2021 Summer Institute

MT Engage Overview
Presented by Julie Myatt
MT Engage Pedagogy: What the research tells us
Presented by Jason Vance
Supplement: Research Bibliography
Teaching Reflection to Support Students' Integrative and Reflecting Thinking
Presented by Dianna Rust and Julie Myatt
Supplement: 101 Interactive Techniques 
Supplement: DEAL Model for Critical Reflection
Supplement: Metacognition - Post-Exam Reflection
Supplement: Signature Assignment Example Mapped to Integrative Thinking Outcomes
Collaborative Learning in the Classroom
Presented by Christina Cobb
Presented by Roberta Chevrette and Aleka Blackwell
Presented by Michelle Boyer-Pennington and Jamie Burriss
Assignment Design for the MT Engage Signature Assignment Rubric
Presented by Scott McDaniel
Editorial by C. Edward Watson, George D. Kuh, Terrel Rhodes, Tracy Penny Light and Helen Chen

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