Transfer Equivalencies

There are 148 transfer equivalencies on file for Watkins Coll Art & Design

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ANT 0101 Anthropology ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ART 0101 Art Hist Survey I ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 0101 Art Hist Survey I ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 0102 Art Hist Survey II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
ART 0103 Contemporary Art His ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
ART 0111 Drawing I ART 1620 Drawing I
ART 0112 Drawing II ART 1640 Drawing II
ART 0115 Color Fundamentals ART ELLD LD:Color Fundamentals
ART 0130 2-D Design ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
ART 0151 Ceramics ART 2810 Ceramics I
ART 0152 Ceramics II ART 3820 Wheel Throwing
ART 0161 2-D Design ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
ART 0162 Drawing I ART 1620 Drawing I
ART 0163 3-D Design ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ART 0164 4D Design ART ELLD LD:4D Design
ART 0165 Drawing II ART 1640 Drawing II
ART 0200 Portfolio Review ART ELLD LD:Portfolio Review
ART 0201 Basic Design ART ELLD LD: Basic Design
ART 0202 Figure Study II ART 3650 Figure Drawing
ART 0211 Drawing III ART ELLD LD: Drawing III
ART 0221 Modern Art History ART ELLD LD:Modern Art History
ART 0222 Art His Spl Top ART ELLD LD:Art His Special Topics
ART 0230 3-D Design ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ART 0231 Sculpture I ART 2510 Sculpture I
ART 0232 Sculpture II ART 3520 Sculpture II
ART 0241 Painting I ART 2710 Painting I
ART 0242 Painting II ART 3720 Painting II
ART 0251 Clay I ART 2810 Ceramics I
ART 0261 Printmaking I ART ELLD Printmaking I
ART 0262 Printmaking II ART ELLD LD:Printmaking II
ART 0301 Figure Study III ART ELUD UD: Figure Study
ART 0321 Contemporary Art History ART 4920 Contemporary Art
ART 0341 Painting III ART 3730 Painting III
ART 0371 Seminar I ART ELUD UD:Seminar I
ART 0441 Painting IV ART 4710 Painting IV
ART 222A AHST: Cont. Practice ART ELLD LD: AHST: Cont Practice
COL 100 Watkins Seminar ELEC ELLD LD:Watkins Seminar
COM 0220 Speech Communication COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COR 0101 Surf Spc Time ELEC ELLD LD:Surf Spc Time
COR 0102 Studio Research ELEC ELLD LD:Studio Research
CRT 0101 Creativity:A Life ELEC ELLD LD:Creativity:A Life
DIG 0185 Digital Literacy INFS ELLD LD:Digital Literacy
ENG 0101 English Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0102 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 0210 Class of Mod Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 0220 World Mythologies ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 0310 Creative Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Creative Wriging
ENG 0350 Southern Gothic Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Southern Gothic Lit
ENG 401A Banned Books ENGL ELUD UD:Banned Books
ENG 420 Literature of the Other ENGL ELUD UD:Literature of the Other
FLM 0101 Film History I EMC ELLD LD:Film History I
FLM 0102 Film History II EMC ELLD LD:Film History II
FLM 0103 Elements of Film Art EMC ELLD LD:Elements of Film Art
FLM 0104 Intro to Screen Wri EMC ELLD LD:Intro Screen Writing
FLM 0105 Intro Screenwriting EMC ELLD LD:Intro Screenwriting
FLM 0112 Tech I EMC ELLD LD: Tech I
FLM 0201 Early Dev of Cinema EMC ELLD LD:Early Dev of Cinema
FLM 0204 Screenwriting ELEC ELLD LD:Screenwriting
FLM 0205 Adv Screenwriting EMC ELLD LD:Adv Screenwriting
FLM 0210 Film Production I EMC ELLD LD:Film Production I
FLM 0221 Motion Pic Camera EMC ELLD LD:Motion Pic Camera
FLM 0261 Directing Workshop EMC ELLD LD:Directing Worksho
FLM 0263 ST:The Horror Film EMC ELLD LD:ST:The Horror Film
FLM 0286 ST: Intro French Film THEA ELLD LD:ST: Intro Fren Film
FLM 0288 ST:Hist of TV Drama EMC ELLD LD:ST:Hist of TV Drama
FLM 0291 Intro Editing EMC ELLD LD:Intro Editing
FLM 0292 Film Sound I ELEC ELLD LD:Film Sound I
FLM 0360 Acting For Directors THEA 1015 Acting I
FLM 0432 Writing the Short Screenplay VFP 4020 Screenwriting II
FLM 202 Modern Int'l Cinema EMC ELLD LD:Modern Int'l Cinema
FLM 211 Film Production II EMC ELLD LD:Film Production II
FLM 250 Prod Design EMC ELLD LD:Prod Design
FLM 289 ST:Women & Film EMC ELLD LD:ST:Women & Film
FLM 291L Editing Lab EMC ELLD LD:Editing Lab
