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 1011 Biol Non Maj Lab BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 1020 Biol Non-Majors II BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 1021 Biol Non Maj Lab BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 1041 Biology For Nonmajor BIOL ELLD LD: Biology For Nonmajor
BIOL 1051 Biology For Non Majo BIOL ELLD LD: Biology For Non Majo
BIOL 1100 General Biol I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1101 Gen Biol Lab I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1110 Biol Sci Majors Lec I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1111 Biol Sci Majors Lab I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1120 Biol Sci Majors Lec II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 1121 Biol Sci Majors Lab II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 1130 Biol Sci Majors Lec III BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 1131 Biol Sci Majors Lab III BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 1138 Honors Discussion 3 BIOL ELLD LD: Honors Discussion 3
BIOL 120001 General Biology II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 120101 General Biology Lab BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 130001 General Biology III BIOL ELLD LD: General Biology III
BIOL 130101 General Biology Lab BIOL ELLD LD: General Biology Lab
BIOL 1310 Concepts of Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Concepts of Biology
BIOL 1430 Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
BIOL 2190 Computational Biology BIOL ELLD LD:Computational Biology
BIOL 2308 Honors Prin Biol III BIOL ELLD LD: Honors Prin Biol III
BIOL 2500 Biodiversity of Southern Appal BIOL ELLD LD: Biodiversity of South Appa
BIOL 299901 Cooperative Educati BIOL ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
BIOL 300001 Intro to Biochemist BIOL ELUD UD: Intro to Biochemist
BIOL 3100 General Genetic BIOL 3250 Genetics
BIOL 3141 Genetics Lab BIOL 3250 Genetics
BIOL 315001 Cytology BIOL ELUD UD: Cytology
BIOL 315101 Cytology Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Cytology Lab
BIOL 322001 Comp Anatomy BIOL 3020 Comparative Anat Vertebrates
BIOL 323001 Vertebrate Embryolo BIOL 3010 Embryology
BIOL 3240 Plant Anatomy BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Anatomy
BIOL 326001 General Physiology BIOL 4110 General Physiology
BIOL 335001 Ecology BIOL 3400 General Ecology
BIOL 341001 Vertebrate Zoology BIOL 4180 Vertebrate Zoology
BIOL 3420 Plant Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Biology
BIOL 345001 Algae & Fungi BIOL ELUD UD: Algae & Fungi
BIOL 346001 Invertebrate Zoolog BIOL 4140 Invertebrate Zoology
BIOL 348001 General Entomology BIOL 3040 Entomology
BIOL 355001 Microtechnique BIOL ELUD UD: Microtechnique
BIOL 399201 Research Orientatio BIOL ELUD UD: Research Orientatio
BIOL 3999 Cooperative Educatio BIOL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educatio
BIOL 4018 Honors Thesis BIOL ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
BIOL 403001 Pelagic Field Trip BIOL ELUD UD: Pelagic Field Trip
BIOL 4037 Coastal Biol Field T BIOL ELUD UD: Coastal Biol Field T
BIOL 404001 Ecological Field Tr BIOL ELUD UD: Ecological Field Tr
BIOL 404701 Ecological Field Tr BIOL ELUD UD: Ecological Field Tr
BIOL 411001 General Biochemistr CHEM ELUD UD: General Biochemistr
BIOL 411701 General Biochemistr BIOL ELUD UD: General Biochemistr
BIOL 412001 General Biochemistr CHEM ELUD UD: General Biochemistr
BIOL 412701 General Biochemistr BIOL ELUD UD: General Biochemistr
BIOL 4147 Biochemistry Macromo BIOL ELUD UD: Biochemistry Macromo
BIOL 415001 Molecular Cell Biol BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 4157 Biochemistry of Macromolecules BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem of macromolecules
BIOL 4167 Biochem of Metabolis BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem of Metabolis
BIOL 4177 Biochem of Metab Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem of Metab Lab
BIOL 424701 Appalachian Flora BIOL ELUD UD: Appalachian Flora
BIOL 425701 Appalachian Fauna BIOL ELUD UD: Appalachian Fauna
BIOL 426701 Plant Development BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Development
BIOL 4277 Neurobiology BIOL 4560 Neurobiology
BIOL 4300 Seminar In Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Seminar In Biology
BIOL 4337 Plant Systemnatics BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Systemnatics
BIOL 434701 Biogeography BIOL ELUD UD: Biogeography
BIOL 435701 Ethology BIOL 4390 Ethology (Animal Behavior)
BIOL 436001 Evolution BIOL ELUD UD: Evolution
BIOL 436701 Systems Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Systems Ecology
BIOL 4417 Teach Biology In Hs BIOL ELUD UD: Teach Biology In Hs
BIOL 441901 Teaching Biology In BIOL ELUD UD: Teaching Biology In
BIOL 445001 Bryophytes, Ferns & BIOL ELUD UD: Bryophytes, Ferns &
BIOL 446701 Ichthyology BIOL ELUD UD: Ichthyology
BIOL 447701 Ornithology BIOL ELUD UD: Ornithology
BIOL 455701 Lab Instrumentation BIOL ELUD UD: Lab Instrumentation
BIOL 459701 Recombinant Dna Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Recombinant Dna Lab
BIOL 464701 Molecular Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Molecular Biology
BIOL 465701 Histology BIOL 4130 Histology
BIOL 473701 Conservation Biolog BIOL ELUD UD: Conservation Biolog
BIOL 474701 Population Genetics BIOL ELUD UD: Population Genetics
BIOL 475701 Developmental Biolo BIOL 3010 Embryology
BIOL 4767 Plant Physiology BIOL 4500 Plant Physiology
BIOL 485701 Aquatic Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Aquatic Biology
BIOL 486701 Marine Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Marine Biology
BIOL 490001 Independent Studies BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
BIOL 4910 Research In Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Research In Biology
BIOL 4917 Phil of Biolog Scien BIOL ELLD LD: Phil of Biolog Scien
BIOL 495701 Special Topics In B BIOL ELUD UD: Special Topics In B
BIOL 496701 Morphology & Taxono BIOL ELUD UD: Morphology & Taxono
BIOL 499901 Cooperative Educati BIOL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
BIOL 5167 Biochem of Metabolis BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem of Metabolis
BIOL 5177 Biochem of Metab BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem of Metab
BISC 1020 Biol & Society BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BISC 1040 Biology Non-Majors Lec I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BISC 1100 General Biol I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BISC 1101 Gen Biol Lab I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BISC 111001 Gen Biology Lec I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BISC 111101 Gen Biol Lab I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BISC 112001 Gen Biol Lec II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BISC 112002 Gen Biol Lec II BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BISC 112002 Gen Biol Lec II and BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BISC 112101 Gen Biol Lab II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BISC 120001 General Biology II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BISC 120101 General Biology Lab BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BISC 1230 Intro Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BISC 2100 Principles Biol Lec I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BISC 2101 Biology I Lab BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BISC 2130 Vert Devel Anat BIOL ELLD LD: Vert Devel Anat
BISC 3100 General Genetics BIOL 3250 Genetics
BISC 3141 Genetics Lab BIOL 3250 Genetics
BISC 322001 Comparative Anatomy BIOL 3020 Comparative Anat Vertebrates
BISC 323001 Vertebrate Embryolo BIOL 3010 Embryology
BISC 3240 Plant Anatomy BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Anatomy
BISC 325001 Plant Development BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Development
BISC 326001 General Physiology BIOL 4110 General Physiology
BISC 335001 Ecology BIOL 3400 General Ecology
BISC 341001 Vertebrate Zoology BIOL 4180 Vertebrate Zoology
BISC 346001 Invertebrate Zoolog BIOL 4140 Invertebrate Zoology
BISC 347001 General Parasitolog BIOL 3050 Parasitology
BISC 348001 General Entomology BIOL 3040 Entomology
BISC 4147 Biochem of Macrom BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem of Macrom
BISC 415001 Molecular Cell Biol BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BISC 415101 Molecular Cell Biol BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BISC 4157 Biochem of Macr Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Biochem of Macr Lab
BISC 435701 Ethology BIOL 4390 Ethology (Animal Behavior)
BISC 463701 Systems Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Systems Ecology
BISC 4647 Molecular Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Molecular Biology
BISC 465701 Histology BIOL 4130 Histology
BISC 475701 Developmental Biolo BIOL 3010 Embryology
BISC 4767 Plant Physiology BIOL 4500 Plant Physiology
BISC 490001 Independent Studies BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
BISC 497701 Economic Entomology BIOL ELUD UD: Economic Entomology
BISC 498701 Medical Entomology BIOL ELUD UD: Medical Entomology
BIT 1150 Intro to Micro Computers INFS 1150 Intro to Micro Computers
BLUE 1710 Intro BG and CM Theory MUTH ELLD LD:Intro BG and CM Theory
BLUE 1810 Intro to Sound Equipment MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Sound Equipment
BLUE 2132 Survey of Bluegrass Prof MUS ELLD LD:Survey of Bluegrass Prof
BLUE 2150 American Roots Music MUS ELLD LD: American Roots Music
BLUE 2240 Bluegrass Seminar I MUS ELLD LD:Blegrass Seminar I
BLUE 2310 Guitar I MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
BLUE 2380 Inst Setup & Maintenance MUS ELLD LD: Inst Setup & Maintenance
BLUE 2410 Guitar, Acoustic I MUAP ELLD LD:Guitar, Acoustic I
BLUE 2430 Mandolin I MUAP ELLD LD:Mandolin I
BLUE 2450 Banjo, Old Time - I MUAP ELLD LD:Banjo, Old Time - I
BLUE 2460 Fiddle, Bluegrass - I MUS ELLD LD:Fiddle, Bluegrass - I
BLUE 2470 Old Time Fiddle MUS ELLD LD:Old Time Fiddle
BLUE 2510 Bluegrass Band I MUEN ELLD LD:Bluegrass Band I
BLUE 2520 Old Time String Band I MUAP ELLD LD:Old Time String Band I
BLUE 2530 Country Band I MUS ELLD LD:Country Band I
BLUE 2610 Indiv Instr Voice I MUAP ELLD LD: Indiv Instr Voice I
BLUE 2710 BG & CM Theory I MUTH ELLD LD:BG & CM Theory I
BLUE 2810 Sound Reinforcement MUS ELLD LD:Sound Reinforcement
BLUE 3010 Bluegrass,OT & Roots Hist I MUHL ELUD UD:Bluegrass,OT & Roots Hist I
BLUE 3020 Bluegrass,OT & Roots Hist II MUHL ELUD UD:Bluegrass,OT/ Roots Hist II
BLUE 3130 Bluegrass History I MUHL ELUD UD:Bluegrass History I
BLUE 3142 Bluegrass Style & Practice MUS ELUD UD:Bluegrass Style & Practice
BLUE 3240 Bluegrass Seminar II MUHL ELUD UD:Bluegrass Seminar II
BLUE 3320 Guitar II MUS ELUD UD:Guitar II
BLUE 3332 Bluegrass Finance/Legal Issues MUS ELUD UD:Bluegrass Fin/Legal Issues
BLUE 3334 Digital Marketing in Bluegrass MKT ELUD UD:Digital Mktng in Bluegrass
BLUE 3410 Guitar, Acoustic - II MUAP ELUD UD:Guitar, Acoustic - II
BLUE 3430 Mandolin II MUAP ELLD LD: Mandolin II
BLUE 3510 Bluegrass Band II MUEN ELUD UD: Bluegrass Band II
BLUE 3520 Old Time String Band MUEN ELUD UD:Old Time String Band
BLUE 3530 Country Band II MUS ELUD UD:Country Band II
BLUE 3610 Indiv Instr Voice II MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
BLUE 3832 Bluegrass Music Theory MUTH ELUD UD:Bluegrass Music Theory
BLUE 3833 Bluegrass Ear Training MUTH ELUD UD:Bluegrass Ear Training
BLUE 4010 Roots Music Recording Project RIM ELUD UD:Roots Music Recording Proj
BLUE 4020 Roots Music Marketing Project MKT ELUD UD:Roots Music Marketing Proj
BLUE 4230 Songwriting MUTH ELUD UD: Songwriting
BLUE 4240 Bluegrass Seminar III MUTH ELUD UD:Bluegrass Seminar III
BLUE 4510 Bluegrass Band III MUEN ELUD UD: Bluegrass Band III
BLUE 4520 Old Time String Band III MUEN ELUD UD:Old Time String Band III
BLUE 4530 Country Band III MUS ELUD UD:Country Band III
BLUE 4610 Indiv Instr Voice III MUAP 4371 Private Instruction Voice
BLUE 4957 Special Topics MUS ELUD UD:Special Topics
BMGT 3600 International Management MGMT 4710 International Business
BMGT 3630 Human Resource Management MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
BNKC 1600 Fin Acct For Banker ELEC ELLD LD: Fin Acct For Banker
BNKC 1610 Econ For Bankers ELEC ELLD LD: Econ For Bankers
BNKC 1620 Law & Banking Prin ELEC ELLD LD: Law & Banking Prin
BNKC 1630 Mkt Financial Servi ELEC ELLD LD: Mkt Financial Servi
BNKC 1640 Prin of Banking ELEC ELLD LD: Prin of Banking
BNKC 1650 Prin of Banking ELEC ELLD LD: Prin of Banking
BSIS 4210 Professional Field E ELEC ELUD UD: Professional Field E
BSPS 4210 Professional Field E ELEC ELUD UD: Professional Field E
BUS 1050 Legal Issues for the Web BUSN 1301 Legal Issues for the Web
BUS 1300 Personal Money Management BUSN 1300 Personal Finance
C SC 100001 Job Entry Technique CSCI ELLD LD: Job Entry Technique
C SC 101001 Computer Concepts CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
C SC 125001 An Intro to Compute CSCI ELLD LD: An Intro to Compute
C SC 126001 Structured Programm CSCI 1170 Computer Science I
C SC 127001 Business Oriented P CSCI ELLD LD: Business Oriented P
C SC 130901 Job Entry Tech For CSCI ELLD LD: Job Entry Tech For
C SC 131001 Scientific Fortran CSCI ELLD LD: Scientific Fortran
C SC 161001 Basic CSCI ELLD LD: Basic
C SC 198901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
C SC 199901 Copperative Educati CSCI ELLD LD: Copperative Educati
C SC 200001 The Computer as a T CSCI ELLD LD: The Computer as a T
C SC 215001 Computing Systems CSCI 3250 Operating Systems
C SC 216001 Assembly Language CSCI 3160 Intro to Assembly Language
C SC 298901 Cooperative Educati COED 2930 Cooperative Education
C SC 299901 Cooperative Educati COED 2940 Cooperative Education
C SC 321001 Data Structures CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
C SC 322001 Database Managemen CSCI 4560 Database Management Systems
C SC 323001 File Processing CSCI ELUD UD: File Processing
C SC 325001 Software Engineerin CSCI 4700 Software Engineering
C SC 331001 Advanced Programmin CSCI ELUD UD: Advanced Programmin
C SC 371001 Jcl CSCI ELUD UD: Jcl
C SC 371701 Intro to Computer O CSCI 3130 Assembly and Computer Org
C SC 398901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
C SC 399901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
C SC 411001 Systems Programming CSCI ELUD UD: Systems Programming
C SC 415701 Interactive Graphic CSCI ELUD UD: Interactive Graphic
C SC 425701 Numerical Analysis CSCI ELUD UD: Numerical Analysis
C SC 426701 Numerical Linear Al CSCI ELUD UD: Numerical Linear Al
C SC 441701 Intro to Data Commu CSCI ELUD UD: Intro to Data Commu
C SC 471701 Computer Architectu CSCI ELUD UD: Computer Architectu
C SC 472701 Operating Systems CSCI ELUD UD: Operating Systems
C SC 481701 Programming Lang & CSCI 4160 Compiler Dsg & Software Dev
C SC 490001 Independent Study CSCI 4600 Independent Study in CSCI
C SC 491001 Selected Topics In CSCI 4600 Independent Study in CSCI
C SC 495701 Special Topics In C CSCI ELUD UD: Special Topics In C
C SC 498901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
C SC 499901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CDIS 101001 Intro Communicative CDIS 3050 Intro Speech Lang Path Aud
CDIS 111101 Observation I COMM ELLD LD: Observation I
CDIS 201001 Speech Mechanism CDIS 3400 Anatomy & Phys for Speech Path
CDIS 201501 Intro to Phonetics CDIS 3150 Phonetics
CDIS 202001 Hearing Science CDIS 3350 Introduction to Audiology
CDIS 203001 Language Developmen CDIS 3250 Speech & Lang Develop for Educ
CDIS 211001 Observation II COMM ELLD LD: Observation II
CDIS 212101 Supervised Clinical COMM ELLD LD: Supervised Clinical
CDIS 230001 Articulation & Phon CDIS 3200 Speech Sounds Disorders
CDIS 250001 Diagnostic Procedur COMM ELLD LD: Diagnostic Procedure
CDIS 3000 Communication Scienc CDIS 3050 Intro Speech Lang Path Aud
CDIS 311101 Supervised Clinical COMM ELUD UD: Supervised Clinical
CDIS 312101 Supervised Clinical COMM ELUD UD: Supervised Clinical
CDIS 320001 The Clinical Proces COMM ELUD UD: The Clinical Proces
CDIS 330001 Devel Language Diso CDIS 4850 Speech Lang Disorder Childhood
CDIS 340001 Preclinical Practic COMM ELUD UD: Preclinical Practic
CDIS 350001 Lang & Articulation CDIS 3200 Speech Sounds Disorders
CDIS 360001 Voice & Rhythm Diso CDIS 3450 Fluency Disorders
CDIS 365001 Hearing Science CDIS 3350 Introduction to Audiology
CDIS 370001 Voice Disorders Of COMM ELUD UD: Voice Disorders Of
CDIS 380001 Fluency & Devel Stu CDIS 3450 Fluency Disorders
CDIS 4000 Comm Sci & Disorders CDIS 3050 Intro Speech Lang Path Aud
CDIS 4010 Speech & Hearing Sci CDIS 3150 Phonetics
CDIS 4017 Speech/Hearing Scien CDIS 3400 Anatomy & Phys for Speech Path
CDIS 4020 Speech & Hearing Sci COMM ELUD UD: Speech & Hearing Sci
CDIS 4027 Speech/Hearing Scien CDIS 3350 Introduction to Audiology
CDIS 403001 Speech Pathology In COMM ELUD UD: Speech Pathology In
CDIS 4037 A & P Speech & Hearing CDIS ELUD UD:A&P Speech & Hearing
CDIS 404001 Clinical Practicum CDIS 4550 Clinic Prac in Sp Lang Path A
CDIS 405001 Clinical Practicum CDIS 4550 Clinic Prac in Sp Lang Path A
CDIS 4060 Lang Development CDIS 3250 Speech & Lang Develop for Educ
CDIS 410001 Diagnostic Proced A CDIS 4750 Advanced Audiology
CDIS 411101 Supervised Clinical COMM ELUD UD: Supervised Clinical
CDIS 412101 Supervised Clinical COMM ELUD UD: Supervised Clinical
CDIS 4200 Clinical Process CDIS 3300 Clin Method Speech Lang Path
CDIS 421001 Aural Rehabilitatio CDIS 4500 Aural Rehabilitation
CDIS 430001 Diagnostics:Speech COMM ELUD UD: Diagnostics:Speech
CDIS 431001 Supervised Practicu COMM ELUD UD: Supervised Practicu
CDIS 432701 Manual Communicatio COMM ELUD UD: Manual Communicatio
CDIS 433001 Manual Communicatio COMM ELUD UD: Manual Communicatio
CDIS 434001 Manual Communicatio COMM ELUD UD: Manual Communicatio
CDIS 480001 Neuroanatomy of Hum COMM ELUD UD: Neuroanatomy of Hum
CDIS 490001 Independent Study COMM ELUD UD: Independent Study
CDST 1800 Library Research Skills ELEC ELLD LD:Library Research Skills
CDST 2200 Interdisc Lrning Multimed Pres ELEC ELLD LD:Interdisc Lrning Multimed
CDST 2300 Interdisc ePortfolio & Appl ELEC ELLD LD:Interdisc ePortfolio & Appl
CDST 4950 Special Topics Interdisc ELEC ELUD UD:Special Topics Interdisc
CHEM 1000 Chem & Well Being CHEM ELLD LD: Chem & Well Being
CHEM 1010 Intro to Chemistry I CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 1020 Intro to Chemistry II CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CHEM 1030 Intro Chemistry Surv CHEM ELLD LD: Intro Chemistry Surv
CHEM 1040 Basic Chemistry CHEM 1040 Intro to General Chemistry
CHEM 1110 General Chemistry L CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1111 Gen Chem Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1120 General Chemistry CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1121 Gen Chem Lab CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 131001 Introductory Chemis CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 1311 Inorganic Chem Lab CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 132001 Intro Organic & Bio CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CHEM 132002 Org & Phys Chem Lec CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 132002 Org & Phys Chem Lec and CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1321 Org & Phys Chem Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1321 Org & Phys Chem Lab and CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2010 Organic Chem Lec I CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2011 Organic Chem Lab I CHEM 3011 Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 2020 Organic Chem Lec II CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2021 Organic Chem Lab II CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 222001 Quantitative Analys CHEM ELLD LD: Quantitative Analys
CHEM 222101 Quantitative Analys CHEM ELLD LD: Quantitative Analys
CHEM 298901 Cooperative Educati CHEM ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
CHEM 299901 Cooperative Educati CHEM ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
CHEM 311001 Descriptive Inorgan CHEM ELUD UD: Descriptive Inorgan
CHEM 3510 Organic Chem Lab CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3511 Organic Chem Lab CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3520 Organic Chem Lab CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 3550 Forensic Chemistry CHEM ELUD UD:Forensic Chemistry
CHEM 361101 Intro Integrated La CHEM ELUD UD: Intro Integrated La
CHEM 371001 Principles of Phy C CHEM 4330 Physical Chem Fundamentals I
CHEM 375001 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4350 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 376001 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4360 In-depth Phys Chem
CHEM 378001 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4350 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 379001 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4360 In-depth Phys Chem
CHEM 398901 Cooperative Educata CHEM ELUD UD: Cooperative Educata
CHEM 399901 Cooperative Educati CHEM ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CHEM 401001 Seminar In Chemistr CHEM ELUD UD: Seminar In Chemistr
CHEM 4018 Honors Thesis CHEM 3880 Undergraduate Research II
CHEM 411001 Adv Inorganic Chemi CHEM 4410 Inorganic Chemistry II
CHEM 411101 Adv Inorganic Chem CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Inorganic Chem
CHEM 420001 Prin of Instrumenta CHEM ELUD UD: Prin of Instrumenta
CHEM 421001 Instrumental Mthd A CHEM ELUD UD: Instrumental Mthd A
CHEM 422001 Instru Method Analy CHEM 4230 Instrumental Analysis
CHEM 4300 General Bio-Chemistry CHEM 4300 General Biochemistry
CHEM 442701 Chemical Info Retri CHEM ELUD UD: Chemical Info Retri
CHEM 453001 Adv Organic Chemist CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Organic Chemist
CHEM 454701 Molecular Orbital T CHEM ELUD UD: Molecular Orbital T
CHEM 461101 Adv Integrated Lab CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Integrated Lab
CHEM 462101 Adv Integrated Lab CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Integrated Lab
CHEM 463101 Adv Integrated Lab CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Integrated Lab
CHEM 481001 Chem of Organic Pol CHEM 4700 Polymers An Introduction
CHEM 481701 Intro to Industrial CHEM ELUD UD: Intro to Industrial
CHEM 482001 Chem of Organic Pol CHEM 4700 Polymers An Introduction
CHEM 490001 Research In Chemist CHEM ELUD UD: Research In Chemist
CHEM 495701 Special Topics In C CHEM ELUD UD: Special Topics In C
CHEM 498901 Cooperative Educati CHEM ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CHEM 499901 Cooperative Educati CHEM ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CHIN 1010 Beginning Chinese CHIN 1010 Elementary Chinese I
CHIN 1020 Beginning Chinese II CHIN 1020 Elementary Chinese II
CHIN 2010 Intermediate Chinese I CHIN 2010 Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN 2020 Intermediate Chinese II CHIN 2020 Intermediate Chinese II
CHNG 1008 Place as Text:Explore Impact ELEC ELLD LD:Place as Text:Explore Impac
CIS 0113 Visual Basic CITC 1313 .NET Programming
CIS 0173 Programming in C# CITC 1312 Intro to .NET Programming
CIS 0186 Database Programming CIS 186 Database Programming
CIS 0191 A+ Hardware Certification CITC 1321 A+ Hardware
CIS 0192 A+ Software Certification CITC 1322 A+ Software Cert Training
CIS 0193 Introduction to Linux CSCI ELLD LD: Introduction to Linux
CIS 0263 Web Design IST 2630 Web Design
CIS 0264 Web Page Applications CIS 264 Web Page Applications
CIS 1100 Technology for Teachers INFS 1100 Technology for Teachers
CIS 1610 Programming in C++ CSCI ELLD LD:Programming in C
CISP 1610 Programming in C++ CISP 1010 Computer Science I
CJ&C 009901 Intro to Criminal J CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
CJ&C 120001 Human Relations In CJA ELLD LD: Human Relations In
CJ&C 200001 Research Mthd For C CJA ELLD LD: Research Mthd For C
CJ&C 230001 Police Organization CJA ELLD LD: Police Organization
CJ&C 238001 Corrections Organiz CJA 4750 Seminar in Corrections
CJ&C 250001 The Juvenile Justic CJA 4500 Juvenile Justice System
CJ&C 254001 Criminal Law CJA ELLD LD: Criminal Law
CJ&C 298901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
CJ&C 299901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
CJ&C 300001 Stat For Criminal J CJA ELUD UD: Stat For Criminal J
CJ&C 310001 Patterns of Crimina CJA ELUD UD: Patterns of Crimina
CJ&C 330001 Criminal Justice Et CJA 3220 Ethics in Criminal Justice
CJ&C 331001 Criminology CJA 4300 Criminal Justice Internship
CJ&C 345001 Criminal Investigat CJA 4330 Criminal Investigation
CJ&C 360001 Forensic Science CJA ELUD UD: Forensic Science
CJ&C 362001 Probation & Parole CJA 2600 Corrections
CJ&C 365001 Criminal Procedures CJA 4530 Criminal Evidence & Procedure
CJ&C 370001 Community Correctio CJA 3630 Probation and Parole
CJ&C 390001 Principles of Priva CJA 4850 Private & Industrial Security
CJ&C 398901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CJ&C 399901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CJ&C 400701 Correctional Counse CJA ELUD UD: Correctional Counse
CJ&C 421001 Law Enforcement Adm CJA 3230 Police Organization and Admin
CJ&C 422001 Admin & Mgmt In Cor CJA ELUD UD: Admin & Mgmt In Cor
CJ&C 430001 Mthd of Treatment I CJA 4750 Seminar in Corrections
CJ&C 480001 Field Exper Crimina CJA 4300 Criminal Justice Internship
CJ&C 485001 Criminal Justice & CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Justice &
CJ&C 490001 Independent Study I CJA 4900 Readings in Criminal Justice
CJ&C 495001 Special Topics In C CJA ELUD UD: Special Topics In C
CJ&C 495701 Special Topics In C CJA 4260 Spec Issues in Crim Justice
CJ&C 498901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CJ&C 499901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CJA 3230 Police Organization & Admin CJA 3230 Police Organization and Admin
CJCR 1003 Freshman Interst Gr ELEC ELLD LD: Freshman Interst Gr
CJCR 110001 Intro CJ System CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
CJCR 120001 Human Relations In CJA ELLD LD: Human Relations In
CJCR 1500 Criminal Investigat CJA 4330 Criminal Investigation
CJCR 1600 Forensic Science CJA ELLD LD: Forensic Science
CJCR 200001 Research Mthd For C CJA ELLD LD: Research Mthd For C
CJCR 230001 Police Organization CJA ELLD LD: Police Organization
CJCR 238001 Corrections Organiz CJA 4750 Seminar in Corrections
CJCR 250001 The Juvenile Justic CJA 4500 Juvenile Justice System
CJCR 2540 Criminal Law CJA ELLD LD:Criminal Law
CJCR 254001 Criminal Law CJA ELLD LD: Criminal Law
CJCR 2600 Crime Scene Investigation CJA 4340 Crime Scene Investigation
CJCR 2956 Defensive Tactics CJA ELLD LD: Defensive Tactics
CJCR 298901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
CJCR 299901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
CJCR 300001 Stat For Criminal J CJA ELUD UD: Stat For Criminal J
CJCR 3010 Rsrch Mthd Crim Just CJA ELUD UD: Rsrch Mthd Crim Just
CJCR 310001 Patterns of Crimina CJA ELUD UD: Patterns of Crimina
CJCR 330001 Criminal Justice Et CJA 3220 Ethics in Criminal Justice
CJCR 331001 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
CJCR 3330 Police In America CJA 2200 Prevention & Control of Crime
CJCR 3440 Corrections In Amer CJA 2600 Corrections
CJCR 3444 Microcomputers as A CJA ELUD UD: Microcomputers as A
CJCR 345001 Criminal Investigat CJA 4330 Criminal Investigation
CJCR 3500 Juvenile Justice CJA 4530 Criminal Evidence & Procedure
CJCR 360001 Forensic Science CJA ELUD UD: Forensic Science
CJCR 3610 Terrorism & Counter ELEC ELUD UD: Terrorism & Counter
CJCR 362001 Probation & Parole CJA 2600 Corrections
CJCR 3650 Criminal Procedure CJA 4530 Criminal Evidence & Procedure
CJCR 370001 Community Correctio CJA 3630 Probation and Parole
CJCR 390001 Prin of Private CJA 4850 Private & Industrial Security
CJCR 398901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CJCR 399901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CJCR 400701 Correctional Counse CJA ELUD UD: Correctional Counse
CJCR 4018 Honors Thesis CJA ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
CJCR 4026 Themes of Justice CJA 4260 Spec Issues in Crim Justice
CJCR 4027 Media and Crime CJA 4260 Spec Issues in Crim Justice
CJCR 4047 Sex Crimes CJA ELUD UD:Sex Crimes
CJCR 421001 Law Enforcement Adm CJA 3230 Police Organization and Admin
CJCR 422001 Admin & Mgmt In Cor CJA ELUD UD: Admin & Mgmt In Cor
CJCR 4222 Criminal Justice Adm CJA 3230 Police Organization and Admin
CJCR 430001 Mthd of Treatment I CJA 4750 Seminar in Corrections
CJCR 4560 White Collar Crime CJA 3900 Organized Crime
CJCR 4580 Violence: the Amer CJA 4260 Spec Issues in Crim Justice
CJCR 4590 The Death Penalty CJA 4260 Spec Issues in Crim Justice
CJCR 4670 Race, Gender and Cri CJA 3700 Women, Crime, & Justice Admin
CJCR 4680 Issues in Crim Justice CJA 2100 Criminal Theory
CJCR 480001 Field Exper Crinima CJA 4300 Criminal Justice Internship
CJCR 485001 Criminal Justice & CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Justice &
CJCR 490001 Independent Study I CJA 4900 Readings in Criminal Justice
CJCR 495001 Special Topics In C CJA ELUD UD: Special Topics In C
CJCR 495701 Special Topics In C CJA 4260 Spec Issues in Crim Justice
CJCR 498901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CJCR 499901 Cooperative Educati CJA ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CMT 1010 Network/PC Communication CITC 1302 Introduction to Networking
COBH 1010 Lifetime Behav for Hlthy Liv HLTH ELLD LD: Lifetime Behav for HLth Li
COBH 1020 Intro to Public Health HLTH ELLD LD: Intro to Public Health
COBH 2030 First Aid & Emergency Care HLTH ELLD LD:First Aid & Emerg Care
COBH 2750 Medical Terminology HUM 2130 Medical Vocabulary
COBH 3010 Injury Prevention HETH ELUD UD:Injury Prevention
COBH 4707 Internat'l Health: Problems/Is COBH 4707 Internl Health:Problems/Issues
COL 0101 College Experience Online COL 101 Orientation
COM 1000 Beginning HTML CITC 1300 Beginning HTML & CSS
COM 1010 Basic Web Design COM 1010 Basic Web Design
COM 1020 Basic Web Graphics COM 1020 Basic Web Graphics
COMM 1010 Survey of Mass Communication JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
COMM 2025 Fund of Communication COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COMM 2045 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COMM 2055 Argumentation and Debate COMM 3210 Argumentation and Debate
COMM 2090 Interpersonal Communication COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 2330 Communication Theory COMM 2100 Intro to Human Communication
COMM 2700 Professional Comm & Technology COMM ELLD LD:Professional Comm & Technol
COMM 3010 Integrated Corp Communication COMM 3010 Integrated Corporate Comm
COMM 3380 Communicating in Groups COMM 3220 Small Group Communication
COMM 3390 Persuasion COMM 4320 Persuasion
COMM 3560 Intercultural Communication COMM 2560 Intercultural Communication
COMM 4346 Business & Professional Comm COMM ELUD UD:Business & Professional Com
COMM 4410 Conflict Resolution/Negotiatio COMM 4410 Conflict Resolution and Negot
COMM 4910 Public Relations Campaigns COMM 4910 Public Relations Campaigns
COMP 3050 Programming Languages COMP 3050 Programming Languages
CPSC 3000 Found of Cpsc ELEC ELUD UD: Found of Cpsc
CPSC 3010 Found of Cpsc Lab ELEC ELUD UD: Found of Cpsc Lab
CPSC 3040 Pharmacology In Cpsc ELEC ELUD UD: Pharmacology In Cpsc
CPSC 3100 Cardiopulmonary Cri ELEC ELUD UD: Cardiopulmonary Cri
CPSC 3110 Cardio Critical Care ELEC ELUD UD: Cardio Critical Care
CPSC 3140 Cardio Disease Patho ELEC ELLD LD: Cardio Disease Patho
CPSC 3150 Clinical Education I ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Education I
CPSC 3350 Clinical Ed II ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Ed II
CPSC 3550 Patient Centered Pra ELEC ELUD UD: Patient Centered Pra
CPSC 4100 Adv Cardio Critical ELEC ELUD UD: Adv Cardio Critical
CPSC 4150 Clinical Ed III ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Ed III
CPSC 4200 Neonatal and Pediatr ELEC ELUD UD: Neonatal and Pediatr
CPSC 4350 Clinical Ed IV ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Ed IV
CPSC 4500 Cardio Diagnostic & ELEC ELUD UD: Cardio Diagnostic &
CRJU 0421 Law Enf Admin CJA ELUD UD: Law Enf Admin
CRJU 110001 Intro Cr Jus System CJA ELLD LD: Intro Cr Jus System
CRJU 120001 Hum Behavior Cr Jus CJA ELLD LD: Hum Behavior Cr Jus
CRJU 2100 Human Behav CJ CJA ELLD LD: Human Behav CJ
CRJU 230001 Police Org/Opera CJA ELLD LD: Police Org/Opera
CRJU 2400 Crim Jus Resrch CJA ELLD LD: Crim Jus Resrch
CRJU 2450 Criminal Law CJA ELLD LD: Criminal Law
CRJU 250001 Juvenile Just Syste CJA ELLD LD: Juvenile Just Syste
CRJU 254001 Criminal Law CJA ELLD LD: Criminal Law
CRJU 3000 Crm Jus Research CJA ELUD UD: Crm Jus Research
CRJU 3100 Crm Persnl Ptrns CJA ELUD UD: Crm Persnl Ptrns
CRJU 3450 Crim Investigation CJA 4330 Criminal Investigation
CRJU 3540 Skills I CJA ELUD UD: Skills I
CRJU 3600 Forensic Science CJA ELUD UD: Forensic Science
CRJU 3620 Probatn & Parole CJA ELUD UD: Probatn & Parole
CRJU 3700 Community Correction CJA ELUD UD: Community Correction
CRJU 3900 Pinc Priv Secur CJA ELUD UD: Pinc Priv Secur
CRJU 400701 Correc Counselng CJA ELUD UD: Correc Counselng
CRJU 4300 Mthd Trimt Corr CJA ELUD UD: Mthd Trimt Corr
CRJU 4807 Cr Ju & Fam Violence CJA ELUD UD: Cr Ju & Fam Violence
CRMJ 1010 Intro Criminal Justice Admin CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
CRMJ 1022 Police Administration CRMJ 1322 Police Organization and Admin
CRMJ 1110 Criminal Law CRMJ 1311 Criminal Law
CRMJ 1130 Criminal Evidence/Procedures CRMJ 1330 Criminal Evidence and Procedur
CRMJ 1500 Correctional Counseling CRMJ 1301 Correctional Counseling
CRMJ 2000 Criminology CRMJ 2312 Criminology
CRMJ 2010 Intro to Law Enforcement CRMJ 2010 Intro to Law Enforcement
CRMJ 2020 Introduction to Corrections CJA 2600 Corrections
CRMJ 2040 Investigative Report Writing CRMJ 2340 Investigative Report Writing
CRMJ 2110 Juvenile Justice CRMJ 2311 Juvenile Justice
CSC 3700 Software Analysis & Design CSCI 4700 Software Engineering
CSCI 100001 Job Entry Tech CSCI ELLD LD: Job Entry Tech
CSCI 101001 Computer Concepts CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CSCI 1011 Computer Concepts L CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CSCI 1038 Honors Orient Semina CSCI ELLD LD: Honors Orient Semina
CSCI 1100 Using Info Tech CSCI ELLD LD: Using Info Tech
CSCI 1101 Intro to Spreadsheet CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Spreadsheet
CSCI 1102 Intro to Database Ap CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Database Ap
CSCI 1105 Comp Appl & Music MUS ELLD LD: Comp Appl & Music
CSCI 1200 Essentials of Compu CSCI ELLD LD: Essentials of Compu
CSCI 1210 Essentials of Web Develoment INFS 2400 Web Development
CSCI 1250 Intro Computer Sci I CSCI 1170 Computer Science I
CSCI 1260 Intro Computer Sci II CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
CSCI 127001 Business Oriented P CSCI ELLD LD: Business Oriented P
CSCI 130901 Job Entry Tech For CSCI ELLD LD: Job Entry Tech For
CSCI 131001 Scientific Fortran CSCI ELLD LD: Scientific Fortran
CSCI 1400 PC Setup & Maintenance CSCI ELLD LD: PC Setup & Maint
CSCI 1510 Student In Universit CSCI ELLD LD: Student In Universit
CSCI 1600 Vis Prog w/Appl CSCI ELLD LD: Vis Prog w/Appl
CSCI 161001 Basic CSCI ELLD LD: Basic
CSCI 1710 WWw/Design/Creation CSCI ELLD LD: WWw/Design/Creation
CSCI 1720 World Wide Web Adv CSCI ELLD LD: World Wide Web Adv
CSCI 1800 Visual Programming CSCI ELLD LD: Visual Programming
CSCI 1900 Math For Comp Sci MATH ELLD LD: Math For Comp Sci
CSCI 198901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
CSCI 199901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
CSCI 200001 The Computer as a T CSCI ELLD LD: The Computer as a T
CSCI 2020 Database Fundamentals CSCI ELLD LD: Database Fund
CSCI 2038 Honors Prof Ethics CSCI ELLD LD: Honors Prof Ethics
CSCI 210001 Intro to Computers CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Computers
CSCI 215001 Computing Systems CSCI 3250 Operating Systems
CSCI 215002 Computing Systems CSCI 3250 Operating Systems
CSCI 215003 Computing Systems CSCI 3250 Operating Systems
CSCI 216001 Assembly Language CSCI 3160 Intro to Assembly Language
CSCI 216002 Assembly Language CSCI 3160 Intro to Assembly Language
CSCI 216003 Assembly Language CSCI 3160 Intro to Assembly Language
CSCI 2200 Intro to Unix CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Unix
CSCI 221001 Data Structures CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
CSCI 221002 Data Structures CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
CSCI 221003 Data Structures CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
CSCI 223001 File Processing CSCI ELLD LD: File Processing
CSCI 2235 Intro of Unix CSCI ELLD LD: Intro of Unix
CSCI 2300 Essentials of Info Security CSCI ELLD LD: Essentials of Info Securit
CSCI 2800 Visual Program CSCI ELLD LD: Visual Program
CSCI 2910 Client & Server Sid CSCI ELLD LD: Client & Server Sid
CSCI 298901 Cooperative Educati COED 2930 Cooperative Education
CSCI 299901 Cooperative Educati COED 2940 Cooperative Education
CSCI 3030 Technical Communicat CSCI ELUD UD: Technical Communicat
CSCI 3048 Methods of Research CSCI ELUD UD: Methods of Research
CSCI 3110 Adv Topics in Web Development CSCI ELUD UD: Adv Topics in Web Dev
CSCI 3160 Computer Systems CSCI ELUD UD:Computer Systems
CSCI 3201 Ethical Issues In Co CSCI ELUD UD: Ethical Issues in Co
CSCI 321001 Data Structures CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
CSCI 3222 Database Mgmt Systems ELEC ELUD UD:Database Mgmt Systems
CSCI 323001 File Processing CSCI ELUD UD: File Processing
CSCI 325001 Software Engineerin CSCI 4700 Software Engineering
CSCI 326001 Intro to Cim CSCI ELUD UD: Intro to Cim
CSCI 331001 Advanced Programmin CSCI ELUD UD: Advanced Programmin
CSCI 335001 Software Engineerin CSCI 4700 Software Engineering
CSCI 3400 Network Design CSCI ELUD UD: Network Design
CSCI 3500 Info Security & Assurance CSCI ELUD UD:Info Security & Assurance
CSCI 3700 Enabling Business with IS CSCI ELUD UD:Enabling Business with IS
CSCI 371001 Jcl CSCI ELUD UD: Jcl
CSCI 371701 Intro to Computer O CSCI 3130 Assembly and Computer Org
CSCI 3720 Fund. of Business IS CSCI ELUD UD:Fund. of Business IS
CSCI 3800 Visual Prog For Prog CSCI 3037 Computer Lang Visual Program
CSCI 398901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CSCI 399901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CSCI 4017 Intro to Info Assura CSCI ELUD UD: Intro to Info Assura
CSCI 4018 Honors Thesis CSCI ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
CSCI 4027 Information Manageme CSCI ELUD UD: Information Manageme
CSCI 4048 Honors Intl Study CSCI ELUD UD: Honors Intl Study
CSCI 4057 Adv Internet Tech CSCI ELUD UD: Adv Internet Tech
CSCI 4067 Networking Essential CSCI ELUD UD: Networking Essential
CSCI 4097 Emerging Technology CSCI ELUD UD: Emerging Technology
CSCI 411001 Systems Programming CSCI ELUD UD: Systems Programming
CSCI 4127 Database Mgmt System CSCI ELUD UD: Database Mgmt System
CSCI 4157 Interactive Graphics CSCI 4250 Computer Graphics
CSCI 4217 Ethical Issues Compu CSCI ELUD UD: Ethical Issues Comp
CSCI 4227 Adv Database Systems INFS 4790 Database Design Development
CSCI 425701 Numerical Analysis CSCI ELUD UD: Numerical Analysis
CSCI 426701 Numerical Linear Al CSCI ELUD UD: Numerical Linear Al
CSCI 4317 Law & the Internet CSCI ELUD UD: Law & the Internet
CSCI 441701 Intro to Data Commu CSCI ELUD UD: Intro to Data Commu
CSCI 4517 Essentials Multi Med CSCI ELUD UD: Essentials Multi Med
CSCI 4527 Computer Based Autho CSCI ELUD UD: Computer Based Autho
CSCI 461701 Formal Languages & CSCI ELUD UD: Formal Languages &
CSCI 4627 Analysis of Algorith CSCI ELUD UD: Analysis of Algorith
CSCI 471701 Computer Architectu CSCI ELUD UD: Computer Architectu
