2018 Summer Institute Resources

MT Engage Overview
Presented by Dianna Rust and Scott McDaniel
MT Engage Pedagogy: What the research tells us
Presented by Jason Vance
Supplement: Research Bibliography
High Impact Practices:
Civic Learning and Civic Engagement
Presented by Mary Evins and Kristin Naylor
Supplement: The Civil Discourse Project - Step by Step Guide
Supplement: Civic Prompts - Making Civic Learning Routines Across the Disciplines
Supplement: The Equity-Minded Civic Learning All Americans Need
Supplement: Higher Education Civic Learning and Engagement: A Massachusetts case study
Supplement: A Crucible Moment: College Learning and Democracy's Future
Supplement: A Framework for Twenty-First Century Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement
Supplement: Civic Learning in the Major by Design
Presented by Scott McDaniel
Presented by Carol Swayze
Problem Based Learning
Presented by Terry Goodin
Supplement: PBL Learning Grid
Presented by Kevin Krahenbuhl
Presented by Carol Swayze
Presented by Scott McDaniel
Presented by Mary Hoffschwelle
Presented by Mary Hoffschwelle and Lexy Denton
Presented by Mary Hoffschwelle and Scott Haupt
Presented by Scott McDaniel

MT Engage


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