Haley Jensen
Haley Jensen studied American Sign Language (ASL) at Lee University, where she graduated
with a B.A. in psychology. Now, she enjoys mixing these two passions, psychology
and ASL, by interacting with others through teaching and volunteering locally.
Haley has been an ASL volunteer for Camp Sign Me Up at Bridges for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Nashville, a non-profit organization providing an array of services to individuals
with hearing loss. She has also participated at the Happy Hands Education Center in Chattanooga, a gathering place where the deaf and those learning ASL can chat
and practice.
In addition to teaching ASL for CALA, Haley has also taught for Cedar Hall, her former
high school. From her home, she runs a successful business, Voice Off Learning, where she teaches ASL to individual clients, home schoolers, and groups.