CSCI 472701 Operating Systems CSCI ELUD UD: Operating Systems
CSCI 4800 Sr Project Inf Tech CSCI ELUD UD: Sr Project Inf Tech
CSCI 481701 Programming Lang & CSCI 4160 Compiler Dsg & Software Dev
CSCI 4857 User Interface Prog CSCI ELUD UD: User Interface Prog
CSCI 490001 Independent Study CSCI 4600 Independent Study in CSCI
CSCI 4905 Internship CSCI ELUD UD: Internship
CSCI 491001 Selected Topics In CSCI 4600 Independent Study in CSCI
CSCI 4927 Human Comp Interaction CSCI ELUD UD: Human Comp Interaction
CSCI 495701 Special Topics In C CSCI ELUD UD: Special Topics In C
CSCI 498901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CSCI 499901 Cooperative Educati CSCI ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
CSCL 326001 Intro to Computer I CSCI ELUD UD: Intro to Computer I
CSEV 110001 Intro to Correction CJA ELLD LD: Intro to Correction
CSEV 236001 Juvenile Just Sys CJA ELLD LD: Juvenile Just Sys
CST 0203 Data Structures CSCI ELLD LD: Data Structures
CST 0209 Java Progamming I CITC 1310 Programming I
CST 0218 Java Programming II CITC 1318 Data Structures
CU I 330001 The School I ELED ELUD UD: The School I
CU I 330101 The School II ELED ELUD UD: The School II
CU I 340001 Elem Methods In Eng ELED ELUD UD: Elem Methods In Eng
CU I 342001 Elem Methods In Soc ELED ELUD UD: Elem Methods In Soc
CU I 344001 Methods & Materials ELED ELUD UD: Methods & Materials
CU I 411101 Curriculum & Instru ELED ELUD UD: Curriculum & Instru
CU I 440701 High School Teachin ELED ELUD UD: High School Teachin
CU I 441901 Teach Art Secondary ELED ELUD UD: Teach Art Secondary
CU I 457001 Resources For Teach ELED ELUD UD: Resources For Teach
CU I 458001 Directed Student Te ELED ELUD UD: Directed Student Te
CU I 458701 Internship ELED ELUD UD: Internship
CU I 468701 Seminar For Interns ELED ELUD UD: Seminar For Interns
CU I 490001 Independent Study ELED ELUD UD: Independent Study
CU I 495701 Topics In Curriculu ELED ELUD UD: Topics In Curriculu
CUAI 2440 Computer Appl In Edu FOED ELLD LD: Computer Appl In Edu
CUAI 3221 Ideas:Int La Art/Ss FOED ELUD UD: Ideas:Int La Art/Ss
CUAI 330001 The School I ELED ELUD UD: The School I
CUAI 330101 The School II ELED ELUD UD: The School II
CUAI 3400 Elem Methods In Engl ELED ELUD UD: Elem Methods In Engl
CUAI 3420 Elem Methods In Soci ELED ELUD UD: Elem Methods In Soci
CUAI 3430 Elem Methods In Math ELED ELUD UD: Elem Methods In Math
CUAI 344001 Methods & Materials ELED ELUD UD: Methods & Materials
CUAI 4008 Honors Service-Learn UH ELUD UD: Honors Service-Learn
CUAI 4018 Senior Honor Thesis ELED ELUD UD: Senior Honor Thesis
CUAI 411101 Curriculum & Instru ELED ELUD UD: Curriculum & Instru
CUAI 4200 Elem School Curricul FOED ELUD UD: Elem School Curricul
CUAI 4210 Integrated Teach:Lan FOED ELUD UD: Integrated Teach:Lan
CUAI 4220 Integrated Teach:Sch FOED ELUD UD: Integrated Teach:Sch
CUAI 4230 Integrated Field Exp FOED ELUD UD: Integrated Field Exp
CUAI 4240 Mthd & Mat In Curr & FOED ELUD UD: Mthd & Mat In Curr &
CUAI 4241 Performance Assessme FOED ELUD UD: Performance Assessme
CUAI 4300 Seminar In Facilitat FOED ELUD UD: Seminar In Facilitat
CUAI 4310 Integrated Teach:Mat FOED ELUD UD: Integrated Teach:Mat
CUAI 4330 Integrated Field Exp FOED ELUD UD: Integrated Field Exp
CUAI 440701 High School Teachin ELED ELUD UD: High School Teachin
CUAI 4417 Secondary School Cur YOED ELUD UD: Secondary School Cur
CUAI 441901 Teach Art Secondary ELED ELUD UD: Teach Art Secondary
CUAI 4427 Secon School Curricu YOED ELUD UD: Secon School Curricu
CUAI 4437 ESL Assesment & Test ELEC ELUD UD: ESL Assesment & Test
CUAI 4447 ESL Reading & Instru ELEC ELUD UD: ESL Reading & Instru
CUAI 4457 ESL Methods & Techni ELEC ELUD UD: ESL Methods & Techni
CUAI 4467 ESL Curriculum Devel ELEC ELUD UD: ESL Curriculum Devel
CUAI 450701 High School Teachin YOED ELUD UD: High School Teachin
CUAI 4517 Math Mthd For Ece CDFS ELUD UD: Math Mthd For Ece
CUAI 4537 Field Exp For Ece CDFS ELUD UD: Field Exp For Ece
CUAI 4547 Emergent Lit: Prek-4 FOED ELUD UD: Emergent Lit: Prek-4
CUAI 457001 Resources For Teach ELED ELUD UD: Resources For Teach
CUAI 458001 Directed Student Te ELED ELUD UD: Directed Student Te
CUAI 458701 Internship ELED ELUD UD: Internship
CUAI 468701 Seminar For Interns ELED ELUD UD: Seminar For Interns
CUAI 4707 Classroom Mgmt & Dis YOED 4000 Managing Clsrm for Instruction
CUAI 490001 Independent Study ELED ELUD UD: Independent Study
CUAI 495701 Topics In Curriculu ELED ELUD UD: Topics In Curriculu
CUAI 5437 ESL Assesment & Test ELEC ELUD UD: ESL Assesment & Test
CUAI 5447 ESL Reading & Instru ELEC ELUD UD: ESL Reading & Instru
DA 101001 Intro to Dental Ass ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Dental Ass
DA 102001 Dental Office Manag ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Office Manag
DA 103001 Dental Materials ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Materials
DA 111001 Chairside Assisting ELEC ELLD LD: Chairside Assisting
DA 112001 Chairside Assisting ELEC ELLD LD: Chairside Assisting
DA 121001 Preventive Dentistr ELEC ELLD LD: Preventive Dentistr
DA 122001 Dental Radiology I ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Radiology I
DA 123001 Radiology II ELEC ELLD LD: Radiology II
DA 131001 Dental Science I ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Science I
DA 132001 Dental Science II ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Science II
DA 141001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
DA 142001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
DANC 1500 Dance as a Human Experience DANC ELLD LD: Dance as a Human Experienc
DANC 2105 Ballet I DANC 1040 Ballet Techniques I
DANC 2125 Jazz Dance DANC 1020 Jazz Dance Techniques I
DANC 2130 Modern Dance I DANC 1010 Modern Dance Techniques I
DANC 2135 Ballroom Dance I DANC ELLD LD:Ballroom Dance I
DANC 3105 Ballet II DANC 3040 Ballet Techniques III
DANC 3130 Modern Dance II DANC ELUD UD:Modern Dance II
DANC 3140 Aerial Dance II DANC ELUD UD:Aerial Dance II
DANC 3500 Dance Human Experien DANC ELUD UD:Dance Human Experience
DANC 3520 Dance Repertory for Perform. DANC ELUD UD:Dance Repertory for Perform
DANC 3525 Dance Improvisation DANC 3200 Dance Improvisation
DAST 101001 Intro to Dental Ass ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Dental Ass
DAST 102001 Dental Office Manag ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Office Manag
DAST 103001 Dental Materials ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Materials
DAST 111001 Chairside Assisting ELEC ELLD LD: Chairside Assisting
DAST 112001 Chairside Assisting ELEC ELLD LD: Chairside Assisting
DAST 121001 Preventive Dentistr ELEC ELLD LD: Preventive Dentistr
DAST 122001 Dental Radiology I ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Radiology I
DAST 123001 Radiology II ELEC ELLD LD: Radiology II
DAST 131001 Dental Science I ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Science I
DAST 132001 Dental Science II ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Science II
DAST 141001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
DAST 142001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
DHYG 100001 Dental Anatomy ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Anatomy
DHYG 110001 Head & Neck Anatomy ELEC ELLD LD: Head & Neck Anatomy
DHYG 120001 Preclinical Dental ELEC ELLD LD: Preclinical Dental
DHYG 120101 Preclinical Dental ELEC ELLD LD: Preclinical Dental
DHYG 130001 Histology & Embryol ELEC ELLD LD: Histology & Embryol
DHYG 140001 Dental Office Emerg ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Office Emerg
DHYG 150001 Dental Radiology I ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Radiology I
DHYG 150101 Dental Radiology La ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Radiology La
DHYG 160001 Preclinical Dental ELEC ELLD LD: Preclinical Dental
DHYG 160101 Preclinical Dent La ELEC ELLD LD: Preclinical Dent La
DHYG 170001 General & Oral Path ELEC ELLD LD: General & Oral Path
DHYG 180001 Dental Nutrition ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Nutrition
DHYG 190001 Dental Radiology II ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Radiology II
DHYG 200001 Clinical Practice I ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practice I
DHYG 201001 Preventive Dentistr ELEC ELLD LD: Preventive Dentistr
DHYG 2020 Dental Anatomy/Hist ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Anatomy/Hist
DHYG 2030 Preclinical Lecture ELEC ELLD LD: Preclinical Lecture
DHYG 2031 Preclinical Lab ELEC ELLD LD: Preclinical Lab
DHYG 2040 Dental Off Emergenci ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Off Emergenci
DHYG 2050 Occ Safety For Wkrs ELEC ELLD LD: Occ Safety For Wkrs
DHYG 2060 Intro to Dntl Hygeie ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Dntl Hygeie
DHYG 210001 Periodontology ELEC ELLD LD: Periodontology
DHYG 2130 Dental Hyg Clin Sem ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Hyg Clin Sem
DHYG 2131 Dntl Hygn Clin Pract ELEC ELLD LD: Dntl Hygn Clin Pract
DHYG 2160 Periodontology ELEC ELLD LD: Periodontology
DHYG 2170 Dntl Radiolody ELEC ELLD LD: Dntl Radiolody
DHYG 2171 Dntl Radi Laboratory ELEC ELLD LD: Dntl Radi Laboratory
DHYG 220001 Dental Materials Le ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Materials Le
DHYG 220101 Dental Materials La ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Materials La
DHYG 230001 Mthd & Material Hea ELEC ELLD LD: Mthd & Material Hea
DHYG 240001 Clinical Practice I ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practice I
DHYG 241001 Preventive Dentistr ELEC ELLD LD: Preventive Dentistr
DHYG 250001 Community Dentistry ELEC ELLD LD: Community Dentistry
DHYG 260001 Pharmacology ELEC ELLD LD: Pharmacology
DHYG 270001 Seminar In Ethics & ELEC ELLD LD: Seminar In Ethics &
DHYG 280001 Clinical Dental Hyg ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Dental Hyg
DHYG 281001 Preventive Dentistr ELEC ELLD LD: Preventive Dentistr
DHYG 290001 Problems In Dental ELEC ELLD LD: Problems In Dental
DHYG 2950 Geriatric Dentisty ELEC ELLD LD: Geriatric Dentisty
DHYG 3010 Head/Neck Anatomy ELEC ELUD UD: Head/Neck Anatomy
DHYG 3020 Gen/Oral Pathology ELEC ELUD UD: Gen/Oral Pathology
DHYG 3030 Dntl Hygn Clinic Sem ELEC ELUD UD: Dntl Hygn Clinic Sem
DHYG 3031 Dntl Hygn Clin Pract ELEC ELUD UD: Dntl Hygn Clin Pract
DHYG 3100 Contem Dntl Hygn The ELEC ELUD UD: Contem Dntl Hygn The
DHYG 3110 Dental Materials ELEC ELUD UD: Dental Materials
DHYG 3111 Dntl Material Labora ELEC ELUD UD: Dntl Material Labora
DHYG 3120 Pharmac For Dntl Hyg ELEC ELUD UD: Pharmac For Dntl Hyg
DHYG 3130 Com Dntl Hlth ELEC ELUD UD: Com Dntl Hlth
DHYG 3200 Issues In Dntl Hygn ELEC ELUD UD: Issues In Dntl Hygn
DHYG 4000 Radiographic Interpr ELEC ELUD UD: Radiographic Interpr
DHYG 4010 Tch Strat Allied Hlt ELEC ELUD UD: Tch Strat Allied Hlt
DHYG 4020 Dental Hygiene Clinical Sem ELEC ELUD UD: Dental Hygiene Clinical
DHYG 4021 Dental Hygiene Clinical Practi ELEC ELUD UD: Dental Hygiene Clinical
DHYG 4030 Anesthesia & Pain Control ELEC ELUD UD: Anesthesia & Pain Control
DHYG 4110 Supportive Periodontal ELEC ELUD UD: Supportive Periodontal
DHYG 4120 Dental Hygiene Clinical Semina ELEC ELUD UD: Dental Hygiene Clinical
DHYG 4121 Dental Hygiene Clincial ELEC ELUD UD: Dental Hygiene Clinical
DHYG 4130 Geriatric Dental Hygiene ELEC ELUD UD: Gereatric Dental Hygiene
DIGM 1100 Digital Media EMC ELLD LD: Digital Media
DIGM 1400 Principles of Visual Effects EMC ELLD LD:Principles of Visual Effect
DIGM 1500 Principles of Game Design EMC ELLD LD:Principles of Game Design
DIGM 1640 Vector Based Imagi EMC ELLD LD: Vector Based Imagi
DIGM 1650 Raster Based Imagi EMC ELLD LD: Raster Based Imagi
DIGM 1800 Principles of Digital Anim ANIM ELLD LD:Principles of Digital Anim
DIGM 1900 Principles Visualization EMC ELLD LD:Principles Visualization
DIGM 2530 Modeling for Entertainment EMC ELLD LD:Modeling for Entertainment
DIGM 2660 Digital Media History EMC ELLD LD:Digital Media History
DIGM 2820 Industrial Illustra EMC ELLD LD: Industrial Illustra
DIGM 2821 Desktop Publishing VCOM ELLD LD: Desktop Publishing
DIGM 2822 Presentation Media VCOM ELLD LD: Presentation Media
DIGM 2825 Digital Media Syste EMC ELLD LD: Digital Media Syste
DIGM 2830 Intro to Multimedia EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Multimedia
DIGM 2840 Intro to Visualizati EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Visualizati
DIGM 2850 Intro to Hypermedia EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Hypermedia
DIGM 2860 Intro to Product Des EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Product Des
DIGM 2870 Animation Fundamentals EMC ELLD LD: Animation Fundamentals
DIGM 2900 Motion Tools I Edit EMC ELLD LD: Motion Tools I Edit
DIGM 2990 Mid-Point Review EMC ELLD LD:Mid-Point Review
DIGM 3010 Principles Visualization EMC ELUD UD:Principles Visualization
DIGM 3530 Game Design EMC ELUD UD:Game Design
DIGM 3830 Intermedia Multimed EMC ELUD UD: Intermedia Multimed
DIGM 3840 Intermediate Visual EMC ELUD UD: Intermediate Visual
DIGM 3850 Interm Hypermedia EMC ELUD UD: Interm Hypermedia
DIGM 3860 Int Product Design EMC ELUD UD: Int Product Design
DIGM 4177 Computer Graphics VCOM ELUD UD: Computer Graphics
DIGM 4650 Digital Imaging EMC ELUD UD: Digital Imaging
DIGM 4837 Advance Multimedia EMC ELUD UD: Advance Multimedia
DIGM 4839 Senior Project Multi EMC ELUD UD: Senior Project Multi
DIGM 4847 Advanced Viisualizat EMC ELUD UD: Advanced Viisualizat
DIGM 4849 Senior Project Visiu EMC ELUD UD: Senior Project Visiu
DIGM 4857 Advanced Hypermedia EMC ELUD UD: Advanced Hypermedia
DIGM 4859 Senior Proj Hypermed EMC ELUD UD: Senior Proj Hypermed
DIGM 4867 Adv Product Design EMC ELUD UD: Adv Product Design
DIGM 4869 Sr Proj Prod Design EMC ELUD UD: Sr Proj Prod Design
DIGM 4957 Topics in Digital Media EMC ELUD UD:Topics in Digital Media
DLAB 102001 Anatomy & Physiolog ELEC ELLD LD: Anatomy & Physiolog
DLAB 111001 Tooth Morophology ELEC ELLD LD: Tooth Morophology
DLAB 113001 Dental Materials I ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Materials I
DLAB 114001 Dental Materials II ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Materials II
DLAB 123001 Complete Dentures ELEC ELLD LD: Complete Dentures
DLAB 124001 Removable Partial D ELEC ELLD LD: Removable Partial D
DLAB 131001 Occlusion ELEC ELLD LD: Occlusion
DLAB 204001 Dental Research Pro ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Research Pro
DLAB 211001 Orthodontic Pedodon ELEC ELLD LD: Orthodontic Pedodon
DLAB 212001 Professional Ethics ELEC ELLD LD: Professional Ethics
DLAB 213001 Externship ELEC ELLD LD: Externship
DLAB 214001 Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Seminar
DLAB 221001 Fixed Prosthetics I ELEC ELLD LD: Fixed Prosthetics I
DLAB 222001 Fixed Prosthetics I ELEC ELLD LD: Fixed Prosthetics I
DLAB 231001 Removable Prostheti ELEC ELLD LD: Removable Prostheti
DLAB 241001 Prosthetics Special ELEC ELLD LD: Prosthetics Special
DLT 102001 Anatomy & Physiolog ELEC ELLD LD: Anatomy & Physiolog
DLT 111001 Tooth Morophology ELEC ELLD LD: Tooth Morophology
DLT 113001 Dental Materials I ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Materials I
DLT 114001 Dental Materials II ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Materials II
DLT 123001 Complete Dentures ELEC ELLD LD: Complete Dentures
DLT 124001 Removable Partial D ELEC ELLD LD: Removable Partial D
DLT 131001 Occlusion ELEC ELLD LD: Occlusion
DLT 204001 Dental Research Pro ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Research Pro
DLT 211001 Orthodontic-Pedodon ELEC ELLD LD: Orthodontic-Pedodon
DLT 212001 Professional Ethics ELEC ELLD LD: Professional Ethics
DLT 213001 Externship ELEC ELLD LD: Externship
DLT 214001 Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Seminar
DLT 221001 Fixed Prosthetics I ELEC ELLD LD: Fixed Prosthetics I
DLT 222001 Fixed Prosthetics I ELEC ELLD LD: Fixed Prosthetics I
DLT 231001 Removable Prostheti ELEC ELLD LD: Removable Prostheti
DLT 241001 Prosthetics Special ELEC ELLD LD: Prosthetics Special
DSPM 070001 Basic Arithmetic DSPM 0700 Basic Mathematics
DSPM 080001 Elementary Algebra DSPM 0800 Elementary Algebra
DSPM 085001 Intermediate Algebr DSPM 0850 Intermediate Algebra
DSPM 099001 Plane/Analytical Ge MATH ELLD LD: Plane/Analytical Ge
DSPR 070001 Basic Reading DSPR 0700 Basic Reading
DSPR 080001 Fundamentals Readin DSPR 0800 Developmental Reading
DSPS 080001 Study Skills DSPS 0800 Learning Strategies
DSPW 070001 Basic Writing DSPR 0700 Basic Reading
DSPW 080001 Fund of Composition DSPW 0800 Developmental Writing
DVEN 070001 Basic Writing DSPR 0700 Basic Reading
DVEN 080001 Fund of Composition DSPW 0800 Developmental Writing
DVMA 070001 Arthmetc/Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Arthmetc/Algebra
DVMA 071001 Basic Arithmetic DSPM 0700 Basic Mathematics
DVMA 081001 Elementary Algebra DSPM 0800 Elementary Algebra
DVMA 082001 Intermediate Algebr DSPM 0850 Intermediate Algebra
DVMA 099001 Plane/Analytical Ge MATH ELLD LD: Plane/Analytical Ge
DVRD 070001 Basic Reading DSPR 0700 Basic Reading
DVRD 080001 Fundamentals Readin DSPR 0800 Developmental Reading
DVSK 080001 Study Skills DSPS 0800 Learning Strategies
ECED 1010 Intro to Early Childhood Educa ECED 1310 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
ECED 2010 Healthy & Safe Envi CDFS ELLD LD: Healthy & Safe Envi
ECED 2015 Early Childhood Curriculum ECED 2315 Early Childhood Curriculum
ECED 2020 Infant Toddler Child Developmt ECED 2320 Infant/Toddler Child Dev
ECED 2030 Infant & Toddler Care CDFS ELLD LD: Infant & Toddler Care
ECED 2040 Family Dynamics/Comm Involvmt CDFS 4350 Parenting
ECED 2060 Dev of Exceptional Children ECED 2360 Dev of Exceptional Children
ECED 2070 Developmental Assessmt Methds ECED 2370 Dev Assessment Methods
ECED 2080 Lang/Literacy Early Childhood ECED 2380 Language and Literacy in ECE
ECED 2085 Math/Science Early Childhood ECED 2385 Math & Science in Early Chldhd
ECED 2090 Creative Development ECED 2390 Creative Development
ECED 2110 Infant/Toddler/Chi Dev CDFS ELLD LD:Infant/Toddler/Chi Dev
ECED 2120 Admin of Childcare Centers ECED 2312 Admin of Child Care Centers
ECED 2150 Foundation of Early Chldhd CDFS ELLD LD:Foundation of Early Chldhd
ECED 2180 Fnds of Lang Literacy for YC ECE ELLD LD:Fnds of Lang Litrcy for YC
ECED 3140 Guiding Young Children CDFS ELUD UD:Guiding Young Children
ECED 3150 Creative Dev of Y C CDFS ELUD UD: Creative Dev of Y C
ECED 3160 Body/Brain Based Lrn CDFS ELUD UD: Body/Brain Based Lrn
ECED 3220 Designing Physical E CDFS ELUD UD: Designing Physical E
ECED 4010 Observing & Assess CDFS ELUD UD: Observing & Assess
ECED 4130 Prof Issues Ear Chld CDFS ELUD UD: Prof Issues Ear Chld
ECED 4140 Prgm Devlpnt Yng Ch CDFS ELUD UD: Prgm Devlpnt Yng Ch
ECED 4150 Litercy In Yng Chil CDFS ELUD UD: Litercy In Yng Chil
ECED 4161 Curric Dev Yng Chil CDFS ELUD UD: Curric Dev Yng Chil
ECED 4257 Mentor Erlychild De CDFS ELUD UD: Mentor Erlychild De
ECED 4347 Tech/Media Inclsve CDFS ELUD UD: Tech/Media Inclsve
ECED 4357 Mgmt Admnstrtion Ea CDFS ELUD UD: Mgmt Admnstrtion Ea
ECED 4517 Fmly Comm School K8 CDFS ELUD UD: Fmly Comm School K8
ECED 4580 Stdnt Teach Erly Ch CDFS ELUD UD: Stdnt Teach Erly Ch
ECED 4581 Seminar Studnt Teac CDFS ELUD UD: Seminar Studnt Teac
ECED 5257 Mentor Erlychld Dev CDFS ELUD UD: Mentor Erlychld Dev
ECED 5347 Tech/Media Inclusve CDFS ELUD UD: Tech/Media Inclusve
ECED 5357 Mgmt Admnstrtion Ea CDFS ELUD UD: Mgmt Admnstrtion Ea
ECED 5517 Fmly Comm Schoolk-8 CDFS ELUD UD: Fmly Comm Schoolk-8
ECON 1050 Economics & Society ECON ELLD LD: Economic & Society
ECON 1088 Principles of Econ ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 115001 American Economic I ECON ELLD LD: American Economic I
ECON 2010 Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2020 Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 207001 Quant Methods for Bus I MATH ELLD LD:Quant Methods for Bus I
ECON 2080 Quant Meths for Bus II MATH ELLD LD:Quant Meths for Bus II
ECON 2210 Principles Economic ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2218 Self & Society I ECON ELLD LD: Self & Society I
ECON 2220 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 223001 Prin of Econ Micro ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 224001 Prin Econ III ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 303001 Microeconomics ECON 4570 Managerial Economics
ECON 304001 Macroeconomics ECON 3510 Intermediate Macroecon Theory
ECON 306001 Basic Statistics ECON ELUD UD: Basic Statistics
ECON 3088 Rsrch Mthd & Stats ECON ELUD UD: Rsrch Mthd & Stats
ECON 331001 Monetary Economics ECON ELUD UD: Monetary Economics
ECON 370001 History of Economic ECON 4660 History of Economic Thought
ECON 4018 Senior Hon Seminar ECON 4990 Independent Study in Economics
ECON 4317 Hlth Care Economics ECON ELUD UD: Hlth Care Economics
ECON 432701 Labor Economics ECON 4420 Labor & Human Resource Econ
ECON 433701 Government Finance ECON ELUD UD: Government Finance
ECON 434701 Collective Bargaini ECON 4510 Unions & Collective Bargaining
ECON 444701 Urban &Regional Eco ECON 4500 Urban and Regional Economics
ECON 445701 Industrial Organ & ECON ELUD UD: Industrial Organ &
ECON 452701 International Trade ECON ELUD UD: International Trade
ECON 461001 Managerial Economic ECON 4570 Managerial Economics
ECON 4900 Independent Study I ECON 4990 Independent Study in Economics
ECON 4901 Independent Study I ECON 4990 Independent Study in Economics
ECON 4905 Economics Internship ECON 4890 Internship in Economics
ECON 495701 Topics In Economics ECON ELUD UD: Topics In Economics
EDCI 4900 Multicultural Education EDCI 4900 Multicultural Education
EDFN 2100 Orient to Prof Educ FOED ELLD LD: Orient to Prof Educ
EDFN 2300 Found For Teaching FOED ELLD LD: Found For Teaching
EDFN 2310 Devpmntl Psychology PSY ELLD LD:Devpmntl Psychology
EDFN 2400 Foundations Prof. of Teaching FOED ELLD LD:Foundatns Prof. of Teaching
EDFN 3300 Found of Teaching FOED ELUD UD: Found of Teaching
EDFN 3301 Issues In Educ EESE 2010 Introduction to Education
EDFN 3310 Educational Psychology FOED ELUD UD: Educational Psychology
EDFN 4581 Seminar In Educ FOED ELUD UD: Seminar In Educ
EDU 0201 Foundations of Education EESE 2010 Introduction to Education
EDU 0250 Instructional Technology in Ed ELED 3300 Digital Apps for Teach/Learn
EDU 1100 Technology for Teachers EDU 1100 Technology for Teachers
EDU 1120 Introduction to Teaching EDU 1120 Introduction to Teaching
EDU 2050 Classroom Management EDU 2050 Classroom Management
EDUC 0232 Child Psychology PSY 4190 Child Development
EDUC 0233 Adol Psychology PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
EDUC 201001 Intro to Education ELED ELLD LD: Intro to Education
EDUC 2120 Intro to Special Education SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
EDUC 341001 Foundations of Educ FOED ELUD UD: Foundations of Educ
ELED 4260 Teaching/Learning for Internet ELED 4260 Problems in Elementary Edu
ELPA 4460 Leadership Studies SPSE ELUD UD: Leadership Studies
ENFN 2100 Orientation to Profe FOED ELLD LD: Orientation to Profe
ENFN 3300 Found For Teaching FOED ELUD UD: Found For Teaching
ENFN 3301 Issues In Education FOED ELUD UD: Issues In Education
ENFN 4581 Seminar In Education FOED ELUD UD: Seminar In Education
ENG 0112 Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0112 Composition and ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 0113 Comp & Rhet ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 070001 Basic Writing DSPR 0700 Basic Reading
ENG 080001 Fund of Composition DSPW 0800 Developmental Writing
ENG 1110 Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 111801 Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 1120 Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 112801 Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 113001 Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 113801 Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 2220 Amer Maj Authors ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 222101 Amer Lit I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 222201 Amer Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 222201 Amer Lit II and ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 222B Am Lit Since 1850 ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 223001 Eng Lit I ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 2240 Brit Maj Authors ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 301001 Survey Child Lit ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
ENG 3140 Creative Writ I ENGL ELLD LD: Creative Writ I
ENG 3280 Mythology ENGL 3410 Classical Mythology
ENG 441901 Teaching Eng In Hig ENGL ELLD LD: Teaching Eng In Hig
ENGL 1000 Academic Advantage ENGL ELLD LD: Academic Advantage
ENGL 1006 Engl Second Lang DSPS ELLD LD:Engl Second Lang
ENGL 100601 English as a Second ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1007 Eng Sec Lang Lab DSPS ELLD LD:Eng Sec Lang Lab
ENGL 1007 English as a Second ELEC ELLD LD: English as a Second
ENGL 1008 Engl Sec Lang DSPS ELLD LD:Eng Sec Lang
ENGL 100801 English as a Second ENGL ELLD LD: English as a Second
ENGL 1009 Engl Sec Lang Lab DSPS ELLD LD:Eng Sec Lang Lab
ENGL 1009 English as a Second ELEC ELLD LD: English as a Second
ENGL 1010 Crit Read/Expos Writing ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 101001 English as a Second ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1018 Honors English ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1020 Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 1028 Honors English ENGL ELLD LD: Honors English
ENGL 111001 Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1117 Honors Composition I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 111801 Honors English ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 112001 Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 1127 Honors Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 1218 Hon Quest For Meani ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1228 Hon Que For Mean II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 2000 Literary Heritage ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2010 Intro to Literature I: Fiction ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2030 Literary Heritage ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 2110 American Lit I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2112 Technical Report Writing ENGL 2112 Technical Report Writing
ENGL 2114 Writing for Industry ENGL 2114 Writing for Industry
ENGL 2116 Writing for the Web ENGL 2116 Writing for the Web
ENGL 2120 American Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2130 American Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 2138 Honors Survey of Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2210 British Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2220 British Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2228 Honors Survey ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2238 Honors British Liter ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2240 Maj British Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2241 British Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2242 British Lit. II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2247 Honors Brit Lit Sur ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2248 Honors Survey Brit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 225001 Great Books ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 2260 World Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2262 World Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2268 Honors Survey of Eur ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 227001 Major Themes In Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 228001 Lit of Popular Cult ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2288 Survey Wld Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2300 Creative Writing ENGL 2300 Creative Writing
ENGL 2330 World Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2338 Honors World Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2410 Western World Literature I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2420 Western World Literature II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2430 World Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2438 Hon Surv of European Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2630 Literature for Children ENGL 2630 Literature for Children
ENGL 298901 Cooperative Educati ENGL ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
ENGL 3010 Poetry ENGL ELUD UD: Poetry
ENGL 3020 Fiction ENGL ELUD UD: Fiction
ENGL 3030 Drama ENGL ELUD UD: Drama
ENGL 3040 Literary Nonfiction ENGL ELUD UD: Literary Nonfiction
ENGL 3050 Lit & the Environmen ENGL ELUD UD: Lit & the Environmen
ENGL 3065 So Appalachian Liat ENGL 3330 Southern Literature
ENGL 3070 Native American Literature ENGL 3300 Native American Literature
ENGL 310001 Concepts of Languag ENGL ELUD UD: Concepts of Languag
ENGL 3118 Honors Lit Focus ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENGL 3120 Preprofessional Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Preprofessional Writing
ENGL 3128 Honors Special Topic ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENGL 313001 Advanced Compositio ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
ENGL 3134 Computers, Writing & Lit ENGL 3620 Professional Writing
ENGL 314001 Creative Writing I ENGL ELUD UD: Creative Writing I
ENGL 3141 Creative Writing I ENGL 4670 Special Topics in Writing
ENGL 3150 Literature,Ethics, & ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENGL 3200 Hist of Eng Language ENGL 4530 History of English Language
ENGL 3250 Professional Communication ENGL 3620 Professional Writing
ENGL 3270 Lit of Pop Culture ENGL 3815 Survey of Popular Culture
ENGL 3280 Mythology ENGL 3410 Classical Mythology
ENGL 3290 Introduction to Film ENGL 3850 Literature and Film
ENGL 329001 Film Appreciation ENGL 3850 Literature and Film
ENGL 330001 Literary Criticism ENGL 4855 Film Theory and Criticism
ENGL 331001 Literary Modes ENGL ELUD UD: Literary Modes
ENGL 332001 Literature In Trans ENGL ELUD UD: Literature In Trans
ENGL 3400 African Am Lit ENGL 3340 African American Literature
ENGL 3410 Classical Mythology ENGL 3410 Classical Mythology
ENGL 3500 Women Authors ENGL 3730 20th Century Women Writers
ENGL 365001 American Folklore ENGL 3760 Introduction to Folklore
ENGL 3700 Bible as Literature ENGL 3440 The Bible as Literature
ENGL 3730 20th Century Women Writers ENGL 3730 20th Century Women Writers
ENGL 4008 Honors Shakespeare ENGL 4140 Late Shakespeare
ENGL 4010 British Novel ENGL ELUD UD: British Novel
ENGL 4012 Honors Thesis UH 4950 Honors Independent Research
ENGL 401701 Children's Literatu ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
ENGL 4018 Honors Thesis UH 4950 Honors Independent Research
ENGL 4020 American Poetry ENGL ELUD UD: American Poetry
ENGL 4022 American Poetry ENGL 3370 Modern American Poetry
ENGL 402701 Restoration & 18th ENGL 3210 Engl Lit Restoration 18th Cent
ENGL 403001 Modern Drama ENGL 4470 Modern Drama
ENGL 4032 Africian Lit ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENGL 4040 Modernism/Postmodern ENGL ELUD UD: Modernism/Postmodern
ENGL 4047 African American Lit ENGL ELUD UD: African American Lit
ENGL 405701 Writing: Theory & T ENGL ELUD UD: Writing: Theory & T
ENGL 406701 Literature of South ENGL ELUD UD: Literature of South
ENGL 407701 Literature For Adol ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
ENGL 4087 Themes In Womens Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Themes In Womens Lit
ENGL 4100 Writing In the Profe ENGL ELUD UD: Writing in the Profe
ENGL 410701 History of English ENGL 4530 History of English Language
ENGL 411001 Grammar & Usage ENGL 4510 Modern Eng Grammar & Usage
ENGL 4117 Grammar and Usage ENGL 4510 Modern Eng Grammar & Usage
ENGL 412001 General Linguistics ENGL ELUD UD: General Linguistics
ENGL 412701 Studies In Linguist ENGL ELUD UD: Studies In Linguist
ENGL 4130 Englelud ENGL ELUD UD: Englelud
ENGL 4137 Dialectology ENGL ELLD LD: Dialectology
ENGL 414701 Creative Writing II ENGL ELUD UD: Creative Writing II
ENGL 417401 Creative Writing II ENGL ELUD UD: Creative Writing II
ENGL 4200 Shakespeare His Age ENGL ELUD UD: Shakespeare His Age
ENGL 420701 Literature of the S ENGL 3330 Southern Literature
ENGL 421001 Shakespeare I ENGL 4140 Late Shakespeare
ENGL 4217 Irish/Scot Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Irish/Scot Lit
ENGL 422001 Shakespeare II ENGL 4130 Early Shakespeare
ENGL 4237 Scots-Irish & Scots in Appalac ENGL 4760 Special Topics in Folklore
ENGL 424701 Romantic Literature ENGL 3220 English Lit 1790 to 1850
ENGL 426701 Studies In Comparat ENGL ELUD UD: Studies In Comparat
ENGL 429001 Film Genres ENGL ELUD UD: Film Genres
ENGL 430001 Modern American Poe ENGL 3370 Modern American Poetry
ENGL 4320 Film Criticism ENGL 4855 Film Theory and Criticism
ENGL 4340 Topics In Film ENGL 4860 Special Topics in Film Studies
ENGL 434701 Victorian Literatur ENGL 3230 English Lit Victorian Period
ENGL 4350 National Cinemas ENGL ELUD UD: National Cinemas
ENGL 435701 Modern British-Cont ENGL ELUD UD: Modern British-Cont
ENGL 440701 Renaissance Literat ENGL 3120 English Lit 16th Century
ENGL 4410 Lit In Hypertest ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENGL 4417 Teaching English In ENGL ELUD UD: Teaching English In
ENGL 441901 Teaching English In ENGL 4500 Mthds Teaching Secondary Engl
ENGL 4420 Writing With Computer ENGL ELUD UD: Writing with Computer
ENGL 450701 Literature In Film ENGL 3850 Literature and Film
ENGL 4680 Continental Literature ENGL 4680 Continental Literature
ENGL 469001 Milton & His Age ENGL 4180 Milton
ENGL 4700 Chaucer & Medieval Lit ENGL 4110 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
ENGL 475701 British Novel I ENGL ELUD UD: British Novel I
ENGL 476701 British Novel II ENGL ELUD UD: British Novel II
ENGL 477701 American Fiction I ENGL ELUD UD: American Fiction I
ENGL 478701 American Poetry To ENGL ELUD UD: American Poetry To
ENGL 479701 Studies In British ENGL ELUD UD: Studies In British
ENGL 480701 Modern British Fict ENGL 4240 Modern British Literature
ENGL 481701 American Fiction I ENGL ELUD UD: American Fiction I
ENGL 483701 American Nonfiction ENGL ELUD UD: American Nonfiction
ENGL 4857 Tech Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Tech Writing
ENGL 4896 Studies In Elgnlish ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENGL 489701 Studies In American ENGL ELUD UD: Studies In American
ENGL 4907 Creative Writing ENGL 3645 Fiction Writing
ENGL 4917 Creative Writing II ENGL ELUD UD: Creative Writing II
ENGL 495701 Topics In English ENGL ELUD UD: Topics In English
ENGL 498901 Cooperative Educati ENGL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
ENGL 499901 Cooperative Educati ENGL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
ENGR 1020 Connect to Eng & Tech ENGR ELLD LD:Connect to Eng & Tech
ENGR 1110 Engineering Graphics ENGR ELLD LD:Engineering Graphics
ENTC 101001 Engineering Analysi ET ELLD LD: Engineering Analysi
ENTC 1030 Honors Orientation ET ELLD LD: Honors Orientation
ENTC 1038 Honors Orientation UH ELLD LD: Honors Orientation
ENTC 111001 Engineering Drawing ET 2310 Computer-Assist Draft Design I
ENTC 112001 Manufactureing Proc ET 3260 Manfacturing Process Materials
ENTC 113001 Descriptive Geometr ET ELLD LD: Descriptive Geometry
ENTC 1510 Student In Universit ET ELLD LD: Student In University
ENTC 160001 Intro to Technology ET ELLD LD: Intro to Technology
ENTC 161001 Woodworking Technol ET ELLD LD: Woodworking Technology
ENTC 201001 Technical Writing ET ELLD LD: Technical Writing
ENTC 2030 Professional Ethics ET ELLD LD: Professional Ethics
ENTC 2038 Hon Professional Et ET ELLD LD: Hon Professional Et
ENTC 2060 Project Scheduling ET ELLD LD:Project Scheduling
ENTC 211001 Piping & Structural ET ELLD LD: Piping & Structural
ENTC 213001 Machine Design Draw ET ELLD LD: Machine Design Draw
ENTC 216001 Architectural Cad CMT 3320 Arch Comp-Aided Drafting Dsg
ENTC 2170 Cmp Aid Des Drft ET ELLD LD:Cmp Aid Des Drft
ENTC 217001 Cadd ET ELLD LD: Cadd
ENTC 220001 Machine Tool Tech ET 3210 Machine Tool Technology
ENTC 221001 Small Engine Tech ET ELLD LD: Small Engine Tech
ENTC 231001 Electrical Principl ET 3610 Intro Electricity Electronics
ENTC 232001 Electronics I ET 3630 Electronics
ENTC 2330 Network Systems CSCI ELLD LD: Network Systems
ENTC 241001 Construct Fund CMT 3150 Resid Build Constr & Mtrls I
ENTC 242001 Residential & Comme ET ELLD LD: Residential & Comme
ENTC 244001 Mechanical Systems CMT 4100 Mechanical & Electrical System
ENTC 255001 Surveying Measurmen CMT ELLD LD: Surveying Measurmen
ENTC 256001 Surveying Graphics ET ELLD LD: Surveying Graphics
ENTC 260001 Intro Engineering M ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
ENTC 2610 Applied Mechanics I ENGR 2110 Statics
ENTC 2620 Applied Mechanics I ENGR 2120 Dynamics
ENTC 298901 Cooperative Education ET 3970 Coop Education Experience III
ENTC 299901 Cooperative Education ET 3970 Coop Education Experience III
ENTC 301001 Statics & Strength ET ELUD UD: Statics & Strength
ENTC 3020 Man Society & Tech ET ELUD UD: Man Society & Tech
ENTC 3030 Technical Communicat ET ELUD UD: Technical Communication
ENTC 3040 Methods of Research ET ELUD UD: Methods of Research
ENTC 3048 Hon Methods Research ET ELUD UD: Hon Methods Research
ENTC 312001 Engineering Design ET ELUD UD: Engineering Design
ENTC 314001 Technical Illustrat ET ELUD UD: Technical Illustrati
ENTC 316001 Adv Architectural D ET ELUD UD: Adv Architectural D
ENTC 317001 CADD Systems ET 2310 Computer-Assist Draft Design I
ENTC 3210 Prin of Welding ENGR 2210 Intro to Material Sci & Engr
ENTC 323001 Industrial Ceramics ET ELUD UD: Industrial Ceramics
ENTC 324001 Engineering Materia ET 3260 Manfacturing Process Materials
ENTC 325001 Industrial Finishin ET ELUD UD: Industrial Finishing
ENTC 331001 Circuit Analysis ET 3601 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
ENTC 332001 Electronics II ET 3630 Electronics
ENTC 333001 Electronics III ET 3640 Digital Circuits Design
ENTC 3331 RF Fundamentals ET ELUD UD: RF Fundamentals
ENTC 334001 Electrical Machiner ET 4640 Industrial Electricity
ENTC 335001 Industrial Electron ET 4610 Instrumentation and Controls
ENTC 336001 Electronic Fabricat ET ELUD UD: Electronic Fabricat
ENTC 3370 Electronics Digital ET 3620 Digital Circuits Fundamentals
ENTC 3400 Construction Materia CMT ELUD UD: Construction Materia
ENTC 341001 Construction Estima CMT 3160 Cost Estimating I
ENTC 342001 Adv Construction Es CMT 4110 Cost Estimating II
ENTC 343001 Materials & Methods CMT 3190 Const Land Develop Oper
ENTC 344001 Materials & Methods ET ELUD UD: Materials & Methods
ENTC 351001 Engineering & Const ET ELUD UD: Engineering & Const
ENTC 352001 Land Survey Systems ET ELUD UD: Land Survey Systems
ENTC 353001 Survey Measurement ET ELUD UD: Survey Measurement
ENTC 354001 Surveying Projects ET ELUD UD: Surveying Projects
ENTC 355001 Adv Surveying Math ET ELUD UD: Adv Surveying Math
ENTC 356001 Geodetic Science ET ELUD UD: Geodetic Science
ENTC 360001 Manufacturing Tech ET ELUD UD: Manufacturing Tech
ENTC 361001 Construction Tech CMT 3150 Resid Build Constr & Mtrls I
ENTC 362001 Power Industries ET ELUD UD: Power Industries
ENTC 363001 Automotive Mechanic ET ELUD UD: Automotive Mechanic
ENTC 364001 Applied Electricity ET ELUD UD: Applied Electricity
ENTC 365001 Applied Electricity ET ELUD UD: Applied Electricity
ENTC 366001 Tech of Communicati ET ELUD UD: Tech of Communication
ENTC 3670 Energy/Power/Transpo ET ELUD UD: Energy/Power/Transpo
ENTC 368001 Plastics ET ELUD UD: Plastics
ENTC 369001 Graphic Arts Indust ET ELUD UD: Graphic Arts Indust
ENTC 370001 Prin of Vocation ET ELUD UD: Prin of Vocation
ENTC 371001 Manual Numerical Co ET 4280 Computer-Aided Mfg NC
ENTC 374001 Soil Mechanics & Fo ET ELUD UD: Soil Mechanics & Fo
ENTC 377001 Crafts ET ELUD UD: Crafts
ENTC 398901 Cooperative Educati ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
