Training & Professional Development Events

NACADA Webinar Series

Incorporating Coaching Conversations into Academic Advising Practice

S326 (SunTrust), Business & Aerospace Building (BAS)

Join us for the NACADA Web Events scheduled this semester. Each webinar will air from 1pm - 2pm followed by a 30 minute group discussion. For details regarding each webinar please visit the NACADA webpage. Earn 1 AMP point for participation in each webinar/discussion.

More Details

Webinar Overview

As explained in the “Academic Coaching” section of the NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources, coaching is an advising approach that can empower the student to reflect and act upon the range of goals, interests, and passions available in higher education, and academic advisors may incorporate coaching methods into their practice in order to address the whole student. Through coaching, students can develop their abilities to think critically, solve problems, overcome personal obstacles, discover their strengths, and generally make the most of their college experiences. Although the research on coaching is still new, it suggests that coaching can also support the kind of student engagement that leads to retention and completion – move them from just “surviving” to actually “thriving” in school.

In this webinar, sponsored by the NACADA Academic Coaching Advising Community, participants will learn about the basic premises of coaching, see a short coaching demonstration video, and encounter several models for implementing coaching in a higher education setting. The Presenters will share key coaching concepts and stories of educators who have successfully implemented coaching on their campuses in unique ways. Attendees will discover the value of utilizing coaching with students, hear about one model for coaching conversations, and have an opportunity to think of ways they might implement coaching on their campuses.

Academic Advising Core Competencies that will be addressed in this presentation include:

C4 – Understanding of academic advising approaches and strategies
C5 – Understanding of expected outcomes of academic advising
R2 – Ability to create rapport and build academic advising relationships
R4 – Ability to plan and conduct successful advising interactions
R6 – Ability to facilitate problem-solving, decision-making, meaning-making, planning, and goal setting

Thirty minute group discussion will immediately follow webinar.

Registration closed