Category: President's Post

Changing Times

Changing Times

January 21 2016
As most of you are no doubt already aware, Gov. Bill Haslam has proposed sweeping change regarding the governance structure for the six Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) universities, including MTS...

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Budget Update

Budget Update

January 18 2016
MTSU remained relatively flat year-over- year in enrollment this fall (.96 percent headcount and 1.98 percent full-time equivalent decrease). This slight decrease equated to an approximate $1.9 million reve...

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Construction Update

Construction Update

January 13 2016

Numerous campus construction projects are ongoing or were recently completed. Here is a brief update on those recent and current projects.

Davis Science and Wiser-Patten Science

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MT Engage and SACS accreditation

MT Engage and SACS accreditation

January 11 2016

The compliance audit for our reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) will be submitted in the coming weeks. Importantly, the de...

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Holiday Greetings from Middle Tennessee State University

Holiday Greetings from Middle Tennessee State University

December 15 2015


In this season of gratitude, we are thankful for your friendship and support.

Wishing you and your loved ones peace, health, happiness and prosperity in the coming New Year.

Press play for a special holiday greeting from Middle Tennessee State University.


Sidney A. McPhee


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The President's Annual Report

President's Annual Report Cover

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