Health Care Informatics

Business Core (15 hours)
See Business Course Offerings

Concentration Core Requirements (15 hours)

Semester Offered
BLAW 6500* Legal Aspects of Healthcare; 3 credit hours Spring & Summer
BIA 6905** Applied Business Analytics; 3 credit hours Fall, Spring, & Summer
ET 6300 PMI Project Management; 3 credit hours Summer
MBAI 6835*** IT Applications for Decision Making; 2 credit hours Fall, Spring, & Summer
INFS 6300*** Management of Security Operations; 3 credit hours Fall, Spring, & Summer
HCI 6420**** Topics in Contemporary Health Care Informatics; 1 credit hour Fall

* Will not be offered during Spring 2022.
** BIA 6905 is the same class as MBAI 6905.  MSPS students need to register for the BIA course.
*** If you get a registration error, please send an email to  Include M#, course number with CRN, and error message you are getting when you try to register.
**** Email Bethany Lawson and request permission.  Please provide M# and expected graduate date.

Concentration Electives (6 hours)

Semester Offered
BIA 6910* Business Intelligence; 3 credit hours Fall, Spring, & Summer
ET 6010 Safety Planning; 3 credit hours Fall
ET 6190 Six Sigma, 3 credit hours Summer
ET 6390 Productivity Strategies/Lean Systems; 3 credit hours Spring
ET 6870 Engineering Management Systems; 3 credit hours Fall
HLTH 6510** The Nations's Health; 3 credit hours Fall & Summer
MC 6260** Health Care Communication; 3 credit hours Spring
STAT 6605** Problems in Statistics-SAS Programming; 3 credit hours Spring

* If you get a registration error, please send an email to  Include M#, course number and CRN, and error message you are getting when you try to register.
** HLTH 6510, MC 6260, and STAT 6605 will all required a revision form to substitute these classes for elective options.  Add the course you plan to take and delete a course from the elective choices you do not plan to take.  The form can be found here under "Forms for Current Graduate Students." 

NOTE:  This information is based on previous semester offerings.  Scheduling is subject to change.


Dr. Saeed Foroudastan
Dr. Saeed Foroudastan, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, CBAS
Director, MSPS
SCI 1026
For more information on our program, please make an appointment with Suzanne Hicks.

 Suzanne Hicks

Suzanne Hicks
MSPS Graduate Coordinator
Internships and Recruitment
SCI 1013

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Bethany Lawson
Bethany Lawson
MSPS Executive Assistant
MSPS Graduate Assistantships 
SCI 1024