ENTC 399901 Cooperative Educati ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
ENTC 4012 Indus Supervision ET ELUD UD: Indus Supervision
ENTC 4017 Indus Supervision ET ELUD UD: Indus Supervision
ENTC 4018 Honors Thesis ET ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
ENTC 402001 Field Visitation ET ELUD UD: Field Visitation
ENTC 4030 Quality Assurance I ET ELUD UD: Quality Assurance I
ENTC 4037 Quality Assurance ET 3960 Industrial Quality Technology
ENTC 4040 Honor Intern Study ET ELUD UD: Honor Intern Study
ENTC 4047 Quality Assurance II ET 3960 Industrial Quality Technology
ENTC 4048 Honors Intl Study ET ELUD UD: Honors Intl Study
ENTC 4060 Project Scheduling ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
ENTC 417701 Computer Graphics ET 4330 Adv Computer-Aided Drafting
ENTC 4217 Tool Design ET ELUD UD: Tool Design
ENTC 422701 Engineering Economy ENGR 3970 Engineering Economy
ENTC 423701 Time & Motion Study ET ELUD UD: Time & Motion Study
ENTC 424701 Industrial Operatio ET ELUD UD: Industrial Operatio
ENTC 425701 Plant Layout & Mate ET 4920 Plant Layout & Matl Handling
ENTC 426701 Physical Metallurgy ET ELUD UD: Physical Metallurgy
ENTC 427701 Process Control & I ET ELUD UD: Process Control & I
ENTC 428701 Intro to Robotics ET 4860 Robotics
ENTC 4297 Advanced Process Con ET 4610 Instrumentation and Controls
ENTC 4307 Telecommunications ET ELUD UD: Telecommunications
ENTC 431001 Electronics Communi ET ELUD UD: Electronics Communic
ENTC 432701 Electronics Digital ET 3640 Digital Circuits Design
ENTC 433701 Electronics Micropr ET 3650 Intro to Microprocessors
ENTC 434701 Electronics Micro I ET 4660 Microprocessor Interfacing
ENTC 435001 Biomedical Instrume ET ELUD UD: Biomedical Instrume
ENTC 4357 Cim Applications ET 4590 Manufacturing Automation Sys
ENTC 436001 Bmet Internship I ET ELUD UD: Bmet Internship I
ENTC 437001 Biomedical Instrume ET ELUD UD: Biomedical Instrument
ENTC 438001 Bmet Internship II ET ELUD UD: Bmet Internship II
ENTC 4390 Medical Imaging Equi ET ELLD LD: Medical Imaging Equi
ENTC 441701 Construction Financ CMT 4130 Construction Administration
ENTC 451001 Photogrammetry ET ELUD UD: Photogrammetry
ENTC 452001 Survey Science Topi ET ELUD UD: Survey Science Topi
ENTC 453001 Land Boundary Locat ET ELUD UD: Land Boundary Locat
ENTC 454001 Land Subdivision & ET ELUD UD: Land Subdivision &
ENTC 455001 Automated Surveying ET ELUD UD: Automated Surveying
ENTC 4600 Technical Practicum ET ELUD UD: Technical Practicum
ENTC 460701 Technology Practicu ET ELUD UD: Technology Practicu
ENTC 461701 Vocational Guidance ET ELUD UD: Vocational Guidance
ENTC 462001 Equipment Condition ET ELUD UD: Equipment Condition
ENTC 463001 Clinical Practice ET ELUD UD: Clinical Practice
ENTC 463701 Evaluation In Indus ET ELUD UD: Evaluation In Industry
ENTC 464701 Job Analysis & Curr ET ELUD UD: Job Analysis & Curr
ENTC 465001 Industrial Photogra ET ELUD UD: Industrial Photogra
ENTC 471001 Methods of Instruct ET ELUD UD: Methods of Instruct
ENTC 471701 Computer Assisted N ET ELUD UD: Computer Assisted N
ENTC 472001 Teaching In Car Ins ET ELUD UD: Teaching In Car Ins
ENTC 474701 Instructional Manag ET ELUD UD: Instructional Manag
ENTC 476701 Coordinating of Stu ET ELUD UD: Coordinating of Stu
ENTC 477701 Safety Management ET ELUD UD: Safety Management
ENTC 4787 Methods of Teaching ET ELUD UD: Methods of Teaching
ENTC 478901 Mthd of Teaching In ET ELUD UD: Mthd of Teaching In
ENTC 490001 Independent Study T ET ELUD UD: Independent Study T
ENTC 495701 Special Topics In T ET ELUD UD: Special Topics In T
ENTC 498901 Cooperative Educati ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
ENTC 499901 Cooperative Educati ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
ENVH 180001 Human Ecology ET ELLD LD: Human Ecology
ENVH 298901 Cooperative Education ET 2930 Coop Education Experience I
ENVH 299901 Cooperative Education ET 2930 Coop Education Experience I
ENVH 300001 Intro to Biostatist ET ELUD UD: Intro To Biostatist
ENVH 3010 Human Ecology and En ELEC ELUD UD: Human Ecology and En
ENVH 3030 Law & Ethics Allied ELEC ELLD LD: Law & Ethics Allied
ENVH 304001 Environmental Sanit ET ELUD UD: Environmental Sanit
ENVH 306001 Intro to Environ He ET ELUD UD: Intro to Environ He
ENVH 308001 Prin of Epidemiolog ET ELUD UD: Prin of Epidemiolog
ENVH 310001 Water Supplies & Wa EST 4770 Pollution Control Technology
ENVH 324001 Environ Control Of ET ELUD UD: Environ Control Of
ENVH 340001 Intro to Air Pollut ET ELUD UD: Intro to Air Pollut
ENVH 350001 Environmental Safet ET 4450 Industrial Hygiene
ENVH 370001 Solid Waste Managem ET ELUD UD: Solid Waste Managem
ENVH 3888 Hon Research Orienta ELEC ELUD UD: Hon Research Orienta
ENVH 398901 Cooperative Educati ET 2940 Coop Education Experience II
ENVH 399901 Cooperative Educati ET 2940 Coop Education Experience II
ENVH 400001 Public Health Law ET ELUD UD: Public Health Law
ENVH 4018 Hon Thesis Research ELEC ELUD UD: Hon Thesis Research
ENVH 4080 Environmental Hlth P ELEC ELUD UD: Environmental Hlth P
ENVH 4100 Shelter Environments ELEC ELUD UD: Shelter Environments
ENVH 412001 Institutional Healt ET ELUD UD: Institutional Health
ENVH 420701 Prin of Radiologic ET ELUD UD: Prin of Radiologic
ENVH 434001 Occupational Health ATHT ELUD UD: Occupational Health
ENVH 434701 Ergonomics ET ELUD UD: Ergonomics
ENVH 435701 Toxicology ET ELUD UD: Toxicology
ENVH 436001 Industiral Hygiene ET ELUD UD: Industrial Hygiene
ENVH 438701 Biological Analysis ET ELUD UD: Biological Analysis
ENVH 439701 Environmental Analy ET ELUD UD: Environmental Analy
ENVH 440001 Environmental Healt ET ELUD UD: Environmental Health
ENVH 442001 Environmental Healt ET ELUD UD: Environmental Health
ENVH 4500 Fund Occ Safety & Hl ELEC ELUD UD: Fund Occ Safety & Hl
ENVH 460701 Food Sanitation Pri ET ELUD UD: Food Sanitation Pri
ENVH 4610 Soil Science for Environ PLSO 3340 Fundamentals of Soil Science
ENVH 471001 Intro to Hazardous ET ELUD UD: Intro to Hazardous
ENVH 4727 Hazardous Waste Oper ELEC ELUD UD: Hazardous Waste Oper
ENVH 4888 Honors Seminar ELEC ELUD UD: Honors Seminar
ENVH 490001 Independent Study I ET ELUD UD: Independent Study I
ENVH 490501 Independent Studies ET ELUD UD: Independent Studies
ENVH 490701 Special Studies In ET ELUD UD: Special Studies In
ENVH 495701 Special Studies In ET ELUD UD: Special Studies In
ENVH 498901 Cooperative Educati ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
ENVH 499901 Cooperative Educati ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
ENVS 2010 The Natural Environment AGRI ELLD LD: The Natural Environment
ENVS 4950 Integrative Seminar in Envs AGRI ELUD UD: Integrative Seminar Envs
ESC 1110 Intro Environmental Studies I ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
ESC 1120 Intro Environmental Studies II ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
ET 3910 Intro to Operations Management ET 3910 Intro to Operations Management
ETSU 1000 University Seminar UNIV ELLD LD: University Seminar
ETSU 1011 Introduction to the University ELEC ELLD LD:Introduction to the Univers
ETSU 1020 Foundations Student Success ELEC ELLD LD:Found Student Success
ETSU 1350 Health Prof Exploration Sem ELEC ELLD LD:Health Prof Exp Sem
F O 000001 Fresh Orientation ELEC ELLD LD: Fresh Orientation
F RE 113001 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
FACS 1038 Hon Orientat Skills ELEC ELLD LD: Hon Orientat Skills
FACS 1110 Family Development CDFS ELLD LD: Family Development
FACS 1410 Food Select & Prep NFS ELLD LD: Food Select & Prep
FACS 1500 Freshman Seminar CDFS ELLD LD: Freshman Seminar
FACS 1610 Historical Interior IDES ELLD LD: Historical Interior
FACS 1620 Intro Contemp Inter IDES ELLD LD: Intro Contemp Inter
FACS 1621 Dsgn Comm/Studio I IDES ELLD LD: Dsgn Comm/Studio I
FACS 2000 Preparation For Mar CDFS ELLD LD: Preparation For Mar
FACS 2038 Hon Prof Ethics ELEC ELLD LD: Hon Prof Ethics
FACS 2110 Infant/Toddler/Chil CDFS ELLD LD: Infant/Toddler/Chil
FACS 2120 Infant/Toddler/Chil CDFS ELLD LD: Infant/Toddler/Chil
FACS 2200 Appl Dsgn Apparel & TXMD ELLD LD: Appl Dsgn Apparel &
FACS 2205 Prin of Clothing TXMD 3200 Apparel Construction I
FACS 2220 Consumer Clothing C TXMD ELLD LD: Consumer Clothing C
FACS 2420 Prin of Nutrition NFS ELLD LD: Prin of Nutrition
FACS 2480 Food Service Mgmt I ELEC ELLD LD: Food Service Mgmt I
FACS 2500 Sophomore Seminar CDFS ELLD LD: Sophomore Seminar
FACS 2611 Kitchen & Bath Plan IDES ELLD LD: Kitchen & Bath Plan
FACS 2620 Dsgn Human Behavior IDES ELLD LD: Dsgn Human Behavior
FACS 2630 Presentat Studio 2 IDES ELLD LD: Presentat Studio 2
FACS 2989 Cooperative Educ COED ELLD LD: Cooperative Educ
FACS 2999 Cooperative Educat COED ELLD LD: Cooperative Educat
FACS 3030 Technical Communicat ELEC ELUD UD: Technical Communicat
FACS 3048 Hon Mthd of Research ELEC ELUD UD: Hon Mthd of Research
FACS 3110 Parent/Child/School CDFS ELLD LD: Parent/Child/School
FACS 3120 Cmptr & Techn Ear Ch CDFS ELUD UD: Cmptr & Techn Ear Ch
FACS 3140 Guiding Young Childr CDFS ELUD UD: Guiding Young Childr
FACS 3210 Apparel Quality Ana TXMD 3150 Apparel Selection Evaluation
FACS 3220 Fashion Fundamentals TXMD 1170 Intro to Fashion Industry
FACS 3221 Textiles II TXMD ELUD UD: Textiles II
FACS 3230 Fachion Fundamentals TXMD 1170 Intro to Fashion Industry
FACS 3420 Nutr Thru Lifecycle NFS ELUD UD: Nutr Thru Lifecycle
FACS 3430 Community Nutrition NFS 3260 Community Nutrition
FACS 3460 Experimental Food Sc NFS 4240 Experimental Food Study
FACS 3465 Human Nutr & Metabol NFS ELUD UD: Human Nutr & Metabol
FACS 3470 Beverage Mgt Foodser ELEC ELUD UD: Beverage Mgt Foodser
FACS 3480 Food Serv Intern II ELEC ELUD UD: Food Serv Intern II
FACS 3500 Junior Seminar ELEC ELUD UD: Junior Seminar
FACS 3615 Space Plan/Studio 3 IDES ELUD UD: Space Plan/Studio 3
FACS 3621 Residential Dsgn & H IDES 4110 Capstone II
FACS 3625 Autocad Int Design IDES ELUD UD: Autocad Int Design
FACS 3627 Materials & Methods IDES 3140 Interior Material and Finishes
FACS 3630 Adv Lighting IDES ELUD UD: Adv Lighting
FACS 3650 Contract Design IDES ELUD UD: Contract Design
FACS 3989 Cooperative Educ COED ELUD UD: Cooperative Educ
FACS 3999 Cooperative Educ COED ELUD UD: Cooperative Educ
FACS 4018 Honors Thesis ELEC ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
FACS 4048 Hon International St UH ELUD UD: Hon International St
FACS 4127 Youth Violence ELEC ELUD UD: Youth Violence
FACS 4137 Youth Violence/Inter HSC ELUD UD: Youth Violence/Inter
FACS 4167 Stud Teach/Pre K-K CDFS ELUD UD: Stud Teach/Pre K-K
FACS 4217 Furniture Marketing IDES ELUD UD: Furniture Marketing
FACS 4220 Fashion Merchandisin TXMD 3170 Fashion Branding
FACS 4221 Merchandis Study Tou TXMD ELUD UD: Merchandis Study Tou
FACS 4225 Merchan Plan & Contr MKT ELUD UD: Merchan Plan & Contr
FACS 4230 Merchandise Buying TXMD ELUD UD: Merchandise Buying
FACS 4240 Visual Merchandising TXMD 4100 Fashion Promo & Digital Comm
FACS 4250 Advertising & Promot TXMD ELUD UD: Advertising & Promot
FACS 4260 Merchandising Semina MKT ELUD UD: Merchandising Semina
FACS 4261 Merchandising Intern ELEC ELUD UD: Merchandising Intern
FACS 4330 Family Mgt Thru Life CDFS ELUD UD: Family Mgt Thru Life
FACS 4417 Food Syst Operations ELEC ELUD UD: Food Syst Operations
FACS 4427 Diet In Disease I NFS ELUD UD: Diet In Disease I
FACS 4437 Diet In Disease II NFS ELUD UD: Diet In Disease II
FACS 4447 Adv Nutrition NFS 4270 Advanced Nutrition I
FACS 4457 Nutrition Education NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition Education
FACS 4467 Quantity Food Procur ELEC ELUD UD: Quantity Food Procur
FACS 4480 Food Serv Mgt Intern ELEC ELUD UD: Food Serv Mgt Intern
FACS 4497 Admin Food Serv Org ELEC ELUD UD: Admin Food Serv Org
FACS 4500 Senior Seminar HSC 4000 Senior Seminar
FACS 4517 Demonstration Techni ELEC ELUD UD: Demonstration Techni
FACS 4537 Field Studies ELEC ELUD UD: Field Studies
FACS 4547 Corporate Etiquette ELEC ELUD UD: Corporate Etiquette
FACS 4610 Hlth Care Studio IV IDES ELUD UD: Hlth Care Studio IV
FACS 4611 Hospitality/Studio V IDES ELUD UD: Hospitality/Studio V
FACS 4615 Prof Prac Int Design IDES ELUD UD: Prof Prac Int Design
FACS 4657 Hist Interior/Arch 2 IDES ELUD UD: Hist Interior/Arch 2
FACS 4700 Family & Con Sci Cur CDFS ELUD UD: Family & Con Sci Cur
FACS 4727 Mthd Voc Fam & Consu CDFS ELUD UD: Mthd Voc Fam & Consu
FACS 4737 Occupational Fam & C CDFS ELUD UD: Occupational Fam & C
FACS 4900 Independent Studies ELEC ELUD UD: Independent Studies
FACS 4957 Spec Top Appl Hum Sc HSC ELUD UD: Spec Top Appl Hum Sc
FCNU 101001 Maternity Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Maternity Nursing
FCNU 101101 Maternity Nursing C NURS ELLD LD: Maternity Nursing C
FCNU 102001 Child Health Nursin NURS ELLD LD: Child Health Nursin
FCNU 102101 Child Health Nursin NURS ELLD LD: Child Health Nursin
FCNU 2010 Care of Communities NURS ELLD LD: Care of Communities
FCNU 2030 Individual & Family NURS ELLD LD: Individual & Family
FCNU 302801 Health Assessment ELEC ELLD LD: Health Assessment
FCNU 3030 Assessment of Specia NURS ELUD UD: Assessment of Specia
FCNU 3040 Care of Infants & Ch NURS ELUD UD: Care of Infants & Ch
FCNU 3050 Care of Adolescents NURS ELUD UD: Care of Adolescents
FCNU 3051 Adult & Family Care NURS ELUD UD: Adult & Family Care
FCNU 3060 Nursing Process & Re NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Process & Re
FCNU 3070 Care of Young Adults NURS ELUD UD: Care of Young Adults
FCNU 3071 Care of Young Adults NURS ELUD UD: Care of Young Adults
FCNU 3080 Care of Children NURS ELUD UD: Care of Children
FCNU 3081 Care of Children NURS ELUD UD: Care of Children
FCNU 314001 Health Assessment NURS ELUD UD: Health Assessment
FCNU 315001 Family\Community R. NURS ELUD UD: Family\Community R.
FCNU 321001 Developmental Crise NURS ELUD UD: Developmental Crise
FCNU 321101 Clinical Practicum NURS ELUD UD: Clinical Practicum
FCNU 322001 Family Health Nursi NURS ELUD UD: Family Health Nursi
FCNU 323001 Commonly Occurring NURS ELUD UD: Commonly Occurring
FCNU 323101 Clinical Practicum NURS ELUD UD: Clinical Practicum
FCNU 3300 Promot Adacemic ELEC ELUD UD: Promot Adacemic
FCNU 4008 Honors Mentorship In NURS ELUD UD: Honors Mentorship In
FCNU 4018 Nurs Honors Thesis NURS ELUD UD: Nurs Honors Thesis
FCNU 4037 Community Conc Publi NURS ELUD UD: Community Conc Publi
FCNU 4040 Care of Communities NURS ELUD UD: Care of Communities
FCNU 4110 Population Based Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Population Based Nursing
FCNU 4120 Population Based Nursing Care NURS ELUD UD: Population Based Nursing
FCNU 421001 Community Health Nu NURS ELUD UD: Community Health Nu
FCNU 421101 Clinical Practicum NURS ELUD UD: Clinical Practicum
FCNU 450001 Womens Health Issue NURS ELUD UD: Womens Health Issue
FCNU 4507 Social Concerns & Wo NURS ELUD UD: Social Concerns & Wo
FCNU 480701 Global Health ELEC ELLD LD: Global Health
FCNU 490001 Independent Study ELEC ELLD LD: Independent Study
FCNU 4907 Intl Primary Hlth Ca NURS ELUD UD: Intl Primary Hlth Ca
FCNU 4957 Spec Topics In Nsg NURS ELUD UD: Spec Topics In Nsg
FCNU 498901 Cooperative Ed ELEC ELLD LD: Cooperative Ed
FILM 3000 Methods of Film Studies ENGL ELUD UD:Methods of Film Studies
FNCE 113001 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
FNCE 222001 Personal Finance FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
FNCE 3120 Principles of Real FIN 3030 Principles of Real Estate
FNCE 313001 Real Estate Law FIN 4470 Real Property Law for Com & Ag
FNCE 3210 Personal Finance FCSE ELUD UD:Personal Finance
FNCE 322001 Business Finance FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FNCE 330001 Principles of Inves FIN 3810 Investments
FNCE 350001 Capital Budgeting FIN ELUD UD: Capital Budgeting
FNCE 3600 Intl Financial Marke FIN ELUD UD: Intl Financial Marke
FNCE 4018 Senior Honors Semin FIN 4990 Independent Study in Finance
FNCE 432001 Real Estate Apprais FIN 4430 Real Property Valuation
FNCE 433001 Real Estate Finance FIN 4440 Real Estate Finance
FNCE 434001 Real Estate Brokera FIN 4510 Real Estate Brokerage Mgmt
FNCE 435001 Real Estate Managem FIN ELUD UD: Real Estate Managem
FNCE 436001 Real Estate Apprais FIN 4590 Independent Study-Real Estate
FNCE 443001 Risk Management FIN 4750 Enterprise Risk Management
FNCE 444701 Banking & Financial FIN 4260 Financial Markets Institutions
FNCE 450001 Credit Management FIN ELUD UD: Credit Management
FNCE 452001 Bank Policy FIN ELUD UD: Bank Policy
FNCE 456001 Portfolio Theory & FIN 4810 Portfolio Theory Management
FNCE 4597 Intl Fin Management FIN 4860 International Financial Mgmt
FNCE 4617 Appl Portfolio Mgmt FIN 4810 Portfolio Theory Management
FNCE 4697 Intl Investments FIN ELUD UD: Intl Investments
FNCE 4901 Independent Study I FIN 4990 Independent Study in Finance
FNCE 4905 Banking Internship FIN ELUD UD: Banking Internship
FNCE 4906 Fin Internship FIN 4890 Internship in Finance
FREN 101001 Beginning French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 102001 Beginning French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 201001 Second Year French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 202001 Second Year French FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FREN 301001 Fren Conversation & FREN ELUD UD: Fren Conversation &
FREN 311001 Fren Conversation & FREN ELUD UD: Fren Conversation &
FREN 3210 Readings In French FREN 3080 Topics in French Studies
FREN 3310 French Civilization FREN 3110 French Francophone Culture
FREN 351001 Survey of French Li FREN ELUD UD: Survey of French Li
FREN 361001 Survey of French Li FREN ELUD UD: Survey of French Li
FREN 4017 Adv French Grammar FREN ELUD UD: Adv French Grammar
FREN 4018 Honors Thesis FREN ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
FREN 4117 Fren Drama 1600-Pres FREN ELUD UD: Fren Drama 1600-Pres
FREN 421701 16th Century French FREN ELUD UD: 16th Century French
FREN 431701 17th Century French FREN ELUD UD: 17th Century French
FREN 433701 French Phonetics & FREN ELUD UD: French Phonetics &
FREN 441701 18th Century French FREN ELUD UD: 18th Century French
FREN 451701 19th Century French FREN ELUD UD: 19th Century French
FREN 461701 20th Century Fren L FREN 4010 Topics 20th Century French Lit
FREN 490001 Special Studies In FREN 4900 Dir Study French Lit Culture
FREN 495701 Topics In French FREN ELUD UD: Topics In French
GEOG 101101 Earth Science:Phys PGEO 1030 Physical Geography
GEOG 1012 Intro Cultur Geog GEOG ELLD LD: Intro Cultur Geog
GEOG 101301 Intro to World Regi GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOG 1038 Honors Orientation ELEC ELLD LD: Honors Orientation
GEOG 1110 Earth Science:Weath GEOG ELLD LD: Earth Science:Weath
GEOG 1120 Earth Science:Phys PGEO 1030 Physical Geography
GEOG 1510 Student In Universi UNIV ELLD LD: Student In Universi
GEOG 2010 World Geography GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOG 2038 Honors Prof Ethics ELEC ELLD LD: Honors Prof Ethics
GEOG 221001 Modern Geographic C GEOG ELLD LD: Modern Geographic C
GEOG 2300 Poliltical Geography GEOG ELLD LD:Political Geography
GEOG 231001 Field Studies In Gem PGEO 3401 Field Studies in Physical Geog
GEOG 231002 Field Studies In Ge GEOG 3402 Cultural Geography Field Crse
GEOG 298901 Cooperative Educati GEOG ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
GEOG 299901 Cooperative Educati GEOG ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
GEOG 301001 Economic Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Economic Geography
GEOG 302001 Economic Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Economic Geography
GEOG 3030 Technical Communicat ENGL ELUD UD: Technical Communicat
GEOG 304001 Conservation of Nat PGEO ELUD UD: Conservation of Nat
GEOG 3048 Honors Mthd Research GEOG ELUD UD: Honors Mthd Research
GEOG 306001 Geomorphology GEOL 4020 Geomorphology
GEOG 309001 Meteorology & Clima GEOL 4050 Meteorology
GEOG 310001 Intro to Urban & Re GEOG ELUD UD: Intro to Urban & Re
GEOG 312001 Intro Geography Sou GEOG ELUD UD: Intro Geography Sou
GEOG 321001 Cartography PGEO 4380 Cartography
GEOG 330001 Political Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Political Geography
GEOG 3710 Geography of the United States GEOG 3410 Cultr Landscapes US and Canada
GEOG 398901 Cooperative Educati GEOG ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
GEOG 399901 Cooperative Educati GEOG ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
GEOG 400701 Geography of United GEOG 3410 Cultr Landscapes US and Canada
GEOG 4017 Adv Cartography GEOG ELUD UD: Adv Cartography
GEOG 4018 Honors Thesis GEOG ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
GEOG 4048 Honors Intl Study GEOG ELUD UD: Honors Intl Study
GEOG 407701 Sem In Geog of Sout GEOG ELUD UD: Sem In Geog of Sout
GEOG 408701 Recreation & Touris GEOG ELUD UD: Recreation & Touris
GEOG 410701 Urban Geography & P GEOG 4370 Urban Geography
GEOG 411701 Resource Management PGEO ELUD UD: Resource Management
GEOG 421701 Geographic Info Sys PGEO 4530 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 422701 Remote Sensing PGEO 4490 Remote Sensing
GEOG 423701 Advanced Remote Sen GEOG ELUD UD: Advanced Remote Sen
GEOG 425701 Geography of Soils GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Soils
GEOG 426701 Hydrology GEOL 4130 Hydrogeology
GEOG 430701 Regional Geography GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOG 4317 Adv Geographic Info GEOG ELUD UD: Adv Geographic Info
GEOG 4417 Teaching of Geograph GEOG ELUD UD: Teaching of Geograph
GEOG 441901 The Teach of Geogra GEOG ELUD UD: The Teach of Geogra
GEOG 480701 Adv Field Methods I GEOG ELUD UD: Adv Field Methods I
GEOG 490701 Independent Studies PGEO 4280 Topics & Problems Phys Geog
GEOG 495701 Topic In Geography PGEO 4280 Topics & Problems Phys Geog
GEOG 498901 Cooperative Educati GEOG ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
GEOG 499901 Cooperative Educati GEOG ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
GEOL 100101 Physical Geology GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 100201 Historical Geology GEOL 1050 Historical Geology
GEOL 100301 Intro to Hist Geol GEOL ELLD LD: Intro to Hist Geol
GEOL 1040 Physical Geology GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 1041 Physical Geology Lab GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 1050 Historical Geology GEOL 1050 Historical Geology
GEOL 1051 GEOS:Earth thru Time Lab GEOL 1050 Historical Geology
GEOL 110101 Earth Science GEOL 1030 Introduction to Earth Science
GEOL 110101 Earth Science and GEOL 1031 Intro to Earth Science Lab
GEOL 248001 Geology Field Metho GEOL ELLD LD: Geology Field Metho
GEOL 298901 Cooperative Educati GEOL ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
GEOL 299901 Cooperative Educati GEOL ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
GEOL 300001 Geology of National GEOL ELUD UD: Geology of National
GEOL 301101 Economic Geology I GEOL ELUD UD: Economic Geology I
GEOL 301201 Economic Geology II GEOL ELUD UD: Economic Geology II
GEOL 311101 Mineralogy I GEOL 3000 Mineralogy
GEOL 311201 Mineralogy II GEOL 3000 Mineralogy
GEOL 339101 Invertebrate Paleon GEOL 4030 Invertebrate Paleontology
GEOL 3395 Vertebrate Paleontol GEOL ELUD UD: Vertebrate Paleontol
GEOL 340001 Geologic Illustrati GEOL ELUD UD: Geologic Illustrati
GEOL 348101 Environmental Geolo GEOL ELUD UD: Environmental Geolo
GEOL 358001 Structural & Engine GEOL 4080 Structural Geology
GEOL 398901 Cooperative Educati GEOL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
GEOL 399901 Cooperarive Educati GEOL ELUD UD: Cooperarive Educati
GEOL 412001 Petrography GEOL ELUD UD: Petrography
GEOL 454001 Sedimentation-Strat GEOL 4070 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
GEOL 4587 Engineering Geology GEOL ELUD UD: Engineering Geology
GEOL 4617 Structural Geology GEOL 4080 Structural Geology
GEOL 490001 Independent Studies GEOL 4090 Problems in Geology
GEOL 490501 Independent Study GEOL ELUD UD: Independent Study
GEOL 498901 Cooperative Educati GEOL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
GEOL 499901 Cooperative Educati GEOL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
GEOS 1012 Intro Cultural Geography GS 2010 Intro Cross-Cultural Exper
GEOS 1013 Intro to World Reg Geography GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOS 1040 GEOS:Earth/Society Lec GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOS 1041 Earth Society Lab GEOL ELLD LD:Earth Society Lab
GEOS 1050 GEOS:Earth thru Time Lec GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOS 1051 GEOS:Earth thru Time Lab GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOS 1500 Intro to Geospatial Tech PGEO ELLD LD:Intro to Geospatial Tech
GEOS 1800 Gemology PGEO ELLD LD:Gemology
GEOS 2500 Digital Mapping with GIS PGEO ELLD LD:Digital Mapping with GIS
GEOS 3481 Natural Hazards & Society PGEO 3200 Env, Society, & Hazards
GEOS 4207 Regional Geography GEOG ELUD UD:Regional Geography
GERM 101001 Beginning German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GERM 101101 Beginning German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GERM 102001 Beginning German GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GERM 102101 Beginning German GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GERM 201001 Second Year German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GERM 201101 Second Year German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GERM 202001 Second Year German GERM 2020 Intermediate German II
GERM 202101 Second Year German GERM 2020 Intermediate German II
GERM 301101 Survey of German Li GERM 3050 Survey of German Culture
GERM 302101 Survey of German Li GERM 3060 Survey of German Culture
GERM 311101 German Civilization GERM 3050 Survey of German Culture
GERM 312101 Germ Conservation & GERM 3010 Adv Composition Conversation
GERM 314101 Germ Conservation & GERM 3020 Adv Composition Conversation
GERM 4018 Honors Thesis GERM ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
GERM 412101 20th Century German GERM ELUD UD: 20th Century German
GERM 413701 The Age of Goethe GERM 4020 German Literature 1725-1880
GERM 414701 The German Short Na GERM 4030 German Literature 1880-Present
GERM 415701 Austrian Literature GERM ELUD UD: Austrian Literature
GERM 416701 Adv German Grammar GERM 3020 Adv Composition Conversation
GERM 490101 Special Studies GERM 4900 Dir Study German Lit Culture
GERM 495701 Topics In German GERM ELUD UD: Topics In German
H EC 0211 Elem Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
H EC 102001 Prin Cloth Const TXMD ELLD LD: Prin Cloth Const
H EC 111001 Family Development HSC ELLD LD: Family Development
H EC 121001 Principles of Cloth TXMD 3200 Apparel Construction I
H EC 141001 Food Selection & Pr NFS 3210 Meal Prepping
H EC 151001 Home Economics as A HSC 1010 Career Orientation
H EC 161001 Design For Home & D ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
H EC 200001 Preparation For Mar CDFS 3320 Family Relations
H EC 211001 Infant & Toddler De CDFS ELLD LD: Infant & Toddler De
H EC 212001 Intro to Early Chil CDFS ELLD LD: Intro to Early Chil
H EC 221001 Non-Apparel Constru TXMD ELLD LD: Non-Apparel Constru
H EC 222001 Consumer Clothing C TXMD ELLD LD: Consumer Clothing C
H EC 242001 Principles of Nutri NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
H EC 242201 Nutrition For Denta NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition For Denta
H EC 261001 Interior Design IDES 4620 House Furnishings
H EC 298901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
H EC 299901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
H EC 311001 Parent\Child Relati CDFS 4350 Parenting
H EC 314001 Guiding Young Child ECE 4300 Preschool Practicum
H EC 321001 Advanced Clothing TXMD 3300 Apparel Construction II
H EC 322001 Textiles TXMD 2180 Textiles
H EC 323001 Fashion Fundamental TXMD 1170 Intro to Fashion Industry
H EC 343001 Community Nutrition NFS 3260 Community Nutrition
H EC 344001 Foods System Manage NFS 4322 Dietetics Management
H EC 345001 Food Science NFS 3200 Food Science
H EC 346001 Nutrition For Fitne NFS 3280 Sports Nutrition
H EC 361001 Historical Interior IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
H EC 362001 Household Equipment HSC 3430 Housing
H EC 363001 Management of Famil HSC ELUD UD: Management of Famil
H EC 398901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
H EC 399901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
H EC 411701 Preschool Programs ECE 4360 Admin Early Childhood Prog
H EC 421001 Tailoring TXMD ELUD UD: Tailoring
H EC 422001 Fashion Merchandisi TXMD 4150 Fashion Buying
H EC 441001 Experimental Foods NFS 4240 Experimental Food Study
H EC 4419 Vocational Home Eco FCSE 2510 FCS Education Curriculum
H EC 442001 Diet In Disease NFS ELUD UD: Diet In Disease
H EC 4429 Methods For Vocatio FCSE ELUD UD: Methods For Vocatio
H EC 443901 Occupational Home E FCSE ELUD UD: Occupational Home E
H EC 444001 Advanced Nutrition NFS 4270 Advanced Nutrition I
H EC 445701 Nutrition Education NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition Education
H EC 4467 Quantity Food Produ NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
H EC 451001 Demonstration Techn HSC 3020 Presentation Techniques
H EC 452001 Senior Seminar HSC 4000 Senior Seminar
H EC 453701 Field Studies HSC ELUD UD: Field Studies
H EC 455701 Apparel Merchandisi HSC 4043 Seminar Textiles-Merch-Design
H EC 461001 Interior Studio IDES ELUD UD: Interior Studio
H EC 462001 Housing & House Des IDES ELUD UD: Housing & House Des
H EC 463001 Management of the F HSC 4410 Consumer Economics
H EC 464001 Management Practicu HSC ELUD UD: Management Practicu
H EC 490001 Independent Studies HSC ELUD UD: Independent Studies
H EC 495701 Special Topics In H HSC ELUD UD: Special Topics In H
H EC 498901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
H EC 499901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
H ED 101001 Personal Health Beh HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
H ED 203001 First Aid & Emergen HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
H ED 203101 Cardiopulmonary Res HLTH 4280 Instructor Crse First Aid CPR
H ED 212001 School Health Educ HLTH 4300 The School Health Program
H ED 275001 Medical Terminology HLTH ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
H ED 301001 Accident Prevention HLTH ELLD LD: Accident Prevention
H ED 312001 Principles & Practim HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
H ED 313001 Principles & Method HLTH ELUD UD: Principles & Method
H ED 350001 Consumer Health Edu HLTH ELUD UD: Consumer Health Edu
H ED 400701 Principles & Practi HLTH ELUD UD: Principles & Practi
H ED 403001 Community Health HLTH ELUD UD: Community Health
H ED 4060 Community Organization HLTH ELUD UD: Community Organization
H ED 417001 Health Administrati HLTH ELUD UD: Health Administrati
H ED 422001 Family Health & Hum HLTH ELUD UD: Family Health & Hum
H ED 435701 Thanatology HLTH ELUD UD: Thanatology
H ED 450001 Pathophysiology Of HLTH ELUD UD: Pathophysiology Of
H ED 460701 Gerontology & Healt HLTH ELUD UD: Gerontology & Healt
H ED 470701 International Healt HLTH ELUD UD: International Healt
H ED 485001 Field Experience HLTH ELUD UD: Field Experience
H ED 490701 Independent Study I HLTH ELUD UD: Independent Study I
H ED 493701 Stress Management HLTH ELUD UD: Stress Management
H ED 495701 Topic In Health Edu HLTH ELUD UD: Topic In Health Edu
H ED 498901 Cooperative Educati HLTH ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
H ED 499701 Foundations of Publ HLTH ELUD UD: Foundations of Publ
H EV 180001 Human Ecology & Env ET ELLD LD: Human Ecology & Env
H EV 298901 Cooperative Education ET 2930 Coop Education Experience I
H EV 299901 Cooperative Education ET 2930 Coop Education Experience I
H EV 300001 Intro to Biostatist ET ELUD UD: Intro to Biostatist
H EV 304001 Environmental Sanit ET ELUD UD: Environmental Sanit
H EV 306001 Intro to Environ He ET ELUD UD: Intro to Environ Health
H EV 308001 Principles of Epide ET ELUD UD: Principles of Epide
H EV 310001 Water Supplies & Wa EST 4770 Pollution Control Technology
H EV 324001 Environ Control Of ET ELUD UD: Environ Control Of
H EV 340001 Intro to Air Pollut ET ELUD UD: Intro to Air Pollut
H EV 350001 Environmental Safet ET 4450 Industrial Hygiene
H EV 370001 Solid Waste Managem ET ELUD UD: Solid Waste Manageme
H EV 398901 Cooperative Education ET 2940 Coop Education Experience II
H EV 399901 Cooperative Education ET 2940 Coop Education Experience II
H EV 400001 Public Health Law ET ELUD UD: Public Health Law
H EV 408001 Environmental Healt ET ELUD UD: Environmental Health
H EV 410001 Shelter Environment ET ELUD UD: Shelter Environment
H EV 412001 Institutional Healt ET ELUD UD: Institutional Health
H EV 420701 Principles of Radio ET ELUD UD: Principles of Radio
H EV 434001 Occupational Health ENGR 3920 Engineering Safety
H EV 434701 Ergonomics ET ELUD UD: Ergonomics
H EV 435701 Toxicology ET ELUD UD: Toxicology
H EV 436001 Industrial Hygiene ET ELUD UD: Industrial Hygiene
H EV 438701 Biological Analysis ET ELUD UD: Biological Analysis
H EV 439701 Environmental Analy ET ELUD UD: Environmental Analy
H EV 440001 Environmental Healt ET ELUD UD: Environmental Health
H EV 442001 Environmental Healt ET ELUD UD: Environmental Health
H EV 460701 Food Sanitation Pri ET ELUD UD: Food Sanitation
H EV 471001 Intro to Hazardous ET ELUD UD: Intro to Hazardous
H EV 490001 Independent Study I ET ELUD UD: Independent Study I
H EV 490501 Independent Studies ET ELUD UD: Independent Studies
H EV 490701 Special Studies In ET ELUD UD: Special Studies In
H EV 498901 Cooperative Educati ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
H EV 499901 Cooperative Educati ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
H SC 121001 Anatomy & Physiolog BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
H SC 121101 Anatomy & Physiol L BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
H SC 122001 Anatomy & Physiolog BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
H SC 122101 Anatomy & Physiolo BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
H SC 123001 Intro to Microbiolo BIOL 2230 Microbiology
H SC 1231 Intro Micro Lab BIOL 2230 Microbiology
H SC 231001 Gen Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
H SC 300001 Human Anatomy BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
H SC 300101 Human Anat Lab BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
H SC 302001 Human Physiology BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
H SC 332001 General Microbiolog BIOL 2230 Microbiology
H SC 351001 Pathogenic Microbio BIOL 4430 Diagnostic Microbiology
H SC 354001 Immunology BIOL 4300 Immunology
H SC 406701 Neurology BIOL ELUD UD: Neurology
H SC 438701 Advances In Human P BIOL ELUD UD: Advances In Human P
H SC 448001 Clinical Parasitolo BIOL ELUD UD: Clinical Parasitolo
H SC 459001 Independent Studies BIOL ELUD UD: Independent Studies
H SC 460701 Bacterial Physiolog BIOL ELUD UD: Bacterial Physiolog
H SC 472001 Food, Dairy, & Sani BIOL ELUD UD: Food, Dairy, & Sani
H SC 473001 Molecular & Microbi BIOL ELUD UD: Molecular & Microbi
H SC 474701 Mycology BIOL ELUD UD: Mycology
H SC 475701 Applied & Industria BIOL ELUD UD: Applied & Industria
H SC 477001 Virology BIOL ELUD UD: Virology
H SC 477101 Virology Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Virology Lab
H SC 478001 Public Health Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Public Health Lab
H SC 495701 Special Topics In H BIOL ELUD UD: Special Topics In H
H SC 498901 Cooperative Educati BIOL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
H SC 499901 Cooperative Educati BIOL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
HD&L 080001 Study Skills DSPS 0800 Learning Strategies
HD&L 100001 College Adjustment HSC 1010 Career Orientation
HD&L 101001 Career Planning HSC ELLD LD: Career Planning
HD&L 211001 Infant & Toddler De CDFS ELLD LD: Infant & Toddler De
HD&L 231001 Developmental Life- CDFS 3340 Life Span Human Development
HD&L 232001 Child Psychology PSY ELLD LD: Child Psychology
HD&L 233001 Adolescent Psycholo PSY ELLD LD: Adolescent Psycholo
HD&L 244001 Computer Applicatio HSC ELLD LD: Computer Applicatio
HD&L 313001 Evaluation of Young HSC ELUD UD: Evaluation of Young
HD&L 315001 Literacy In Young C HSC ELUD UD: Literacy In Young C
HD&L 331001 Educational Psychol HSC ELUD UD: Educational Psychol
HD&L 401001 Managing Child Beha HSC ELUD UD: Managing Child Beha
HD&L 401101 Developmental Psy I HSC ELUD UD: Developmental Psy I
HD&L 411701 Preschool Programs ECE 4360 Admin Early Childhood Prog
HD&L 419701 Human Relations & G HSC ELUD UD: Human Relations & G
HD&L 421701 Curriculum For Earl ECE 4370 Effective Instruction Birth-8
HD&L 431701 Processes For Creat HSC ELUD UD: Processes For Creat
HD&L 461701 Early Childhood Pra ECE 4300 Preschool Practicum
HD&L 466601 Cultural Influences HSC ELUD UD: Cultural Influences
HD&L 481701 Intro to Psychologi HSC ELUD UD: Intro to Psychologi
HD&L 490001 Independent Study HSC ELUD UD: Independent Study
HD&L 495001 Research In Learnin HSC ELUD UD: Research In Learnin
HD&L 495701 Special Topics In H HSC ELUD UD: Special Topics In H
HDAL 0800 Study Skills DSPS ELLD LD:Study Skills
HDAL 100001 College Adjustment HSC 1010 Career Orientation
HDAL 101001 Career Planning HSC ELLD LD: Career Planning
HDAL 1020 Intro to Service Lea ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Service Lea
HDAL 1110 Family Dev CDFS ELLD LD:Family Dev
HDAL 2000 Intimate Relationships HSC ELLD LD:Intimate Relationships
HDAL 2008 Hon Service Learnin PSY ELLD LD: Hon Service Learnin
HDAL 211001 Infant & Toddler De CDFS ELLD LD: Infant & Toddler De
HDAL 2310 Dev Psych PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
HDAL 231001 Devel Life Span CDFS 3340 Life Span Human Development
HDAL 2320 Child Psy PSY ELLD LD:Child Psy
HDAL 232001 Child Psychology PSY ELLD LD: Child Psychology
HDAL 2325 Child & Adol Devel PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
HDAL 2330 Adolescent Psycholo PSY ELLD LD: Adolescent Psycholo
HDAL 2335 Adult Development ELEC ELLD LD:Adult Development
HDAL 2340 Cultural Diversity PSY ELLD LD: Cultural Diversity
HDAL 2350 Solving the Puzzle of Life ELEC ELLD LD:Solving the Puzzle of Life
HDAL 244001 Computer Applicatio HSC ELLD LD: Computer Applicatio
HDAL 2510 Intro to Human Services HSC ELLD LD:Intro to Human Services
HDAL 2956 How Children Learn ELED ELLD LD: How Children Learn
HDAL 3110 Chld Fam Comm CDFS ELUD UD:Child Fam Comm
HDAL 3117 Learning Environment CDFS ELUD UD: Learning Environment
HDAL 313001 Evaluation of Young HSC ELUD UD: Evaluation of Young
HDAL 315001 Literacy In Young C HSC ELUD UD: Literacy In Young C
HDAL 3155 Creative Devel In Yo CDFS ELUD UD: Creative Devel In Yo
HDAL 331001 Educational Psychol HSC ELUD UD: Educational Psychol
HDAL 3610 Counseling Theory & Practice ELEC ELUD UD:Counseling Theory & Practic
HDAL 4007 Appl Group Process PSY 4380 Group Dynamics
HDAL 401001 Managing Child Beha HSC ELUD UD: Managing Child Beha
HDAL 4011 Dev Psychology II PSY 4190 Child Development
HDAL 411701 Preschool Programs ECE 4360 Admin Early Childhood Prog
HDAL 4127 Divorce:Cause and Conseq SOC ELUD UD:Divorce:Cause and Conseq
HDAL 4150 Literacy CDFS ELUD UD: Literacy
HDAL 419701 Human Relations & G HSC ELUD UD: Human Relations & G
HDAL 421701 Curriculum For Earl ECE 4370 Effective Instruction Birth-8
HDAL 4257 Mentoring CDFS ELUD UD: Mentoring
HDAL 4260 Learn Hum Developmen PSY ELUD UD: Learn Hum Developmen
HDAL 431701 Process For Creativ HSC ELUD UD: Process For Creativ
HDAL 461701 Early Childhood Pra ECE 4300 Preschool Practicum
HDAL 4666 Cultural Influences PSY ELUD UD: Cultural Influences
HDAL 4710 Practicum ELEC ELLD LD:Practicum
HDAL 4817 Intro Psy Testing PSY 4260 Intro to Psychological Testing
HDAL 4900 Independent Study PSY 3990 Research in Psychology
HDAL 4950 Rsrch Learning & Dev PSY 3070 Research Methods
HDAL 4956 Modern Spirituality Per Dev ELEC ELUD UD:Modern Spirituality Per Dev
HDAL 4957 Spec Top Human Dev PSY ELUD UD: Spec Top Human Dev
HECO 111001 Family Development CDFS ELLD LD: Family Development
HECO 121001 Principles of Clothing TXMD 3200 Apparel Construction I
