Facility and Technical Data
Technical Services and Rental Information
All events at Tucker Theatre are scheduled through the Director of Production and Technical Operations John.Underwood@mtsu.edu. Call 615-904-8230 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or fill out the Use of Facility Form
- Tucker Theatre is a proscenium style theatre with two side stages, orchestral pit and trap room.
- Auditorium Capacity
- Main Floor: 539 seats
- Balcony: 292 seats
- Total: 831 seats (see Seat Map)
- Load-in point: Loading dock at stage level is outside of the scene shop located off stage left. A load-in to the stage is through the shop. The loading door is 9'-0" wide by 10'-0" high.
- Orchestra Pit: Located under the apron, its use requires significant advance notice. There is no lift system of any kind installed. Floor of the pit is 10'-0" below stage deck level.
- Proscenium opening: 40'-0" wide and 20'-0" high
- Height of stage from auditorium floor: 3'-7"
- Front edge of apron to curtain line: 18'-0" O.C.
- Curtain line to back wall: 38'-0" O.C.
- Wing space stage left: 7'-0" and opens into shop.
- Wing space stage right: 4'-0" off stage of cyc.
- Height of grid: 50'-5 1/2"
- Usual trim height: 20'-0" to 22'-0"
- Crossover: Through hallway behind stage.
- Stage Floor: Wood floor, slightly resilient, over cement beam support structure.
- Traps: Three 3'-0" x 6'-0" removable traps
- Floor surface condition: Fair
- Side Stages: Proscenium: 12’0” (h) x 16’0”(w); Black velour draw curtain manually operated: Operating lines are D.S.- Curtain Closes to U.S.
- Orchestra Pit: Tucker Theatre has an orchestra pit that can be uncovered upon adequate advance request.
- Main Curtain: NAVY Velour - Fly and Draw manual operation - Two panels 26'-0" x 24'-0" high
- Teaser - Black velour, 5 Available, 6'-0" x 48'-0"
- Side Stage Curtains (2), Black Velour, Manual draw operation (Lines DS), U.S. full closed,11'-0" X 12'-0"
- Legs - Black velour, 5 sets, 10'-0" x 22'-0"
- Traveler- (2) Black Velour sets (One at half Stage and one at Upstage), Each panel 26'-0" X 24'-0"
- Cyclorama - Unbleached muslin -- off-white color, Hung on curved batten 25'-0" X 44'-0", Encloses stage space of 59'-0" X 31'-0" with all pipes flying within this space, Cyc is hung on line 25, 31'-0" from plaster line, O.C.
- Lobby Location: Tucker Theatre contains one lobby located in front of the auditorium.
- Lobby Facilities: The lobby provides a large seating/lounge area. To the lobby right is a men's restroom and drinking fountain and to the lobby left are a women's restroom and family restroom. Please arrange all use of the lobby through the Production Assistant.
- Box Office: There is one box office with three ticket windows.
- Decorations: The lobby may be decorated by the visiting group for their performance but all materials must be removed by the group afterward. No double-sided tape is permitted in hanging decorations. In addition, any permanent marring of the lobby surfaces will be charged to the user group.
- Water is allowed in the auditorium.
- Chairs & Tables: Folding tables and chairs are available for visitor's use. Please notify the Theatre Manager in advance of these needs.
- Digital Marquee: The Digital marquees inside of the Lobby may be used for advertising and promotion of individual events. All content must be presented to the theatre technician two weeks in advance of event.
- Handicapped Access: There is a two stage ramp system in the front of the facility. The ramp winds patrons up from the accessible parking to the main entrance and box office windows.
- Crowd Control: Stanchions are available for crowd control and limiting access to areas.
- Location: BDA 112, Off the back stage hallway.
- Description: Room is furnished with chairs, couches and tables.
- Quantity & Capacity: Total Number of Rooms: 2 (one male, one female) contains restrooms with two showers each. Maximum capacity: Male - 15, Female - 15
- Location: In hall behind stage on stage level. Access is from U.S.L. and down the hallway, or from U.S.R. and across the hallway.
- Description: Each dressing room is furnished with one full length mirror, racks to hang costumes and a separate room containing a sink with lighted mirror, toilet and two showers.
- There is one (1) Make-up room with a maximum capacity of 20 persons.
- Location: In hallway behind stage, on stage level.
- Description: One large room containing counters, chairs, lighted individual makeup mirrors and a sink with hot and cold water.
- Supplies: No makeup or makeup supplies are provided in house. This includes tissues and soap.
- Theatre Communication System
- 4 – wired RTS units with headsets Single Channel
- 1 – Auxiliary power unit for RTS
- 8 – Wireless RTS units with Headsets
- 1 – Wired control unit and headset for each: Stage Management, Lighting, Sound
- Telex in Orchestra pit, balcony, and catwalk.
- Tucker Theatre is equipped with a single purchase, counter-weight system.
- Total line sets: 34
- Unavailable line sets:
- 6, 11, 16, 22 and 27 are electrical line sets used for lighting.
- 2 (Blue), 17 (black), 30 (black) are traveling curtains
- 26 is a rear projection screen
- 33 and 34 are cycloramas
- Lines will fly approx. 51'-0".
