Training & Professional Development Events

NACADA Webinar Series

You Are Not So Smart: Academic Advising Edition

S326 (SunTrust), Business & Aerospace Building (BAS)

Join us for the NACADA Web Events scheduled this semester. Each webinar will air from 1pm - 2pm followed by a 30 minute group discussion. For details regarding each webinar please visit the NACADA webpage. Earn 1 AMP point for participation in each webinar/discussion.

More Details

Webinar Overview

At the 2017 NACADA Annual Conference, “Best of Region 10” presenters Gina Beyer and Amanda Voight(Arizona State University) drew over 200 enthusiastic attendees to their presentation entitled, You Are Not So Smart: Advising Edition. Participants described it as energetic, funny, and engaging, as well as informative, and encouraged that it be taken to a wider audience.

In this webinar, drawing from concepts introduced in David McRaney’s 2012 bestselling book, You Are Not So Smart, Gina and Amanda will discuss these concepts’ relevance to the work academic advisors do with students. They will take participants on an adventure through their brains, demonstrating how easy it is for us to fall prey to ways our minds work, including biases and logical fallacies in the context of education. They will show how these natural workings of our brains can affect our daily lives and create social and psychological challenges, and they will share tips and tricks on how to work through the challenges of the human mind to improve student learning.

Imagine an emotionally charged, highly resistant 3rd year student who was doing okay for semesters but is now failing most of her courses and has to come to your office to register for classes. The student doesn’t appear to like you or the university. What might be going on in the student’s brain? In yours? How will you help her? Gina and Amanda will use interactive case studies so participants can apply their new insights to create solutions for some of their most challenging student interactions.

Academic Advising Core Competencies that will be addressed in this presentation include:

R2 – Ability to create rapport and build academic advising relationships 
R3 – Ability to communicate in an inclusive and respectful manner 
R4 – Ability to plan and conduct successful advising interactions 
R5 – Ability to promote student understanding of the logic and purpose of the curriculum 
R6 – Ability to facilitate problem solving, decision-making, meaning-making, planning, and goal-setting

Thirty minute group discussion will immediately follow webinar.

Registration closed