HECO 141001 Food Selection & Pr NFS 3210 Meal Prepping
HECO 151001 Home Economics as A HSC 1010 Career Orientation
HECO 161001 Design For Home & D ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
HECO 200001 Preparation For Mar CDFS 3320 Family Relations
HECO 211001 Infant & Toddler De CDFS ELLD LD: Infant & Toddler De
HECO 212001 Intro to Early Chil CDFS ELLD LD: Intro to Early Chil
HECO 221001 Non Apparel Constru TXMD ELLD LD: Non Apparel Constru
HECO 222001 Consumer Clothing C TXMD ELLD LD: Consumer Clothing C
HECO 242001 Prin of Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HECO 242201 Nutrition For Denta NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition For Denta
HECO 261001 Interior Design IDES 4620 House Furnishings
HECO 298901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
HECO 299901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
HECO 311001 Parent Child Relati CDFS 4350 Parenting
HECO 314001 Guiding Young Child ECE 4300 Preschool Practicum
HECO 321001 Advanced Clothing TXMD 3300 Apparel Construction II
HECO 322001 Textiles TXMD 2180 Textiles
HECO 323001 Fashion Fundamental TXMD 1170 Intro to Fashion Industry
HECO 343001 Community Nutrition NFS 3260 Community Nutrition
HECO 344001 Food System Managem NFS 4322 Dietetics Management
HECO 345001 Food Science NFS 3200 Food Science
HECO 346001 Nutrition For Fitne NFS 3280 Sports Nutrition
HECO 361001 Historical Interior IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
HECO 362001 Household Equipment HSC 3430 Housing
HECO 363001 Management of Famil HSC ELUD UD: Management of Famil
HECO 398901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
HECO 399901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
HECO 411701 Preschool Programs ECE 4360 Admin Early Childhood Prog
HECO 412701 Divorce:Causes & Co CDFS ELUD UD: Divorce:Causes & Co
HECO 421001 Tailoring TXMD ELUD UD: Tailoring
HECO 422001 Fashion Merchandisi TXMD 4150 Fashion Buying
HECO 425001 Fash Advert/Promoti TXMD ELUD UD: Fash Advert/Promoti
HECO 441001 Experimental Foods NFS 4240 Experimental Food Study
HECO 4419 Vocational Home Eco FCSE 2510 FCS Education Curriculum
HECO 442001 Diet In Disease NFS ELUD UD: Diet In Disease
HECO 4429 Methods For Vocatio FCSE ELUD UD: Methods For Vocatio
HECO 443901 Occupational Home E FCSE ELUD UD: Occupational Home E
HECO 444001 Advanced Nutrition NFS 4270 Advanced Nutrition I
HECO 445701 Nutrition Education NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition Education
HECO 4467 Quantity Food Produ NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
HECO 451001 Demonstration Techn HSC 3020 Presentation Techniques
HECO 452001 Senior Seminar HSC 4000 Senior Seminar
HECO 453701 Field Studies HSC ELUD UD: Field Studies
HECO 455701 Apparel Merchandisi HSC 4043 Seminar Textiles-Merch-Design
HECO 461001 Interior Studio IDES ELUD UD: Interior Studio
HECO 462001 Housing & House Des IDES ELUD UD: Housing & House Des
HECO 463001 Management of the F HSC 4410 Consumer Economics
HECO 464001 Management Practicu HSC ELUD UD: Management Practicu
HECO 490001 Independent Studies HSC ELUD UD: Independent Studies
HECO 495701 Special Topics In H HSC ELUD UD: Special Topics In H
HECO 498901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
HECO 499901 Cooperative Educati HSC ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
HEDU 1010 Personal Health HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HEDU 203001 First Aid & Emergen HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HEDU 203101 Cardiopulmonary Res HLTH 4280 Instructor Crse First Aid CPR
HEDU 212001 School Health Educ HLTH 4300 The School Health Program
HEDU 275001 Medical Terminology BIOL ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
HEDU 301001 Accident Prevention HLTH ELLD LD: Accident Prevention
HEDU 312001 Principles & Practim HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
HEDU 313001 Prin & Methods Of HLTH ELUD UD: Prin & Methods Of
HEDU 350001 Consumer Health Edu HLTH ELUD UD: Consumer Health Edu
HEDU 400701 Prin & Practices HLTH ELUD UD: Prin & Practices
HEDU 403001 Community Health HLTH ELUD UD: Community Health
HEDU 4060 Community Organization HLTH ELUD UD: Community Organization
HEDU 417001 Health Administrati HLTH ELUD UD: Health Administrati
HEDU 422001 Family Health & Hu HLTH ELUD UD: Family Health & Hu
HEDU 435701 Thantology HLTH ELUD UD: Thantology
HEDU 450001 Pathophysiology Of HLTH ELUD UD: Pathophysiology Of
HEDU 460701 Gerontology & Healt HLTH ELUD UD: Gerontology & Healt
HEDU 470701 International Healt HLTH ELUD UD: International Healt
HEDU 485001 Field Experience HLTH ELUD UD: Field Experience
HEDU 490701 Independent Study I HLTH ELUD UD: Independent Study I
HEDU 493701 Stress Management HLTH ELUD UD: Stress Management
HEDU 495701 Topic In Health Edu HLTH ELUD UD: Topic In Health Edu
HEDU 498901 Cooperative Educati HLTH ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
HEDU 499701 Foundations of Publ HLTH ELUD UD: Foundations of Publ
HETH 4210 Healthcare Research Methods HETH 4210 Healthcare Research Methods
HETH 4211 Community Healthcare Ldrsp/Mg HETH 4211 Comm Healthcare Lead & Mgmt
HETH 4212 Trends/Issues in Healthcare HETH 4212 Trends & Issues in Healthcare
HETH 4213 Community Healthcare: Iss/Ser HETH 4213 Community Hlth: Issues & Srvc
HIS 4847 20th Cent Amer Sport HIST ELUD UD: 20th Cent Amer Sport
HIST 0201 The US to 1848 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 0220 African American History HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
HIST 101001 Civilization to Ren HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 102001 Modern World Since HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 1110 Civilization to Ren HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 1120 Modern World Since HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 113001 Civ Since 1815 HIST ELLD LD: Civ Since 1815
HIST 2010 U.S. History I HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 201801 The US to 1877 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 2020 US History Since 1877 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 202801 The US Since 1877 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 2030 Hist of Tennessee HIST 2030 Tennessee History
HIST 2050 Appalachian History HIST ELLD LD:Appalachian History
HIST 302001 Minority & Ethnic H HIST ELUD UD: Minority & Ethnic H
HIST 3035 Tech/Culture American History HIST 3035 Technology/Culture Am History
HIST 3121 England Before 1714 HIST ELUD UD: England Before 1714
HIST 31913 History of Buddhism HIST ELUD UD:History of Buddhism
HIST 331001 Ancient History HIST 4410 Classical History
HIST 3311 History of Ancient Greece HIST 4410 Classical History
HIST 3312 History of Rome HIST ELUD UD:History of Rome
HIST 332001 Medieval History HIST ELUD UD: Medieval History
HIST 3322 The Middle Ages HIST 4210 Middle Ages
HIST 3323 The Renaissance HIST 4220 Renaissance Europe
HIST 333001 Main Currents of Ea HIST ELUD UD: Main Currents of Ea
HIST 334001 Modern Europe HIST ELUD UD: Modern Europe
HIST 341001 Intro to Historical HIST 3010 The Historian's Craft
HIST 371001 A Survey of Middle HIST 4440 The Middle East
HIST 372001 History of Africa HIST ELUD UD: History of Africa
HIST 373001 Conquest of Indepen HIST ELUD UD: Conquest of Indepen
HIST 374001 History of Asia HIST ELUD UD: History of Asia
HIST 3811 US Military/Naval History HIST ELUD UD: US Military/Naval History
HIST 3880 Renaissance/Reformation Europe HIST 3880 Renaissance Reformation Europe
HIST 3900 African Amer Hist To HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
HIST 3901 African Amer Hist Si HIST 2050 Surv African American Hist II
HIST 391001 History of Christia HIST ELUD UD: History of Christia
HIST 3911 Ancient Religions HIST ELUD UD:Ancient Religions
HIST 392001 History of Islam HIST ELUD UD: History of Islam
HIST 393001 History of Science HIST ELUD UD: History of Science
HIST 394001 War In the Modern W HIST ELUD UD: War In the Modern W
HIST 3950 SpTop/Modern Caribbean HIST ELUD UD:SpTop/Modern Caribbean
HIST 398901 Cooperative Educati HIST ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
HIST 399901 Cooperative Educati HIST ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
HIST 401701 Beginnings of Ameri HIST 4010 Colonial America
HIST 4018 Honors Thesis HIST ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
HIST 403701 The American Revolu HIST 4020 The American Revolution
HIST 404701 The Early Republic HIST ELUD UD: The Early Republic
HIST 405701 The Age of Jackson HIST 4030 Jacksonian America 1815-1850
HIST 406701 The Civil War HIST 4040 Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 4077 Amer History Through Film HIST ELUD UD:Amer History Through Film
HIST 408701 The American Gilded HIST 4050 Modern America 1877-1914
HIST 409701 The Emergence of Mo HIST ELUD UD: The Emergence of Mo
HIST 410701 Recent America HIST 4070 Cold War America
HIST 411701 American Diplomacy HIST ELUD UD: American Diplomacy
HIST 412701 Social & Intellectu HIST ELUD UD: Social & Intellectu
HIST 413701 Social & Intellectu HIST ELUD UD: Social & Intellectu
HIST 414701 The Old South, 1607 HIST ELUD UD: The Old South, 1607
HIST 415701 The South Since 186 HIST ELUD UD: The South Since 186
HIST 416701 History of Southern HIST ELUD UD: History of Southern
HIST 417701 The West HIST ELUD UD: The West
HIST 418701 The Spanish Borderl HIST ELUD UD: The Spanish Borderl
HIST 419701 Urban History HIST 3670 Civil War Reconst 1850-1877
HIST 4207 Ancient Religions HIST ELUD UD: Ancient Religions
HIST 421701 History of Ancient HIST ELUD UD: History of Ancient
HIST 422701 History of Rome HIST ELUD UD: History of Rome
HIST 423001 Renaissance & Refor HIST ELUD UD: Renaissance & Refor
HIST 4237 Women of the Ancient HIST ELUD UD: Women of the Ancient
HIST 4247 History of Women Us HIST ELUD UD: History of Women Us
HIST 4277 Foreign Policy Earl/Repub HIST ELUD UD:Foreign Policy Earl/Repub
HIST 430001 Foundations of Mod HIST ELUD UD: Foundations of Mod
HIST 431701 Europe In 20th Cent HIST ELUD UD: Europe In 20th Cent
HIST 432701 Nineteenth Century HIST ELUD UD: Nineteenth Century
HIST 433701 History of France T HIST ELUD UD: History of France T
HIST 434701 History of France S HIST 4260 Modern France
HIST 436701 Intellectual Hist E HIST ELUD UD: Intellectual Hist E
HIST 437701 Intellictual Hist E HIST ELUD UD: Intellictual Hist E
HIST 4387 History of the Holoc HIST ELUD UD: History of the Holoc
HIST 4417 Methods of Teaching HIST ELUD UD: Methods of Teaching
HIST 441901 Methods of Teach Hi HIST ELUD UD: Methods of Teach Hi
HIST 450701 Tudor-Stuart Englan HIST ELUD UD: Tudor-Stuart Englan
HIST 451701 Emergence of Modern HIST ELUD UD: Emergence of Modern
HIST 452701 Intro Amer 20th C HIST ELLD LD: Intro Amer 20th C
HIST 460701 Hist of Russia to 1 HIST 4330 The Russian Empire
HIST 461701 Hist Russia Since 1 HIST 4340 The Soviet Experiment
HIST 462701 Modern Germany HIST ELUD UD: Modern Germany
HIST 4670 Civil War & Reconstruction HIST 4040 Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 470701 The Far East In Mod HIST ELUD UD: The Far East In Mod
HIST 471701 A Survey of Middle HIST 4440 The Middle East
HIST 472701 Modern Africa HIST ELUD UD: Modern Africa
HIST 473001 Latin America:Revol HIST ELUD UD: Latin America:Revol
HIST 480701 Conquest to Indepen HIST ELUD UD: Conquest to Indepen
HIST 481701 Revolution & Nation HIST ELUD UD: Revolution & Nation
HIST 4827 America In the 1960s HIST ELUD UD: America In the 1960s
HIST 4837 Amer Women Sinc WWIi HIST ELUD UD: Amer Women Sinc WWIi
HIST 4847 20th Cent Amer Sport HIST ELUD UD: 20th Cent Amer Sport
HIST 490001 Independent Study HIST ELUD UD: Independent Study
HIST 491001 Survey of Modern Wo HIST ELUD UD: Survey of Modern Wo
HIST 492001 Hist of Science & T HIST ELUD UD: Hist of Science & T
HIST 4927 WW II In Europe HIST 4840 World War II
HIST 493001 Minority & Ethnic H HIST ELUD UD: Minority & Ethnic H
HIST 4937 WW II Pacific HIST 4840 World War II
HIST 4956 Soc Hist of Rock & R HIST ELUD UD: Soc Hist of Rock & R
HIST 495701 Topics In History HIST ELUD UD: Topics In History
HIT 1010 Medical Terminology HUM 2130 Medical Vocabulary
HPRO 2100 Wellness Concepts & Practices HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HPSS 3550 Principles of Sports Fitness EXSC 3500 Exercise Techniques Leadership
HSC 0190 Intro Human Pathophysiology BIOL 3340 Human Pathophysiology
HSCI 1000 Academic Advantage ELEC ELLD LD: Academic Advantage
HSCI 121001 Anatomy & Physiolog BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
HSCI 121101 Anatomy & Physi Lab BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
HSCI 122001 Anatomy & Physiolog BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
HSCI 122101 Anatomy & Physiolo BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
HSCI 123001 Intro to Microbiolo BIOL 2230 Microbiology
HSCI 1231 Intro Micro Lab BIOL 2230 Microbiology
HSCI 2010 Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
HSCI 2011 Anatomy & Physi Lab BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
HSCI 2020 Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
HSCI 2021 Anatomy & Physiolo BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
HSCI 2230 Intro Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
HSCI 223001 Intro to Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
HSCI 2231 Intro Micro Lab BIOL 2230 Microbiology
HSCI 2500 Hiv/Aids:Biol & Bey BIOL ELLD LD: Hiv/Aids:Biol & Bey
HSCI 300001 Human Anatomy BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
HSCI 3006 Microbes & Human Disease HLTH 4460 Introduction to Epidemiology
HSCI 302001 Human Physiology BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
HSCI 3022 Human Physiological HLTH ELUD UD: Human Physiological
HSCI 3030 Intro Biochemistry CHEM 3530 Principles of Biochemistry
HSCI 3031 Intro Biochemistry CHEM 3530 Principles of Biochemistry
HSCI 3046 Human Genetics HLTH ELLD LD: Human Genetics
HSCI 332001 General Microbiolog BIOL 2230 Microbiology
HSCI 3321 Gen Microbiology Lab BIOL 2230 Microbiology
HSCI 351001 Pathogenic Microbio BIOL 4430 Diagnostic Microbiology
HSCI 354001 Immunology BIOL 4300 Immunology
HSCI 4018 Honors Thesis HLTH ELLD LD: Honors Thesis
HSCI 406701 Neurology BIOL ELUD UD: Neurology
HSCI 438701 Advances In Human P BIOL ELUD UD: Advances In Human P
HSCI 448001 Clinical Parasitolo BIOL ELUD UD: Clinical Parasitolo
HSCI 459001 Independent Studies BIOL ELUD UD: Independent Studies
HSCI 460701 Bacterial Physiolog BIOL ELUD UD: Bacterial Physiolog
HSCI 472001 Food,Dairy & Sanita BIOL ELUD UD: Food,Dairy & Sanita
HSCI 473001 Molecular & Microbi BIOL ELUD UD: Molecular & Microbi
HSCI 474701 Mycology BIOL ELUD UD: Mycology
HSCI 475701 Applied & Industria BIOL ELUD UD: Applied & Industria
HSCI 477001 Virology BIOL ELUD UD: Virology
HSCI 477101 Virology Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Virology Lab
HSCI 478001 Public Health Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Public Health Lab
HSCI 495701 Special Topics In H BIOL ELUD UD: Special Topics In H
HSCI 498901 Cooperative Educati BIOL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
HSCI 499901 Cooperative Educati BIOL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
HSMP 2100 Health Systems HETH ELLD LD:Health Systems
HSMP 3200 Health Serv Admin HETH ELUD UD:Health Serv Admin
HTL 0110 Intro to Hospitality Industry HTL 110 Intro to Hospitality Industry
HUM 1010 Intro to Humanities I HUM 1010 Introduction to Humanities I
HUM 1020 Intro to Humanities II HUM 1020 Introduction to Humanities II
HUM 2340 Black Studies HUM ELLD LD: Black Studies
HUMT 1020 Intro Service Learn ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Service Learn
HUMT 1218 Honors Quest for Meaning HUM ELLD LD: Honors Quest for Meaning
HUMT 2000 Adv Service Learning HUM ELLD LD: Adv Service Learning
HUMT 2310 Arts and Ideas I HUM ELLD LD: Arts and Ideas I
HUMT 2320 Arts & Ideas II HUM ELLD LD:Arts & Ideas II
HUMT 493001 Independent Studies HUM ELUD UD: Independent Studies
HUMT 495001 Senior Seminar HUM ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
I ED 1210 Woodwork ELEC ELLD LD: Woodwork
I ED 1920 American Industries ELEC ELLD LD: American Industries
I ED 2120 Intro to Design ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Design
IBMS 1100 Integrative Biology & Stats BIOL ELLD LD: Integrative Biology & Stat
IBMS 1200 Integrative Biology & Calc BIOL ELLD LD: Integrative Biology & Calc
IDPH 2000 Intro to Rural Heal ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Rural Heal
IDPH 2005 Communication For H ELEC ELLD LD: Communication For H
IDPH 2010 Rural Health & Comm ELEC ELLD LD: Rural Health & Comm
IDPH 3010 Rural Health & Commu ELEC ELUD UD: Rural Health & Commu
IDPH 3020 Rural Health & Commu ELEC ELUD UD: Rural Health & Commu
IDPH 4000 Community Health Pro ELEC ELUD UD: Community Health Pro
IED 478901 Methods of Teaching ELED ELUD UD: Methods of Teaching
INFS 0113 Visual Basic CITC 1313 .NET Programming
INFS 0173 Programming in C# CITC 1312 Intro to .NET Programming
INFS 0186 Database Programming CITC 1303 Database Concepts
INFS 0191 A+ Hardware Certification Trng CITC 1321 A+ Hardware
INFS 0192 A+ Software Certification Trng CITC 1322 A+ Software Cert Training
INFS 1010 Computer Applications INFS 1010 Soc Network-Collaborative Tech
INFS 1100 Technology for Teachers INFS 1100 Technology for Teachers
INFS 1150 Intro to Microcomputers INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
INFS 3700 Intro Systems Analysis/Design INFS 3700 Systems Analysis and Design
INFS 4900 Seminar in Data Communications INFS 3900 Business Data Communications
INTC 1050 Computer Graphics CITC 1360 Computer Graphics & Animation
INTD 1105 ID Fundamentals IDES ELLD LD: ID Fundamentals
INTD 1115 Arch Drafting IDES ELLD LD:Arch Drafting
INTD 1215 Visual Comm: Studio II IDES ELLD LD: Visual Comm: Studio II
INTD 2110 Design for Human Behavior IDES ELLD LD:Design for Human Behavior
INTD 2115 Cmp Apps & Mak:Studio III IDES ELLD LD:Cmp Apps & Mak:Studio III
INTD 3115 Commercial Studio IDES ELUD UD:Commerical Studio
INTD 4105 Profes Prac/Interior Des IDES ELUD UD: Profes Prac/Interior Des
INTD 4115 Mixed-Use Des Studio VII IDES ELUD UD: Mixed-Use Des Studio VII
INTL 2000 Intro to International St ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to International St
INTL 4000 International Studies Sr Sem ELEC ELUD UD: International Studies Sr
IST 2630 Web Page Development/Design IST 2630 Web Design
JAPA 101501 Beginning Japanese JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JAPA 102501 Beginning Japanese JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
JAPA 201501 Second Year Japanes JAPN 2010 Intermediate Japanese I
JAPA 202501 Second Year Japanes JAPN 2020 Intermediate Japanese II
JAPA 3015 Japanese Conversatio JAPN 3010 Advanced Japanese
JAPA 3023 Japanese Conversatio JAPN 3020 Advanced Japanese
JAPA 3025 Japanese Conversatio JAPN 3020 Advanced Japanese
JAPA 4015 Adv Japanese JAPN ELUD UD: Adv Japanese
JAPA 4025 Advanced Japanese JAPN ELUD UD: Advanced Japanese
JAPA 4975 Topics In Japanese JAPN ELUD UD: Topics In Japanese
JAPN 1010 Beg Japanese JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JAPN 1020 Begin Japanese JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
JAPN 2010 2nd Year Japanese JAPN 2010 Intermediate Japanese I
JAPN 2020 2nd Year Japanese JAPN 2020 Intermediate Japanese II
JAPN 3015 Japn Conv & Composit JAPN ELUD UD: Japn Conv & Composit
JAPN 3025 Japn Conv & Composit JAPN ELUD UD: Japn Conv & Composit
JAPN 4015 Adv Japanese JAPN 3010 Advanced Japanese
JAPN 4025 Adv Japanese JAPN 3020 Advanced Japanese
JAPN 4975 Topics In Japanese JAPN ELUD UD: Topics In Japanese
JOUR 205001 History & Prin of J JOUR 4510 Media and Social Change
JOUR 207001 Typography & Printi JOUR ELLD LD: Typography & Printi
JOUR 212001 Newswriting JOUR ELLD LD: Newswriting
JOUR 213001 Reporting JOUR 3090 Reporting
JOUR 311001 Feature & Editorial JOUR ELUD UD: Feature & Editorial
JOUR 3120 Opinion Writing JOUR ELUD UD: Opinion Writing
JOUR 3130 Indepth Reporting JOUR 4440 Advanced Reporting
JOUR 315001 Copyediting JOUR 3450 Editing
JOUR 316001 Adv Copyediting & P JOUR ELUD UD: Adv Copyediting & P
JOUR 330101 Photojournalism PHOT ELUD UD: Photojournalism
JOUR 335001 Adv Photojournalism PHOT ELUD UD: Adv Photojournalism
JOUR 3400 Intro to Public Relations PR 3400 Case Studies in PR
JOUR 3409 Public Relations Case Study PR 3400 Case Studies in PR
JOUR 3410 Public Relations Research JOUR 4410 Public Relations Research
JOUR 3421 Public Relations Writing JOUR 3421 Public Relations Writing
JOUR 343001 Magazine Article Wr JOUR 3590 Magazine Writing and Editing
JOUR 408001 Communication Inter JOUR ELUD UD: Communication Inter
JOUR 410701 Reporting Public Af JOUR 4440 Advanced Reporting
JOUR 419001 Newspaper Organizat JOUR 4780 Media and Markets
JOUR 4250 Mass Media Law JOUR 4250 Media Law
JOUR 4410 Public Relations Research JOUR 4410 Public Relations Research
JOUR 442001 Magazine Editing & JOUR 3590 Magazine Writing and Editing
JOUR 4712 Mass Media and Cultures JOUR 4790 Global News Wrld Media Culture
JOUR 490001 Independent Studies JOUR ELUD UD: Independent Studies
JOUR 495701 Topics In Mass Comm JOUR ELUD UD: Topics In Mass Comm
LANG 101001 Beginning French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
LANG 101101 Beginning German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
LANG 101201 Beginning Russian RUSS 1010 Elementary Russian I
LANG 101301 Beginning Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
LANG 101601 Beginning Latin LATN 1010 Elementary Latin I
LANG 102001 Beginning French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
LANG 102101 Beginning German GERM 1020 Elementary German II
LANG 102201 Beginning Russian RUSS 1020 Elementary Russian II
LANG 102301 Beginning Spanish SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
LANG 102601 Beginning Latin LATN 1020 Elementary Latin II
LANG 201001 Second Year French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
LANG 201101 Second Year German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
LANG 201301 Second Year Spanish SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
LANG 201601 Second Year Latin LATN ELLD LD: Second Year Latin
LANG 202001 Second Year French FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
LANG 202101 Second Year German GERM 2020 Intermediate German II
LANG 202301 Second Year Spanish SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
LANG 202601 Second Year Latin LATN ELLD LD: Second Year Latin
LANG 300001 Themes In Foreign L FL ELUD UD: Themes In Foreign L
LANG 301001 Fren Conversation & FREN ELUD UD: Fren Conversation &
LANG 301101 Survey of German Li GERM 3050 Survey of German Culture
LANG 301301 Span Conversation & SPAN 3010 Advanced Spanish
LANG 301601 Advanced Latin LATN ELUD UD: Advanced Latin
LANG 302101 Survey of Germam Li GERM 3060 Survey of German Culture
LANG 311001 Fren Conversation & FREN ELUD UD: Fren Conversation &
LANG 311101 German Civilization GERM 3050 Survey of German Culture
LANG 311301 Span Conversation & SPAN 3020 Advanced Spanish
LANG 312101 Germ Conversation & GERM 3010 Adv Composition Conversation
LANG 314101 Germ Conversation & GERM 3020 Adv Composition Conversation
LANG 321301 Span Phonetics & Pr SPAN ELUD UD: Span Phonetics & Pr
LANG 331001 French Civilization FREN ELUD UD: French Civilization
LANG 331301 Civilization of Spa SPAN ELUD UD: Civilization of Spa
LANG 341301 Civilization of Lat SPAN ELUD UD: Civilization of Lat
LANG 351001 Survey of French Li FREN ELUD UD: Survey of French Li
LANG 351301 Survey of Spanish L SPAN ELUD UD: Survey of Spanish L
LANG 361001 Survey of French Li FREN ELUD UD: Survey of French Li
LANG 361301 Survey of Spanish-A SPAN ELUD UD: Survey of Spanish-A
LANG 371301 Hispanic Poetry SPAN ELUD UD: Hispanic Poetry
LANG 400701 Golden Age Drama SPAN ELUD UD: Golden Age Drama
LANG 410701 Cervantes SPAN ELUD UD: Cervantes
LANG 411701 French Drama From 1 FREN ELUD UD: French Drama From 1
LANG 412101 20th Century German GERM ELUD UD: 20th Century German
LANG 420701 19th Century Span L SPAN ELUD UD: 19th Century Span L
LANG 421701 Sixteenth Century F FREN ELUD UD: Sixteenth Century F
LANG 430701 The Generation of ' SPAN ELUD UD: The Generation of '
LANG 431701 Seventeeth Century FREN ELUD UD: Seventeeth Century
LANG 433701 French Phonetics & FREN ELUD UD: French Phonetics &
LANG 440701 20th Century Span L SPAN ELUD UD: 20th Century Span L
LANG 4417 Teaching Modern Lang FL 4500 Intro to Tchg Foreign Language
LANG 441901 Teaching of Modern FL ELUD UD: Teaching of Modern
LANG 450701 Spanish Short Story SPAN ELUD UD: Spanish Short Story
LANG 451701 Nineteenth Century FREN ELUD UD: Nineteenth Century
LANG 460701 Modernists Movement SPAN ELUD UD: Modernists Movement
LANG 461701 20th Century Fren L FREN 4010 Topics 20th Century French Lit
LANG 470701 Spanish-American Th SPAN ELUD UD: Spanish-American Th
LANG 473701 Art At Prado Museum SPAN ELUD UD: Art At Prado Museum
LANG 480701 Spanish-American No SPAN ELUD UD: Spanish-American No
LANG 490001 Special Studies In FREN 4900 Dir Study French Lit Culture
LANG 490101 Special Studies GERM 4900 Dir Study German Lit Culture
LANG 490301 Special Studies SPAN ELUD UD: Special Studies
LANG 495701 Topics In Fren FREN ELUD UD: Topics In Fren
LANG 495702 Topics In German GERM ELUD UD: Topics In German
LANG 495703 Topics In Spanish SPAN ELUD UD: Topics In Spanish
LATN 101001 Beginning Latin LATN 1010 Elementary Latin I
LATN 101601 Beginning Latin LATN 1010 Elementary Latin I
LATN 102001 Beginning Latin LATN 1020 Elementary Latin II
LATN 102601 Beginning Latin LATN 1020 Elementary Latin II
LATN 201001 Second Year Latin LATN ELLD LD: Second Year Latin
LATN 202001 Second Year Latin LATN ELLD LD: Second Year Latin
LATN 301601 Advanced Latin LATN ELUD UD: Advanced Latin
LATN 4910 Intro to Textual Criticism LATN ELUD UD:Intro to Textual Criticism
LDSP 3000 Leadership Development LDSP 3000 Leadership Development
LEAD 4467 Leadership Theory & Practice LEAD ELUD UD:Leadership Theory &Practice
LIST 4093 Special Topics and Leadership LIST 4093 Special Topics in Leadership
M S 111001 Mil Sci I MS ELLD LD: Mil Sci I
M S 112001 Mil Sci I MS ELLD LD: Mil Sci I
M SC 111001 Overview of the U.S MS 1010 Introduction to the Army
M SC 113001 Mountaineering MS 1020 Foundations of Leadership
M SC 118001 Military Practicum MS ELLD LD: Military Practicum
M SC 118101 Military Practicum MS ELLD LD: Military Practicum
M SC 118201 Military Practicum MS ELLD LD: Military Practicum
M SC 121701 Basic Military Phys MS ELLD LD: Basic Military Phys
M SC 211001 Dynamics of Leaders MS 2010 Leadership in Ethics
M SC 215001 Military Skills I MS 2020 Army Doctrine/Decision Making
M SC 258001 Basic Camp MS 3000 Basic Military Science
M SC 311001 Military Skills II MS 3110 Training Mgmt/Warfighting
M SC 312001 Military Skills III MS 3120 Applied Leadership Small Unit
M SC 321701 Instructional Tech MS ELUD UD: Instructional Tech
M SC 394001 War In the Modern W HIST ELUD UD: War In the Modern World
M SC 411001 Advanced Tactics MS 4110 The Army Officer
M SC 412001 Advanced Leadership MS 4120 Company Grade Leadership
M SC 458001 Advanced Camp MS 3130 Military Science Field Methods
M SC 458101 Adv Leadership Prac MS ELUD UD: Adv Leadership Prac
M SC 458201 Adv Leadership Prac MS ELUD UD: Adv Leadership Prac
MAST 101001 Typewriting BCED ELLD LD: Typewriting
MAST 103001 Orientation to Medi ELEC ELLD LD: Orientation to Medi
MAST 110001 Medical Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
MAST 111001 Medical Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
MAST 201001 Medical Office Assi ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Office Assi
MAST 202001 Medical Office Assi ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Office Assi
MAST 210001 Medical Office Nurs ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Office Nurs
MAST 211001 Medical Lab Orienta ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Lab Orienta
MAST 213001 Medical Transcripti ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Transcripti
MAST 220001 Practicum I ELEC ELLD LD: Practicum I
MAST 230001 Practicum II ELEC ELLD LD: Practicum II
MATH 0106 General Math MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
MATH 070001 Arthmetc/Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Arthmetc/Algebra
MATH 071001 Basic Arithmetic DSPM 0700 Basic Mathematics
MATH 081001 Elementary Algebra DSPM 0800 Elementary Algebra
MATH 082001 Intermediate Algebr DSPM 0850 Intermediate Algebra
MATH 1002 Intro Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intro Algebra
MATH 101001 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 102001 Col Alg and Trig MATH ELLD LD: Col Alg and Trig
MATH 1022 Analysis For Bus MATH ELLD LD: Analysis for Bus
MATH 103001 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 103201 Calculus For Busine MATH ELLD LD: Calculus For Busine
MATH 1040 Pre-Calculus MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 104201 Elem Analysis MATH ELLD LD: Elem Analysis
MATH 1050 College Algebra MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 106001 Analytic Geometry & MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 107001 Integral Calculus MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 108001 Prob & Statistic MATH 1530 Applied Statistics
MATH 1081 Statistical Computi MATH ELLD LD: Statistical Computi
MATH 109001 Seminar In Math I MATH ELLD LD: Seminar In Math I
MATH 111001 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 112001 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 1130 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 1410 Number Concepts & A MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
MATH 142001 Logic & Problem Sol MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MATH 1530 Prob/Stats-Noncalculus MATH 1530 Applied Statistics
MATH 1531 Stat Computing MATH ELLD LD: Stat Computing
MATH 1610 Finite Mathematics MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MATH 1630 Finite Mathematics MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MATH 1710 Precalculus I (Algebra) MATH ELLD LD:Precalculus I (Algebra)
MATH 171001 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 1720 Pre-Calculus MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MATH 1810 Analysis For Bus MATH ELLD LD: Analysis for Bus
MATH 182001 Calculus For Busine MATH ELLD LD: Calculus For Busine
MATH 1830 Intuitive Calculus MATH 1810 Applied Calculus I
MATH 1840 Analytic Geometry & MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 185001 Integral Calculus MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 1910 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 192001 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 200001 Logic & Problem Sol MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MATH 2010 Intro Linear Algebra MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MATH 201001 Linear Algebra MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MATH 2050 Prob/Stats-Calc Based MATH 2050 Probability and Statistics
MATH 2060 Prob & Stat MATH ELLD LD: Prob & Stat
MATH 2090 Mathematical Comput MATH ELLD LD: Mathematical Comput
MATH 211001 Calculus III MATH 3110 Calculus III
MATH 2120 Differential Equati MATH 3120 Differential Equations I
MATH 2180 Found of Prob & Sta MATH 2050 Probability and Statistics
MATH 221001 Calculus III MATH 3110 Calculus III
MATH 225001 Linear Algebra MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MATH 260001 Intro Engineering M MATH ELLD LD: Intro Engineering M
MATH 261001 Applied Mechanics I MATH ELLD LD: Applied Mechanics I
MATH 262001 Applied Mechanics I MATH ELLD LD: Applied Mechanics I
MATH 271001 Discrete Structures MATH 3080 Discrete Structures
MATH 2780 Stat Data Analysis MATH ELLD LD: Stat Data Analysis
MATH 280001 Math Reasoning MATH 3460 Foundation of Higher Math
MATH 2870 Stat Data Analysis MATH ELUD UD: Stat Data Analysis
MATH 291001 Math For Elementary MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
MATH 292001 Math For Elementary MATH ELLD LD: Math For Elementary
MATH 293001 Concepts of Math MATH ELLD LD: Concepts of Math
MATH 295001 College Math MATH ELLD LD: College Math
MATH 298901 Cooperative Educati COED 2930 Cooperative Education
MATH 3000 Math Reasoning MATH ELUD UD:Math Reasoning
MATH 304001 History of Mathemat MATH 4620 History and Philosophy of Math
MATH 3050 Statistical Modeling MATH ELUD UD: Statistical Modeling
MATH 309001 Seminar In Math II MATH ELUD UD: Seminar In Math II
MATH 312001 Elementary Number T MATH 4420 Number Theory
MATH 3150 Math Modeling MATH ELUD UD: Math Modeling
MATH 320001 Differential Equati MATH 3120 Differential Equations I
MATH 3340 Applied Comb & Probl MATH ELUD UD: Applied Comb & Probl
MATH 3810 College Geometry MATH 3070 College Geometry
MATH 4010 Undergrad Research MATH ELUD UD: Undergrad Research
MATH 4018 Honors Thesis MATH ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
MATH 4027 Intro to Applied Mat MATH ELUD UD: Intro to Applied Mat
MATH 404701 Math Statistics I STAT 3150 Mathematical Statistics I
MATH 405701 Math Statistics II STAT 4190 Mathematical Statistics II
MATH 412701 Intro to Modern Alg MATH 4510 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 4130 Intor to Modern Alge MATH 4510 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 4137 Intro to Mod Alg II MATH 4530 Abstract Algebra II
MATH 415701 Intro to Modern Geo MATH 3070 College Geometry
MATH 421701 Analysis I MATH ELUD UD: Analysis I
MATH 422701 Analysis II MATH ELUD UD: Analysis II
MATH 425701 Numerical Analysis MATH 4310 Numerical Analysis I
MATH 426701 Numerical Linear Al MATH ELUD UD: Numerical Linear Al
MATH 428701 Applications of Sta MATH 2050 Probability and Statistics
MATH 430701 Sampling & Survey T MATH ELUD UD: Sampling & Survey T
MATH 431701 Vector Analysis MATH 4230 Vector Analysis
MATH 4327 Time Series Analysis MATH ELUD UD: Time Series Analysis
MATH 433701 Complex Variables MATH ELUD UD: Complex Variables
MATH 4340 Combinatorics & Grap MATH 4700 Combinatorics and Graph Theory
MATH 4347 Intro to Graph Theor MATH ELUD UD: Intro to Graph Theor
MATH 4350 Combinatorics & Grap MATH ELUD UD: Combinatorics & Grap
MATH 4357 Intro to Topology MATH 4270 Introduction to Topology
MATH 4377 Theory of Interest ACSI 4230 Math of Compound Interest
MATH 4387 Actuarial Math ACSI 4330 Actuarial Mathematics I
MATH 4397 Actuarial Math II ACSI 4340 Actuarial Mathematics II
MATH 4417 Teaching of Secondar MATH 3330 Teaching Math Secondary Grades
MATH 441901 Teaching of Seconda MATH 3330 Teaching Math Secondary Grades
MATH 458701 Operations Research MATH ELUD UD: Operations Research
MATH 459701 Operations Research MATH ELUD UD: Operations Research
MATH 4900 Independent Study MATH ELUD UD:Independent Study
MATH 490001 Independent Study MATH 4600 Problems in Contemporary Math
MATH 495701 Topics In Math MATH ELUD UD: Topics In Math
MATH 498901 Cooperative Educati COED 2940 Cooperative Education
MATH 499901 Copperative Educati COED 3970 Cooperative Education
MCOM 1000 Academic Advantage UNIV 1010 University Seminar
MCOM 1030 Intro Mass Communication EMC ELLD LD:Intro Mass Communication
MCOM 103001 Intro to Mass Comm JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
MCOM 103001 Intro to Mass Comm JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
MCOM 205001 History & Prin of J JOUR 4510 Media and Social Change
MCOM 207001 Typography & Printi JOUR ELLD LD: Typography & Printi
MCOM 2100 Media Writing EMC ELLD LD:Media Writing
MCOM 212001 Newswriting JOUR ELLD LD: Newswriting
MCOM 213001 Reporting JOUR 3090 Reporting
MCOM 2400 Multimedia Production EMC ELLD LD:Multimedia Production
MCOM 260001 Survey of Broadcast VFP 2410 History of American Television
MCOM 260401 Radio\TV Lab EMC ELLD LD: Radio\TV Lab
MCOM 263001 Writing For Radio\T EMC ELLD LD: Writing For Radio/T
MCOM 270001 Intro to Public Rel PR ELLD LD: Intro to Public Rel
MCOM 277001 Writing For Public PR 3360 Strategic Writg Public Rela
MCOM 280401 Radio TV Lab EMC ELLD LD: Radio TV Lab
MCOM 307001 Mass Media & Societ JOUR 4210 Media and Society
MCOM 311001 Feature & Editorial JOUR ELUD UD: Feature & Editorial
MCOM 315001 Copyediting JOUR 3450 Editing
MCOM 316001 Adv Copyediting & P JOUR ELUD UD: Adv Copyediting & P
MCOM 324001 Advertising Princip ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Princip
MCOM 325001 Advertising Practic ADV 3160 Advertising Design and Visuals
MCOM 326001 Radio\TV Advertisin EMC 3030 Electronic Media Advertising
MCOM 3270 Media Strategy JOUR ELUD UD:Media Strategy
MCOM 330101 Photojournalism PHOT ELUD UD: Photojournalism
MCOM 335001 Advanced Photojourn PHOT ELUD UD: Advanced Photojourn
MCOM 343001 Magazine Article Wr JOUR 3590 Magazine Writing and Editing
MCOM 3500 Audience Insights JOUR ELUD UD:Audience Insights
MCOM 360001 Radio\TV News JOUR 3430 Radio News Reporting
MCOM 360201 Video-Film Techniqu EMC ELUD UD: Video-Film Techniqu
MCOM 364001 Broadcast Performan VFP 3570 Broadcast Announcing Perform
MCOM 365101 Radio Production EMC ELUD UD: Radio Production
MCOM 366101 Television Producti EMC ELUD UD: Television Producti
MCOM 367101 Broadcast Programmi EMC 4140 Media Programming
MCOM 377001 Public Relations Pu PR 3380 Public Relations Publications
MCOM 398901 Cooperative Educati COED ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
MCOM 399901 Cooperative Educati COED ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
MCOM 400701 Seminar In Mass Com JOUR ELUD UD: Seminar In Mass Com
MCOM 4018 Honors Thesis JOUR ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
MCOM 403701 Communications Law JOUR 4250 Media Law
MCOM 4040 Seminar in Mass Comm JOUR ELUD UD: Seminar in Mass Comm
MCOM 408001 Communication Inter JOUR ELUD UD: Communication Inter
MCOM 410701 Reporting Public Af JOUR 4440 Advanced Reporting
MCOM 419001 Newspaper Organizat JOUR 4780 Media and Markets
MCOM 442001 Magazine Editing & JOUR 3590 Magazine Writing and Editing
MCOM 460001 Radio\TV Reporting JOUR 3500 Video Reporting and Editing
MCOM 460201 Video Film Tech EMC ELUD UD: Video Film Tech
MCOM 460401 Radio\TV Lab EMC ELUD UD: Radio\TV Lab
MCOM 465101 Advanced Radio Prod EMC 3110 Radio Station Operations
MCOM 466101 Advanced TV Product EMC ELUD UD: Advanced TV Product
MCOM 468001 Broadcast Productio EMC ELUD UD: Broadcast Productio
MCOM 469001 Broadcasst Manageme EMC 4430 Media Management
MCOM 470701 Public Relations JOUR 4800 Seminar in Media Issues
MCOM 473001 Public Relations Pr PR 4740 Public Relations Campaigns
MCOM 490001 Independent Studies JOUR ELUD UD: Independent Studies
MCOM 495701 Topics In Mass Comm JOUR ELUD UD: Topics In Mass Comm
MCOM 498901 Cooperative Educati JOUR ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
MDT 2100 Photoshop Essentials MDT 2100 Photoshop Essentials
MEDA 3570 Educational Tech SPSE 3220 Technology in Teaching
MEDA 4507 Prin Instr Dsgn & Pr SPSE ELUD UD: Prin Instr Dsgn & Pr
MEDA 458001 Observation & Pract ELEC ELUD UD: Observation & Prac
MEDA 461001 Design & Production ELEC ELUD UD: Design & Production
MEDA 462701 Library Media For C LIBS 4150 Books, Media, Literacy Chldrn
MEDA 463701 Young Adult Materials LIBS 4160 Bks Media Literacy Young Adult
MEDA 495701 Topics In Instructional Media SPSE ELUD UD: Topics Instructional Med
METH 3030 Mgmt of Service Organizations MGMT 3030 Management of Service Org
METH 4381 Principles of Supervision METH 4381 Principles of Supervision
MGMT 300001 Organizational Mgmt MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MGMT 305001 Decision Science MGMT ELUD UD: Decision Science
MGMT 310001 Production & Operat MGMT ELUD UD: Production & Operat
MGMT 3200 Organizational Comm BCED 3510 Business Communication
MGMT 322001 Mgmt Infor Syst MGMT ELUD UD: Mgmt Infor Syst
MGMT 326001 Intro to Computer MGMT ELUD UD: Intro to Computer
MGMT 3300 Written Organization MGMT ELUD UD: Written Organization
MGMT 331001 Legal Environment O MGMT ELUD UD: Legal Environment O
MGMT 332001 Mgmt & Social Respo MGMT ELUD UD: Mgmt & Social Respo
