Category: President's Post

Quest for Student Success Update

Quest for Student Success Update

January 20 2015

MTSU’s Quest for Student Success initiative is a series of reforms launched last year to increase retention and graduation through changes such as academic course redesigns, enhanced advising, and new student data-t...

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Fiscal Year 2015–2016 Budget Overview

Fiscal Year 2015–2016 Budget Overview

January 20 2015

Fiscal Year 2014–15 was the first year of full implementation of the state’s outcomes-based funding formula as called for in the Complete College Tennessee Act. Under the act, productivity, rather than enrollment, dr...

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Construction Update

Construction Update

January 20 2015

Many renovations of campus buildings are underway or were recently completed. Here is a brief update on recent and current projects.

Cope Administration Building. The renovation project inside Cope is now substant...

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Quest for Student Success Update

Quest for Student Success Update

January 16 2014
Higher education is just the latest arena facing a series of disruptive forces that could, on the one hand, lead to great innovation and transformation or, on the other, lead to significant losses in enrollment, funding, and c...

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Construction Projects Update

Construction Projects Update

January 15 2014

MTSU is an exciting place to work and study, largely because so many renovations and new buildings are underway, taking shape, or opening for use. Here is the latest on recent and current projects.

Science Bu...

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The President's Annual Report

President's Annual Report Cover

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