The Record

The Record was MTSU's award-winning official university publication, distributed every two weeks by the Office of News and Media Relations from January 1993 until June 2011. The tabloid ceased publication in 2011 in favor of a more efficient and timely multimedia news platform at Bookmark the site and make sure to follow @MTSUnews on Twitter for all the latest MTSU information!

The Record's online archives, below, include full-color PDFs from the last five of the newspaper's 19 years. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer to view those editions; you can download it here. PDFs and a limited number of hard copies of earlier editions of The Record also are available; contact Gina E. Fann at for more information.

2010-11, Vol. 19

2009-10, Vol. 18

2008-09, Vol. 17

2007-08, Vol. 16

2006-07, Vol. 15