Nick Satinover

Nick Satinover Profile Picture
Nick Satinover serves as Studio Art/BFA Coordinator: Art Capstone, BFA Exhibition and teaches Print Media: Silkscreen + Digital, Intaglio + Relief, Lithography + Monotype, and Advanced Art Practices. 
Todd Hall, Room 0237C

I was raised in the post-industrial town of Dayton, Ohio, a place which has had a profound effect on my thinking and ethos. I received my BFA from Wright State University, the namesake university of the inventors of powered flight. Shortly after, I completed my MFA at Illinois State University, the first university in Illinois to train teachers. After several academic appointments around the midwest I accepted my position at MTSU where I have worked since 2014. My research in Print Media has created opportunities to travel across the United States and Europe, exhibiting, lecturing and creating new work. I am fortunate to share my life and home with a wonderful partner (a community nutrition educator), twin boys and rescue animals.
Artist Statement
Memory is a map; experience is the magnetic pull on the compass needle. Often, true North is unfound and the boundary lines, place names, and mile markers are skewed. This folded and aged atlas may not direct with exact certainty but it certainly acts as a guide. Though faulty and incomplete, it provides a level of comfort and familiarity when navigating new places, providing echoes of information and helping to make sense of each new physical experience. My primary concern in creating visual works, writing and sound is the convolution of intrinsic, physical and psychological experiences of space, place and time. The past is at work in the present and I find myself constantly trying to fold them together. Phrases, notes, observations and reflections are presented in visual, textual or audible forms in order to address a range of experiences while acknowledging the presence of an author, a subjective filter. My hope is that this strategy will reveal a series of ambivalent statements that reflect the complexity of being: past and present, internal and external, evocative and open, critical yet non-judgmental, personal and universal.


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