APRIL 30: Campus update from President McPhee 

APRIL 30: Campus update from President McPhee 

April 30 2020

To our entire University community,

With Wednesday’s conclusion of classes for the Spring 2020 semester, and the summer sessions about to start, our planning focus now turns to A...

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APRIL 24: COVID-19 Campus Update

APRIL 24: COVID-19 Campus Update

April 24 2020

To the University community,

In my effort to keep you informed on our work to stay on course with teaching, learning, research, and service during the COVID-19, here are some brief updates:


  • Newly enacted stimulus legislation, known as the Coronavirus Aid, R...

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APRIL 18: Update from President McPhee on COVID-19

APRIL 18: Update from President McPhee on COVID-19

April 18 2020

To the University community,

It’s the middle of April, a time when, before COVID-19, we would have been chatting about the recent frost and the deadline for filing federal taxes. I would be planning to attend many of the ceremonies in our colleges to celebrate the successes of our students.

Today, instead, we all spend our ...

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APRIL 10: Update from President McPhee on COVID-19

APRIL 10: Update from President McPhee on COVID-19

April 10 2020

To the University community,

This morning as I was coming to work, I took a moment to stop and look around, enjoying the quietness of the day and the beauty of our campus.  Looking out over Walnut Grove, I was surprised at how good it felt and then I realize...

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Saturday, April 4, 2020 - Update from President McPhee on COVID-19

Saturday, April 4, 2020 - Update from President McPhee on COVID-19

April 4 2020

To the University community,

Good afternoon.  Like you, I am trying to adjust to our new daily routine not only during the work/school week but also during our weekends.  Not being able to have family time at the park, friends ov...

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The President's Annual Report

President's Annual Report Cover

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