How To Get Involved In The Advisor Mastery Program (AMP)

General Event and Professional Development Participation:
All advisors are welcome to attend any and all events! You can check out what events are going on each month HERE. There are typically 4 events each month. 

New Advisor Mentor Program:
Are you a new Advisor at MTSU or are you a seasoned advising vet? Where there a place for everyone. Click here to learn more about how to serve as a mentor or how to get a mentor. When paired this is a one-year commitment for both the metro and mentee. Mentor Training is required for Mentors. Training is held every summer. A mentor must be AMP certified. 

AMP Subcommittees:
AMP is broken down into four subcommittees. Please reach out to each subcommittee chair to get looped in on their monthly meetings.   

AMP Connects -
AMP Connects hosts social and network opportunities to create and cultivate a community of academic advisors campus-wide. This committee is charged with scheduling and advertising a variety of opportunities for advisors to meet, network, and socialize with other advisors throughout the year.
Chair: Grace Groeger (

AMP Reads -
In recognition of the growing literature within the field of academic advising, as well as the emphasis on continuing and self-directed professional development, AMP Reads seeks to encourage scholarly engagement, the discussion of research, and the enjoyment of reading through advisor-led reading groups.  AMP Reads was designed to build community through collaborative study; practice theory as it pertains to topics of interest within the advising community at MTSU; and theorize practice by developing tools, strategies, and resources based on the literature that can be shared throughout the advising community. 
Chair: Interim Chair Cassie Piggott (

AMP Works -
The goal of AMP Works is to support all academic advisors to become master academic advisors, professionals in the field who are experts in the art of academic advising. AMP Works aims to offer a high-quality nuts and bolts professional development program that complements the college-specific training for all advisors at MTSU. These workshops are designed to be timely and relevant to current advising topics in the profession and at MTSU.
Chair: Tiffany Fantine (

AMP Creates -
AMP Creates aspires to elevate academic advising to new heights through cutting-edge approaches and creative enhancements. This is done by helping advisors prepare for conferences, tackling the digital world we living building it into advising, how to incorporate visual creativity into our profession, and showcasing innovative intergrations.  
Chair: Bailey Shults (

AMP Committee:
To get involved in the AMP Committee you must have AMP certification from the prior year and be on track to receive current AMP certification. To serve on the AMP Committee is a year-long commitment (June 1st - May 31st). This is an appointed position through the Office of Student Success. Please be on the look each April/May for an email from the current AMP Chair and the Office of Student Success on how to apply. Priority will be given to individuals who have served on a subcommittee.