MGMT 333001 Law of Commercial T MGMT ELUD UD: Law of Commercial T
MGMT 3610 Principles of Management MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MGMT 3650 Supply Chain Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Supply Chain Mgmt
MGMT 3660 Intro to Project Mgt MGMT ELUD UD: Intro to Project Mgt
MGMT 401001 Organizational Beha MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
MGMT 4018 Senior Hon Seminar MGMT ELUD UD: Senior Hon Seminar
MGMT 402001 Organizational Theo MGMT ELUD UD: Organizational Theo
MGMT 4030 Curnt Mgmt Issues MGMT ELUD UD: Curnt Mgmt Issues
MGMT 410001 Decision Making MGMT ELUD UD: Decision Making
MGMT 4210 Sys Analysis & Dsgn INFS ELUD UD: Sys Analysis & Dsgn
MGMT 4217 Service Operations MGMT ELUD UD: Service Operations
MGMT 431701 Production Planning ENTR 4920 Small Business Management
MGMT 432701 Decision Modeling MGMT ELUD UD: Decision Modeling
MGMT 433001 Data Management MGMT ELUD UD: Data Management
MGMT 4347 Collective Barganing MGMT 4510 Unions Collective Bargaining
MGMT 4357 Cim Applications MGMT ELUD UD: Cim Applications
MGMT 4420 Law of Bus Organizat ACTG ELUD UD: Law of Bus Organizat
MGMT 4430 Manufactoring & Tech MGMT ELUD UD: Manufactoring & Tech
MGMT 4440 Governmental Regulat ACTG ELUD UD: Governmental Regulat
MGMT 4450 Intl Business Law ACTG ELUD UD: Intl Business Law
MGMT 4460 Leadership Studies MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
MGMT 451001 Personnel Managemen MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
MGMT 4520 HR Mgmt In Team Org MGMT ELUD UD: HR Mgmt In Team Org
MGMT 453001 Compensation Mgmt MGMT 4660 Compensation Management
MGMT 454001 Personnel Research MGMT ELUD UD: Personnel Research
MGMT 4547 Corporate Etiquette MGMT 4800 Corporate Etiquette
MGMT 4560 Planning & Staffing MGMT 4640 Talent Acquisition Management
MGMT 457001 Training & Developm MGMT ELUD UD: Training & Developm
MGMT 4587 HRM Certification MGMT ELUD UD: HRM Certification
MGMT 460001 Personnel Law MGMT ELUD UD: Personnel Law
MGMT 461701 Small Business Mgmt ENTR 4920 Small Business Management
MGMT 462701 Mgmt International MGMT 4710 International Business
MGMT 4657 Strategic Environment MGMT ELUD UD: Strategic Environment
MGMT 465701 Mgmt For a Small Pl MGMT ELUD UD: Mgmt For a Small Pl
MGMT 4667 Environ Law For Busi ACTG ELUD UD: Environ Law For Busi
MGMT 4800 Corporate Etiquette MGMT ELUD UD:Corporate Etiquette
MGMT 4898 Senior Honors Semina MGMT ELUD UD: Senior Honors Semina
MGMT 490001 Independent Study I MGMT ELUD UD: Independent Study I
MGMT 490101 Independent Study I MGMT ELUD UD: Independent Study I
MGMT 490501 Business Internship MGMT ELUD UD: Business Internship
MGMT 491001 Policy & Strategy F MGMT ELUD UD: Policy & Strategy F
MGMT 495001 Independent Study I MGMT ELUD UD: Independent Study I
MGMT 495701 Topics In Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Topics In Mgmt
MKT 2450 E-Commerce BUSN 2450 E-Commerce
MKTG 2220 Persp on Dress, Cult & Soci MKT ELLD LD:Persp on Dress, Cult & Soci
MKTG 320001 Principles of Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 320201 Comsumer Behavior MKT 3910 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 321001 Fundamentals of Dis MKT ELUD UD: Fundamentals of Dis
MKTG 3215 Consumer Textiles MKT ELUD UD:Consumer Textiles
MKTG 3220 Fashion Marketing MKT ELUD UD:Fashion Marketing
MKTG 3225 Apparel Product Analysis MKT ELUD UD:Apparel Product Analysis
MKTG 3230 Fashion Fundamentals MKT ELUD UD:Fashion Fundamentals
MKTG 325001 Marketing Communica MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Communica
MKTG 331001 Transportation MKT ELUD UD: Transportation
MKTG 335001 Retailing MKT 3830 Retailing and E-Commerce
MKTG 341001 Carrier Management MKT ELUD UD: Carrier Management
MKTG 374001 Sales Force Managem MKT 4800 Sales Management
MKTG 375001 Advertising Managem MKT ELUD UD: Advertising Managem
MKTG 3780 Retail Advertising A MKT ELUD UD: Retail Advertising A
MKTG 3800 Digital Marketing MKT 3850 Digital Marketing & Promotion
MKTG 3900 Web & Social Media Analytics IAM 4450 Understanding Digital Analytic
MKTG 401001 Industrial Traffic MKT ELUD UD: Industrial Traffic
MKTG 401801 Seniors Honors Semin MKT ELLD LD: Seniors Honors Semin
MKTG 421001 Transportation Rate MKT ELUD UD: Transportation Rate
MKTG 421701 Health Care Marketi MKT ELUD UD: Health Care Marketi
MKTG 4220 Fashion Merchandising MKT ELUD UD:Fashion Merchandising
MKTG 4240 Visual Merchandising MKT ELUD UD:Visual Merchandising
MKTG 461701 Marketing Research MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Research
MKTG 471001 International Marke MKT ELUD UD: International Marke
MKTG 481001 Seminar In Transpor MKT ELUD UD: Seminar In Transpor
MKTG 4840 Food Marketing Issue MKT ELUD UD: Food Marketing Issue
MKTG 4898 Senior Honors Semina MKT ELUD UD: Senior Honors Semina
MKTG 490001 Independent Study I MKT ELUD UD: Independent Study I
MKTG 490101 Independent Study M MKT ELUD UD: Independent Study M
MKTG 4905 Marketing Internship MKT 4950 Marketing Internship
MKTG 491001 Marketing Managemen MKT 4890 Marketing Management
MKTG 495701 Topics In Marketing MKT ELUD UD: Topics In Marketing
MLT 100001 Introduction to Mlt ELEC ELLD LD: Introduction to Mlt
MLT 105001 Hematology\Coagulat ELEC ELLD LD: Hematology\Coagulat
MLT 201001 Clinical Chemistry ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Chemistry
MLT 202001 Urinalysis ELEC ELLD LD: Urinalysis
MLT 204001 Blood Bank\Serlolgy ELEC ELLD LD: Blood Bank\Serlolgy
MLT 205001 Clinical Microbiolo ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Microbiolo
MLT 210001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
MLT 210101 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
MLT 211001 Clinical Practicun ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicun
MLT 211101 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
MLT 212001 Mlt Clinical Semina ELEC ELLD LD: Mlt Clinical Semina
MLT 250001 Mlt Review ELEC ELLD LD: Mlt Review
MLTC 100001 Intro to Mlt ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Mlt
MLTC 105001 Hematology/Coagulat ELEC ELLD LD: Hematology/Coagulat
MLTC 201001 Clinical Chemistry ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Chemistry
MLTC 202001 Urinalysis ELEC ELLD LD: Urinalysis
MLTC 204001 Blood Bank/Serlolgy ELEC ELLD LD: Blood Bank/Serlolgy
MLTC 205001 Clinical Microbiolo ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Microbiolo
MLTC 210001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
MLTC 210101 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
MLTC 211001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
MLTC 211101 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Practicum
MLTC 212001 Mlt Clinical Semina ELEC ELLD LD: Mlt Clinical Semina
MLTC 250001 Mlt Review ELEC ELLD LD: Mlt Review
MMCS 4380 Histologgy: Tissue BIOL 4130 Histology
MSCI 111001 Overview of the US MS 1010 Introduction to the Army
MSCI 1120 Moutn, Ldrshp, Srv I MS 1010 Introduction to the Army
MSCI 113001 Mountaineering MS 1020 Foundations of Leadership
MSCI 118001 Military Practicum MS ELLD LD: Military Practicum
MSCI 1181 Military Practicum MS 1000 Military Science Practicum
MSCI 1182 Military Practicum MS 1000 Military Science Practicum
MSCI 1210 Mountn, Ldrshp Srv I MS 1010 Introduction to the Army
MSCI 1217 Basic Mil Pt MS ELLD LD: Basic Mil Pt
MSCI 1220 Mountaineering Lead MS 1020 Foundations of Leadership
MSCI 211001 Dynamics of Leaders MS 2010 Leadership in Ethics
MSCI 2130 Mountaineering MS ELLD LD: Mountaineering
MSCI 2140 Special Problems MS ELLD LD: Special Problems
MSCI 215001 Military Skills I MS 2020 Army Doctrine/Decision Making
MSCI 258001 Basic Camp MS 3000 Basic Military Science
MSCI 311001 Military Skills II MS 3110 Training Mgmt/Warfighting
MSCI 312001 Military Skills III MS 3120 Applied Leadership Small Unit
MSCI 321701 Instructional Tech MS ELUD UD: Instructional Tech
MSCI 394001 War In the Modern W HIST ELUD UD: War In the Modern World
MSCI 411001 Advanced Tactics MS 4110 The Army Officer
MSCI 412001 Adv Leadership MS 4120 Company Grade Leadership
MSCI 4140 Special Problems MS ELUD UD: Special Problems
MSCI 458001 Adv Camp MS 3130 Military Science Field Methods
MSCI 458101 Adv Leadership Prac MS ELUD UD: Adv Leadership Prac
MSCI 458201 Adv Leadership Prac MS ELUD UD: Adv Leadership Prac
MUS 101001 Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUS 102001 Class Piano II MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUS 1030 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 104001 Class Voice MUS 1510 Class Voice I
MUS 1201 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 120201 Symphonic Wind Ense MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 120301 Concert Band MUS ELLD LD: Concert Band
MUS 120401 Orchestra MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUS 121101 Brass Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 121201 Woodwind Ensemble MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 121301 String Ensemble MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 1214 Percussion Ensemble MUS ELLD LD: Percussion Ensemble
MUS 121501 Collegium Musicum MUS ELLD LD: Collegium Musicum
MUS 121601 Madrigal Singers MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 121701 Opera Workshop MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MUS 122001 Musical Theatre Pro MUS ELLD LD: Musical Theatre Pro
MUS 122101 Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 123101 University Chorale MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 124101 Jazz Singers MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MUS 1242 Womens Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 125101 Chamber Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 126101 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUS 127101 Instrumental Chambe MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 127201 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUS 128001 Bluegrass Band MUS ELLD LD: Bluegrass Band
MUS 140001 Music Fundamentals MUED ELLD LD: Music Fundamentals
MUS 141001 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Theory I
MUS 141101 Aural Skills I MUS ELLD LD: Aural Skills I
MUS 142001 Theory II MUTH ELLD LD: Theory II
MUS 142101 Aural Skills II MUS ELLD LD: Aural Skills II
MUS 1701 Prep Piano I MUS ELLD LD:Prep Piano I
MUS 180101 Preparatory Piano MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Piano
MUS 1802 Prep Piano II MUS ELLD LD:Prep Piano II
MUS 181101 Preparatory Wind In MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Wind In
MUS 182101 Preparatory Strings MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Strings
MUS 183101 Preparatory Organ MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Organ
MUS 184101 Preparatory Voice MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Voice
MUS 1851 Prep Percussion MUS ELLD LD: Prep Percussion
MUS 186101 Preparatory Harpsic MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Harpsic
MUS 187101 Preparatory Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Guitar
MUS 188101 Guitar Class I MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MUS 188201 Guitar Class II MUS ELLD LD: Guitar Class II
MUS 1911 First Year Voice MUS ELLD LD:First Year Voice
MUS 1912 First Year Voice MUS ELLD LD:First Year Voice
MUS 1913 First Year Voice MUS ELLD LD:First Year Voice
MUS 201001 Class Piano III MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano III
MUS 202001 Class Piano IV MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano IV
MUS 210001 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 212001 Country Music MUS ELLD LD: Country Music
MUS 2221 Choir MUEN ELLD LD:Choir
MUS 2231 Univ Chorale MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 241001 Theory III MUTH ELLD LD: Theory III
MUS 241101 Aural Skills III MUS ELLD LD: Aural Skills III
MUS 242001 Theory IV MUTH ELLD LD: Theory IV
MUS 242101 Aural Skills IV MUS ELLD LD: Aural Skills IV
MUS 254001 Music History Surve MUS ELLD LD: Music History Surve
MUS 255001 Music History Surve MUS ELLD LD: Music History Surve
MUS 260101 String Methods II MUED ELLD LD: String Methods II
MUS 262001 Instrumental Survey MUS ELLD LD: Instrumental Survey
MUS 263001 Woodwind Methods I MUED 1310 Woodwind Techniques I
MUS 263101 Woodwind Methods II MUED 3310 Woodwind Techniques II
MUS 266001 Brass Methods MUED 1330 Brass Techniques
MUS 266101 Brass Methods II MUED ELLD LD: Brass Methods II
MUS 269001 Percussion Methods MUED ELLD LD: Percussion Methods
MUS 271001 Diction For Singers MUPD 2180 Diction Singers I Engl Latin
MUS 272001 Diction For Singers MUS ELLD LD: Diction For Singers
MUS 290101 Lower-Division Pian MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUS 291101 Lower-Division Wind MUS ELLD LD: Lower-Division Wind
MUS 2912 Second Year Voice MUS ELLD LD:Second Year Voice
MUS 292101 Lower-Division Stri MUS ELLD LD: Lower-Division Stri
MUS 293101 Lower-Division Orga MUAP 2361 Private Instruction Organ
MUS 294101 Lower-Division Voic MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 295101 Lower-Division Perc MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MUS 296101 Lower-Division Harp MUAP ELLD LD: Lower-Division Harp
MUS 298901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
MUS 299901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
MUS 3242 Womens Chorus MUEN ELUD UD:Womens Chorus
MUS 331001 Music Skills For Cl MUED ELUD UD: Music Skills For Cl
MUS 332001 Music Experiences MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUS 341001 Form & Analysis MUTH ELUD UD: Form & Analysis
MUS 342001 Modal Counterpoint MUTH ELUD UD: Modal Counterpoint
MUS 343001 Total Counterpoint MUS ELUD UD: Total Counterpoint
MUS 354001 Music History Surve MUS ELUD UD: Music History Surve
MUS 355001 Music History Surve MUS ELUD UD: Music History Surve
MUS 357001 Intro to Conducting MUS 3140 Conducting I
MUS 358001 Choral Conducting MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MUS 359001 Instrumental Conduc MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MUS 390101 Upper-Division Pian MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUS 391101 Upper-Division Wind MUS ELUD UD: Upper-Division Wind
MUS 392101 Upper-Division Stri MUS ELUD UD: Upper-Division Stri
MUS 393101 Upper-Division Orga MUAP 2361 Private Instruction Organ
MUS 394101 Upper-Division Voic MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 395101 Upper-Division Perc MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MUS 396101 Upper-Division Harp MUAP ELUD UD: Upper-Division Harp
MUS 398901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
MUS 399901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
MUS 447001 Composition MUS ELUD UD: Composition
MUS 451001 The Teaching of Mus MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUS 452001 The Teaching of Mus MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUS 454001 Suzuki Philosophy I MUS ELUD UD: Suzuki Philosophy I
MUS 454101 Suzuki Philosophy I MUS ELUD UD: Suzuki Philosophy I
MUS 454501 Suzuki Flute For Te MUS ELUD UD: Suzuki Flute For Te
MUS 455001 Pop Vocal Styles MUS ELUD UD: Pop Vocal Styles
MUS 457001 Marching Band Metho MUED 3250 Band Org and March Band Tech
MUS 458001 Instrumental Music MUED 3230 Instrumental Materials
MUS 460001 Orchestration MUTH ELUD UD: Orchestration
MUS 460101 Vocal Pedagogy MUPD 4310 Vocal Pedagogy
MUS 461001 Arranging MUS ELUD UD: Arranging
MUS 472001 Art Song Literature MUHL 4710 Vocal Literature
MUS 473001 Choral Literature MUHL ELUD UD: Choral Literature
MUS 474001 Keyboard Literature MUHL 4640 19th Century Music
MUS 474101 Organ Literature MUS ELUD UD: Organ Literature
MUS 475001 Brass Literature MUS ELUD UD: Brass Literature
MUS 476001 Woodwind Literature MUS ELUD UD: Woodwind Literature
MUS 477001 Percussion Literatu MUS ELUD UD: Percussion Literatu
MUS 478001 String Literature MUS ELUD UD: String Literature
MUS 479001 Music In America MUHL 3670 Studies in Ameri Popular Music
MUS 480001 Analysis of 20th Ce MUS ELUD UD: Analysis of 20th Ce
MUS 491001 Independent Study MUS ELUD UD: Independent Study
MUS 495701 Special Topics In M MUS ELUD UD: Special Topics In M
MUS 498901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
MUS 499901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
MUSC 1000 Music Convocation MUS ELLD LD: Music Convocation
MUSC 101001 Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUSC 102001 Class Piano II MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUSC 1030 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSC 103001 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSC 1035 History of Jazz MUHL 4530 History of Jazz
MUSC 104001 Class Voice MUS 1510 Class Voice I
MUSC 1201 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSC 1202 Symph Wind Ensem MUEN 3120 Wind Ensemble
MUSC 120201 Symph Wind Ensem MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSC 120301 Concert Band MUS ELLD LD: Concert Band
MUSC 120401 Orchestra MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUSC 120601 Chamber Orchestra MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUSC 121101 Brass Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSC 121201 Woodwind Ensemble MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSC 121301 String Ensemble MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSC 121401 Percussion Ensemble MUS ELLD LD: Percussion Ensemble
MUSC 121501 Collegium Musicum MUS ELLD LD: Collegium Musicum
MUSC 121601 Madrigal Singers MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUSC 121701 Opera Workshop MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MUSC 122001 Musical Theatre Pro MUS ELLD LD: Musical Theatre Pro
MUSC 122101 Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSC 123101 University Chorale MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSC 124101 Jazz Singers MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MUSC 125101 Chorale MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUSC 126101 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUSC 1262 Jazz Combo MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUSC 127101 Instrumental Chambe MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSC 127201 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUSC 128001 Bluegrass Band MUS ELLD LD: Bluegrass Band
MUSC 1300 Theory&Aural Skills I MUTH ELLD LD:Theory&Aural Skills I
MUSC 140001 Music Fundamentals MUED ELLD LD: Music Fundamentals
MUSC 141001 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Theory I
MUSC 141101 Aural Skills I MUS ELLD LD: Aural Skills I
MUSC 142001 Theory II MUTH ELLD LD: Theory II
MUSC 142101 Aural Skills II MUS ELLD LD: Aural Skills II
MUSC 180101 Preparatory Piano MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Piano
MUSC 181101 Preparatory Wind In MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Wind In
MUSC 182101 Preparatory Strings MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Strings
MUSC 183101 Preparatory Organ MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Organ
MUSC 184101 Preparatory Voice MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Voice
MUSC 185101 Preparatory Percuss MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Percuss
MUSC 186101 Preparatory Harpsic MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Harpsic
MUSC 187101 Preparatory Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Preparatory Guitar
MUSC 188101 Guitar Class I MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MUSC 188201 Guitar Class II MUS ELLD LD: Guitar Class II
MUSC 201001 Class Piano III MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano III
MUSC 202001 Class Piano IV MUS ELLD LD: Class Piano IV
MUSC 2100 Intro to Music Education MUED ELLD LD:Intro to Music Education
MUSC 210001 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSC 2110 History of Jazz MUHL ELLD LD: History of Jazz
MUSC 212001 Country Music MUS ELLD LD: Country Music
MUSC 2150 Amer Folk Music MUS ELLD LD: Amer Folk Music
MUSC 2200 Intro Music Busines RIM ELLD LD: Intro Music Busines
MUSC 2300 Theory & Aural Skills III MUTH ELLD LD:Theory & Aural Skills III
MUSC 241001 Theory III MUTH ELLD LD: Theory III
MUSC 241101 Aural Skills III MUS ELLD LD: Aural Skills III
MUSC 242001 Theory IV MUTH ELLD LD: Theory IV
MUSC 242101 Aural Skills IV MUS ELLD LD: Aural Skills IV
MUSC 2430 Jazz Thry/Begin Jaz MUTH ELLD LD: Jazz Thry/Begin Jaz
MUSC 254001 Music History Surve MUS ELLD LD: Music History Surve
MUSC 255001 Music History Surve MUS ELLD LD: Music History Surve
MUSC 260001 String Methods MUS ELLD LD: String Methods
MUSC 260101 String Methods II MUED ELLD LD: String Methods II
MUSC 262001 Instrumental Survey MUS ELLD LD: Instrumental Survey
MUSC 263001 Woodwind Methods I MUED 1310 Woodwind Techniques I
MUSC 263101 Woodwind Methods II MUED 3310 Woodwind Techniques II
MUSC 266001 Brass Methods MUED 1330 Brass Techniques
MUSC 266101 Brass Methods II MUED ELLD LD: Brass Methods II
MUSC 269001 Percussion Methods MUED ELLD LD: Percussion Methods
MUSC 2700 Music Education Seminar MUED ELLD LD:Music Education Seminar
MUSC 271001 Diction For Singers MUPD 2180 Diction Singers I Engl Latin
MUSC 272001 Diction For Singers MUS ELLD LD: Diction For Singers
MUSC 2901 Lower Div Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUSC 2911 Lower Div Winds MUAP ELLD LD: Lower Div Winds
MUSC 292101 Lower Division Stri MUS ELLD LD: Lower Division Stri
MUSC 293101 Lower Division Orga MUAP 2361 Private Instruction Organ
MUSC 2941 Applied Voice Level II MUAP 2372 Private Instruction Voice
MUSC 294101 Lower Division Voic MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUSC 295101 Lower Division Perc MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MUSC 296101 Lower Division Harp MUAP ELLD LD: Lower Division Harp
MUSC 298901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
MUSC 299901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
MUSC 3010 Piano for Choral Conductors MUS ELUD UD:Piano for Choral Conductors
MUSC 3201 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSC 3202 Symphonic Wind Ensem MUEN 3110 Symphonic Band
MUSC 3211 Brass Choir MUEN 3710 Brass Chamber Ensembles
MUSC 3221 Choir MUEN ELUD UD:Choir
MUSC 3272 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUSC 331001 Music Skills For Cl MUED ELUD UD: Music Skills For Cl
MUSC 332001 Music Experiences MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUSC 341001 Form/Analysis MUTH ELUD UD: Form/Analysis
MUSC 342001 Modal Counterpoint MUTH ELUD UD: Modal Counterpoint
MUSC 343001 Total Counterpoint MUS ELUD UD: Total Counterpoint
MUSC 354001 Music History Surve MUS ELUD UD: Music History Surve
MUSC 355001 Music History Surve MUS ELUD Music History Surve
MUSC 357001 Intro to Conducting MUS 3140 Conducting I
MUSC 358001 Choral Conducting MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MUSC 359001 Instrumental Conduc MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MUSC 3630 The Artistic Experie MUS ELUD UD: The Artistic Experie
MUSC 390101 Applied Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUSC 391101 Applied Winds III MUS ELUD UD: Applied Winds III
MUSC 392101 Applied Stings III MUS ELUD UD: Applied Strings III
MUSC 393101 Upper Division Orga MUAP 2361 Private Instruction Organ
MUSC 394101 Applied Voice III MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUSC 395101 Applied Percussion III MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MUSC 396101 Upper Division Harp MUAP ELUD UD: Upper Division Harp
MUSC 398901 Cooperative Education MUS ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
MUSC 399901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
MUSC 447001 Composition MUS ELUD UD: Composition
MUSC 451001 The Teaching of Mus MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUSC 452001 The Teaching of Mus MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUSC 454001 Suzuki Philosophy I MUS ELUD UD: Suzuki Philosophy I
MUSC 454101 Suzuki Philosophy I MUS ELUD UD: Suzuki Philosophy I
MUSC 454501 Suzuki Flute For Te MUS ELUD UD: Suzuki Flute For Te
MUSC 455001 Pop Vocal Styles MUS ELUD UD: Pop Vocal Styles
MUSC 457001 Marching Band Metho MUED 3250 Band Org and March Band Tech
MUSC 458001 Instrumental Music MUED 3230 Instrumental Materials
MUSC 460001 Orchestration MUTH ELUD UD: Orchestration
MUSC 460101 Vocal Pedagogy MUPD 4310 Vocal Pedagogy
MUSC 461001 Arranging MUS ELUD UD: Arranging
MUSC 472001 Art Song Literature MUHL 4710 Vocal Literature
MUSC 473001 Choral Literature MUHL ELUD UD: Choral Literature
MUSC 474001 Keyboard Literature MUHL 4640 19th Century Music
MUSC 474101 Organ Literature MUS ELUD UD: Organ Literature
MUSC 475001 Brass Literature MUS ELUD UD: Brass Literature
MUSC 476001 Woodwind Literature MUS ELUD UD: Woodwind Literature
MUSC 477001 Percussion Literatu MUS ELUD UD: Percussion Literatu
MUSC 478001 String Literature MUS ELUD UD: String Literature
MUSC 479001 Music In America MUHL 3670 Studies in Ameri Popular Music
MUSC 480001 Analysis of 20th Ce MUS ELUD UD: Analysis of 20th Ce
MUSC 4820 Suzuki Pedagogy MUED ELUD UD: Suzuki Pedagogy
MUSC 4837 Administration of Su MUS ELUD UD: Administration of Su
MUSC 4840 Teaching Practicum I MUS ELUD UD: Teaching Practicum I
MUSC 4850 Teaching Pract II MUS ELUD UD: Teaching Pract II
MUSC 491001 Independent Study MUS ELUD UD: Independent Study
MUSC 495701 Special Topics In M MUS ELUD UD: Special Topics In M
MUSC 498901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
MUSC 499901 Cooperative Educati MUS ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
N ED 0101 Orient to Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Orient to Nursing
N ED 0103 Intro Nsg Fnctns NURS ELLD LD: Intro Nsg Fnctns
N ED 0104 Fund of Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Fund of Nursing
N ED 0120 Phys For Nurses PHYS ELLD LD: Phys For Nurses
N ED 0121 Anatomy & Phys BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
N ED 0122 Anat & Phys BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
N ED 0122 Anat & Phys and BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
N ED 0123 Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
N ED 0126 Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
N ED 0131 Chem For Nurses CHEM ELLD LD: Chem For Nurses
N ED 0132 Chem For Nurses CHEM ELLD LD: Chem For Nurses
N ED 0261 Intro to Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Nursing
N ED 0262 Intro to Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Nursing
N ED 261E Intro to Nsg Exp NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Nsg Exp
N ED 262E Intro to Nsg Exp NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Nsg Exp
NRSE 2016 Pathophysiology NURS ELLD LD:Pathophysiology
NRSE 2020 Intro Nursing Prof NURS ELLD LD:Intro Nursing Prof
NRSE 2030 Health Assessment NURS ELLD LD:Health Assessment
NRSE 2310 Comm Health Prof NURS ELLD LD:Comm Health Prof
NRSE 2350 Patient Care NURS ELLD LD:Patient Care
NRSE 2351 Patient Care Pract NURS ELLD LD:Patient Care Pract
NRSE 3010 Pharmacology NURS ELUD UD:Pharmacology
NRSE 3028 Health Assessment Ph Nrs NURS ELUD UD:Health Assessment Ph Nrs
NRSE 3170 LPN to BSN Transition NURS ELUD UD:LPN to BSN Transition
NRSE 3350 Nursing Info & Health NURS ELUD UD:Nursing Info & Health
NRSE 3400 Concepts of Prof Nursing Prac NURS ELUD UD:Concepts of Prof Nursing Pr
NRSE 3500 Patient Care II NURS ELUD UD:Patient Care II
NRSE 3501 Patient Care II Pract NURS ELUD UD:Patient Care II Pract
NRSE 3525 Health Promo & Research NURS ELUD UD:Health Promo & Research
NTFD 1010 Introduction to Nutrition NFS ELLD LD: Introduction to Nutrition
NTFD 2420 Principles of Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
NTFD 3430 Community Nutrition NFS 3260 Community Nutrition
NTFD 3440 Quantity Food Proc & Prod NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
NTFD 3465 Human Nutrition Metab NFS ELUD UD:Human Nutrition Metab
NTFD 3485 Basic Skills Dietetics NFS ELUD UD:Basic Skills Dietetics
NTFD 4415 Food Systems Admin NFS 4322 Dietetics Management
NTFD 4465 Experiment Food Science NFS ELUD UD:Experiment Food Science
NURS 2050 Comm Hlth Prof NURS ELLD LD: Comm Hlth Prof
NURS 4210 Health Care Research NURS ELUD UD: Health Care Research
NURS 4211 Nursing Leadership and Mgmt NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Leadership & Mgmt
NURS 4212 Trends/Issues in Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Trends/Issues in Nursing
NURS 4213 Community Health Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Community Health Nursing
NURS 4957 Special Topics NURS ELUD UD: Special Topics
OFMG 101001 Beginning Typewriti BCED ELLD LD: Beginning Typewriti
OFMG 102001 Intermediate Typewr BCED ELLD LD: Intermediate Typewr
OFMG 1800 Bus Math Machine BCED ELLD Bus Math Machine
OFMG 2110 Shorthand Theory BCED ELLD LD: Shorthand Theory
OFMG 212001 Intermediate Shorth BCED ELLD LD: Intermediate Shorth
OFMG 300001 Records Management BCED ELUD UD: Records Management
OFMG 301001 Word Proccessing BCED ELUD UD: Word Proccessing
OFMG 303001 Advanced Tryewritin BCED ELLD LD: Advanced Tryewritin
OFMG 3130 Advanced Shorthand BCED ELUD UD: Advanced Shorthand
OFMG 320001 Organizational Comm BCED 4660 Corporate Communication
OFMG 330001 Written Organizatio BCED 3510 Business Communication
OFMG 3400 Office Procedures BCED ELUD UD: Office Procedures
OFMG 420001 Automated Office Sy BCED ELUD UD: Automated Office Sy
OFMG 440001 Office Management BCED ELUD UD: Office Management
OFMG 4900 Directed Study In O BCED ELUD UD: Directed Study In O
OFMG 4957 Topics In Office Mg BCED ELUD UD: Topics In Office Mg
ORCO 3240 Organizational Communications COMM 2140 Intro to Organizational Comm
P ED 0211 Recr Activities REC ELLD LD: Recr Activities
P ED 0214 Social Dance PHED 1020 Beginning Social Dance
P ED 1045 Billiards PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
P ED 106001 Elem Tumbling PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
P ED 1061 Elem Tumbling PHED ACTY ACTY: Elem Tumbling
P ED 107201 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
P ED 109001 Posture & Carriage PHED ELLD LD: Posture & Carriage
P ED 110101 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
P ED 110201 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
P ED 1202 Modern Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Modern Dance
P ED 206201 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
P ED 207101 Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
P ED 208001 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
P ED 2081 Interm Golf PHED ACTY Physical Activity
P ED 211001 Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
P ED 211101 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
P ED 211201 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
P ED 2121 Contemp Dance PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
P ED 250001 Riflery PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
P SC 111001 Political Life PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
P SC 221001 Am Natl Govt I PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
P SC 261001 Intro to Public Adm PS ELLD LD: Intro to Public Adm
P SC 298901 Cooperative Educati PS 4290 Public Service Internship
P SC 299901 Cooperative Educati PS 4290 Public Service Internship
P SC 300001 Peace, Security, & PS 3210 International Relations
P SC 302001 Political Socializa PS ELUD UD: Political Socializa
P SC 303001 American Politics & PS ELUD UD: American Politics &
P SC 306001 Southern Politics PS ELUD UD: Southern Politics
P SC 313001 American Political PS ELUD UD: American Political
P SC 320001 Law & Judicial Proc PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
P SC 321001 Due Process & Adjud PS 3380 American Constitutional Law II
P SC 322001 The Supreme Court PS 3370 American Constitutional Law I
P SC 331001 International Relat PS 3210 International Relations
P SC 371001 State & Local Gover PS 2020 State and Local Government
P SC 380001 European Politics PS 4300 EU Policymaking
P SC 383001 Government & Politi PS 4900 Latin American Politics
P SC 387001 Gov & Politics of S PS ELUD UD: Gov & Pol
P SC 398901 Cooperative Educati PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
P SC 399901 Cooperative Educati PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
P SC 402701 Urban Politics PS 3400 Municipal Policy and Politics
P SC 404701 Public Opinion PS 3320 Public Opinion
P SC 405701 The Presidency PS 3050 The U.S. Presidency
P SC 408701 Politics of America PS ELUD UD: Politics of America
P SC 410701 Classical Political PS 4230 Classical Political Theory
P SC 412701 Modern Political PS 4920 Modern Political Theory
P SC 413701 Marxism PS ELUD UD: Marxism
P SC 414001 Topics In Political PS ELUD UD: Topics In Political
P SC 416701 The Idea of the Cit PS ELUD UD: The Idea of the Cit
P SC 421701 American Constituti PS ELUD UD: American Constituti
P SC 423701 Court Administratio PS ELUD UD: Court Administratio
P SC 430701 Intermatioal Politi PS ELUD UD: Intermatioal Politi
P SC 433701 American Foreign Po PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
P SC 434701 National Security P PS ELUD UD: National Security P
P SC 435701 Power & Politics In PS ELUD UD: Power & Politics In
P SC 461701 Public Personnel Ad PS 4630 Public Human Resource Mgmt
P SC 463701 Local & Regional Pl PS ELUD UD: Local & Regional Pl
P SC 465701 Bureaucracy & Publi PS ELUD UD: Bureaucracy & Publi
P SC 469701 Topics In Public Ad PS ELUD UD: Topics In Public Ad
P SC 473701 American Policy Pro PS ELUD UD: American Policy Pro
P SC 482701 Politics of Develop PS ELUD UD: Politics of Develop
P SC 490001 Independent Study & PS 4200 Directed Studies
P SC 491001 Independent Study & PS 4200 Directed Studies
P SC 492001 Legislative Interns PS 4360 Legislative Internship
P SC 494001 Paralegal Internshi PS 4040 Pre Law Internship
P SC 494101 Paralegal Internshi PS 4040 Pre Law Internship
P SC 495001 Senior Seminar PS 4800 Senior Seminar
P SC 495701 Special Topics In P PS 4200 Directed Studies
P SC 498901 Cooperative Educati PS 4290 Public Service Internship
P SC 499901 Cooperative Educati PS 4290 Public Service Internship
PADM 3601 Public Administration PADM 3601 Public Administration
PADM 4226 Intro Non-Profit Organizations PADM 4226 Intro Nonprofit Organizations
PADM 4401 Comparative Public Administrat PADM 4401 Comparative Public Admin
PE&R 100001 Intro & History Of PHED ELLD LD: Intro & History Of
PE&R 100101 Beginning Ballet PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE&R 101301 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PE&R 103001 Folk Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Folk Dance
PE&R 104001 Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
PE&R 104501 Billiards PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE&R 105001 Conditioning PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE&R 105101 Strength Conditioni PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE&R 105301 Aqua Fitness PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE&R 105501 Aerobic Dance PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE&R 105601 Weight Management E PHED ELLD LD: Weight Management E
PE&R 106001 Gymnastics & Tumbli PHED ACTY ACTY: Gymnastics & Tumbli
PE&R 1061 Elem Tumbling PHED ACTY ACTY: Elem Tumbling
PE&R 107001 Soccer PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PE&R 107101 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PE&R 107201 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PE&R 108001 Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming
PE&R 108301 Lifeguarding PHED ACTY ACTY: Lifeguarding
PE&R 108401 Water Safety Instru PHED 3760 Teaching Water Safety
PE&R 108501 Scuba PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE&R 116101 Adapted Physical Ed PHED ELLD LD: Adapted Physical Ed
PE&R 118001 Horseback Riding HORS 2110 Basic Horsemanship
PE&R 120101 Aquatics PHED ACTY ACTY: Aquatics
PE&R 120201 Exercise PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PE&R 120301 Rhythms M PHED ACTY ACTY: Rhythms M
PE&R 122001 Skiing PHED ELLD LD: Skiing
PE&R 200101 Intermediate Ballet PHED ACTY ACTY: Intermediate Ballet
PE&R 200201 Modern Dance Techni PHED ACTY ACTY: Modern Dance Techni
PE&R 200501 Camping & Canoeing PHED ELLD LD: Camping & Canoeing
PE&R 200701 Tap Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Tap Dance
PE&R 2010 Cam Prg-Thry & Dev PHED ELLD LD: Cam Prg-Thry & Dev
PE&R 202101 Performance & Teach PHED ELLD LD: Performance & Teach
PE&R 203001 Intro to Recreation REC ELLD LD: Intro to Recreation
PE&R 206201 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PE&R 207101 Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
PE&R 207201 Softball PHED ACTY ACTY: Softball
PE&R 208001 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PE&R 208501 Karate PHED ACTY ACTY: Karate
PE&R 208601 Self Defense PHED 1250 Self Defense
PE&R 210001 Jazz Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Jazz Dance
PE&R 211401 Fencing PHED ELLD LD: Fencing
PE&R 233001 Clinical Experience PHED ELLD LD: Clinical Experience
PE&R 233101 Clinical Experience PHED ELLD LD: Clinical Experience
PE&R 250001 Marksmanship PHED ELLD LD: Marksmanship
PE&R 300001 PEPrograms For E PHED ELUD UD: PEPrograms For E
PE&R 301001 Physiological & Psy PHED ELUD UD: Physiological & Psy
PE&R 302001 Development & Analy PHED ELUD UD: Development & Analy
PE&R 3021 Theory & Tech of Co ATHC 3620 Coach/Officiate Golf
PE&R 3022 Theory & Tech of Co ATHC 4650 Coach/Officiate CC, T&F
PE&R 3031 Tch Team Sports PHED ELUD UD: Tch Team Sports
PE&R 303201 Psychomotor Develop PHED ELUD UD: Psychomotor Develop
PE&R 303301 Movement Experience PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
PE&R 303401 Performances & Teac PHED ELUD UD: Performances & Teac
PE&R 303501 Perform & Teach Rac PHED ELUD UD: Perform & Teach Rac
PE&R 303601 Perform & Teach Of DANC ELUD UD: Perform & Teach Of
PE&R 304001 Programming & Leade PHED ELUD UD: Programming & Leade
PE&R 305001 Recreational Admini REC ELUD UD: Recreational Admini
PE&R 3055 Care and Treatment ATHT ELUD UD: Care and Treatment
PE&R 3062 Theory Coach Volley ATHC 3660 Coach/Officiate Volleyball
PE&R 3071 Theory & Tech Coach ATHC 3600 Coach/Officiate Football
PE&R 3072 Theory & Tech Coach ATHC 4640 Intermed Coach/Ump Baseball
PE&R 3080 Theory & Practice A PHED 3720 Fitness Education K-12
PE&R 3090 Sports Officiating ATHC 3910 Athletic Coaching/Officiating
PE&R 311101 Performance & Teach PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
PE&R 320001 Camp Leadership REC ELUD UD: Camp Leadership
PE&R 330001 Curriculum In P.E. PHED 4780 Curriculum Physical Education
PE&R 333001 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PE&R 333101 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PE&R 346001 Nutrition For Life- HLTH ELUD UD: Nutrition For Life-
PE&R 360001 Professional Field PHED ELUD UD: Professional Field
PE&R 400001 Professional Field PHED ELUD UD: Professional Field
PE&R 401001 Philosohphies & Cur PHED 3850 Foundations of Physical Edu
PE&R 402701 Recreation Faciliti REC ELUD UD: Recreation Faciliti
PE&R 403001 Organization & Admi PHED 4990 Sem Teach Physical Education
PE&R 403701 Current Topics & Is PHED ELUD UD: Current Topics & Is
PE&R 404701 Principles of Motor PHED ELUD UD: Principles of Motor
PE&R 405501 Advanced Athletic PHED ELUD UD: Advanced Athletic
PE&R 406001 Measurement & Evalu EXSC 4810 Measurement and Evaluation
PE&R 420001 Dance as a Performi DANC ELUD UD: Dance as a Performi
PE&R 425001 PEActivities For PHED 3900 Adapted Physical Education
PE&R 427001 Kinesiology PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
PE&R 427701 Kinesiology PHED ELUD UD: Kinesiology
PE&R 433001 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PE&R 433101 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PE&R 433201 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PE&R 433301 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PE&R 4377 Sport Psychology ATHC 4690 Psychology of C&O
PE&R 441001 Methods In P.E. PHED ELUD UD: Methods In P.E.
