Autumn Martin

Autumn Martin

How would you describe your college experience?

I was nervous at first being a non-traditional student starting school at this huge university. I was worried about being able to keep up and getting lost on campus. Being a mom and working full time I was worried that I would get so overwhelmed and I wouldn't have anyone that I could relate with. During my time on campus I met some amazing people who helped me during the times that I was struggling. I found how much I enjoy doing research. Even when I had to bring my kids with me, all of my professors were so very understanding and helped in any way that they could. I made some amazing friendships and I not only proved to myself that I could accomplish getting my degree, but I also showed my kids how their mom could obtain her degree even with all of the outside challenges that she faced.

When did you know that you wanted to major in a STEM discipline?

I have worked in the healthcare setting since I was 16 years old. I always knew that I wanted to help people but I wasn't really sure how I wanted to be able to help others. I knew that science and healthcare are associated so I just went for it. It wasn't until I started my undergraduate degree that I started to decipher exactly what type of healthcare I wanted to participate in. It wasn't to long into my degree when I transitioned more into behavioral sciences.

What is the most rewarding thing that you do in your job as a STEM professional?

I currently work in surgery as a surgical first assistant. So I help surgeons throughout surgical procedures. This most rewarding part of my job is when we have true emergency surgeries and we are able to have a successful surgery. Patients coming to surgery are putting themselves in the mercy of your care, so knowing that I will do everything in my power to make sure that they are taken care of to the best of my abilities is reward enough.

What would you tell a middle or high school girl about careers in STEM?

Nothing worth having comes easy. This being said, don't let yourself believe that you can't accomplish whatever it is you want because of mild roadblocks. If you have a goal that you want to achieve then push through all of those potential roadblocks. Find individuals who you can trust to motivate you in times where you find yourself worrying and struggling. STEM careers are not always easy, but they are extremely rewarding. Seeing how hard you push yourself to reach the career that you want is just another reward that you will get to celebrate. 

What should middle and high school girls be doing to prepare themselves for college and a STEM careers?

Ask lots of questions. Don't be afraid to reach out if you don't understand something. Figure out how you take notes the best, and try to find the best study technique for yourself. Research potential careers that you would want to explore and what requirements are needed to get to that career. Find your support system that will be there for you. Reach out to others who are also interested in STEM careers so you have someone else to go through the process with you.

What career advice would you give to girls if you only have two minutes?

Failure is nothing more than a minor setback. Use failure as your fuel to keep pushing you.
Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Sometimes you will have to go out of your comfort zone but don't let that prevent you from going for the career you want.
Don't let other people dictate what career you go for. If you feel passionate towards a certain career, go for it!