Tennessee Jazz Collective (TJC)

The Tennessee Jazz Collective is a professional big band in residence at Middle Tennessee State University.  Comprised of MTSU jazz faculty members, MTSU graduate and undergraduate students, and some of the finest professional jazz musicians from throughout the Middle Tennessee region, the TJC performs music of today’s most innovative jazz composers.  It is well respected for its precision, hard swinging sophistication, and outstanding soloists.  The band has performed music of Gil Evans, and Duke Ellington, as well as premiered music by area writers.


"Rumor Mill" by Jamey Simmons
Performed by the Tennessee Jazz Collective Middle Tennessee State University, 2/14/19 Soloists - Miguel Alvarado, tenor sax, Desmond Ng, trombone, Kyle Etges, bari sax, Mark Morgan, trumpet, Brian Mueller, vibes, Matt Endahl, piano


For more information regarding the TJO contact Jamey Simmons at 615.898-2724 or email: james.simmons@mtsu.edu