Tennessee Consumer Outlook Index Reports

Spring/Summer 2024—Has the Economy Flatlined? The Consumer Outlook Index Signals Stagnation.

Winter 2024—The Tale of Two Consumers and Their Different Perceptions

Fall 2023—Consumer Savings in Steady Decline

Spring/Summer 2023—Consumer Spending Continues to Rise

Winter 2023—Consumers are Still Very Uncertain about the Future of the Economy

Fall 2022—Tennessee Consumers are Bearish on the Economy

Spring/Summer 2022—Consumer Outlook Declines To An All-Time Low Amid Increasing Fears of Inflation and Military Conflicts, and Dissatisfaction with Joe Biden

Winter 2022—Consumer Outlook Improves Slightly, With East Tennessee Leading the Way

September 2021—Consumer Outlook Plummets Amid Worries, Frustrations, and Fears

June 2021—Tennessee Consumers' Outlook Improves, With Fears of Inflation Looming

March 2021—Consumers' Outlook Improves Heading Into Spring

 December 2020—Consumers' Outlook Sinks Following the Presidential Election

September 2020—Consumers' Views on the Economy Improve

June 2020—Consumers' Views of the Current Economy Plummet, While Outlook for the Future Improves

March 2020—Tennessee Consumers' Outlook Declines as Financial Markets React to Coronavirus Fears

December 2019 — Tennessee Consumers' Outlook Continues to Improve

September 2019   Tennessee Consumers' Outlook Improves

June 2019 — Tennessee Consumers Remain Positive about the Economy

March 2019Tennessee Consumers’ Outlook Improves

December 2018 Tennessee Consumers’ Outlook Continues to Weaken

September 2018 Tennessee Consumers' Outlook Fades

June 2018Tennessee Consumers’ Outlook Levels Off But Remains Strong

March 2018 Tennessee Consumers Increasingly Optimistic about the Economy

December 2017 Tennessee Consumer Outlook Continues to Improve

September 2017 Tennessee Consumer Outlook Rebounds

June 2017 — Tennessee Consumer Outlook Wanes Heading Into the Summer Months

March 2017 — Tennessee Consumer Outlook Continues to Improve

December 2016 — Tennessee Consumer Outlook Improves Significantly Heading into the Christmas and Holiday Shopping Season with Increased Optimism Following the Presidential Election

September 2016 — Tennessee Consumer Outlook Declines; Tennesseans Prefer Donald Trump When It Comes to Economic Issues

June 2016Tennessee Consumers Are Warming to the Economy as We Enter the Summer Months

March 2016 — Consumer Outlook Improves across Tennessee

December 2015 — Consumer Outlook Improves in West Tennessee, Decreases in Middle Tennessee

September 2015 — Consumer Outlook: A Tale of Three Regions


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We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions.


Michael Peasley, Ph.D.
Director, MTSU Office of Consumer Research