PE&R 450001 Interscholastic Ath PHED ELUD UD: Interscholastic Ath
PE&R 460001 Athletic Coaching P ATHC ELUD UD: Athletic Coaching P
PE&R 461001 Exercise Physiology EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
PE&R 490001 Independent Study PHED 4920 Independent Study
PE&R 4977 Exercise For Fitnes HLTH 4340 Fitness Education for Adult
PETE 3307 Psychological Aspects of Sport PETE 3307 Psychological Aspects of Sport
PEXS 100001 Intro & Hist of P E PHED ELLD LD: Intro & Hist of P E
PEXS 100101 Beginning Ballet PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 101001 Fitness For Life PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 101301 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PEXS 102901 Fitness Through Lif PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 103001 Folk Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Folk Dance
PEXS 104001 Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
PEXS 104501 Billiards PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 105001 Conditioning PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 105101 Strength Conditioni PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 105301 Aqua Fitness PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 105501 Aerobic Dance PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 105601 Weight Management E PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 106001 Gymnastics & Tumbli PHED ACTY ACTY: Gymnastics & Tumbli
PEXS 107001 Soccer PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PEXS 107101 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PEXS 107201 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PEXS 107501 Tai Chi PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 1076 Shao Lin PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 108001 Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming
PEXS 108301 Lifeguarding PHED ACTY ACTY: Lifeguarding
PEXS 108401 Water Safety Instru PHED 3760 Teaching Water Safety
PEXS 108501 Scuba PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 111501 Aerobic Dance PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PEXS 112001 Aquafitness PHED ACTY ACTY: Aquafitness
PEXS 1135 General Conditioning PHED ELLD LD: General Conditioning
PEXS 114001 Strength Conditioni PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PEXS 1150 Weight Management PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 116101 Adapted Physical Ed PHED ELLD LD: Adapted Physical Ed
PEXS 118001 Horseback Riding HORS 2110 Basic Horsemanship
PEXS 120101 Aquatics PHED ACTY ACTY: Aquatics
PEXS 120201 Exercise PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PEXS 120301 Rhythms M PHED ACTY ACTY: Rhythms M
PEXS 120302 Rhythms PHED 1020 Beginning Social Dance
PEXS 122001 Skiing PHED ELLD LD: Skiing
PEXS 1510 Intro to Kinesiology ATHT ELLD LD:Intro to Kinesiology
PEXS 200101 Intermediate Ballet PHED ACTY ACTY: Intermediate Ballet
PEXS 200201 Modern Dance Techni PHED ACTY ACTY: Modern Dance Techni
PEXS 200501 Camping & Canoeing PHED ELLD LD: Camping & Canoeing
PEXS 200701 Tap Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Tap Dance
PEXS 202101 Performance & Teach PHED ELLD LD: Performance & Teach
PEXS 203001 Intro to Recreation REC ELLD LD: Intro to Recreation
PEXS 206201 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PEXS 207101 Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
PEXS 207201 Softball PHED ACTY ACTY: Softball
PEXS 208001 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PEXS 208501 Karate PHED ACTY ACTY: Karate
PEXS 208601 Self Defense PHED 1250 Self Defense
PEXS 210001 Jazz Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Jazz Dance
PEXS 210501 Ballet Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet Dance
PEXS 211001 Intermediate Ballet PHED ACTY ACTY: Intermediate Ballet
PEXS 211401 Fencing PHED ELLD LD: Fencing
PEXS 211501 Contemporary Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Contemporary Dance
PEXS 212001 Folk Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Folk Dance
PEXS 212501 Jazz Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Jazz Dance
PEXS 213501 Social Dance PHED 1020 Beginning Social Dance
PEXS 214501 Square Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Square Dance
PEXS 215001 Tap Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Tap Dance
PEXS 2160 Country/Western Dance PHED ELLD LD:Country/Western Dance
PEXS 220501 Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
PEXS 221001 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PEXS 221501 Basketball PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
PEXS 222501 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PEXS 223501 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PEXS 224001 Gymnastics & Tumbli PHED ACTY ACTY: Gymnastics & Tumbli
PEXS 225501 Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
PEXS 226001 Softball PHED ACTY ACTY: Softball
PEXS 226501 Soccer PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PEXS 227001 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PEXS 227501 Advanced Tennis PHED ACTY ACTY: Advanced Tennis
PEXS 228001 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PEXS 230501 Karate PHED ACTY ACTY: Karate
PEXS 2315 Self Defense PHED 1250 Self Defense
PEXS 231501 Self Defense PHED 1250 Self Defense
PEXS 233001 Clinical Experience PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 233101 Clinical Experience PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 240001 Beginning Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Beginning Swimming
PEXS 241001 Advanced Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Advanced Swimming
PEXS 242001 Lifeguarding PHED ACTY ACTY: Lifeguarding
PEXS 244001 Scuba PHED ACTY ACTY: Scuba
PEXS 250001 Marksmanship PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 251001 Horesback Riding/Eq HORS 2110 Basic Horsemanship
PEXS 2515 Marksmanship PHED ELLD LD:Marksmanship
PEXS 2550 Orienteering PHED ELLD LD: Orienteering
PEXS 260001 Adapted Physical Ed PHED ACTY ACTY: Adapted Physical Ed
PEXS 270101 Aquatics PHED ACTY ACTY: Aquatics
PEXS 270201 Exercise PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PEXS 270301 Rhythms PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 290001 Intro & History of PHED 3850 Foundations of Physical Edu
PEXS 294001 Clinical Exper I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 294101 Clinical Exper II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEXS 2950 Aquatics PHED ELLD LD: Aquatics
PEXS 2955 Care Prev of Ath Inj ATHT ELLD LD: Care Prev of Ath Inj
PEXS 300001 PE Programs For El PHED 3500 Physical Edu Early Childhood
PEXS 3005 Instructional Delive PHED ELUD UD: Instructional Delive
PEXS 3008 Honors Service Lear PHED ELLD LD: Honors Service Lear
PEXS 301001 Physiological & Psy EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
PEXS 302001 Development & Analy ATHT 3570 Psychomotor Skills
PEXS 3021 Theory & Tech of Co ATHC 3620 Coach/Officiate Golf
PEXS 3022 Theory & Tech of Co ATHC 4650 Coach/Officiate CC, T&F
PEXS 3025 Sports Officiating ATHC ELUD UD:Sports Officiating
PEXS 303001 Performance & Teach PHED ELUD UD: Performance & Teach
PEXS 303201 Psychomotor Develop PHED ELUD UD: Psychomotor Develop
PEXS 303301 Movement Experience PHED ELUD UD: Movement Experience
PEXS 303401 Performances & Teac PHED ELUD UD: Performances & Teac
PEXS 303501 Perform & Teach Rac PHED ELUD UD: Perform & Teach Rac
PEXS 303601 Perform & Teach Of DANC ELUD UD: Perform & Teach Of
PEXS 304001 Programming & Leade LSTS 3530 Program Planning in LSTS
PEXS 305001 Recreational Admini LSTS 4540 Fin and Admin of LSTS
PEXS 3055 Care and Treatment ATHT ELUD UD: Care and Treatment
PEXS 3060 Nat Resource Mgmt REC ELUD UD: Nat Resource Mgmt
PEXS 3061 Theory & Tech of Co ATHC 3610 Coach/Officiate Basketball
PEXS 3062 Theory Coach Volley ATHC 3660 Coach/Officiate Volleyball
PEXS 306501 Athletic Injury Ass ATHT 4430 Practicum in Athletic Training
PEXS 3071 Theory & Tech Coach ATHC 3600 Coach/Officiate Football
PEXS 307201 Theory & Tech Coach ATHC 4640 Intermed Coach/Ump Baseball
PEXS 308001 Theory & Practive A PHED ELUD UD: Theory & Practive A
PEXS 3085 Teaching Rhythms & PHED ELUD UD: Teaching Rhythms &
PEXS 3090 Sports Officiating ATHC 3910 Athletic Coaching/Officiating
PEXS 3095 Teaching Sports Skil PHED ELUD UD: Teaching Sports Skil
PEXS 311101 Performance & Teach PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
PEXS 320001 Camp Leadership REC ELUD UD: Camp Leadership
PEXS 320501 Intro to Recreation REC ELUD UD: Intro to Recreation
PEXS 3210 Practive I Sport Mgm PHED ELUD UD: Practive I Sport Mgm
PEXS 3211 Practice II Sport Mg PHED ELUD UD: Practice II Sport Mg
PEXS 3212 Pract III In Sport M PHED ELUD UD: Pract III In Sport M
PEXS 3220 Facility Planning & LSTS 3540 Facility Operations in LSTS
PEXS 3225 Marketing Strategies PHED ELUD UD: Marketing Strategies
PEXS 330001 Curriculum In P E PHED 4780 Curriculum Physical Education
PEXS 333001 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PEXS 333101 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PEXS 3400 History of Sport PHED ELUD UD: History of Sport
PEXS 3401 Support In the Socia PHED ELUD UD: Support In the Socia
PEXS 3410 Implement Tech Pexs PHED ELUD UD: Implement Tech Pexs
PEXS 346001 Nutrition For Life HLTH ELUD UD: Nutrition For Life
PEXS 3500 Dance Human Experien DANC 1030 Tap Dance Techniques I
PEXS 3510 Historical/Phil Soci PHED ELUD UD: Historical/Phil Soci
PEXS 360001 Professional Field PHED 4920 Independent Study
PEXS 3610 Exercise Physiology EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
PEXS 3650 Found of Wellness Pr HLTH ELUD UD: Found of Wellness Pr
PEXS 3655 Sports Nutrition PHED ELUD UD: Sports Nutrition
PEXS 3700 Elem Physical Educ PHED ELUD UD: Elem Physical Educ
PEXS 3710 Elem Physical Educ PHED ELUD UD: Elem Physical Educ
PEXS 3720 Elem Physical Educ PHED ELUD UD: Elem Physical Educ
PEXS 3850 Scientific Basis Hum PHED ELUD UD: Scientific Basis Hum
PEXS 400001 Professional Field PHED ELUD UD: Professional Field
PEXS 4001 Sports Skills II PHED ELUD UD: Sports Skills II
PEXS 4007 Elem Phys Education PHED ELUD UD: Elem Phys Education
PEXS 401001 Philosophies & Curr PHED ELUD UD: Philosophies & Curr
PEXS 4018 Honors Thesis PHED ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
PEXS 402701 Recreation Faciliti LSTS 3540 Facility Operations in LSTS
PEXS 403001 Organization & Admi PHED ELUD UD: Organization & Admi
PEXS 403701 Current Topics & Is LSTS 4580 Seminar Rec & Tourism Impacts
PEXS 404701 Prin of Motor Learn PHED ELUD UD: Prin of Motor Learn
PEXS 4050 Motor Learning Con PHED ELUD UD: Motor Learning Con
PEXS 405501 Advanced Athletic PHED ELUD UD: Advanced Athletic
PEXS 406001 Measurement & Evalu EXSC 4810 Measurement and Evaluation
PEXS 4061 Exercise Fitness Tra PHED ELUD UD: Exercise Fitness Tra
PEXS 4062 Cardio Exercise Test PHED ELUD UD: Cardio Exercise Test
PEXS 406501 Therapeutic Exercis ATHT 4970 Therapeutic Modalities
PEXS 407001 Therapeutic Modalit ATHT 4960 Rehabilitation Techniques
PEXS 4075 Residency I PHED ELUD UD:Residency I
PEXS 4080 Legal Issues & Risk PHED ELUD UD: Legal Issues & Risk
PEXS 4090 Pharmacology & Subst HLTH 4400 Drugs and Violence Education
PEXS 4150 Special Olympics Coa ATHC ELUD UD: Special Olympics Coa
PEXS 4160 Emergency Care & Tra HLTH ELUD UD: Emergency Care & Tra
PEXS 4170 Emergency Care & Tra HLTH ELUD UD: Emergency Care & Tra
PEXS 420001 Dance as a Performi DANC ELUD UD: Dance as a Performi
PEXS 4205 Issues & Trends In S PHED ELUD UD: Issues & Trends In S
PEXS 4220 Internship In Sport PHED ELUD UD: Internship In Sport
PEXS 425001 PE Activities For PHED 3900 Adapted Physical Education
PEXS 427001 Kinesiology PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
PEXS 4271 Mechanical Kinesiolo PHED ELUD UD: Mechanical Kinesiolo
PEXS 433001 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PEXS 433101 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PEXS 433201 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PEXS 433301 Clinical Experience PHED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
PEXS 4360 Exercise Science/Wel PHED ELUD UD: Exercise Science/Wel
PEXS 4370 Psychology of Sport PHED ELUD UD: Psychology of Sport
PEXS 437701 Sport Psychology ATHC 4060 Sport Psychology
PEXS 441001 Methods In P E PHED ELUD UD: Methods In P E
PEXS 446001 Metabolic Aspects O PHED ELUD UD: Metabolic Aspects O
PEXS 4467 Metabolic Aspects Of PHED ELUD UD: Metabolic Aspects Of
PEXS 450001 Interscholastic Ath PHED ELUD UD: Interscholastic Ath
PEXS 460001 Athletic Coaching P ATHC ELUD UD: Athletic Coaching P
PEXS 461001 Exercise Physiology PHED ELUD UD: Exercise Physiology
PEXS 4620 Exercise Physiology PHED ELUD UD: Exercise Physiology
PEXS 4630 Exer Sci Wellness In PHED 4250 Internship
PEXS 4631 Exrcse Scnce Intrnsh EXSC 4250 Internship
PEXS 4650 Strategies In Devel PHED ELUD UD: Strategies In Devel
PEXS 4656 Sports Conditioning PHED ELUD UD:Sports Conditioning
PEXS 4657 Sport Nutrition PHED ELUD UD:Sport Nutrition
PEXS 4700 Secondary Phys Educ PHED ELUD UD: Secondary Phys Educ
PEXS 4710 Secondary Phys Educ PHED ELUD UD: Secondary Phys Educ
PEXS 4717 Secondary Well Educa EXSC ELUD UD: Secondary Well Educa
PEXS 4720 Secondary Phys Educ PHED ELUD UD: Secondary Phys Educ
PEXS 490001 Independent Study PHED 4920 Independent Study
PEXS 4977 Exrcs Mgmt Persons EXSC 4260 Exer Assess Prescrip Spec Pop
PEXS 5717 Secondary Well Educa EXSC ELUD UD: Secondary Well Educa
PEXS 5977 Exrcse Mgmt Persons EXSC 4260 Exer Assess Prescrip Spec Pop
PH H 201001 Self World & God RS ELLD LD: Self World & God
PH&H 2020 Values & Society PHIL ELLD LD: Values & Society
PHE 1140 Walking for Fitness PHE 1140 Walking for Fitness
PHED 111501 Aerobic Dance PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PHED 112001 Aquafitness PHED ACTY ACTY: Aquafitness
PHED 1130 Fitness For Life PHED ELLD LD: Fitness For Life
PHED 113501 General Conditionin PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 1137 Power Walking PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 114001 Strength Conditioning PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHED 115001 Weight Mgmt Exercis PHED ELLD LD: Weight Mgmt Exercis
PHED 2100 Relaxation for Health PHED ELLD LD: Relaxation for Health
PHED 210501 Ballet Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet Dance
PHED 211001 Intermediate Ballet PHED ACTY ACTY: Intermediate Ballet
PHED 211501 Contemporary Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Contemporary Dance
PHED 212001 Folk Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Folk Dance
PHED 212501 Jazz Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Jazz Dance
PHED 213001 Modern Dance Techni PHED ELLD LD: Modern Dance Techni
PHED 213501 Social Dance PHED 1020 Beginning Social Dance
PHED 214501 Square Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Square Dance
PHED 215001 Tap Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Tap Dance
PHED 2160 Country & Western Da PHED ELLD LD: Country & Western Da
PHED 220501 Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
PHED 221001 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PHED 221501 Basketball PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
PHED 222001 Billiards PHED ELLD LD: Billiards
PHED 222501 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHED 223001 Fencing PHED ELLD LD: Fencing
PHED 2233 Disc Sports PHED ELLD LD: Disc Sports
PHED 223501 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PHED 224001 Gymnastics & Tumbli PHED ACTY ACTY: Gymnastics & Tumbli
PHED 225001 Lacrosse PHED ELLD LD: Lacrosse
PHED 225501 Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
PHED 226001 Softball PHED ACTY ACTY: Softball
PHED 226501 Soccer PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PHED 227001 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PHED 227501 Advanced Tennis PHED ACTY ACTY: Advanced Tennis
PHED 228001 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PHED 230501 Karate PHED ACTY ACTY: Karate
PHED 231001 Judo PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 231501 Self Defense PHED 1250 Self Defense
PHED 2316 Self Defense for Women PHED ELLD LD:Self Defense for Women
PHED 232001 Shao Lin PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 232501 Tai Chi PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 240001 Beginning Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Beginning Swimming
PHED 241001 Advanced Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Advanced Swimming
PHED 242001 Lifeguarding PHED ACTY ACTY: Lifeguarding
PHED 243001 Water Safety Instru PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 244001 Scuba PHED ACTY ACTY: Scuba
PHED 2441 Adv Scuba PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 250501 Camping & Canoeing PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2507 Kayaking PHED ELLD LD: Kayaking
PHED 2509 Kayak Touring PHED ELLD LD: Kayak Touring
PHED 251001 Horesback Riding/Eq HORS 2110 Basic Horsemanship
PHED 251501 Marksmanship PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2520 River Rafting PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2525 Rock Climbing PHED ACTY ACTY: Rock Climbing
PHED 2527 Caving PHED ELLD LD: Caving
PHED 2530 Mountain Biking PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2535 Canoeing PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2540 Snowboarding PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 254501 Skiing PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 2550 Orienteering REC ELLD LD: Orienteering
PHED 2553 Backpacking PHED 1120 Backpacking and Hiking
PHED 2555 Outdoor Living Skil PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 260001 Adapted Physical Ed PHED ACTY ACTY: Adapted Physical Ed
PHIL 0121 Elementary Ethics PHIL 121 Elementary Ethics
PHIL 0201 Intro to World Religions PHIL 201 Intro to World Religions
PHIL 1030 Self & World PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1218 Hon Quest Meaning & PHIL ELLD LD: Hon Quest Meaning &
PHIL 1228 Hon Quest Meaning & PHIL ELLD LD: Hon Quest Meaning &
PHIL 201001 Self, World, & God PHIL ELLD LD: Self, World, & God
PHIL 2020 Intro to Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHIL 202101 Quest For Meaning V PHIL ELLD LD: Quest For Meaning V
PHIL 2025 Self & World PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 203001 Practical Reasoning PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 2040 Philosophy as Conver PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2210 Intro to the Study RS 3020 Comparative Religion
PHIL 2430 Philosophy of Religion PHIL 2430 Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 2640 Science & Modern Wo PHIL 4500 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 298901 Cooperative Educati PHIL ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
PHIL 299901 Cooperative Educati PHIL ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
PHIL 301001 History of Ancient PHIL 4010 History Ancient Medieval Phil
PHIL 302001 History of Medieval PHIL ELUD UD: History of Medieval
PHIL 303001 History of Modern P PHIL 4020 History of Modern Philosophy
PHIL 304001 Contemporary Moral PHIL ELUD UD: Contemporary Moral
PHIL 305001 Symbolic Logic PHIL 4150 Formal Logic
PHIL 306101 Philosophy Colloqui PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy Colloqui
PHIL 306201 Philosophy Colloqui PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy Colloqui
PHIL 306301 Philosophy Colloqui PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy Colloqui
PHIL 3110 Phil of Feminism PHIL ELUD UD: Phil of Feminism
PHIL 312001 Existentialism PHIL 4200 Existentialism
PHIL 313001 American Political PHIL ELUD UD: American Political
PHIL 3140 Environ Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD: Environ Philosophy
PHIL 3150 Phil of Law PHIL ELUD UD: Phil of Law
PHIL 3160 Native Amer Thinking PHIL ELUD UD: Native Amer Thinking
PHIL 3170 Philosophy of Mind PHIL 4550 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 322001 Religions of the Wo RS ELUD UD: Religions of the Wo
PHIL 323001 Religions of the Wo RS ELUD UD: Religions of the Wo
PHIL 324001 Old Testament Liter RS ELUD UD: Old Testament Liter
PHIL 325001 New Testament Liter RS ELUD UD: New Testament Liter
PHIL 326101 Religion Colloquium RS ELUD UD: Religion Colloquium
PHIL 326201 Religion Colloquium RS ELUD UD: Religion Colloquium
PHIL 326301 Religion Colloquium RS ELUD UD: Religion Colloquium
PHIL 398901 Cooperative Educati PHIL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
PHIL 399901 Cooperative Educati PHIL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
PHIL 401701 Ethical Theory PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHIL 4018 Honors Thesis PHIL ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
PHIL 402701 Contemporary Philos PHIL ELUD UD: Contemporary Philos
PHIL 403701 Philosophical Probl PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophical Probl
PHIL 404701 Philosophy of Relig PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Relig
PHIL 405701 Philosophy of Art PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Art
PHIL 406701 Philosophy In Liter PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy In Liter
PHIL 4077 Contemporary Continental Phil PHIL 4240 Recent Continental Philosophy
PHIL 4087 Topics in Analytic Phil PHIL 4400 Analytic Philosophy
PHIL 410701 Classical Political PHIL ELUD UD: Classical Political
PHIL 412701 Modern Political Ph PHIL ELUD UD: Modern Political Ph
PHIL 413701 Marxism PHIL ELUD UD: Marxism
PHIL 414001 Topic In Political PHIL ELUD UD: Topic In Political
PHIL 422001 Contemporary Theolo PHIL ELUD UD: Contemporary Theolo
PHIL 490001 Independent Studies PHIL ELUD UD: Independent Studies
PHIL 4917 Phil of Biological & PHIL ELUD UD: Phil of Biological &
PHIL 492001 Independent Studies PHIL ELUD UD: Independent Studies
PHIL 495001 Senior Seminar PHIL ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
PHIL 495701 Special Topics In P PHIL ELUD UD: Special Topics In P
PHIL 498901 Cooperative Educati PHIL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
PHIL 499901 Cooperative Educati PHIL ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
PHYS 101001 Physical Science & PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PHYS 101501 Intro Astronomy ASTR 3400 Fundamentals of Astrophysics
PHYS 1030 Intro to Phys Survey PHYS ELLD LD: Intro to Phys Survey
PHYS 104001 Phys Science & Soci PSCI ELLD LD: Phys Science & Soci
PHYS 1200 Applied Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Applied Physics
PHYS 2010 Gen Physics I-Noncalc PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 2011 Gen Phys Lab I-Noncalc PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 2020 Gen Physics II-Noncalc PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 2021 Gen Phys Lab II-Noncalc PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 2110 General Physics I PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHYS 211101 General Physics Lab PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 2120 General Physics II PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PHYS 212101 General Physics Lab PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 213001 Intro to Modern Phy PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 261001 Technical Physics I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 262001 Technical Physics PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 301001 Mechanics PHYS 3300 Classical Mechanics
PHYS 311001 Thermodynamics PHYS 3610 Thermodynamics
PHYS 320001 Physics of Photogra PHYS ELUD UD: Physics of Photogra
PHYS 321001 Optics PHYS ELUD UD: Optics
PHYS 331001 Electrical Measurem PHYS 3350 Concepts Appl Analog Electron
PHYS 351001 Intro to Biophysics PHYS ELUD UD: Intro to Biophysics
PHYS 361001 Intro to Atomic & N PHYS 3110 Modern Physics II
PHYS 371001 Electricity & Magne PHYS 4310 Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 4007 Computational Physic PHYS 3200 Scientific Model Prob Solving
PHYS 4018 Honors Thesis PHYS 4900 Physics Senior Thesis
PHYS 4117 Kinetic & Statistica PHYS 3610 Thermodynamics
PHYS 461701 Quantum Physics PHYS 4380 Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 4717 Electromagnetic PHYS 4330 Electricity and Magnetism II
PHYS 485001 Seminar In Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Seminar In Physics
PHYS 486001 Special Topics In P PHYS ELUD UD: Special Topics In P
PHYS 490001 Independent Studies PHYS ELUD UD: Independent Studies
PHYT 1000 Academic Advantage ELEC ELLD LD: Academic Advantage
PHYT 2000 Intro Physical Ther ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Physical Ther
PHYT 300501 Human Gross Anatomy ELEC ELUD UD: Human Gross Anatomy
PHYT 301001 Kinesiology & Biome ELEC ELUD UD: Kinesiology & Biome
PHYT 302001 Neurosciences In Ph ELEC ELUD UD: Neurosciences In Ph
PHYT 310001 Intro to Evaluation ELEC ELUD UD: Intro to Evaluation
PHYT 3101 Human Gross Anat In ELEC ELUD UD: Human Gross Anat In
PHYT 3102 Intro to Pathophysio ELEC ELUD UD: Intro to Pathophysio
PHYT 311001 Therapeutic Physica ELEC ELUD UD: Therapeutic Physica
PHYT 3111 Intro to Eval & Pati ELEC ELUD UD: Intro to Eval & Pati
PHYT 3112 Therapeutic Phys Age ELEC ELUD UD: Therapeutic Phys Age
PHYT 320001 Intro to Scientific ELEC ELUD UD: Intro to Scientific
PHYT 3203 Kinseiology & Biomec ELEC ELUD UD: Kinseiology & Biomec
PHYT 3204 Neurosciences In Phy ELEC ELUD UD: Neurosciences In Phy
PHYT 321001 Concepts of Clinica ELEC ELUD UD: Concepts of Clinica
PHYT 3213 Prin of Therapuetic ELEC ELUD UD: Prin of Therapuetic
PHYT 3251 Wound & Burn Care In ELEC ELUD UD: Wound & Burn Care In
PHYT 3271 Clinical Practicum I ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Practicum I
PHYT 330001 Intro to Pathology ELEC ELUD UD: Intro to Pathology
PHYT 331001 Orthopedics & Manua ELEC ELUD UD: Orthopedics & Manua
PHYT 332001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Practicum
PHYT 340001 Therapeutic Tech I ELEC ELUD UD: Therapeutic Tech I
PHYT 4321 Phys Th Evaluation & ELEC ELUD UD: Phys Th Evaluation &
PHYT 4331 Neurological Rehab ELEC ELUD UD: Neurological Rehab
PHYT 4352 Concepts of Clinical ELEC ELUD UD: Concepts of Clinical
PHYT 4353 Soft Tissue Mgmt ELEC ELUD UD: Soft Tissue Mgmt
PHYT 4361 Intro to Scientific ELEC ELUD UD: Intro to Scientific
PHYT 4372 Clinical Pract II ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Pract II
PHYT 4405 Pharmacology In Phys ELEC ELUD UD: Pharmacology In Phys
PHYT 441001 Therapeutic Tech II ELEC ELUD UD: Therapeutic Tech II
PHYT 442001 Therapeutic Tech II ELEC ELUD UD: Therapeutic Tech II
PHYT 4422 Phys Therapy Eval & ELEC ELUD UD: Phys Therapy Eval &
PHYT 4432 Pediatrics In Phys T ELEC ELUD UD: Pediatrics In Phys T
PHYT 4454 Prosthetics & Orthot ELEC ELUD UD: Prosthetics & Orthot
PHYT 4455 Gerontology Geriatri ELEC ELUD UD: Gerontology Geriatri
PHYT 4473 Clinical Pract III ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Pract III
PHYT 450001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Practicum
PHYT 451001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Practicum
PHYT 452001 Clinical Practicum ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Practicum
PHYT 4541 Cardiopulmonary Reha ELEC ELUD UD: Cardiopulmonary Reha
PHYT 4556 Psychosocial Aspects ELEC ELUD UD: Psychosocial Aspects
PHYT 4574 Clinical Pract IV ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Pract IV
PHYT 460001 Pharmacology In Phy ELEC ELUD UD: Pharmacology In Phy
PHYT 461001 Admin & Mgmt In Phy ELEC ELUD UD: Admin & Mgmt In Phy
PHYT 4675 Clinical Internship ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Internship
PHYT 4681 Admin & Mgmt In Phys ELEC ELUD UD: Admin & Mgmt In Phys
PHYT 4690 Differential Diagnos ELEC ELUD UD: Differential Diagnos
PHYT 470001 Psychosocial Aspect ELEC ELUD UD: Psychosocial Aspect
PHYT 471001 Gerontology Geriatr ELEC ELUD UD: Gerontology Geriatr
PHYT 4900 Indep Study In Phys ELEC ELUD UD: Indep Study In Phys
PHYT 491001 Prosthetics & Ortho ELEC ELUD UD: Prosthetics & Ortho
PHYT 492001 Readings In Researc ELEC ELUD UD: Readings In Researc
PHYT 493001 Clinical Internship ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Internship
PHYT 4990 Readings In Research ELEC ELUD UD: Readings In Research
PM 4120 Organizations Theory/Behavior PM 4120 Organization Theory and Behav
PMNU 100501 L.P.N. Transition NURS ELLD LD: L.P.N. Transition
PMNU 1010 Orient to College Lf UNIV ELLD LD: Orient to College Lf
PMNU 101501 Survey of Health Ca NURS ELLD LD: Survey of Health Ca
PMNU 103001 Associate Degree Nu NURS ELLD LD: Associate Degree Nu
PMNU 200001 Psychiatric-Mental NURS ELLD LD: Psychiatric-Mental
PMNU 200101 Psychiatric-Mental NURS ELLD LD: Psychiatric-Mental
PMNU 2020 Intro to Professiona NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Professiona
PMNU 203001 Transition Into Nur NURS ELLD LD: Transition Into Nur
PMNU 205001 Communication For H NURS ELLD LD: Communication For H
PMNU 2310 Professional Communi NURS ELLD LD: Professional Communi
PMNU 301001 The Nurse & Dying C NURS ELUD UD: The Nurse & Dying C
PMNU 302001 Theories & Concepts NURS ELUD UD: Theories & Concepts
PMNU 3070 Community Based Beha NURS ELUD UD: Community Based Beha
PMNU 3090 Care of Persons NURS ELUD UD: Care of Persons
PMNU 3091 Care of Persons NURS ELUD UD: Care of Persons
PMNU 3120 Professional Communi NURS ELUD UD: Professional Communi
PMNU 313001 Concepts of Prof Nu NURS ELUD UD: Concepts of Prof Nu
PMNU 3220 Nursing Theory NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Theory
PMNU 400001 Nursing In Third Wo NURS ELUD UD: Nursing In Third Wo
PMNU 4008 Honors Mentorship In NURS ELUD UD: Honors Mentorship In
PMNU 401701 Health Care Inform NURS ELUD UD: Health Care Inform
PMNU 4018 Nurs Honors Thesis NURS ELUD UD: Nurs Honors Thesis
PMNU 4027 Health Care Law NURS ELUD UD: Health Care Law
PMNU 405001 Nursing Research NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Research
PMNU 4060 Transition to Profes NURS ELUD UD: Transition to Profes
PMNU 4061 Senior Practicum NURS ELUD UD: Senior Practicum
PMNU 4062 RN Practicum NURS ELUD UD: RN Practicum
PMNU 4070 Community Behavioral ELEC ELUD UD: Community Behavioral
PMNU 417001 Care of Clients Psy NURS ELUD UD: Care of Clients Psy
PMNU 417101 Care of Clients Pra NURS ELUD UD: Care of Clients Pra
PMNU 422001 Mgmt of Patient Car NURS ELUD UD: Mgmt of Patient Car
PMNU 422101 Mgmt Field Experien NURS ELUD UD: Mgmt Field Experien
PMNU 424001 Issues In Prof Nurs NURS ELUD UD: Issues In Prof Nurs
PMNU 4900 Nursing Indpendent Study NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Indp Study
PMNU 4957 Special Topics NURS ELUD UD: Special Topics
PMNU 4989 Cooperative Educ NURS ELUD UD: Cooperative Educ
POL 1010 US Government & Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POL 1020 Intro to Political Science PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
POLI 4230 The Presidency PS 3050 The U.S. Presidency
POLI 4350 International Law PS 3500 International Law
POLS 1020 Intro to Political Science POLS 1020 Intro to Political Science
POLS 1030 American Government POLS 1030 American Government
POLS 1501 Intro International Relations PS 3210 International Relations
POLS 2010 State & Local Government PS 2020 State and Local Government
POLS 3010 Comparative Politics PS 3220 Comparative Politics
POLS 4508 Concepts Internat'l Relations PS 3210 International Relations
PREH 1350 Health Prof Exploration ELEC ELLD LD:Health Prof Exploration
PS 3330 Political Parties/Electoral Sy PS 3330 Political Parties
PS 3350 Interest Groups/Social Change PS 3350 Interest Groups Social Change
PS 3510 Internat'l Political Economy PS 4510 Intl Political Economy
PS 4240 American Foreign Policy PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
PSC 112001 Intro to American G PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSCI 1000 Academic Advantage UNIV 1010 University Seminar
PSCI 1010 Survey of Physical Science I PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PSCI 1020 Survey of Physical Science II PSCI 1020 Survey of Physical Science II
PSCI 1110 Political Life PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
PSCI 111001 Political Life PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
PSCI 1120 Intro to American Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSCI 2210 Intro to Comparativ PS ELLD LD: Intro to Comparativ
PSCI 2220 Intro World Politic PS ELLD LD: Intro World Politic
PSCI 2500 Const & Civil Libert PS ELLD LD: Const & Civil Libert
PSCI 261001 Intro to Public Adm PS ELLD LD: Intro to Public Adm
PSCI 298901 Cooperative Educati PS 4290 Public Service Internship
PSCI 299901 Cooperative Educati PS 4290 Public Service Internship
PSCI 300001 Peace,Security, & D PS 3210 International Relations
PSCI 3010 Chinese Politics PS ELUD UD: Chinese Politics
PSCI 302001 Political Socioliza PS ELUD UD: Political Socioliza
PSCI 303001 American Politics & PS ELUD UD: American Politics &
PSCI 3050 Interest Groups In A PS 3350 Interest Groups Social Change
PSCI 306001 Southern Politics PS ELUD UD: Southern Politics
PSCI 3070 Politics & Film PS ELUD UD: Politics & Film
PSCI 310001 Law & Judicial Proc PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
PSCI 313001 American Political PS ELUD UD: American Political
PSCI 3150 Democratic Theory PS ELUD UD:Democratic Theory
PSCI 320001 Law & Judical Proce PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
PSCI 320501 Constitution & Civi PS 3380 American Constitutional Law II
PSCI 321001 Due Process & Adjud PS 3380 American Constitutional Law II
