PD Videos

CEM produces Professional Development videos using state of the art HD recording and videography. Video content is captured from professional development sessions held at CEM, and used with permission of the presenters for the purpose of educators' professional development. Videos are available for viewing, but not for the viewer to copy or to sell.  School Districts may choose to consider these videos as approved professional development content. 

For more information on this, please contact Laura Clark@mtsu.edu or Jenny.Marsh@mtsu.edu

To view the CEM Videos, please click on the image below:


CEM Youtube PD Videos

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Upcoming Events

ELL Collaborative - Admin Day - September 20, 2024 (Onsite)

SPED Collaborative - Teacher Day - November 5, 2024 (Hybrid)

School Counselors Collaborative - Teacher Day - November 8, 2024 (Hybrid)

ELL Collaborative - Teacher Day - November 22, 2024 (Hybrid)

Cross Collaborative - January 24, 2025 (Virtual Only)


Quick Links

Watch Recent ELL Collaborative Summer Academy - July 11, 2024

Watch Recent School Counselor Collaborative - February 9, 2024

Watch Recent Cross Collaborative January 2024

Watch Recent SPED Collaborative - December 14, 2023

Out of the Blue