FLM 299 Portfolio Review EMC ELLD LD:Portfolio Review
FLM 332 Writing Short Screenplay EMC ELUD UD:Writing Short Screenplay
GRD 0101 Hist Graphic Design ART ELLD LD: Hist Graphic Design
GRD 0110 Graphic Design I DSGN 3325 Word and Image
GRD 0121 Typography I ART 2325 Typographic Design
GRD 0210 Graphic Design II ART ELLD LD: Graphic Design II
GRD 0230 Computer Studio I ART ELLD LD: Computer Studio I
GRD 0231 Computer Studio II ART ELLD LD: Computer Studio II
GRD 0232 Typography II ART ELLD LD: Typography II
GRD 0251 Prof Practices ART ELLD LD:Prof Practices
GRD 0310 Graphic Design III ART ELUD UD: Graphic Design III
GRD 0321 Illustration I ART ELUD UD: Illustration I
GRD 0332 Typography III ART ELUD UD: Typography III
GRD 0341 Multi-Media I ART ELUD UD:Multi-Media I
GRD 0342 Web Development II ART ELUD UD: Web Development II
GRD 0410 Graphic Design IV ART ELUD UD:Graphic Design IV
GRD 0421 Illustration II ART ELUD UD:Illustration II
GRD 0441 Multi-Media II ART ELUD UD:Multi-Media II
GRD 0450 Visiting Art Direct ART ELUD UD:Visiting Art Direct
GRD 0461 Senior Portfolio Dev ART ELUD UD:Senior Portfolio Dev
HIS 0101 Hist of World Civili HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIS 0102 Hist of World Civ II HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HUM 0101 Pre College Fine Art ART ELLD LD: Pre College Fine Art
HUM 0102 Pre College Film HUM ELLD LD:Pre College Film
HUM 0275 Spcl Top:Intl Cin ELEC ELLD LD:Spcl Top:Intl Cin
HUM 0300 Poetry & Film HUM ELUD UD:Poetry & Film
IND 0101 Design Fundamentals IDES ELLD LD:Design Fundamentals
IND 0102 Space Planning & Human Factors IDES ELLD LD:Space Plng & Hum Fctrs
IND 0111 Architectural Drawing IDES ELLD LD:Architectural Drawing
IND 0113 Building Const & Detail IDES ELLD LD:Building Const & Detail
IND 0205 Textiles & Furn TXMD ELLD LD:Textiles & Furn
IND 0206 History of Architecture & Desi IDES ELLD LD:Hist of Architecture & Desi
IND 0210 Residential Design IDES ELLD LD:Residential Design
IND 0303 Present Techniq IDES ELUD UD:Present Techniq
IND 0304 Lighting I IDES ELUD UD:Lighting I
IND 0311 Digital Design I IDES ELUD UD:Digital Design I
IND 112 Architectural Drawing II IDES ELLD LD:Architectural Drawing II
IND 203 Interior Materials & Detailing IDES ELLD LD:Interior Materials & Detail
IND 204 Codes & Regs for Interior IDES ELLD LD:Codes & Regs for Interior
IND 207 Hist of Architecture & Interio IDES ELLD LD:Hist of Arch & Interior
IND 305 20th Century Design IDES ELUD UD:20th Century Design
IND 306 Building Construction IDES ELUD UD:Building Construction
IND 307 Seminar in Design Theory IDES ELUD UD:Seminar in Design Theory
IND 310 Commercial Design IDES ELUD UD:Commercial Design
IND 313 Computer Modeling & Visualizat IDES ELUD UD:Computer Modeling & Visuali
IND 320 Advanced Commercial Design IDES ELUD UD:Adv Commercial Design
IND 403 Advanced Materials & Detailing IDES ELUD UD:Adv Materials & Detailing
IND 404 Lighting I I IDES ELUD UD:Lighting II
MAT 0101 Mathematics Visual Art MATH ELLD LD: Mathematics Visual Art
PCSA 101 Pre-College Studio Art ART ELLD LD:Pre-College Studio Art
PHL 0101 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 0220 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 0310 Aesthetics PHIL ELUD UD: Aesthetics
PHL 0320 Philosophy & Film PHIL ELUD UD:Philosophy & Film
PHL 220 World Mythologies PHIL ELLD LD:World Mythologies
PHO 0101 Cultural Lens PHOT ELLD LD:Cultural Lens
PHO 0102 Critical Intro Photo PHOT ELLD LD:Critical Intro Photo
PHO 0121 Black & White Phot I PHOT ELLD LD: Black & White Phot I
PHO 0231 Photo II PHOT ELLD LD:Photo II
PHO 0233 Photography III PHOT ELLD LD:Photography III
PHO 0234 Photography IIIB PHOT ELLD LD:Photography IIIB
PHO 0241 Intro Lighting PHOT ELLD LD:Intro Lighting
PHO 0251 Digital Imaging PHOT ELLD LD:Digital Imaging
PHO 0300 Portfolio Review PHOT ELUD UD:Portfolio Review
PHO 0342 Applied Lighting PHOT ELUD UD:Applied Lighting
PHO 0352 Experimental Video PHOT ELUD UD:Experimental Video
PHO 0361 Alt Processes PHOT ELUD UD:Alt Processes
PHO 0373 SP:Book Arts PHOT ELUD UD:SP:Book Arts
PHO 122 Black and White Photography II PHOT ELLD LD:Black & White Photgrphy II
PSY 0101 Creativity a Life I ART 1030 Art Appreciation
REL 0201 World Religions RS ELLD LD: World Religions
SCI 0310 Hist of Sci Thought ELEC ELUD UD:Hist of Sci Thought
SCI 0315 Biology in the Arts BIOL ELUD UD: Biology in the Arts