PSCI 322001 The Supreme Court PS 3370 American Constitutional Law I
PSCI 323001 American Constituti PS 3370 American Constitutional Law I
PSCI 3310 International Relations PS 3210 International Relations
PSCI 331001 International Relat PS 3210 International Relations
PSCI 3350 Intl Pol Econ PS 4510 Intl Political Economy
PSCI 3440 Research Methods PS 3001 Research Methods in PS
PSCI 3500 The President and Congress PS ELUD UD:The President and Congress
PSCI 371001 State & Local Gover PS 2020 State and Local Government
PSCI 3750 Intl Law and Org PS 3500 International Law
PSCI 380001 European Politics PS 4300 EU Policymaking
PSCI 383001 Government & Politi PS 4900 Latin American Politics
PSCI 387001 Gov & Politics of S PS ELUD UD: Gov & Politics of S
PSCI 3900 Gov & Pol Russia & East Eur PS ELUD UD:Gov & Pol Russia & East Eur
PSCI 398901 Cooperative Educati PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
PSCI 399901 Cooperative Educati PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
PSCI 4018 Honors Thesis PS ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
PSCI 4020 Urban Politics PS 3400 Municipal Policy and Politics
PSCI 402701 Urban Politics PS 3400 Municipal Policy and Politics
PSCI 4040 Public Opinion PS 3320 Public Opinion
PSCI 404701 Public Opinion PS 3320 Public Opinion
PSCI 4050 The Presidency PS 3050 The U.S. Presidency
PSCI 405701 The Presidency PS 3050 The U.S. Presidency
PSCI 4080 Politics of Amer Plu PS 3350 Interest Groups Social Change
PSCI 408701 Politics of America PS ELUD UD: Politics of America
PSCI 4100 Classical Political PS 4230 Classical Political Theory
PSCI 410701 Classical Political PS 4230 Classical Political Theory
PSCI 4120 Modern Political Phi PS ELUD UD: Modern Political Phi
PSCI 412701 Modern Political PS 4920 Modern Political Theory
PSCI 4130 Marxism PS ELUD UD: Marxism
PSCI 413701 Marxism PS ELUD UD: Marxism
PSCI 4140 Topics In Political PS ELUD UD: Topics In Political
PSCI 4160 The Idea of the City PS 3400 Municipal Policy and Politics
PSCI 416701 The Idea of the Cir PS ELUD UD: The Idea of the Cir
PSCI 421701 American Constituti PS ELUD UD: American Constituti
PSCI 4230 Court Admin & Organ PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
PSCI 423701 Court Administratio PS ELUD UD: Court Administratio
PSCI 4300 International Poliit PS 3210 International Relations
PSCI 430701 International Polit PS ELUD UD: International Polit
PSCI 4330 American Foreign Pol PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
PSCI 433701 American Foreign Po PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
PSCI 4340 National Security Po PS ELUD UD: National Security Po
PSCI 434701 National Security P PS ELUD UD: National Security P
PSCI 4450 Power & Politics In PS ELUD UD: Power & Politics In
PSCI 445701 Power & Politics In PS ELUD UD: Power & Politics In
PSCI 461701 Public Personnel Ad PS 4630 Public Human Resource Mgmt
PSCI 463701 Local & Regional Pl PS ELUD UD: Local & Regional Pl
PSCI 4650 Bureaucracy & Public PS ELUD UD: Bureaucracy & Public
PSCI 465701 Bureaucracy & Publi PS ELUD UD: Bureaucracy & Publi
PSCI 4690 Topics In Public Adm PS ELUD UD: Topics In Public Adm
PSCI 469701 Topics In Public Ad PS ELUD UD: Topics In Public Ad
PSCI 4730 Amer Policy Process PS 3100 Politics and Film
PSCI 473701 American Policy Pro PS ELUD UD: American Policy Pro
PSCI 4820 Politics of Devel PS ELUD UD: Politics of Devel
PSCI 482701 Politics of Develop PS ELUD UD: Politics of Develop
PSCI 490001 Independent Study & PS 4200 Directed Studies
PSCI 491001 Independent Study & PS 4200 Directed Studies
PSCI 492001 Legislative Interns PS 4360 Legislative Internship
PSCI 4921 Legis Internship Res PS ELUD UD: Legis Internship Res
PSCI 494001 Paralegal Internshi PS 4040 Pre Law Internship
PSCI 494101 Paralegal Internshi PS 4040 Pre Law Internship
PSCI 495001 Senior Seminar PS 4800 Senior Seminar
PSCI 495701 Special Topics In P PS 4200 Directed Studies
PSCI 498901 Cooperative Educati PS 4290 Public Service Internship
PSCI 499901 Cooperative Educati PS 4290 Public Service Internship
PSY 0101 Gen Psychology I PSY ELLD LD: Gen Psychology I
PSY 3590 Psychology of Personality PSY 3590 Personality
PSYC 0223 Psychology of Aging PSYC 223 Psychology of Aging
PSYC 1019 Psy Speaker Series PSY ELLD LD: Psy Speaker Series
PSYC 1020 Psy Speaker Series PSY ELLD LD: Psy Speaker Series
PSYC 1030 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 1310 Intro to Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 131001 Intro to Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 2000 Social Psych SOC ELLD LD: Social Psych
PSYC 2019 Psy Speaker Series PSY ELLD LD: Psy Speaker Series
PSYC 2020 Psy Speaker Series PSY ELLD LD: Psy Speaker Series
PSYC 2110 Psychology of Adjustment PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 2111 Human Growth/Development PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 2120 Social Psychology PSY ELLD LD:Social Psychology
PSYC 2130 Life Span Psychology PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 231101 Advanced General Ps PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 2312 Adv Gen Psy Lab PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 232001 Child Psychology PSY 4190 Child Development
PSYC 233001 Adolescent Psycholo PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
PSYC 2500 Behavior Modificati PSY ELLD LD: Behavior Modificati
PSYC 2800 Child Psyc Science PSY ELLD LD: Child Psyc Science
PSYC 281001 Elementary Statisti PSY 3020 Basic Stats Behavior Science
PSYC 2900 Motivation & Emotio PSY ELLD LD: Motivation & Emotio
PSYC 298901 Cooperative Educati PSY ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
PSYC 299901 Cooperative Educati PSY ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
PSYC 3001 Ecological Psycholog PSY ELLD LD: Ecological Psycholog
PSYC 301001 Psychology of Learn PSY 4480 Learning Theories
PSYC 3019 Psy Speaker Series PSY ELUD UD: Psy Speaker Series
PSYC 3020 Psy Speaker Series PSY ELUD UD: Psy Speaker Series
PSYC 303001 Experimental Psycho PSY ELUD UD: Experimental Psycho
PSYC 3031 Exp Psyc Lab PSY ELUD UD: Exp Psyc Lab
PSYC 3050 Design & Analysis I PSY ELUD UD:Design & Analysis I
PSYC 3051 Design & Analysis I Lab PSY ELUD UD:Design & Analysis I Lab
PSYC 3060 Design & Analysis II PSY ELUD UD:Design & Analysis II
PSYC 3061 Design & Analysis II Lab PSY ELUD UD:Design & Analysis II Lab
PSYC 3100 Elem Statistics PSY 3020 Basic Stats Behavior Science
PSYC 3200 Prin Psy Research PSY 3070 Research Methods
PSYC 3201 Prin Psych Research PSY 3070 Research Methods
PSYC 3210 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 3220 Mental Hygiene PSY ELUD UD:Mental Hygiene
PSYC 3300 Psy of Women PSY 4620 Psychology of Women
PSYC 3305 Learning and Memory PSYC 3305 Learning and Memory
PSYC 3306 Physiological Psychology PSY 4240 Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC 3310 International Relations PS 3210 International Relations
PSYC 331001 Educational Psych PSY ELUD UD: Educational Psych
PSYC 332001 Psychology of Perso PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 3330 Applied Psychology PSY ELUD UD: Applied Psychology
PSYC 3340 Intro I/O Psychology PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy
PSYC 3444 Computer Methods In PSY ELUD UD: Computer Methods In
PSYC 3460 Cognitive Growth Inf PSY 4190 Child Development
PSYC 3470 Psychosocial Growth PSY ELUD UD: Psychosocial Growth
PSYC 3500 Ecopsychology: Human PSY ELUD UD: Ecopsychology: Human
PSYC 3600 Cognition PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 3700 Health Psychology PSY 4650 Health Psychology
PSYC 3707 Behavioral Neuroscie PSY 4240 Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC 3800 Adolescent Psycholog PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
PSYC 3989 Cooperative Educatio PSY ELUD UD: Cooperative Educatio
PSYC 3999 Cooperative Educatio PSY ELUD UD: Cooperative Educatio
PSYC 4010 Hist & Systems PSY 4700 History and Systems of Psy
PSYC 401701 Intro Personality PSY 3590 Personality
PSYC 4018 Honors Thesis PSY ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
PSYC 4019 Psy Speaker Series PSY ELUD UD: Psy Speaker Series
PSYC 4020 Psy Speaker Series PSY ELUD UD: Psy Speaker Series
PSYC 4100 Intro Study Personal PSY ELUD UD: Intro Study Personal
PSYC 431701 Perception PSY 4030 Psy of Sensation Perception
PSYC 432001 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 4321 Writing Abnormal Psy PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 432701 Abnormal Pyschology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 433701 Social Psychology PSY 2210 Psychology of Social Behavior
PSYC 4407 Psychopharmacology PSY 4050 Applied Psychopharmacology
PSYC 450701 Ethics & Profession PSY ELUD UD: Ethics & Profession
PSYC 455701 Intro to Behavioral PSY ELUD UD: Intro to Behavioral
PSYC 4607 Child Psychopatholog PSY ELUD UD: Child Psychopatholog
PSYC 4707 Adv Behavioral Neuro PSY 4780 Human Neuropsychology
PSYC 4717 Adv Behavioral Neuro PSY 4780 Human Neuropsychology
PSYC 4807 Forensic Psychology PSY ELUD UD: Forensic Psychology
PSYC 481701 Intro to Psychologi PSY 4260 Intro to Psychological Testing
PSYC 4900 Independent Study PSY 3990 Research in Psychology
PSYC 495701 Special Topics In P PSY ELUD UD: Special Topics In P
PSYC 498901 Cooperative Educati PSY ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
PSYC 499901 Cooperative Educati PSY ELUD UD: Cooperative Educati
PTMA 3020 Managing Information Technolog INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info Systems
PTMA 3500 Mth'ds Peformance Productivity PTMA 3500 Methods Performance Prod
PUBH 1010 Personal Health HLTH ELLD LD: Personal Health
PUBH 1020 Intro to Public Heal HLTH ELLD LD: Intro to Public Heal
PUBH 2030 First Aid Em Care HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
PUBH 2031 Cardio Resuscitatio ELEC ELLD LD: Cardio Resuscitatio
PUBH 2100 Health Systems HLTH 2600 Intro to Health Professions
PUBH 2120 School Hlth Educati HLTH 4300 The School Health Program
PUBH 2750 Medical Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
PUBH 2950 Disaster Response Training ELEC ELLD LD: Disaster Response Trng
PUBH 3000 Biostatistics HLTH ELUD UD: Biostatistics
PUBH 3010 Accident Prevention HLTH ELLD LD: Accident Prevention
PUBH 3080 Prin of Epidemiology HLTH 4460 Introduction to Epidemiology
PUBH 3120 Prin & Pract Pub Hlt HLTH 4430 Program Planning in Health Edu
PUBH 3130 Prin & Mthd Hlth Edu HLTH ELUD UD: Prin & Mthd Hlth Edu
PUBH 3200 Hleath Services Admi HLTH ELUD UD: Hleath Services Admi
PUBH 3220 Health Services Plan HLTH ELUD UD: Health Services Plan
PUBH 3500 Consumer Hlth Educat HLTH ELUD UD: Consumer Hlth Educat
PUBH 3600 Quality & Utilizatio HLTH ELUD UD: Quality & Utilizatio
PUBH 3950 Prin Pub Hlth Resear HLTH ELUD UD: Prin Pub Hlth Resear
PUBH 4007 Prin & Prac Patient HLTH ELUD UD: Prin & Prac Patient
PUBH 4030 Community Health HLTH ELUD UD: Community Health
PUBH 4060 Community Org Hlth E HLTH ELUD UD: Community Org Hlth E
PUBH 4220 Family Hlth & Hum Se HLTH 4360 Teaching Human Sexuality
PUBH 4357 Thanatology HLTH ELUD UD: Thanatology
PUBH 4377 Health Communication HLTH ELUD UD: Health Communication
PUBH 4457 Emerging Technology ELEC ELUD UD: Emerging Technology
PUBH 4500 Pathophysiology of D HLTH ELUD UD: Pathophysiology of D
PUBH 4557 Self Care Strg Hlth HLTH ELUD UD: Self Care Strg Hlth
PUBH 4607 Gerontology & Hlth HLTH ELUD UD: Gerontology & Hlth
PUBH 4707 Intl Hlth/Overview P HLTH ELUD UD: Intl Hlth/Overview P
PUBH 4850 Field Experience HLTH ELUD UD: Field Experience
PUBH 4907 Ind Study Public Hlt HLTH ELUD UD: Ind Study Public Hlt
PUBH 4927 Cultural Competence ELEC ELUD UD: Cultural Competence
PUBH 4937 Stress Management HLTH ELUD UD: Stress Management
PUBH 4957 Topic In Public Hlth HLTH ELUD UD: Topic In Public Hlth
PUBH 4989 Cooperative Educatio HLTH ELUD UD: Cooperative Educatio
PUBR 270001 Intro to Public Rel PR ELLD LD: Intro to Public Rel
PUBR 277001 Writing For Public PR 3360 Strategic Writg Public Rela
PUBR 377001 Public Relations Pu PR 3380 Public Relations Publications
PUBR 408001 Communication Inter PR ELUD UD: Communication Inter
PUBR 4301 Topics In Public Rel PR ELUD UD: Topics In Public Rel
PUBR 473001 Public Relations Pr PR 4740 Public Relations Campaigns
PUBR 490001 Independent Studies PR ELUD UD: Independent Studies
PUBR 495701 Topics In Mass Comm PR ELUD UD: Topics In Mass Comm
PUHB 1010 Personal Health Beh HLTH 3320 Assessment in Com/Public Hlth
PUHB 2030 First Aid & Emer Ca HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
PUHB 2031 Cardiopulmonary Resu HLTH ELLD LD: Cardiopulmonary Resu
PUHB 2120 School Health Educ HLTH ELLD LD: School Health Educ
PUHB 2750 Medical Terminology HLTH ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
PUHB 3010 Accident Prevention HLTH ELUD UD: Accident Prevention
PUHB 3120 Prin & Prac of Publi HLTH ELUD UD: Prin & Prac of Publi
PUHB 3130 Prin & Mthd of Healt HLTH 4260 Current Methods in Health Edu
PUHB 3500 Consumer Health Educ HLTH ELUD UD: Consumer Health Educ
PUHB 4007 Prin & Prac of Patie HLTH ELUD UD: Prin & Prac of Patie
PUHB 4030 Community Health HLTH ELUD UD: Community Health
PUHB 4060 Community Organ For HLTH ELUD UD: Community Organ For
PUHB 4170 Health Admin & Plann HLTH ELUD UD: Health Admin & Plann
PUHB 4220 Family Health & Huma HLTH 4360 Teaching Human Sexuality
PUHB 4357 Thanatology HLTH ELUD UD: Thanatology
PUHB 4500 Pathophysiology of D HLTH ELUD UD: Pathophysiology of D
PUHB 4607 Gerontology & Health HLTH ELUD UD: Gerontology & Health
PUHB 4707 International Health HLTH ELUD UD: International Health
PUHB 4850 Field Experience HLTH ELUD UD: Field Experience
PUHB 4907 Indep Study In Healt PHED 4920 Independent Study
PUHB 4937 Stress Mgmt HLTH ELUD UD: Stress Mgmt
PUHB 4957 Topin In Health Educ HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
PUHB 4989 Cooperative Educ HLTH ELUD UD: Cooperative Educ
PUHB 4997 Found of Public Heal HLTH ELUD UD: Found of Public Heal
PY 0151 Psychology Personal Adjustment PSYC 2110 Psychology of Adjustment
PY 0215 Childgrowth and Development PSY 4190 Child Development
PY 0223 Psychology of Aging PY 223 Psychology of Aging
RAD 100001 Radiologic Tech Int ELEC ELLD LD: Radiologic Tech Int
RAD 102001 Radiographic Exposu ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Exposu
RAD 102501 Radiographic Exposu ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Exposu
RAD 103001 Radiographic Positi ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Positi
RAD 103501 Radiographic Positi ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Positi
RAD 105001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RAD 106001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RAD 107001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RAD 110001 Radiologic Technolo ELEC ELLD LD: Radiologic Technolo
RAD 120001 Radiographic Physic ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Physic
RAD 200001 Radiologic Tech III ELEC ELLD LD: Radiologic Tech III
RAD 203001 Radiation Biology & ELEC ELLD LD: Radiation Biology &
RAD 204001 Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Seminar
RAD 205001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RAD 206001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RAD 207001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RAD 208001 Review ELEC ELLD LD: Review
RAD 210001 Radiologic Tech IV ELEC ELLD LD: Radiologic Tech IV
RAD 220001 Radiology Computer ELEC ELLD LD: Radiology Computer
RADT 100001 Radiologic Tech Int ELEC ELLD LD: Radiologic Tech Int
RADT 102001 Radiographic Exposu ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Exposu
RADT 102501 Radiographic Exposu ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Exposu
RADT 103001 Radiographic Positi ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Positi
RADT 103101 Radiographic Proced ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Proced
RADT 103501 Radiographic Positi ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Positi
RADT 103601 Radiographic Proced ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Proced
RADT 105001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RADT 106001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RADT 107001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RADT 110001 Radiologic Technolo ELEC ELLD LD: Radiologic Technolo
RADT 120001 Radiographic Physic ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Physic
RADT 200001 Radiologic Tech II ELEC ELLD LD: Radiologic Tech II
RADT 202001 Radiographic Pathol ELEC ELLD LD: Radiographic Pathol
RADT 203001 Radiation Biology & ELEC ELLD LD: Radiation Biology &
RADT 204001 Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Seminar
RADT 205001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RADT 206001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RADT 207001 Clinical Education ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Education
RADT 208001 Review ELEC ELLD LD: Review
RADT 210001 Radiologic Tech IV ELEC ELLD LD: Radiologic Tech IV
RADT 220001 Radiology Computer ELED ELLD LD: Radiology Computer
RADT 3000 Image Production & E ELEC ELUD UD: Image Production & E
RADT 3005 Foundations in Rad Tech ELEC ELUD UD:Foundations in Rad Tech
RADT 3010 Radiation Physics ELEC ELUD UD: Radiation Physics
RADT 3020 Radiographic Procedu ELEC ELUD UD: Radiographic Procedu
RADT 3021 Radiography Procedur ELEC ELUD UD: Radiography Procedur
RADT 3030 Radiographic Procedu ELEC ELUD UD: Radiographic Procedu
RADT 3031 Radiographic Procedures ELEC ELUD UD: Radiographic Procedures
RADT 3040 Clinical Education ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Education
RADT 3050 Clinical Education II ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Education II
RADT 3060 Radiographic Imaging ELEC ELUD UD: Radiographic Imaging
RADT 3070 Radiobiology ELEC ELUD UD: Radiobiology
RADT 4000 Clinical Education ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Education
RADT 4010 Clinical Education IV ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Education IV
RADT 4020 Clinical Education V ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Education V
RADT 4030 Radiographic Pathology ELEC ELUD UD: Radiographic Pathology
RADT 4040 Radiopharmaceuticals ELEC ELUD UD: Radiopharmaceuticals
RADT 4060 Digital Imaging ELEC ELUD UD: Digital Imaging
RADT 4070 Professional Transition ELEC ELUD UD: Professional Transistion
READ 070001 Basic Reading DSPR 0700 Basic Reading
READ 080001 Fundamental Reading DSPR 0800 Developmental Reading
READ 100001 Reading Improvement READ ELLD LD: Reading Improvement
READ 100002 Reading Improvement READ ELLD LD: Reading Improvement
READ 3000 Current Issues Liter READ ELUD UD: Current Issues Liter
READ 310001 Foundations of Read READ ELUD UD: Foundations of Read
READ 311001 Teaching the Proces READ ELUD UD: Teaching the Proces
READ 400701 Workshop In Reading READ ELUD UD: Workshop In Reading
READ 402701 Diagnostic & Remedi READ ELUD UD: Diagnostic & Remedi
READ 414701 Basic Storytelling READ ELUD UD: Basic Storytelling
READ 443701 Reading Instruction READ ELUD UD: Reading Instruction
READ 4817 Practical Applic Of READ ELUD UD: Practical Applic Of
READ 4827 Pract Applic of Stor READ ELUD UD: Pract Applic of Stor
READ 4837 Storytelling Institu READ ELUD UD: Storytelling Institu
READ 4847 Story Dramatization READ ELUD UD: Story Dramatization
READ 4857 Story Performance READ ELUD UD: Story Performance
READ 4867 Story Research & Cre READ ELUD UD: Story Research & Cre
READ 4877 Multicultural Storyt READ ELUD UD: Multicultural Storyt
READ 490001 Independent Study ELED 4260 Problems in Elementary Edu
READ 495701 Topics In Reading READ ELUD UD: Topics In Reading
RELI 2210 Intro Study of Reli RS ELLD LD: Intro Study of Reli
RELI 3220 Western Religions RS ELUD UD: Western Religions
RELI 3230 Eastern Religions RS ELUD UD: Eastern Religions
RELI 3240 Hebrew Scriptures RS ELUD UD: Hebrew Scriptures
RELI 3250 Greek Scriptures RS ELUD UD: Greek Scriptures
RELI 3261 Relig Colloquium RS ELUD UD: Relig Colloquium
RELI 3262 Religion Colloquium RS ELUD UD: Religion Colloquium
RELI 3263 Religion Colloquium RS ELUD UD: Religion Colloquium
RELI 4220 Contemp Relig Though RS ELUD UD: Contemp Relig Though
RELI 4920 Indep Stud Relig RS 4800 Readings in Religious Studies
RHSC 1100 Surviving the Zombie Apocalyp ELEC ELLD LD:Surviving the Zombie Apocal
RHSC 3000 Intro to Rehab Professions HLTH ELUD UD:Intro to Rehab Professions
RHSC 3200 Interprof Pract in Healthcare HLTH ELUD UD:Interprof Pract in Hlthcare
RHSC 3300 Med Classification in Rehab HLTH ELUD UD:Med Classification in Rehab
RHSC 3600 Ethics in Rehab Sciences HLTH ELUD UD:Ethics in Rehab Sciences
RHSC 3800 Clin Reasoning in Rehab Sci HLTH ELUD UD:Clin Reasoning in Rehab Sci
RT 101001 Coordinated Interns ELEC ELLD LD: Coordinated Interns
RT 102001 Coordinated Interns ELEC ELLD LD: Coordinated Interns
RT 110001 Fundamentals of Rt- ELEC ELLD LD: Fundamentals of Rt-
RT 110101 Fundamentals of Rt- ELEC ELLD LD: Fundamentals of Rt-
RT 112001 Fundamentals of Rt- ELEC ELLD LD: Fundamentals of Rt-
RT 112101 Fundamental of Rt-I ELEC ELLD LD: Fundamental of Rt-I
RTTC 101001 Coordinated Interns ELEC ELLD LD: Coordinated Interns
RTTC 102001 Coordinated Interns ELEC ELLD LD: Coordinated Interns
RTTC 103001 Seminar In Rt I ELEC ELLD LD: Seminar In Rt I
RTTC 110001 Fund of Rt-I ELEC ELLD LD: Fund of Rt-I
RTTC 110101 Fund of Rt-I Lab ELEC ELLD LD: Fund of Rt-I Lab
RTTC 112001 Fund of Rt-II ELEC ELLD LD: Fund of Rt-II
RTTC 112101 Fund of Rt II Lab ELEC ELLD LD: Fund of Rt II Lab
RTTR 201001 Corrdinated Interns ELEC ELLD LD: Corrdinated Interns
RTTR 202001 Coordinated Interns ELEC ELLD LD: Coordinated Interns
RTTR 210001 Fund of Respiratory ELEC ELLD LD: Fund of Respiratory
RTTR 212001 Fund of Rttr IV ELEC ELLD LD: Fund of Rttr IV
RTVF 260001 Survey of Broadcast VFP 2410 History of American Television
RTVF 2602 Video-Film Techniques VFP ELLD LD:Video-Film Techniques
RTVF 260401 Radio TV Lab EMC ELLD LD: Radio TV Lab
RTVF 263001 Writing For Radio T VFP 3020 Screenwriting I
RTVF 360001 Radio TV News JOUR 3430 Radio News Reporting
RTVF 360201 Video Film Techniqu EMC ELUD UD: Video Film Techniqu
RTVF 364001 Broadcast Performan VFP 3570 Broadcast Announcing Perform
RTVF 365101 Radio Production EMC ELUD UD: Radio Production
RTVF 366101 Television Producti EMC ELUD UD: Television Producti
RTVF 367101 Broadcast Programmi EMC 4140 Media Programming
RTVF 408001 Communication Inter EMC ELUD UD: Communication Inter
RTVF 4401 Topics In Broadcasti EMC ELUD UD: Topics In Broadcasti
RTVF 460001 Radio TV Reporting JOUR 3500 Video Reporting and Editing
RTVF 460201 Video Film Tech EMC ELUD UD: Video Film Tech
RTVF 460401 Radio TV Lab EMC ELUD UD: Radio TV Lab
RTVF 465101 Advanced Radio Prod EMC 3110 Radio Station Operations
RTVF 466101 Adv TV Production EMC ELUD UD: Adv TV Production
RTVF 468001 Broadcast Productio EMC ELUD UD: Broadcast Productio
RTVF 469001 Broadcast Managemen EMC 4430 Media Management
RTVF 490001 Independent Studies EMC ELUD UD: Independent Studies
RTVF 495701 Topics In Mass Comm EMC ELUD UD: Topics In Mass Comm
RUSS 101001 Beginning Russian RUSS 1010 Elementary Russian I
RUSS 101201 Beginning Russian RUSS 1010 Elementary Russian I
RUSS 102001 Beginning Russian RUSS 1020 Elementary Russian II
RUSS 102201 Beginning Russian RUSS 1020 Elementary Russian II
SALM 3100 Intro to Leisure Ser REC ELUD UD: Intro to Leisure Ser
SALM 3105 Programming and Lead REC ELUD UD: Programming and Lead
SALM 3110 Interpretation of Cu REC ELUD UD: Interpretation of Cu
SALM 3115 Wilderness First Res REC ELUD UD: Wilderness First Res
SALM 3117 Rec For Spec Populat REC ELUD UD: Rec For Spec Populat
SALM 3120 Outdoor Rec Skills REC ELUD UD: Outdoor Rec Skills
SALM 3125 Camp Leadership REC ELUD UD: Camp Leadership
SALM 3130 Natural Resource Mgt REC ELUD UD: Natural Resource Mgt
SALM 3150 Regional Outdoor Leadership REC ELLD LD: Regional Outdoor Leadershi
SALM 3200 Intro to Sport Mgmt REC ELUD UD: Intro to Sport Mgmt
SALM 3205 Org/People Mgmt Sport LSTS ELUD UD:Org/People Mgmt Sport
SALM 3210 Practicum In Sports REC ELUD UD: Practicum In Sports
SALM 3220 Facility Planning & REC ELUD UD: Facility Planning &
SALM 3225 Marketing Strategies REC ELUD UD: Marketing Strategies
SALM 3230 Sport in the Social Context PHED ELLD LD: Sport in Social Context
SALM 3240 Sport Governance REC ELUD UD:Sport Governance
SALM 4100 Pro Field Exp In Lei REC ELUD UD: Pro Field Exp In Lei
SALM 4105 Commercial Recreation REC ELLD LD: Commercial Recreation
SALM 4107 Alpine Tower Leaders REC ELUD UD: Alpine Tower Leaders
SALM 4117 Outdoor Leadership REC ELUD UD: Outdoor Leadership
SALM 4118 Outdoor Leadership REC ELUD UD: Outdoor Leadership
SALM 4119 Outdoor Leadership REC ELUD UD: Outdoor Leadership
SALM 4127 Rocky Mt Experience REC ELUD UD: Rocky Mt Experience
SALM 4137 Wilderness Ed Associ REC ELUD UD: Wilderness Ed Associ
SALM 4157 Outdoor Education REC ELLD LD: Outdoor Education
SALM 4167 Expedition Leadership REC ELLD LD: Expedition Leadership
SALM 4205 Issues & Trends In S REC ELUD UD: Issues & Trends In S
SALM 4210 Legal Issues & Risk REC ELUD UD: Legal Issues & Risk
SALM 4215 Social Psychology Of REC ELUD UD: Social Psychology Of
SALM 4225 Mgmt of Sport & Leis REC ELUD UD: Mgmt of Sport & Leis
SALM 4230 Fund-Raising In Spor REC ELUD UD: Fund-Raising In Spor
SALM 4250 Internship In Sport REC ELUD UD: Internship In Sport
SCED 325001 Elementary Sciece E PSCI ELUD UD: Elementary Sciece E
SCED 401001 History of Science PSCI ELUD UD: History of Science
SCED 402001 Wildlife Conservation PSCI ELUD UD: Wildlife Conservation
SCED 410701 Nature Study For Te PSCI ELUD UD: Nature Study For Te
SCED 4320 Integrated Teach Sci PSCI 4030 Experimental Physical Science
SCED 4321 Exploring & Discover ELED ELUD UD: Exploring & Discover
SCED 4417 Teach Science In Sec PSCI ELUD UD: Teach Science In Sec
SCED 441901 Teaching Science In YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Science In
SCED 451701 Energy Resources PSCI ELUD UD: Energy Resources
SCED 4527 Sci Mthd Early Child CDFS ELLD LD: Sci Mthd Early Child
SCED 490401 Independent Study PSCI ELUD UD: Independent Study
SCED 495701 Topics In Science E PSCI ELUD UD: Topics In Science E
SO&A 1020 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SO&A 104001 Intro to Anthropolo ANTH ELLD LD: Intro to Anthropolo
SO&A 200001 Marriage & the Fami SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SO&A 202001 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SO&A 204001 Folk Culture In The SOC ELLD LD: Folk Culture In The
SO&A 303001 Sex Roles In Americ SOC 3400 Gender and Society
SO&A 306001 Medical Sociology SOC 4360 Medical Sociology
SO&A 311001 Minorities SOC 4240 Race and Ethnic Relations
SO&A 315001 Urbanization SOC ELUD UD: Urbanization
SO&A 321001 Sociological Resear SOC 3040 Research Methods
SO&A 3300 Deviant Behavior SOC 3250 Social Deviance
SO&A 331001 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
SO&A 332001 Juvenile Delinquenc SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
SO&A 344401 Microcomputers as A SOC ELUD UD: Microcomputers as A
SO&A 345001 Sociology of Work SOC ELUD UD: Sociology of Work
SO&A 380001 Religion, Society, SOC 4550 Sociology of Religion
SO&A 402701 Adv Principles of S SOC ELUD UD: Adv Principles of S
SO&A 408701 The Family In Trans SOC 4050 Sociology of Families
SO&A 415701 Sociology of the Ci SOC ELUD UD: Sociology of the Ci
SO&A 425701 Power, Wealth , & P SOC 4010 Organized Crime
SO&A 430701 Small Groups SOC ELUD UD: Small Groups
SO&A 433701 Social Psychology SOC 4500 Soc Interaction & Identities
SO&A 435701 Mass Comm & Popular SOC ELUD UD: Mass Comm & Popular
SO&A 438701 Social Statistics SOC 3050 Data Analysis
SO&A 440701 Corrections SOC ELUD UD: Corrections
SO&A 450701 Sociology of the Ag SOC 4020 Sociology of Aging
SO&A 455701 Population SOC 4520 Population and Society
SO&A 462701 Ethnographic Fieldw ANTH ELUD UD: Ethnographic Fieldw
SO&A 480701 Contemporary Social SOC ELUD UD: Contemporary Social
SO&A 490001 Independent Studies SOC ELUD UD: Independent Studies
SO&A 495701 Special Topics Soc\ SOC 4800 Special Projects
SO&A 498901 Cooperative Educati SOC 4900 Sociology Internship
SO&A 499901 Cooperative Educati SOC 4900 Sociology Internship
SOAA 1000 Academic Advantage ELEC ELLD LD: Academic Advantage
SOAA 1020 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOAA 104001 Intro Anthropolgy ANTH ELLD LD: Intro Anthropolgy
SOAA 1240 Cultural Anthropolo ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
SOAA 1260 Intro Archaeology ANTH ELLD LD: Intro Archaeology
SOAA 128001 Intro to Phys Anthr ANTH ELLD LD: Intro to Phys Anthr
SOAA 200001 Marriage/Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOAA 2020 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOAA 204001 Folk Culture In The SOC ELLD LD: Folk Culture In The
SOAA 2150 American Folk Music SOC ELLD LD: American Folk Music
SOAA 303001 Sex Roles In Americ SOC 3400 Gender and Society
SOAA 306001 Medical Sociology SOC 4360 Medical Sociology
SOAA 307001 Medical Anthropolog ANTH ELUD UD: Medical Anthropolog
SOAA 3080 Nutritional Anthropo ANTH ELUD UD: Nutritional Anthropo
SOAA 311001 Minorities SOC 4240 Race and Ethnic Relations
SOAA 315001 Urbanization SOC ELUD UD: Urbanization
SOAA 321001 Sociological Resear SOC 3040 Research Methods
SOAA 3300 Deviant Behavior SOC 3250 Social Deviance
SOAA 331001 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
SOAA 332001 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
SOAA 3350 Social Statistics SOC ELUD UD: Social Statistics
SOAA 344401 Microcomputers as A SOC ELUD UD: Microcomputers as A
SOAA 345001 Sociology of Work SOC ELUD UD: Sociology of Work
SOAA 3500 Appalachian Folk Med SOC ELUD UD: Appalachian Folk Med
SOAA 3700 Peoples & Cultures ANTH ELUD UD: Peoples & Cultures
SOAA 380001 Religion,Society, & SOC 4550 Sociology of Religion
SOAA 402701 Adv Priniciples Of SOC ELUD UD: Adv Priniciples Of
SOAA 408701 The Family In Trans SOC 4050 Sociology of Families
SOAA 4157 Sociology of the Ci SOC ELUD UD: Sociology of the Ci
SOAA 425701 Power,Wealth, & Pov SOC ELUD UD: Power,Wealth, & Pov
SOAA 430701 Small Groups SOC ELUD UD: Small Groups
SOAA 433701 Social Psychology SOC 4500 Soc Interaction & Identities
SOAA 435701 Mass Comm & Popular SOC ELUD UD: Mass Comm & Popular
SOAA 438701 Social Statistics SOC 3050 Data Analysis
SOAA 440701 Corrections SOC ELUD UD: Corrections
SOAA 450701 Sociology of the Ag SOC 4020 Sociology of Aging
SOAA 455701 Population SOC 4520 Population and Society
SOAA 462701 Ethnographic Fieldw ANTH ELUD UD: Ethnographic Fieldw
SOAA 480701 Contemporary Social SOC ELUD UD: Contemporary Social
SOAA 490001 Independent Studies SOC ELUD UD: Independent Studies
SOAA 4907 Foodways of Appalachia SOC ELUD UD: Foodways of Appalachia
SOAA 495701 Special Topics Soc/ SOC 4800 Special Projects
SOAA 498901 Cooperative Educati SOC 4900 Sociology Internship
SOAA 499701 Current Issues In A ANTH ELUD UD: Current Issues In A
SOAA 499901 Cooperative Educati SOC 4900 Sociology Internship
SOC 0217 Sociology of Aging SOCI 217 Sociology of Aging
SOC 0337 Mthd In Soc Work SW ELUD UD: Mthd In Soc Work
SOC 1010 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 102001 Gen Sociology SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOC 3150 Social Psychology SOC 4500 Soc Interaction & Identities
SOC 3200 Sociology of Sex and Gender SOC 3400 Gender and Society
SOC 3300 Deviant Behavior SOC 3250 Social Deviance
SOC 3650 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 3650 Juvenile Delinquency
SOC 3700 Sociology of Childhood SOC 3700 Sociology of Childhood
SOC 4010 Organized Crime SOC 4010 Organized Crime
SOC 410G The Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOC 4330 Population & Social Process SOC 4520 Population and Society
SOC 4337 Social Psy PSY ELUD UD:Social Psy
SOC 4510 Social Deviance SOC 4510 Social Deviance
SOC 4720 Sociological Theory SOC 3060 Sociological Theory
SOCI 0217 Sociology of Aging SOCI 217 Sociology of Aging
SOCI 1010 Introduction to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOCI 1020 Introduction to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOCI 1120 Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
SOCI 2000 Marriage and the Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOCI 2010 Marriage and Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOCI 2020 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOCI 2040 Social Institutions SOC ELLD LD:Social Institutions
SOCI 3030 Gender and Society SOC 3400 Gender and Society
SOCI 3060 Medical Sociology SOC 4360 Medical Sociology
SOCI 3110 Minorities SOC 4240 Race and Ethnic Relations
SOCI 3150 Urbanization SOC 4660 Urban and Community Studies
SOCI 3210 Sociological Research SOC 3040 Research Methods
SOCI 3300 Deviant Behavior SOC 3250 Social Deviance
SOCI 3310 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
SOCI 3320 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
SOCI 3444 Data Analysis SOC 3050 Data Analysis
SOCI 3600 Collective Behavior SOC ELUD UD:Collective Behavior
SOCI 4018 Honors Thesis SOC 4980 Senior Seminar in Sociology
SOCI 4057 Community Sociology SOC 4660 Urban and Community Studies
SOCI 4087 The Family in Transition SOC 4050 Sociology of Families
SOCI 4157 Sociology of the City SOC ELUD UD: Sociology of the City
SOCI 4257 Power, Wealth. Poverty SOC ELUD UD: Power, Wealth, Poverty
SOCI 4337 Social Psychology SOC 4500 Soc Interaction & Identities
SOCI 4440 Sociology of Religion SOC 4550 Sociology of Religion
SOCI 4507 Sociology of the Aging SOC 4020 Sociology of Aging
SOCI 4510 Intro to Social Research SOC 3040 Research Methods
