Certification Course
The Center for Energy Efficiency offers energy professionals the opportunity to attend in-house training seminars and to take certification examinations by sponsoring or co-sponsoring these events.
Our past history of successes include:
March 2003 - Measurement & Verification Workshop with Steve Sain.
March 2002 - Certified Energy Manager Training and Exam with Kenny Spain and Steve Sain.
January 2001 - Solar Vehicles Workshop - for Tennessee high school teams interested in Solar BikeRayce USA.
August 2000 - Energy Effective Lighting Solutions Seminar with Kenneth Spain and John Fetters.
January 2000 - Enforma software and micro data logger training provided by Mark Arney, Architectural Energy Corp.
November 1999 - Solar Vehicles Workshop presented by Ken Sergeant (MTSU Engineering Technology and Industrial Studies Department), Doug Kanitz (Tennessee Solar Energy Association), and Linda Hardymon (MTSU Center for Energy Efficiency) for science, vocational, and technology teachers and students interested in entering Solar BikeRayce USA.
August 1999 - Certified Energy Manager Seminar and Exam with Steve Sain and Kenny Spain. Twelve attendees passed the exam and received the CEM certification.
March 1999 - Certified Energy Manager Seminar and Exam with instructors Walter Johnston, North Carolina State University, and Bill Mashburn, Virginia Tech. Twelve attendees passed the exam and received the certification.
August 1998 - Certified Energy Manager Seminar and Exam with instructors Barney Capehart, University of Florida, and Clint Christianson, Oklahoma State University. Thirteen attendees received their CEM certification.