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Interested in studying civic engagement? Check out the Resources below!

MTSU Resources

  • A Conversation on the Constitution: Judicial Independence, a 32-minute video taped in 2006, featuring Supreme Court Justices Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O'Connor and Stephen Breyer discussing judicial independence with high school students.
  • Our Constitution: A Conversation, a 30-minute video taped in 2005, featuring Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Stephen Breyer discussing why we need a Constitution with high school students.
  • Key Constitutional Concepts, a compilation of three 20-minute videos that examine the origins of the Constitution, individual rights, and separation of powers.
  • Complete list of resources

To borrow these resources for your classroom, please email us at

The minor in Political and Civic Engagement provides students with an active, experiential program focused on gaining practical knowledge in different areas. Beyond foundation courses, students devote most of their time to participation in simulation, internships, study abroad, and community-based projects.

Resources in Other States

"The National Institute of American History and Democracy (NIAHD) is a partnership between the College of William and Mary and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. It is dedicated to the study of American History, Public History, Material Culture, and Museum Studies. The Institute sponsors programs for William and Mary students, students from other colleges and universities, and high school students." Learn more about NIAHD 

"The Institute for Democracy and Higher Education (IDHE) is dedicated to shifting college and university priorities, practices, and culture to strengthen democracy and advance social and political equity. The Institute focuses explicitly on college student political learning and engagement in democratic practice." Learn more about IDHE

ICSR offers a minor in Citizenship and Social Justice as well as many co-curricular activities. "ICSR seeks to establish a culture where students, faculty, staff, and administrators are self-conscious about their power and influence and are civically and politically engaged." Learn more about ICSR

"The Office of Leadership and Service-Learning at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro serves as a catalyst for experiential curricular and co-curricular leadership development and service-learning initiatives that empower students to effect positive change and serve as citizen leaders in a global community." Learn more about OSLS

"The Civic Engagement program at Cornell supports a number of ongoing volunteer and community projects to promote social responsibility." Cornell also offers a minor in Civic Engagement. Learn more about Cornell's Civic Engagement

"The Institute for Civic and Community Engagement (ICCE) provides opportunities for San Francisco State University faculty and students to become aware of, and address issues of social justice through community service learning and civic engagement." - Learn more about ICCE

"ICES recognizes the relationship between academic excellence and community engagement and focuses on ways that teaching, research, and service are enriched by community and university collaboration." - Learn more about ICES

"Community Leadership and Civic Engagement is a hands-on, interdisciplinary program that draws from areas such as sociology, public administration, and business. Course offerings vary each semester to provide an array of requirements across departments. Our degree is designed to match your interests - CLCE major areas of emphasis include Advocacy, Arts & Humanities, Enterprise, Environmental, and Global Engagement." Learn more about CLCE.

The Institute for Emerging Issues brings people together around complex issues...IEI is a different kind of public policy organization. We believe when people work together with a shared will and common vision, progress is smarter, more comprehensive, and enduring.That’s why we engage people from all regions, all sectors, and all points of view. Learn more about IEI

"The Center for History and Social Change promotes historical study, thought and discourse at the University of Wisconsin -- Green Bay and in the wider regional community through organizing and sponsoring lectures, seminars, and other events on campus conducted by outstanding visiting historical scholars in the humanities and social sciences." Learn more about CHSC

"The mission of UMass Civic Engagement and Service-Learning is to promote learning for life-long, engaged citizenship, partnering with communities on and off campus to work collectively for a more just society." Learn more about CESL 

"The Center for Civic Learning and Community Engagement promotes positive social change and healthier, more vibrant communities through innovative programming and partnerships that benefit our community and Mount Wachusett Community College." Learn more about CCLCE


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American Democracy Project

Dr. Mary A. Evins
HONR 221
Graduating Civically Engaged,
Globally Responsible Citizens
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