Warehouse Services

Warehouse Services is located at 1672 Greenland Drive. 

We serve as the central stores area, providing commonly used Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), janitorial, and facilities maintenance items to the University.

We primarily work with the facility maintenance and custodial crews on campus to provide the items they need to take care of our beautiful campus.  However, we do also supply things such as trash can liners, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, and various other items to all departments across campus.

We can be reached by email at warehouse@mtsu.edu or by phone (Casey Reed at 898-2108 or Cody Hyde at 898-2107)

We do not facilitate the removal or storage of surplus furniture or electronics. For these services, please get in touch with the Receiving and Moving Services department at receivingmoving@mtsu.edu.


Receiving and Moving Services 

Receiving and Moving Services is located in the Warehouse Building at 1672 Greenland Drive. 

It is the receiving area for large shipments.  They also manage the temporary storage of University property. 

Contact them at receivingmoving@mtsu.edu 

Packages delivered by Amazon will be processed for tracking at the MTSU Post Office.  They will be delivered to departments on campus mail routes. 

Packages delivered by FedEx and UPS are received at the Distribution Center.  They will be processed for tracking and delivered to departments by Distribution Services staff on mail routes or periodically throughout the day.  


Surplus Property

The Receiving and Moving Services Manager is responsible for the disposal of all Surplus property.   

Visit their website at Surplus Property Management




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