Student Success Initiatives, Recruiting, and Events


New student orientations are held all summer for fall admission, and once in December for spring admission. They are designed to help new freshmen and new transfer students adapt to campus prior to their first day. During  CUSTOMS, students will register for classes, learn about resources, and meet with advisors. Each college meets with their own students to present major information, and assist in their students' registration.

True Blue Tour

Each fall semester, MTSU travels with faculty, deans, advisors, and the President to meet prospective students and families, as well as mingle with high school counselors during luncheons. The events include an information "fair" to allow students, parents, and counselors to ask questions. 

Preview Day

MTSU’s has several "open house" events throughout the year for prospective students and families. The campus departments offer fairs/presentations that will provide major-related information.  

Connection Point Events

At the beginning of each semester, MTSU offers a variety of events hosted by the Office of New Student and Family Programs. Students and faculty are invited to attend such events as the Family Weekend, CUSTOMS, the President’s Picnic, and Volunteer Fair.  

Next Step Program

Next Step is a program partnering with Middle Tennessee State University, the Department of Children's Services, and the Tennessee Youth Advisory Council, that provides additional support for our students coming from difficult situations, such as foster care, those living as independent minors, or those in homeless situations. The keystone of Next Step is a group of student mentors who are Next Step participants themselves. 

Scholars Academy

This program is offered only to incoming freshmen. SA includes on-site tutoring and mentoring, increased opportunities for students to engage on campus, and participation in a short immersion program prior to the start of fall. Participants must also take a special section of UNIV 1010 their first semester.

Prior Learning Assessment (TimeWise TN)

MTSU has developed a means to turn prior knowledge into college credit to complete a degree. Students have an opportunity to earn as much as 60 hours of college credit for learning gained outside of the traditional college setting, for things such as years in the workforce or military developing valuable skills, earning certifications, taking continuing education programs, and obtaining licenses for specific functions. Ways to earn credit include Prior Learning Assessment, Portfolio Assessment – PRST 3010 (Prior Learning Assessment), The Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) course, credit by exam, and military credit. See the website for more information.

R.E.B.O.U.N.D. Program

Rebound: This intervention program is designed for first-year students who have completed their first semester with a GPA below 2.0. Participants engage in sessions throughout the semester, including discussions with leadership, advising meetings, developing a personalized plan, workshops, and exploring available resources. The acronym for the program is "REBOUND," representing key steps: Retake classes, Engage in your purpose, Be intentional about attendance, Own your future, Understand what went wrong, Narrow your activities, and Determine that you will succeed. Contact the Office of Student Success for more information at

MT Engage

Designated course sections will focus on providing highly engaged pedagogy, beyond the class experience, and integrative thinking assignments. Goals include improving student retention, progression, and graduation. This is part of the QEP initiative. Students do not need permission to register for MT Engage courses.  

Experiential Learning Program (EXL)

The objective of the EXL program is to merge classroom knowledge with real-world work environments. This is achieved through creative curricula that will allow students to (for example) develop experience-based knowledge, engage in systematic reflection of their experiences versus disciplinary knowledge, and discern value in their contributions to communities. Students can elect to participate in the EXL Scholar Program. Click here to read about requirements. Students are not required to be EXL scholars to register for EXL sections.

Academic Success Series

Vincent Windrow leads weekly discussions to help guide students throughout the semester. Topics include midterm exams, study tips, how to use academic advisors, teamwork, etc. 

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Designated course sections will incorporate classroom mentors, group study, and discussion methodology. SI sections provide regularly scheduled, informal sessions in addition to course time to help students deal with more challenging content, refine study skills, and integrate course work into real-life applicability.

Regional Scholars Program

The MTSU Regional Scholars Program allows select non-Tennessee resident students seeking an undergraduate degree who live within approximately 250 miles OR in a contiguous state and meet specific academic requirements to attend MTSU at a greatly reduced rate, as well as qualify for the Freshman Academic Merit Scholarships. The recently approved expansion of the program, beginning Fall 2019, will also include new and returning students living anywhere within the eight states bordering Tennessee (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina and Virginia).  Students who qualify will receive a reduced tuition rate equal to approximately 48% off the standard out-of-state rate. 

Reverse Transfer

This program allows a student who has completed a minimum of 15 hours at a participating Tennessee two-year institution and transferred to a participating Tennessee four-year institution to combine college credits from both institutions and apply them toward an associate degree, after the student has earned a combined total 60+ college level credits.  


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