SOCI 4557 Population SOC 4520 Population and Society
SOCI 4807 Modern Social Theory SOC 3060 Sociological Theory
SOCI 4900 Independent Studies SOC 4800 Special Projects
SOCI 4957 Special Topics in Sociology SOC 4150 Topics in Sociology
SOCI 4989 Cooperative Education SOC ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
SOCI 4999 Cooperative Education SOC ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
SOWK 101001 Intro to Social Wor SW 2570 Introduction to Social Work
SOWK 1020 Prof Values and Ethics SW ELLD LD:Prof Values and Ethics
SOWK 1030 Cultural Diversity SW ELLD LD:Cultural Diversity
SOWK 110001 Social Service Reso SW ELLD LD: Social Service Reso
SOWK 200001 Preparation For Mar SW ELLD LD: Preparation For Mar
SOWK 240001 Social Institutions SW ELLD LD: Social Institutions
SOWK 250001 Interviewing & Reco SW 2630 Interview Skills SW Practice
SOWK 3000 Hum Beh/So Env I SW 3160 Human Behavior Social Envr I
SOWK 300001 Human Behavior\Soci SW ELUD UD: Human Behavior/Soci
SOWK 301001 Human Behavior\Soci SW 3160 Human Behavior Social Envr I
SOWK 3210 Social Work Research SW 3110 Research Methods SW Practice
SOWK 3300 Interviewing & Recording Skill SW ELUD UD:Interviewing & Rcrdg Skill
SOWK 3330 Cultural Diversity SW 3200 Cultural Diversity Competency
SOWK 338001 Social Statistics M SOC 3050 Data Analysis
SOWK 343001 Social Welfare Poli SW ELUD UD: Social Welfare Poli
SOWK 346201 Social Services For SW 4030 Child Welfare Services I
SOWK 346301 Social Services For SW ELUD UD: Social Services For
SOWK 375001 Social & Emotional SW ELUD UD: Social & Emotional
SOWK 421001 Social Work Researcm SW 3110 Research Methods SW Practice
SOWK 431001 Social Work Practic SW ELUD UD: Social Work Practic
SOWK 432001 Social Work Practic SW ELUD UD: Social Work Practic
SOWK 436701 Seminar In Alcohol SW ELUD UD: Seminar In Alcohol
SOWK 445301 Social Work Field E SW ELUD UD: Social Work Field E
SOWK 446701 Seminar In School S SW 4720 Crisis Intervention
SOWK 451701 Crisis Intervention SW 4720 Crisis Intervention
SOWK 456701 Human Sexuality SW ELUD UD: Human Sexuality
SOWK 490001 Directed Independen SW ELUD UD: Directed Independen
SOWK 492801 Honors Study SW ELUD UD: Honors Study
SOWK 495701 Special Topics In S SW ELUD UD: Special Topics In S
SP 0110 Fundmt'ls of Public Speaking SP 110 Fundamentals of Pub Speaking
SP&T 130001 General Speech COMM ELLD LD: General Speech
SP&T 150001 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
SP&T 180001 Theatre Lab M COMM ELLD LD: Theatre Lab M
SP&T 220001 Oral Interpretation COMM ELLD LD: Oral Interpretation
SP&T 230001 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SP&T 232001 Argumentation & Deb COMM 3210 Argumentation and Debate
SP&T 250001 Creative Drama THEA 3600 Drama in the Classroom
SP&T 251001 Prin Thry Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
SP&T 2520 Stagecraft THEA 1025 Stage Craft I
SP&T 252501 Makeup THEA 3100 Make-Up Techniques for Perform
SP&T 253001 Dramatic Structures THEA ELLD LD: Dramatic Structures
SP&T 280001 Theatre Lab THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Lab
SP&T 299901 Cooperative Educati COMM ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
SP&T 330001 Principles of Criti COMM ELUD UD: Principles of Criti
SP&T 331001 Psychology of Speec COMM 3300 Communication Theory
SP&T 332001 Business & Professi COMM ELUD UD: Business & Professi
SP&T 336001 Parliamentary Proce COMM ELUD UD: Parliamentar Proci
SP&T 338001 Dynamics of Group L COMM 3220 Small Group Communication
SP&T 339001 Persuasion COMM 4320 Persuasion
SP&T 350001 Voice Development CDIS 2150 Voice and Diction
SP&T 351001 Advanced Acting THEA 3510 Acting II
SP&T 351501 Theatre Movement THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Movement
SP&T 352001 Theatre History I THEA ELUD UD: Theatre History I
SP&T 352501 Theatre History II THEA ELUD UD: Theatre History II
SP&T 353001 Play Direction THEA 3700 Fundamentals of Play Directing
SP&T 380001 Theatre Lab M COMM ELUD UD: Theatre Lab M
SP&T 380002 Theatre Lab M COMM ELUD UD: Theatre Lab M
SP&T 380003 Theatre Lab M COMM ELUD UD: Theatre Lab M
SP&T 380004 Theatre Lab COMM ELUD UD: Theatre Lab
SP&T 420701 Advanced Oral Inter COMM ELUD UD: Advanced Oral Inter
SP&T 420703 Adv Oral Interpreta COMM ELUD UD: Adv Oral Interpreta
SP&T 431001 Advanced Public Spe COMM ELUD UD: Advanced Public Spe
SP&T 431003 Adv Public Speaking COMM ELUD UD: Adv Public Speaking
SP&T 431701 Rhetoric & Public A COMM ELUD UD: Rhetoric & Public A
SP&T 435701 Communication In Or COMM ELUD UD: Communication In Or
SP&T 440701 Oral Lang Arts For COMM ELUD UD: Oral Lang Arts For
SP&T 441901 Teaching Secondary COMM ELUD UD: Teaching Secondary
SP&T 443701 Conducting Secondar COMM ELUD UD: Conducting Secondar
SP&T 445701 Play Production For THEA ELUD UD: Play Production For
SP&T 452701 Scenographic Design THEA 3300 Scene Design
SP&T 453701 Advanced Play Direc THEA 4700 Advanced Play Directing
SP&T 454701 Dramatic Theory & C THEA ELUD UD: Dramatic Theory & C
SP&T 455701 Playwriting THEA ELUD UD: Playwriting
SP&T 460701 Speech\Theatre Pracm COMM ELUD UD: Speech\Theatre Pracm
SP&T 460702 Speech\Theatre Pracm COMM ELUD UD: Speech\Theatre Pracm
SP&T 460703 Speech\Theatre Prac COMM ELUD UD: Speech\Theatre Prac
SP&T 463001 Theatre Management THEA 3800 Intro to Arts Management
SP&T 470701 Theatre Internship THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Internship
SP&T 480001 Theatre Lab M COMM ELUD UD: Theatre Lab M
SP&T 480002 Theatre Lab M COMM ELUD UD: Theatre Lab M
SP&T 480003 Theatre Lab M COMM ELUD UD: Theatre Lab M
SP&T 480004 Theatre Lab COMM ELUD UD: Theatre Lab
SP&T 490001 Independent Studies COMM 4260 Independent Study
SP&T 495701 Special Topics In S COMM ELUD UD: Special Topics In S
SPAN 101001 Beginning Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 1011 Beg Span for Hlth Care SPAN ELLD LD: Beg Span for Hlth Care
SPAN 101301 Beginning Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 102001 Beginning Spanish SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 1021 Beg Span for Hlth Care SPAN ELLD LD: Beg Span for Hlth Care
SPAN 102301 Beginning Spanish SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 201001 Second Year Spanish SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 201301 Second Year Spanish SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 202001 Second Year Spanish SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 202301 Second Year Spanish SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 300301 Basic Spanish Gramma SPAN 3010 Advanced Spanish
SPAN 301301 Span Conversation & SPAN 3010 Advanced Spanish
SPAN 3033 Hispanic Readings/Co SPAN 3080 Intro to Hispanic Literature
SPAN 311301 Span Conversation & SPAN 3020 Advanced Spanish
SPAN 3123 Applied Spanish SPAN ELUD UD: Applied Spanish
SPAN 3133 Applied Spanish-Sp Spkg Cmmnty SPAN 3040 Intensive Conversation Spanish
SPAN 321301 Span Phonetics & Pr SPAN ELUD UD: Span Phonetics & Pr
SPAN 331301 Civilization of Spa SPAN ELUD UD: Civilization of Spa
SPAN 341301 Civilization of Lat SPAN ELUD UD: Civilization of Lat
SPAN 351301 Survey of Spanish L SPAN ELUD UD: Survey of Spanish L
SPAN 3550 Latin America Countries/People SPAN 3550 Latin America:Country & People
SPAN 361301 Survey of Spanish A SPAN ELUD UD: Survey of Spanish A
SPAN 371301 Hispanic Poetry SPAN ELUD UD: Hispanic Poetry
SPAN 400701 Golden Age Drama SPAN ELUD UD: Golden Age Drama
SPAN 4017 Adv Spanish Grammer SPAN 3010 Advanced Spanish
SPAN 4018 Honors Thesis SPAN ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
SPAN 4027 Adv Spanish Grammar SPAN 3020 Advanced Spanish
SPAN 410701 Cervantes SPAN ELUD UD: Cervantes
SPAN 4117 Hispanic Cinema SPAN ELUD UD: Hispanic Cinema
SPAN 4127 Intro Span Speak Com SPAN ELUD UD: Intro Span Speak Com
SPAN 4137 Translation & Commun SPAN ELUD UD: Translation & Commun
SPAN 4147 Intrepretation & Com SPAN ELUD UD: Intrepretation & Com
SPAN 420701 19th Century Span L SPAN ELUD UD: 19th Century Span L
SPAN 430701 The Generation of 9 SPAN ELUD UD: The Generation of 9
SPAN 440701 20th Century Span L SPAN ELUD UD: 20th Century Span L
SPAN 450701 Spanish Short Story SPAN ELUD UD: Spanish Short Story
SPAN 460701 Modernists Movement SPAN ELUD UD: Modernists Movement
SPAN 470701 Spanish American Th SPAN ELUD UD: Spanish American Th
SPAN 473701 Art At Prado Museum SPAN ELUD UD: Art At Prado Museum
SPAN 480701 Spanish American No SPAN ELUD UD: Spanish American No
SPAN 490301 Special Studies SPAN ELUD UD: Special Studies
SPAN 495701 Topics In Spanish SPAN ELUD UD: Topics In Spanish
SPCH 1010 Fundmt'ls Speech Communication COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPCH 1300 General Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPCH 130002 General Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPCH 2300 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPCH 230002 Public Speaking COMM ELLD LD: Public Speaking
SPCH 2320 Argumentation & Debate COMM 3210 Argumentation and Debate
SPCH 233001 Communication Theor COMM 3300 Communication Theory
SPCH 2550 Communicating in Relationships COMM ELLD LD:Comm in Relationships
SPCH 299901 Cooperative Educati COMM ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
SPCH 330001 Prin of Criticism COMM ELUD UD: Prin of Criticism
SPCH 331001 Psychology of Speec COMM 3300 Communication Theory
SPCH 332001 Business & Professi COMM ELUD UD: Business & Professi
SPCH 333001 Quantitative Commun COMM ELUD UD: Quantitative Commun
SPCH 335001 Interpersonal Commu COMM ELUD UD: Interpersonal Commu
SPCH 336001 Parliamentary Proce COMM ELUD UD: Parliamentary Proce
SPCH 338001 Dynamics of Group L COMM 3220 Small Group Communication
SPCH 339001 Persuasion COMM 4320 Persuasion
SPCH 350001 Voice Development CDIS 2150 Voice and Diction
SPCH 4018 Honors Thesis COMM ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
SPCH 431001 Adv Public Speaking COMM ELUD UD: Adv Public Speaking
SPCH 431701 Rhetoric & Public A COMM ELUD UD: Rhetoric & Public A
SPCH 434601 Business & Professi COMM ELUD UD: Business & Professi
SPCH 4356 Intercultural Comm COMM 2560 Intercultural Communication
SPCH 435701 Communication In Or COMM ELUD UD: Communication in Or
SPCH 436601 Communication Ethic COMM ELUD UD: Communication Ethic
SPCH 4377 Health Communication COMM ELUD UD: Health Communication
SPCH 438001 Speech Communicatio COMM ELUD UD: Speech Communicatio
SPCH 4417 Teaching Secondary S COMM ELUD UD: Teaching Secondary S
SPCH 4437 Conducting Secondary COMM ELUD UD: Conducting Secondary
SPCH 460701 Speech Theatre Pracm COMM ELUD UD: Speech Theatre Pracm
SPCH 460702 Speech Theatre Pracm COMM ELUD UD: Speech Theatre Pracm
SPCH 460703 Speech Theatre Prac COMM ELUD UD: Speech Theatre Prac
SPCH 490001 Independent Studies COMM 4260 Independent Study
SPCH 495701 Special Topics In S COMM ELUD UD: Special Topics In S
SPED 2300 Exceptional Learners SPED ELLD LD: Exceptional Learners
SPED 232001 Intro Spec Educ SPED ELLD LD: Intro Spec Educ
SPED 234001 Dev Nor & Abn Chld SPED ELLD LD: Dev Nor & Abn Chld
SPED 3300 Instr Mthd In SPED SPED 4150 Techq, Mthd, Mat in Sp Ed Mod
SPED 3320 Intro to Special Ed SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
SPED 332201 Early Intervention SPED ELUD UD: Early Intervention
SPED 333001 Intro of Individual SPED ELUD UD: Intro of Individual
SPED 3350 Medical Aspects SPED SPED ELUD UD: Medical Aspects SPED
SPED 3365 Integrating Function SPED 4140 Techq Strat (Comprehensive)
SPED 3400 Behvr Mgmt For Indv SPED 4240 Methods Techq of Behavior Mgmt
SPED 3410 Preclinical Exp Beha SPED ELUD UD: Preclinical Exp Beha
SPED 342001 Education of the Gi SPED ELUD UD: Education of the Gi
SPED 3445 Assistive Technology SPED 4280 Assistive Technology in Sp Ed
SPED 346501 Characteristics & N SPED ELUD UD: Characteristics & N
SPED 350001 Tech In Special Edu SPED ELUD UD: Tech In Special Edu
SPED 360001 Selecting & Adaptin SPED ELUD UD: Selecting & Adaptin
SPED 395001 Preclinical Experie SPED ELUD UD: Preclinical Experie
SPED 402001 Collaborative Servi SPED ELUD UD: Collaborative Servi
SPED 420001 Intervention Strate SPED ELUD UD: Intervention Strate
SPED 4220 Teaching the Severl SPED 4140 Techq Strat (Comprehensive)
SPED 423001 Intro to Learning D SPED ELUD UD: Intro to Learning D
SPED 423501 Learning Disabiliti SPED ELUD UD: Learning Disabiliti
SPED 4237 Educating Persons Wi SPED ELUD UD: Educating Persons Wi
SPED 431701 Physical & Multiple SPED ELUD UD: Physical & Multiple
SPED 432701 Functional Skill In SPED ELUD UD: Functional Skill In
SPED 433701 Mgmt Strategi9es Fo SPED ELUD UD: Mgmt Strategi9es Fo
SPED 434701 Vocational Preparat SPED ELUD UD: Vocational Preparat
SPED 435001 Special Educ Worksh SPED ELUD UD: Special Educ Worksh
SPED 441001 Teaching Strategies SPED ELUD UD: Teaching Strategies
SPED 4411 Severe Behaviors SPED 3440 Charc Low Incidence Population
SPED 441201 Teaching Strategies SPED ELUD UD: Teaching Strategies
SPED 4420 Sev Behav Disorders SPED 3440 Charc Low Incidence Population
SPED 4427 Education Person Who SPED ELUD UD: Education Person Who
SPED 443701 Medical Aspects Of SPED ELUD UD: Medical Aspects Of
SPED 444401 Assessment In Speci SPED ELUD UD: Assessment In Speci
SPED 4447 Assessment In Speci SPED ELUD UD: Assessment In Speci
SPED 4457 Assessment In Speci SPED ELUD UD: Assessment In Speci
SPED 446701 Educ of the Emotion SPED ELUD UD: Educ of the Emotion
SPED 4477 Spec Ed Assessment SPED ELUD UD: Spec Ed Assessment
SPED 4487 Collaboration w/Fami SPED 4380 Co-teaching
SPED 4497 SPED Ed Curriculum SPED ELUD UD: SPED Ed Curriculum
SPED 450001 Counseling Parents SPED ELUD UD: Counseling Parents
SPED 460001 Family,Agency & Col SPED ELUD UD: Family,Agency & Col
SPED 462001 Special Educ Mgmt T SPED 4240 Methods Techq of Behavior Mgmt
SPED 462701 Educ of the Mentall SPED ELUD UD: Educ of the Mentall
SPED 464101 The Physically & Mu SPED ELUD UD: The Physically & Mu
SPED 4700 Adapt & Modification SPED ELUD UD: Adapt & Modification
SPED 4710 Preclinical Experien SPED ELUD UD: Preclinical Experien
SPED 4725 Management Strategie SPED ELUD UD: Management Strategie
SPED 4750 Instr & Transitional SPED ELUD UD: Instr & Transitional
SPED 4757 Curriculum Based As SPED ELUD UD: Curriculum Based As
SPED 485001 Clinical Experience SPED ELUD UD: Clinical Experience
SPED 490001 Independent Study SPED ELUD UD: Independent Study
SPED 4957 Special Top In Speci SPED ELUD UD: Special Top In Speci
SPEE 232001 Argumentation & Deb COMM 3210 Argumentation and Debate
SPEE 380001 Theatre Lab M COMM ELUD UD: Theatre Lab M
SRVL 1020 Intro Service Learn ELEC ELLD LD:Intro Service Learn
SRVL 2000 Adv Service Learning ELEC ELLD LD: Adv Service Learning
SRVL 3000 Cherokee Immersion P ELEC ELUD UD: Cherokee Immersion P
SRVL 4000 Ecompostion:Reflecti ELEC ELUD UD: Ecompostion:Reflecti
SSEV 1100 Social Welfare SW 2570 Introduction to Social Work
SSEV 200001 Prep For Marriage SOC ELLD LD: Prep For Marriage
SSEV 235001 Int Soc Welfare SW ELLD LD: Int Soc Welfare
SSEV 2400 Pub & Child Wel SW ELLD LD:Pub & Child Wel
SSEV 3500 Marriage & Family SOC ELUD UD:Marriage & Family
SSEV 3750 Med & Psyc Aspects SW ELUD UD:Med & Psyc Aspects
ST 100001 Principles of Surgi ELEC ELLD LD: Principles of Surgi
ST 101001 Surgical Terminolog ELEC ELLD LD: Surgical Terminolog
ST 102001 Surgical Microbiolo ELEC ELLD LD: Surgical Microbiolo
ST 111001 Surgical Anatomy & ELEC ELLD LD: Surgical Anatomy &
ST 120001 Surgical Procedures ELEC ELLD LD: Surgical Procedures
ST 130001 Clinical Internship ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Internship
STOR 2500 Intro to Storytelling ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Storytelling
STOR 3510 Oral Trad Storytelling ELEC ELUD UD:Oral Trad Storytelling
STOR 4510 Telling Personal Stories ELEC ELUD UD:Telling Personal Stories
SUGT 100001 Prin of Surgical ELEC ELLD LD: Prin of Surgical
SUGT 101001 Surgical Terminolog ELEC ELLD LD: Surgical Terminolog
SUGT 102001 Surgical Microbiolo ELEC ELLD LD: Surgical Microbiolo
SUGT 111001 Surgical Anatomy & ELEC ELLD LD: Surgical Anatomy &
SUGT 120001 Surgical Procedures ELEC ELLD LD: Surgical Procedures
SUGT 130001 Clinical Internship ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Internship
SURV 1038 Hon Orientation Sem ELEC ELLD LD: Hon Orientation Sem
SURV 1510 Student In Universi UNIV ELLD LD: Student In Universi
SURV 1570 Portfolio I ELEC ELLD LD:Portfolio I
SURV 2038 Honors Prof Ethics ELEC ELLD LD: Honors Prof Ethics
SURV 2550 Surveying Measureme CMT ELLD LD: Surveying Measureme
SURV 2560 Surveying Graphics ET ELLD LD: Surveying Graphics
SURV 3048 Hon Mthd of Research ELEC ELUD UD: Hon Mthd of Research
SURV 3510 Engineering & Constr ET ELUD UD: Engineering & Constr
SURV 3520 Land Survey Systems ET ELUD UD: Land Survey Systems
SURV 3530 Survey Measurement ET ELUD UD: Survey Measurement
SURV 3540 Surveying Projects ET ELUD UD: Surveying Projects
SURV 3550 Adv Surveying Math ET ELUD UD: Adv Surveying Math
SURV 3560 Geodetic Science ET ELUD UD: Geodetic Science
SURV 3570 Photogrammetry ENGR ELUD UD:Photogrammetry
SURV 4018 Honors Thesis ELEC ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
SURV 4048 Hon Intl Study ELEC ELUD UD: Hon Intl Study
SURV 4500 Senior Surveying Pro CMT ELUD UD: Senior Surveying Pro
SURV 4510 Photogrammetry ET ELUD UD: Photgrammetry
SURV 4517 Photogrammetry ELEC ELUD UD: Photogrammetry
SURV 4520 Survey Science Topic ET ELUD UD: Survey Science Topic
SURV 4530 Land Boundary Locati ET ELUD UD: Land Boundary Locati
SURV 4537 Land Boundary Locati CMT ELUD UD: Land Boundary Locati
SURV 4540 Land Subdivision & P ET ELUD UD: Land Subdivision & P
SURV 4547 Land Subdivision & P CMT ELUD UD: Land Subdivision & P
SURV 4550 Automated Surveying ET ELUD UD: Automated Surveying
SURV 4567 Positioning With Gps ELEC ELUD UD: Positioning With Gps
SURV 4617 Digital Imagery Proc ELEC ELUD UD: Digital Imagery Proc
SURV 4900 Independent Study In ET ELUD UD: Independent Study In
SURV 4957 Special Topics In ET ELUD UD: Special Topics In
SW 3170 Family Caregiving SW 3170 Family Caregiving Life Span
SW 3200 Cultural Diversity SW 3200 Cultural Diversity Competency
TEAS 4001 Collaborative Practices TEAS 4001 Col Prac/Trnd/Issue/Char Sp Ed
TEAS 4003 Assessment Procedures SpEd SPED ELUD UD: Assessment Procedures SpEd
TEAS 4004 Appl'd Behavioral Intervention SPED 4240 Methods Techq of Behavior Mgmt
TEAS 4005 Reading Across the Curriculum TEAS 4005 Read Methods Across Curriculum
TEAS 4006 Assistive Technology TEAS 4006 Assistive Technology
TEAS 4007 Math Across the Curriculum TEAS 4007 Math Methods Across Curriculum
TEAS 4009 Adaptive PE in Special Ed TEAS 4009 Adaptive PE in Special Educ
TEAS 4010 Specialzd Mthds Instructn Comp SPED 4140 Techq Strat (Comprehensive)
TEAS 4012 Specialzd Mthds Instructn SpEd TEAS 4012 Mthd of Inst Early Child
TECH 101001 Engineering Analysi ET ELLD LD: Engineering Analysi
TECH 111001 Engineering Drawing ET ELLD LD: Engineering Drawing
TECH 112001 Manufacturing Proce ET 3260 Manfacturing Process Materials
TECH 113001 Descriptive Geometr ET ELLD LD: Descriptive Geometry
TECH 160001 Intro to Technology ET ELLD LD: Intro to Technology
TECH 161001 Woodworking Technol ET ELLD LD: Woodworking Technology
TECH 201001 Tech Writing ET ELLD LD: Tech Writing
TECH 211001 Piping & Structural ET ELLD LD: Piping & Structural
TECH 213001 Machine Design Draw ET ELLD LD: Machine Design Draw
TECH 217001 Cadd ET 2310 Computer-Assist Draft Design I
TECH 220001 Machine Tool Tech ET 3210 Machine Tool Technology
TECH 221001 Small Engine Tech ET ELLD LD: Small Engine Tech
TECH 231001 Electrical Principl ET 3610 Intro Electricity Electronics
TECH 232001 Electronics I ET 3630 Electronics
TECH 241001 Construction Fundam CMT 3150 Resid Build Constr & Mtrls I
TECH 242001 Residential & Comme ET ELLD LD: Residential & Comme
TECH 244001 Mechanical Systems CMT 4100 Mechanical & Electrical System
TECH 255001 Surveying Measureme CMT ELLD LD: Surveying Measureme
TECH 256001 Surveying Graphics ET ELLD LD: Surveying Graphics
TECH 260001 Intro Engineering M ENGR 1100 Engineering Fundamentals
TECH 2610 Applied Mechanics I ENGR 2110 Statics
TECH 261001 Applied Mechanics I ENGR 2110 Statics
TECH 2620 Applied Mechanics I ENGR 2120 Dynamics
TECH 262001 Applied Mechanics I ENGR 2120 Dynamics
TECH 298901 Cooperative Education ET 3970 Coop Education Experience III
TECH 299901 Cooperative Educati ET 3970 Coop Education Experience III
TECH 301001 Statics & Strength ET ELUD UD: Statics & Strength
TECH 302001 Man, Society, & Tec ET ELUD UD: Man, Society, & Tec
TECH 312001 Engineering Design ET ELUD UD: Engineering Design
TECH 314001 Technical Illustrat ET ELUD UD: Technical Illustrat
TECH 316001 Adv Architectural D ET ELUD UD: Adv Architectural D
TECH 317001 CADD Systems ET 2310 Computer-Assist Draft Design I
TECH 3210 Principles of Weldi ENGR 2210 Intro to Material Sci & Engr
TECH 323001 Industrial Ceramics ET ELUD UD: Industrial Ceramics
TECH 324001 Engineering Materia ET 3260 Manfacturing Process Materials
TECH 325001 Industrial Finishin ET ELUD UD: Industrial Finishin
TECH 331001 Circuit Analysis ET 3601 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
TECH 332001 Electronics II ET 3630 Electronics
TECH 333001 Electronics III ET 3640 Digital Circuits Design
TECH 334001 Electrical Machiner ET 4640 Industrial Electricity
TECH 335001 Industrial Electron ET 4610 Instrumentation and Controls
TECH 336001 Electronic Fabricat ET ELUD UD: Electronic Fabricat
TECH 341001 Construction Estima CMT 3160 Cost Estimating I
TECH 342001 Adv Construction Es CMT 4110 Cost Estimating II
TECH 343001 Materials & Methods CMT 3190 Const Land Develop Oper
TECH 344001 Materials & Methods ET ELUD UD: Materials & Methods
TECH 351001 Engineering & Const ET ELUD UD: Engineering & Const
TECH 352001 Land Survey Systems ET ELUD UD: Land Survey Systems
TECH 353001 Survey Measurement ET ELUD UD: Survey Measurement
TECH 354001 Surveying Projects ET ELUD UD: Surveying Projects
TECH 355001 Adv Surveying Math ET ELUD UD: Adv Surverying Math
TECH 356001 Geodetic Science ET ELUD UD: Geodetic Science
TECH 360001 Manufactuiring Tech ET ELUD UD: Manufactuiring Tech
TECH 361001 Construction Tech CMT 3150 Resid Build Constr & Mtrls I
TECH 362001 Power Industries ET ELUD UD: Power Industries
TECH 363001 Automotive Mechanic ET ELUD UD: Automotive Mechanic
TECH 364001 Applied Electricity ET ELUD UD: Applied Electricity
TECH 365001 Applied Electricity ET ELUD UD: Applied Electricity
TECH 366001 Tech of Communicati ET ELUD UD: Tech of Communication
TECH 367001 Sheet Metal ET ELUD UD: Sheet Metal
TECH 368001 Plastics ET ELUD UD: Plastics
TECH 369001 Graphic Arts Indust ET ELUD UD: Graphic Arts Indust
TECH 370001 Principles of Vocat ET ELUD UD: Priniciples of Vocat
TECH 371001 Manual Numerical Co ET 4280 Computer-Aided Mfg NC
TECH 374001 Soil Mechanics & Fo ET ELUD UD: Soil Mechanics & Fo
TECH 377001 Crafts ET ELUD UD: Crafts
TECH 398901 Coopertive Educatio ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
TECH 399901 Ooperative Educatio ET ELUD UD: Ooperative Education
TECH 402001 Field Visitation ET ELUD UD: Field Visitation
TECH 403701 Quality Assurance I ET ELUD UD: Quality Assurance I
TECH 404701 Quality Assurance I ET ELUD UD: Quality Assurance I
TECH 417701 Computer Graphics ET 4330 Adv Computer-Aided Drafting
TECH 4217 Tool Design ET ELUD UD: Tool Design
TECH 422701 Engineering Economy ENGR 3970 Engineering Economy
TECH 423701 Time & Motion Study ET ELUD UD: Time & Motion Study
TECH 424701 Industrial Operatio ET ELUD UD: Industrial Operatio
TECH 425701 Plant Layout & Mate ET 4920 Plant Layout & Matl Handling
TECH 426701 Physical Metallurgy ET ELUD UD: Physical Metallurgy
TECH 427701 Process Control & I ET ELUD UD: Process Control & I
TECH 428701 Intro to Robotics ET 4860 Robotics
TECH 431001 Electronics-Communi ET ELUD UD: Electronics-Communi
TECH 432701 Electronics-Digital ET 3640 Digital Circuits Design
TECH 433701 Electronics-Micropr ET 3650 Intro to Microprocessors
TECH 434701 Electronics-Micro I ET 4660 Microprocessor Interfacing
TECH 435001 Biomedical Instrume ET ELUD UD: Biomedical Instrumen
TECH 436001 Bmet Internship I ET ELUD UD: Bmet Internship I
TECH 437001 Biomedical Instrume ET ELUD UD: Biomedical Instrume
TECH 438001 Bmet Internship II ET ELUD UD: Bmet Internship II
TECH 4381 Principles of Supervision TECH 4381 Principles of Supervision
TECH 441701 Construction Financ CMT 4130 Construction Administration
TECH 451001 Photogrammetry ET ELUD UD: Photogrammetry
TECH 452001 Survey Science Topi ET ELUD UD: Survey Science Topi
TECH 453001 Land Boundary Locat ET ELUD UD: Land Boundary Locat
TECH 454001 Land Subdivision & ET ELUD UD: Land Subdivision &
TECH 455001 Automated Surveying ET ELUD UD: Automated Surverying
TECH 460701 Technology Practicu ET ELUD UD: Technology Practicu
TECH 461701 Vocational Guidance ET ELUD UD: Vocational Guidance
TECH 462001 Equipment Condition ET ELUD UD: Equipment Condition
TECH 463001 Clinical Practice ET ELUD UD: Clinical Practice
TECH 463701 Evaluation In Indus ET ELUD UD: Evaluation in Indus
TECH 464701 Job Analysis & Curr ET ELUD UD: Job Analysis & Curr
TECH 465001 Industrial Photogra ET ELUD UD: Industrial Photogra
TECH 471001 Methods of Instruct ET ELUD UD: Methods of Instruct
TECH 471701 Computer Assisted N ET ELUD UD: Computer Assisted N
TECH 472001 Teaching In-Car Ins ET ELUD UD: Teaching In-Car Ins
TECH 474701 Instructional Manag ET ELUD UD: Instructional Manag
TECH 476701 Coordinating of Stu ET ELUD UD: Coordinating of Stu
TECH 477701 Safety Management ET ELUD UD: Safety Management
TECH 478901 Methods of Teaching ET ELUD UD: Methods of Teaching
TECH 490001 Independent Study T ET ELUD UD: Independent Study T
TECH 495701 Special Topics In T ET ELUD UD: Special Topics In T
TECH 498901 Cooperative Educati ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
TECH 499901 Cooperative Educati ET ELUD UD: Cooperative Education
TECW 2100 Intro to Tech & Prof Writing ENGL ELLD LD:Intro Tech & Prof Writing
TECW 3132 Digital Texts & Network Worlds JOUR ELUD Digital Texts & Network Worlds
TELC 2007 Adolescent & Adult Learners TELC 2007 Adolescent and Adult Learners
TELC 2008 Learning through Assessmt/Eval TELC 2008 Learning thru Assessment/Eval
TELC 2009 Managing Learning Environment TELC 2009 Manage Learning Env Post Sec
TELC 2010 Exceptionalities & Diversity TELC 2010 Survey of Excep and Diversity
TELC 2011 Teach/Learn with Technology TELC 2011 Teaching & Learning w/Tech Sch
TELC 2012 Teachers as Agents of Change TELC 2012 Teachers As Agents of Change
TELC 2013 Adult Learners TELC 2013 Adult Learners
TELC 2014 Managing Learning Env PostSec TELC 2014 Managing the Lrn Envr
TELC 2015 Exceptionalts/Diversity PostSe TELC 2015 Surv Excpn Diversity Post-Sec
TELC 4001 Adolescent Development TELC 4001 Adolescent Development
TELC 4002 Assessment and Evaluation TELC 4002 Assessment and Evaluation
TELC 4003 Managing Learning Environment TELC 4003 Managing Learning Environment
TELC 4004 Survey of Exceptional Children TELC 4004 Survey of Exception Children
TELC 4005 Teach/Learn with Technology ELED 4260 Problems in Elementary Edu
TELC 4006 Teachers as Agents of Change TELC 4006 Teachers as Agents of Change
THEA 1030 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 150001 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 1520 Stagecraft I THEA 1025 Stage Craft I
THEA 1530 Stagecraft II THEA 1025 Stage Craft I
THEA 180001 Theatre Lab M COMM ELLD LD: Theatre Lab M
THEA 1810 Theatre Foundations THEA ELLD LD:Theatre Foundations
THEA 220001 Oral Interpretation COMM ELLD LD: Oral Interpretation
THEA 2420 Theatre Design Basi THEA ELLD LD: Theatre Design Basi
THEA 250001 Creative Drama THEA 3600 Drama in the Classroom
THEA 251001 Prin Thry Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
THEA 2520 Stagecraft THEA 1025 Stage Craft I
THEA 252501 Makeup THEA 3100 Make-Up Techniques for Perform
THEA 253001 Dramatic Structures THEA ELLD LD: Dramatic Structures
THEA 2605 Theatre Practicum THEA 2900 Production Practices Lab
THEA 2800 Theatre Laboratory THEA 2900 Production Practices Lab
THEA 299901 Cooperative Educati THEA ELLD LD: Cooperative Educati
THEA 330001 Scenic Design THEA 3300 Scene Design
THEA 3330 Scenic Design THEA 3300 Scene Design
THEA 333501 Lighting Design THEA 3400 Lighting Arts/Entertainment I
THEA 3345 Costume Design THEA 4220 Costume Design for A&E
THEA 3400 Lighting Design THEA 4290 Problems in Theatre
THEA 3415 Honors Stage Combat THEA ELUD UD:Honors Stage Combat
THEA 3435 Act for TV and Film THEA ELUD UD:Act for TV and Film
THEA 3500 Voice and Diction CDIS 2150 Voice and Diction
THEA 3510 Acting II THEA 3510 Acting II
THEA 3512 Sudition Process THEA 4290 Problems in Theatre
THEA 351501 Theatre Movement THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Movement
THEA 3520 Theatre History I THEA 4800 Thea Hist I: Greek Restoration
THEA 3525 Theatre History II THEA 4810 Thea Hist II: Restor-Present
THEA 352501 Theatre History II THEA ELUD UD: Theatre History II
THEA 353001 Play Direction THEA 3700 Fundamentals of Play Directing
THEA 3535 Musical Theatre Hist THEA 4290 Problems in Theatre
THEA 3625 Advanced Stage Makeu THEA 4110 Make-Up Design and Creation
THEA 380001 Theatre Lab M THEA 4900 Production Practicum
THEA 4018 Honors Thesis THEA ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
THEA 4080 Internship THEA ELUD UD:Internship
THEA 420701 Adv Oral Interpreta COMM ELUD UD: Adv Oral Interpreta
THEA 440701 Oral Lang Arts For COMM ELUD UD: Oral Lang Arts For
THEA 4417 Teach Theatre In Gra THEA 4620 Theatre Education Practicum
THEA 441801 Teaching Theatre In THEA ELUD UD: Teaching Theatre In
THEA 445701 Play Production For THEA ELUD UD: Play Production For
THEA 452701 Scenographic Design THEA 3300 Scene Design
THEA 453701 Adv Play Direction THEA 4700 Advanced Play Directing
THEA 454701 Dramatic Theory & C THEA ELUD UD: Dramatic Theory & C
THEA 455701 Playwriting THEA ELUD UD: Playwriting
THEA 460701 Speech Theatre Pracm COMM ELUD UD: Speech Theatre Pracm
THEA 463001 Theatre Management THEA 3800 Intro to Arts Management
THEA 4637 Theatre Management THEA 3800 Intro to Arts Management
THEA 4647 Thea Architecture & THEA ELUD UD: Thea Architecture &
THEA 4707 Theatre Internship THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Internship
THEA 4800 Theatre Lab THEA ELUD UD: Theater Lab
THEA 4857 Period Acting Styles THEA 4290 Problems in Theatre
THEA 4867 Summer Theatre Perfo THEA 3910 Internship in Theatre
THEA 490001 Independent Study COMM 4260 Independent Study
THEA 495701 Special Topics In S COMM ELUD UD: Special Topics In S
UHON 1108 Honors Colloquium UH ELLD LD: Honors Colloquium
UHON 1218 Artistic Vision UH ELLD LD: Artistic Vision
UHON 1888 Arts Scholars Collo UH ELLD LD: Arts Scholars Collo
UHON 2018 Roving Artists I UH ELLD LD: Roving Artists I
UHON 2028 Roving Artists II UH ELLD LD: Roving Artists II
UHON 2108 Honors Colloquium II UH ELLD LD: Honors Colloquium II
UHON 2218 Honors Artistic Vision II UH ELLD LD:Honors Artistic Vision II
UHON 3008 Foundations of Research UH ELUD UD: Foundations of Research
UHON 3018 Roving Artists III UH ELUD UD: Roving Artists III
UHON 3028 Roving Artists IV UH ELUD UD: Roving Artists IV
UHON 3108 Honors Colloquium III UH ELUD UD: Honors Colloquium III
UHON 4108 Honors Colloquium IV UH ELUD UD: Honors Colloquium IV
UHON 4808 Honors Study Abroad UH ELUD UD: Honors Study Abroad
UNIV 3535 Family Communication UNIV 3535 Family Communication
UNIV 3580 Hebrew & Greek Legacy UNIV 3580 Hebrew and Greek Legacy
UNIV 3581 Faith Reason & Imagination UNIV 3581 Faith Reason and Imagination
UNIV 4110 RODP Internship UNIV 4110 Internship
UNIV 4706 Managing Software Development UNIV 4706 Managing Software Development
UNIV 4780 Business Intelligence UNIV 4708 Intro Bus Intelligence-IT Mjrs
UNIV 4995 Culminating Project UNIV 4995 Culminating Project
URBS 2610 Intro to Public Admi PS ELLD LD: Intro to Public Admi
URBS 3100 Intro to Urgan & Reg ELEC ELUD UD: Intro to Urgan & Reg
URBS 4018 Senior Honors Semina UH ELUD UD: Senior Honors Semina
URBS 4087 Recreation & Tourism THM ELUD UD: Recreation & Tourism
URBS 4107 Urban Goegraphy &Pla GEOG ELUD UD: Urban Goegraphy &Pla
URBS 4347 Economic Dev Plannin ELEC ELUD UD: Economic Dev Plannin
URBS 4617 Public Personnel Adm ELEC ELUD UD: Public Personnel Adm
URBS 4637 Local & Regional Pla ELEC ELUD UD: Local & Regional Pla
URBS 4898 Senior Honors Senior ELEC ELUD UD: Senior Honors Senior
URBS 4905 Urban Studies Intern ELEC ELUD UD: Urban Studies Intern
WEB 2110 Flash WEB 2110 Motion Vector Graphics
WEB 2120 Audio/Video for the Web WEB 2120 Audio Video for the Web
WEB 2200 CIW Foundation WEB 2200 Internet Technologies
WEB 2210 CIW Design Methodlogy/Tech WEB 2210 CIW Design Mthds and Tech
WEB 2220 CIW ECommerce Strat/Pract WEB 2220 CIW E Commerce Strat and Prac
WEB 2300 CIW Java Script Fundamentals WEB 2300 CIW Javascript Fundamentals
WEB 2400 Project Manangment for the Web WEB 2400 Project Management for Web
WEB 2811 Advanced Computer Graphics WEB 2811 Adv Computer Graphics
WEB 2812 Adv Web Page/Site Design WEB 2812 Advanced Web Page Site Design
WGSS 2010 Intro to WGSS WGST 2100 Intro to Women's Studies
WMST 2010 Intro Women's Studies WGST 2100 Intro to Women's Studies
WMST 2020 Women In Global Per WGST 3900 Women and Globalism
WMST 2110 Sex Gender & Body WGST ELLD LD:Sex Gender & Body
WMST 3330 Feminist Thought & P WGST 4500 Feminist Theory
WMST 3410 Gender and Violence WGST ELUD UD:Gender and Violence
WMST 4018 Honors Thesis WMST ELUD UD: Honors Thesis
WMST 4080 Womens Studies Intrn WGST 4900 Independent Study
WMST 4500 Womens Studies Sr Ca WGST 4900 Independent Study
WMST 4950 Issues Womens Mvmt WGST 4900 Independent Study