- Low pipe trim: 4'-7"
Additional information Concerning Fly System - Lines may be marked on the rail with white gaff and ropes may be spiked with spike tape only. All labels and tape must be removed at strike. All curtains must be returned to their original storage positions during strike. Only qualified personnel may operate this system. These operators must be employees of MTSU.
- Weights - Regular brick – 22 lbs, Large brick - 44lbs, Small Brick – 12 lbs
Tucker Theatre utilizes a robust repertory plot with conventional dimming and intelligent fixtures. Six onstage electrics and two catwalks with additional dimmable power on and off stage, networked through ETCNet and controlled at FOH by an ETC EOS. The repertory plot is subject to changes. Additional information regarding system, control, and inventory available upon request.
- Tucker Theatre maintains a small assortment of gel in stock. Given adequate notice, Tucker Theatre may supply gel at cost to groups.
- Some equipment may not be available due to routine maintenance rotation. To insure that equipment is available for your use, check with Production Assistant.
- On stage
- First Electric pipe - Conventional dimming circuits 81-102, 3 L620+ 2 NEMA 5-20r
- Second electric pipe - Conventional dimming circuits 103-128, 3 L620+ 2 NEMA 5-20
- Third electric pipe - Conventional dimming circuits 129-144, 3 L620+ 2 NEMA 5-20
- Fourth Electric - Conventional dimming circuits 147-156, 3 L620+ 2 NEMA 5-20
- Fifth Electric - Conventional dimming circuits 157-169 This pipe holds cyc units.
- Cove Wall Conventional dimming circuits 49-54 SR, 55-61 SL
- Proscenium Wall Conventional dimming circuits - 81-83 SL, 84-86 SR
- Rear Stage Wall Conventional dimming circuits - 175-186
- AP Pipe - Conventional dimming circuits 64-78, 3 L620+ 2 NEMA 5-20
- First Cat position - Conventional dimming circuits 19-48
- Second Cat position - Conventional dimming circuits 1-18
- Follow Spots - Located at rear of auditorium, Two follow spots are available for use, See Event Coordinator to arrange for spot operators.
***** Due to Fire and safety Regulations, Lights may never be used on the front railing of the balcony.
- OSL Circuit breaker box
- 100A quick disconnect for bare tail hook-up, Bare tail to Cam locks available upon request.
- University employer is required to tie into this power source.
- **Must notify house technician two weeks in advance.
- Tucker Theatre utilizes a Roland Professional AV System, with the Roland M5000 digital mixing console at FOH and a multi-reac digital snake system delivered through duel D&B line arrays with additional center cluster, front fills, and (4) double 18” Subs. With access to powered and passive monitors and the Roland M-48 personal mixers with a Roland M400 digital mixing console for monitor mixing on stage. Additional information regarding system, control and inventory available upon request.
- 1 - Video screen (15'-5" wide x 12'-6" high), retractable, permanently mounted to the Proscenium. Front projected from FOH position with 7K NEC Projector.
- 1 – Video Screen 18’ x 45’. Rear or front projected. Must be suspended from the fly system.
- Epson 15K with Ultra Short Throw lense for digitial backdrops
- Any other equipment must be requested 3 weeks in advance and is subject to availability of MTSU production services.
- Additional information regarding system, control and inventory available upon request.
- Ladders - Visiting groups may use ladders only with permission of the Theatre Manager
- 2 - Hydraulic Lift, 25’-0” platform height
- Acrylic Lecturn
- Wooden Podium
- Kimball Baby Grand Piano - Permission must be obtained in advance to use the piano and the visiting group may be charged for tuning
Please email John.underwood@mtsu.edu for any specific requests or needs that may not be listed here.
MTSU and its employees assumes no responsibility for accidents.
For more information regarding Tucker Theatre's policies please visit our policy page
Please note that the user is not authorized to alter the physical plant, structure, or mechanical operation of Tucker Theatre or any of its support areas. This includes, but is not limited to: Modification, repair, or reassignment of any part of the rigging system of the theatre. Modification, repair, or adjustment to any part of the electrical system of the theatre. Structural changes to the facility, such as the addition or deletion of rigging positions, lighting positions; the rerouting of wiring, cabling, or conduit.
Drilling, boring, or in any way penetrating cinder block, brick, concrete, steel, or any other such structural material located within the facility, where structural integrity will be jeopardized or visible scarring of the facility will result.
Please note that any major repairs needed within the theatre plant must be contracted though an outside licensed and bonded contractor. Due to insurance and safety risks, none of the following type of repairs / maintenance may be performed by the user group or any of its technicians or staff. 1.) Any electrical work at the circuit level. This includes (but is not limited to): tapping off breaker boxes, rerouting existing wiring, adjusting connect panels, altering dimming systems, opening manufacturer sealed devices, removing electrical panel covers, or any other item that the departmental Technical Director deems as hazardous to the current and future safety of the employees, students, and physical plant of MTSU. 2.)Any structural rigging within the theatre plant. This includes (but is not limited to): replacing head blocks, loft blocks, cabling, battens, arbors, or any other part of the counterweight system; adding or deleting line sets; permanent or semi-permanent installation of rigging of any kind, or any other item that the Theatre Manager deems as hazardous to the current and future safety of the employees, students, and physical plant of MTSU.