Fee Payment/Confirmation Instructions

How to confirm your registration
1.  Log in to PipelineMT, click on Billing & Payment.
2.  Select Confirm Registration.
3Select the term then click Submit.
4.  Your account balance summary and account detail for the term will be displayed. Click " Yes, I will attend during..."
5.  Wait for a confirmation number and write it down for your records.

You can make either credit card or check card payments with Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express on PipelineMT.

How to pay registration fees by credit card or check card on PipelineMT
1.  Log in to PipelineMT, click on Billing & Payment.
2.  Select Pay Registration, Balance or Installment.
3.  Select Continue. You will be taken to our bill payment system.
4.  Select Make a Payment.
5.  Check Current account balance then click Continue.
6.  Click on the Select Payment Method drop-down box then select Credit or Debit Card then click Select.
7.  Enter in credit/debit card number then click Continue.
8.  Enter in credit/debit card information then click Continue.
9.  Verify your information is correct then click Submit Payment.
10.  Wait for payment confirmation.

How to pay registration fees by check on PipelineMT
1.  Log in to PipelineMT, click on Billing & Payment.
2.  Select Pay Registration, Balance or Installment.
3.  Select Continue. You will be taken to our bill payment system.
4.  Select Make a Payment.
5.  Check Current account balance then click Continue.
6.  Select Payment Method - Electronic Checking then click Select.
7.  Complete the required information for the personal bank account (DO NOT use your bank debit card number) then Continue.
8.  Verify your information is correct then check "I agree to the above terms and conditions" (a $30 returned check fee will be charged for any payment that is dishonored by the bank).
9.  Click Submit Payment.  Wait for payment confirmation.

Instructions and information on the Installment Plan (available for fall and spring semesters only)


Dr. Saeed Foroudastan
Dr. Saeed Foroudastan, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, CBAS
Director, MSPS
SCI 1026
For more information on our program, please make an appointment with Suzanne Hicks.

 Suzanne Hicks

Suzanne Hicks
MSPS Graduate Coordinator
Internships and Recruitment
SCI 1013

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Bethany Lawson
Bethany Lawson
MSPS Executive Assistant
MSPS Graduate Assistantships 
SCI 1024