Middle Tennessee State University Title VI Program

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ("Title VI") prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs or activities which receive federal financial assistance.  Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) is a recipient of federal financial assistance for its education programs and activities.  The University's responsibility under Title VI is to ensure that all of its programs and activities are offered without regard to race, color and national origin.  MTSU's Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance has designated a Title VI Coordinator (Christy Sigler) to ensure compliance with its policy and to oversee all Title VI incidents reported to the University.  The Title VI Coordinator also addresses any systemic misconduct, discrimination, and/or harassment based on race, color and national origin.

Limited English Proficiency

MTSU, through its Policy 305: Limited English Proficiency, and practice, is committed to ensuring meaningful access to all programs, services and activities, normally provided in English to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals and thus prohibit discrimination on the basis of national origin.  Consistent with the law, upon request, the university will provide appropriate alternative non-English formats for persons with limited proficiency in English.  MTSU provides resources through its Limited English Proficiency Program (LEP).

Information is available in every department about Avaza Language Services.  For interpretation and translation, at no charge to an individual, please contact:

Avaza Language Services
(615) 534-3400
(800) 482-8292
MTSU Code: 37970

Complaint Procedures

MTSU, through its Policy 26: Discrimination and Harassment Based on Protected Categories Other Than Sex, provides for the orderly resolution of complaints of discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color and national origin.  Individuals who believe he/she has been subjected to discrimination or harassment may report the complaint to:

Complaints Against Students:

Office of Student Conduct
Keathley University Center 208
(615) 898-2750

Complaints Against Faculty, Staff, Contractors, or Third Parties:

Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance
Cope Administration Building 116
(615) 898-2185


Office of Institutional Equity
and Compliance
1301 East Main Street
116 Cope Administration Building
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

615-898-2185 Phone
615-904-8041 Fax

Please send comments or complaints to iec@mtsu.edu