MARCH 19: From President McPhee: COVID-19 Update

MARCH 19: From President McPhee: COVID-19 Update

March 19 2020

To the University community,

These fluid and unpredictable times are also very stressful for many of us. While I am aware you are being bombarded with messages regarding COVID-19 preparations from multiple sources, I feel it is important that I continue to keep you informed about how we are managing the University during this most crucia...

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MARCH 17: From President McPhee: COVID-19 Update

MARCH 17: From President McPhee: COVID-19 Update

March 17 2020

To the University community,

I’d like to begin today’s update with the hope that as this unprecedented worldwide event continues to unfold, each of you is taking time to focus on what’s most important: Taking care of yourself and those you love. These are chaotic and stressful times; please try to take moments when you ...

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MARCH 16: Coronavirus Updates for MTSU Employees

MARCH 16: Coronavirus Updates for MTSU Employees

March 16 2020

Dear University Employees:

As the University continues to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19), please know the importance we place on the health and safety of our employees. To that end, I would like to make you aware of several options that are available:

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP): If you need...

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MARCH 14: Self-quarantine required if returning from areas outside U.S.

MARCH 14: Self-quarantine required if returning from areas outside U.S.

March 14 2020
To the University community,

Given President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency regarding COVID-19, I am directing faculty, staff and students returning from outside the United States and its territories to self-quarantine for 14 days before coming to our campus.

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MARCH 13: News and Updates from President McPhee

MARCH 13: News and Updates from President McPhee

March 13 2020

To the University community,

As of today, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on campus. However, there have been several decisions made today as MTSU responds to the rapidly evolving novel coronavirus situation (COVID-19):


On-campus educational functio...

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The President's Annual Report

President's Annual Report Cover

MTSU Magazine

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