Training & Professional Development Events

Leading with Credibility: An Introduction to the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership

S326 (SunTrust Room), Business & Aerospace Building (BAS)

Join Dr. Deana Raffo, Leadership Faculty in the Jones College of Business, for the following session. Earn 1 AMP Point

Leading with Credibility: An Introduction to the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership

Exemplary leaders make extraordinary things happen. They forge, not force unity to gain consensus around shared values and are clear about their leadership philosophy. By creating a climate of trust, they build teams based on cooperative goals and purpose where others feel empowered to perform at their best.

This is a highly interactive and practical workshop based the best-selling book, The Leadership Challenge, grounded in over 30 years of research by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. Participants will learn about what people look in their leaders and how to strengthen credibility and heighten workplace engagement through five key practices that all leaders must use to be effective.

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