MT Engage Experiences

This initiative involves

  1. increasing students’ awareness of integrative learning opportunities in the form of beyond-the-classroom experiences and
  2. supporting their integrative learning.

MT Engage Week

MT Engage Week is held annually in the 3rd or 4th week of September. During this week, MT Engage will cosponsor events with each college, as well as with the Office of Student Affairs, to highlight opportunities for academic engagement and integrative learning. Learn more at

Create an ePortfolio!

One unifying experience is the creation of an ePortfolio by students so that they can integrate and reflect on their experiences. Support for students completing the Sophomore and Senior ePortfolios will be provided by the MT Engage Office, as well as the Career Development Center, the University Writing Center, and Walker Library. These offices are uniquely suited to support students in the development of the ePortfolio and joint workshops will be conducted and students will have the ability to meet one-on-one to receive assistance.  Click to learn more about the MT Engage Scholarship and resources to help create your ePortfolio.

MT Engage


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