Ripple Effect

Ripple Effect

August 25 2017

You work for a university that is growing in prominence and impact. Witness the recent study by MTSU’s Bus...

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Campus Safety

Campus Safety

August 24 2017

In response to a series of off-campus incidents at nearby apartment complexes that house some of our students, MTSU has worked closely ...

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A True New Era

A True New Era

August 23 2017

Everywhere I go these days, the No. 1 question I am asked is “How significant is the new governing board structure at MTSU?&rdquo...

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MTSU Campus Safety Efforts

MTSU Campus Safety Efforts

May 30 2017

Dear Colleagues,

I wanted to give you a brief recap of the efforts we are putting toward with the City of Murfreesboro to address our shared concerns about the uptick in violent crimes in off-campus apartments. We...

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Accreditation Update

Accreditation Update

February 1 2017

The SACSC...

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The President's Annual Report

President's Annual Report Cover

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